Poor Brenda is just a cat. She doesn’t know how to do hair, so I do glamorous and beautiful styles for her . . .
. . . like this!
Poor Brenda is just a cat, so she doesn’t have any clothes of her own.
She is naked all the time!
Luckily, I have found her some fancy costumes.
“This ballgown is perfect for today, don’t you think?”
Poor Brenda is just a cat, which means she has SHOCKINGLY bad table manners!
Luckily for her, I teach her how to eat nicely . . .
“Elbows off the table if you please, Brenda.”
like to lounge around – a lot. Brenda is TERRIBLY lazy.
So it’s really up to me to make sure she learns her letters . . .
“Turn to page thirteen, please, Brenda. Today we are practising our handwriting!”
And sadly, cats can’t do trampolines, so I have to trampoline for Brenda.
Brenda is have me. lucky to
We love playing together . . .
“Oh look, new neighbours!”
“Brenda, I’m sorry, I know you will miss me TERRIBLY, but the new neighbour has invited me to play.”
“I’m going to have such fun! But I’ll be back soon, so you won’t be lonely for long.”
Oh, the neighbour’s games are actually quite . . . different.
“Well, you see,
not sure this is a good costume for me.”
“It’s quite tight and itchy. SO ITCHINGLY ITCHY!”
“Actually, I don’t think I need to taste the magic flying potion.”
“It’s very green and possibly, probably poisonous . . . PLEEEEEEEEEEURG!”
“Oh no, I definitely do not like this at all one bit! It is going too faaaAAAAAAAAAAST!”
“Is it m-m-m-m-m-my t-t-t-t-t-t-t-turn to be the firefighter yet?”
“Oh Brenda, you won’t believe it. It really was the most dreadful time.”
“She dressed me in an itchy costume. She made me try a revolting potion. (Which didn’t even work, by the way.)”
“And then she gave me a FREEZINGLY cold shower.”
“It was not fun. It was NOT FUN AT ALL.”
“I’m NEVER playing with the neighbour again. She made me play games that I didn’t even like. At all. Thats not nice, is it, Brenda?”
“Night, Brenda. I can’t wait for us to have more fun tomorrow.”
Published by Rocket Bird Books an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers Limited, 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF HarperCollinsPublishers, Macken House, 30/40 Mayor Street Upper, Dublin 1, DO1 C9W8, Ireland www.rocketbirdbooks.co.uk
First published in Great Britain in 2025
Text copyright © 2025 Sarah Tagholm Illustration copyright © 2025 Laurie Stansfield
The moral right of Sarah Tagholm and Laurie Stansfield to be identified as the author and illustrator of this work have been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.
ISBN: 978-1-915395-19-1
All rights reserved. A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library upon request.
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Poor Brenda is just a cat, so I have to help her get dressed and do trampolining. Sometimes she likes to play hide-and-seek, but I always find her!
Brenda LOVES playing with me, so I wonder why this book is called Brenda’s Revenge?