Collins international primary science student book 1 lowres

Page 1

Topic 3 Material properties 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

Exploring materials Properties of materials More properties What material is it? More materials Sorting materials Making smaller groups

48 50 52 54 56 58 60

Looking back Topic 3


Topic 4 Forces 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5


Movement Pushing and pulling Pushes and pulls Faster or slower? Changing direction

64 66 68 70 72

Looking back Topic 4


Topic 5 Sound 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6



Listen carefully What made that sound? Hearing sounds Our sense of hearing Loud and soft sounds Sound and distance

76 78 80 82 84 86

Looking back Topic 5



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In this topic you will learn that plants and animals are living things. You will also learn that there are living things and things which have never been alive. You will explore how plants and animals live in different environments. You will learn the main parts of a plant and about the things that plants need to grow. Lastly, you will investigate and learn how seeds grow into plants.


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Key words

1.1 Is it alive? Everything in the world around us is either living or non-living. 1 What can you see in the picture? 2 Which things are living? 3 Which things are non-living?

• living • non-living


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4 Which of these things are living? 5 Which are non-living?



Activities 1 Make a poster to show living and non-living things.

2 Go on a walk around your school. Make two lists to show how many living and how many non-living things you can see.

3 Name some living and some non-living things. Choose one living thing and describe it to your partner.

I have learned â—?

Everything is either living or non-living.


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Key words

1.2 Plants and animals are living things

• plant • animal • alive

There are many different types of living things. We can sort all living things into groups. The two main groups are plants and animals. If something is alive, it is a plant or an animal. 1 Which things in the picture are living?


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2 3 4 5



Which things in the picture are non-living? Sort the living things into plants and animals. Count how many different types of plants you can see. Say how the plants are different from each other. Say how they are the same.

Activities 1 Name some living things and ask your partner to say if they are plants or animals. 2 Look at the list of living things that you found around your school last lesson. Label each thing plant or animal. Can you name some of the plants and animals? 3 Draw or write about one plant and one animal that you know. Describe each one. Say how they are the same and how they are different.

I have learned â—? â—?

Plants and animals are living things. If something is alive, it is a plant or an animal. 5

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Key words

1.3 Plants can grow and move

• grow • move

Plants are living things. Plants need water and light to grow and be healthy. Non-living things do not need water or light. 1 Look at the picture. Where can you see some plants? 2 Are the plants in the pots living? Why do you think this?


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3 Look at the pictures. Will the pink flower grow if you water it?



Activities 1 Describe how a plant changes as it grows. 2 Listen to a story about Elham and a bean plant. What happened? What does this tell you about the plant?

4 What do you think will happen if you do not water the purple plant?

3 Your teacher planted some seeds and some stones in separate pots. Predict what has happened. Look at the pots and draw a picture. Describe what happened and why.

I have learned ●

When a plant grows it moves. Look at this picture of some young plants. They are growing and moving towards the light.

Plants need water and light to grow and be healthy. Plants grow and move towards the light. 7

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Key words

1.4 Things that have never been alive

• non-living • alive • living

Some non-living things were once alive. These things come from plants and animals. Wood comes from trees. We use wood for many things. Trees are living but wood is non-living. When wood is cut from a tree it stops growing, so it is no longer alive. Some things have never been alive, such as water, stone, metal and plastic.


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1 How many non-living things can you find in the picture? 2 Which non-living things were once alive? 3 Which non-living things have never been alive? 4 What does a tree do that a table made from wood does not do?



Activities 1 Look at some pictures in your Workbook (page 4). Circle the things that have never been alive.

2 Walk around your classroom. Find some non-living things that were once alive and some things that have never been alive. Make a list. 3 Make an odd-one-out poster of things that were once alive and things that have never been alive. Can your classmates guess the odd one out?

I have learned ● ●

Some non-living things were once alive. Some things have never been alive.


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Key word

1.5 Plant and animal homes There are many different types of environments. An environment can be hot, cold, wet or dry. An environment can be on land or in water. Different plants and animals live in different environments. An environment must have everything that the plants and animals need to live there. Animals need food, water, warmth and to be safe. Plants need light and water. 1 Look at the pictures. What do you think it is like in these environments? C

• environmen






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2 Where does this fox like to live? Why do you think this?



Activities 1 Look at some pictures in your Workbook (page 6). Match each plant to the environment that it lives in.

3 Name another animal that lives in a cold environment. Suggest how it keeps warm. 4 Name some plants that live in water. Do they live on top of the water or under the water?

2 Draw your favourite animal. Describe it and say where it likes to live. 3 Find out about polar bears. What is happening to the environment that polar bears live in? Make a fact sheet on what you found out.

I have learned ● ● ●

There are different types of environments. Different plants and animals live in different environments. An environment must have everything that plants and animals need. 11

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Key words

1.6 Different environments

• desert • rainforest • mountains • underwater

Plants live in almost every environment. Plants have features that help them to live in their environment. Some plants can live with very little water. Plants like the e A rainforest ones in picture C live in hot and dry y environments such as a desert. Other plants live in hot and wet environments such as a rainforest. t. 1 What do you think it is like in the environments in pictures A and C? 2 Look at the cactus plants and the rainforest plants. Describe how they are different. 3 What types of animals might you u find in a rainforest? B underwater Some plants live in cold environments such as on high mountains. These environments can often be windy too. Other plants live underwater such as in lakes, rivers and the sea. Towns and cities are environments too. C desert


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D mountains



Activities 1 Look at some pictures in your Workbook (page 8). Tick the plants and animals that live in each environment. 2 Think about a plant you can see at home and a plant you see on the way to school. Draw a picture of each one.

4 Describe the mountain plants in picture D. 5 What do you think helps these plants to live in a cold and windy environment? Plants that live in the same environment can sometimes look different from each other.

3 Make a class display of the plants found in the environment around your school. Describe where each one lives.

I have learned ● ● ●

Plants live in many different types of environments. The features of a plant help it to live in its environment. Not all plants that live in the same environment look the same. 13

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1.7 Exploring local environments

Key word

• local enviro


Our local environment is the area close to us. A local environment can have different areas in it. In the woodland in picture C there are dry areas and there are wet areas near the A river. There are sunny areas and there are shady areas under the trees. If you look in the different areas you can find different plants and animals living there. Some plants and animals like to live under leaves, logs and stones. 1 Look at pictures A and B. What can you see in the different areas? B 2 What is the same about the two environments? What is different? C


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3 Look at the picture. What animals do you think might live in the cool shady areas?

Activities 1 Think about the local environment around your school. Draw and write about the plants and animals you think you will find there in your Workbook (page 9). Why do you think this?

2 Plan how you will find out about the plants and animals in your local environment. Explore the different areas and record what you observe in your Workbook (page 10). 3 Give a presentation to your class about your local environment and the different plants and animals that you have observed there.

I have learned ● ●

The area close to us is our local environment. Local environments can have different areas within them. 15

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Key words

1.8 Parts of a plant Plants come in many different shapes, sizes and colours. Plants can look very different but they all have roots, stems and leaves. Some plants also have flowers and fruit. 1 Compare the plants in the pictures. Describe how they are the same. Describe how they different.

• root • stem • leaf • flower • fruit

A flower




leaves 2 Do both plants have leaves? 3 Do both plants have fruit?



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