1 minute read

4 Humannutrition (cont.)

4. 2Food groups

1 The foodsweeat can beclassifiedintothree groupscalled GOfoods ,GROW foodsandGLOWfoods. Give twoexamples of each type.

a) GO b) GROW c) GLOW a) GO foodsprovide us with . b) GROWfoodsprovide us with c) GLOW foodsprovideuswith .

2 Complete thesentences aboutthe threefood groups .

3 Oursource of fibrecomes from foods.

4 a) Whichmineral doesthe body need to: i) make redblood cells? [1] ii) build s trong bones and teeth? [1] b) Whichvitamin: i) helpstogiveusgood eyesightandhealthy skin? [1] ii) aids tissue repair andresis tancetodisease? [1]

4.3 Abalanced diet

1 What ismeant by a‘balanced diet ’?

2 Completethe followingsentences.

a) Carbohydratesarereferred to as foods.

b) Proteins arecommonlyknown as foods.

3 Howdoesfibre helpin our diet?

4 Indicate whether thefollowing groupsoffoodsare balanced or not by writing BALANCEDorNOT BALANCED on thelinebelow each group.

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