First published in 2016 in Great Britain by Barrington Stoke Ltd
18 Walker Street, Edinburgh, EH3 7LP
Text © 2016 Ian Beck
Illustrations © 2016 Ian Beck
The moral right of Ian Beck to be identified as the author and illustrator of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in any part in any form without the written permission of the publisher
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library upon request
ISBN: 978-1-78112-521-2
Printed in China by Leo
This book has dyslexia friendly features
For my grandson, Sebastian Beck
Contents 1 The Island of Ashes 1 2 A Strange Little Boat 9 3 Tickles and Smiles 21 4 The Colour of Magic 36 5 Such a Difference 39 6 The Dungeon Master 46 7 Running Away Together 52 8 Sunshine and Rain 70
The Island of Ashes
A long time ago there was a grey island set in a grey sea. On the island there lived a princess. Her name was Opal and her home was a cold grey castle in the middle of a cold grey moat.
The castle towers were defended by six big grey cannons and a troop of grey soldiers. There were grey gardens, grey trees and grey flowers.
The name of the island was the Island of Ashes.
Princess Opal sat on her grey granite throne in a grey granite room at the top of one of the towers. She looked out to the far-off horizon and wished somehow for her life to be different. Something was missing.
The cold grey sea washed up against the granite rocks at the shore just as it did every day.
Life was always the same for Princess Opal.
It was always November.
It was always grey, cold and wet.
Every day, her father, the King, went up into the sky in his grey hot air balloon and shouted at the rain to stop.
Every day, the island’s fishermen landed their silver-grey fish in the harbour near the castle. Princess Opal would sneak down to the harbour in a long grey cloak just to have something lively to watch.
Then, one very wet grey afternoon, life turned out not to be always the same for Princess Opal.