for Letters and Sounds Revised5 Rob Alcr ft J mes Cottell How to Dr w Dinos ur
How to Dr w Dinos ur
Written by Rob Alcraft Illustrated by James Cottell
Contents Dare to draw a dinosaur! 2 Learn to draw Tyrannosaurus 3 Learn to draw Triceratops 11 Triceratops meets Tyrannosaurus 20 What should go where? 22
Dare to draw a dinosaur! Come on a dinosaur drawing adventure. Learn simple tricks to draw these prehistoric giants. 2
Learn to draw Tyrannosaurus
Meet Tyrannosaurus. It was a gigantic killer that hunted other dinosaurs. is a Tyrannosaurus thigh bone! us
1 Sketch a half circle. body 2 Add a rectangle. head Use a pencil –swap to working in pen later. 3 Sketch a half circle.thigh 4
4 Add a rectangle. 5 Add a half circle. foot Tyrannosaurus teeth could crunch through gristle, muscle and bone. h one. 5
6 Add another matching leg. 7 Sketch a triangle. This is a giant fossil footprint left by a wandering Tyrannosaurus. 6
8 Use rectangles for arms. Fossilised bones show us what Tyrannosaurus was like. three toes huge legs tiny arms 7
Phonemes covered: /air/ are, ere /ar/ a, al /c/ ch /ch/ tch, ture /o/ a /oo/ oul, u /or/ a, al, aur /s/ sc, st /ur/ ear, or /z/ zeto Dr w Dinos
Stretch and
Ready with your pencil? Come on a dinosaur drawing adventure. How
challenge Phase 5 Set 4 An instruction text