Green Power
Suzy Senior Investigate
for Letters and Sounds Revised5 Age 7+
Power 2
Fossil fuels
How were fossil fuels made?
Running out 8
A bigger problem 10
What can we do? 12
Solar power
Water power
Wind power
Underground heat
Flower power!
Nuclear power: green or not?
Green power
Written by Suzy SeniorAll kinds of things need power, from planes to video games.
We need power for heating and lighting our homes.
In prehistoric times, living things died and became crushed by layers of rock. Over time, these turned into oil, gas and coal.
rock gas coal
covered: /ai/ a, a-e /ee/ e, e-e, ie /igh/ i, i-e /oa/ o, o-e /oo/ u-e /yoo/ ew, u-e
and how it can help us protect our