I am Frage, the fire fighter. I like to help people and animals everywhere. I am here for rescue..
I save people from fire. I can also go very high with my ladder. 1
I am Chase, the police car. I get angry and chase people who did evil and wrong things. What are you doing.. you there?
I go along the roads all day to help people and keep them safe. 2
I am the tiny ambulance, Holk. I feel sad when I see people in pain. Emergency! Emergency! Emergency!
I support them with all what I can to save their lives. I drive them very fast to the hospital. 3
I am Hant, the helicopter. I am the fastest. I watch everywhere to see who needs help. Speed!! Speed!!
I like flying so high and saving people all around. 4
One Day, we were moving around and we saw one another in the garden. We spent some time together .
The common thing among us is that we are kind and want to help people. We asked one another to be friends forever. We made a rescue team.
Helicopter Hant calls her friends to come and rescue the people whose house is in fire. Come along quickly.
She says. “Oh team, there is a very big fire. Come along quickly. I am throwing water till you come. I need your help�.
The fire got down when Frage came. He is very brave. Helicopter Hant did all her best to rescue them.
Ambulance Holk took the man very fast to the hospital.
Oh Chase!! He found a thief. He is stealing a television from the house in fire.
Chase ran after him because he is the one who put the house on fire too. 8
We are so happy for helping people.
Best Team.. Best Friends.. Forever.