1 The drum maker’s story
There was once a drum maker called Ayan. Ayan had been a drum maker for many years. He came from a long line of drum makers and had learnt his skills from his father and grandfather.

Ayan’s drums were famous. In fact, he was known as one of the best drum makers in all the land.
The drums came in all shapes and sizes, and were magnificent to look at. Ayan made them all by hand –crafted from the finest wood with elaborate patterns.

When the drums were finished, his wife Amma added a sunbird to each one, and sold the drums to the villagers. Ayan made them for all occasions – weddings, birthdays and parties. To own one of his drums was extremely special.

Musicians would come from everywhere to his shop near the village market square to buy his drums. Ayan’s drums made them so happy that they couldn’t wait to play.
They would stop in the market square and fill the village with music, dance, song, joy and laughter. Young and old would join in the festivities.

However, as the years passed, Ayan found it more and more difficult to create his famous drums. His hands that once worked so well had become old and slow, and it was difficult to hold his tools. He hadn’t completed a single drum in the last year.

With no new drums to tempt them, people came to his shop less and less. Instead, they chose to visit other drum makers in other villages. Sadly, without the constant flow of musicians, Ayan’s village, once so full of joy and life, fell silent.