Collins Writing for IELTS Sample Copy

Page 9

1 Gender roles Part 1: Language development Describing character traits


Women are more suitable for caring professions like nursing.



My brothers are typical boys – always arguing about who’s the boss.


Read the comments above and decide which words a-h the speakers associate with males or with females. Write M for males and F for females. d compliant ____ e gentle ____ f strong ____


a aggressive ____ b authoritative ____ c competitive ____

g vulnerable ____ h confident ____

Complete sentences 1–6 with the noun form (singular or plural) of the adjectives in brackets.




Language development | Describing character traits; Describing figures and tables Exam skills | Task 1: Understanding the task; Overview of task Task 2: Understanding the task; Overview of task; Analysing the questions Exam practice | Task 1: Describe a bar chart; Task 2: Write an essay evaluating a belief

Boys like to fight, but girls almost always do as they’re told.

You have to be nice to girls because they get upset so easily.

Exam tip In Task 2, you often have to write about ideas and issues rather than about individual people. A knowledge of abstract nouns will help you write in an academic way, e.g. Aggression is commonly considered a masculine trait.

Boys are not usually encouraged to show vulnerability. (vulnerable)

1 Many people believe that men and women have different . (strong) is not an exclusively feminine characteristic. (gentle) 2 3 It is sometimes argued that women do not achieve their goals because they . (confident) lack figures. (authoritative) 4 Some people have difficulty working with female

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19/09/19 5:44 PM

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