2 minute read

Disinfectants & Cleaners

Good biosecurity

is vital in improving overall flock health & productivity by helping to keep out poultry diseases such as avian influenza.


In the event of an outbreak it limits the spread of disease on and off your premises, cuts the costs of disease treatment & reduces losses.

We are pleased to offer a comprehensive range of cleaners & disinfectants for the 2021 season.

Find full product details & directions for use online at www.collinsnets.co.uk

• Multi-Purpose Iodophor based • DEFRA approved disinfectant for Foot & Mouth, Swine Vesicular, AI, TB & General Orders • Cleans and disinfects in one. • Active in the presence of organic matter (e.g. muck) • Quickly kills bacteria, viruses and fungi.

5 ltr - £28 25 ltr - £128

• DEFRA approved disinfectant for Avian Influenza & General Orders • Very effective at low dilution rates: 0.5-1%. • Cost effective • Can be used for disinfecting all types of animal housing, vehicles & foot dips • Extremely simple to use. • Raises the standard of footwear disinfection • Enhances best practice in bio-security, aids compliance and helps audit disinfection use. • Optimising concentrated disinfectant use & cutting waste. • Hard wearing & easy to clean

10 ltr - £65 20 ltr - £110 £54

Biosafe / Biogel Ultra Dri/Breathe GPC8

Very effective cleaners removing over 80% of micro-organisms. • Biosafe is ideal for corrosion sensitive surfaces (e.g. aluminium, copper, zinc) • Soak the housing with a 2-5% solution • Biogel can be applied with foam lances & spraying equipment. • Ultra Dri powder disinfectant targets bacteria, viruses & fungi. • Reduces ammonia • Kills most pathogens. • Sprinkle on to the housing floor before bedding • Ultra Breathe combines Ultra Dri with proven benefits of mint & eucalyptus to tackle respiratory & hygiene issues. 25 kg sack. • DEFRA approved disinfectant for Foot & Mouth, Avian Influenza and General Orders • Glutaraldehyde formulation • Highly effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi • Active in the presence of organic matter (e.g. muck) • Prolonged residual activity

Biosafe 25 kg - £45 Biogel 25 kg - £51 Ultra Dri - £18 Ultra Breathe - £24 25 ltr - £115


• DEFRA approved for Foot & Mouth, Swine Vesicular, Avian Influenza, TB & General Orders • Broad spectrum disinfectant proven against coccidiosis, cryptosporidia, giardia, worm eggs, bacteria, fungi and viruses

10 ltrs - £172

Bio VX

BioVX is a pink powder consisting of a stabilised blend of peroxygen compounds, surfactants, organic acids and an inorganic buffer system. • Effective against bacteria, moulds, yeasts and all viruses • Superior dilution rate giving increased economy

Hydramix Lime DM CID Egg Wash Hand Wipes

• Cost effective • 100% natural. • Provides rapid rise of pH • Won’t burn. Safe to use. • Sprinkle on housing floor. • Sterilise inside and outside. • Absorbent powder. • Liquid alkaline detergent • Especially formulated for washing dirty eggs, baskets and chick boxes. • To wash eggs: Use at 0.5% (500ml per 100 litres of water). • To wash baskets/boxes: Use at 0.5% - 1% These wipes are strongly soaked with a ready-made solution for disinfecting surfaces and hands. Perfect for quick and easy sanitising of hands or on any type of surface. • 700 wipes per tub

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