3 minute read
from Bodyworx 10#3
In collision repair and automotive refinishing, a mere stroll through the bodyshop can expose a person to hazardous chemicals, toxic fumes and airborne contaminants. The importance of breathing protection in this industry cannot be overstated; if disregarded, you face significant risks to your respiratory health.
Household Hazards
Every bodyshop has hazardous chemicals under its roof. Paints, solvents and adhesives can release toxic fumes and particles during the repair process. Breathing protection is critical if you want to prevent respiratory issues and long-term health problems, lest you let these substances settle in your lungs.
What The Voc
Many automotive paints and refinishing products contain VOCs, which can evaporate into the air and cause respiratory irritation, dizziness, and even organ damage. VOCs—or volatile organic compounds—are carbon-based compounds that easily evaporate at room temperature, releasing vapours into the air. Exposure to VOCs can occur during the painting, spraying and refinishing processes. They play a vital role in automotive coatings, used as solvents to dissolve and carry pigments and binders as well as providing properties like flow, leveling and quick drying.
Prolonged exposure to VOCs can have both short-term and long-term health effects. Short-term, unprotected exposure can cause headaches, dizziness, nausea and irritation of the respiratory system and eyes. Long-term, unprotected exposure to VOCs has been linked to more serious conditions; so wearing the proper protection is absolutely critical.
Isocyanates are commonly found in automotive paints and can cause severe respiratory problems, including asthma and bronchitis. Isocyanates are known for their ability to cross-link with polyols to form polyurethane materials that are strong, flexible and highly durable.
When isocyanates are released into the air, such as during the application of paints or coatings containing isocyanates, they can break down into fine particles or vapour. Inhalation of these particles or vapour can lead to respiratory issues where the body becomes hypersensitive to subsequent exposures, resulting in severe allergic reactions every time you encounter isocyanates. Some commonly encountered isocyanates in collision repair and automotive refinishing include toluene diisocyanate, methylene diphenyl diisocyanate and hexamethylene diisocyanate. Eye protection is also recommended when working with isocyanates.
Collision Contaminants
Hazardous chemicals and dust are not the only perpetrators—air in the bodyshop can be contaminated with exhaust fumes and ultra-fine particles of rust, dust, metal shavings and dried coatings. Breathing protection is a critical barrier, ensuring that workers are not exposed to these—quite literally—abrasive airborne contaminants.
Prolonged exposure to hazardous substances in the automotive repair industry can lead to respiratory disorders such as occupational asthma, chronic bronchitis, and lung cancer. By using appropriate breathing protection, workers can significantly reduce the risk of developing these serious health conditions.
Compliance Is Critical
Regulatory bodies, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), have established guidelines and standards for workplace safety. These regulations require employers to develop and implement a written respiratory protection program, outlining procedures, policies and practices related to respiratory protection, including the selection, use and maintenance of respirators. Employers are also required to conduct a thorough assessment of the workplace to identify potential respiratory hazards. Fit testing is also required, completed either annually or whenever a different respirator size or model is used.
Types Of Breathing Protection
Disposable dust masks or filtering facepiece respirators are lightweight and affordable options that protect against larger particles and non-toxic dust. They can be used when sanding, grinding and during basic paint prep.
Powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) are battery-powered devices that use a blower to draw in air through filters.
PAPRs provide a constant flow of clean, filtered air to the user, offering higher protection levels against particulate matter, chemical vapours and toxic fumes. PAPRs are suitable for tasks that involve prolonged exposure to contaminants.
Half-face respirators cover the nose and mouth, offering a higher level of protection compared to a disposable dusk mask. They typically feature replaceable cartridges or filters that can filter our smaller particles like dusk, paint overspray and certain chemicals.
Supplied air respirators (SARs) deliver clean breathable air from a remote source, such as an air compressor or cylinder, through a hose and to the worker’s respirator. This type of respirator provides a continuous supply of fresh air, making it ideal for environments with high levels of airborne contaminants, and any regulatory requirements should be taken into consideration.

Full-face respirators provide the most comprehensive protection, as they cover the entire face and feature fully integrated eye protection. They are ideal for tasks involving exposure to toxic fumes, chemicals or particulate matter. Full-face respirators often have replaceable cartridges or filters for customized protection.
With any breathing protection, it is important to follow manufacturer instructions and ensure a proper fit. Filters or cartridges should be replaced regularly to maintain effectiveness, where necessary.