Programa PP Colmenar English

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ESTATE AND HERITAGE • Improving the financial situation of the town hall, with an effective control of the public expenditure and reduction of current expenditure • Creating a Municipal Office of Information to the Consumer • Freezing local taxes • Helping with local taxes for large families, young citizens, and citizens with disabilities or special needs. • Creating a specific point of reference (ventanilla única) in the town hall for processing documents, claims and suggestions.

• Establishing a new road plan to avoid traffic jams and to make easier to get to every establishment. • Establishing a new plan for parking and reorganization of traffic • Ensuring that the town is completely accessible for wheelchair access • Paving the by-pass road of the village from Avenida de los Montes to Triana. • Putting up new lighting at the entrance of the village (area of Los Arrieros) • Building a funeral home (tanatorio) adapted to our neighbours needs.



• Developing a program to improve and maintain

• Creating a Municipal Sports Board

rural paths. • Participating with several administrations of the Natural Park of Montes de Malaga to promote new jobs in this natural reserve.

• Promoting the creation of a public gymnasium • Supporting the existing associations in our village • Building a Paddel court

• Satisfying the needs of local farmers. • Promoting the maintenance of existing gardens and green areas and to create new ones.

PARTICIPATION AND CIVIL SAFETY • Choosing a representative for each district

• Creating a recycling point (Punto Limpio) to

(barrio) of the village (including Solano and Los

collect dangerous or voluminous rubbish.

Montes houses) to represent you and to present

• Completing the covering of the Triana river and to build a sewage treatment plant.

your ideas and problems to the town hall. • Creating and putting at the disposal of the group of volunteers of Civil Protection the material and




• Assisting the creation of business in the

• Ensuring an efficient management of water

• Providing support to large families and those in

• Developing plans of town maintenance and

risk of social exclusion or going through special

industrial estate. • Promoting the creation of employment and new enterprises • Making a fair distribution of public employment in the town hall, above all based on equal opportunities for all applicants • Creating more programs of Social Guarantee,

cleanliness • Increasing the municipal services in the village centre) • Increasing the number of waste containers in rural areas and in the neighbourhoods outside the village centre including containers for glass,

oficio and casas taller)

paper, 0il, etc. • Renewing the waste containers and installing


new underground containers, promoting

• Promoting a well-organized, responsible and

recycling habits.

sustainable urban growth with the draft of the • Making easier the access of young citizens to housing • Improving and paving the streets in poor condition, among others the C/Los Verdiales, C/ Ladera, etc. … • Providing municipal grounds for the construction of sheltered housing

• Collaborating with the school and high school in

• Building a Fairground enclosure • Making arrangements with other

against drug abuse, smoking, alcohol… • Promoting reading and to provide financial help to purchase books. • Collaborating with the school and high school in

TOURISM • Promoting the creation of new tourist routes


administrations to restore and maintain our historical monuments. • Identifying and locating archaeological sites in our village. • To promote the morning Fair (Feria de día), promoting activities and entertainment, but not

• Building an area to practice petanque and to

in the village centre.

ancient traditions

the organisation of complementary activities.

• Building a day care centre for older people.

• Developing a program of activities for older

• Promoting traditional festivities and recovering

• Working with the school to organize courses


promote this sport.



the acquisition of text books.

• Creating a new exercise park for older people

their tasks • Installing watering hydrants in strategic points of

• Fighting against domestic violence.

Urbanizations (housing estates outside the

with new profession training centres (casas de

PGOU (General Plan of Urban Planning)


organizational means necessary to carry out

• Creating hiking routes • Supporting the Municipal Tourist Information Office • Promoting our youth hostel with a program of activities

forgetting the night concerts.

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