Crusader News - 2013 - Q4 - Week 44 - Vol 1 Issue 1

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Table of Contents T$ Facts of Life Recognition Deep Thoughts Territory Contests HO Updates LDC

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Welcome/Anniversaries Agent Spotlight Melissa’s Message Tech Savvy TKO 2014 PC/LC

4 9 12 14 19 22

Secret to Success In Insurance? By Tim Martin, Territory Sales Manager AZ/NM/ELP People ask me all the time what it takes to be successful in the insurance business. Over the last 15 years I have come to realize that the successful people in our business come from widely varying backgrounds. They have all sorts of personalities, experiences, education levels etc. What they do have in common is they possess very high levels of eight character traits. On a scale of 1-10 they don’t have to be a 10 in all 8, but I have seldom seen anyone who was wildly successful that was below 8 in 2 or more of the following areas: 1.

Risk Taker: You’ll have to choose either security or discomfort somewhere along the way. You’ve got to go way out on a limb and do what you know you need to do, even at the expense of your comfort. In 1995 I borrowed nearly $250,000 to buy 2 Domino’s Pizza stores. I left an easy job with another franchise, packed up my young family and moved across the country to follow my entrepreneurial dream of owning my own business. What I found was that everyone was making money but me! Domino’s got 11.5% of my gross sales regardless of profit, the food suppliers made a healthy profit, and even the IRS and the State of Washington received enormous amounts of money from my efforts. By The time I paid my expenses and serviced my enormous debt load we were lucky to break even. Did I mention that I drove my sales up over 130% in less than 3 years? Instead of becoming free, I had bought a lousy job. I had a ton of responsibility, ridiculous hours, and had the “joy” of dealing with employee issues and the inherent liability that brings. This adventure ended badly and the IRS and my other creditors ended up forcing me into business bankruptcy. Most people would look back on an event like this with bitterness and regret. I don’t. I know that everything happens for a reason and I firmly believe that it is much better to sail hard on the wind then to sit safely at anchor and hope nothing bad happens while at the same time wondering why life is so long. Do you have the intestinal fortitude to pull the trigger?


Competitive: Do you thrive on competition? Does setting a new record fire you up? Let’s say you’re well established in a sales organization, and I’m brand new. You can close 9 out 10 deals, but since I’m new, I can only manage 1 out of 10. In a 30 day contest, I can beat you because of my competitive drive. How? It’s simple. During the 30 days, I won’t eat, I won’t sleep, and I won’t do anything else but concentrate on beating you. So during the month, you see 10 prospects and close 9; I see 100 prospects and close 10. I win. How? Sheer determination. Do you have it?


Stress Handler: I started selling Voluntary Benefits in 1998. I was already $145,000 in personal debt, including credit cards. All of the money had been poured into living expenses as we tried to keep our Domino’s stores open. My wife wanted to declare personal bankruptcy so that she could keep the creditors from calling and finally get a good night’s sleep. Huh? I slept fine with my little $145k debt piled up. I had the calm assurance that my Insurance Business was heading in the right direction and eventually we’d make it where we were going. Forget the debt. This is my mountain and I’m going to climb it… or at least you’ll find me dead on the side trying. It’s all about the attitude. How’s yours? Can you solve problems? Or are you a 1st class whiner?


Work Lover: I’m not talking about workaholics, I’m talking about people who genuinely love to roll up their sleeves and accomplish something. You don’t have to work 78 hours a week, but you have to be willing to work 78 hours a week when it’s called for. Nothing worthwhile was ever brought about except by labor, and unless you love working, you’ll never amount to much. You’ve probably heard “work smart, not hard.” I don’t really know what that means, but it certainly wasn’t conceived by a rich person. Understand that I’m not opposed to working smart; I just know that working hard is every bit critical. See # 8 for more insight here.


Realistic Optimism: I’m all for positive thinking, but you’ve also got to be realistic. The race that’s being run is a marathon, not a sprint, so you’ve got to think long term. Don’t get too excited or too upset at anything that happens on a day-to-day basis. Know your purpose, know your goals, and then get to work. Let the results fall where they may.


Control Taker: Are you the kind of person who can take charge and make something happen? Or do you sit around waiting for somebody to tell you what to do? This quote sums it up: “Success is not achieved by spontaneous combustion. You’ve got to light yourself on fire.”


Goal Setter: I’m a believer in setting goals, but I’m even more of a believer in setting what I call “activity goals” that you have total control over and can be measured on a day-to-day basis. If you put a goal on a piece of paper to earn $250,000 a year 5 years from now, that’s a start, and your brain needs that definite number. The problem is that your brain doesn’t believe that number. Your brain thinks you’re full of hot air. So what you have to do to convince your brain is “backtrack” the goal and break it down into smaller goals that can be accomplished relatively quickly and easily.

Goal: Earn $250,000 a year, 5 years from now…. To do that you’d need to have approximately 100 small businesses that are clients, and open 20 additional clients that year… To do that you’ll need to open at least 30 small business clients each year for the next 4 years since you will never be able to keep all of your clients active. (Some may even go out of business)… To open 30 business clients a year you’d need to have at least 60 clients in active solicitation mode at all times… you will close maybe 2 out of 4 possible clients at any given time; 3 per month would give you 36 clients. .. To do that you’d need to present to 20 new prospective business clients every month… To do that you’d need at least 2,000 passive prospects on a hopper/tickler system… To do that you’d need to be adding at least 100 contacts a week to your hopper for the next 5 months (or so)…. To do that you’d need to add 20 contacts a day for each business day…. To do that you’d need to continually call businesses out of the phone book, or go to networking events, or find companies in the newspaper, or whatever… So the point is, if you want to make $250,000 a year 5 years from now, go get 20 contacts for your hopper tomorrow, and then the same thing the next day, and so on and so forth for the next 5 months. You are in complete control of whether or not you do this one simple activity.

Q4 Adam Arvizo – ASR - McLeod District Robert Conaway – ASR - McLeod District Liza Dominguez – ASR - Zubia District Tom Gray – ASR - Leon District Ann Marie Hawksworth – ASR - Torres District Stuart Ingersoll – ASR - Marquez District Michael Mallett – ASR - Marquez District Manuel Molina – ASR - Marquez District Ronnie Peaches – ASR - Marquez District Nicholas Wilczynski – ASR - Chacon District

November 2013 15 YRS 11/13 - CHERYL MARTINEZ – ASR - Zubia District 1 YR 11/1 - WILLIAM NOLD – ASR – Anasagasti District 11/8 - KELLY APODACA – ASR - McLeod District 11/12 - GEORGE CROMER – ASR – Leon District 11/12 - DEBORAH HEWETT – ASR – Zubia District 11/15 - CHRISTOPHER MORAN – ASR – Hendricks District


QTD Case Count


1 1 1 1 1 1


YTD Case Count


5 4 3 3 3 3

Q4, WEEK 44, 2013


QTD Net New Acct SP


$35,860.74 $10,865.88 $9,421.08 $7,132.20 $6,958.20 $6,227.28


YTD Net New Acct SP


$630,731.10 $262,519.65 $187,292.42 $92,721.02 $60,244.38 $60,067.56


QTD Total Net Sales Credits


27,502 25,994 22,976 21,982 20,717 20,193


YTD Total Net Sales Credits


478,717 404,544 201,818 191,324 159,315 144,159


QTD 2013 YTD 2013 % of Plan Contracts % of Plan Contracts

Leon Marquez Zubia Silva Hendricks Torres McLeod Chacon Anasagasti

77.1% 47.6% 41.4% 33.0% 30.9% 16.0% 14.4% 11.4% 7.9%

1 4 1 0 0 1 2 1 0

85.0% 109.9% 112.4% 70.3% 102.3% 110.0% 64.4% 69.2% 30.0%

1 21 7 1 7 4 23 3 5






ADM Gentry Warren Sullivan Meridith Walker Sheffield Berkshire Amen-ra Moore Bryson Miranda

QTD 2013 YTD 2013 % of Plan Contracts % of Plan Contracts 58.5% 32.3% 22.1% 21.2% 19.9% 6.7% 5.8% 3.9% 0.4% 0.3% 0.0%

0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2

162.5% 32.3% 47.5% 15.9% 100.8% 34.5% 5.8% 43.7% 41.8% 6.0% 0.0%

2 1 1 1 1 0 2 3 2 1 3

Q4, WEEK 44, 2013




Actual Quarter to Date

Quarterly Plan

Needed to Make Plan

Weekly Average Needed

% of Plan Achieved

Quarter to Date Plan

Expected % of Plan



New Account Sales










Existing Account Sales










Total Sales










New Cases










Rep New Contracts










Actual Year to Date

Annual Plan

Needed to Make Plan

Weekly Average Needed

% of Plan Achieved

Year to Date Plan

Expected % of Plan


New Account Sales









Existing Account Sales









Total Sales









New Cases









Rep New Contracts








Q4, WEEK 44, 2013

Bill joined Colonial Life 3 months ago and is a part of the Marquez District in Phoenix, AZ as an ASR.

Tell us a little about your journey to Colonial Life‌. I have been in Retail Management for more than a decade, and before that I was in process engineering for micro computer chips and TFT/LCD displays. Most recently I worked in a designated Trauma One and Two level hospital as a PCT, dealing with all traumas, med/surge, and orthopedics. This was because I had a life changing family tragedy that prompted me to do more in helping others at their worst times, and covering their most basic needs when they couldn't do it themselves. After doing that for a couple of years, I felt I needed to take more control over where mine and my family's direction was heading.

Why do you want to be with Colonial Life? There are great people, in all walks of life, in every job or situation. But when combined with the tremendous value that Colonial offers in their services and products that are so much above and beyond their competitors, it creates such a winning, driving atmosphere, that there is no comparison to anything I have ever been involved in before.

Do you have a background in insurance? I have never sold insurance before, only purchased it.

What is your goal with Colonial Life for the next 6 months? Over the next six months my goal is 25 accounts and $150,000 in Annualized Premium. I want to continue to grow, and learn new ideas all the time. I want to gain more experience, so in turn, I can use that experience in helping others learn the business as I progress.

What advice would you give a new rep about this opportunity? First things first: Don't get discouraged! Stay focused and determined. Prospecting is your best and only tool for creating new business. Remember, it doesn't matter if the prospects are hot, warm, or cold, you still need to work those leads or they fall away. Plan your day properly: Time for work (appointments, presentations, enrollments, and meetings), but also some time for yourself to recharge and refocus. Your work ethic is what will drive your income. When you have no work ethic, you have no income. It's that simple.

Activity X Attitude X Effectiveness X Market = Success! Activity is the key to success. There is no substitute to getting out, meeting new business owners and asking them to do business with you. Activity Planning What you have the potential to do will be left undone if you don’t do it. No one else can pick up your slack. In our concern to do big things, we can easily forget that it’s often the little things we do, multiplied day after day, that add up to our greatest accomplishments. What is on your activity plate for today, tomorrow, next week? Load it up with strategically designed activities that get you the results you are looking for! Plan the number of calls you need to make per day – Cold calls, Prospects, Current Clients How many e-mails will you send? Determine the number of appointments needed per week to secure a deal. How many industry or networking events will you attend per month? Devise a drip method to keep in touch and on the minds of your prospects and clients. Consult with your sales management to determine what activity metrics have historically been needed to deliver results.

“You don’t have to be great to start, you have to start to be great.” - Unknown

Upcoming Trainings Nov 15th Nov 19th-21st Nov 22nd Nov 28th-29th Dec 13th Dec 17th-19th

Friday Fundamentals Success Academy Friday Fundamentals Territory Office Closed Success Academy (follow up) Success Academy

Make that


What do you say when people ask you what you do for a living? This simple conversation has changed the lives of many people across the country as Colonial Life agents tell their story on how they started with us. From contractors to engineers, these people have become agents and have brought new recruits into our family. You can provide people with an opportunity to change their lives while being compensated for your efforts. You can recruit everyday as you experience great customer service from that one amazing person you run into at the coffee shop, dealership, or at any business. You may also have friends that are needing a career change or seeking employment that might be a good fit for your team. Did you catch that? I said, your team. You get to build a super team of people that you can recruit and help train. What’s in itt for you? Colonial rewards you by giving you 6% of your new recruit’s production for 1 year! You can recruit as many as you wish and collect 6% on everyone you recruited. Julia Moore from New Mexico made several thousand dollars from the Recruiting Training Bonus program. We have other agents that have made tens of thousands of dollars around the country on the RTB program and have changed people’s lives!

Let’s get out there and Make that Money!!!

New AIMS features and enhancements You spoke, we listened! New AIMS features and enhancements are coming Nov. 4, to help you manage your in-force block of business. Discovery Record You can choose color or black-and-white print options. New information added to make you better informed: – Scheduled enrollment dates – Decision maker’s name Improved readability – complimentary data is in a user-friendly format. A Paul Revere version for New York-based accounts. New Feature Rework Rate tab -- Provides your rework rate, a great measure of account rework and service results. Use this tab to identify actual missed enrollment opportunities and help develop a plan of action and activities that could lead to more sales, better service and increased revenue for you. Updated Tabs Account tab -- New quick link buttons for the QuickQuote Tool, the PA Membership form and Paul Revere versions of various key forms. Claims tab -- New Doctor’s Visits category added to the summary report, providing more complete information to you. Participation tab -- Added account issue date and number of times enrolled information. Main Menu -- Added Excel capability for field bill. Removed the account contact list button. Planning tab -- Added pre-tax open enrollment start date and ability to filter account data at unit (ADM) level. Removed BCN status code, which is already available on the Account Tab. Dashboard tab -- Rearranged graphics to enhance screen balance. As always, we continue to listen and incorporate to your feedback to strengthen AIMS, one of the most utilized applications in the Colonial Life information arsenal.

Harmony 11.0 is here The latest Harmony release is here and contains our new Group Disability product, updated Whole Life 1000 product and Disability 1000 in California. For additional changes, refer to the "What's New in Harmony 11.0" document". NOTE: Since this is a major release, you need to refresh and upgrade your account to version 11.0 to access these new products and features. You can view your account's current version under "Account Overview" on the Account home page.

What's New in Harmony 11.0 Group Disability Whole Life 1000 Enhancements Disability 1000 - Available in California New Features for Coordinators In order to remain compliant, Group Critical Care in Florida can only be setup by the Home Office. Guaranteed Issue amounts have also bee increased. Visit the news article "Underwriting Changes for Florida" for more information. New Features for Enrollers In order to remain compliant, additional edits and messages have been implemented around life replacements. Pay special attention to the new requirements and warnings while enrolling Term Life 1000, Universal Life 1000 and Whole Life 1000. Additional Enhancements For certain pay frequencies (13, 26 and 52), new coverage enrolled in Harmony would sometimes be a penny off from the mainframe premium. The premium calculations have been updated to better determine the appropriate deductions. How to download Harmony 11.0? Visit the "Instructions to Download and Install Harmony" page to learn how to add Harmony 11.0 on your computer. How does this affect my enrollment? If you’re enrolling Group Disability, you will need to refresh and upgrade your account to Harmony 11.0 before the enrollment start date. If you’re enrolling Whole Life 1000, please view the "Whole Life 1000 Transition Plan" to schedule the best time to upgrade your account to Harmony 11.0. For more information about the newest features and how to get the latest version of Harmony offline, please contact the Enrollment Solutions Help Desk at 1.800.43.VOICE (Option 2, 5).

Is your Colonial Life laptop ready for fourth quarter enrollments? Get ready to enroll with these helpful tips! You can contact the Enrollment Solutions Service Desk Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ET by calling 800.438.6423 (Option 2, 5). For help with Harmony®, press 1. For help with hardware, including Afaria and Windows password help, press 3.

Make sure you can log in with your Afaria and Windows passwords Turn the computer on, and log in with the correct username and password for Afaria and then Windows. NOTE: If you regularly use a Colonial Life laptop but you are not the owner of the laptop, ask the owner to go to Propr and complete an Authorized User form for you. This form will be kept on file so the Enrollment Solutions Service Desk has permission to assist you if you forget the Afaria or Windows passwords.

Run the Laptop System Updates at least twice per month Connect the laptop to the internet. To make sure you are connected, open Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Firefox and go to If you cannot log in to the website, call the Service Desk for assistance. Find the Colonial Life Updates icon on the desktop screen of the laptop. In Colonial Life Updates, check the box for “Laptop System Updates” and then click the green “Update” button. Running these updates often will prevent a “C30D” error message when you try to open Harmony Offline and also brings certain updates to your laptop faster than if you just waited for prompts to show on your screen. Harmony 11.0 was released on Monday, Sept. 16. Please check the news story on Propr for instructions to download and install the release. Helpful tips when using Harmony Offline on a Colonial Life laptop to enroll If an enrollment period has ended for an account, please upload any data and delete the account promptly. This will let the coordinator of the account know that you have removed the account from Harmony Offline and that the account can be refreshed. Run a full tuning for Harmony Offline first thing in the morning. You can do this while you are getting ready for the day. Open the Harmony Tuning icon on your desktop, and click on Yes. The full tuning may take 10 to 15 minutes. If you run a full tuning in the morning, then when you close Harmony Offline, you won’t be prompted to run a tuning again that day. Please remember to close Harmony Offline before rebooting or shutting down the laptop.

Get your 1099 on time Check your address to avoid delays We file 1099 information with the Internal Revenue Service, and each year we send your year-end 1099 tax forms to the address we have in our computer system. If your information isn't correct in our system, you won't get your important tax documents and other mail. And without a 1099, you can't file a correct tax return for your Colonial Life income. Verify your mailing address on your online compensation statement on My Colonial Life Propr: Click on Comp & Incentives > My Comp. Click on a compensation statement. Scroll down the page and click on View All Reports. This opens a printer-friendly version of your statement where you can view a cover page and see the address we have on file for you. Options to update your address: Online: Complete and submit the online form. Email: Send your correct address to Phone: Call the Compensation Support Team at 800.438.6423, (Option 2, 3). If you have questions about this initiative, please call 800.438.6423 (Option 2, 3) to speak to a member of the Producer Compensation Support Team.

Q4 Processing Deadlines 12/20 – Contract Submission Deadline 12/23 – Manual Business Submission Deadline 12/30 – Clean Electronic Submission Deadline (6:00pm EST)

Premium Pacesetters Winners Q3 Q2 Q1 Silver Omar Leon Mark Marquez Manuel Torres Pam Walker Ruby Berenice Zubia Emerald Guillermo Zubia

Silver Bruce Tunze Berenice Zubia King Amen-Ra Henry Chacon Julia Moore Jerrel Sheffield Alan Suckerman Platinum Tim Martin Emerald Susan Hendricks Mark Marquez

Silver Kim Gutierrez Angela Woolard Susan Hendricks Omar Leon Mark Marquez David McLeod Joe Silva Erika Sullivan Platinum Pam Walker

Colonial Life partners with America’s Health Insurance Plans to offer health exchange training… Compliance training available at discounted cost This unique online training platform covers key aspects of Federal and state-based health insurance exchanges, including their operations, structure and navigation. You will learn the essential information required to comply with the Affordable Care Act's rules and requirements for exchanges. If you are an agent or broker looking to work with a state-based exchange, this course can help prepare you for exchange certification exams that will be required at both the Federal and state levels. The discounted cost is $100 To help you stay at the forefront of changes to health insurance exchanges, students who pass the training will receive ongoing regulatory updates. Click here to access the training program at the discounted rate for Colonial Life representatives.

Financial Protection Toolkit Piece Available A new resource guide for positioning life and disability insurance Life and disability insurance help employees and their families achieve financial security by providing a safety net to help maintain their standard of living if the unexpected occurs. The new Financial Protection Toolkit guide is a one-stop shop to help you identify the tools, tips and services you can use to effectively position our life and disability products. The toolkit also provides form numbers for all of our life and disability materials so you can easily locate them in online ordering.

Colonial Life is number one with brokers Benefits Selling Readers' Choice Awards Colonial Life has once again been named the top benefits carrier by brokers across the country in Benefits Selling magazine’s Readers’ Choice Awards program. The national publication is targeted to brokers and agents who sell group and voluntary insurance products. It features the results of its annual awards program each November. Benefits Selling asked brokers to name their top carrier in eight categories important to brokers today. Colonial Life was named the winner in four categories key to its business: Best at working with brokers Best consumer-driven health care products Best prepared for health care reform Technology company that makes my life easiest “Brokers have recognized Colonial Life as their clear choice for voluntary benefits for eight years running,” said Tim Arnold, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “Many brokers are finding voluntary benefits can be an important extension of their business. This continued vote of confidence demonstrates the value of the solutions and service we offer our business partners.” Colonial Life received especially strong ratings on the company’s broker service, garnering 40 percent of the votes. “Colonial Life by far. They carry my load, pay me and care with service,” the magazine reported one survey respondent as saying. The company’s enrollment technology also earned praise from survey respondents. “Colonial Life — enrollments are a snap with this company and my clients, and I truly value their data return capabilities,” the report said. Colonial Life has won at least four first place awards eight straight years. It was the only company to win more than one first place award in this year’s balloting and the only voluntary benefits provider to receive top recognition. In the past eight years, Colonial Life has earned 34 top honors in categories recognizing service, innovation and insurance products. Share the news with your brokers Check out the list of recommended items to the right for our news release, a spread of the Benefits Selling Readers' Choice Award article and a new promotional flier to use with brokers.

Employers' choice, guaranteed. In today’s times, it’s challenging for employers to provide benefits that cover the basics, let alone the unexpected. It’s also harder for employees to set money aside to help cover unforeseen events. Boost your business between now and the end of the year, while providing employers and employees with the coverage they need with our new 3-2-1 Coverage voluntary benefits solution. With qualifying accounts, this package can serve as the basic framework for financial protection or can supplement an employer’s current health insurance offering. For enrollments July 1 through Dec. 31, 2013, employers can choose one, two or three of the following products and get guaranteed issue when requirements are met: Group Medical BridgeSM – Amounts up to $3,000 for hospital confinement Group Accident Group Critical Care Accounts with 50 to 499 lives – face amounts up to $15,000 Accounts with 500 or more lives – face amounts up to $20,000 For enrollments Sept. 16 through Dec. 31, 2013, the following new and updated products will be available for employers to choose from in addition to the products above. Employers can still pick up to three of the five available products: Group Disability – Benefit amounts up to $4,000 a month, up to 60 percent of income Whole Life 1000 – Up to $6 a week to face amounts of $25,000 (employees only, spouse and child coverage available with term riders) That means employees can enroll in these products with no pre-qualifying and no health questions. Participation requirements and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) are both waived for the initial enrollment. Underwriting will monitor this offer with the expectation that each product’s standard participation requirements will be met in the future. 1-to-1 enrollments are required as the higher percentage of people seen leads to higher participation. In addition, the following criteria must be met to take advantage of this offer: New accounts with at least 50 lives are eligible. Enrollments must take place between July 1 and Dec. 31, 2013. Defined enrollment period of 21 days or less. Harmony® must be used to enroll. Available in every state except New York. No more than three products may be offered during initial enrollment. A minimum of 10 enrolled employees for each group product. A minimum of three enrolled employees for Whole Life 1000.

Contact your Risk Manager or Group Underwriter if you have any questions. Also, PDFs of the employer and broker flier are available. Use them to start spreading the news to employers about how you can help their employees be better prepared for the unexpected.


Friday, January 24th


Desert Willow Conference Center 4340 E Cotton Center Blvd Phoenix, AZ 85040 RSVP Link & More details to follow‌

Henry Chacon

Big Congratulations to our Territory Qualifiers! Susan Hendricks Mark Marquez David McLeod

Guillermo Zubia

The countdown is on to the 2014 Leadership Development Conference (formerly known as the Management Development Conference). Colonial Life’s top sales managers will attend this prestigious conference Jan. 7 through 9 at the Caribe Royale in Orlando, Fla.

The theme for the conference is Leadership Launch -- Building on the Past, Leading into the Future. 2014 marks the 75th anniversary of the company. Part of LDC will focus on the company’s influential past while preparing you to lead the way during the new year. You’ll also learn about the new tools, products and services we’ll launch in 2014 to help you succeed in the marketplace. Workshops include: Direct Sales --

There are five million reasons to attend this year’s workshop on direct sales. Did you know that there are more than five million small businesses in the United States, and the majority don’t currently provide employee benefits. With so many small employers needing what we have to offer, just imagine the tremendous opportunity to serve businesses in the under-50 market. Join us to hear about the new programs and initiatives that will drive growth in the small employer market. Broker Sales -The Broker Market Services workshop will showcase the new programs and initiatives to drive broker growth in 2014. Also, we’ll provide specific training on how to effectively prospect to new brokers and utilize the tools and resources to identify opportunities within your existing brokers’ book of business. Lastly, we will review our position relative to Private Exchanges and provide new tools and capabilities to drive sales within the local National Broker Alliance partner offices. Public Sector – We’ll showcase the resources and support you need to drive sales in this growth market. You don’t need to be exclusive to public sector to sell public sector business. We’ll show you the offers, partnerships and programs that will help you succeed in this market today. Product, Underwriting & Enrollment Solutions -- The future is here, and we’re ready to face it with creative and competitive products, underwriting promotions and enrollment solutions to support our sales partners throughout the sales lifecycle. In this workshop, you’ll learn about exciting new product development initiatives, new product packages with competitive guaranteed issue and PEGI underwriting, and winning enrollment solutions to enhance our value proposition for decision makers. Recruiting & Development -- Grow your district by attracting and retaining successful sales reps. This workshop will help you learn about tools and programs to effectively recruit and train ADMs and new sales reps, as well as continue to develop these sales reps so they become long-term, productive members of your team. Compensation -Understanding how to maximize compensation and changes for 2014. In Force Growth & Development -- Understand the rework needs of growth-oriented small districts. In this custom workshop, we’ll share proven enrollment strategies, block management best practices and demonstrate how the power of technology can be utilized to help you grow and protect your existing business. You'll leave the conference knowing Colonial Life is the place to be in the marketplace, and you'll have confidence in knowing you have everything you need to succeed in 2014.

Will you win a golden ticket to Italy? Prize points and Leaders Conference spots up for grabs in fourth quarter sales contest Tickets to Leaders Conference are on the line. All you have to do is come out on top during our Golden Ticket fourth quarter sales contest. The contest is for territory managers, district managers and unit managers. This promotion is based on A-rep new account sales in fourth quarter. The drawing will take place in early January at the Leadership Development Conference in Orlando, Fla. We'll draw Golden Tickets to the 2014 Leaders Conference: One Golden Ticket from the pool of qualifying territory managers Two Golden Tickets from the pool of qualifying district managers (DGAs/PSMs) Two Golden Tickets from the pool of qualifying unit managers (ADMs/PSAMs) We'll also have a second drawing and award 300,000 prize points to: Two territory managers Four district managers (DGAs/PSMs) Four unit managers (ADMs/PSAMs) Everyone who achieves the set goals will receive 50,000 prize points. How it works: An A-rep is defined as someone contracted in 2013. One ticket will be placed in the drawing for A-reps contracted in first, second or third quarter 2013 who have $10,000 in new account sales during fourth quarter 2013. The unit, district and territory manager each receive one ticket. Two tickets will be placed in the drawing for A-reps contracted in fourth quarter 2013 who have $5,000 in new account sales during fourth quarter 2013. The unit, district and territory manager each receive two tickets. Prerequisites: District managers and unit managers much achieve at least 75 percent of their annual sales plan to qualify. District managers must have at least five tickets and $150,000 in district sales during the 2013 calendar year to qualify. Unit managers must have at least five tickets and $75,000 in unit sales during the 2013 calendar year to qualify. Territory managers must have at least 35 tickets to qualify. All levels must have at least 75 percent BQI to be entered into the drawing. For reps who have dual code numbers, tickets will be awarded to the manager who the rep's PCN points to. Finish the fourth quarter strong, and a lucky golden ticket might be yours. Look out, Italy!

G is for gelato (ice cream) What's the difference between gelato and ice cream? Ice cream has a minimum of 10 percent fat. Gelato has a higher proportion of whole milk to cream -- only five to seven percent fat. It's also churned at a slower speed than ice cream, which makes gelato denser. Gelato contains about 25 to 30 percent air compared with 50 percent air in ice cream. Although ice cream is served frozen, gelato is served not quite completely frozen. Don't miss the chance to try authentic Italian gelato. Make sure you qualify for the 2014 President's Club and Leaders Conference. Important notes: Passports and pregnancy You’ll need a passport if you qualify for this trip, so make sure you apply early. Currently, you can expect to wait four to six weeks to get one processed after you submit the application. If you already have a passport, make sure it won't expire between now and Nov. 2, 2014. Regent Seven Seas Cruises requires your passport to be valid for six months beyond your length of stay. Passports are valid for 10 years. Get more information. If you're pregnant and will be in your 24th week of pregnancy by April 27, 2014, or if you'll enter your 24th week of pregnancy at any time during the cruise, Regent Seven Seas Cruises won't allow you on this trip.

Find trip qualifications and current standings on Propr!

1 N Central Ave, Ste 850 Phoenix, AZ 85004 480-428-4706 Tim Martin, TSM Donna Ochoa, TEA Melissa Jackson, TR Moe Sullivan, RI

480-428-4707 480-428-4706 480-435-0628 480-204-8066

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