Crusader News - 2013 - Q4 - Week 48 - Vol 1 Issue 4

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Table of Contents T$ Facts of Life Recognition Deep Thoughts Territory Contests HO Updates LDC

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Welcome/Anniversaries Agent Spotlight Melissa’s Message HO Updates TKO 2014 PC/LC

4 9 12 14 17 21

The 4 Requirements of Accountability By Tim Martin, Territory Sales Manager AZ/NM/ELP

The reasons New Year’s resolutions don’t work is because of the Law of Diminishing Intent. LODI simply states “our intention to complete an activity is highest the moment we create that intention and then naturally over time our intention slowly starts to fade.” That is why the gym is packed on January 5th with well-intentioned change makers but then it is empty on March 5th. The key then to creating change is regularly and repeatedly forming the intention. As Albert Gray said years ago “any resolution that is made today, must again be made tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day.” Which is why accountability is so important.

Accountability is having someone in our life that constantly checks in with us and says “did you do it? Did you do it? Did you do it? Did you do it?” And that is SO POWERFUL! Who, other than you, is holding you accountable? We also know that the power of accountability and the likelihood of creating change is amplified by having a cost associated with inaction. IE that is why physical trainers work so well because when we don’t feel like going to the gym we’re just not going to go but if we’re paying $125 per session then we’re going to go even when we don’t feel like it because we’re not just going to waste that money!

Here are 4 elements of good accountability systems: 1.

There must be a pain or cost associated with in-action.


You should have 360-degree accountability. Meaning that you have a superior or boss holding you accountable; a subordinate,

child, or mentee who is looking up to you; a spouse or colleague who is your equal; and then an objective outside 3rd party like a coach or trainer. Each of them has a different influence over you helping you to take action. 3. Accountability must be regular and reliable in order for it to work. You can’t check-in ”once in a while” and get the best results. It needs to be a part of the schedule. 4. Get accountability from someone who can give you perspective. You want people who have been there and done that – or done something significant that is similar to what you want. Beware of the people who become coaches because they never made it as players. It’s not that they are all bad (some make better coaches) but be wary of taking advice from someone who doesn’t have a track record of success. And remember that in all areas of your life, the cost of accountability is always much cheaper than the cost of inaction.

Q4 Adam Arvizo – ASR - McLeod District James Benninger – ASR - Marquez District Dawn Bockius – ASR - Hendricks District Robert Conaway – ASR - McLeod District Franklin Cornelius – ASR – Hendricks District Marc Diez – ADM - Marquez District Yolanda Dixon – ASR - Marquez District Liza Dominguez – ASR - Zubia District Tom Gray – ASR - Leon District Ann Marie Hawksworth – ASR - Torres District

Stuart Ingersoll – ASR - Marquez District Tina Jojola – ASR – McLeod District Elizabeth Larson – ASR - Marquez District Michael Mallett – ASR - Marquez District Manuel Molina – ASR - Marquez District Thomas Montoya – ASR - Marquez District Ronnie Peaches – ASR - Marquez District Scott Pierce – ASR – Marquez District Bernell Reed – ADM – Marquez District Nicholas Wilczynski – ASR - Chacon District

December 2013 5 YRS 12/8 – NOELLE TUCKER – ASR – Open District 1 YR 12/4 - THOMAS SULLIVAN – ASR – Zubia District 12/19 – SANDRA KELLY – ASR - Hendricks District 12/23 – MONICAL AGUAYO – ASR – Zubia District 12/26 – JUDY BREEDING – ASR – Zubia District


QTD Case Count














YTD Case Count













Q4, Week 48, 2013

QTD Net New Acct SP


















10,783.08 YTD Net New Acct SP




















QTD Total Net Sales Credits 102752.05 58334.61 44070.36 38866.84 37081.4 36982.72


YTD Total Net Sales Credits 560752.49 414123.9 237746.73 193008.5 176199.94 175990.17

Anasagasti, $29,921

Torres, $56,015

Zubia, $157,835

Suckerman, $12,364 Silva, $58,035

Chacon, $226,498

QTD Sales by Districts

Hendricks, $218,157

McLeod, $312,183

Leon, $124,947

DGA Marquez Leon Zubia Silva Hendricks McLeod Chacon Torres Anasagasti Suckerman

QTD 2013 % of Plan Contracts 109.20% 102.10% 86.70% 58.70% 57.10% 56.70% 47.90% 38.40% 11.20% 9.20%

11 1 1 0 2 3 1 1 0 0

YTD 2013 % of Plan Contracts 130.60% 93.70% 119.80% 84.90% 109.80% 77.10% 79.50% 117.90% 31.90% 40.00%

Marquez, $253,238

ADM Warren Sullivan Gentry Walker Meridith Sheffield Moore Diez Bryson Miranda

28 1 7 1 9 24 3 4 5 3

Q4, WEEK 48, 2013

QTD 2013 % of Plan Contracts 204.00% 131.90% 78.90% 61.30% 21.20% 9.80% 7.70% 0.30% 0.30% 0.00%

2 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 2

YTD 2013 % of Plan Contracts 204.00% 127.00% 166.90% 120.70% 15.90% 36.10% 45.10% 30.00% 6.00% 0.00%

2 1 3 1 2 0 2 2 1 3

4Q Premium Target $2,696,002

Axis Title

Territory Sales Chart $9,000,000 $8,000,000 $7,000,000 $6,000,000 $5,000,000 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 YTD Total

New Accounts $159,967 $997,139 $548,216 $355,679 $2,061,001

Existing Accounts $1,747,277 $1,917,401 $1,431,484 $1,161,841 $6,258,003

Total Premium $1,907,244 $2,914,540 $1,979,700 $1,517,521 $8,319,004 Q4, WEEK 48, 2013

Bruce joined Colonial Life in 1985 and has written

$13,377,045 in his career since July 1999. Amazing Job, Bruce!

Tell us a little about your journey to Colonial Life‌. I was 29 years old, had been in Tucson for 4 years and had jumped around in various sales jobs including Solar Hot Water systems, a Food Home Delivery program, and Automobiles. I was approaching 30 without a lot to show for it so I made a conscious decision to get serious about becoming successful. Soon after, I saw an ad in the paper that caught my eye. The ad promised daytime activity and working with business owners which appealed to me although, I had no previous insurance experience. The residual income of an insurance career appealed to me and I had looked at "traditional" Life Ins. companies but didn't like the in home sales and working at night.

Why do you want to be with Colonial Life? The most important factor in deciding to join Colonial Life was that I liked the 2 guys that recruited me and believed what they were telling me. They said that I had the tools to become successful in this career as long as I "put in the time". From my first week, and for at least the first 3 years, I walked through 75 doors a week, an average of 15 a day, to ask the decision maker for an appointment. (I did the research to be sure I was approaching a locally owned business and knew who to ask for.) That resulted in plenty of appointments to make a ton of mistakes, but I was still able to "earn as I learned".

What is your goal with Colonial Life for the next 6 months? I've recently hired an appt. setter so in the next 6 months I'm looking to open a minimum of 2 - 3 new groups/month in addition to taking care of our existing book of business.

What advice would you give a new rep about this opportunity? For a new rep. there needs to be a clear understanding that nothing takes the place of ACTIVITY! I've seen so many procrastinate making calls to "learn the products" or "get ready". You don't need to know any product details to make an appt! Set a goal of the number of calls you'll make daily/weekly/monthly and don't let ANYTHING, get in the way of those calls. If you do, you'll be looking for another JOB instead of creating a career.

Long before the famous discovery of Alexander Graham Bell, Wilhelm Reiss, the German schoolmaster, constructed a telephone through which he could whistle or hum. However, the gadget couldn't transmit speech. Something was lacking! Reiss never let the electrodes touch in his telephone. Bell then followed Reiss and discovered that a little screw controlled the telephone electrodes. Accidentally, he moved the screw one-thousandth of an inch and speech, articulate and clear, came through. History records that the fraction of an inch made an enormous difference. You may be just that short distance from success in your selling career. Just a little improvement in your daily planning, a little adjustment in your sales presentation, a little additional product knowledge, a little more positive action, or persistence - and unusual success can become yours. Plan and prepare purposefully, proceed positively, pursue persistently. Chances are good a very slight improvement in your day-to-day selling habits will have a huge cumulative impact at the end of your year. Gates of achievement swing wide for the salesperson who sees infinite possibilities in the insignificant. This is especially true with those salespeople who are determined to deliver a little extra and do a little extra. Consider these three little words . . . AND THEN SOME! They will point you toward success. We're convinced these words make the difference between average salespeople and top performers. The high achievers do what is expected . . . and then some. They hold themselves responsible for higher standards. They make good on commitments and responsibilities . . .and then some. They can be counted on to represent the company and themselves in a professional manner. Their selling success secret is wrapped up in these little words . . . and then some! "GO ALL OUT - NO IN BETWEEN IN 2013!" FINISH STRONG! Good luck and good selling, Jack and Garry Kinder Kinder Brothers International

Social Media Resource Center Learn how to use social media in your business. As today’s marketplace evolves, so to do the tools we use to do business. Communication is no exception. The use of social media has the potential to dramatically change the way we interact and exchange information with customers, clients and each other. We know many of you are already participating in the medium. You must do so responsibly and within the framework of current insurance industry regulations as well as Colonial Life’s established policies and procedures. This social media resource page contains our social media policy and a list of frequently asked questions as guidance for your social media activity. If you have additional questions, please contact your manager or email us at Learn More on Propr! Click Here!

Upcoming Trainings Dec 13th Dec 13th Dec 17th-19th Dec 20th Dec 24th – 25th

Success Academy (f/up - Nov) Friday Fundamentals – Selling to the Employer Success Academy Friday Fundamentals – Access & Control Territory Office & HO Closed

Prepare for 2014! Recruiting During the Holidays You might think that it is time to take a big breath in December and just wait until January to recruit. Actually, utilizing the holidays is a great way to set yourself up for an excellent first quarter.

Here are some tips that you can do while you have that holiday break: o Pick out one job board that you want to actively pull recruits from each week. Many of these are free to set up and use. I have a list of them that you can choose. We have one DGA that had started using a job board just the last several weeks and he is seeing a lot more activity now in recruiting. o Pick out two job fairs that you can commit to this year. They can be pricey, but the cost can usually be negotiated. o Keep your cards on you at holiday parties you get invited to. You would do this for a new account, so why not be prepared to recruit as well? That is three simple ways that you can set yourself up for a strong quarter!

2 Days Left!

Q4 Processing Deadlines 12/20 – Contract Submission Deadline 12/23 – Manual Business Submission Deadline 12/30 – Clean Electronic Submission Deadline (6:00pm EST)

Premium Pacesetters Winners Q3 Q2 Q1 Silver Omar Leon Mark Marquez Manuel Torres Pam Walker Ruby Berenice Zubia Emerald Guillermo Zubia

Silver Bruce Tunze Berenice Zubia King Amen-Ra Henry Chacon Julia Moore Jerrel Sheffield Alan Suckerman Platinum Tim Martin Emerald Susan Hendricks Mark Marquez

Silver Kim Gutierrez Angela Woolard Susan Hendricks Omar Leon Mark Marquez David McLeod Joe Silva Erika Sullivan Platinum Pam Walker

Recruiting Updates 2014 New tools and programs coming to help you recruit talent! Click Here! Learn more on Propr! To help you win on the recruiting front in 2014, National Recruiting is rolling out a few new resources: Newly revamped Recruiting Guide – In early first quarter of 2014, be on the lookout for announcements on this comprehensive guide to help you plan your recruiting strategy. The guide includes: – Detailed sourcing best practices with a focus on the most effective source, personal recruiting. – Attraction tools to better help you sell the Colonial Life opportunity. – A new selection tool to help you determine if the candidate has the key attributes successful reps possess. – In addition to the recruiting guide, we’re also creating a Recruiting JIT (Just-in-Time) online training module to provide more hands-on training for your recruiting needs. Multi-media video library – In today’s technology driven society, having testimonial videos you can use in your recruiting efforts is critical. We currently have an inventory of videos highlighting successful sales reps and managers explaining why they chose our opportunity. These videos are currently on Propr. Targeted Marketing campaigns – By the end of first quarter 2014, we’ll provide packaged campaign pieces you can use in specific demographics: – College recruiting – Hispanic or bi-lingual – Female recruiting – These packages will contain recommended fliers and brochures, as well as supporting videos to send to recruits. Newly revamped Career Fair Displays – Many of you have been having success with career fair recruiting, but we’ve heard the current displays are dated and often expensive to ship. Early in first quarter 2014, National Recruiting will provide every territory office two new displays you can sign in and out when you need to use them locally, without incurring the shipping costs. We hope you agree that our great tools and resources will assist in your sales and recruiting efforts. If you haven’t leveraged your partnership with your Territory Recruiter to put together a recruiting strategy for 2014, I encourage you to do that as soon as possible.

Reminder Postcards for Direct Accounts Direct accounts will receive reminder Postcards for re-enrollment For Direct Accounts: The home office will send a postcard to your direct accounts reminding them that their annual re-enrollment is coming up in 90 days – you don’t need to take any action. The marketing department will manage the direct mailing for you. Here’s how it works: • At the beginning of each month, the marketing team will pull a list of your direct account (excluding brokers) with re-enrollments coming during the next 90 days and mail the reminder postcard. • The communication is written on behalf of the Territory Sales Manager (TSM). • The postcards are for direct accounts (excluding Premier Clients and Public Sector accounts) due for re-enrollment in 90 days. How will you know which accounts are receiving postcards? AIMS to the rescue! The planning tab in AIMS will show you which accounts are receiving postcards. In the planning tab, select the month, nonbroker and the market and size you’d like to see. The Territory Executive Assistant (TEA) will send your district an account list each month, but you can check anytime using AIMS. Check out an example of the postcard (Colonial Life | Paul Revere) for your reference.

Get your 1099 on time Check your address to avoid delays We file 1099 information with the Internal Revenue Service, and each year we send your year-end 1099 tax forms to the address we have in our computer system. If your information isn't correct in our system, you won't get your important tax documents and other mail. And without a 1099, you can't file a correct tax return for your Colonial Life income. Verify your mailing address on your online compensation statement on My Colonial Life Propr: Click on Comp & Incentives > My Comp. Click on a compensation statement. Scroll down the page and click on View All Reports. This opens a printer-friendly version of your statement where you can view a cover page and see the address we have on file for you. Options to update your address: Online: Complete and submit the online form. Email: Send your correct address to Phone: Call the Compensation Support Team at 800.438.6423, (Option 2, 3). If you have questions about this initiative, please call 800.438.6423 (Option 2, 3) to speak to a member of the Producer Compensation Support Team.

Early Registration Contest! Register by Friday, January 3rd and be entered into a Raffle Drawing for a prize! **More details to follow**


Friday, January 24th Black Canyon Conference Center 9440 N 25th Ave Phoenix, AZ 85021


Register Here Today! **Registration is essential as seating will be assigned by district for this event**

Henry Chacon

Big Congratulations to our Territory Qualifiers! Susan Hendricks Mark Marquez David McLeod

Guillermo Zubia

The countdown is on to the 2014 Leadership Development Conference (formerly known as the Management Development Conference). Colonial Life’s top sales managers will attend this prestigious conference Jan. 7 through 9 at the Caribe Royale in Orlando, Fla.

The theme for the conference is Leadership Launch -- Building on the Past, Leading into the Future. 2014 marks the 75th anniversary of the company. Part of LDC will focus on the company’s influential past while preparing you to lead the way during the new year. You’ll also learn about the new tools, products and services we’ll launch in 2014 to help you succeed in the marketplace. Workshops include: Direct Sales --

There are five million reasons to attend this year’s workshop on direct sales. Did you know that there are more than five million small businesses in the United States, and the majority don’t currently provide employee benefits. With so many small employers needing what we have to offer, just imagine the tremendous opportunity to serve businesses in the under-50 market. Join us to hear about the new programs and initiatives that will drive growth in the small employer market. Broker Sales -The Broker Market Services workshop will showcase the new programs and initiatives to drive broker growth in 2014. Also, we’ll provide specific training on how to effectively prospect to new brokers and utilize the tools and resources to identify opportunities within your existing brokers’ book of business. Lastly, we will review our position relative to Private Exchanges and provide new tools and capabilities to drive sales within the local National Broker Alliance partner offices. Public Sector – We’ll showcase the resources and support you need to drive sales in this growth market. You don’t need to be exclusive to public sector to sell public sector business. We’ll show you the offers, partnerships and programs that will help you succeed in this market today. Product, Underwriting & Enrollment Solutions -- The future is here, and we’re ready to face it with creative and competitive products, underwriting promotions and enrollment solutions to support our sales partners throughout the sales lifecycle. In this workshop, you’ll learn about exciting new product development initiatives, new product packages with competitive guaranteed issue and PEGI underwriting, and winning enrollment solutions to enhance our value proposition for decision makers. Recruiting & Development -- Grow your district by attracting and retaining successful sales reps. This workshop will help you learn about tools and programs to effectively recruit and train ADMs and new sales reps, as well as continue to develop these sales reps so they become long-term, productive members of your team. Compensation -Understanding how to maximize compensation and changes for 2014. In Force Growth & Development -- Understand the rework needs of growth-oriented small districts. In this custom workshop, we’ll share proven enrollment strategies, block management best practices and demonstrate how the power of technology can be utilized to help you grow and protect your existing business. You'll leave the conference knowing Colonial Life is the place to be in the marketplace, and you'll have confidence in knowing you have everything you need to succeed in 2014.

Will you win a golden ticket to Italy? Prize points and Leaders Conference spots up for grabs in fourth quarter sales contest Tickets to Leaders Conference are on the line. All you have to do is come out on top during our Golden Ticket fourth quarter sales contest. The contest is for territory managers, district managers and unit managers. This promotion is based on A-rep new account sales in fourth quarter. The drawing will take place in early January at the Leadership Development Conference in Orlando, Fla. We'll draw Golden Tickets to the 2014 Leaders Conference: One Golden Ticket from the pool of qualifying territory managers Two Golden Tickets from the pool of qualifying district managers (DGAs/PSMs) Two Golden Tickets from the pool of qualifying unit managers (ADMs/PSAMs) We'll also have a second drawing and award 300,000 prize points to: Two territory managers Four district managers (DGAs/PSMs) Four unit managers (ADMs/PSAMs) Everyone who achieves the set goals will receive 50,000 prize points.

Territory Standings Erika Sullivan – 1 Ticket Manny Torres – 2 Tickets Shawn Warren – 1 Ticket Guillermo Zubia – 2 Tickets

How it works: An A-rep is defined as someone contracted in 2013. One ticket will be placed in the drawing for A-reps contracted in first, second or third quarter 2013 who have $10,000 in new account sales during fourth quarter 2013. The unit, district and territory manager each receive one ticket. Two tickets will be placed in the drawing for A-reps contracted in fourth quarter 2013 who have $5,000 in new account sales during fourth quarter 2013. The unit, district and territory manager each receive two tickets. Prerequisites: District managers and unit managers much achieve at least 75 percent of their annual sales plan to qualify. District managers must have at least five tickets and $150,000 in district sales during the 2013 calendar year to qualify. Unit managers must have at least five tickets and $75,000 in unit sales during the 2013 calendar year to qualify. Territory managers must have at least 35 tickets to qualify. All levels must have at least 75 percent BQI to be entered into the drawing. For reps who have dual code numbers, tickets will be awarded to the manager who the rep's PCN points to. Finish the fourth quarter strong, and a lucky golden ticket might be yours. Look out, Italy!

G is for gelato (ice cream) What's the difference between gelato and ice cream? Ice cream has a minimum of 10 percent fat. Gelato has a higher proportion of whole milk to cream -- only five to seven percent fat. It's also churned at a slower speed than ice cream, which makes gelato denser. Gelato contains about 25 to 30 percent air compared with 50 percent air in ice cream. Although ice cream is served frozen, gelato is served not quite completely frozen. Don't miss the chance to try authentic Italian gelato. Make sure you qualify for the 2014 President's Club and Leaders Conference. Important notes: Passports and pregnancy You’ll need a passport if you qualify for this trip, so make sure you apply early. Currently, you can expect to wait four to six weeks to get one processed after you submit the application. If you already have a passport, make sure it won't expire between now and Nov. 2, 2014. Regent Seven Seas Cruises requires your passport to be valid for six months beyond your length of stay. Passports are valid for 10 years. Get more information. If you're pregnant and will be in your 24th week of pregnancy by April 27, 2014, or if you'll enter your 24th week of pregnancy at any time during the cruise, Regent Seven Seas Cruises won't allow you on this trip.

Find trip qualifications and current standings on Propr!

1 N Central Ave, Ste 850 Phoenix, AZ 85004 480-428-4706 Tim Martin, TSM Donna Ochoa, TEA Melissa Jackson, TR Moe Sullivan, RI

480-428-4707 480-428-4706 480-435-0628 480-204-8066

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