THE CO STITUTIO OF THE GEORGIA COLLEGE & STATE U IVERSITY STUDE T GOVER ME T ASOCIATIO MISSIO STATEME T Acting as the voice of all students enrolled at Georgia College and State University, the Student Government Association will actively work to improve the quality of life for the student body, along with the university community as a whole. Believing in the right of self-governance, all students enrolled at Georgia College and State University shall be a member of the Student Government Association and be entitled the rights, privileges, and protections thereof. ARTICLE I ame and Purpose SECTION A The name of this organization shall be Student Government Association of Georgia College and State University. It is recognized that Georgia College and State University is a state educational institution operating under the authority of Board of Regents Policy. Since Board of Regents dictates that each state educational institution has an established student government, the Student Government Association derives its power from the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia. SECTION B: Purpose of Student Government Association: 1. Deal effectively with matters of student affairs. 2. Promote understanding and communication between administrators, faculty, staff, and students. 3. Work with administration in all matters affecting the welfare of Georgia College and State University. ARTICLE II Executive Branch SECTION A: Executive: 1. The Executive Officers of the Student Government Association shall be chosen by the direct vote of the student body no later than the last full week of February and will begin a full year term the following May 15th. 2. The time between the certification of the elections and May 15th shall be used as a transitional period, during which the Officers-elect shall work with the current Executive Officers to create a smoother transition. SECTION B: There shall be elected from among the students of Georgia College and State University, the following Student Government Association Executive Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
SECTION C: Additional Executive Officers: 1. The President Pro Tempore shall be a current Senator and must be nominated and then elected out of and by the Senate. 2. The Attorney General shall be appointed by the newly elected Student Government Association President, no later than 30 days after the spring election, and be confirmed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority approval of the current Senate. SECTION D: Executive Officer Qualifications: 1. The President must have completed forty (40) semester hours, thirty (30) of which shall have been completed at any branch of Georgia College and State University. The individual must have been at least a committee chair or executive officer for one semester in good standing. 2. The Vice President must have completed thirty (30) semester hours, twenty (20) of which shall have been completed at any branch of Georgia College and State University. The individual must have been at least a Senator for one semester in good standing. 3. The Secretary must have completed twenty four (24) semester hours, twenty (20) of which shall have been completed at any branch of Georgia College and State University. The individual must have been at least a Senator for one semester in good standing. 4. The Treasurer must have completed twenty four (24) semester hours, twenty (20) of which shall have been completed at any branch of Georgia College and State University. The individual must have been at least a Senator for one semester in good standing. 5. The President Pro Tempore must have completed twenty four (24) semester hours, twenty (20) of which shall have been completed at any branch of Georgia College and State University. The individual must have been at least a Senator for one semester in good standing. 6. The Attorney General must have completed twenty four (24) semester hours, twenty (20) of which shall have been completed at any branch of Georgia College and State University. The individual must have been at least a Senator for one semester in good standing. SECTION E: Succession to the Executive Office: 1. In the event of a President’s inability to serve, through removal from office, death, resignation, withdrawal, or lack of qualifications, the Vice-President of the Student Government Association shall become President. If the Vice-President does not meet the qualifications of President the succession will go down the line in the following order of succession to the Presidential Office: President Pro Tempore, Secretary, Treasurer, Attorney General. 2. In the event of a Vice-President’s inability to serve, through removal from office, death, resignation, withdrawal, or lack of qualifications, or filling the position of President, the President Pro Tempore shall serve the remainder of the term. 2
3. In the event of the Secretary, Treasurer, President Pro Tempore, or Attorney General’s inability to serve, through removal from office, death, resignation, withdrawal, or lack of qualifications, a qualified replacement shall be chosen among the Senate members, by the Student Government Association President and shall be approved by two thirds (2/3) majority of the Senate, to serve the remainder of the term. SECTION F: Executive Officer Meetings: 1. The Executive Board shall at times deemed by the President. 2. The President shall have the power to call special Executive Officer meetings outside of the regular scheduled meeting. 3. The Executive Board must have quorum to conduct business. Quorum is defined as two-thirds (2/3) of all Executive Board members. SECTION G: Stipends: 1. The Executive Officers of the Student Government Association will receive a stipend that shall be split into installments, the number of which shall be decided on by the financial advisor. 2. No stipend shall increase or decrease without a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Senate. ARTICLE III Legislative Branch SECTION A: The Legislative Officers of the student body shall be chosen by the direct vote of the student body by the first twenty-eight (28) days of fall semester, and will begin their oneyear Senate term upon taking the “Oath of Office” as a Senator. SECTION B: Membership: 1. The membership of the Senate shall be apportioned by class status. 2. There shall be five Senators from each of the following classes: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior. 3. In addition, there shall be five (5) at-large positions, which shall be open to any qualified candidate regardless of class rank. 4. Classification shall be determined by the number of credit hours earned at the time of the Senate election. SECTION C: To be qualified for the Senate, any enrolled student at Georgia College and State University with a grade point average of 2.30 or higher, and in good academic standing, shall be eligible to run for election or be appointed to the Senate.
SECTION D: Organization: 1. The Vice President of the Student Government Association shall preside as President of the Senate. 2. The Secretary of the Student Government Association shall serve as the Clerk of the Senate. In the absence of the Secretary, the Treasurer shall serve as the Clerk of the Senate. 3. The Senate shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order in all instances where the Constitution and By-Laws do not apply. SECTION E: The Senate must have quorum to conduct business. Quorum is defined as two-thirds (2/3) of all Senators excluding Senators with excused absences. SECTION F: Legislation 1. Bills – A bill is defined as legislation that is a request for funding from the Student Government Association by an approved Recognized Student Organization. No bill shall be passed unless it is by the Senate. The Senate shall adopt no Bill until all affected individuals or organizations have had at least one (1) week to be heard. All Bills must be referred to the Appropriations Committee in either their original or amended form for a minimum of one week before a vote may be taken. 2. Resolutions – All other legislation is defined as a resolution. No resolution shall pass unless it is by the Senate. 3. Before enactment, all legislation must be: 1. Read before the Senate. 2. Entered into the minutes. 3. Passed by a Senate majority vote. 4. Signed by the Student Government Association President. 4. All legislation that passes through the Senate must then be presented to the Student Government Association President. 1. The President can approve the legislation by signing it. 2. The President can return it with objections in the form of a line item veto. 3. The President can veto the entire bill or resolution and return it to the Senate within two (2) weeks after presentation through the Clerk of the Senate 5. Every resolution, having been enacted by the Senate and approved by the Student Government Association President, shall be submitted to the President of Georgia College & State University. 6. Senate Action of vetoes: 1. Legislation vetoed by the Student Government Association President can be overridden by a two-thirds (2/3) majority votes of Senators. 2. Line item vetoes by the Student Government Association President can be overridden by a two-thirds (2/3) majority votes of Senators
SECTION G: There shall be six (6) standing committees of the Student Government Association: Student Services, Internal/External Affairs, Public Relations, Academic Travel Fund, Campus Issues, and Appropriations 1. Standing Committees: 1. Student Services Committee – Shall consider matters relating to services provided by the Department of Auxiliary Services. 2. Internal/External Affairs Committee – Shall consider matters concerning the function and operation of the Student Government Association. 3. Public Relations Committee – Shall consider matters concerning the advertising and promotion of the Student Government Association. 4. Academic Travel Fund – Shall provide limited financial support to students who are presenting scholarly research or a project presentation at an academic conference or workshop. 5. Campus Issues – Shall consider issues that are of immediate and prominent importance not encompassed by the Student Services Committee. 6. Appropriations – Shall consider, review, and recommend allocations on senatorial bills to make 2. Committee Chairs: 1. Shall be a Senator. 2. Shall be appointed by the Student Government Association President, except for the Internal/External Affairs, Academic Travel Fund, and Campus Issues Committees that shall be chaired by the President Pro Tempore, Treasurer, and Vice President of the Student Government Association respectively. 3. The Chair shall have the authority to create and dissolve subcommittees of their respective standing committee. The creation of a subcommittee or ad-hoc committee of a standing committee, and the creation of a chair thereof, does not meet the satisfactory requirements as outlined for President in Article 2, Section D, Number 1. 4. The Chair shall have the authority to appoint a Vice-Chair, a Secretary, and Directors from committee members to head specific areas. SECTION H: If the seat of a Senator shall be vacated by resignation, academic probation, recall election, non-enrollment at Georgia College and State University, or otherwise, the Student Government Association President shall appoint a new Senator of any classification. In the event that a Senator has accumulated three (3) unexcused absences from scheduled meeting and/or events, the Senator shall be removed from office. The newly elected/appointed Senator shall take office during the next regularly scheduled Student Government Association meeting, after taking the “Oath of Office.”
ARTICLE IV Judicial Board SECTION A: The Student Judicial Board is responsible for hearing cases through an educational peer review process. The process, which ensures fundamental fairness and appropriate sanctions, determines student accountability for alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct and Honor Code in any manner. SECTION B: Composition of the Judicial Board: 1. There will be two (2) Students’ Judicial Boards that shall operate simultaneously throughout each academic school year. 2. Each board shall be equal in power. 3. Each Board shall consist of five (5) student members and two (2) faculty advisors. 4. The Student Government Association President shall appoint all student positions of the Judicial Board. SECTION C: Members shall be students of Georgia College and State University in good academic standing and disciplinary standing when they are appointed and during their term in office. They must have a grade point average of 2.30 or higher and in good academic standing. Judicial Board members shall serve one calendar year from the time they are appointed in the fall semester of each academic year. SECTION D: The Student Government Association President shall appoint ten (10) student members. Since the Student Judicial Board exists primarily to provide an educational peer review process, at least six (6) of the student members must be at the undergraduate level. SECTION E: Jurisdiction: 1. The Judicial Board shall interpret all policies of the Student Government Association and have original jurisdiction in any cases concerning Student Government Association policies, laws, impeachment hearings, and activities, including elections. 2. The Judicial Board will also handle disputes concerning approved Recognized Student Organizations. SECTION F: The Judicial procedures are outlined in the Student’s Rights, Responsibilities and Disciplinary Procedures Policy Statement.
ARTICLE V Removal from Office SECTION A: Impeachment Guidelines: 1. Any Officer may be removed from office for violation of this Constitution, the By Laws, Georgia College and State University Code of Conduct, Georgia College and State University Honor Code, and the Board of Regent’s Policy. 2. A member of the Student Government Association can bring up the Impeachment charges. It is highly suggested to bring charges through the Internal/External Affairs Committee, but it is not a requirement. 3. To present the Articles of Impeachment, the Senate shall move into a Special Session under Robert’s Rules of Order. 4. The Vice President shall preside over the Special Session. If the Vice President is under the impeachment articles, the President shall preside over the Special Session. 5. The Attorney General presents the case to the Senate. In the event the Attorney General is under the Impeachment charges, the President Pro Tempore will present the case to the Senate. 6. A two thirds (2/3) vote shall impeach an officer of the Student Government Association. 7. The Articles of Impeachment are presented to the judicial board, and a majority vote can remove the officer from their position. 8. Officers removed shall be ineligible for a stipend and will be removed from office. Removed officers will not be allowed to run for a Student Government Association office for a full calendar year from the date impeached. SECTION B: Rights of Officer Under Impeachment: 1. A letter containing the Articles of Impeachment and the trial date of the impeachment one week prior to the trial. 2. The right to resign before the impeachment trial begins. 3. The right to witnesses on his/her behalf and cross-examine witnesses. 4. The right to counsel who must be a member in good standing of the Senate. 5. The right to remain silent with no guilt implied by said silence. ARTICLE VI Finance SECTION A: Upon completion of the Executive elections, the newly elected Student Government Association President and Treasurer shall submit to the Senate, for approval by a simple majority, a budget income allocated by the Student Activities Budget Committee.
SECTION B: Expenditure of Money: 1. No money shall be expended from the treasury except in accordance with the appropriations made by statute, nor shall any obligation for the payment of money be incurred except as authorized by statute. 2. The Student Government Association Treasurer shall be responsible for the supervision of the budget and the collection and disbursement of its funds as required by law. 3. The official deposits of funds shall be in keeping with policies of the Georgia College and State University Vice President of Business and Finance. a. The Student Government Association of Georgia College and State University will not fund any event or organization that is expressly prohibited by the Student Activities Budget Committee guidelines of Georgia College and State University. b. The Student Government Association will give priority of the following: i. An event which will benefit, or which is open to all Georgia College and State University students. ii. An event that will not occur unless funding is allocated within a short period of time following notice of the upcoming Bill. ARTICLE VII Elections SECTION A: Qualifications for Voting: 1. All voters must be a current Georgia College and State University student and must present a validated university student identification card. 2. If a validated university student identification card is not present, a certificate from the records office will be sufficient. SECTION B: Rights of Voters: 1. All voters are entitled to vote once in every Student Government Association Executive election, Senate election, Constitutional amendment, and any other matter deemed by the Student Government Association or the administration of Georgia College and State University to require a student body vote. 2. All voters are entitled to a secret ballot vote. ARTICLE VIII Amendments SECTION A: Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed by the Student Senate or by petition of the student body as prescribed in this Constitution. 1. Any amendment proposed by the Student Senate must be passed twice at any two regular meetings by a two-third (2/3) majority of the membership. 2. A roll call vote shall be taken on proposed amendments.
3. After the second legislative action, the proposed amendment shall be placed on the ballot of the next regularly scheduled election and must be approved by a simple majority of those students voting. 4. Technical Amendments which correct items such as grammar, spelling, numbering, cross-references, or otherwise corrects manifest typographical or other similar errors shall not be subject to the requirements of Section A (1,3) of this article. No technical amendments can alter meaning in context; whereas meaning is defined as the significant common purpose or underlying truth of the sentence or statement of under Number 4 of Article 8. Such changes shall require a single roll call vote of the Student Senate passing with a two-third (2/3) majority of the membership. The determination of whether an amendment is a minor or technical amendment shall be according to the judgment of the Vice President of the Student Government Association. ARTICLE IX Initiative, Referendum, and Recall SECTION A: Initiative: The students of Georgia College and State University reserve to themselves the power known as initiative. Such power shall include the ability to propose legislation and amendments to this Constitution. 1. Proposed legislation may be placed on the ballot of the next regularly scheduled election by a petition signed by ten (10) percent of the Milledgeville campus student body. 2. Proposed constitutional amendments may be placed on the ballot of the next regularly scheduled election by a petition signed by fifteen (15) percent of the Milledgeville campus student body. 3. Both legislation and amendments must be approved by a simple majority of those voting. 4. Legislation and amendment must be passed under regular Constitutional provisions. SECTION B: Referendum: The students of Georgia College and State University reserve to themselves the power known as referendum, be submitting to the student body for their approval or rejection. 1. A referendum may be placed on the ballot box of the next regularly scheduled election by a petition signed by ten (10) percent of the student body. 2. No petition shall enlist the support for more than one item at a time. 3. There shall be no limit set as to the number of times an issue can be placed before the qualified electorate in a referendum. 4. Measures approved by a simple majority of those voting will have the same force as legislation passes under regular constitutional provisions. 5. Measures rejected by a simple majority shall be null and void. SECTION C: 9
Recall: A recall election for any elected Student Government Association Officer may be called by a petition signed by students eligible to vote for that position. 1. The number of signatures collected must total at least twenty (20) percent of the total number of eligible voter’s in the Officer’s election. 2. A special election shall be held in which those eligible to vote shall decide whether to maintain said Officer in the position in question. 3. A majority of votes cast is required to remove said member. 4. Individual Student Government Association Officers may only be subject to one recall election per semester. ARTICLE X Implementation SECTION A: This Constitution shall be placed into effect after being approved by the study body in accordance with the amendment procedure as described in the existing Constitution and the University Statutes.