The Colorado Auctioneer 3rd Quarter 2015

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Third Quarter • 2015

The The Quarterly Quarterly Newsletter Newsletter of of the the Colorado Colorado Auctioneers Auctioneers Association Association

Gun Buyer At Auction Is Denied


t happens every so often. At an auction, a gun is deemed sold by an auctioneer who is a Federal Firearms Licensee (FF.) The buyer fills out the ATF Form 4473 and subsequently is denied possession of the gun. Upon denial, the buyer can’t have the gun. Outside of appealing this denial with the ATF, the gun remains the property of the seller. The seller is whoever is in title — the person or business entity who owned the gun just before the auctioneer said, “Sold.” The UCC § 2-301 suggests that this contract for sale of this particular gun is void due its intrinsic illegal purpose; it’s illegal for the seller to transfer the gun to this buyer. It’s important to note that if an auctioneer takes guns on consignment, he doesn’t become the owner nor seller. He is an agent for the seller no matter if he is an FFL or not. As an FFL, he would most likely take the gun(s) into his possession, but that’s all he has — possession, not ownership. Of course, if an auctioneer (FFL) was buying and selling guns, he would be the owner and seller until the guns were sold [at auction] and transferred to buyers. Nevertheless, what happens next following a denial? Auctioneers have to be careful. In the typical case of an auctioneer FFL taking this gun on consignment:

• If the buyer appeals, the gun has to be kept until his appeals are exhausted.

buyer will have to win his appeal, the auctioneer acquire title or the seller reacquire possession. Some suggest that if the buyer pays for the gun and then is denied, the auctioneer (or seller) can retain the consideration. While terms and conditions might suggest such, it’s unlikely given the contract is considered void. If a denied buyer agreed to give up the purchase price as a form of liquidated damages then the monies could certainly be retained. However, voiding a contract is more like a rescission than a cancellation. Lastly, if the buyer is denied, and further the seller is denied to repossess — and doesn’t agree to a subsequent auction, an FFL could be deemed the owner (title and possession) by default — with the seller materially selling the gun to the auctioneer. Mike Brandly, Auctioneer, CAI, AARE has been an auctioneer and certified appraiser for over 30 years. His company’s auctions are located at: Mike Brandly, Auctioneer, Keller Williams Auctions and Goodwill Columbus Car Auction. He serves as Adjunct Faculty at Hondros College of Business, Executive Director of The Ohio Auction School and Faculty at the Certified Auctioneers Institute held at Indiana University.

• In the event the gun is to be sold again, the auctioneer’s contract with the seller must contain such express knowledge and consent.

• If and before the gun is returned to the seller, that transfer must be approved by the ATF.

• All completed ATF Form 4473’s indicating denials are to be kept for five years separate from approvals.

In essence, the flow of title and possession is this: the original owner has title and possession. Once consigned the seller gives the auctioneer possession and retains title. Once the auctioneer says, “Sold!” there is a contract formed between the seller and buyer.

The Colorado Auctioneer is published by the Colorado Auctioneers Association, Inc. 1685 S. Colorado Blvd., Unit S-160 Denver, CO 80222 303-729-1195

If the buyer pays and the transaction is approved, the auctioneer gives the buyer possession and the seller transfers title, thus unifying title and possession again.

The Colorado Auctioneer Newsletter is published quarterly, to serve as a communication tool between association meetings.

Yet, if the buyer is denied, the auctioneer still has possession, and the seller still has title. To unify title and possession, the

Please contact: Cissy Tabor (970) 985-8228 • THIRD QUARTER • 2015


From the Desk of The President By O.J. Pratt, CAI

Let’s see, I had some notes around here somewhere… You may have a desk modeled after President Eisenhower’s. Many reporters wrote about his desktop being void of any paperwork and spotlessly clean at all times. Mine is more like Albert Einstein’s. If you have seen the picture of his desk you will understand. Unfortunately for me, that is where the comparison ends. My desk is “organized” into general piles of topics, I know exactly where everything is, well almost. Like most of us, I spend every day with too much to do and not enough hours to accomplish it. I’m going to stop everything and write a few words about how proud I am of the Colorado Auctioneers Association. I was very proud of six of our members for participating in the International Auctioneer’s Championship at the NAA convention in Dallas. As our reigning state champion, Doug Carpenter was our official CAA representative. Joining him in the competition and representing the CAA, with honor, were Sammy Hamblin, Dean Gunter, Emily Wears, David Whitley (NAA Director) and Josh Larson (all of which are CAA Board members!). They all did very well against an extremely talented pool of competitors. CAA members in attendance were thrilled to learn that both David and Emily made the finals! If you weren’t there or didn’t watch online, you’ll have to trust me, this was a very deep pool of talented contestants from around the world. To compete took a great deal of courage and to make the finals is a colossal accomplishment. Congratulations to all. I was extremely proud of how well the CAA was represented at the National Convention. By my calculations we had over 15% of our membership in attendance! I am doubtful that any other state organization, except the Texas hosts, could boast that kind of participation. In addition to those listed in the competition also attending were Past President Paul C. Behr, Rob Hart, NAA Director Scott Shuman, Krista Shuman (Newly elected NAA Auxilliary Director), Rich Schur, Shannon Schur, Mike Whitfield, NAA Hall of Fame member Cookie Lockhart, Jo Lockhart, Bryce Elemond, CAA Vice President Butch Hagelstrom, CAA 2nd VP Eric Arrington, Kevin Mitchell, Abbey Mitchell, Aaron Traffas, Rich Ranft, Robert Mayo, Brent Wears, Reno Babcock and yours truly, bringing our total CAA representation to 26. Here is one to make us all proud. A CAA member who lives in another state and is a member of his home state association told me that the CAA is the best. He expanded to tell me how welcoming and helpful everyone had been to him since he joined. Here is the final point, he said if he had to pare down to one association he would stay with the CAA. I think that is the greatest compliment of all. I was also proud that we had several CAA members attend designation training for both the Benefit Auction Specialist and the Accredited (continued on page 3) 2


CAA Announcement

PRESIDENT: O.J. Pratt, CAI Pacific Auction Companies 1330 Main Street • Longmont, CO 80501 303-772-7676 • Cell: 303-598-8585

he 2015 CAA Board has made a unanimous vote for The Colorado Auctioneers Association Mission and Vision Statements in conjunction with the association’s forward planning goals to take us into the future.

1st VICE PRESIDENT: Butch Hagelstrom Buckhorn Auction Services P. O. Box 306 • Fort Lupton, CO 80621 303-827-5157 •

Mission: CAA exists to educate auction professionals, to

2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Eric Arrington The Auction Team 1610 Hwy. 505 • Grand Junction, CO 81503 970-245-1185 • Cell: 970-623-9161 •

Vision: Our vision to have all auction professionals desire to


Steve Potkonjak

promote CAA members and to monitor legislation in Colorado for the auction industry.

970.622.9941 Thank you to our new printer for a great rate!

be members of the CAA.

CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD: John Schaffner Schaffner Auctions 36470 CR Z • Wray, CO 80758 970-332-5196 • Cell: 970-630-3402 •

A Colorado Auction Company

TREASURER/ DIRECTOR: Walt Partridge, BAS Partridge Auctions • 6577 N. Windfield Ave. Parker, CO 80134 • 303-840-7573 Cell 303-881-2632 •

H.L. (Butch) Hagelstrom, Jr. 140 Denver Ave., Ste. F Ft. Lupton, CO 80621

Sean Allen 9920 City View Dr. • Morrison, CO 80465 303-888-2722 • Dean Gunter Rocky Mtn. Auctioneers 1480 Ainsworth St. • Colorado Springs, CO 80915 719-570-7800 • Cell: 719-650-8184 • Sammy Hamblen - Sammy Hamblen Auctioneers 15926 W. CR 86 • Pierce, CO 80650 970-834-9528 • Cell: 970-215-0157 • Josh Larson 310 N. Wayne • Haxton, CO 80731 970-520-2946 • Michael Nichols - Odle-Cumberlin Auctioneers 22300 CR 9 • Flagler, CO 80815 719-350-0126 • Emily Wears, BAS, ATS 1826 Mehaffey Bridge Rd NE • Solon, IA 52333 435 Wapiti Trail • Cheyenne, WY 82007 319-331-1888 • Cissy Tabor - Auction Country, LLC 951 21 Rd, Unit B • Fruita, CO 81521 970-985-8228 • David P. Whitley, CAI, CES, BAS - Rocky Mtn. Estate Brokers, Inc. 24 Oak Ave. • Eaton, CO 80615 970-454-1010 • Cell: 970-539-1269 • Diana Raven • Association Administrator 8757 W. Cornell Ave., #9 • Lakewood, CO 80227 720-242-7971 • Cell: 303-618-1162 •

Office: 303-857-2399 Mobile: 303-827-5157

From the President (continued from page 2)

Auctioneer Real Estate. Finally, multiple members of the CAA were instructors at the National Convention. It was an impressive all around showing for the members of the Colorado Association. On a personal note, I was jealous as I watched John Nicholls elected as the NAA Vice President with his dad helping him campaign. My dad was an auctioneer for 50 years and never attended an NAA convention, with or with out me. I could not help but think how much he would have loved the competition and how great it would have been to attend with him. My dad has been gone for 15 years so my opportunity is lost. Learn from my mistake and invite your father or mentor to attend our CAA convention or even the NAA convention next year in Grand Rapids. Sorry if you missed our summer picnic. Dean Gunter did a great job of expanding the picnic to include face painting and the Inaugural Kids Bean Bag Toss Competition and organizing everything overall. Bryce Elemond and Brad LaChapelle were the chief cooks. I believe the horse-shoe competition was rigged because Doug Carpenter and I retained our championship for another year. Elsewhere in this issue you will find information about the BAS (Benefit Auction Specialist) course that is being brought to Colorado Oct. 5, 6 and 7 by your Colorado Auctioneers Foundation. The foundation board worked diligently to bring this class close to home for our members. The seminar will be held at the same location as our convention, The Westin Hotel, Westminster. Hope to see you there. It’s only fair that I double back and tell you the Eisenhower secret. A well-known journalist reports interviewing Ike in the Oval office where there were a few memos and papers out on his desk. The president had to leave suddenly. Just prior to leaving the office he opened the cavernous center draw on his desk, using his forearm he swept everything into the very full and messy drawer. Here is to a clean desk and successful auctions… O.J Pratt, CAI 2015 CAA President THIRD QUARTER • 2015 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 thecoloradoauctioneer





NAA Spotlight By Hannes Combest


o I just returned from the 66th International Auctioneers Conference and Show in Addison, Texas, but as my mother used to say, there is no rest for the wicked! So, we are already in planning mode for July 19-23, 2016, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. (Come join us, please!) One of the events at Conference this year was an educational session called AuctioNOW! During this program, attendees were introduced to what NAA is doing within the areas of Advocacy and Promotions – two of the organization’s strategic initiatives. During the first part of AuctioNOW, presenters who are members of the Promotions committee introduced a small business card that provides talking points for what is called the elevator speech. This is how you would respond to a person who asks: “Why should I use auctions to sell my assets, and why should I use an NAA auction professional?” The talking points for why someone should use auction is simple: Auctions are fast, fun and transparent. This means that you can sell whatever you want quickly, meaning the seller gets money in their pocket faster! In 2010, a research project conducted by Michigan State University indicated that the main reason people go to an auction is because it is fun. We in the auction business know that to be true. Even online auctions, watching the closing bids elevate instantaneously is fun! Where else do people who buy yell out, “I won X!” and not “I paid X!” And, in an auction proceedings are transparent. People know what was paid and who paid what. In other words – fast, fun and transparent! Use this phrasing if you don’t have your own elevator speech. Why? Because we want people to use auctions! The NAA Board of Directors has a vision – it wants NAA members to be the preferred auction professionals used in the marketplace. On that front, we are developing a similar elevator speech for NAA members to give to people on why that matters. Why use an NAA Auction Professional? An NAA member belongs to an ethical and educated network. In order to be an NAA member, an auction professional must agree to the NAA Code of Ethics. He or she has the opportunity to take dozens of continuing education programs and has a world-wide buying and selling audience because we have members across the world. We aren’t saying that every NAA member is ethical. I get complaints every day from people claiming that someone has conducted an unethical practice. But for every complaint, I 4

can promise that if it is an NAA member, it is fully reviewed. We aren’t saying that every NAA member is educated. However, NAA does provide the opportunity to expand every member’s auction industry knowledge with unparalleled instruction. We aren’t saying that NAA members are better than nonmembers. We are saying there are opportunities available to NAA members that don’t exist outside the Association. And, in order to drive all these points home, we are making this elevator speech available to our members. If you are not an NAA member, think about joining. But, even if you don’t, please don’t hesitate to use our elevator speech for auctions. And create one about why they should hire you. We want all auction professionals within this industry to be successful. I’ve heard it time and time again: Successful auctions breed successful auctions. We believe it! THIRD QUARTER • 2015 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 thecoloradoauctioneer

Sammy Hamblin and his granddaughter auctioneering at the fun auction for the NAA Conference and Show

And below, a big Happy Birthday to Krista Shuman who was serenaded by many!



Member Spotlight

First Time Attendee at the NAA Conference By Bryce Elemond


have undying respect for some of the auctioneers that have continued to give me opportunities to work at this trade and give me the guidance necessary to “be an exceptional auctioneer”, as stated by NAA Vice President, John Nicholls, to a group of my fellow auctioneers. I wasn’t able to go to my first NAA conference last year, do to a scheduling conflict, but I made a mental note that I would attend NAAC15. With the support of my wife and mentor, I made the decision to attend the 2015 NAA Conference and Show in Addison, TX. I believe this was one of the finest decisions I had made up to this point in my career, only second to the decision to become an NAA member. When I checked into the conference, I was greeted by the NAA staff and treated as “family” and thanked for attending the conference. It was a world-wind of events to be at this year’s conference. Over the past year, I had made several friends on social media and have developed relationships, which has helped me grow and become more tuned into the lifestyle of being a full-time auctioneer. My days were filled with excitement to walk up to some of the best auctioneers in the country and introduce myself. Many of these fellow auctioneers were people that I had conversations with on social media and was finally able to get the chance to put a name with a face and a voice to capture the circle of friendship. I met incredible people and listened to stories from auctioneers that have been in the business for years. Hearing their stories of how things were for them when they first started out captivated me. It was easy to see that no one in this industry gets to the top in a short time. Many years of hard work, with little praise is needed to carve out a place in this business. I was in awe of the fact that I could walk up to the NAA President, Spanky Assiter, and speak openly to him about life and business. A year and a half ago, I had email conversations with Spanky about the NAA and what it had to offer for a new member such as myself. Spanky always responded to my emails and went so far as to pick up the phone and make a


call to me one afternoon. This proves to me the character and poise of a man who cares about the welfare of his fellow auctioneers and should be an example as to the caliber of faith that he gives to the profession. It had been close to the end of the conference when I knew that I had made the right choice to be an NAA member and to attend this conference. I sold an item at the Fun Auction on Friday evening and was so nervous to get up in front of several hundred fellow auctioneers to sell an item, but once the mic was in my hand I just smiled and said to myself, “have fun and smile”. I enjoyed watching others compete in the IAC Championship and noted styles from many of the contestants. I was impressed with the unique ways of selling and how they worked the crowd to gain potential bidders for their items. I cannot put a dollar figure on the amount of showmanship and esprit de-corps that I witnessed during my first conference. I urge any of you out there that are wondering if you should be a NAA member or attend a conference, I believe, that if you want to be a successful auctioneer you should surround yourself with best in the industry. It is an invaluable time to listen and share stories with some of the greatest auctioneers that work in our humble industry. I look forward to NAACS16 in Michigan!

Member Spotlight

CAA Represented well at 2015 IAC Competition By Cissy Tabor


s OJ mentioned in his letter, Colorado was not only represented well at the NAA Conference and Show, but also, represented well in the International Auctioneer Championship (IAC) with the following contestants from Colorado; Doug Carpenter – 2015 CAA Champion, Dean Gunter, Sammy Hamblin, Josh Larson, Emily Wears (2nd Runner Up) and David Whitley (Finalist). As I watched the competition online, I was very proud of our members and I want to say that each and every one of them did a Great Job! As many of us believe, you are already A Champion by entering in the competition and “showing up to do your best.” I was interested in hearing from each contestant about their experience, thoughts and opinions they had in competing this year and maybe to know what they took away from competing at the national level and would like to share with you what I have learned and they wanted to share with me. Even though Doug Carpenter had never competed at the national level prior to this year, he states that he was honored to represent Colorado and in doing so, he prepared himself through practicing daily, assisting at auctions with OJ at Pacific Auction Companies and to read The Auctioneers magazine provided by the NAA to be prepared for the finals round in which there is an interview portion. For Josh Larson, this was his 1st year attending the NAA Conference and he took advantage of his education voucher from the NAA. For his preparation, he viewed / studied as many IAC contest videos as he could obtain to watch great competitors and study what was brought forth, polish his own stage presence and his chant that he diligently worked on. And for Sammy Hamblin, as an independent contract auctioneer, hasn’t competed at the national level since the NAA Conference and Show was held in Denver, CO stated that he worked on polishing his own chant / cadence through his daily work schedule. Sammy stated that when you compete… you really take a look at what your chant is and as he chose to do; he cleaned it up, thought more about it and what his chant sounded like…you just really pay attention to it. As you can see, each contestant had a different style of preparing for their own competition and yet, one thing remained the same between all of them…practice, practice, practice! I also asked each of the competitors what did they gain from their experience / took away from it. For Doug, he gained a new level of appreciation for anyone who competes at the

national level. He went on to say that the level of preparation, not only with your chant and knowledge of the NAA, but more importantly the mental preparation that is needed helps define you amongst the great bid callers to overcome any doubt one might have competing against his/her peers on this level. Sammy gained a deeper camaraderie with fellow competitors, growth and the knowledge he gained from learning from others in this competition was valuable. Not only that, but “he made a good run”.... one that he is proud of. And for Josh, he shared that he learned a lot about himself through this experience and in continuing to improve upon his cadence / chant / his abilities and what he is going to work on over and above what worked well for him. So what did each of these contestants have to say in the end about the IAC Championship and their NAA Conference? As Josh stated, “The trick is getting you to take the plunge the first time. After that, they’ve got you hooked.” Each contestant that I’ve spoken with has stated that they will compete again…they will continue to work on what they learned from their experience this year, what they felt they needed to improve upon; whether it be their chant / stage presence / mental preparation… Many IAC Champions, who have spoken at our conferences state that taking the step, showing up, being prepared and competing in a competition places you in the winner circle each and every time, have stated it! Each competition is a moment for growth, personally and professionally. The take away from each contestant that I spoke with wasn’t in regard to the competition or their own thoughts on their performance. No, it was the amazing amount of networking, expanding their relationships with fellow state association members, meeting new members and meeting other members that they had only known through Facebook. The fellowship involved through this experienced showed each contestant that they weren’t among competitors, but among their peers… THIRD QUARTER • 2015 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 thecoloradoauctioneer



Member Spotlight

Auctioneer with the Help of an FFL “Yes, we can sell your guns,” the auctioneer said. “We’re not an FFL, but we’ll take them to our facility.” “We have a nearby FFL who will be at the auction to secure the firearms.” “He’ll perform background checks, and then distribute all firearms from his licensed premises nearby.” As most in the auction business have heard, this is a very common workaround for auctioneers who are not Federal Firearms Licensees (FFL) but still take in guns to sell at auction. And per the ATF, it’s a problem — a big problem. If an auctioneer is “taking possession” of guns and/or conducting a “consignment auction” then that auctioneer is acting as a firearms dealer — and needs to be an FFL. In our example above, utilizing another FFL (instead of being licensed) is not an option. That’s because the auctioneer is not the owner of the firearms but is providing possession to the licensed dealer. The dealer in our example would properly note that the gun came from the auctioneer and is to be distributed to the buyer at auction. Therefore if a crime was committed with that gun, and the firearm transfer was traced to this FFL, the gun would show obtained from the auctioneer. The question then would be, “How did the auctioneer gain possession?” If the answer was, “I merely took the gun in on consignment from …” there begins the problems. And these further problems include that the ATF notes that a licensee who facilitates an auctioneer committing this type of crime is also subject to prosecution.

2016 CAA Convention Updates

Could an auctioneer have the FFL note (falsely) that the firearms came from the consignor directly to the FFL? Could the FFL be present at the auctioneer’s location to take possession up-front? Many with the ATF consider both these scenarios troubling in that the FFL is enabling the auctioneer to engage in the business without being an FFL — a violation. We’ve written extensively about selling guns at auction. Most notably here: https://mikebrandlyauctioneer.wordpress. com/2010/01/17/a-guide-for-auctioneers-selling-guns/ In the above treatise, we note that the exemption to licensing is the “estate-type” (onsite-type) auction where the owner maintains possession and no other guns are consigned. Further, non-dealers cannot hold themselves out as dealers, buy and sell firearms as a business, repeatedly assist the same seller with the sale of their guns, etc. Auctioneers have choices. Sell firearms without an FFL at single-seller onsite auctions without taking possession or securing an FFL and then be able to take possession and otherwise engage in the business of selling firearms. Trying to find other so-called solutions is not prudent. Mike Brandly, Auctioneer, CAI, AARE has been an auctioneer and certified appraiser for over 30 years. His company’s auctions are located at: Mike Brandly, Auctioneer, Keller Williams Auctions and Goodwill Columbus Car Auction. He serves as Adjunct Faculty at Hondros College of Business, Executive Director of The Ohio Auction School and Faculty at the Certified Auctioneers Institute held at Indiana University.

Contract for Hire Cissy Tabor Auctioneer / Professional Ringman / Clerk (970) 985-8228


Convention Update


appy New Year CAA members!!

Don’t think we’ve lost our marbles… least not yet! The 2016 CAA Convention is scheduled to be held Jan 1 – Jan 3, 2016, at the Westin Hotel in Westminster, Colorado. This is the same facility that we held last year’s convention. The convention will start with registration on Friday, Jan.1, at 10:30 am and will end with a Hall of Fame luncheon on Sunday, Jan 3rd. We will be providing a schedule of the events and educational sessions in our next newsletter. We can tell you this. We have put together a diverse lineup of topics & sessions sure to keep your interest regardless of your place in the auction world. Some of the sessions included are: The Auction Industry Now & In The Future – We are honored and privileged to have our current NAA Vice President John Nicholls, Nicholls Auction Marketing Group, speak to us at our opening session on Friday. This will be a great opportunity to hear from a fellow auctioneer whose reputation as a top auction professional is beyond reproach. The Non-Auctioneer Auction Professional – This session will be led by Rob Hart, Hall & Hall. This class will cover the behind the scenes activity in the auction business. This will be held on Friday, so your staff can attend at no cost!

Online Auction Technology Update – This class will be led by Bridget Siler, Wave Bid and cover online auctions. Of course, we will have our Fun Auction, First Timers Contest and the Kids Auction on Friday night. Saturday night will provide great competition thru the CAA Bid Calling Championship and the Junior Bid Calling Championship. Something new that is being added is KARAOKE on Friday night. Once the fun auction has ended, everyone will have their opportunity to get up and sing their favorite tunes! Sunday will bring a church service featuring Barry Ward, our annual business meeting and our Hall of Fame luncheon where a new Hall of Fame inductee will be honored… Hmmm, who could it be?!

Mark your calendars for Jan 1 – Jan 3, 2016 and plan on ringing in the New Year with the CAA!!

Make your room reservations today! Make your reservations by December 20th and receive the group rate of $85! Westin Hotel 303.410.5000 or 888.627.8448

Auction Law – This session will be held by Mike Brandly, Brandly & Associates, Inc. of Groveport, OH. We are excited to have Mike join us to present this year as he is widely respected and will cover topics directly related to the auction industry. Ringman / Bid Spotters and Their Roles – This session will be led by an All-Star Trio of Champion Auctioneers and Ringman: Paul C. Behr, Scott Goodhue and Sean Allen. The “ins & outs” of how a ringman / bid spotter works and their role in the auction profession will be discussed. The Auction Chant – This session will be led by Charles Nicholls, Nicholls Auction Marketing Group, Virginia. Charles is a special addition to our convention and will be able to take only 15 auctioneers into this class to work on their chant. Real Estate & The Auction World – This will be a roundtable discussion led by a group of national, as well as local, real estate auction professionals. Interaction and discussion will be encouraged in this session, so bring your questions and insights. THIRD QUARTER • 2015 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 thecoloradoauctioneer



2016 SPEAKERS Mike Brandly, CAE, AARE (Brandly & Associates, Inc.)

Mike Brandly began his auction career in 1979. He is president of Brandly & Associates, Inc. and is an associate and Auctioneer for Keller Williams Greater Columbus, a large real estate brokerage based in Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Brandly’s appraisal company completes over 150 appraisals per year for Probate, Civil and Bankruptcy cases. He holds a weekly auction at his facility in Groveport, Ohio, a twice-monthly car auction for Goodwill Columbus (Ohio), various on-site auctions and other special-event auctions throughout the United States. Mr. Brandly is a graduate of The Ohio State University with a degree in Mathematics as well as the AMI Certified Auctioneer Institute (CAI). He also holds the CAGA appraisal designation as well as the AARE real estate designation. He is a Former Director for the Ohio Auctioneers Association as well as a member of the Indiana, Kentucky and Michigan Auctioneer Associations. Mr. Brandly is a Life Member, Beginning Auctioneer Advisor and Presenter for the National Auctioneers Association. Mr. Brandly also serves as an auction law and customary practice consultant, primarily providing this service to attorneys throughout the United States (Ohio, Indiana, Louisiana, Texas, New York, California, Virginia and Oklahoma thus far) representing clients involving auction law compliance, customary practice, regulatory investigations and the like. His work has encompassed analyzing video recordings of auctions, depositions, lawsuit claims and auction records including accounting and contracts.

Scott Shuman

Scott is a partner and an Auctioneer for Hall and Hall Auctions. He has more than 29 years of auction experience attending Missouri Auction School in 1986 and opening an auction firm shortly thereafter. Scott is the 2014 Colorado State Champion Auctioneer. He was awarded the 1997, 2002 and 2014 Auction of the Year awards from the NAA, as well as the prestigious Rose Award presented by the Certified Auctioneers Institute. Scott has served as an instructor for the Certified Auctioneers Institute and Trustee for the NAA Education Institute. He is a past CAA Board member and currently serves as a director on the NAA Board. He holds auction and real estate licenses in 23 states. Scott and his wife Krista reside in Eaton, Colorado, with their three children Amanda (19), Walker (15) and Shelby (10). Their hobbies include snow skiing and cheering on the Denver Broncos.

John S. Nicholls

President of Nicholls Auction Marketing Group, Inc., and oversees all day to day operations of the company. As a second generation auctioneer, licensed in 11 states and the District of Columbia, John earned a BA in Psychology and a MS in Personnel Services. In 1990, John graduated from the World Wide College of Auctioneering in Mason City, Iowa, and is currently one of the school’s featured instructors. John currently conducts over 300 auctions per year for Fortune 500 companies and is a licensed realtor. Under John’s leadership, Nicholls Auction was named Business of the Year by the Fredericksburg Regional Chamber of Commerce. John is an active member of the National Auctioneers Association, and currently serves as Vice President. John also is a past President and Chairman of the Board of the Virginia Auctioneers Association. In addition, John has been a featured speaker at many state auctioneer associations throughout the country. and has had the honor to represent the auction profession on the TODAY Show, the National Association of Realtors Convention, St. Judes Children’s Research Hospital, multiple news publications, and on a real estate auction consulting trip to South Africa. John is active at Spotswood Baptist Church in Fredericksburg, VA, and serves on the Boards of Virginia Community Bank, the World Automobile Auctioneers Professional Association, and the Joe Gibbs Youth for Tomorrow Foundation. Some of John’s honors include the following: 1994 Virginia State Champion Auctioneer, 2003 Virginia Auctioneer of the Year, 2003 World Automobile Auctioneer Champion (Nashville, TN), 200607 NAA Men’s Division Champion of the International Auctioneer’s Championship (Orlando, FL), and 2015 National Auto Auction Association’s Bernie art Memorial Auctioneer of the Year Award.

Col. Paul C. Behr

2016 SPEAKERS Charles Nicholls

is the founder and chairman of the board of Nicholls Auction Marketing Group. He, along with his wife Jean, founded the company in 1968 and together they have devoted their professional lives to building a successful business. Charles graduated from the Reisch Auctioneering School (now World Wide College of Auctioneering) in Mason City, IA, in 1968. He is a member of the National Auctioneers Association and the Virginia Auctioneers Association where he has served on the Board of Directors and numerous committees. For the past 30 years, Charles Nicholls has been head auctioneer at the two largest auto auctions in the state of Virginia. He is a licensed realtor and a certified appraiser by C.A.G.A.. Charles is a trustee and active member of Spotswood Baptist Church, and he is very active in the Fredericksburg community serving many non-profit organizations for 40+ years. He was awarded the Bernie Hart Memorial Award by the National Automobile Auction Association in October 2004 in Nashville, TN. This award recognizes a lifetime of superior achievement, leadership, and overall professionalism in the industry. In 2006, Charles was honored by being named to the Virginia Auctioneer’s Hall of Fame. Charles, a gifted teacher and mentor to many, is a true legend in the world of auctioneering.

Rob Hart

Born and raised in Arkansas, has undergraduate degrees in Logistics and Computer Information Systems from the University of Arkansas and a MBA from the University of Tulsa. He started his career as a computer analyst and logistics specialist in the oil industry before moving into the real estate auction industry in 2006. Rob has managed the operations of thousands of real estate auctions from coast to coast in his career as well as leading most support departments. At Hall and Hall Auctions, he is responsible for the day-to-day Auction Operations, but also contributes to the rest of the company by leading the Corporate Marketing and Technology Teams. 
Hart is a graduate of the Worldwide College of Auctioneering, a National Auctioneers Association’s, Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI) graduate and an Auction Technology Specialist (ATS). He is a member of the National Auctioneers Association, the Colorado Auctioneers Association and has real estate licenses in Colorado, Oklahoma and Kansas. He is also a little league coach and an avid outdoorsman. He and his wife, Liz, and their four children live in Windsor, CO.

Scott Goodhue

When it comes to auctioneers, Scott Goodhue is in a league of his own. Scott was a rancher in Calhan, Colorado for over two decades with his wife and two daughters. During this time, Scott sold livestock for 20 years on a weekly basis before moving into auto and benefit auctions. Scott is the 2006 World Champion Auto Auctioneer, 1999 Colorado State Champion, and 2015 World Automobile Auction Champion Team. He is a weekly auto auctioneer for Manheim and CarMax Auto Auctions in Denver and Colorado Springs, and has been an adjunct instructor for World Wide College of Auctioneering.

Sean Patrick Allen After spending several years at secondary education facilities, he joined his father in the car business in 2002. Attending auto auctions on a weekly basis allowed for his growth as an automotive wholesaler. In September 2009, his longtime friend signed up for auctioneer training at World Wide College of Auctioneering. Attempting to enhance his car business, Sean followed his friend’s lead and took the course as well. Five months later he was hired on full time at Manheim Denver. He also works at Dealers Auction of the Rockies, in addition to working multiple estate sales with Linnebur Auctions, as well as benefit auction and charity work. He is a three-time Reserve World Champion Automobile Ringman (2011, 2012, 2013), 2013 Colorado State Auctioneer Champion and has raised thousands of dollars for local nonprofit charities and foundations.

Has been an auctioneer for over 40 years having graduated from World Wide in 1971. A three-time World Champion Auctioneer. He has conducted approximately 8500 auctions during that time. From multi-milliondollar real estate, auto, livestock and commercial/industrial auctions to charity benefit auctions. Col. Behr states, “The most professionally rewarding thing I have ever done in my auctioneering career is to train and educate new auctioneers to take their place as the next generation to top auctioneers in the United States and Canada. I strive to personally do all I can to help each student become a successful auctioneer.” Col Paul C Behr has held multiple positions including and not limited to NAA President, NAA Vice QUARTER • for 2015the World Automobile Auctioneers THIRD QUARTER • 2015 thecoloradoauctioneer President, Board of Directors, and THIRD the President Championship.


Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame Reflections By Eric Arrington


e asked Jim Odle for some advise for young and start up auctioneers and how they might avoid pitfalls in the auction profession. We started by asking Jim what changes he has seen in the auction industry. Education in a word. Today’s auctioneer has many more resources and opportunities to educate and to motivate themselves, and prepare for variables in an auction. The auctioneer is better business minded in streamlining goals and separating top and bottom lines. New technologies allows for quicker and broader looks at auctions, from the traditional flow sheets to what the buyers are buying. The social media aspect allows information to flow freely to a larger audience. Hall of Fame, Jim Odle, reflects on the auction profession. Jim took an interest in the auction field in high school, where he was discouraged by another auctioneer telling him, “there were too many auctioneers today.” Jim not being disheartened, started to work with Claude Redman working the back of the sale barn and working his way up to selling the small live stock and eventually in the main ring. Jim, after some time, set out to start up his own business. As the business grew, Jim opened a second sale barn. His second sale barn caught fire, but that did not stop Jim in his endeavors. He then hooked up with Chuck Cumberlin and proceeded full steam ahead. One year they held 326 auctions in 26 states. I’m giving you all of this background of the Hall of Fame award winner to let you know as young and start up auctioneers; it takes many people along the way to help you become a successful auctioneer. You won’t get into the Hall of Fame by yourself. To avoid some pitfalls along the way, find the best auctioneer you know and work for or with them, and take the best practices and apply them to your business. Education, determination and credibility play a large role in the success of one’s business and career. A good sound business practice is, spend time with your clients and develop a relationship, one that would also make them a friend. Don’t neglect your buyers, get to know them as well and your business will grow strong.

Board of Director’s Meeting Summary


our CAA Board of Directors meeting was conducted prior to the CAA Picnic. The meeting was Called-To-Order and then proceeded to review the prior minutes after the state capitol visit, updates on goals we have set forth along with the planning of the convention. In addition, we discussed the proposal of an ambassador program, improving the CAA website and the upcoming BAS class offered by the CAA Foundation with the NAA. Discussions of our goals to grow membership and continue to strengthen our association remain a top priority.


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CAA Foundation

From the Editor

CAA Foundation Update

By Cissy Tabor

By Dou Carpenter


REAT NEWS!!! The Colorado Auctioneer’s Foundation (CAF) is on the brink of having all of its paperwork in place with the IRS. Chris Gunlikson, attorney with Holland and Hart, who has provided all the legal service for the start-up of our Foundation, for no cost to the Foundation, has submitted our final documents with the IRS. Chris’s pro bono legal service has been a huge savings and without his generous donation of time we would not have been able to afford to get our Foundation up and running. I want to thank Chris for all his efforts! I am happy to provide you with a copy of our Certificate of Good Standing. The original Foundation Board consisted of Doug Carpenter, Walt Partridge, OJ Pratt and Dax Gillium. It is with great sadness that Dax could not be around to see the Foundation fully functional. Per the Foundation Bylaws, the remaining Board members appointed a replacement for Dax. Scott

Shuman agreed to sit in Dax’s chair for the remaining portion of his term. The Board also elected to increase the size of the Board to 6 members. We felt it was important to have representation from all members and voted to have a representative from the Hall of Fame and the CAA 2nd Vice President. Shannon Schur will be the Hall of Fame representative and Eric Arrington, as 2nd Vice President, will represent the CAA. The Foundation has started its fundraising efforts by hosting the BAS designation course October 5-7 at the Westin Hotel in Westminster. If you have not taken the BAS designation course, please contact the NAA to register for this class. I have taken it, and if you conduct any benefit auctions, you will not want to miss it! Stay tuned. Great things are happening at CAF!!

Well, it is long after my due date request of getting articles, advertisers and the like so that I could provide you with an informative, well-enriched newsletter before hitting the road to Georgia for my eldest daughter’s wedding and I am just struggling to find the time to accomplish everything that “I feel/believe” needs to be done prior to leaving. As I am trying to work so diligently at this and push each of the contributors to assist me in this endeavor, it is apparent that this is the time of year that we, as auctioneers, whether full-time or part-time, are extremely busy trying to multitask to get everything accomplished and do it well. So, what does it matter? Our industry is filled with talented individuals that are discovering who they are, what their passion is and how to achieve it successfully without it overtaking their lives. And I’m no different. As I try to continue to grow as a person, a daughter, a mother, a friend and in my career; I am reminded through these relationships of my friends, my children and my family that “I am not just a person or just an auctioneer, but I am someone important in their life and can make a difference just because God created me and has placed me there at that moment and in their lives.” Just as there is 1 moon…there is 1 you! And as Andy Andrews says, “I don’t hope you do great things with your life...I’m expecting it. Because everything you do matters. Every move you make, every action you take, matters not just to you, not just to your family, not just to your friends or your hometown. Everything you do matters to me in Orange Beach, Alabama. Because every move you make, every action you take, is creating the world in which my little boys grow up. I’m expecting great things from you and you should expect great things from me. We’re in this together. We should hold one another accountable. Because everything we do matters and we will make a difference. But the question is… What kind of difference will we make? And you already know the answer… The answer is ‘A Great One’.” ~ Cissy Tabor

Beautiful quilt made by Emily Ford, our honorary CAA member, that was contracted to be made on behalf of the Colorado Auctioneers Association donated to the NAA and auctioned by Dean Gunter at the Fun Auction during the 2015 Conference and Show in Addison, TX! (Emily Ford, Brenda Ford & Dean Gunter) Ruth Ludwig Lind, the proud owner of the donated CAA Quilt to the NAA. Ruth is an avid quilt enthusiast, who specializes in quilting and an auctioneer.




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Partridge Auction Services Walt Partridge Partridge Walt 2005 Colorado Champion Auctioneer Over 15 years experience as a Contract Auctioneer Phone: 303-881-2632 • Fax: 303-840-2058 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 14 thecoloradoauctioneer thecoloradoauctioneer


Great Turn Out For The 2015 Colorado Auctioneers Association Summer Picnic & Championship Horseshoes Contest! YOUR CHAMPION TEAM & RUNNER UP TEAM

FIRST ANNUAL BEAN BAG CHAMPIONS THIRD QUARTER • 2015 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 16 thecoloradoauctioneer thecoloradoauctioneer


Internet Auctions

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19 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 thecoloradoauctioneer thecoloradoauctioneer

Credit Card Fraud Tips (Article provided by TSYS Merchant Solutions)


he auction industry of today has found itself thrust into the Digital Age and the internet. Today, a bidder in Bangor, ME can bid on items from a location in Seattle, WA and they don’t even have to leave their house. The online bidder of today can be an unseen customer that can make an auction company and it’s sellers a lot of money overnight. However, the auction company can lose that money if they don’t protect themselves. Here are some ways to help prevent you from being a victim of fraud. Potential Warning Signs of Card-Not-Present Fraud 1. First-time shopper: Criminals are always looking for new merchants to steal from. 2. Larger-than-normal orders: Because stolen cards or account numbers have a limited life span, criminals need to maximize the size of their purchase. 3. Orders that include several varieties of the same item: Having multiples of the same item increases criminal’s profits. 4. “Rush” or “overnight” shipping: Criminals want their fraudulently obtained items as soon as possible for the quickest possible resale and aren’t concerned about extra delivery charges. 5. Shipping outside of the merchant’s country: There are times when fraudulent transactions are shipped to fraudulent criminals outside of the home country. 6. Inconsistencies: Information in the order details, such as billing and shipping address mismatch, telephone area codes falling near zip codes, email addresses that do not look legitimate, and irregular time of day when the order was placed. 7. Multiple transactions on one card over a very short period of time: Could be an attempt to “run a card” until the account is closed. 8. Shipping to a single address, but transactions placed on multiple cards: Could involve an account number generated using special software, or even a batch of stolen cards. 9. Multiple transactions on one card or a similar card with a single billing address, but multiple shipping addresses: Could represent organized activity, rather than one individual at work. 10. For online transactions, multiple cards used from a single IP (Internet Protocol) address: More than one or two cards could indicate a fraud scheme. 11. Orders from Internet addresses that make use of free e-mail services: These e-mail services involve no billing relationships, and often neither an audit

trail nor verification that a legitimate cardholder has opened the account. Mail order/telephone order and Internet merchants must verify—to the greatest extent possible—the cardholder’s identity and the validity of the transaction. Basic fraud control actions include the tests listed below. Keep in mind, none of these tools should be used exclusively to determine the validity of the customer or to accept or reject an order. They should be used as indicators of risk, and in combination with other fraud detectors. • If participating in the CVV2 service, obtain this threedigit code from the cardholder. The purpose of CVV2 in a card-notpresent transaction is to attempt to verify that the person placing the order has the actual card in his or her possession. Requesting the card verification number during a card-not-present purchase can add a measure of security to the transaction. • Where available, verify the cardholder’s billing address via the AVS. AVS compares numeric address data with information on file from the cardholder’s card issuing bank. AVS return codes are generally available for U.S. cardholders and for a limited number of cardholders in Canada. If the customer’s telephone number is supplied as part of the transaction, use area code or reverse lookup tables to verify the legitimacy and location of the phone number (these are widely available). Similarly, postal address validation services can be used to distinguish legitimate addresses from bogus ones. The shipping address should match with the billing address in most cases. Leverage your own customer history data effectively. If you have had a fraud event associated with a customer, the details of that transaction should be added to internal “negative lists.” Any subsequent order that shares the same characteristics should be considered suspicious.

EMV Technology (Article provided by TSYS Merchant Solutions)


here have been numerous questions regarding how the new EMV technology is going to affect merchants using different methods for accepting credit card transactions. EMV technology refers to the new types of credit cards that are being issued that have a chip inside them that holds the cardholders information.

The liability shift effective October 2015 applies to all merchants accepting Card Present transactions except Automated Fuel Dispenser merchants - the liability shift for AFD merchants is October 2016. If the merchant does not have an EMV enabled swiper/terminal they can still process the transaction by swiping the card. EMV payments can only be done in face-to-face environment so EMV and the liability shift does not apply to eCommerce and MOTO Card Not Present transactions. For Merchants using a mobile application, there are a couple manufacturers that have created EMV readers for mobile devices and these devices now have to be tested and certified with processors for the specific mobile applications these EMV readers are intended to work with. This testing and certification is in progress but there are not currently any EMV readers for mobile devices certified and available on TMS mobile solutions currently. Merchants using POS software and a Magtek reader, will need to have updated POS software that supports EMV payment acceptance. The POS software vendor will need to make these updates and then certify their POS software with the processors for the EMV compatible peripherals they are certifying with their POS software for EMV payment acceptance. TMS is working on an EMV application for the Ingenico iWL255 wireless terminal. We are planning to have this available yet this year - the goal is to have it available before October. If you have any questions, please call or email Chris Shanahan at 402-574-7016 or

NAA Memories Kevin Mitchell, Butch Hagelstrom & Bryce Elemond hanging out at conference and show.

Emily & Brent Wears....“Her Biggest Fan”

Josh Larson & Jason Miller (2014 Men’s IAC Champion) after Josh’s 1st time competing at NAA. Reno Babcock w/ other NAA attendees heading to go watch “Asleep At The Wheel” in concert to kick off the conference & show. THIRD QUARTER • 2015 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 20 thecoloradoauctioneer thecoloradoauctioneer


CONVENTION REGISTRATION FORM Please complete a separate form for each person attending. NAME __________________________________________________Designations_______________________________ COMPANY ________________________________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________________ CITY _________________________ STATE_____ ZIP___________EMAIL ______________________________________ PHONE (home/work) __________________________ (cell) ________________________________________________ SPOUSE’S NAME (if attending) ________________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION FEES - January 1 - 3, 2016


ACTIVE, ASSOCIATE, & HOF MEMBERS (includes all provided meals*) after 12/20/2015 $220.00/ea ____________ ~ discounted price for registration received by 12/20/2015 $200.00/ea ____________ Non-Members (includes all provided meals*) $265.00/ea ____________ Guest or Spouse - 1 per paid member (includes all provided meals*) or (not including meals) Auction Staff—Friday Registration (does not include meals) Additional Meal Tickets: Fri:

Dinner Sat:



$150.00/ea ____________ $ 65.00/ea ____________ Complimentary _____-0-_____


H.O.F. Lunch

$ 30.00/ea ____________

Champion Auctioneer Contest—Sat. (include Champion Auctioneer Contest Registration Form)

$100.00/ea ____________

2016 Active Member dues which include posting auctions on CAA website

$100.00/ea ____________

2016 Associate Member dues (if not previously paid)

$ 35.00/ea ____________

(if not previously paid)

Qualified Discount: (please list) _____________________________________ * provided meals include Friday dinner, Saturday lunch and dinner

(___________) TOTAL

$ _____________

PAYMENT METHOD Amount $_____________

Check # ________________

Credit Card: ____ MC _____ VISA _____ Discover _____ AMEX

Credit Card # ___________________________________________ Exp Date (mm/yyyy) _______________ CSV _______ Cardholder Name (please print) _________________________________________________________________________ Card Billing Address: (include zip code) ___________________________________________________________________ Billing address is same as registration address _____ YES _____ NO Please make your hotel reservations before 12/01/2015 to get the CAA standard room rate of $85 ~ reference: Colorado Auctioneers Assoc. Convention ~ Contact the Westin Hotel at 303-410-5000 or toll free 888-627-8448 Additional information The convention begins Friday, January 1, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. for registration, first seminar starts at 1:00 p.m. Early registration is encouraged for quick pickup of conference materials and your own convenience. Please type or carefully print the information requested exactly as it should appear on all conference materials and directory. Send completed registration form and fees payable to: Colorado Auctioneers Association 1685 South Colorado Blvd., Unit S #160, Denver, CO 80222 ~ or email to Fees cover convention functions and do not include hotel accommodations. Hotel Reservations: Westin Hotel ~ 10600 Westminster Blvd., Westminster, CO 80020 ~ 303-410-5000 or toll free 888-627-8448 ~ or on the web at ~ reference: CAA2016 Convention For additional information contact CAA at or by phone 303-729-1195 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 thecoloradoauctioneer Rev 9/14/2015



Colorado Auctioneers Association Scholarship Award Eligibility Requirements 2015

he Colorado Auctioneers Association (CAA) will award scholarships in 2016. The object of these scholarships is to assist the recipients in getting a post secondary education. One of the scholarships may go to a graduation senior who is entering a vocational or technical school. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 1. Applicant must have a parent or grandparent who is a current member or associate member in good standing of the CAA. BASIS OF SELECTION The following criteria will be used to select the scholarship recipients: • Autobiography (see instructions below) • School grades and rank in class • Test scores (ACT or SA) • Recommendations (see instructions below) • Extracurricular activities (community service and involvement, work, etc.) • Presentation of application AWARD The scholarship committee will award a minimum of one scholarship per year. More than one scholarship may be awarded by the committee depending on the number of applicants and the finances available from the CAA Scholarship Program. All awards will be based on the strength of the applicant and his/her application. APPLICATION PROCEDURE A bound portfolio (not a fax copy) must be received at the CAA mailing address on or before December 15, 2015 and must include all the following items – in the order they are listed below: • Cover sheet (as attached) • Official school transcript or if a transcript is not available, include grade information of at least seven semesters and your rank in your class. (Must be signed by a school official). • SAT and/or ACT scores (give an explanation if these are not available) • A complete list of school activities and extracurricular activities • A recommendation from a teacher • A recommendation from a person in your community (not a relative) • A recommendation from a CAA member (not a parent) • Autobiography, 500-word limit – Use this essay to describe yourself, your plans, goals and your dreams. NOTIFICATION The winners will be notified by mail, email or telephone and will be required to show proof of registration at their selected college or school. The recipient of the award is responsible for having the verification sent to CAA. When CAA receives this verification from the college or school registrar, the check will be sent directly to the school. RESTRICTIONS The award may be used for: • Room and Board (while in regular attendance and in good standing in school) • Tuition • Textbooks and school supplies The award must be used during a full continuous academic year, beginning any time during the school year immediately following the award. If a student drops out of school or is unable to continue (except for health reasons), no further payment for any purpose shall be made. If you have any questions please contact: Scholarship Committee Chairman, Butch Hagelstrom, @ 303-827-5157. Send your application and accompanying documents to: Butch Hagelstrom, Buckhorn Auction Services, P. O. Box 306, Fort Lupton, CO 806213 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 thecoloradoauctioneer


(Scholarship Form on next page)


Colorado Auctioneers Association Scholarship Form Application Cover Sheet

Of Visitors

NAME:__________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________________________


CITY, STATE, ZIP:_________________________________________________________________________ PHONE:___________________________ EMAIL:_______________________________________________ NAME OF SCHOOL YOU ARE PRESENTLY ATTENDING:________________________________________ BIRTH DATE:______________________ BIRTH PLACE:________________________ SEX:_____________ NAME OF PARENT(S) OR FAMILY MEMBER IN CAA:___________________________________________










1.______________________________________ 2._________________________________________ 3.______________________________________ 4._________________________________________ 5.______________________________________ 6._________________________________________



D E .C




AS $1











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Colorado Auctioneers Association, Inc. 1685 S. Colorado Blvd., Unit S-160 Denver, CO 80222 • 303-729-1195

CALENDAR October 5-7, 2015

BAS Class (Benefit Auction Specialist) Denver, CO

October 7, 2015

NAA iSeries - Get the Most Out of Your Facebook Marketing - Register online

October 15, 2015

Foundation Scholarship Deadline for 2015 NAA Designation Academy Las Vegas, NV

December 6-12, 2015

NAA Designation Academy Las Vegas, NV

December 10-11, 2015

Real Estate Summit Las Vegas, NV

January 1-3, 2016

2016 CAA Annual Convention Westminister, CO

10 THIRD QUARTER • 2015 thecoloradoauctioneer

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