Winter Commencement 2022

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149th academic year

WIN T ER COM M EN C EM E N T Sunday, December 18, 2022 1 p.m. Shove Chapel Colorado Springs, Colorado

THE COLORADO COLLEGE WINTER COMMENCEMENT Sunday, December 18, 2022 | 1 p.m. Presiding: L. Song Richardson, President of the College

PRELUDE* “The Peace May Be Exchanged (from Rubrics)”

Dan Locklair (b. 1949)

P R O C E S S I O N A L*


Edward Elgar (1857-1934)

A M E R I C A , T H E B E A U T I F U L (selected stanzas) * “O Beautiful for Spacious Skies” (1893) Samuel A. Ward (1847-1903); Words by Katharine Lee Bates (1859-1929) Performed by Members of Room 46

I N VO C AT I O N * Kate Holbrook, Chaplain

WELCOME L. Song Richardson, President of the College

COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Nadia Guessous, Associate Professor and Associate Director of Feminist and Gender Studies Meditations on Time, Memory, and Interconnectedness

CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE Presented by Emily Chan, Dean of the Faculty Conferred by L. Song Richardson, President of the College

“O Colorado College Fair”

C O L O R A D O C O L L E G E A L M A M AT E R * Words and music by Charles Hawley ’54 and Professors Earl Juhas and Albert Seay Performed by Members of Room 46

BENEDICTION* Kate Holbrook, Chaplain

R E C E S S I O N A L* “Marche Triomphale”

Sigfrid Karg-Elert (1877-1933)

*ATTENDEES STANDING Degree recipients and guests are requested to remain in their places until the conclusion of the ceremony.


BACHELOR of ARTS Lars Daniels Baker, Denver, Colorado, Economics

Al S. Lo, Lakewood, Colorado, Anthropology, Theatre

Sunderland Kyle Baker, Thornton, Colorado, Independently Designed Major

Alek Liam Malone, Hinsdale, Illinois, Molecular Biology

Marco Barracchia, Trani, Italy, Anthropology

Connor F. McMaster, Denver, Colorado, Economics

Brandon Chavin Chan, Happy Valley, Hong Kong, Environmental Science

Ella Neurohr, Chicago, Illinois, Computer Science

Andrew Choy, Johns Creek, Georgia, Business, Economics, & Society

Moises Padilla, Richmond, California, Computer Science

Jordan Rae Darrow, Pacific Palisades, California, Political Science

AiLi Helene Pigott, Foushan, People’s Republic of China, Environmental Science

Rakesh DaSilva, Albany, California, Physics, Computer Science

Skye Qiu, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, People’s Republic of China, Mathematics

Eden Eaves, Lakeway, Texas, Molecular Biology

Kira E. Ratcliffe, Garrett Park, Maryland, Geology

Josmary Fernandez, Newark, New Jersey, Spanish

Parker Rehmus, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Geology

Livia Ginchereau, Cape Neddick, Maine, Environmental Studies

Mary Lelia Rudolph, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Organismal Biology and Ecology

Ziyi Guo, Chongqing, People’s Republic of China, Political Science

Hannah Pauline Scott, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Sociology

Charles Henry Hall, Westbrook, Connecticut, Political Science

Manuel Alexis Uribe Magana, Littleton, Colorado, Romance Languages

James Patrick Hanafee, Mount Prospect, Illinois, Political Science, Economics

Kevin Wang, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, International Political Econ, Classics

Conrad Hanley Hedinger, Kalispell, Montana, Philosophy

Nate N. Warrachart, Rhinebeck, New York, Economics

Elizabeth Carolyn Ho, Centennial, Colorado, Neuroscience

Kendall Weiskopf, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Film and Media Studies

Meaghan Marie Hohman, Orinda, California, Political Science

Nathaniel P. Wolfgang, Saunderstown, Rhode Island, Neuroscience

Soleil Chantelle Kerfoot, West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Neuroscience

Nora Catherine Rocks Wynn, Skillman, New Jersey, Geology

Augustine Sungki Kim, Denver, Colorado, Business, Economics, & Society

Anni Zettl, Stockach, BAD, Germany, Physics, Mathematics

Rowan Aengus Kinney, Aztec, New Mexico, Chemistry



(“O Beautiful for Spacious Skies”) Music written by Samuel A. Ward (1847–1903) Words written by Katharine Lee Bates (1859–1929) Selected stanzas O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the fruited plain. America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea.

O beautiful for pilgrim feet Whose stern impassioned stress A thoroughfare for freedom beat Across the wilderness. America! America! God mend thine every flaw, Confirm thy soul in self-control, Thy liberty in law.

In 1893, Katharine Lee Bates was a visiting professor of English literature in Colorado College’s Summer Session. Bates and a group of faculty members traveled by prairie wagon and mules to the summit of Pikes Peak. There, inspired by the magnificent panorama, the poet conceived the initial verses of “America, the Beautiful.” It was published in 1895 to national acclaim.


(“O Colorado College Fair”) Words and music written in 1953 by Charles Hawley ’54 and Professors Earl Juhas and Albert Seay O Colorado College fair, We sing our praise to you; Eternal as the Rockies, that form our western view; Your loyal sons and daughters will always grateful be; The college dear to all our hearts is our C.C.

O Colorado College fair, Long may your fame be known; May fortune smile upon you, and honor be your own; Our Alma Mater always, Your loyal children we; Together let us face the future, Hail C.C.

Audience: Please join us in singing.

S ENI O R C L ASS MOT TO “Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.” — Audre Lorde S ENI O R C L A SS G I F T Colorado College Mental Health Promotion Fund: To support mental health promotion and suicide prevention efforts on campus. This fund may be used for, but is not limited to, investing in all members (i.e., faculty, staff, and students) of the campus community with mental health training (i.e., identifying the signs and symptoms of mental health challenges or illness and how to respond), as well as bringing speakers or programs to campus that address mental health. L A ND AC K N OW L E D GE ME NT We acknowledge that Colorado College is located within the unceded territory of the Ute Peoples. Other tribes who historically use, and continue to use, the land also include the Apache, Arapaho, Comanche, and Cheyenne. We ask you to honor the ancestors of our various peoples, nations, tribes, and families whose struggles for justice on this land inspire us. IM P O R T A N T I N F O RMA T IO N Photography: A professional photographer will be taking photos of each graduate. Photos will be available for purchase at approximately two weeks after the event. Visitors consent to appear in documentation and media and its future use by Colorado College. Livestream: Winter Commencement will be live-streamed at starting at 1 p.m., Mountain Time, on Sunday, Dec. 18. Share your photos and tweets: #CCWinterGrad2022

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