City focuses investments on low tree-canopy neighborhoods
When Denver resident Jenn Greiving moved from Platt Park to Overland in 2018, the di erence in greenspace and foliage was immediately noticeable. Even now as she looks out the window of her home in southeast Overland, she doesn’t see many trees.
just not a lot of tree canopy,” Grieving added. Denver’s urban tree canopy is inconsistent across the city, providing lots of tree cover and shade in some neighborhoods like Washington Park and City Park, but leaving adjacent neighborhoods like Overland and Five Points with low tree canopy and thus hotter daily temperatures. In areas with less tree cover, residents can also experience worse air quality, lower mental health, poorer health outcomes
While standards for quantifying high versus low tree canopy areas can vary, the city of Denver aims for a minimum 15% tree cover, said Mike Swanson, city forester.
According to the most recent measurements from 2020, some central Denver neighborhoods have high canopy percentages, with Capitol Hill at about 20%, Cheesman Park at 30%, and Country Club with the highest of any Denver neighborhood at 37%.
Colorado Schools to receive $11.4 million for youth vaping prevention
Colorado schools are poised to receive $11.4 million to combat the youth vaping crisis. e funding comes from a settlement between the state attorney general’s o ce and e-cigarette manufacturer Juul Labs, Inc.
“Colorado has a youth mental health crisis that has fueled a vaping epidemic,” said Attorney General Phil Wieser in a press release. “ ese funds will support solutions and preventive measures that will help our children to make informed and better decisions about their health and wellbeing.”
e deal ends a lawsuit Weiser’s o ce led against Juul in 2020 for targeting young people in its marketing and misleading them about the health dangers of using its products. Juul settled with Colorado, along with several other states that joined the e ort, in 2023 for $462 million. Colorado’s share was $31.7 million. e Colorado Department of Law and the Colorado Department of Education will disburse $3.8 million annually to local K-12 education providers beginning next school year and ending in 2027. Weiser said his o ce is excited about the partnership and for the opportunity to ensure all Colorado schools can access and invest these funds.
“ e new Vaping Education Prevention Grant provides much-needed resources for our school districts and boards of cooperative educational services to support students in learning about making healthy and responsible choices,” said Colorado Education Commissioner Susana Córdova.
Serving the community since 1926 VOLUME 97 | ISSUE 19 WEEK OF APRIL 11, 2024 $2
The Park People plant a tree during a previous year. The nonprofit has resources to help Denver residents successfully plant and maintain trees on their property, including written guides and free tree planting and care workshops. COURTESY OF THE PARK PEOPLE
FOR SLAINTE! Denver’s Irish pubs worth a shot P10
But nearby neighborhoods like LoDo have as little as 3%, and Auraria at 7%.
e same measurements from 2020 show that some south Denver neighborhoods have generally high canopy percentages, with University Park at about 30%, Washington Park at 27% and Belcaro at 31%.
However, nearby neighborhoods like Baker and Overland have as little as 8%.
While total canopy is important to measure, the resilience, age and condition of existing trees is also necessary when considering the quality of an area’s tree canopy. Planting trees that are appropriate for the available space and the regional climate can a ect whether trees will grow to maturity and provide shade to the neighborhood, Swanson added.
“Some neighborhoods have a lot of canopy, but the makeup of the canopy is not sustainable,” Swanson said.
Disparities in tree canopy lead to ecological di erences between neighborhoods, like fewer pollinators, higher likelihood of ooding and less biodiversity, but it also has socioeconomic impacts, said Kim YuanFarrell, executive director of e Park People. People tend to spend more time and money in business districts lined with trees, have faster recovery times from illness when they have views of green spaces and get more daily physical exercise.
“Trees are also such a powerful point of community building and community engagement,” Yuan-Farrell added. “When people mobilize around planting activities, it builds social fabric. And in an age when we’re on our screens more and more disconnected, that is a powerful thing.” Di erences in tree canopy also derive from socioeconomic factors. Historically, neighborhoods with lower tree cover received less investment into green infrastructure like parks. at coincided with residents in those areas also experiencing higher pov-
erty rates from decades of disinvestment and racist policies, when banks in the 20th century refused to give loans to residents in lower-income areas or ethnic enclaves.
Areas with lower tree cover and greenspace tend to also have lower property values, leaving residents vulnerable to urban renewal displace-
“ ere’s been a pattern of folks who don’t have much political clout, much power, being relegated to those areas of town that also don’t see much investment,” Yuan-Farrell said. “Some of those have been very deliberate policies and practices like redlining and others have been market forces. It’s a layered and complicated history.”
In Overland’s case, areas of the neighborhood with lower tree cover are industrial and highly developed, said Greiving, who currently serves as president of the Overland Neighborhood Association. She notes that one of those areas, northeast of Evans Avenue and Santa Fe Drive, was previously occupied by the Shattuck Chemical Company, which was declared an Environmental Protection Agency Superfund site in 1983.
ere’s been a lot of remediation, obviously, but not a lot of remedial tree planting,” Greiving said. “Now you have a lot of apartment develop-
ment and mixed apartments and retail. at corner of Overland is pretty warm.”
But sometimes planting more trees isn’t feasible because of existing development. In Auraria, for example, the college campus, sports arenas and parking lots create challenges to planting trees.
ese are long term discussions and paradigm shifts of what Denver residents and what Denver politicians and leaders truly want out of the city,” Swanson added.
Closing the gap
City departments like the O ce of the City Forester, nonpro ts like e Park People and local organizations like neighborhood associations are all taking steps to address the disparity in tree canopy across the city.
e City Forester is in the process of creating and releasing an Urban Forest Strategic Plan that will set goals for the city to increase and improve tree canopy, to engage in community involvement, education and outreach e orts, and to evaluate and incorporate best management practices into Denver forestry, Swanson said.
e city forester, in conjunction with the Denver O ce of Climate Action, Sustainability & Resiliency, received a federal grant to bolster education efforts and encourage residents to plant trees on their private property. Part of the grant will also go towards helping residents in underserved neighborhoods maintain existing trees and remove hazardous trees as part of its Forestry Neighborhood Enhancement Program.
E orts like this help reimagine what an urban forest can look like in a place like Denver, where the climate can be challenging for trees, Swanson said.
“You’re basically renewing Denver’s urban forest that started back in 1880 or 1890,” Swanson said. “ is is a huge responsibility as a resident and as city forester. I truly believe it’s everybody’s responsibility to help out each other.”
Grieving often hears from residents in the neighborhood association about challenges they run into if they want to plant a tree, like cost, not knowing how to maintain their trees or what the requirements are for planting trees, or not having time to apply for a tree permit.
“Sometimes that can be a little intimidating for neighbors, or it slips to the bottom of their to-do list,” she added.
e city could help make the process easier by requiring new developments to have more trees and green space, distributing more information about tree maintenance and incentivizing planting trees on private property through discounted water bills, Greiving suggested.
April 11, 2024 2 Denver Herald RECAPTHE2024POST LEGISLATIVESESSION May15,2024|6p.m. UniversityofDenver PresentedbyAponte&Busam ScantheQRCode,orvisit! St. Martin’s Chamber Choir is joined by the Denver Young Artists Orchestra and the Columbine High School Choir for this poignant performance marking 25 years since the Columbine tragedy. A combination of choral and orchestral works serve as a remembrance, including the commissioning of a new work for the occasion by Colorado composer Leigha Amick. SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 7:30 PM Columbine High School, Littleton Tickets available at: Join St. Martin’s Chamber Choir for COLUMBINE MEMORIAL A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Columbine High School. Tickets must be purchased in advance. 25-YEAR REMEMBRANCE WITH DYAO & THE COLUMBINE HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR
The Park People and local organizations like neighborhood associations are all taking steps to address the disparity in tree canopy across the city. COURTESY OF THE PARK PEOPLE
Celebrating Earth Day and Arbor Day with tree plantings
Earth Day, on April 22, and Arbor Day, on April 24, usher in several tree planting opportunities for Denver residents.
e Park People’s Denver Digs Trees distribution event is on April 20 at Sloan’s Lake Park and the City Park Greenhouse. During the event, those who applied for a tree in the fall will receive a discounted tree sapling, and help transporting and planting the tree on their property if they need it. On the same day, e Park People o er an Earth Day tree sale, where fruiting, ornamental and shade trees are available for anyone to purchase. Interested parties can apply to be a volunteer at either event. Overland Neighborhood Association’s an-
nual seed giveaway is also on April 20, and its plant giveaway is on May 18, both hosted at e Table Public House.
e Park People also have resources to help residents successfully plant and maintain trees on their property, including written guides and free tree planting and care workshops. Participating in a workshop can help residents correct any misconceptions about planting trees on their private property, like the worry that it will require a lot of water or that trees aren’t good for a dry landscape like Denver.
“People raise the really valid question of, ‘Denver wasn’t originally densely forested, like some parts of the country back east, and so should we be planting trees?’” Yuan-Farrell said. “ e answer there is de nitely yes. Our built environment, our city, isn’t natural in that same way, but trees provide a really important way to balance our built environment of our urban communities here.”
Here’s How I See the NAR Settlement Affecting Buyers, Sellers and Their Agents
Two weeks ago I focused on how the media has covered the settlement between the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and sellers regarding the payment of buyer agent commissions. At the end of that article I directed readers to my blog to read my further thoughts about how the settlement would affect buyers, sellers and their agents.
Since not all readers visited that website (or it might have crashed), I’ll share those insights in this week’s column.
Estate Commission (CREC) will tweak the Exclusive Right to Sell (listing) contract to remove the offer of co-op compensation from Sec. 7.1.1. Instead of entering, for example, 5% to 6% as the commission, the contract will likely show 2.5% to 3% as the commission.
Note: This column was published last Thursday in the Denver Post but not in the weekly newspapers.
I’m convinced that sellers will still want to offer some amount of compensation to buyers’ agents as an incentive to show their homes. Because co-op commissions will no longer be published in the MLS, listing agents will come up with off-MLS ways of providing that information. Failing that, they should expect buyers’ agents to call them before an offer is submitted to find out what compensation, if any, can be inserted in the purchase contract.
Buyers’ agents who didn’t get their buyer to agree to pay them a commission can be expected to call listing agents about compensation before they even show the listing. If more than one agent asks the listing agent that question and then fails to set a showing, the listing agent might get his seller to offer a coop commission.
Note: Although co-op compensation will not appear on the MLS, listing agents (like Golden Real Estate’s) who create a website for each listing can mention co-op compensation there, and ads (like the one below) can include that information too, drawing buyers to show your listing over other listings.
Here are some practical changes that can be expected. First, the Colorado Real
If the seller agrees to the idea of incentivizing buyers’ agents, it could be expressed in a newly created section of the listing agreement or under Additional Provisions like this: “If a buyer’s agent requests compensation, Broker is authorized to offer x% commission to be paid by Seller at closing.”
Beware, however: Not offering the exact same commission to every inquiring agent could constitute a Fair Housing violation. It would be better to publish that amount, such as on a listing flyer and/or listing website.
I have always advocated for buyers to have professional representation, so I welcome the settlement’s requirement to have a signed buyer agency agreement before showing listings This can be a 1day or 1-week agreement, to allow the buyer time to decide if he/she wants a formal exclusive relationship with that agent. However, buyers will likely be reluctant to sign anything just to see a home, so they will likely call listing agents instead.
When a listing agent shows his or her own listing, the buyer isn’t required to sign anything, although the listing agent is required to present the buyer with a “Brokerage Disclosure to Buyer” that he/ she represents the seller and that the buyer is a “customer.” (Buyer can decline to sign that disclosure.)
Are listing agents prepared for that onslaught? Listing agents who are used to putting a listing in the MLS and wait-
it’s huge! The location is terrific, near the mountains, and close to Westwoods golf course. Find more details and video tour at OPEN HOUSE April 13th, 11-3.
ing for other agents to sell it won’t like buyers asking for showings — especially once they aren’t able to get sellers to sign a 5% to 6% listing agreement.
The rules will disproportionately hurt buyers who can barely afford a downpayment, unless lenders allow a buyer commission to be included in the loan amount, and those buyers won’t be able to come up with thousands in cash to pay their agents. Those buyers will surely go to listing agents directly.
Meanwhile, listing agents are used to their paycheck doubling when they don’t have to share their 5 to 6 percent commission with a buyer’s agent. That’s going to go away unless listing agents convince their sellers to put a provision in their contract that if no commission is owed to a buyer’s agent, then the listing commission is increased by x%.
The CREC’s Exclusive Right to Buy contract has long had a section which says the buyer’s broker will request payment from the seller but, failing that, buyer agrees to pay a stated fee for representation. Here’s how those sections of the buyer agency contract read:
Buyers can be expected to resist almost any percentage, since they have never paid a commission in the past. Because of this, more buyers can be expected to call listing agents to see homes instead of hiring a buyer’s agent, although I’ll continue to advocate for buyers to hire an agent to represent them.
Justifying the listing commission will be an easier sell, but only if the listing agent offers the kind of value we do at Golden Real Estate. It will be a harder sell for listing agents who provide minimal value to their sellers.
Here’s a partial list of the value Golden Real Estate agents provide to our sellers:
A free staging consultation
Free use of our box truck, free moving boxes, and free packing materials, including bubble wrap
Magazine quality still photos, HD narrated video tour, and aerial photos and video
Custom websites for each listing and custom URLs (e.g.,
These will become the default sections in the buyer agency contract. Agents working with a buyer will seek to insert 2.5% to 3% in their buyer agency agreement in case a seller doesn’t agree to that much (or any) compensation for the buyer’s agent. Percentages like that will be a hard sell, because the buyer would be on the hook for the difference between what the seller pays (if anything) and what’s in their buyer agency agreement.
Advertising your home next to this real estate column in the Denver Post and 23 weekly newspapers
Discount on the listing commission when we don’t have to pay a buyer’s agent and/or when we earn a commission selling you a replacement home.
The NAR settlement still allows the MLS to include an offer of monetary concessions for buyers, such as paying for buyers’ closing costs, or paying for an interest rate buydown on buyer’s loan.
Denver Herald 3 April 11, 2024
Jim Smith Broker/Owner, 303-525-1851 1214 Washington Ave., Golden 80401 Broker Associates: JIM SWANSON, 303-929-2727 CHUCK BROWN, 303-885-7855 DAVID DLUGASCH, 303-908-4835 GREG KRAFT, 720-353-1922 AUSTIN POTTORFF, 970-281-9071 KATHY JONKE, 303-990-7428 “Concentrate on giving and the getting will take care of itself.” —Anonymous Arvada Home Just Listed by David Dlugasch This property at 6512 Nile Circle is in the desirable Meadows at Westwoods Ranch subdivision and is one of the best lots in the neighborhood, backing to open space. There is new carpeting in the living room with a large bay window. The kitchen has quartz countertops, an island and stainless steel appliances. The family room, right off the kitchen, has a gas fireplace, skylights, and doors leading out to a large, covered deck, which looks out to the backyard and open space. There is a bedroom on the
floor which can be used as an office, and a 3/4 bathroom. The upstairs boasts a large primary bedroom
a laundry chute, an ensuite bathroom with a built-in vanity table, and a walk-in
of the upstairs guest
has a walk-in closet. The
has a double closet. The upstairs full bathroom has a tiled bathtub/shower. The loft overlooks the family room and has large windows letting in lots of natural light. The basement has a large
with lots of light,
closet. One
play/family area with a
nook area. Another great feature is the
A lone tree grows near South Broadway and Mississippi Avenue. The Overland neighborhood only has 8.5% tree cover, which is below average for Denver.
State lets some migrant students skip tests
Colorado Department of Education issues guidance
Some students who are new to the U.S. and enrolled in Colorado schools after the o cial October count will not have to take any standardized tests this spring.
at’s according to new guidance issued recently by the Colorado Department of Education.
e department changed the guidance as school districts are seeing unprecedented numbers of new students who are new to the country. Teachers have described various challenges they’ve faced trying to educate migrant students, and the
According to a press release from the Colorado Attorney General’s ofce, schools receiving the grant must incorporate all or some of the following criteria:
• Address the youth vaping crisis through education, prevention, and treatment
• Provide professional development opportunities for school sta
• Increase family and community involvement in promoting healthy lifestyles and choices for students
• Include activities and program-
students are unlikely to do well on standardized state tests given in English. As of February, the Denver, Aurora, Cherry Creek, Greeley, Adams 12, Je co, and Mapleton districts told Chalkbeat they had enrolled more than 5,600 newcomer students after October count.
Denver Public School leaders told their school board this week that in their case, the majority of students new to the country will fall into that category to be exempt from testing. Colorado students who are identied as new to the country and have no or limited pro ciency in English already are exempt from taking standardized English reading and writing tests for at least their rst year of school. Before the new guidance, they were expected to take standardized math and science tests with accommodations.
ming that incorporate youth voices and are culturally responsive.
• Adopt or enhance comprehensive vaping and drug prevention policies that include ENDS and move towards student-centered alternatives to suspension approaches.
Colorado teen vaping rates
According to the 2021 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey, the latest year data is available, 16% of Colorado youth report using a vape daily. is percentage signi cantly decreased from 2019, when 26% of Colorado youth reported daily vaping. e portion of youth who said they’d ever vaped decreased from 46% in 2019 to 30% in 2021.
is spring, if students are new to the country, have no or little English uency, enrolled after October count, and had limited or interrupted schooling before arriving, they can also skip the math and science tests.
Limited or interrupted schooling includes not attending school for six consecutive school calendar months prior to Colorado enrollment or having two or more years of missed schooling compared to similarly aged students in the U.S. Students who had limited school options in their home country because of war, civil unrest, or needing to travel a long distance to an available school could also qualify for that designation.
Students who have not had interrupted schooling will still be expected to take math and science tests with accommodations. eir partici-
Despite some positive downward trends in youth vaping, the percentage of youth who tried vaping before the age of 13 rose from 13% in 2019 to 22% in 2021 and the percentage of students who use vape products because they are avored increased to 23%.
e Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment conducts the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey in the Fall of odd-numbered years. e 2023 Healthy Kids Colorado Survey results will be available this summer.
“Youth vaping is a concerning issue,” said Chelsea Andrews, CDPHE’s tobacco communications specialist. “CDPHE is actively supporting com-
pation will count toward overall participation rates, but their scores will not be factored into school ratings for state or federal accountability systems.
Colorado tests students in third through 11th grades. CMAS English and math tests are given to students in third through eighth grade. Science tests are only given to students in fth, eighth, and 11th grades. In high school, students take the PSAT in ninth and tenth grades, and the SAT in 11th grade.
Families can always opt students out of tests.
In Colorado, this year’s spring testing window begins April 8, after most districts come back from spring break.
Chalkbeat is a nonpro t news site covering educational change in public schools.
munities in their e orts to limit children’s and youth’s exposure to tobacco advertising and access to tobacco through its State Tobacco Education and Prevention Partnership grant program.”
Andrews said the department encourages parents and trusted adults to discuss vaping with young people. More information about how to start these conversations is available at
In addition, Andrews said that young people between ages 12 and 17 can access free, con dential support to quit smoking or vaping by texting “Start My Quit” to 36072 or visiting for more information.
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Dresses made of paper to hit the runway
The 2024 Denver Paper Fashion Show takes place
April 18
Mark Hollenbeck, an art teacher at Lutheran High School in Parker, has a lot to look forward to when the curtain rises April 18 on the 18th annual Paper Fashion Show at e Sports Castle in Denver.
After all, he’ll coach the same team members that took second place at last year’s show. Also, Hollenbeck has two other groups competing this year.
“I try to give them as much freedom as I can to do their designs,” said Hollenbeck, a 30-year veteran of Lutheran who has helped to guide the creation of numerous dresses. “ en we talk through how realistic it is to make these out of paper. I encourage them to make 10 to 12 designs.”
ere will be about 35 designs hitting the runway this year. e participants use paper donated by Neenah Paper and CTI Paper USA, with coordination by Kelly Spicers Paper.
A panel of Denver-area designers, artists and creative workers will judge the show. Fashions are made almost entirely from paper – no more than 90% in each case. e other 10% is glue, staples, yarn –anything to tie it all together.
“I always had an interest for fashion,” said Gianna Tarka, who is in her second year of medical school but still makes the time to help
create show designs for this event. “I’ve sewn Barbie clothes. I started designing through the high school in 2015.”
is year’s show theme is “Cabaret,” and Tarka and her partner wanted to choose a fruit-oriented sub-theme that would stand out. ey picked pomegranates.
“So we’re concentrating on the gem-like qualities of the fruit and the bold red shades of the color,” she said.
Tarka enjoys the camaraderie and party atmosphere of the show. And if a dress gets torn at an inconvenient time or place in the show?
“Everybody really helps each other,” said Tarka, who has participated in this event since 2015, with a few exceptions.
Some of the graduated students who have participated in the show have wound up in the business world and in professions as art directors, new media personnel, print designers, writers, illustrators, photographers, videographers, animators, educators and more.
“It’s the largest paper fashion show in the United States,” said Jennifer Lester of Philosophy Communications in Denver, an event backer. “We sell out, attract more than 1,000 people. It brings in great people from the community and di erent generations to work for something that night.”
What should a seriously creative person know before they plunge into the crowded world of design?
“First knowing that failure is OK and something you can recover from,” said Tarka, whose sister also has participated in the show. “Next, I’d say your techniques are going to change every single year. I don’t
think I’ve done the same techniques, even between years. Give yourself grace. It’s a bit of a learning process.”
“It’s a very inclusive community, so there’s a lot of transgender people,” said Lisa E ress, president of the One Club for Creativity Denver. “ e drag community has been a big part of the show for many years.”
Twenty percent of the proceeds will go to Downtown Aurora Visual Arts, which provides art education and after-school arts programs for urban youths. e event has raised more than $66,000 for DAVA since it started in 2004.
e ONE Club for Creativity Denver, a 501(c)3 organization, also is a bene ciary. It produces workshops, competitions and industry events to help future generations in advertising and design professionals.
Tickets cost $35 for general admission, and from $105 to $135 for VIP. To purchase tickets, visit or EventBrite. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., with a cocktail hour from 6 to 7 p.m. e show starts at 7:30 p.m.
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Model Rebekah Mansfield on the 2023 Denver Paper Fashion Show runway with Lutheran High School’s design titled Pétale d’Amour. The designers, Caley Kenney, Stella Bertsch and Sonja Thoresenwon second place for this design last year. This year’s event on April 18 boasts about 35 designs, all made out of paper. PHOTO BY BLU HARTKOPP
Aims Greeley plans student health center
Aims Community College campus in Greeley will get a new Student Health Wellness Center, scheduled to open August 2026.
e campus will work with Sunrise Community Health to operate the center. Sunrise is a non-pro t healthcare provider serving northern Colorado with 11 clinic sites in Greeley, Evans and Loveland.
“ is is a perfect example of how Aims and community partners can work together to meet a considerable need among students,” Dr. Leah L. Bornstein, CEO and president of Aims Community College said in a March 18 news release. “We’re fortunate to have an experienced organization like Sunrise poised to step in.”
At their March 2024 meeting, the Aims Board of Trustees approved $18.4 million in funding to build the health center. e board also approved Sunrise Community Health partnering with the Aims facility to provide students with a ordable, quality health care. Sunrise has provided a ordable health care in Northern Colorado since 1973.
“By investing in student healthcare access, we are investing in student success. Ensuring Aims provides a safe and supportive environment where students can thrive ties directly to our mission as a college,” said Heidi Windell, treasurer of the Aims Board of Trustees.
“We’re constantly looking for ways to serve students better and ensure that we’re supporting their success,” Pakowski said.
dent government town hall, 83% of attendees said they would use a free or low-cost health center on campus.
In addition, they will provide dental services. Aims will provide mental health counseling, case management services, and group meeting spaces for group therapy, recovery meetings, and more.
Larry Pakowski, Aims Vice President of Student Engagement, Inclusion, and Success, said the school needs on-campus healthcare.
According to o cials, Sunrise Community Health will provide general primary care, diagnostic lab and radiology, health screenings, immunizations, gynecological care, and family planning.
Pakowski said the college has long wanted to provide students with healthier physical and mental healthcare services.
“ e hope is that they would be able to address conditions that a primary care physician might treat, but also to bridge that connection to mental health. e ease of access to the campus is also a plus for students who want to access services before or after class,” he said.
Pakowski said survey feedback the school received demonstrated a need for more healthcare options for Aims students. At a recent stu-
According to another survey the college performed, 31% of Aims students receive Medicaid or other government assistance, 12% of students do not have insurance, and 5% of students are unsure of their health insurance status.
“Establishing the new Student Health and Wellness Center is a signi cant step toward o ering more services to Aims students in the future as this project progresses,” Palowski said.
More information about the new student health and wellness center will be available at
April 11, 2024 6 Denver Herald
The Aims Student Health and Wellness Center architectural rendering of what it could look like. COURTESY PHOTO
Recognizing a cultural legend, Sonya Ellingboe
e Littleton Museum was packed with more than 150 artists, business owners and city leaders on the evening of March 27. It was the city’s third annual State of the Arts event, where leaders shared local and regional metrics on arts and cultural activity in the city.
But this year, the attendance was over double the previous two years’ turnout. “ at’s what happens when you’re honoring a local legend,” Museum Director Tim Nimz said.
During the event, the Arts and Culture Board presented the city’s rst-ever Arts and Culture Award to Sonya Ellingboe, a longtime force in Littleton’s civic and cultural life and a regular writer and columnist for our newspapers. Until her retirement in late 2023, her arts and culture writing appeared in the Littleton Independent, Centennial Citizen, Englewood Herald and other south metro newspapers.
e honor is awarded to an “individual, group or organization that exemplies innovative and creative ways to make meaningful connections within the Littleton community through arts and culture,” said J.D. McCrumb, the board’s vice chair.
e board received ve nominations for the award. ey were all “very deserving,” Board Chair Kate Eckel said, but Ellingboe “blew them all out of the water.”
“Sonya just had a breadth of what she had done, and for a number of years, and how much she’s promoted arts and culture in the city,” she said. “It was just overwhelmingly clear.”
Ellingboe, who is 93 years old, was born in Columbus, Ohio in 1930 and grew up in Pittsburgh, according to the event’s program. She adopted Littleton as her hometown when she moved to the city in 1956 with her husband and the rst of what would ultimately be four children.
In the decades that followed, Ellingboe made an impact on almost every corner of the city’s civic and cultural makeup. She joined or helped launch many of the city’s important institutions, including the local League of Women Voters, the Town Hall Arts Center, the Bemis Library Fine Arts Committee, the Littleton Business Chamber, the Commission on Human Rights, the Littleton Fine Arts Guild, Hudson Gardens, Friends of the Library and Museum, the Littleton Garden Club and Historic Littleton, Inc. She owned the Book House bookstore in downtown Littleton from 1970 to 1986 and worked brie y as a librarian, the program says.
braries, which started with a childhood routine to visit the Carnegie Mellon library and museum with her father on Saturdays. She said her passion for arts and culture never went away after
“I’d recommend it as a way of life for anybody,” she said. “I think that’s the main thing, is just get out and go do the art shows. It made Littleton a great place to raise kids, I think. Many of you have discovered that.”
When Ellingboe was in her late 50s, she entered the career for which many Littleton residents nowadays know her. For 35 years, Ellingboe worked as a writer for newspapers, rst for the
short-lived Littleton Times before joining the Littleton Independent, also contributing to the Independent’s sister newspapers as the company grew. Her writing mainly focused on art, music, stage performance and culture.
“Readers loved her work, waiting for her weekly reports on a play, art exhibit or unique program,” said elma Grimes, former editor of the Littleton Independent, who nominated Ellingboe for the award.
“When I had the privilege of sitting down with her and talking about her family, life and career, I was even more enlightened about the impact she has had on Littleton and the Denver metro area,” Grimes said, referencing a pro le she wrote when Ellingboe retired. “ is award serves as an exclamation point to an exemplary career.”
A lifelong passion for the arts
Event attendees gave Ellingboe a standing ovation as she received her award, which is a piece of artwork by local glass artist and sculptor Dianna Whitlock. In her reception speech, Ellingboe re ected on her passion for the arts and li-
Denver Herald 7 April 11, 2024 Columnists & Guest Commentaries Columnist opinions are not necessarily those of the Independent. We welcome letters to the editor. Please include your full name, address and the best number to reach you by telephone. Email letters to Deadline Tues. for the following week’s paper. ERIN ADDENBROOKE Marketing Consultant AUDREY BROOKS Business Manager LINDSAY NICOLETTI Operations/ Circulation Manager Denver Herald-Dispatch (ISSN 1542-5797)(USPS 241-760) A legal newspaper of general circulation in Denver, Colorado, the Herald-Dispatch is published weekly on Thursday by Colorado Community Media, 1624 Market St., Suite 202, Denver, CO 80202. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT DENVER, COLORADO and additional mailing o ces. POSTMASTER: Send address change to: Denver Herald, 750 W. Hampden Ave., Suite 225, Englewood, CO 80110 c/o The Colorado Sun Buell Public Media Center 2101 Arapahoe St., Denver, CO 750 W. Hampden Ave., Suite 225 To subscribe call 303-566-4100 A publication of
Sonya Ellingboe smiles with her Arts and Culture Award from Littleton, which is a piece of artwork by local glass artist and sculptor Dianna Whitlock. PHOTO BY NINA JOSS
Scott Gilbert, an editor with the Littleton Independent and more than two dozen other metro area newspapers, worked with Ellingboe for years. At the March 27 event, he congratulates her on her award. PHOTO BY NINA JOSS
Spring cleaning: TULA organizing tips
Spring is in the air, and for many that tends to instigate an overwhelming desire to start fresh, clear space, clean and, of course, organize. In fact, TULA’s requests for organization in the spring nearly double: Organize my closet, our pantry, my kid’s dresser, my spice drawer, under my sink, my garage, my o ce... and on and on. ere is no doubt that order and understanding of where things are brings a huge sense of relief to our clients, and TULA assistants are always happy to help. And for those who plan to tackle spring organizing on their own, here are our top six tips for making organization projects a success.
1. Start in one place
In most cases, our clients have a list of several areas in their home they want to get under control. Our advice is to start with one. Maybe it’s the space you and your family are in the most often, maybe it’s the drawers you avoid opening because they give you anxiety each time you do, or maybe it’s the room that everyone sees as soon as they walk in your home. Whatever your priorities, select one area and stick to it. When you start many projects
On e of our favorite dining experiences is at Fattoria in Avon, Colorado. As we allowed ourselves to experience everything that was happening around us, the more we realized why we enjoy this restaurant so very much. e exquisite food coupled with incredible service and watching as families dined and laughed, sharing their stories of skiing and snowboarding across three generations of family members, made our meal and our night out a wonderful experience.
In the realm of culinary experiences, there exists a unique and cherished category that seamlessly blends the sophistication of highquality dining with the joviality of family fun. ese establishments are not just places to satisfy one’s palate but serve as arenas for creating lasting memories and fostering familial bonds. From whimsical themes to interactive dining experiences, these restaurants have mastered the delicate art of catering to both discerning adults and playful children alike.
Picture this: You step into a whimsical wonderland adorned with vibrant colors, imaginative decor, and an ambiance that sparks joy in every corner. Welcome to the world of family-friendly ne dining. Here, the notion of upscale cuisine coexists harmoniously with the laughter of children and the chatter of
at one time, it becomes harder to actually complete one and you lose focus. When you are able to focus on one area, you’re able to cross that o your list (our favorite thing to do), which can motivate you to keep going.
2. Give yourself plenty of time
Don’t expect organization to happen overnight. Organizing requests and projects hands down almost always take longer than you think. Depending on the area to be organized, make sure to schedule a couple of hours each day to work on getting the area organized.
3. Take inventory
Go through everything in that particular area. Take everything out. Sort the items as keep, donate and sell. For closets, if you haven’t worn the item in two years, it’s time to give it away. You likely won’t even notice it is gone. After you’ve removed these items, take a look at what remains
and make sure everything that is left makes sense in that space. Consider: is there another place where you’ve got more room to keep it, or another area where it would be more easily accessible for its purpose? For example, does it make sense to keep wrapping paper in the pantry or is there a better place for it?
4. Don’t overlook underused space
Under the beds, behind the doors and above cabinets are all often overlooked opportunities to create more space. Go “up,” by creating storage space between cabinets or shelves and the ceiling, and store things that you don’t use as frequently up high.
5. Organize with color
Whether you’re working to organize the family room, nd just a little more order or wanting to go full on Home Edit, there is no doubt that using color sorting enhances efforts (and appearance). Assign each family member a di erent colored container to keep their belongings in, and keep them responsible for cleaning up after themselves. Organize projects, bills and other important papers by function and color in your home o ce. Organizing clothes rst by type and then secondarily by
color, makes it very easy to nd what you are looking for – and even what you didn’t know you were looking for. When you’re able to go to a color category to match with your out t, you’re able to nd options that you didn’t remember you even had.
6. Visibility and accessibility
When you can, use transparent containers or those that can be easily labeled so you can read or see the contents of the containers. Additionally, make sure that the items you need most often are the easiest to access, and place the items you don’t need to get to as often on a higher shelf or in another area.
Know that no matter what the project is, the organization process will almost always reach an ‘ugh, why-did-I-start-this’ moment. But don’t worry, take a deep breath, and tackle one step at a time. When your physical space is uncluttered and you know where everything is, it’s amazing how much mental space that can clear up at the same time.
Megan Trask and Cody Galloway are Denver residents and co-founders of TULA Life Balanced. Learn more about their business at
Some restaurants are special places for family times
adults. It’s a place where parents can savor gourmet delicacies while their little ones embark on culinary adventures of their own.
One hallmark of these establishments is their ability to cater to diverse palates without compromising on quality. While parents indulge in exquisitely crafted dishes prepared by seasoned chefs, children are treated to a menu designed speci cally for their tastes and preferences. From mini sliders to gourmet macaroni and cheese, every item is curated to appeal to young appetites while maintaining the culinary standards upheld by the establishment.
Beyond the immersive atmosphere and delectable cuisine, what truly sets these restaurants apart is their commitment to creating shared experiences for families. Whether it’s celebrating a birthday, hosting a family reunion, or simply enjoying a night out, these establishments go above and beyond to ensure that every moment is memorable. From personalized greetings to special surprises, they understand the importance of making guests feel valued and appreciated. Moreover, these restaurants often
incorporate elements of education and culture into their o erings, providing families with opportunities to learn and grow together. From themed menus that explore di erent cuisines to workshops that teach culinary skills, there’s always something new to discover. By fostering a sense of curiosity and exploration, these establishments inspire children to develop a lifelong appreciation for food and culture.
In a fast-paced world where quality time with loved ones is increasingly rare, these restaurants serve as sanctuaries where families can reconnect and create cherished memories. Here, laughter lls the air, and bonds are strengthened over shared meals and shared experiences. It’s not just about nourishing the body but also feeding the soul, leaving guests with a sense of warmth and contentment that lingers long after the meal has ended.
As society continues to evolve, so does the concept of dining out with family. Gone are the days of stu y establishments where children are seen but not heard. Instead, a new era of family-friendly ne dining has emerged, rede ning the way we experience food and fellowship.
ese restaurants prove that highquality cuisine and family fun are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary elements that together create a truly unforgettable
dining experience.
e fusion of high-quality dining with family fun represents a delightful convergence of culinary artistry and heartfelt hospitality. ese restaurants o er far more than just a meal; they provide a gateway to a world of imagination, discovery and togetherness. So, the next time you’re craving a dining experience that caters to both discerning tastes and playful spirits, seek out one of these establishments and prepare to embark on a culinary journey unlike any other. Fattoria is one of our favorites for sure with a special shout out to Eli, Dave, Denitsa, James, Justin and all the other sta who create a wonderful experience. Do you already have a favorite ne-dining establishment that also provides the ambiance and intimacy of a fun family experience? I would love to hear all about your favorite such restaurants at, and when we can nd the time to enjoy an exquisitely prepared meal blended in a family friendly environment, it really will be a better than good life.
Michael Norton is an author, a personal and professional coach, consultant, trainer, encourager and motivator of individuals and businesses, working with organizations and associations across multiple industries.
April 11, 2024 8 Denver Herald
Megan Trask and Cody Galloway
Parents and pop ups work together
Earlier this year, members of the Colorado State Legislature wisely introduced a bill aiming to prevent social media overuse among kids and teens. e concern over the addictive lure of the Internet and personal devices on today’s kids is praiseworthy and justiable. A recent poll commissioned by Healthier Colorado reveals that 82% of those surveyed believe social media has a negative impact on youth mental health, and 75% said they would support a new law to restrict it. As a parent coach and adolescent mentor for the past 18 years, I o er here a deeper dive into how family dynamics can greatly support the ef-
fectiveness of pop ups.
ri es parents, leading to depression and at times self-harm.
Jason Denham
First, the advent of “screens” is like nothing we’ve ever seen. Unlike familyoriented television programming that invites families to watch together, our personal devices are set up to keep users engaged for longer periods of time by any means necessary. Platforms like video games, YouTube, Rumble, and social media (TikTok, Snapchat, etc.) o er an enticing
menu of “synthetic connectedness” that has conned a generation and ba ed parents across the globe. e lure is dopamine, a chemical that acts on areas of the brain to give you feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and motivation. For example, when we exercise hard the body will give us a healthy dopamine response. Using screens activates the brain’s reward center by releasing dopamine but does so with minimal e ort on our part. Unfortunately, in the place our children go for hours on end to get “likes” (short dopamine bursts), they instead get stuck in loops of comparison or worse yet, bullied relentlessly at a level that often shocks and ter-
Parents can help immensely to reduce the time spent on screens by increasing the amount of time together working toward healthy connection. ere will, of course, be challenges along the way because the slow burn to good feelings is not as e ortless as watching a one-minute cute cat video. It turns out, however, that spending time with family members, making eye contact, and talking, is one of the easiest ways to create connections and one of the most grounding things we can do for one another.
SaturdaySep.21statDCSDLegacyCampus10035SPeoriaSt,LoneTree and
Denver Herald 9 April 11, 2024
Callingallhealthandwellnessvendors! Elevateyourbrandandjoinourevent asasponsor.Connectwithourhealthconsciouscommunityandshowcase yourproducts/servicestoamotivated audiencereadytoprioritizetheirwellbeing.Don'tmissthisopportunitytobe partofatransformativeexperience! 303.566.4115 Lookingfor
Local Irish pubs keep tradition of Celtic culture alive
Everyone wants to be Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, but luckily metro area residents can experience Gaelic culture any day of the year at local Irish pubs.
Irish pubs di er from the average sports bar or cocktail lounge, and not only because there’s guaranteed to be Guinness on the menu. A good pub is all about a welcoming and approachable environment, where patrons feel like one of the lads.
Colorado Community Media rounded up a few places to go for a pint and some shenanigans. Sláinte!
Nallen’s Irish Pub
1429 Market St., Denver
Nallen’s sells the most Guinness in Denver and it’s likely because the bar is known for the smoothest pour in town, per a trophy that proudly sits behind the bar.
John Nallen, an Ireland native who moved stateside in the ‘70s, said the secret to the perfect Guinness pour is patience.
“It’s a two-pour and you have to let it sit for a few minutes and then top it o ,” Nallen said. “We take the time to do it right.”
Nallen opened the bar with his family in 1992 and has since gained a reputation that’s led to hosting a number of celebrities, including Fergal Murray, who is a former brewmaster at Guinness, and musicians Toby Keith and U2. e pub’s reputation has also earned it a loyal group of regulars. Nallen said a comfortable and inviting atmosphere de nes the Irish pub.
“ e local pub is kind of the living room of the Irish community,” Nallen said. “(Nallen’s) is a hang out place. ere’s no pressure.”
In addition to a variety of Irish whiskeys, the bar also has a selection of Irish creams, which it uses to make one of it’s signature drinks, the Shillelagh, a whiskey and cream mix. e drink is named after an Irish walking stick used by humans and leprechauns alike.
Landsdowne Arms
9352 Dorchester St., Highlands Ranch
As Landsdowne Arms prepares for its 20th anniversary next year, it’s busier than ever, fresh o a record-breaking St. Patrick’s Day weekend for the restaurant.
April 11, 2024 10 Denver Herald
Nallen’s is known for having the best Guinness pour in the area, having won a trophy for their pints. Nallen said it all comes down to patience.
“Post COVID, to have such a big weekend, even though we don’t stay open until 2 a.m. anymore, is really incredible,” Steven Gregory, general manager at Landsdowne Arms, said. “We’re glad for our regular families we have come in.”
Gregory said the restaurant offers a family-friendly pub experience that blends Irish and Latino culinary dishes, drawing inspiration from the mix of cultures on sta . For example, the menu features traditional sh and chips, as well as sh tacos made with fried cod.
“We have great Irish food and a meld of Irish and Latino culture beyond the Irish fare,” he said.
Other specialties are the Reuben, a roast beef sandwich dubbed the Dubliner and the Irish whiskey chicken and mushrooms.
At the bar, Landsdowne Arms serves up more than 45 varieties of Irish whiskeys and scotchs. ey also have their own take on the Irish car bomb called the Left Hook, which uses Hard Chaw Irish cream instead of Bailey’s. e space includes a rooftop patio and private library room with a replace for events.
Darcy’s Bistro and Pub
4955 South Ulster St., #103, Denver
e sister restaurant to Landsdowne Arms, pub-goers will nd a similar vibe and menu at this location, which opened in 2002. Gregory said it’s a popular date night spot thanks to its cozy atmosphere.
“Couples often come in to split a sh and chips or a Reuben,” he said,
Chef Jorge Garcia is known to add special menus for holidays, like Mardi Gras and Oktoberfest, as well as serving the classics. Specialties include bangers and mash, shepherd’s pie and sh and chips.
e bar o ers a selection of more than 20 Irish whiskeys and scotch options, as well as a rotating taplist alongside the usual Guinness and Smithwick’s. On Wednesdays, the bar has Jameson, Tullamore Dew and Bushmills for $7.
When describing what de nes an Irish pub, Gregory joked “mostly Jameson.”
Ned Kelly’s Irish Pub
5686 South Sycamore St., Littleton
Located in the heart of downtown Littleton, Ned Kelly’s opened in 2009 as a “raggedy local spot,” as Megan Casey, operating partner at Ned Kelly’s, put it, before growing into the establishment it is today.
Casey said the pub is beloved for its friendly environment where everyone is a regular.
“It’s a ‘Cheers’-like establishment,” Casey said. “Plenty of chat and fun, and always a bit of shenanigans.”
e pub serves a small menu of pizza and snacks from Grande Station, but there’s nothing small about the drink selection. Ned Kelly’s advertises having one of the widest-ranging liquor selections
in the area and bar keeps who can make anything.
For the full taste of Ireland’s brews, try an Irish ight, which includes Guinness, Smithwick’s, Harp and Kilkenny.
In its years in Littleton, Casey said Ned Kelly’s has seen countless great days, but one of the best each year is the St. Baldrick’s fundraiser.
St. Baldrick’s Foundation is a non-pro t that raises money to support children with cancer by sponsoring head-shaving contests. is year, Ned Kelly’s St. Baldrick’s event raised over $90,000 for the foundation, the most of any
Denver area participant. “Our St Baldrick’s event is a proud day for us, every year,” she said. “It’s good to give back.”
Clancy’s Irish Pub
7000 West 38th Ave., Wheat Ridge
Clancy’s Irish Pub was established in 1973 and claims on its website to be Colorado’s oldest Irish Pub. Despite being around for over 50 years, Clancy’s still keeps things fresh.
Chefs Jeremy Ramos and Shon Guy released a new dinner menu at the start of the year, which includes a mix of scratch-made traditional Irish fare and unique dish-
es, like the Irish Castro, a corned beef and pastrami sandwich in the style of a Cubano. Classic corned beef and cabbage is served every Friday night.
e bar o ers more than 30 kinds of Irish whiskey and, of course, Guinness, Harp and Smithwick’s on tap.
e 6,000 square-foot pub, housing four bar areas and two patios, frequently hosts live music, with music ranging from the expected Celtic style to bluegrass, blues and classic rock.
Every Tuesday the pubs hosts an open jam session for Celtic music where anyone can join in.
Denver Herald 11 April 11, 2024
John Nallen, owner of Nallen’s Irish Pub, pours a Guinness at the bar. Nallen said an Irish pub is commonly known as the living room of Ireland because of the camaraderie.
Highlands Ranch pub Landsdowne Arms serves up a twist on the Irish car bomb called the left hook which uses Hard Chaw Irish cream. The restaurant is also popular for Celtic fare, like fish and chips, shepherd’s pie and bangers and mash.
A good beginning is to make time each day for “no phone zones.” ese may center around meals, where we face one another at the table, share eye contact, talk about what our goals might be, what’s coming up for today and how we can support one another even when we are not together. Brief check-ins will help nd out who they’re becoming, how they see the world, what they think is important. And how best to support them in becoming critical thinkers, responsible accountable young adults, who are not trapped by short- re unsustainable dopamine hits, meant to keep them glued, ignoring pop ups and
looking for the next hit.
What may surprise some parents is that in the process, we start paying attention to how much time we are captured on our own devices, searching through texts and emails for work-related activities stealing from time meant for healthy attachments and connections with our kids. No matter who’s doing it, it has the same e ect: less connection with family members.
I am thankful to our state leaders for their awareness and action. My experience tells me that your voice will be the most important ingredient to disengage your young people from the pull of their personal “echo chambers.” Can you remember a time when your conscience was based on the conversations you had with your parents, if you were lucky
enough to have had those conversations? Imagine for a moment that your voice is in your favorite young person’s head reminding them that there is another way to be connected that is deeper, richer, more meaningful than being in the online spaces, so when those pop ups do appear, you are there in spirit guiding.
Now that’s a POP UP.
Colorado Community Media welcomes letters to the editor. Please note the following rules:
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He focuses on teaching parents to e ectively communicate and gives them an extensive tool kit for self-soothing and co-regulating with family members helping to deepen relationships. He lives in Conifer with his wife Brittainy.
• Submit your letter by 5 p.m. on Wednesday in order to have it considered for publication in the following week’s newspaper.
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Operations Assistant
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We believe that a creative, learning environment staffed with talented people who want to grow and utilize the newest and best tools will result in a dynamic and successful culture that has a positive impact on our clients’ businesses and our community. Our brand is one of the most trusted in the communities we serve. We’ve built this reputation by providing award-winning news coverage and top-notch customer service, and by being engaged in our communities at all levels.
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Join our team, working from our Englewood office and remote. This position offers competitive pay starting at $17.50/per hour and a comprehensive benefits package that includes medical, dental, vision. Life and paid holiday, vacation, sick and personal time.
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After raising four kids in Littleton, Ellingboe now has grandchildren and a great-grandchild, with a second greatgrandchild due any day now. She said she has enjoyed watching her family members get involved in the arts scene as well.
Her son, Bruce Ellingboe, said his mother’s involvement in the arts has always been a part of his life. He said it was exciting to see her receive the award.
“She’s been doing arts things as long as I can remember,” he said.
In addition to being a champion of the arts scene, Ellingboe is an artist herself. Her family said she was a painter who enjoyed using watercolors, and she also did ceramics work.
“We’re so proud of her,” said Ellingboe’s daughter, Kirsten Orahood.
Audience members give a standing ovation as Arts and Culture Board Chair Kate Eckel awards the inaugural Arts and Culture Award to Sonya Ellingboe on March 27 at the Littleton Museum.
April 11, 2024 12 Denver Herald
Jason Denham is the founder of Awakened Shadow Coaching (https://awakenedshadow. com/).
Thu 4/18
The fauxs @ 7pm Hi-Dive, 7 S Broadway, Denver
Kenny Garrett and Sounds From The Ancestors @ 7:30pm Dazzle Denver, 1080 14th Street, Denver
E-Recycling Drop Off Event @ 12pm / Free Apr 19th - Apr 21st 439 S Upham St, 439 South Up‐ham Street, Lakewood. info@bel, 303-742-1520
JADED @ 9pm Ogden Theatre, 935 E Colfax Ave, Denver
Sat 4/20
Sun 4/21
Other stuff @ 6:30pm Buffalo Rose, 1119 Washington Ave, Golden
Josephine Foster @ 7pm Hi-Dive, 7 S Broadway, Denver
Mon 4/22
Down Time @ 8pm Skylark Lounge, 140 S Broadway, Denver
Fri 4/19
Tenia Nelson Solo Piano @ 1am Dazzle Denver, 1080 14th Street, Denver
Log @ 7pm Mercury Cafe, 2199 California St, Denver Five8 @ 9:40pm
Larimer Beer Hall, 2012 Larimer St, Den‐ver
Iniko @ 8pm Bluebird Theater, 3317 E Colfax Av, Denver
Connor Price @ 8pm Cervantes' Masterpiece Ballroom & Other Side, 2637 Welton St, Denver
Tue 4/23
The best place to promote your events online and in print. Visit us @ powered by Featured Featured Featured Featured Featured Featured Featured Featured
sundiver ca @ 8pm Larimer Lounge, 2721 Larimer St, Denver
Sink In @ 7pm The Rickhouse, 6100 E 39th Ave, Denver
Wed 4/24
Ritmo Cascabel @ 7:30pm Hi-Dive, 7 S Broadway, Denver
Danny Golden @ 8pm Globe Hall, 4483 Logan St, Denver
Denver Herald 13 April 11, 2024
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Calendar information is provided by event organiz‐ers. All events are subject to change or cancella‐tion. This publication is not responsible for the ac‐curacy of the information contained in this calendar.
April 11, 2024 14 Denver Herald Crossword Solution Solution © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. NEVER WILL I EVER... BY MARC VARGAS • ZAZ@CAMPVARGAS.COM
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Public Schools District 1 seeks the following positions in Denver, CO - Job duties for below positions: Follow DPS curriculum to instruct students.
• ELA-S Elementary Teacher *multiple positions available* Reqs: Bachelor’s degree (or foreign equivalent) in any field. Must possess a valid Colorado Department of Education Teacher’s License with appropriate endorsement in Elementary Education (K-6), Spanish (K-12), or ability to obtain. Ability to speak, read, and write both in English and Spanish. Salary: $52,130 with Standard Benefits. Ref 0696.
• World Languages Teacher: Spanish Secondary Teacher *multiple positions available* Reqs: Bachelor’s degree (or foreign equivalent) in Education, Teaching English Speakers of Other Languages, English or related. Must possess a valid Colorado Department of Education Teacher’s License with endorsement in English Language Arts (7-12), Spanish (K12), or ability to obtain. Ability to speak, read, and write both in English and Spanish. Salary: $50,130 with Standard Benefits. Ref 0586.
• Science Secondary Teacher *multiple positions available*Reqs: Bachelor’s degree (or foreign equivalent) in Education, Biological Sciences, or related. Must possess valid Colorado Department of Education Teacher’s License with appropriate endorsement in Science Education (7-12), or ability to obtain. Salary: $50,130 with Standard Benefits. Ref 0618.
• Senior Team Lead, ELA-S Elementary Teacher Reqs: Bachelor’s degree (or foreign equivalent) in Teaching English Speakers of Other Languages, Education, or related. Must possess a valid Colorado Department of Education Teacher’s License with appropriate endorsement in Elementary Education (K-6) or ability to obtain. Ability to speak, read, and write both in English and Spanish. Salary: $52,130 with Standard Benefits. Ref 1308.
• Special Education Teacher Reqs: Bachelor’s degree (or foreign equivalent) in Education, Special Education, or a closely related field. Must possess a Valid state of Colorado Department of Education Teacher’s license with an appropriate endorsement in Special Education Generalist (5-21) or ability to obtain. Salary: $50,130 /yr with Standard Benefits. Ref 0588.
• Social Studies ELA-S Secondary Teacher Reqs: Bachelor’s degree (or foreign equivalent) in Education, Social Sciences, or related. Must possess a current Colorado Department of Education Teacher’s License in Social Studies Education (7-12), or ability to obtain. Ability to speak, read, and write and both English and Spanish. Salary: $52,130 with Standard Benefits. Ref 0585.
• ELD ELA-S Secondary Teacher Reqs: Bachelor’s (or foreign equivalent) in Education, English as a Second Language, Curriculum and Instruction, or related. Must possess a valid Colorado Department of Education Teacher’s License with appropriate endorsement in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (K-12) or ability to obtain. Ability to speak, read, and write and both English and Spanish. Salary: $52,130 with Standard Benefits. Ref 1315
Application deadline 5/30/2024. To apply, email resume to Fatima Puelles with ref number: Need
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April 11, 2024 16 Denver Herald Misc. Notices COMMUNITY SHREDDING DAY BRING YOUR DOCUMENTS April 27th SATURDAY, 10AM – 1PM ON SITE UNLIMITED PROFESSIONAL SHREDDING 1400 S. University Blvd St. Michael & All Angels’ CHURCH PARKING LOT behind the church $7.00 / banker box or $25/car trunk load/ pick-ups negotiable TELL YOUR FRIENDS Garage and Estate Sales Garage Sales EARTH DAY EVENT Craft Fair Yard Sale and Food April 20, 2024 10am – 4pm Spirit of Hope UMC 4300 S. Lincoln St. Englewood, CO 303-781-4041 Help us save our mother earth! Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose. Merchandise Lawn & Garden Professional lawn service: Fertilization, weed control, seeding, aeration & mosquito control. Call now for a free quote. Ask about our first application special! 1-833606-6777 Health & Beauty Dental insurance from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 400+ procedures. Real dental insurance - not just a discount plan. Get your free Information Kit with details! 1-855-526-1060 #6258 VIAGRA and CIALIS USERS! 50 Generic Pills SPECIAL $99.00 100% guaranteed. 24/7 CALL NOW! 888-445-5928 Hablamos Espanol Medical Attention oxygen therapy users! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. Free info kit.
Got Storm Damage? You need a local expert provider that proudly stands behind their work. Fast, free estimate. Financing available. Call 1-888-878-9091 13kW Genrac Standby Generator with transfer switch for sale Produces 13Kw , about 60 Amps, on LP or NG at the move of a lever. Low hours, about 40 during grid outages plus 12 minute weekly automatic exercise. Air Cooled so no water pump, radiator, hoses etc. Well maintained and just serviced. Comes with the Automatic transfer switch. Had to get a new $5,200 electronically controlled unit to work with my solar/battery system. Can deliver if needed. Weight about 400 lbs. Call or txt Paul. 703 887, 8052. Pets Dogs Doodle Puppies Golden Doodles and Bernedoodles Home-Raised Heath Tested and Guaranteed Standard and Mini Size available Schedule a visit today! (970)215-6860 Wanted Donate Your Car to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast - FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-2450398 Transportation Autos for Sale 1946 FORD Project car and parts. $2,000 or best offer. Call for appointment 303-423-8814 Wanted Chunky’s Towing 720-560-6763 MARKETPLACE REAL ESTATE & RENTAL BUYORSELL ASSOCIATEBROKER OLDCOUNTRYRE.COM 303-917-7870 ErinAddenbrooke THEOLDCOUNTRY REALESTATEGROUPLLC Real Estate Brokers Rentals Commercial Property/ Rent Office or Commercial Space for Rent Two Offices ~ Available Immediately Great Location and Prices! NEW CONSTRUCTION! • One month FREE with the signing of a new one-year lease!! • 1,000 sq. ft office. $2,500 per month. • Be the 1st to rent one of these great spaces! Offices are located next to: Cleary Building Corp: 755 Crossroads Circle, Elizabeth, Colorado Contact 303-660-0420 or 800-373-5550 CAREERS Help Wanted Help Wanted On two ranches, one in Elizabeth, one in Divide, and office properties in Colorado Springs. Wide range of duties. Useful skills include remodelers, general construction, mechanics, welding, electrical, general labor, plumbing, carpentry, property management, admin, janitorial/housekeeping, equipment operators, HVAC, landscaping, forestry, etc. Pay DOE and skills. Spanish/English spoken. Possible on-site housing available. For more information text 720-934-5712 or email Help Wanted
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All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before August 12, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred.
Ann Evans Watson Personal Representative 3091 North Spurway Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48105 Legal Notice No. DHD2073
All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before August 11, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred.
Katherine Mead Warnock Personal Representative 9381 Burgundy Circle Highlands Ranch, CO 80126
Denver Herald 17 April 11, 2024 Denver Herald Dispatch April 11, 2024 * 1 Public Notices call PUBLIC NOTICES 303-566-4123 Legals Misc. Private Legals PUBLIC NOTICE Land Patent claim is being made in Denver county, Colorado, T4S, R68W, S12. To challenge this claim by 06-10-2024 do so here: http://AmericanMeetingGroup. com/berry Legal Notice No. DHD295 First Publication: April 11, 2024 Last Publication: June 6, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Storage Liens/Vehicle Titles Public Notice Notice to obtain title - The following vehicle was towed and abandoned: 1) VIN JF1SF65591G749540 ‘ 2001 Subaru Forester, 2) VIN 1J8GL58K03W629583 2003 Jeep Liberty, 3) VIN WBAFA53551LP22919 2001 BMW X5, M1 Towing lot address 2810 W 62nd Ave, Denver, CO 80221, 720-364-1160 is applying for title. Legal Notice No. DHD2085 First Publication: April 11, 2024 Last Publication: April 11, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Notice to Creditors Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Gregg Pooley, Deceased Case Number: 2024PR30204 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before Monday, July 29,
or the claims may be forever barred. Douglas Pooley,
8199 S. Madison Way Centennial, CO
Legal Notice No. DHD
First Publication: March 28,
Last Publication: April 11, 2024 Publisher:
Herald-Dispatchv Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Clarence B. Williams, a/k/a Clarence Buford Williams, Deceased Case Number 2024 PR 30263 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before Monday, July 29, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Paul A. Williams,
tative C/O Joyner & Fewson, P.C. 3100 Arapahoe Ave. Ste.
Legal Notice No.
First Publication: March 28, 2024 Last Publication: April 11, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Gretchen Storer Evans, Deceased Case Number: 2024PR30286
Personal Represen-
410 Boulder, CO 80303
Publisher: Denver
Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of MARIAN RUTH WHlTAKER, aka MARIAN R. WHITAKER, aka RUTH WHITAKER, Deceased Case Number: 2024PR72
First Publication: April 11, 2024
25, 2024
Marisela Salas Flores, aka Marisela S. Flores, aka Marisela Flores, Deceased Case Number: 2024PR030297 All persons
above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before Monday, August 12, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Maria Del Refugio Rascon, Personal Representative c/o 3i Law, LLC 2000 S. Colorado Blvd. Tower 1, Suite 10000 Denver, CO 80222 Legal Notice No. DHD2083 First Publication: April 11, 2024 Last Publication: April 25, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of: ROBERT THOMAS CHISHOLM, aka ROBERT T. CHISHOLM, aka BOB CHISHOLM, Deceased Case Number: 2024-PR-30140 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Denver County, Colorado on or before Monday, July 29, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Dated this 18th day of March, 2024. BRIAN CHISHOLM Personal Representative to the Estate 1660 Willow Street Denver, CO 80220 Phone: (303)514-1137 Legal Notice No. DHD 2058 First Publication: March 28, 2024 Last Publication: April 11, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Donna Mae Hoger Steele, a/k/a Donna H. Steele, a/k/a Donna M. Steele, a/k/a Donna Mae H. Steele, a/k/a Donna M. Hoger Steele, a/k/a Donna M. H. Steele, a/k/a Donna Steele, Deceased. Case Number: 2024 PR 30218 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to Denver County Probate Court, 1437 Bannock Street, Suite 230, Denver, Colorado 80202 on or before Monday, July 29, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. DeAnn Joy Eison, Personal Representative 11616 Shaffer Place, Unit S-102 Littleton, Colorado 80127 303-237-5020 Legal Notice No. DHD2063 First Publication: March 28, 2024 Last Publication: April 11, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Maureen H. Beekman, a/k/a Maureen Beekman, Deceased Case Number: 2024PR30233 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City & County of Denver, Colorado or on or before Monday, July 29, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Douglas H. Beekman, Jr. Personal Representatve 1200 Humboldt St., #1204 Denver, CO 80218 Legal Notice No. DHD 2057 First Publication: March 28, 2024 Last Publication: April 11, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Bruce Edward Longo, a/k/a Bruce E. Longo, a/k/a Bruce Longo, Deceased Case Number: 2023 PR 31603 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court, 1437 Bannock Street, Room 230, Denver, Colorado 80202. on or before August 6, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Dustin Parsons, Personal Representative 11616 Shaffer Place, Unit S-102
Notice No. DHD2077 First Publication: April 11, 2024
Publication: April 25, 2024
Denver Herald-Dispatch
having claims against the
Public Notices
Littleton, Colorado 80127 303-237-5020 Legal Notice No. DHD2072 First Publication: April 4, 2024 Last Publication: April 18, 2024
Denver Herald-Dispatch
All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the co-personal representatives or to the Denver Probate Court of the City & County of Denver, Colorado or on or before Monday, August 12, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Sally A. Mulqueen
before Monday, August 12, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred.
Nancy Y. Urban, Personal Representative 10443 Independence St. Westminster CO 80021
Notice No. DHD2082
Publication: April 11, 2024
All persons having claims against the above named estate are requtred to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before Monday, August 12, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred.
TONI NADING, Personal Representative 1581 S. Leyden St Denver, Colorado 80224
Legal Notice No. DHD2075
First Publication: April 11, 2024
R. Scott Fitzke, Attorney for Personal Representatives 4 W. Dry Creek Circle, Ste 100 Littleton, CO 80120
Legal Notice No. DHD2068
First Publication: April 4, 2024 Last Publication: April 18, 2024
All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before July 29, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred.
Shannon Whiton, Personal Representative 718 Washington Ave N, Ste. 612 Minneapolis, MN 5540
Legal Notice No. DHD2059 First
All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado, on or before July 28, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred.
Nicole R. Gallegos, Personal Representative 4787 Cody Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Legal Notice No. DHD2062
All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before August 17, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred.
Carla Gustovich, Personal Representative
c/o Katz, Look & Onorato, PC 1120 Lincoln Street, Suite 1100 Denver, CO 80203
Legal Notice No. DHD2087
First Publication: April 11, 2024
Last Publication: April 25, 2024
Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch
All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or
All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before August 5, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred.
April 11, 2024 18 Denver Herald Denver Herald Dispatch April 11, 2024 * 2
CREDITORS Estate of Mary
Mary Elizabeth
Mulqueen, a/k/a Mary E. Mulqueen, a/k/a
Mulqueen, Deceased Case Number: 2024PR30328
First Publication: April 11, 2024 Last Publication: April 25, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Charles Lee Whiton, Deceased Case Number: 2024PR84
Representative 6907 E. Girard Ave., Apt. A Denver, CO 80224 Janet M. White
S. Sidney Ct. Denver, CO 80231
Notice No. DHD2080
Publication: March 28, 2024 Last Publication: April 11, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of James Holly Becker, also known as James H. Becker, also known as James Becker, Deceased Case Number: 2024PR030190
Public Notice NOTICE TO
Estate of
Publication: April 25, 2024
Denver Herald-Dispatch
ASNICAR, Deceased
Number 2024PR030325
Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of ALVINO RICHARD GALLEGOS, JR. Deceased Case Number 2024 PR 30225
Publication: April 25, 2024
Denver Herald-Dispatch
First Publication:
Last Publication: April 11, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Priscilla Atencio-Sanders, Deceased Case Number : 2024PR30305
March 28, 2024
Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch
of Patricia Ray McGregor, aka Patricia R. McGregor, aka Patricia McGregor, Deceased Case Number: 2024 PR 30226
Public Notice Notice of Distribution of Funds: In the Matter of Mohamed Nasreldin Mohamed Denver Probate Court Case No. 2024 PR30110
hearing is
June 3, 2024 at 1:30 p.m. in the Denver District Courthouse located at 1437 Bannock Street, Room 230, Denver, Colorado 80202 Legal Notice No. DHD2066 First Publication: April 4, 2024 Last Publication: May 2, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Scott Glenn Zoller, Deceased Case Number: 2024PR30176 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before August 5, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Amy Zoller, Co-Personal Representative 1464 Willow Court Goshen, IN 46528 Linda Zoller, Co-Personal Representative 1412-2 Pembroke Circle Goshen, IN 46526 Legal Notice No. DHD2069 First Publication: April 4, 2024 Last Publication: April 18, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of RONALD J. WOODS, Deceased Case Number: 24PR30172 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before Monday, August 5, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Arthur Cabral Personal Representative c/o 6060 Greenwood Plaza Blvd #200 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Legal Notice No. DHD2067 First Publication: April 4, 2024 Last Publication: April 18, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of DONNA A. ANGLADA, aka DONNA ANGLADA, Deceased Case Number: 2024PR30261 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before Monday August 12, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Ryan Hunter, Personal Representative 11347 Birolli Place Littleton, CO 80125 Legal Notice No. DHD2074 First Publication: April 11, 2024 Last Publication: April 25, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Jason Michael Friedlander, a/k/a Jason Friedlander, a/k/a Jason M. Friedlander, Deceased Case Number: 2023PR31645 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before Monday, July 29, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Robert Friedlander, Personal Representative 31787 Buffalo Park Road Evergreen, CO 80439 Legal Notice No. DHD2056 First Publication: March 28, 2024 Last Publication: April 11, 2024
scheduled for
Public Notices
All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before August 11, 2024 (date)*, or the claims may be forever barred.
All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before Monday, August 5, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred.
All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the District Court of Denver County, Colorado on or before Monday, August 5, or the claims may be forever barred.
Victor Wyatt, Personal Representative
c/o Timothy J. Parks 1999 Broadway, Suite 1400 Denver, CO 80202
All persons having claims against the above
All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the District Court of Denver County, Colorado on or before May 7, 2024 or the claims may be forever barred.
Lynn Maedel, Personal Representative c/o M. Carl Glatstein, Esq. Glatstein & O’Brien, LLP
2696 S. Colorado Blvd., Ste 350 Denver, Colorado 80222 Legal Notice No. DHD2070 First Publication: April 4, 2024 Last Publication: April 18, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch
on or before August 19, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred.
Amber Marchlowska, Attorney for the Personal Representative
390 Union Blvd., Suite 580 Lakewood, CO 80228
Legal Notice No. DHD2086
First Publication: April 11, 2024
Last Publication:
Petitioners: Anna Patton and William Patton,vs. Respondents: John Patton and Jessica Quarrells Patton
In this cause, it
Have you seen how Classifieds can work for you?
Denver Herald 19 April 11, 2024 Denver Herald Dispatch April 11, 2024 * 3
Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch
SCHAMBS, Deceased Case Number: 2024PR30227
NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Antonio Felipe Salazar, a/k/a Tony Phillip Salazar, a/k/a
P. Salazar, a/k/a Tony Salazar, Deceased Case Number: 2024
Faith Pescatore, Personal Representative c/o 3i Law, LLC 2000 S. Colorado Blvd. Tower 1, Suite 10000 Denver, CO 80222 Legal Notice No. DHD2078 First Publication: April 11, 2024 Last Publication: April 25, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch
PR 30040
Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Nadine Caffey Christian, aka Nadine C. Christian, aka Nadine Christian, Deceased Case No: 2024PR30240
18720 SW 344th Terr Lot 198 Homestead,
First Publication:
Last Publication: April 25, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Carol Brown Welborn, Deceased Case Number 2024PR030296
John G. Salazar Personal Representative 1526 S. Sherman St. Denver, CO 80210 Legal Notice No. DHD2071 First Publication: April 4, 2024
Publication: April 18, 2024
Representative: David Moody
FL 33034
Notice No. DHD2079
April 11, 2024
All persons
claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before August 14, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred. Dated March 28, 2024 CURTIS LAW FIRM, LLC /s/ Cory M. Curtis Cory M. Curtis, #40549 Attorney to the Personal Representative 10333 E Dry Creek Rd, Suite 210 Englewood, CO 80112
Notice No. DHD 2076
Publication: April 11, 2024
Publication: April 25, 2024
Denver Herald-Dispatch
TO CREDITORS Estate of Janey Richard Wyatt, Deceased Case Number 2023PR700
First Publication: April 4,
Last Publication: April 18,
Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of: BARBARA
Notice No. DHD 2064
named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado on or before Monday, August 5, 2024, or the claims may be forever barred.
Estate of Josephine Ann Long, aka Josephine A. Long, aka Josephine Long Deceased Case Number: 2024PR30336 All persons having claims against the above named estate are required to present them to the personal representative or to the Denver Probate Court of the City and County of Denver, Colorado
2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch Children Services (Adoption/Guardian/Other) Public Notice Cause No. 2023-JV-53 In the JUVENILE COURT of McNairy County, Tennessee At Selmer Custody
April 25,
of: D.G.P., DOB: 5/12/2007, A.K.P. DOB: 2/26/2009, and D.F.P., DOB: 07/18/2013
appearing from the Order of Publication, that the whereabouts and residence of Respondent JOHN DOMI NIC PATTON are unknown and cannot be ascertained upon diligent inquiry, it was ordered that publication be made for four successive weeks, in the DENVER HER ALD DISPATCH, to notify Respondent, John Patton, to file an answer with this court and send a copy to Petitioners’ at torney, Ashley N. Parker, whose address is 141 N. Third Street, Selmer, Tennessee 38375 within 30 days from the last date of publication, exclusive of the last date of publication, or a judgment by default may be entered against Respondent. Failure to appear may result in the custody of the above named children being awarded to the Petitioners. The cause is set for hear ing before this Court on May 20, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. to provide said Respondent with an opportunity to appear and defend. This____ day of ____. Clerk: Ashley Littlejohn Legal Notice No. DHD2084 First Publication: April 11, 2024 Last Publication: May 2, 2024 Publisher: Denver Herald-Dispatch ###
April 11, 2024 20 Denver Herald Real news in real time. Visit us online for breaking news and more.