Clear Creek Courant March 13, 2025

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Three fatalities, at least 3,267 avalanches already this year in Colorado

Teams of avalanche forecasters across the state work to identify potentially dangerous areas

Front and center on the Colorado Avalanche Information Center’s website is an avalanche forecast that says every backcountry rider or hiker should consider before an excursion.

e statewide map can update daily at 4:30 p.m. and identies, color codes and ranks areas communicating the danger of avalanches with a scale of “one”

being a low risk and “ ve” being an “extreme” risk for avalanche in the area, according to the Colorado Avalanche Information Center website.

“Our mission is to provide avalanche information and education and promote research for the protection of life and property,” Public Information O cer Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) Kelsy Been said.Already this season, eyewitnesses have reported,

documented and veri ed at least 3,267 avalanches in Colorado this season, according to CAIC data.

On average, at least six people are killed in Colorado every season in an avalanche; three people have died in an avalanche this year, according to CAIC.

e avalanche season starts every year on Oct. 1 and continues to Sept. 30, according to CAIC data.

at data shows someone in

Clear Creek County Sheri Matt Harris is inviting the public to a question and answer discussion where nothing is o -limits. e discussion will start at 6 p.m. on Monday, March 24, at the county building located at 405 Argentine St. in Georgetown. Public information o cer for the department Jennifer Fulton said while Harris will eld any questions from the public, his answers may be

Colorado has died in an avalanche every month of the year except September, according to Been.

“Mother Nature says she doesn’t care about who you are, what you’re wearing or how you’re moving in the backcountry,” Colorado Search and Rescue Association Public Information O cer Dawn Wilson said.

“It comes with such speed and


Avalanche dog searching for victim under the snow.

Clear Creek County residents learn to save lives

EMS, Red Cross provide CPR classes

Providing life-sustaining medical care and knowing how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation until paramedics arrive on-scene can exponentially improve a person’s chance of survival and recovery, according to paramedics and the American Red Cross.

Clear Creek County Emergency Medical Services is working toward a goal of training at least 15% of county residents in the latest techniques in providing critical rst-aid and CPR to a victim in a medical crisis.

e di erence between “trained” and “untrained” can mean a lifetime, according to Clear Creek EMS Clinical Captain Clark Church.

“ e quicker CPR is done e ectively, the higher the chances of survival are for that person,” Church said. “ e point of CPR is to circulate oxygen through the blood to the brain, which isn’t happening when your heart isn’t beating.”

Several local residents took part in a three-hour class at the Clear Creek Metropolitan Recreation Center in Idaho Springs on Feb. 28 with Red Cross instructor Jesse Peros.

“We’re in this with the county to get that 15% (training) for the whole county,” Peros said. “While paramedics are phenomenal, education provides them an

even better chance, if people know what they’re doing, and then paramedics can take over when they get there.” e class included CPR techniques but went far beyond with information on identifying and addressing a stroke versus a heart attack or how to mitigate blood loss with pressure and tourniquet. According to the Red Cross, symptoms of a “stroke” can be identi ed F.A.S.T.

- F = Face Drooping – Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile. Is the person’s smile uneven?

- A = Arm Weakness – Is one arm weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?

- S = Speech Di culty – Is speech slurred?

- T = Time to call 911 – Stroke is an emergency.

Weather Observations for Georgetown, Colorado

Week of February 24, and Month of February 2025

Each day at about 8 a.m. a local National Weather Service volunteer observer makes temperature and precipitation observations at the Georgetown Weather Station and wind observations at Georgetown Lake. “Max” and “Min” temperatures are from an NWS digital “Maximum/Minimum Temperature System.” “Mean daily” temperature is the calculated average of the max and min. “Total Precipitation” is inches of rainfall plus melted snow. “Snowfall” is inches of snow that accumulated. T = Trace of precipitation or snowfall. NR = Not Reported. “Peak wind gust at Georgetown Lake” is the velocity and the time of the maximum wind gust that occurred during the 24 hours preceding the observation time. Historic data are based on the period of record for which statistical data have been compiled (about 56 years within the period 1893-2024). Any weather records noted are based on a comparison of the observed value with the historical data set for that speci c date.

Weather Observations for Georgetown, Colorado

Week ofFebruary 24, and Month ofFebruary 2025

Each day at about 8 a.m. a local National Weather Service volunteer observer makes temperature and precipitation observations at the Georgetown Weather Station and wind observations at Georgetown Lake. “Max” and “Min” temperatures are from an NWS digital “Maximum/Minimum Temperature System.” “Mean daily” temperature is the calculated average of the max and min. “Total Precipitation” is inches of rainfall plus melted snow. “Snowfall” is inches of snow that accumulated. T = Trace of precipitation or snowfall. NR = Not Reported. “Peak wind gust at Georgetown Lake” is the velocity and the time of the maximum wind gust that occurred during the 24 hours preceding the observation time. Historic data are based on the period of record for which statistical data have been compiled (about 56 years within the period 1893-2024). Any weather records noted are based on a comparison of the observed value with the historical data set for that specific date

Day and date of observation (2025)

Clear Creek County Emergency Medical Services teach CPR in Georgetown.

Symptoms of a heart attack are similar to a stroke with subtle di erences between the two medical emergencies and even between men and women, according to the Red Cross.

“Men often have the ‘classic’ signs and symptoms of a heart attack, such as chest pain that radiates down the left arm,” according to information provided by the Red Cross.

In women, the “classic” signs and symptoms may be milder or accompanied by more general signs and symptoms such as shortness of breath. nausea or vomiting, extreme fatigue and dizziness or light-headedness, according to the Red Cross.

A tourniquet is a device that is used to apply pressure to a limb or extremity in

order to create ischemia or stop the ow of blood, according to medical journals. e tourniquet can be any material, a belt, clothing or rope, anything to stop the ow of blood in a person, ideally placed and tightened on a joint in the body above where the blood loss is occuring, according to Peros.

Providing aid to a victim in an emergency isn’t pretty, Peros told the class.

“You’re going to face some gruesome facts,” Peros said. “Properly performing CPR will often break the ribs of a victim, blood loss is often disturbing to a rst responder, and personal protection equipment should be used if available.”

As a general guide, there are three critical steps a civilian should perform on any scene where there is a suspected medical emergency, according to the Red Cross:

Check: Keeping yourself safe will help you take care of others. en, obtain consent and check the person to determine the nature of their illness or injury.

Call 911: Get EMS on the way if the person is unresponsive, not breathing or only gasping, having trouble breathing, experiencing life-threatening bleeding. “911 is a form of action that’s helping the most by letting people know where you’re at and what the issue is,” Peros said.

Care for the person according to their condition and your level of training.

Clear Creek County paramedics, in conjunction with the CCMRD, routinely sponsor rst aid and CPR courses for the public to attend, often at little or no cost. Contact for information on future events.

Support grows for Pettersen bill on remote voting for reps

Bipartisan support is growing for a U.S. House resolution that would change the rules to allow House members to vote remotely while on parental leave.

Spearheaded by U.S. Rep. Brittany Pettersen, D-Colorado, House Resolution 23 is receiving national media attention after Pettersen traveled to Washington D.C. with her four-week-old son to cast her vote.

“Unfortunately, Republican leadership denied my ability to vote remotely after giving birth to my son, Sam, but that’s not stopping us from showing up to vote no on this disastrous budget proposal,” Pettersen said on social media, in a February post that quickly went viral.

Some Republicans have joined with Pettersen in supporting the resolution. Currently, it has 158 co-sponsors in the U.S. House: 149 Democrats and 9 Republicans.

U.S. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Florida, is one of those co-sponsors.

“Congress needs to get with the times,” Luna said of the resolution. “No parent should have to choose between caring for their child and ful lling their duties in Congress to represent their constituents. We will get it done!”

Currently, no proxy voting is allowed on the oor of the House or Senate. is was a Republican response to an expan-

sion in proxy voting over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, which both political sides have acknowledged was abused at times.

It’s time for a change, though, advocates for the resolution argue.

“Historically, it’s been much more wealthy, older men who serve in Congress,” Pettersen said in a recent interview. “ is isn’t designed for young families and for young women especially.”

e resolution would change the House rules to permit “parental remote voting by proxy,” which is when a House member designates another representative to vote on their behalf in their absence.

It would allow members who are new parents, both mothers and fathers, to vote by proxy for up to 12 weeks under the House Rules, excluding proxy votes from establishing a quorum.

It would also allow pregnant members to vote by proxy if a pregnancy-related “serious medical condition” prevents travel. Time spent proxy voting prebirth would count against the 12-week limit for parental leave.

e bill was referred to the U.S. House Rules Committee in January. No date has been set for the resolution to be taken up.

Republished from e Center Square, a national news service that is the project of the nonpro t Franklin News Foundation, headquartered in Chicago.

While the White House Reverses ‘Green’ Policies, Will Colorado Be Able to Hold Its Course?

For many years, Colorado, like California, has pursued its own “green new deal,” with its Democratic Governor and General Assembly passing one law after another that promotes everything that is now anathema to the current national administration.

Colorado sends a lot of tax dollars to the federal government and gets lots of tax dollars in return, especially for road projects such as the rebuilding of Interstate 70 through Denver. The current administration is using the leverage of withholding funds to pressure localities to fall in line with its immigration policies. It could just as easily withhold funds unless the state reverses its own green initiatives, such as incentivizing the purchase of new or used electric vehicles with bigger tax credits than any other state.

structed under laws passed by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor.

The CEO’s website describes several laws it is implementing that address the issue of building efficiency, both residential and commercial. Primarily, it is requiring all jurisdictions in the state of Colorado that create or amend building codes to adopt the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), which was adopted by the International Code Council, Inc., a non-governmental organization. It also requires all jurisdictions to adopt the Colorado Model Electric Ready and Solar Ready Code upon updating any other building code.

“Cities and counties with building codes must adopt the 2021 IECC along with the model electric ready and solar ready code when adopting or updating any building code between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2026.”

This isn’t a political column. Coloradans need to know whether its movement toward a “green” economy will be halted or reversed by the new administration. My intent in this column is merely to describe the programs and policies that may be in jeopardy.

The Colorado Energy Office (CEO) is the arm of state government which develops and implements “green policies,” including in the real estate domain, as authorized and in-

According to the CEO, jurisdictions are encouraged to amend their building codes every three years and to incrementally move in the direction of the model codes, and they are prohibited from making amendments to their code which “decrease the effectiveness or efficiency” of the code.

The more liberal jurisdictions, such as Aspen, Denver and Jefferson County, have moved quickly to adopt those model codes, which include requiring new construction to include conduits and pre-wiring to facilitate future installation of EV charging stations and solar panels. According to the CEO website,

Also being developed, according to the website, is The Model Low Energy and Carbon Code, consisting of the 2024 IECC, as amended by Colorado’s Energy Code Board. To the White House and DOGE, the names alone suggest they’ll be targeted by the new administration. Let’s just say they’re “woke.”

A Model Green Code, currently in draft form at the CEO, “will address building attributes such as energy and water use efficiency, electrification, low carbon building materials, and other strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of new buildings. Local governments may voluntarily adopt this code in addition to the required energy code,” according to the website.

The state of Colorado has no statewide building code, but it does require any jurisdiction (i.e., counties or home-rule cities) which

Some Eager Sellers Cut Out Potential Buyers by Accepting a Quick Good Offer

Yes, the seller’s market of the Covid years is over, but there are still listings which sell right away, and too many sellers accept a fullprice or better offer on the first or second day, when they might get a better price if they just waited a few days.

This January, the average days on the MLS for listings within 25 miles of downtown Denver peaked at 60, compared to 22 days in January 2022. The median days on the MLS peaked at 44 this January compared to only 5 days in January 2022.

However, of the 2,396 listings in that area which closed this January, 63 went under contract the first day they were on the MLS and another 44 listings sold without even being entered on the MLS so that other buyers could know about them. 47 more went under contract the second day they were on the market, and 57 went under contract on the third day. I tell my sellers that if someone makes an

offer that quickly, and there are lots of showings, there are probably other buyers who might have paid more. It is my job as a listing agent to help my sellers get the highest price for their home, and I’m not doing that if I don’t convince them not to go under contract in less than four days.

This topic was inspired by a broker associate who said that twice in the past couple of months his buyer had lost out on a new listing that he showed the first or second day it was on the market because the seller had accepted a quick offer that our buyer would have beaten, given the chance.

In conclusion, just because the market has

Interested in a Different Take on Politics?

I have my own political blog called “Talking Turkey.” You can find it online at

Just Listed: 4-BR Home Backing to Arvada Park

slowed down, sellers who price their home wisely and get a quick full-price offer should at least look at how many showings have been set, inform those other agents about the offer, and give them a chance to submit.

has a building code to follow state laws regarding building codes, and it’s common to adopt one of the codes created every few years by the International Code Council, amended as appropriate to their local needs.

The above map from the CEO website, shows the extent to which each county has adopted the IECC codes by year. The lightest colors are counties which have adopted (likely with amendments) the 2021 IECC, and the darkest counties have no building codes. The other colors have building codes based on IECC years 2006, 2009, 2015 and 2018. It’s a interactive map, and can be changed to display home-rule cities and their codes, or you can search a county or city and it will display the details of its code requirements and IECC year.

As usual, I have the links for all this at


If you’re looking for an updated, move-in ready home in a quiet neighborhood, backing to a park, with no HOA and an RV parking space, this home at 7761 Everett Way may be what you have been looking for. Built in 1973, you'd swear this home is at least 20 years newer. The floors are hickory hardwood throughout, except for in the basement and the beautifully tiled bathrooms. Mature evergreens in the backyard provide afternoon shade for the large open deck, but there’s also an 8'x16' covered and screened deck. Tennis anyone? See the court in the picture above. Do you like to garden? There are two raised beds plus a larger ground level garden that is sprinklered. Do you have lots of stuff? There are two sheds! Do you like a wood-burning fireplace? This home comes with lots of cut firewood and kindling for the fireplace in the family room. Visit to view a video walk-through narrated by the listing agent, then come to the open house this Saturday, Mar. 13th, 11am to 1pm, or call your agent (or me at 303525-1851) to arrange a showing. You may find that this home checks all your boxes!

A ‘faboooolous’ time at Idaho Springs Library

Monster Mash was a smash for families

Halloween masks, temporary tattoos, food, music and dancing, everyone was doing the Monster Mash at the Idaho Springs Library, and it was a “graveyard smash.”

More than a dozen local kids and their parents gathered Feb. 27 at the Idaho Springs Library as part of the Clear Creek Library District’s Friday story time.

Each oor of the library was lled with things to do, and play and laughter were everywhere, especially when seven kids circled six chairs singing along with the music, “I ain’t afraid of no ghost.”

When the music stopped, children scrambled to get a seat in the circle or watch from the sidelines.

“We always have so much fun with the kids, just giving them something to eat and have them come play,” Library Clerk of 11 years Merrie Haynes said.

e library’s social media post advertised an opportunity to “Wolf down faboolous [sic] treats, play spooky games, and learn silly monster dances,” which didn’t disappoint, according to several parents.

“We utilize the library all the time. We come in probably every

other week for more books and come to storytime on Fridays,” one parent remarked while watching her 5-year-old vie for a seat in musical chairs. “I feel like the community and small town feeling is perfect. I love it.”

An abundance of “faboolous treats,” including chicken ngers and beverages, were provided by Tommyknocker Brewery and Pub in Idaho Springs, the management of which often steps up to provide what it can to community activities and events without charge.

As the music played, a line of kids formed around library volunteer Maggie Gothman, who was applying temporary tattoos to arms and hands with a sponge and water Gothman, a junior at Clear Creek High School in Evergreen, said volunteering at the library is one way of giving back to the community she enjoys.

“I actually went to Carlson Elementary and I used to come here everyday and hang out with friends from school,” Gothman said. “It’s just a core memory of coming here as a kid and reading books. It brings back old memories of a special space.”

e Clear Creek County Library District typically holds reading and group activities on Fridays either at the John Tomay location at 605 Sixth St., Georgetown or at the Idaho Springs Library at 219 14th Ave. Events can be found at https://

Mount Evans brings support

Library volunteer and Clear Creek High School Jr. Maggie Gothman, applying temporary tattoos at Idaho Springs Library Feb. 27.

Small program helps seniors age in place

Medicare does not cover services of CAPABLE

Chikao Tsubaki had been having a terrible time.

In his mid-80s, he had a stroke. en lymphoma. en prostate cancer. He was fatigued, isolated, not all that steady on his feet.

en Tsubaki took part in an innovative care initiative that, over four months, sent an occupational therapist, a nurse, and a handy worker to his home to help gure out what he needed to stay safe. In addition to grab bars and rails, the handy worker built a bookshelf so neither Tsubaki nor the books he cherished would topple over when he reached for them.

Reading “is kind of the back door for my cognitive health — my brain exercise,” said Tsubaki, a longtime community college teacher. Now 87, he lives independently and walks a mile and a half almost every day.

e program that helped Tsubaki remain independent, called Community Aging in Place: Advancing Better Living for Elders, or CAPABLE, has been around for 15 years and is o ered in about 65 places across 26 states, including Colorado. It helps people 60 and up, and some younger people with disabilities or limitations, who want to remain at home but have trouble with activities like bathing, dressing or moving around safely. Several published studies have found

the program saves money and prevents falls, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says contribute to the deaths of 41,000 older Americans and cost Medicare about $50 billion each year.

Despite evidence and accolades, CAPABLE remains small, serving roughly 4,600 people to date. Insurance seldom covers it (although the typical cost of $3,500 to $4,000 per client is less than many health care interventions). Traditional Medicare and most Medicare Advantage private insurance plans don’t cover it. Only four states use funds from Medicaid, the federal-state program for low-income and disabled people. CAPABLE gets by on a patchwork of grants from places like state agencies for aging and philanthropies.

e payment obstacles are an object lesson in how insurers, including Medicare, are built around paying for doctors and hospitals treating people who are injured or sick — not around community services that keep people healthy. Medicare has billing codes for treating a broken hip, but not for avoiding one, let alone for something like having a handy person “tack down loose carpet near stairs.”

And while keeping someone alive longer may be a desirable outcome, it’s not necessarily counted as savings under federal budget rules. A 2017 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services evaluation found that CAPABLE had high satisfaction rates and some savings. But its limited size made it hard to assess the long-term economic impact.

It’s unclear how the Trump administration will approach senior care.


e barriers to broader state or federal nancing are frustrating, said Sarah Szanton, who helped create CAPABLE while working as a nurse practitioner doing home visits in west Baltimore. Some patients struggled to reach the door to open it for her. One tossed keys to her out of a second-story window, she recalled. Seeking a solution, Szanton discovered a program called ABLE, which brought an occupational therapist and a handy worker to the home. Inspired by its success, Szanton developed CAPABLE, which added a nurse to check on medications, pain, and mental well-being, and do things like help participants communicate with doctors. It began in 2008. Szanton since 2021 has been the dean of Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing, which coordinates research on CAPABLE. e model is participatory, with the client and care team “problemsolving and brainstorming together,” said Amanda Goodenow, an occupational therapist who worked in hospitals and traditional home health before joining CAPABLE in Denver, where she also works for the CAPABLE National Center, the nonpro t that runs the program. CAPABLE doesn’t profess to x all the gaps in U.S. long-term care, and it doesn’t work with all older people. ose with dementia, for example, don’t qualify. But studies show it does help participants live more safely at home with greater mobility. And one study that Szanton co-authored estimated Medicare savings of around $20,000 per person would continue for two years after a CAPABLE intervention.

“To us, it’s so obvious the impact that can be made just in a short amount of

time and with a small budget,” said Amy Eschbach, a nurse who has worked with CAPABLE clients in the St. Louis area, where a Medicare Advantage plan covers CAPABLE. at St. Louis program caps spending on home modi cations at $1,300 a person.

Both Hill sta and CMS experts who have looked at CAPABLE do see potential routes to broader coverage. One senior Democratic House aide, who asked not to be identi ed because they were not allowed to speak publicly, said Medicare would have to establish careful parameters. For instance, CMS would have to decide which bene ciaries would be eligible. Everyone in Medicare? Or only those with low incomes? Could Medicare somehow ensure that only necessary home modi cations are made — and that unscrupulous contractors don’t try to extract the equivalent of a “copay” or “deductible” from clients?

Szanton said there are safeguards and more could be built in. For instance, it’s the therapists like Goodenow, not the handy workers, who put in the work orders to stay on budget.

For Tsubaki, whose books are not only shelved but organized by topic, the bene ts have endured.

“I became more independent. I’m able to handle most of my activities. I go shopping, to the library, and so forth,” he said. His pace is slow, he acknowledged. But he gets there.

KFF Health News is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues and is one of the core operating programs at KFF — an independent source of health policy research, polling, and journalism.



intensity and so little warning, if any, it’s just a horrible predicament to be in and you should avoid it at all cost,” Wilson continued.

CSAR comprises all search and rescue teams in Colorado including Alpine Rescue, almost all are volunteers, according to Wilson.

Education, awareness and equipment are essential in avoiding or surviving an avalanche according to both the CAIC

and CSAR.

Essential steps before heading to the backcountry include checking the avalanche forecast for that day at the CAIC website

An avalanche survival kit should also be part of your pack whether hiking solo or in a group.

e kit should include a minimum of a transceiver, probe, shovel, Been said.

Rescue crews will utilize four-wheel vehicles, helicopters, skis and boots to track a victim as quickly as possible no matter where, when or how deep a person is buried in the snow.

“It’s going to take some time for us to

nd you and then how far are you buried in that snow?

“Are you buried 1 foot or 14 feet? We’ve had people buried more than 20 feet in Colorado,” Wilson said.

Another important asset available to search and rescue crews are highly trained avalanche dogs that assist in the search.

“If you are stuck in an avalanche and an avalanche dog can get on the scene quickly your chances go up tremendously,” Wilson said. “ eir nose can sni you out in under a minute, they are phenomenal at what they do.”

Another asset CAIC depends on daily

are backcountry riders or hikers who report to them current conditions, winds, snowpacks and avalanches often sending pictures which forecasters can study to identify current or potential risks.

“You don’t have to be an avalanche expert, even an image and location can be really helpful to our forecasters, just look for the ‘submit eld report’ on the webpage,” Been said.

Although the inherent danger of avalanches will never be completely mitigated or controlled, representatives from the CAIC and CSAR say their work is to at least reduce the risk with education.

We’d like to know about events or activities of interest to the community. Visit www. and post your event online for free. Email ckoeberl@ to get items in the newspaper. Items will appear in


O the Cu Conversation with Sheri Matt Harris: 6 p.m. Monday, March 24, at the county building located at 405 Argentine St. in Georgetown.

St. Patrick’s Day A air: 5:30 p.m. Saturday, March 15, at Vintage Moose in Idaho Springs. Ra es and giveaways to bene t Charles’s Place animal shelter.


Idaho Springs Lions Club meetings: 7:30 a.m. every rst and third ursday of the month at Marions of the Rockies, 2805 Colorado Blvd., Idaho Springs. Come join us and help to serve our community. For information –, email info@ or call 720-608-1140.

Clear Creek Democrats:5-7 p.m. “ irsty 3rd ursday” at the Vintage Moose, 12 16th Ave. in Idaho Springs. Non-alcoholic options and snacks are provided.

CASA of the Continental Divide seeks volunteers:CASACD promotes and protects the best interests of abused and neglected children involved in court proceedings through the advocacy e orts of trained CASA volunteers. Be the di erence and advocate for the youth in our community. e o ce can be reached at 970-513-9390.

Clear Creek EMS/Evergreen Fire Res-

cue Launch Mugs for Rugs Campaign: Bring an old throw rug and you’ll leave with a bright green mug! You can bring them to Station 1A in Dumont, 3400 Stanley Road, or you can email captains@clearcreekems. com and CCEMS will come to you to make the trade. Clear Creek EMS also o ers fallrisk assessments by bringing someone from the re department to make sure smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are working properly. To request a visit, ll out the form at

Blue Spruce Habitat volunteers needed: Blue Spruce Habitat for Humanity is looking for volunteers. A variety of opportunities and exible schedules are available on new construction sites as well as for exterior minor home repairs. No previous construction experience needed. Contact volunteer@ for information.

Resilience1220 counseling: Young people 12 to 20 can get free counseling through an Evergreen-based organization called Resilience1220. Composed of licensed therapists, Resilience1220 serves individuals and groups in the foothills including Clear Creek County. ey also facilitate school and community groups to build life skills in wellness and resilience among youth. For more information or to schedule a counseling session, visit, email or call 720-2821164.

Dental clinics: Cleanings, X-rays, dentures, tooth extractions and more. Most insurances are accepted including Medicaid. Sliding scale/low-cost options are also available. No appointment necessary.


restricted, especially in cases where an ongoing investigation is underway.

Fulton said the evening will start with a short presentation from Harris followed by a Q&A from the public.

is is a mobile dentist that comes once a month. Call program manager Lauralee at 720-205-4449 for questions.

Clear Creek Rotary 2000 meetings: Clear Creek Rotary 2000 meets at 7:30 a.m. Wednesdays at Marion’s of the Rockies. 2805 Colorado Blvd., Idaho Springs. For more information, email loe

Support after suicide loss: A safe place to share and learn after losing a loved one to suicide. is group meets every fourth Wednesday of the month from 5:30-7:30 p.m. via Zoom or in person at the Resilience1220 o ce. For ages 14 and up. Suggested donation for this group is $15. Register at

Sensitive collection: Resilience1220 strives to inform and support highly sensitive people to live healthy and empowered lives. It meets the third Wednesday of each month from 6-7 p.m. and is o ered via Zoom or in person at the Resilience1220 ofce. Register at

Public Health o ering sexual health and family planning: Clear Creek County Public Health is now o ering Sexual Health and Planning Services at the Health and Wellness Center in Idaho Springs. Public Health o ers counseling, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing, STI and HIV screenings, basic infertility services and birth control options and referrals. ese services are con dential. Public Health can also now bill Medicaid and most private insurance. However, if you do not have insurance, fees are based on a sliding scale — and no one will be turned away if they are unable to pay.

Following that Harris plans on taking the group on a brief tour of the sheri ’s department and the jail housed in the basement of the county building, for that reason participants need to be at least 18 years old. e open discussion with residents is aimed at ful lling one of three promises to the public Harris made when elected sheri .

ose goals include: operational improvements, recruiting and retaining additional quali ed deputies and building community relations and trust back with the community. “ is discussion will allow locals more access to the department as the opportunity to learn more about the sheri ’s o ce and the people we have working here,” Fulton said

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A legal newspaper of general circulation in Idaho Springs, Colorado, the Clear Creek Courant is published weekly on Thursday by Colorado Community Media, 1630 Miner St., Idaho Springs, CO 80452.

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Clear Creek County Sheri Matt Harris.

Finding the will and the way

When our oldest daughter, Kate, was just over 2 years old, I found her perched on top of the refrigerator with one hand holding open the door of the freezer and the other reaching in to grab an Otter Pop.

I was shocked by the sight and asked her what she was doing. Kate, who always wanted to be exactly like her mother and therefore refused to call me “Dad” because that’s not what Beth (Mom) called me, turned her head, looked at me, and said, “Nothing, Jim.”

To get in this precarious prone position 6 feet o the ground, Kate had gone to the corner of the kitchen and placed her plastic step stool on the counter. She then must have moved her highchair across the kitchen so that she could use the chair to climb onto the counter.

Apparently, after getting on the counter, she pushed her step-stool over next to the refrigerator, stepped up on it and climbed on top of the refrigerator. From there, for this two-year-old fearless climber, it was easy to open the freezer door and begin to reach down to grab the prize.

We can critique our parenting regarding this situation all day long. How is it that a 2-year-old could be left alone long enough to accomplish such a feat? Why did I not hear the furniture being moved? What other safety features were not in place? e list goes on. In the end, whether it was good parenting or not, after getting her down safely from the top of the refrigerator, Katie, Beth, and I had Otter Pops. I am sure we took a few minutes to talk about not doing that anymore, but I do not remember that part of the conversation.

We have shared that story with people numerous times over the course of the last 30 years laughing with each retelling. ose are great memories. In the last 16 years, since my MS. Diagnosis, I have come to recognize that beyond the great memories, the story holds lessons about overcoming obstacles. ree things stand out for me.

Most obviously, there is the idea that where there is a will, there is a way. In our struggles, it is so easy to get stuck with an “I can’t do that.” recording playing in our head. We need to get rid of that record;

Iit is limiting and debilitating. When we change the message to, “I can’t do that in the way I used to.” It opens doors and creates possibilities.

Next, while I can only imagine what her 2-year-old brain was thinking, I suspect that Kate broke the problem of wanting an Otter Pop into several parts: How do I get on the counter? How do I get on top of the fridge? How do I get an Otter Pop? To nd di erent ways to do things, we may have to break hurdles down into parts. Figure out one step that gets us a portion of the way there and then gure out the next. When we do that, eventually we will get our Otter Pop.

Finally, Kate was bold and open to taking chances. To take on the struggles we face we too must be bold, willing to take chances.

Struggles put us at a crossroads, an inection point where we must decide what our mindset and path will be. My hope for each of us is that we will choose the path with options, with possibilities, with joy.

You have got this.

I hope my words encourage you, and that you will share them with those who need support. ank you to everyone who has shared their stories with me so far; I truly appreciate hearing about the valuable ideas you nd in these columns and how you use them to uplift those around you.

Jim Roome lives in Arvada with his wife, Beth. He spent 34 years in public education. Lessons learned from the one two punch of being diagnosed with MS shortly before his best friend was diagnosed with terminal cancer led him into a new pursuit as a freelance writer and speaker. He uses his life experiences and love of stories to inspire, educate and encourage local, national and international audiences. Contact him at

Education in the U.S. and how each state fares

How does the U.S. do in educating its citizens compared with other developed nations? e following quote from education expert Judy Butler gives a perspective I never thought of.

states in order):Indiana, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, Utah, Ohio, Maine, Florida, Delaware, Washington, South Dakota, Rhode Island.

am a recently-retired lawyer, having practiced for 45 years in Colorado. Over the past 10 years, my wife and I have had the honor of working as volunteer interpretative rangers in Rocky Mountain National Park (“Rocky”).

Neither Rocky Mountain, nor any of Colorado’s other national park units (of which there are about 16, including parks, monuments, historic trails and other sites), are oversta ed. Indeed, they have been understa ed for quite some time. at is based on our rsthand knowledge. When Elon Musk announced the indiscriminate employment cuts to our federal government, including all of our national

“Education system rankings are always an apples and oranges comparison. Educational systems are a product of the countries’ culture,” she said.

She contends the U.S. is No. 1.

“ at’s because we educate everyone through age 18 and don’t siphon o kids around age 16, sending only the best students on to high school making them eligible for college and other post-high school education,” Butler said.

So, our democratic ideas a ect our ranking. We live up to the idea that everyone in the U.S. deserves a chance to succeed.

I looked at many rankings and only one, a U.S. News and World Report study in 2024, ranked the U.S. No. 1 in education. It included our world-class colleges and universities as part of our education system. As a result of my research, I know we are not 24th, as Elon Musk reported, but we are not the best either. e U.S., despite ranking high in educational system surveys, falls behind in math and science scores compared to many other countries. In reality, we have 50 educational systems as our K-12 education is managed and funded almost completely by the 50 states, according to a 2024 report by Fullerton College of Education at Michigan State University.

So, as a result, I focused on measuring the 50 states in terms of their K-12 school systems. I found three credible studies that measured school quality, student safety and student success. As each study had di erences, I combined the three averaging each state’s scores. e following are those results.

First quadrant (highest performing states in order): New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, Virginia, Vermont, Wisconsin, Maryland, Illinois, Nebraska, Colorado, Iowa.

Second quadrant (above average

ird quadrant (Below average states in order):Montana, Kentucky, West Virginia, Missouri, Kansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Idaho, Texas, Arkansas, Michigan, North Carolina.

Fourth quadrant (Poorest performing states in order): Hawaii, California, Oregon, Mississippi, South Carolina, Alaska, Alabama, Nevada, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arizona, New Mexico.

Some of these rankings are in uenced by the makeup of the individual states. ere is a study by the National Center for Education, which studies 67,977 schools in 12,842 districts. at study shows that suburban schools produce reading scores of 50.7 vs. similar scores of 41.4 in rural schools and 37.4 in urban schools. Math scores are also highest in suburban schools at 49.7 vs. 41.7 in rural schools and 38.0 in urban schools. e three di erent school settings have similar student to pupil ratios and similar teacher pay per student ratios. is suggests that the scores students produce depend on their school environment. States with predominantly suburban schools will produce higher scores and the reverse is also true.

You may be wondering how we are doing., an organization that helps parents understand school quality, rates both Evergreen and Conifer High Schools in the top 3% of the over 26,000 high schools in America.

I had a wife, sister and two aunts who were teachers. All would agree that the two facts that matter most in student success are parental involvement and the quality of the teacher. Who among us has not had that special teacher who motivated and challenged us.

My son, upon graduating from college, wrote to his fth-grade teacher thanking her for her extra e ort on his behalf. I invite you to remember your special teacher and tell someone about them.

Jim Rohrer of Evergreen is a retired businessman who worked in small, medium and very large businesses. His books “Never lose your job. Become an MVP” and “Improve your bottom line, develop MVP’s today” focus on fostering success.

Protect our parks by contacting your representatives

park units, I immediately began contacting the ofce of 8th District Congressman Gabe Evans to discuss the catastrophic e ect of these cuts on our national parks in Colorado, and I asked when he would publicly support our parks.

I’m in my third week of constant contact, and while I have spoken to people at his o ce, no one has given me any impression that he cares the least about our parks. Most re-

cently, when I asked a representative in his o ce to tell me when he would support the reversal of employee cuts in our national park units in Colorado, he said he did not know and instead referred me to the videos on Mr. Evans’ website touting his support for a recent House budget resolution and potential cuts in Medicaid. Please, let Mr. Evans know that our national parks are a beacon of light in the world.

My wife and I, in our jobs, discuss the beauty and majesty of Rocky with literally thousands of visitors from throughout the U.S. and dozens of other countries. I can think of nothing more important for us to promote in these trying times for our

country, and nothing more shortsighted than ignoring the park’s needs. Let Mr. Evans further know that if he does not care about our parks, he does not care about Colorado and has no business representing its citizens, whether in the 8th or any other district.

is guest column was written by Boulder County resident Kevin Allen, who moved to Colorado in 1978 and practiced law for 45 years, mostly at Allen Vellone Wolf Helfrich & Factor P.C. Now retired, he and his wife have served as volunteer interpretative rangers at Rocky Mountain National Park for 10 years.

Jim Roome
Kevin Allen
Jim Rohrer

An open space purchase

Living in Clear Creek County is a privilege that just over 9,000 people are able to say they have. Here, in our mountainous, rocky county, residents can simply step outside their door for a hike or look out the window to see majestic mountain peaks and gorgeous, winding creeks owing downstream.

at’s why the Clear Creek County Open Space Commission is excited to announce it has acquired the historic Stevens Gulch property, reinforcing its commitment to safeguarding natural landscapes.

Nestled in Bakerville, just o Interstate 70, this acquisition from the Fabian Watrous Estate encompasses 43 signi cant mining claims and two mill sites spanning Stevens Gulch and the adjacent Waldorf Basin. ese claims, primarily situated on the slopes of McClellan Mountain and within Waldorf Basin, also include parcels bordering the popular Grays and Torreys trailhead. e scenic access trail, frequented by hikers, winds through the valley, with the newly acquired claims forming a picturesque backdrop to the southeast. is acquisition ful lls the Watrous Family’s vision of ensuring the enduring preservation of these lands for their invaluable open space qualities.

“ e acquisition also guarantees the Stevens Gulch property will remain a permanent asset for the residents of Clear Creek County, directly ful lling the Open Space Commission’s commitment to safeguarding alpine ecosystems, prominent viewsheds, and the crucial headwaters of Clear Creek,” said Michael Rodgers, Open Space Commission chair. It’s lands and spaces like this that spurred the creation of the Clear Creek County Open Space Commission nearly 25 years ago. For background, the commission was established by the Board of County Commissioners in the 2000 in response to a citizen-initiated ballot measure to support the acquisition and management of open space lands in Clear Creek County. e initiative created an Open Space Property Tax: a $1 mill tax levy, which translates to 1/1,000th of a dollar of assessed property value.


Members of the commission are Clear Creek County citizens appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. eir task is to advise the commissioners on matters concerning the management and acquisition of lands designated as Open Space properties. Nearly 2% of the county’s public lands are designated as open space with nal management decisions being made by the Board of County Commissioners. e overall mission of the Open Space Commission is to preserve and maintain the county’s unique character and natural environment by protecting our streams, woodlands, meadows, wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities prominent vistas, geologic features and cultural resources to enhance the quality of life for residents and the enjoyment of the outdoors for residents and visitors.

e Open Space Commission is made up of volunteers who work collaboratively with county sta to ful ll the commission’s duties and goals.

If this is something that you are interested in, the Open Space Commission is currently seeking applicants willing to help with preserving and managing the county’s open spaces.

“It is an opportunity to get your feet on the ground and participate in maintaining the privilege a orded to the residents who are lucky enough to live here,” Rodgers said.

e commission meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Anyone is able to attend one of its meetings to learn more about that opportunity. Visit or email to learn more about the application process and the Open Space Commission.

If you have the opportunity to visit any of the Open Space properties, please keep our mission of “Preserve, Protect, Enjoy” in mind. Help us preserve our open spaces for generations to come by being good stewards of the land!

Megan Hiler is the press information o cer for Clear Creek County. Kay Axtel is a member of Clear Creek County Open Space Commission.

Federal public safety funding remains frozen

Governor Polis promises to find ways to ‘bridge the gap’

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis on March 3 urged the Trump administration to comply with a court order prohibiting the federal government from freezing funding, highlighting $69.5 million in public safety grants promised to the state.

At the end of January, President Donald Trump issued a sweeping freeze on federal spending, which a federal judge soon temporarily blocked. State o cials said more than $570 million that Congress approved for Colorado remained inaccessible in early February.


A news release from Polis, a Democrat, said the administration has stopped paying for Homeland Security grants allocated to the state in de ance of a court order mandating funding be disbursed. e release said the state will do “everything it can to bridge the gap in funding.”

“In Colorado, we are focused on improving public safety and this delay and uncertainty makes us less safe,” Polis said in a statement. “Common sense support to improve safety for Boys and Girls Clubs, places of worship, stopping school violence, and disaster assistance is illegally being cut o by the Trump administration. is wrecking ball approach from

the federal government puts communities throughout Colorado at risk.”

Funding promised to Colorado that the state has not received includes:

• $18.66 million from state homeland security grants

• $6.36 million from emergency management performance grants

• $9.79 million from state and local cybersecurity grants

• $2.45 million in emergency operations center grants

• $9.87 million from nonpro t security grants

• $775,720 from targeted violence and terrorism prevention grants

• $15.2 million from urban area security initiative grants

Summit County Sheri Jaime FitzSimons said the ongoing funding freeze is “deeply concerning” for his county.

“As home to the most visited national forest in the nation — the White River National Forest — a critical stretch of Interstate 70, and dam infrastructure vital to the Colorado River Basin, Summit County relies on federal funding to support public safety across private, public, and federal lands,” FitzSimons, a Democrat, said in a statement. “Public safety must remain a priority, and restoring these funds is essential.” is story is from Colorado Newsline. Used by permission. For more, and to support the news organization, visit

Report says fewer Coloradans identify as Christian

e percentage of Coloradans who call themselves Christian has declined over the past decade and a half, as the percentage of Coloradans who de ne themselves as “religiously una liated” increased by almost the same amount over the same time period.

It’s a trend that matches what’s happening across the country.

e Pew Research Center’s “Religious Landscape Study,” published Feb. 26, found that in 2007, about a third of Coloradans (67%) identi ed as Christian. Last year, that number dropped to about half (52%).

Carl Raschke, a professor of philosophy of religion at the University of Denver, says this shift is based on some unique characteristics about the Centennial state.

“Colorado is one of the most educated states in the country …. Higher levels of education very much go hand in hand with higher levels of religious disa liation,” Raschke said. “Colorado has historically always been less religious than other parts of the country.”

e state of Colorado is 10% less Christian than the country as a whole, according to the study. e percentage of people who identi ed as Christian was 78% nationally in 2007 (as compared to Colorado’s 67% at that time). e percentage of people nationwide self-identifying as Christian declined to 62% in 2024, 10% higher than Colorado’s 2024 Christian percentage at just over half (52%).

Religiously una liated on rise

Besides providing data on the decline of how many people identify as Christian, the report also found that the percentage of people in the U.S. who aren’t a part of any religion and describe themselves as “religiously una liated” has gone up, and it appears that the people who are walking away from Christianity are not connecting with new faiths.

Indeed, the decline in the number of people who identify as Christian nearly mirrored the rise in the number of people who are “religiously una liated” between 2007 and 2024. e number of people identifying as Christian declined nationally by 16%; those who de ned themselves as religiously una liated rose 13%.

In Colorado, the percentage of people who de ned themselves as religiously una liated In 2007 was a quarter of the state’s population, 25%. at percentage shot up 15 percentage points to 40% last year.

DU’s Raschke said age is a factor in the shift away from Christianity and religiosity in general.

“Most of the decline has been among the younger generation,” he said. “ at’s been a national trend.”

About 37,000 people participated in the Pew research study, which has been conducted for the past 17 years.

is story is from CPR News, a nonprofit public broadcaster serving Colorado. Used by permission. For more, and to support Colorado Public Radio, visit



Home’ Again… Discover Innovative Home Products and Services at the 18TH ANNUAL


e 18th Annual Foothills Home, Garden and Lifestyle Show (FHGLS) is scheduled for Saturday, April 12 from 10:00am-4:00pm and Sunday, April 13 from 10:00am-3:00pm at Evergreen High School (29300 Bu alo Park Road). ere is no admission fee required to attend this event and parking is also FREE.

Whether you are looking to renovate your existing home, build a new home or simply want to spend an exciting weekend with family and/or friends viewing all the new home products currently on the market, e Foothills Home, Garden and


Lifestyle Show is a beloved community event that has something to o er just about everyone.

“ e Foothills Home, Garden and Lifestyle Show is organized by the Evergreen and Conifer Rotary Clubs. e location of this annual event alternates each year between Evergreen and Conifer High Schools,” said Erica Sprenkel Evergreen Rotary Club Member.

Erica Sprenkel, 2025 Foothills Home, Garden and Lifestyle Show Chair, along with her co-chair Dave Laughlin, are spear-

heading this year’s event at Evergreen High School. e show draws local residents as well as visitors and tourists from Denver metro and all points beyond. e community happening will showcase 80-plus reserved booths featuring area construction trades, remodeling companies, and gardening/landscaping businesses. You will also nd a plethora of other service vendors and nonpro ts represented at the show (leisure, health, cooking, Colorado artistic/creative businesses—and more). While some will o er demonstrations of their products, all participants will exhibit and o er their

products/services for sale, interact with the public, and answer questions from attendees.

“We are happy to announce that Evergreen Animal Protection League (EAPL) will also be a participating exhibitor this year and they will feature puppies for adoption,” stated Erica Sprenkel.

is year’s returning Presenting Sponsor is Lifetime Home Remodeling (formerly Lifetime Windows & Siding). Gold Sponsors are 5280 Exteriors and Old Growth Tree Service; the event’s Bronze Sponsor is 1st Bank. Check out the FHGLS website for a list of sponsors and participating businesses/ organization including this year’s food truck vendor who will be selling food and beverages on the grounds outside the event.

Since 2005, e Foothills home show has been “welcoming home” more than 1,000 at-

tendees each year (depending on the weather) and helping “business to happen” in our foothills. Residents of our community understand that shopping locally keeps monies in our own community. Supporting the success of our mountain businesses, retailers, and nonpro t organizations, as well as the show’s vendor participants from down the hill, ultimately fuels our local economy and real estate market enabling our community to thrive while perpetuating our beloved mountain lifestyle.

e Evergreen Rotary Foundation (ERF) and the Conifer Rotary Foundation (CRF) are the entities that distribute grant money to the local community and internationally on behalf of the Evergreen and Conifer Rotary Clubs. Last year, Evergreen Rotary’s fundraising e orts enabled them to purchase a delivery truck for the Evergreen Christian Outreach nonpro t. In addition, Evergreen Rotary donates approximately 120-pounds of food to

the EChO Pantry each month.

Over the years many local organizations have bene ted from Rotary grants, including: Seniors’ Resource Center, Mountain Resource Center, Evergreen Christian Outreach, Blue Spruce Habitat for Humanity, Evergreen Chamber Orchestra, Evergreen Fire and Rescue, Evergreen and Conifer High Schools, Mountain Area Land Trust, Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice, Stage Door eater, Staunton State Park Track-Chair Program, and more.

Since its inception, the Foothills Home, Garden and Lifestyle Show has raised well over $325,000, all of which has been, and will again be, apportioned back to the bene t of our community. Although the home show admission is FREE to the public, non-perishable food donations will be collected at the door for the EChO Food Pantry and the Mountain Backpack Project, a Rotary led project that sends food home with kids at the end of each week. One in ve children in Colorado belong to families that cannot a ord food, or do not have regular access to food. Consequently, the Conifer Rotary-led project partners with the Conifer and Bailey communities to ensure these children have enough food at home to

sustain them through the weekend.

“It takes a coordinated e ort to organize any major community event,” said 2025 FHGLS Show Director Erica Sprenkel. “We know we simply could not have produced the Foothills Home, Garden and Lifestyle Show for the past 18 years (except for a shutdown in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID virus) without the continuing support of our dedicated Evergreen and Conifer Rotary Club members,

our loyal sponsors, our 70-plus volunteers, and the many attendees who, over the years, have enabled the Foothills Home, Garden, and Lifestyle Show to become such a popular and successful community event.

Foothills residents like to do business with people they know, like, and trust. So, show your support to keep our local community’s economy ourishing. Set your sights on traveling “homeward” to Evergreen High School on

April 12 and April 13. Plan to attend the 18th Annual Foothills Home, Garden and Lifestyle Show with family and/or friends. Allow yourself the opportunity to interact with other community members and residents, meet area vendors face-to-face, learn more about their products/services, and discover the latest home/garden trends and current products just right for you, your own home, and your lifestyle.

Considering re nancing your current home loan? Let mortgage broker Grant Brewster of Edge Home Finance guide you through the process. For over thirty years, the foothills native has consistently helped his customers meet their real estate requirements by providing mortgage services that exceed their expectations.

To help you make an educated re nancing decision simply send Grant a copy of your recent mortgage statement (via email or text). Upon your property review, he will promptly contact you to discuss your goals and provide you with your best re nancing options.

“Whether you want to lower your interest rate and/or monthly payments, shorten/change your loan term/type, or cash out a portion of your home’s equity for repairs/renovations, re nancing might be a good choice.” said Grant Brewster who as a mortgage broker is not employed or a liated with any lending institution and can o er you unlimited products.

Should you decide to re nance, Grant will protect/lock-in the agreed interest rate/terms, process the loan with your supporting paperwork, and place that loan with the lender. Loan closing generally completes between two-four weeks therea er.

Grant Brewster (720-668-4183/grant. brewster@edgehome is located at Flow eory Coworks, 3540 Evergreen Parkway. Contact him for more re nancing information, and for all your nancing needs.

The Fireplace of Your Dreams

Spring is (almost) here and with it, a surge in home renovation projects like adding a new replace.

Here’s how we take your replace dream from an idea to reality.

Step 1: Idea

Our NFI-certi ed showroom sta will conduct a thorough assessment of your needs and desires. We’ll help you choose the right product based on fuel, heating needs, size, aesthetics, and budget. e fun part is choosing design elements including nishes, fronts, media, and optional accessories. en there’s the less fun part: planning and logistics. We handle everything for you! Installing a replace may seem straightforward but ask any of our installation technicians… ey’ll tell you it’s never as easy as it looks. It’s a complex process! We have the experience to navigate the most unique of replace installations with an eye on safety and function.

Some replace companies give you a “rough estimate” for installation. We don’t.

We detail every cost to prevent expensive surprises. Once you accept the proposal, we order your appliance, accessories, and parts so that all necessary items are ready on installation day.

Some replace companies do inspections, measurements, etc. during the “installation phase.” We don’t. ese essential logistical steps take time. And what if the installers need to order specialty parts for a safe installation? ey have to put the project on pause! We say that’s too many days of inconvenience for you. at’s not acceptable and that’s not how we work!

We do the logistical prep work well before installation day to streamline the process and minimize the intrusion into your life. We take measurements to determine which models and styles t your space. We address clearances, venting requirements, utility hookups, special considerations, and identify the components needed to ensure safety and compliance with local building codes. We order everything ahead of time. Seems

simple, right? We think so. We’re committed to making things as easy and convenient for you as possible.

Some replace retailers just sell products and leave you to handle or outsource the logistics and installation. We don’t. A DIY approach o en leads to costly mistakes and wasted time. And, many replace brands won’t honor warranties unless the appliance is professionally installed. We leave nothing to guesswork or chance.

e entire process never leaves the building. e buck stops here.

Step 2: Fire

Yay, it’s installation day!

Our in-house uniformed NFI-Certi ed technicians arrive in a branded truck: no sub-contractors, just our friendly crew of licensed, bonded, insured, and courteous professional employees. We treat you and your home with the utmost respect. We follow all safety protocols and protect your investment with our 10-year Workmanship Guarantee!

We will also set you up for success with

instructions for using your new replace, insert, or stove. You’ll become an expert on adjusting heat and ambience for maximum value, e ciency, and enjoyment.

A er the installation, we follow up to make sure you’re 100% happy and troubleshoot any issues.

en, we’ll conduct an optional Customer Appreciation Visit where we present you with a gi to express our sincere appreciation for your business and take a few pictures for our portfolio.

We also o er professional replace maintenance service and repairs. We’re always here when you need us!

Get started on your dream replace project today so you’re ready by the time the rst snow ies in September! (So soon???)

Give us a call at 303-679-1601, browse our website at, or stop by our showroom at 7001 Hwy 73 in Marshdale to see wood, gas, and electric replaces, inserts, and stoves in action!

Choosing Healthy Beverages for Kids and Teens

(StatePoint) Choosing healthy beverages for children and adolescents is just as important as choosing healthy foods, as it impacts everything from oral health to chronic disease risk. at’s why leading health and nutrition organizations developed new healthy beverage recommendations for families with children ages 5-18.

ese evidence-based recommendations were created as part of a collaboration by experts at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Heart Association, who were brought together by Healthy Eating Research (HER) with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

To make choosing healthy beverages easier for families, the organizations created these three categories:

Beverages to Drink

ese beverages are recommended as part of a healthy diet because they provide essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, and don’t contain added sugars.

• Plain drinking water is still the best option to keep kids healthy and hydrated. It’s also o en the most accessible and a ordable.

• Plain, pasteurized milk is another healthy option because it provides important nutrients that growing kids and teens need.

Beverages to Limit

• 100 percent fruit and vegetable juice can

be part of a healthy diet, but daily consumption should be limited. Whole fruits and vegetables are generally better choices because they provide dietary ber, contributing to a feeling of fullness.

• Plant-based milk alternatives like oat milk and almond milk should be limited because they are not nutritionally equivalent to cow’s milk, which provides essential nutrients that kids need to grow up healthy. Many also contain added sugars and non-sugar sweeteners, which are harmful to kids’ health. If your child is allergic to dairy milk or has a dietary restriction, talk to your doctor or registered dietitian about nding the plant-based milk

alternative that is best for your child.

• Flavored milks, like chocolate milk and strawberry milk, should be limited because they contain high amounts of added sugars and non-sugar sweeteners. If your child does not like drinking plain milk, it’s best to consider other foods from the dairy group (like unsweetened yogurt) before o ering avored milk.

Beverages to Avoid ese beverages are not recommended as part of a healthy diet because they o er no nutritional value and have ingredients that can be harmful to kids and teens.

• Sugar-sweetened beverages, such as sports

drinks, sodas, fruit drinks, fruitades, aguas frescas and sweetened waters are high in added sugars, which can put children at risk for dental cavities, and diet-related diseases like type 2 diabetes and obesity.

• Drinks with non-sugar sweeteners, such as aspartame, stevia and monk fruit, should also be avoided. Just because a drink is advertised as sugar-free doesn’t mean it’s healthier. In fact, new research shows non-sugar sweeteners may not help control body weight and may increase the risk of diet-related chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

• Drinks with ca eine or other stimulants like taurine should be avoided. ese include energy drinks, energy shots, co ee, and tea. Evidence suggests that there is no safe amount of ca eine consumption for children under 18 and that even small amounts can lead to poor sleep quality, increased blood pressure, and depressive moods and anxiety.

You can learn more about healthy drinks at

“We all want our kids to grow up healthy, and research shows that what kids and teens drink is an important part of a balanced diet, not just what they eat. But there are so many drink products on the market, it can be hard to gure out what’s healthy and what’s not,” said Megan Elsener Lott, MPH, RDN, deputy director of HER. “ ese recommendations provide a gold standard based on the latest research and can be goals that families work toward together.”


A womanizing US president. Gin-drinking, poker-playing, skirt-chasing Cabinet members. And a plot from the inside to usurp control of the Navy’s oil reserves. Wild and juicy stuff this. And all of it a true chapter of America’s history.

With a deft researcher’s hand and the heart and attention of a creative writer, Constance Bierkan has written a rstof-its-kind ctionalized recounting of what led up to this nearly forgotten nugget from the past, the Teapot Dome Scandal. Like No Place on Earth is a spirited coming-of-age story set in Wyoming at the start of the madcap Roaring Twenties and the birth of the oil industry. As much a love story as it is a historical deep-dive, Like No Place on Earth will be irresistible to book clubs and history buffs alike.

Lawmakers seek to delay childcare cuts for youngest

Move by legislators aims to deter planned cuts

A powerful legislative committee on Feb. 27 expressed an interest in reversing some planned cuts to a Colorado program that provides therapies to babies and toddlers with delays.

While the details are still up in the air, lawmakers on the Joint Budget Committee essentially pledged to nd funding to prevent thousands of young children who get services through the state’s Early Intervention program from losing certain therapies starting this month.

e committee’s decision is sure to prompt a sigh of relief from parents and therapy providers, many of whom said they were panicked and heartbroken when they learned of the impending cuts announced by the Colorado Department

of Early Childhood a few days before the announcement. e state’s $87 million Early Intervention program serves around 11,000 children from birth to 3 years old each month.

“We are going to get this done and help these kids,” said Sen. Je Bridges, a Democrat who represents parts of the Denver metro area and is chairperson of the committee.

e committee voted unanimously to authorize a bill that would lay out possible xes to the cuts that directly impact children. e meeting was tense at times, with several lawmakers expressing frustration that the Department of Early Childhood’s leaders hadn’t informed the committee about the budget problems that prompted them to plan the cuts.

e cuts would have limited children to four hours of therapy a month, which


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is a fraction of what some get now. In addition, children who are on Medicaid, a health insurance program for low-income people, would no longer have been allowed to get developmental intervention, which is therapy that can help young children with attention, cognitive development, and learning.

Planned cuts that only a ect Early Intervention therapists — for example, not reimbursing them for no-shows — will go forward as planned.

Parents, therapists, and lawmakers all expressed surprise when they heard about the cuts. Leaders from the early childhood department said the cuts were needed to stave o a projected $4 million shortfall caused by a growing Early Intervention caseload, the expiration of federal COVID stimulus funds, and the fact that fewer children are eligible for Medicaid.

But some lawmakers on the Joint Bud-

get Committee were angry they had never been alerted of the impending shortfall or service cuts to babies and toddlers with disabilities.

Rep. Rick Taggart, a Republican from western Colorado, called it “insulting, to say the least.”

Jeanni Stefanik, chief nancial o cer for the early childhood department, said the funding shortfall “was not fully realized until just a few weeks ago” and called the factors contributing to it “a perfect storm.”

It’s not entirely clear why state ocials, who said they routinely monitor the number of children in Early Intervention, weren’t aware of the possible funding shortfall earlier.

Reprinted with permission from Chalkbeat, a nonpro t news site covering educational change in public schools. Sign up for their newsletters at


Rather than vibrant green landscapes and stone bridges arched over running waters, the Rocky Mountains act as the backdrop for various pieces of Irish culture throughout the Denver metro area.  Ireland’s rich history shines through in many aspects of life, re ected in clothing, cuisine, artwork, family life and much more.

However, it’s the music, dancing and pubs that play integral roles in the nation’s identity and keeps Irish culture alive across Denver.

“Denver has a strong Irish cultural scene,” said Ariel Bennett, owner of the Denver-based Heritage Irish Stepdancers dance school.

Denver’s Irish history

e Irish have had a strong presence in Denver since the mid-to-late 1800s.

Between 1845 and 1855, many Irish people immigrated to the United States due to the Great Famine in Ireland that decimated potato crops. A few decades later, Irish immigrants migrated to Leadville when silver was discovered. But when the Colorado Silver Boom ended in 1893, they began to make their way to Denver.

ey continued to work as laborers, but as generations evolved with the turn of the century, the Irish became more involved in the development of the city – in uencing religion, education and politics.

“Including eight Irish dance schools, a number of Irish pubs and a bunch of home-grown Celtic bands.”

e in uence of the Irish continues to be seen today through dance, music and pubs.

“Singing, playing and dancing are an essential part of social interaction, artistic expression and cultural identity,” Bennett said.

Stepping into the culture

When Bennett was a child, her mom, Molly, played in an Irish band and while playing at a party, Molly met two teenagers from Ireland. e teens asked if anyone would be interested in joining an Irish dance class.  Bennett was immediately put in the class and was later joined by her sister and mom.

e family started their own school, Heritage Irish Stepdancers, in 1998. While the main studio is in Denver, located at 7808 Cherry Creek South Drive, they also have classes at the Dance Academy, 8600 Park Meadows Drive in Lone Tree, and at Flatirons Dance, 8390 W. 80th Ave. in Arvada.

Although the exact origin of Irish dance is unknown, Bennett has learned about the di erent types of dances and how important it is to the culture.

ere are two forms of Irish social dancing. One is called set dancing, which has roots in English dancing, said Bennett, and the other is ceili dancing. is type of dance – which has become popular in competitions – involves couples dancing with other couples, similar to American square dancing.

“Sometimes people would do what was called a stepabout at these gatherings, where dancers would take turns showing o their fanciest moves,” Bennett said.

One of the more commonly-known styles is seeing the dancers with their arms by their sides. is is stepdancing, also known as solo dancing, and there are two styles within stepdancing. e soft shoe is more like ballet and the hard shoe is more like tap.

Also, women typically perform light and graceful moves while men do moves that are more powerful and rhythmic.

“Historically, stepdancing was done by common people, and they didn’t have special dance equipment,” said Bennett. “ ey wore ordinary clothes and shoes when they danced.”

Women and girls wore knee-length dresses with embroidered Celtic designs, said Bennett, but as competitive Irish dance became more popular, performance attire became shorter and lighter, with bright and bold designs.

For Bennett, Irish culture has always been part of her life, and over time, she has seen how dancing plays a key role in Irish identity.

A rainbow sits over a bright green landscape at the Rock of Cashel in Cashel, Republic of Ireland.
The River Lee runs through the Republic of Ireland’s second largest city, Cork, which is home to the English Market and the Blarney Castle and Gardens. PHOTOS BY HALEY LENA


Unique and distinctive music

“I was once told by an Irish person that the way you tell if someone has Celtic blood in them is by putting on Irish music. If they tap their feet and can’t sit still, they’re a Celt,” said Bennett. “ is just shows the importance that music has in Irish culture.”

With distinctive rhythms and unique traditional instruments, Irish music has always been a way to express emotions, tell stories and share culture.

Laura Schulkind, founder and executive director of the Chamber Music Society of Greater Denver, has been traveling around the metro area this March with the chamber, celebrating Celtic culture through music.

“Celtic music can be sorrowful, re ecting a lost love,” said Schulkind. “Or joyful and full of dance.”

Similar to many cultures, music was used to resist oppression. And Celtic music has also been used to preserve history, celebrate the nation’s identity and build community. It’s the instruments that are unique to the Celtic sound that instills life into the music.

Although Schulkind is a utist, she nds the distinctive sound of the Irish harp soothing and uplifting, making it one of her favorite instruments.

Other instruments that make up the Celtic sound include ddles, utes, the mandolin, concertina, tin whistles, highland pipes, uilleann pipes, Irish Bouzouki and the bodhrán.

A bodhrán is a frame drum where one side of the drum is open and the musician places their hand against the inside of the drum to control the tone and pitch while the other hand beats the drum.

“ e instruments create a rich texture that can go from a dense sound to a very light sound,” Schulkind said.

It’s often said that Irish music is a blend of storytelling and musical expression. Schulkind agrees.

A piece Schulkind is playing is called “In Ireland” by Hamilton Harty. She said the note at the beginning from the composer states: “In a Dublin street at dusk, two wandering musicians are playing.”

“ e composer is compelling me to tell a story with his piece,” said Schulkind. “He wants me to paint a picture with sound through the fantasy-type writing at the beginning and the joyful music at the end.”

Celtic music is not just for formal settings.

‘Good-ole Irish craic’

“Many of the tunes are also drinking tunes for the pubs,” Schulkind said.

From Celtic on Market to the Irish Rover, there are a multitude of pubs hidden throughout the Denver metro area. ere may not be as many as the 6,000 plus like in Ireland, but the metro area has its fair share.

Pubs are more than just a place to grab a drink. ey serve as a hub for the community, fostering a sense of belonging and contribution to the town.

“You just sit and have a good time, chat with your local friends, meet new people – and that’s exactly what we’ve tried to establish here,” said Megan Casey.

Casey has worked at Ned Kelly’s Irish Pub for 14 years and has fallen in love with getting to know the community and sharing a piece of Ireland.

e pub is a small, bright red building tucked away o Main Street in downtown Littleton. It rst opened in 2009 by two men – one of whom is from Ireland – after owning Scru y Murphy’s in downtown Denver.

Littleton “de nitely had the small town charm that a lot of Irish pubs have,” Casey said, adding that the building was remodeled in 2013 to make the pub more authentic.

While musical and stepdancing performances, as well as fundraising for local charities bring authenticity to the pub, Casey said getting to know its patrons on a personal level is what makes the pub feel genuine.

Having been to Ireland a few times, Casey said everyone in the pub is treated like family and that is what they aim for at Ned Kelly’s.

“ e few Irish pubs that I was in, that’s exactly how it was,” said Casey. “Everybody just welcomed you and wanted to get to know you. Like they say, ‘the good-ole Irish craic.”’

Stepdancing, also known as solo dancing, is a form of dance where the dancers perform with their arms down to their sides where women typically perform light and graceful moves while men do moves that are more powerful and rhythmic. COURTESY OF ARIEL BENNETT
Ned Kelly’s Irish Pub in downtown Littleton is one of many Irish pubs scattered throughout the Denver metro area. Established in 2009, it is the only Irish pub in Littleton. PHOTO BY HALEY LENA
With various styles of social and competitive dance, dancing has been an integral part in Irish culture. The Denver-based Heritage Irish Stepdancers dance school continues to carry on the Irish culture in the metro area. COURTESY OF ARIEL BENNETT


1. TELEVISION: Which 1960s sitcom was about a TV comedy writer, his job and his family?

2. AD SLOGANS: Which candy slogan urges consumers to “Taste the rainbow”?

3. COMICS: Which superhero gets his power from a ring?

4. GEOGRAPHY: Which country has the most islands?

5. MEASUREMENTS: How many cups are in a pint?

6. MOVIES: Which scary 1980 movie contained the phrase “red rum” and what does it mean?

7. ANATOMY: What is the outermost layer of human skin called?

8. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the rst president to ride in a car to his inauguration?

9. HISTORY: When did India gain its independence from Great Britain?


10. CHILDREN’S LITERATURE: Who lives at 32 Windsor Gardens?


1. “ e Dick Van Dyke Show.”

2. Skittles.

3. e Green Lantern.

4. Sweden.

5. Two.

6. “ e Shining.” It’s the word “murder” spelled backward.

7. Epidermis.

8. Warren Harding (1921).

9. 1947.

10. Paddington Bear and the Brown family.

(c) 2025 King Features Synd., Inc.


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