Adams County Election Guide 2012

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October 11, 2012

County residents have many voting options This annual election guide highlights questionnaire responses from the most local races in the regional coverage area. This includes Adams County races, RTD races, the Congressional District 7 race and all state House and Senate races in the Northglenn, Thornton, and Westminster region. The guide also highlights ballot questions. Look for continuing coverage in our newspapers throughout the month of October and through the Nov. 6 general election. We encourage all Adams County residents to vote. Please send your comments and questions to editor@ Website links Colorado Community Media Adams County

With only a few weeks left to the general election, Adams County voters will be provided with a variety of options to cast their vote in the general election. Adams County registered can participate in early voting by visiting the following designated center locations: • Adams County Economic Development Office, 12200 North Pecos St. in Westminster • Adams County Government Center (Conference Center), 4430 South Adams County Pkwy. in Brighton • Adams County Human Services Building (Lower Level), 7190 Colorado Blvd. in Commerce City • DeVry University, 1870 West 122nd Ave. in Westminster • Westminster Motor Vehicle Ofice, 8452 North Federal Blvd. These early voting centers will be open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday from October 22 to November 2, and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, October 27. Registered voters may also choose to vote at any one of the county’s 32 Election Day voting centers, including: • Westminster Motor Vehicle Ofice, 8452 North Federal Blvd. • DeVry University, 1870 W 122nd Ave. in Westminster • Adams County Economic Development Office, 12200 North Pecos St. in Westminster • Holiday Hills Village Mobile Home Park, 2000 West 92nd Ave. in Federal Heights

• Thornton Civic Center, 9500 Civic Center Dr. • Margaret Carpenter Recreation Center, 11151 Colorado Blvd. in Thornton • Anythink Library, 5877 East 120th Ave. in Thornton • Heritage Todd Creek Clubhouse 8455 Heritage Dr. in Thornton These voting centers will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, November 6. A complete list of Election Day voting centers can be found on the Adams County website at: aspx?NID=141 First-time early or Election Day voters will be required to show an acceptable form of identification to vote in the general election. Acceptable types of identification includes: a valid Colorado driver’s license; a valid Medicare or Medicaid card issued by the United States Health Care Financing Administration; a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other governmental document that shows the name and address of the elector; a certiied copy of a U.S. birth certiicate for the elector; a valid U.S. military identiication card with photograph; a valid U.S. passport; or a certified documentation of naturalization. A complete list of other acceptable identification forms can be found on the Adams County website at: aspx?NID=162. As an alternative to voting in-person at the

polls, registered Adams County voters may receive mail-in ballots, which must be returned in the signed oficial return envelope by Election Day. The Adams County website states the first mail-in ballots may be sent out to voters on Oct. 15 and counted beginning on Oct. 22. The last day to apply for a general election mail-in ballot is on Oct. 30, and the last recommended day to mail in ballots is Nov. 1. Mail-in ballots may also be turned in at early voting or Election Day center locations. County residents interested in obtaining a mail-in ballot must complete a Mail-In Ballot Application, while active military personnel stationed overseas may obtain a mail-in ballot by completing a Federal Post Card Application. Both mail-in ballot registration forms can be found on the Adams County website at: http:// A request for a mail-in ballot must contain a voter’s mailing address; date of birth; printed name; residential address; and signature. Parents or spouses cannot complete an application for registered voters - mail-in ballot applications must be signed by the applicant. These application forms may be submitted in person or mailed to the Adams County Elections Ofice at: 4430 South Adams County Pkwy., Brighton, CO, 80601 or by fax at: 720523-6266. For more general election information, visit the Adams County Elections department website at: aspx?NID=141 or call: 720-523-6500.

State election information elections Northglenn www.ournorthglennnews. com Thornton www.ourthorntonnews. com Westminster www.ourwestminsternews. com Cover photo taken by Andy Carpenean.

7380 Lowell Drive Westminster, CO 80030 303-566-4100 newsroom@ourcoloradonews. com

County voters to consider board expansion Approval could modify representation, voting procedures By Darin Moriki Adams County residents will consider a ballot measure in November’s election that may increase the number of county commissioners from three to ive within the next few years. If approved by voters, the measure could change the way constituents vote for county commissioners in future elections and modify county commissioner representation countywide. The three sitting county commissioners approved a resolution May 23 to approve language for the ballot measure, which prompts voters to consider two questions. The first part of the ballot question asks if the number of board of county commissioner members should be increased, and the second

part asks how these commissioners should be elected. Voters may consider three options for the election of the new county commissioners: three district commissioners and two at-large commissioners to be elected by the entire county; three district commissioners elected by district residents and two at-large commissioners elected by county residents; or five at-large commissioners elected by county residents. Ben Dahlman, the Adams County budget manager, estimates it would cost nearly $237,496 each year to add two commissioner positions. He said costs for each commissioner include a lat $87,300 salary, $25,328 in additional varying beneits, a cell phone allowance not to exceed $1,800, and $4,320 in vehicle costs covering services such as gas or maintenance. Dahlman also estimated the county might take on a one-time cost of about $70,000 to build out and furnish offices for the new commissioners. Proponents of the measure say it would in-

crease representation and provide an opportunity to make fair decisions, while opponents argue the measure is unnecessary. District 1 Democratic county commissioner candidate Eva Henry and District 2 Republican county commissioner candidate Donnia Howell said the addition of two members would provide voices for underrepresented areas and enhance decision making. “Right now, it only takes two people to have total control over this county,” Henry said. “If we had a variety of voices on the commission, maybe what had happened with all of the millions of dollars that we wasted through corruption might not have happened.” District 1 Republican county commissioner candidate Gary Mikes and District 2 American Constitution county commissioner candidate James Fariello disagreed. “I’m not in favor of increasing the size of government,” Mikes said. “Increasing the cost of government, in my opinion, is never been a good thing. I believe that three commissioners can run the county very efficiently.”

October 11, 2012


Marijuana question a pitched ight Amendment 64 would make state irst to legalize marijuana By Clarke Reader Many eyes will be turned to Colorado to see if it becomes one of the first states to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Amendment 64 would amend the state’s constitution to allow for the growth, transport and sale of marijuana, as well as allow the establishment of retail stores, growing and manufacturing facilities. Similar issues are on the ballot in Oregon and Washington this year. According to Mason Tvert, the “Yes on 64” campaign co-director, the amendment regulates marijuana in a similar way to alcohol. Possession, use and limited-home growing would be legal for residents 21 years old and older, and the system for regulation and tax would be near what the system for alcohol is. Passing the amendment would no

change DUI or employment policies, and stores selling marijuana could still be prohibited by localities. This issue has been on the minds of many since medical marijuana was legalized in 2009, and both sides of the amendment are extremely passionate about it. Major supporters have flocked to each side, and the debate over the issue is just heating up. Laura Chapin, a spokesperson for the “No on 64” campaign, cites three major reasons against passing the amendment. “The increased access is a huge problem,” Chapin said. “Parents know that more pot available means there will be more pot that kids have access to.” She added that use among students is already on the rise, and that the amendment will only increase the number of young people smoking. Another problem with the amendment is that it conflicts with federal law, Chapin said. Since federal law still bans the production, transportation and distribution of marijuana, if the amendment passed, users would believe they would be protected by Colorado law, but federal law would supersede the state’s.

Amendment to streamline personnel New rules would allow for more lexibility, modernization By Clarke Reader On November’s ballot voters will consider Amendment S, an issue that aims to modernize the state’s personnel system. The amendment would change rules in the state’s constitution concerning hiring and and other details of the personnel system, which hasn’t been updated in more than 40 years, in an effort to make them more flexible. Currently, the state assesses a job applicant through standardized testing, but Amendment S would change things so that test scores aren’t the only thing taken into account when hiring someone. The amendment also creates a veterans hiring preference to help returning soldiers find a job in the civilian sector. The amendment would also expand the sources of employment for the state.

For example, the constitution currently allows for an agency to only have three finalists for a job, states that applicants must be residents of Colorado, and places a limit on temporary work to six months. In response to these rules, Amendment S would allow for six finalists for a position, would allow job applicants to live within 30 miles of the state’s border, and would extend temporary work time to nine months. The state’s governor would also receive more responsibility over the personnel system with the passage of Amendment S. Governors would be able to exempt around 325 positions that are currently merit positions under the existing rules, which would allow them to be politically appointed. These positions include deputy directors and public information officers, among others. On Wednesday, Sept. 12, Gov. John Helper and former governors Bill Rotter and Bill Owens came out in favor of the amendment and launched the “Yes on S” campaign. For information on the campaign and amendment, visit

“Since the issue would be an amendment to the state’s constitution, if there was a problem we wanted to fix, we couldn’t do it legislatively — we’d have to go back to the constitution,” Chapin said, describing the third major issue. “We would have to go back and re-vote on any changes we’d want to make, and that’s a big structural problem.” The list of supporters who have rallied against the amendment include Gov. John Hickenlooper, Speaker of the House Frank McNulty, the County Sheriffs of Colorado and most recently, the Colorado Education Association. For Tvert, and other supporters of Amendment 64, the prohibition on marijuana has “utterly failed and caused far more harm than good” and so the time has come to look at a different approach to the issue. “Amendment 64 would take marijuana out of the underground market, where it is entirely uncontrolled, and put it in the legitmate market at licensed stores,” Tvert said. “Right now teens are reporting that it’s easier to buy marijuana than alcohol, and that in part is because marijuana is not regulated like alcohol.”

Tvert also said there is no evidence that teen use would increase, if the amendment passed, since a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that marijuana use by high school students dropped in Colorado after the 2009 regulations on medical marijuana went into effect. Supporters also note that there is tax money to be made from marijuana legalization. All sales would be the subject of state and local sales taxes, and according to Tvert, the General Assembly would also need to enact an excise tax of up to 15 percent on wholesale sales of nonmedical marijuana, of which the first $40 million would go to the state’s public school construction fund. Supporters for the adoption of Amendment 64 include former congressman Tom Tancredo, Doug K. Wilson, Colorado State Public Defender, the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado, the National Latino Officers Association and Blacks in Law Enforcement of America. For more information on the campaign against Amendment 64, go to and for the campaign in favor of the amendment, visit

Wright Farms seeking to accept county grant If approved, measure would remove restrictions to begin project By Darin Moriki The Wright Farms Metropolitan District will seek voter approval from its residents to remove Colorado Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights restrictions imposed on grant funds received by the district. Jeffery Erb, an attorney representing the district, said the ballot issue will be considered by the 2,260 registered electors residing in the Wright Farms Metropolitan District, which includes Wright Farms, Holly Crossing and Jasmine Estates subdivisions. If approved, the “de-Brucing” move would allow the district to accept a $297,000 Adams County Open Space grant to construct a trail and pedestrian bridge across Brantner Gulch and connect it to the regional trail system on the north side of the gulch.

The term “de-Brucing” is an act by voters granting government the right to keep and use revenues that otherwise would be returned to taxpayers under the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights Amendment (TABOR) to the Colorado Constitution. Erb said the approval of the ballot question would allow the district to receive grant money in the future and will not cause a tax increase. He said the project recently reached an impasse after the Sage Creek Homeowners’ Association refused to “provide the final easement necessary for this project.” Instead, he said the district will submit a grant modification request to Adams County Open Space in hopes of creating a nature trail. As of Sept. 19, Erb said the grant modification request has not been submitted or approved. Established in 1986, the district is responsible for parks and recreation, storm sewer systems, traffic and safety systems and landscaping within its three subdivisions.

October 11, 2012


Voters to decide school funding Ballot questions 3A and 3B would support Je co schools By Cassie Monroe Campaigning for and against ballot issues 3A and 3B has been heard around Jefferson County throughout the summer. District representatives note Jeffco Public Schools will be able to continue normal operations during the 2012-13 school year, but if the Legislature does not increase funding for the 2013-14 school year, the district will face $45 million in budget cuts. The ballot issues include a proposed bond and mill-levy — or property tax — increase, that will be on the Nov. 6 ballot. Jeffco Public Schools Chief Operating Of-

ficer Steve Bell said the $39 million mill levy override, known as 3A, would go to the district’s general fund for day-to-day operations, educational programs, maintenance, salaries and supplies. The $99 million bond package, 3B, would support capital projects, such as buildings, repairs and renovations. In order to fund the increases, the average homeowner in the county would pay about $14.76 per year per $100,000 in assessed value. For the average Jeffco homeowner, this would be about $3.06 per month. Two opposing groups have emerged in the county. Citizens for Jeffco Schools is in support and Jefferson County Students First is opposed. The majority of Jefferson County Board of Education members are in support of the tax increases. School board member Laura Boggs is opposed. Citizens for Jeffco Schools representatives

are in support of the bond and mill levy, stating it will strengthen the district. Kelly Johnson, co-chair of the group, said she and other supporters believe strong schools benefit the community by providing an educated workforce, attracting business and maintaining property values. “Both issues, 3A and 3B, are a very modest request of the taxpayers to provide quite a lot for the schools,” Johnson said. “We wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t important.” She said the last time Jefferson County taxpayers were asked to make a contribution to the schools was for the 2004 mill levy. She said if the measures are passed, 600 jobs in the schools will be maintained, the district will not have to use furlough days, and critical repairs needed in the schools will be made. The opposing side, represented by Jeffco

Students First, says schools do not need extra funding to operate. Sheila Atwell, chair of the group, said she and supporters believe it is unfair for the district to ask for increased funding from taxpayers, and they should use the funds they already have more efficiently. “We feel it isn’t necessary,” Atwell said, “the economy being where it is, and that is why school funding has gone down.” For more information about Citizens for Jeffco Schools visit www.supportjeffcoschools. com, and for Jeffco Students First visit www.

Four vie for RTD board District K vacancy By Tammy Kranz Four candidates are vying for the Regional Transportation District Board of Directors District K spot - David Elliott, Rich Himmel, Jan Pawlowski and Paul Solano. The seat has had a lot of turnover in its recent history. Kenneth Riley was elected to the position in 2010, but resigned his post in October 2011. The Adams County Board of Commissioners appointed Kathi Williams in December 2011. She resigned her RTD post after accepting a position as CEO of the Colorado Optometric Association. Barry Gore, CEO and president of the Ad-

ams County Economic Development, filled in the slot beginning Aug. 1, and will serve the remaining term, which ends in January. Gore said he wasn’t interested in running for the seat because he has a full plate with ACED. Thornton Mayor Heidi Williams encouraged voters do their homework prior to casting votes for the RTD board. “Pay attention to who is running for this board because these people will make or break it for us,” she said. “We need someone who is going to stay and fight for us.” One of the main issues the RTD District K representative will face is how to fund the North Metro FasTracks rail to 72nd Avenue.

The first part of the North Metro line is funded - the part between Denver Union Station and the National Western Stock Show. The construction of that segment is expected to be completed by 2017. RTD Project Manager Jane Donovan said the cost to build the line from the stock show to 72nd could cost about $150 million. Because federal grants are given out based on ridership numbers, once the line reaches 72nd, RTD would be in a better position to receive funding to help build more of the line. The RTD board approved at its Aug. 28 meeting an amended Regional Transportation Plan. The plan identifies FasTracks projects that can be completed by 2035 with the

funding currently available. Gore was the lone dissenting vote on the amended plan. “I knew the measure would pass but I wanted to send a message that it’s not enough,” he said. “Based on the snapshot, we don’t get any service to 72nd until the 2030-35 timeframe.” North area leaders have criticized RTD for putting its efforts and funding behind extensions before the entire FasTracks has been built out. “Extensions were never supposed to be built before the lines,” Williams said. “They need to put (that money) to our line to get us to 72nd.”

Voters to consider water district bond measures Approval would add about $60 million to budget, free up grant opportunities By Darin Moriki The Central Colorado Water Conservancy District will seek voter approval in November for an estimated $60 million bond measure to develop more water storage and purchase water rights in northern Colorado. Kathryn Parker, the water district’s public information officer, said the bond issue and de-brucing issue will only appear on ballots for people in certain areas of Adams County that are within its taxing district.

The bond would allow the district to participate in the Chatfield Reservoir Reallocation Project, invest and install infrastructure for new gravel pits to store another 10,000 acre-feet of water and purchase senior water rights to 1,000 acre-feet of water. The estimated monthly impact of the proposed bond measure is $1.29 per $100,000 of a home’s market value. The bond would allow the Greeley-based water district to participate in the 16-member Chatfield Reservoir Reallocation Project in Denver, install infrastructure for new gravel pits to store another 10,000 acre-feet of water and purchase senior water rights to 1,000 acre-feet of water. Danyelle McCannom, the district’s chief fi-

nancial officer, said participation in the $23 million Chatfield Reservoir project would free up an additional 2,849 acre-feet of water storage to the district. She said about 5 percent of the water district’s $1.5 million annual budget is set aside to pay for the project each year. Randy Ray, the district’s executive director, said the current gap between supply and demand within the district and its two sub-districts — the Well Augmentation Sub-district and Ground Water Management Sub-district — is more than 64,000 acre-feet. He said Denver metro-area cities and water providers upstream from the district’s coverage area are purchasing senior water rights within the district and drying up valuable, productive farmland and putting the local

economy at risk. Ray said the Ground Water Management Sub-District are independently either taking steps or have already taken steps to “deBruce,” providing them opportunity to seek state and federal grant monies. The term “de-Brucing” is an act by voters granting government the right to keep and use revenues that otherwise would be returned to taxpayers under the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights Amendment (TABOR) to the Colorado Constitution. Those within the sub-district’s taxing area will consider whether it shall “be authorized to collect, retain and expand the full amount of revenues” without limitations or conditions from TABOR in November.




October 11, 2012


RTD District K

QUESTIONS 1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style. 2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job. 3) Please list your top three priorities if elected. 4) What do you make of the delayed timeline of the North Metro FasTracks line and what should be done? 5)Would you support a future tax increase for the build out of the North Metro rail? Why or why not?

Terms The winner of the Regional Transportation District (RTD) Board of Directors District K race will serve a four-year term.

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Address: 13282 Clermont Circle, Thornton, CO 80241 Background: Accountant, systems field engineer, Citizens Advisory Budget Committee, Lowry Redevelopment Authority, resident of Colorado for 20 years. Contact: 303-362-0254

Address: Hunters Glen, Thornton Background: I’m a 20-year Air Force Vietnam veteran and a manufacturing, procurement and quality assurance professional. Contact:, 303 717-3999

Address: 850 S. 7th Ave. Brighton, CO, 80601 Background: Volunteered in the city of Brighton and School District 27J for many years. We are 45-year residents of Brighton and have owned Varsity Sports for 28 years. City Council 1996-2001 (Mayor pro tem four of these years): First woman mayor 2001-2009. Contact: 303-659-4586

Address: 6751 E 60th Ave. Background: Twenty years in telecommunications, working to implement the “information highway.” Studied public administration at the University of Colorado at Denver Telecommunications Certificate University of Phoenix, bachelor’s degree from Metropolitan State University

1) Teamwork, friendship, dedication 2) David has served on public committees for more than 10 years, he has ridden RTD transportation to all parts of the city, and he graduated from the University of Wyoming with a degree in Business Administration. 3) 1) Complete the North line to 72nd as soon as possible, 2) Introduce new bus service to east Thornton, Reunion and Brighton, and 3) Employ Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) to shorten arrival times into the city. 4) This is unacceptable to the citizens who live up north. We have been paying into this project and we have not received any return. RTD needs to complete the North line all the way to 166th as soon as possible (they have already purchased the right of way). 5) No, I do not support a new tax. RTD was given the task of building out the rail system equally among all parts of the city. They have not done that. They have broken their promises with the citizens who live up North. How can you expect us to pay a new tax when we have not received the benefits of the older tax?

1) Participatory, pragmatic, decisive 2) I hold degrees from the University of Oregon and the Army’s Command and General Staff College and I’m a graduate of the Defense Systems Management College. My experience in manufacturing involves detailed insight into budgeting, scheduling, manpower, equipment, supply issues and the ability to juggle those elements into cohesive, focused results. 3) Support and promote FasTracks and the build-out of the North Metro Corridor; re-build public trust by participating in District K public meetings and communicating what is going on at RTD; give voice to Northern area concerns and return accountability to board actions.

1) Decisive, confident and an independent thinker. 2) Leadership skills acquired through 14 years of service on the Brighton City Council, eight of those as mayor. Instrumental in getting increased bus service for Brighton residents by obtaining Call `n Ride service to supplement Brighton’s limited route service. Served on the DRCOG board, the Mayor’s Caucus Task Force for RTD, Adams County Economic Development a charter member of NATA (North Area Transit Alliance). 3) Represent the residents of District K with strong leadership skills, fair-mindedness and objectivity.

4) It is problematic for community development and the long-range economic prosperity of the Front Range. RTD should pursue all available bonding capacity, federal grants and loans, private sector funding and leveraged cash resources.

4) The downturn in the economy wasn’t planned for, when FasTracks was put forth—obviously the whole system has been set back. Costs skyrocketed.

5) I do, because it is in the economic best interests of all communities along the entire Front Range. Public transportation is key to the efficient movement of goods and services as well as business access to large labor pools. We must be willing to invest in our future if we are to expect prosperity for our children.

5) I feel there is not much choice — in order to meet the rising costs and demands a tax increase is probably inevitable. There is also discussion of finding investment partners from the northeast area and it is so important to keep the metro partners striving for the same goal and that is a “complete build out of the system,” sooner rather later.

1) Analytical, factual and equitable.

2) Masters curriculum completed including: research and analytical methods, public management and organization theory, public finance, policy process analysis, public policy formulation and administrative law.

3) A) Analyze the RTD budget and determine if the funding for future projects is fair to all corridors. B) Analyze current policy alternatives to determine which offers the greatest utility to advance RTD services to North Metro. C) Future forecasting to estimate positive and negative externalities of RTD funding to north metro. Probability and feasibility studies of improved RTD fastracks and bus services.

4) The delivery of services is overdue and delay will not be tolerated. A coalition of federal, state and local leaders must be established to initiate, implement and complete services to north metro.

5) No. A future tax increase is not an option. The redistribution of funds should be considered and based upon need and what is good for Colorado. This will require each area to identify their mission and overall goals, and will increase communication and coordination within the RTD organization.

October 11, 2012


District 2

District 1

QUESTIONS 1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style. 2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job. 3) Please list your top three priorities if elected. 4) As a commissioner, how would you stimulate job growth and economic development? 5) Do you favor expanding the Board of County Commissioner seats from three to ive members and why? Terms The winners of the Adams County Board of Commissioners District 1 and District 2 races will serve fouryear terms.





Party: Democratic Address: 4455 E. 115th Ave, Thornton, CO Background: I raised my own children as a single mother in the house behind the one I grew up in, and learned what hard, honest work means in the private and public sectors. Contact:

Party: Republican Background: Gary Mikes is an Adams County native, a father of three with six grandchildren. He owns and operates the small family business his parents started in Adams County, over 38 years ago. Contact: 303-252-1645 www.Gary

Party: Republican Address: PO Box 373, Henderson, CO 80640 Background: An elder law attorney and advocate for seniors. She and her husband have lived in Adams County for 10 years and have a 6-year-old son. Contact: 303-579-0779

Party: American Constitution Address: 2021 Jessup Street, Brighton, CO 80601 Background: 68 years old, retired from US Army (Senior NCO) and law enforcement (chief). A lifelong resident of Adams County with 40-plus years of service to my community, state and nation. Contact: 303-659-3319

1) Pacesetter, Inspirer, straightforward

1) Honest, Ethical, and Reliable

1) Responsible, Accessible

2) I’ve been honored to serve my community as mayor pro tem, as well as on the Adams County Economic Development Board, the Housing Authority, and the Blue Ribbon Commission on Homelessness. As the mayor pro tem, in my tenure I have brought jobs to Adams County and balanced a $184 million budget with a 20 percent reserve. 3) Economic Recovery/Job Creation, increasing transparency for the commission, and providing effective job skills training. In order to improve Adams County, we must do all three of these. We need an open and honest government to help small businesses receive the incentives they need, and we need a workforce ready for a 21st century job market. 4) Make the county more proactive in assisting recruitment of new business and investigate possible tax benefits that will encourage businesses to come to Adams County. 5) Yes. The county has 400,000 citizens and only three people to represent them. It currently only takes two people to have control. This is why corruption happens. Also, as Adams County has grown, our need for representation has grown. We need a more diverse representative body to address the needs of our growing community.

2) A proven record of integrity and a strong work ethic, the owner/operator of a successful and profitable small business for more than 12 years, the ability to listen to and address the needs of my many loyal customers for many years, the knowledge and willpower to operate a business with a balanced budget. 3) Restore and protect our county’s reputation and honor, create an “Open For Business” mentality, create opportunities to employ our citizens. 4) My “Open For Business” plan will encourage entrepreneurs with reduced regulations, fair and equitable treatment, county departments that conduct business with a long-term focus that encompasses mutual respect and honest participation. By setting an example of how good, clean, honest government can free up business to prosper and grow. Be there to help businesses not regulate them to death. 5) I am not in favor of increasing the number of commissioners from three to five. Primarily on the principle of smaller and less costly government. As taxpayers, we are struggling to pay our mortgages and feed our families, I do not believe we need to increase the size and cost of our local government.


2) Work ethic, integrity, 13 years healthcare administration experience. B.S. Business — organizational structure, administration, marketing, management, operating budgets. M.A Gerontology — policy issues, State programs for elderly and low-income individuals. J.D. Law — knowledge to comprehend the intricacies and legalities involved in running a county this size. 3) Restore our county image and reputation. Bring in businesses and jobs. Fight for every advantage Adams County has earned and deserves. 4) Promote existing business growth through less regulation, less red tape. The first step in doing that is to restore our county image. When businesses feel they can trust the local government to be fair and equitable they will come here. 5) Yes, although I am not one to ever want to increase the size of government or budgets, I feel a county of this size would benefit from five because there will be more diversity of knowledge, opinion, experience, and with five commissioners it would take an actual majority to pass ordinances - not just two people.

1) Concerned, Ability and Honesty.

2) I am 68 years old, retired from US Army (Senior NCO) and law enforcement (chief). I am a lifelong resident of Adams County with 40-plus years of service to my community, state and nation.

3) Protecting our citizens from the special interests that cause an increase in taxes and place undue burdens on them for projects that we cannot afford at this time or do not need; being uncompromised by special interests in all situations I am involved in; and taking the best conservative way or solution in dealing with county business.

4) I would take care of the citizens first and they would attract or start small business opportunity that is backbone of our economy.

5) No. This would increase support staff and expenses in the office of the commissioners and add more conflict and chances of corruption and problems.

2October 11, 2012


District 2

House Congressional



,Party: Democratic Address: 16033 E. 107th Ave. -Commerce City, CO 80022 )Background: I was born in ADenver General Hospital. After -living in several foster homes, oI was adopted by a loving fam.ily at the age of 4. I have lived in Adams County since 1969. I know hard times, I have lived though them. A Navy veteran, I -have traveled the world. I have worked the last 23 years for one employer. It is an honor for me to mhave the opportunity to serve my wcommunity as I did my country. -Contact: www.ChazforAdams. ycom o .1) Dependable, Fair, Confident

m2) Skills: Problem solver, proven ework history, negotiator, successefully negotiated numerous multi-million dollar contracts, listener, sSeniors, neighborhoods, ethnic -groups, etc. Proven history of splan implementation. Skilled ;trade. Hands on approach. e h3) Transportation, Lland use, economic growth

-4) Work with individual commutnities on specific needs. Develop policies that are favorable to small businesses and industries. r Ensure county infrastructure is maintained and improved in responsible ways that allow busi-nesses to thrive. Actively recruit esmall businesses and industries. d f 5) Voters should be informed, if the benefits outweigh the costs and the budget can be maintained in balance, the voters will make that decision.

1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style. 2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job. 3) Please list your top three priorities if elected. 4) How would you handle the growing discrepancy concerning marijuana, between federal law, and state amendments, including Amendment 64 (recreational mairjuana) on the upcoming general ballot? 5) Following the Aurora theater shooting there have been calls by some in the state to revisit current gun control laws. What – if anything – would you change about current gun laws? Terms The winner of the House congressional race will serve a two-year term. Please note American Constitution Party candidate Doug Dayhorse Campbell did not respond to a request to complete questionnaire.




Party: Democrat Address: 3258 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO Background: Contact: perlmutterforColorado. com 303.459.4729

Party: Republican Address: Golden Background: Joe was raised in Golden. He’s worked as a stockbroker, systems analyst, computer programmer, general supervisor and CEO (CoorsTek). He has served on the boards of many nonprofits and organizations, including the Air Force Memorial Foundation, and the School of Mines Board of Trustees. Contact: 720-350 4629

Party: Libertarian Address: 15820 E. Tennessee Ave, Aurora, CO Background: After 33 years of naval service, both active and reserve, I retired in 2008 as a master chief petty officer. I have degrees in business (AS), industrial technology (BS), and management (MA). Contact:; 303-828-8527

1) Thoughtful, effective, consensus-builder.

2) Tenacity, dedication. Strong belief in the abilities and inherent goodness of individual human beings doing the very best they can with the circumstances they find themselves in.

1) Bipartisan, accessible, hard working 2) Growing up and raising my family here, I value the importance of listening, being accessible and getting things done. I hold office hours at grocery stores and job fairs to meet people and listen to what’s on their mind and help them. In doing these things, helped ensure construction began on the VA hospital and fought to save jobs on the Orion space project and at The National Renewable Energy Lab. 3) 1) Invest in all domestic energy sources to wean ourselves from foreign oil. 2) Pass a bipartisan 10-year budget that reduces the debt by ending tax loopholes for millionaires while protecting Medicare and Social Security. 3) Reduce the debt by ending tax loopholes for millionaires and billionaires 4) I support the use of medical marijuana; however I stand with law enforcement against legalization for recreational purposes. The first step is to reconcile federal and state law. 5) I support the 2nd Amendment, and I support reasonable crime control measures like, reinstating the assault weapons ban, enforcing laws on the books, limit high capacity magazines and unlimited online sales of ammunition and mental health restrictions.

2) As the former CEO of CoorsTek, I helped create over a thousand jobs in the Denver metro area. I am the only candidate in this race who has ever balanced a budget or met a payroll. 3) Creating good-paying jobs that increase the standard of living for working families; promoting a true all-of-the-above energy policy that emphasizes use of all energy sources; and cutting wasteful federal spending that has put our children and grandchildren $16 trillion in debt. 4) I support enforcing federal law and oppose Amendment 64 because I am concerned about the impact that sanctioning the use of recreational marijuana will have on our children, families and schools. 5) I agree with Gov. Hickenlooper that no law could have prevented the tragedy in Aurora. The Aurora shooting was the act of a madman. Instead of passing new laws that would place greater restrictions on law-abiding citizens, I believe state and local law enforcement agencies should enforce the current laws on the books.

1) Lead by example

3) a) Read and work to understand every piece of legislation proposed. b) Restore the Federal Government to its proper Constitutional roles. c) Work to end the use of US Military Forces as the world’s police force.

4) There should be no “War on Drugs.” End “prohibition” and allow individuals to determine freely what they choose to place in their bodies. As part of this, individuals must also accept FULL responsibility for the actions they may take under the influence of those substances voluntarily placed in their bodies.

5) Work to eliminate many of the existing restrictions on the individual right to self-defense. The 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution means what it says and it applies to individuals, not just the “police power” of the state or national government.

October 11, 2012


Congressional Representative District 6

QUESTIONS 1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style: 2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job: 3) Please list your top three priorities if elected: 4) As a congressman, how would you stimulate job growth and economic development? 5) How would you handle the growing discrepancy concerning marijuana, between federal law, and state amendments, including Amendment 64 (recreational marijuana) on the upcoming general ballot?

Terms The winner of the House congressional race will serve a two-year term.



Party: Republican (Incumbent) Address: 14044 East Hampden Place, Aurora, CO. (5950 S Willow Dr., Ste. 305 Greenwood Village, CO ) Background: A former small business owner and Marine Corps combat veteran who resigned from office to serve in Iraq. He is married to Cynthia Coffman. Contact: 303-791-6453

Party: Democratic Address: Joe Miklosi for Congress PO Box 3975 Greenwood Village, CO 80155 Background: Joe Miklosi has served as a Colorado state representative for four years, and he is also an executive at the non-profit humanitarian relief organization Project C.U.R.E. in Centennial. Contact:

1) Honest, hardworking and bipartisan. 2) As a former small business owner, I know what it takes to balance a budget, meet a payroll and to create jobs. As a Marine Corps combat veteran, the only veteran in Colorado’s congressional delegation, I understand the needs of those who serve our nation in uniform and of veterans who have served. 3) My three priorities are to help fix our economy and create jobs, to get the deficits and the debt under control and to protect the programs that seniors depend on and have earned. 4) I strongly believe that it will be small businesses that will create the jobs that are so desperately needed and the best way to do that is to remove the impediments to growth, including unnecessary government regulations. That’s why I supported the Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Act, and am working across the aisle to promote credit availability to small businesses. 5) I am opposed to legalizing marijuana but I am willing to look at making some conforming changes to federal laws based on whatever direction the voters decide.

1) Accessible; Compassionate; Pragmatic. 2) I’m committed to finding bipartisan sensible solutions like those we have worked on in the Colorado state legislature. Along with other state legislators, I cut my take-home pay by 2 percent, and I worked on an audit committee that found more than $70 million in savings for state government to help balance the budget. I want to take that same approach to Washington. 3) My top priorities are: creating good paying jobs in Colorado, protecting Medicare and Social Security, and protecting women’s health freedoms. 4) There are many things we can do. In Congress I would push “Buy American” legislation that gives American companies the first crack at federal contracts and ensures jobs stay here instead of being shipped overseas. I would also work to make Colorado the renewable energy capital of the world in hopes of doubling the 72,000 renewable energy jobs in our state. 5) I support strong guidelines for dispensing medical marijuana to patients who need it, like veterans and those who are extremely ill. However, before going any further, I feel we must work in congress to ensure that federal and state laws are consistent.

KATHY POLHEMUS Party: Unaffiliated Address: 5190 University Blvd. C18 207, Greenwood Village, CO 80121 Background: A longtime participant in District 6 on the staff of Cherry Creek Schools and Arapahoe Advocates for Children. Executive director of Dress for Success Denver. Contact: 303-789-7899, 1) Inclusive. Principled. Decisive. 2) While having a broad understanding of the issues facing the country and extensive demonstrated leadership skills, I do not have to adhere to party ideologies, pander to party donors, or further the agendas of special interests. 3) Replacing bitter partisan politics with respectful reason; confronting and working to resolve our unsustainable fiscal situation; and focusing on improving education at all levels. 4) As a federal congressman I would look to get government out of the way of state and local efforts to encourage job growth and development. 5) As with alcohol, marijuana is best regulated at the local level. Eventually, the courts will sort out the complicated situations created by Colorado’s easily amendable constitution.

PATRICK PROVOST Party: Libertarian Address: 14092 E. Tufts Dr. #617 Aurora, CO 80015 Background: I am a five-year Army veteran disgusted with the way the government is being ran. I am a goal-oriented man who is driven and passionate about this country. Contact: Cell 303-901-6069 1) Decisive, Loyal, Passionate. 2) I operate well under stress. I pride myself in being honest and forthright. I am not a politician; I am an American. 3) To push for an accountability and transparency act. To help develop and implement a balanced and fair budget while still maintaining our obligations to the elderly, our military and those that genuinely need assistance. My third priority is to begin audits of all federal bureaucracies for fraud and waste, including the Federal Reserve. 4) The key to economic growth and job creation is the elimination of government interference. A free market system is the best way to create a solid economic foundation upon which growth can be achieved. 5) As a Libertarian I am against any government interference into the lives of the individual citizen in so far as the action does not inflict undo harm upon other citizens. I believe that marijuana is a relatively harmless drug. The majority of the crime involved with marijuana is linked to its trading on the black market. If it is brought to the open market it can be better controlled andregulated.

October 11, 2012


State Senate District 21

State Senate District 25

QUESTIONS 1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style: 2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job: 3) Please list your top three priorities if elected: 4) What role do you think the legislature should have with the build out of FasTracks? 5) What ideas do you have to promote job creation in your district?

Terms Winners of the state senate seats serve a four-year term. Please note that District 25 Libertarian candidate Ronald Schweizer did not respond to a request to complete a questionnaire.

No photo provided

FRANCINE BIGELOW Party: Republican Address: PO Box 535 Commerce City CO 80022 Contact: Background: Mother of four; small business owner; 22 years in elementary education; charitable orgs; Access Housing; foreign missions (Romania, China); work with homeless women 1) Persuade, educate, persevere 2) Mature enough to remember a better America; not beholden to special interests, PACS, unions; classroom, real world, and foreign job experiences inform my outlook; able to vote my conscience and my constituents’ best interests 3) Reform and refit education; foster wise energy development through innovative technology; end strangulating business regulation and taxation 4) Ensure northern areas get their fair share and investigate contractors. 5) Development of energy resources; reduce regulation, taxes on businesses; work with local and county governments to promote our district to outside firms; think outside the box.




Party: Democratic Address: 900 W. 79th Place, Denver CO 80221 Background: As a lifelong resident of SD21, I know the struggles of our area. I will use my local perspective and advocacy experience to build an economy that works for everyone. Contact: 720-446-VOTE office, 720-434-3747 cell,

Party: Democrat (Incumbent) Address: 447 Poplar Circle, Brighton, CO 80601 Background: Married, two sons, five grandchildren, small business owner, graduate Idalia High School, UNC, teacher, motel owner, transportation experience, state representative eight years, senator four years Contact: 303-659-3298

1) Innovative. Collaborative. Intentional.

1) laid-back, quietly attentive

Party: Republican Address: PO Box 305, Strasburg, CO 80136 Background: I am a retired federal agent (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agent, former police officer from NY, a Gulf War Vet (USCG Port Security Unit), small business owner, married living in Strasburg. Contact: 303-990-9837 (message only) www.SampsonForStateSenate. com

2) As a third generation Adams County resident and a working dad, I understand this district from a lived perspective. I have successfully advanced economic policies that support Colorado’s working families, including eliminating predatory lending practices, raising the state minimum wage and protecting vital resources for education. 3) Building economic self-sufficiency for Colorado’s working families. Enhancing educational opportunities for all (preschool - higher education). Reforming our state constitutional fiscal policies 4) The north metro area has been severely neglected in regards to the investment in and development of public transportation infrastructure. The legislature should work closely with residents, local governments, workers, businesses and RTD to develop a comprehensive plan to move forward. 5) Reform our complex constitutional fiscal policies to encourage job growth. Give preference to local companies for state contracts to keep taxpayer dollars in Colorado. Support workforce development programs that prepare Coloradans for new employment opportunities.

2) Ability to listen, availability to constituents, varied work experience giving broad knowledge areas 3) Balance the budget in a way that reflects the needs of the district — including education. Continue working of job sources such as the Spaceport and other new ideas. Water infrastructure. 4) Supporting moving forward rapidly. 5) Examining tax credits, enterprise zone credits, streamlining regulations.

1) Practical, common sense. 2) As a former federal agent and police officer, and honorably discharged Gulf War veteran, I have strong leadership skills, honesty and integrity. 3) Tax reform, reducing regulations, and addressing the water needs of the state. The population of Colorado will double by 2050 and we need to resolve the issue of water before it becomes a serious problem. 4) Since this matter is now in the courts, the legislature should not get involved and allow the litigation process to take its course. 5) I’d like to see less governmental taxation and regulation of small businesses in an effort to encourage businesses to relocate to Colorado and to Adams County. In order to encourage businesses to locate in Colorado we must make it profitable for them to do so.


October 11, 2012

State House District 30

State House District 31

QUESTIONS 1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style: 2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job: 3) Please list your top three priorities if elected: 4) What role do you think the legislature should have with the build out of FasTracks? 5) What ideas do you have to promote job creation in your district?

Terms Winners of the state House district races serve two-year terms. Please note District 30 Libertarian candidate Shea Lantz did not respond to a request to complete a questionnaire.




Party: Democratic Address: PO Box 31392, Aurora CO 80041 Background: 26 years public service experience Contact:

Party: Republican Address: 48065 E. 38th Avenue, Bennett, CO 80102 Background: Served my country with the 82nd Airborne Division, 40 years experience in the engineering and construction field, married for 37 years, have five children and 13 grandchildren and I am in my second term on the Bennett School Board. Contact: 303-644-3230

Party: Republican Address: Friends of Beth Humenik, P.O. Box 33363, Northglenn, CO 80233-0363 Background: I have been an active participant in the Thornton community for 15 years: Thornton Planning Commission, Comprehensive Plan SubArea Committee, served on City Council for five years. Contact: 303-907-6995,

1) Investigate, Deliberate, Execute.

1) Strong, effective, advocate.

1) Through, Consensus building, Pragmatic 2) I have dedicated my life to working with families and children in need of assistance. I started my career at the Adams County Department of Social Services as an accounting clerk in child care. I ended my 26 years of public service as the deputy director of the Colorado Department of Human Services. I was responsible for six veteran nursing homes, three regional centers, and disabilities determination services. I have expertise in bringing a program in on budget and understand how not to waste taxpayer dollars. The department gave me the opportunity to work with a variety of people — from unskilled workers to people with doctorates, people of different ethnicities and abilities, and different political points of view. I learned that in order to make a difference, you need to listen to all opinions and positions, and develop solutions that take the best ideas from all to end up with a product that works for most. 3) Jobs, Education, and Ending Unfunded Mandates 4) Provide oversight to ensure taxpayers dollars are being used in the most efficient and effect way. 5) I support the Hire Colorado Plan that will allow for Colorado tax dollars to promote Colorado jobs. I also support the innovation tax credits that will create the high-tech and biotech jobs that will result in a strong economy.

2) Forty years of private sector problem solving skills, common sense and wisdom. 3) Raising the standards for K-12 education in Colorado and to be the best in the Nation. Overhaul child welfare programs in Colorado to put the needs of the child first. Get rid of Intrusive job killing regulations. 4) When I think of transportation problems here in Colorado, my first thoughts are to compare E-470, a private owned and operated highway, and C-470, state owned and operated highway. Both served the needs of transportation. The legislature should first investigate the possibility of a private concern building out and operating the FasTracks system before automatically assuming the state can do a better job than the private sector. 5) By getting rid of intrusive job killing regulations and offering tax incentives to companies to expand and hire new employees would be a good first start to promote creation in my district. We need to investigate the best practices in other states that have been successful in creation of new jobs and see if it will work here in Colorado.

2) As an educator, I see every day what really matters, the next generation of Coloradoans. We need to make sure that children have the best education possible and that their parents can get good jobs so they can afford to send their kids to college. 3) Focus will be on encouraging and seeing job creation initiated by businesses to help get folks back to work. Getting the economic structure turned around so we can get Colorado back on track.Will be working collaboratively to make sure that our children are getting a worldclass education. 4) The state legislature could send a strong message to ask ETD to find a way to get the system fully built out now, not in 2034 or beyond, however, realistically there is not much else the legislature may be able to do. 5) We need to find avenues for existing businesses to expand and grow so that they can create new jobs. We must find ways to help Colorado become more business friendly so that we can attract companies that will promote job creation. Current statutes that may be impeding business growth or that discourage companies who would otherwise want to bring business to Colorado should be reviewed and amended.

JOSEPH A. SALAZAR Party: Democrat Address: 2318 E. 116th Avenue, Thornton, CO Background: With deep family roots in Colorado’s San Luis Valley, I was primarily raised in Thornton, attending Adams County District 12 schools. I graduated from CU undergrad and DU law school. Contact: 303-335-7939 1) Collaborative, contemplative and decisive. 2) For nearly 18 years, I have protected Coloradans in my capacity as a state investigator and civil rights/constitutional law attorney. I have represented people of all political affiliations from the abuses of government. I testified as an expert witness on bipartisan bills designed to protect the constitutional rights of Coloradans and to protect people from predatory lenders. Also, I am a small business owner. I understand the complexities of starting a small business. Because of my skills, I am able to step into the Colorado legislature on day one and address complex issues. 3) Economy, education, transportation. 4) It is painfully obvious to people in the North Metro area that RTD has not been responsive to our commuter needs. I would advocate revisiting the powers and authorities afforded to the RTD board. I also would advocate for stronger legislative oversight over the FasTracks expansion. 5) Keep Colorado taxpayer dollars in Colorado. If Coloradoowned businesses have the capability to competently work on publicly funded projects, preference should be given to select these businesses for publicly funded projects. Also, we need to address how Colorado’s small businesses are taxed.

October 11, 2012


State House District 32

BRETT HALBERT Party: Libertarian Address: 7060 Colorado Blvd., Commerce City, CO 80022 Background: A Colorado native, I am a licensed cosmetologist and I hold a Class A Commercial Dirvers License. Contact:!/ BrettHalbertLibertarianColoradoHouseDist32 1) Believer in liberty 2) I’m a good listener. I have life experience that comes from observing and sometimes personally enduring one bad government policy after another. I can balance my own checkbook! 3) Balance the state budget by eliminating wasteful spending, not raising taxes. Pro-legal immigration legislation that provides documentation for individuals who want to live and work in the state of Colorado. Legalizing marijuana treating it like alcohol by regulating and taxing. 4) To oversee the good stewardship of taxes collected for this project! 5) Creating an immigrant friendly state encouraging migration to Colorado and to my district. According to one recent study, every 100 H-1B worker who came to the U.S. from 2001 to 2010 correlated with 183 new jobs for U.S. workers. These were jobs created in the communities that were welcoming and accepting of immigration. Legalizing marijuana would also create thousands of jobs across the state, create tax revenue and redirect funds in an already established commodity away from the black market.



Party: Democratic Address: 5821 Tichy Blvd Commerce City, CO 80022 Background: I was born and raised in Adams County. I attended Georgetown University. In 2009, I was elected to the City Council in Commerce City. I am currently mayor pro tem. Contact: Cell: 720-985-1132

Party: Republican Address: P O Box 583 Commerce City, CO 80037 Background: Small business owner and operator 43 years experience. Contact: 720-238-1539;

1) Listener, Inclusive, Compassionate 2) As a city councilmember, I helped pass local policies that promoted job creation in Commerce City. I also pushed for fair wages and better benefits for workers. My experience at the local level, coupled with my education, will allow me to be an effective voice for our community in the state House. 3) 1) Increase access to goodpaying jobs for working families in Adams County and help local businesses expand and hire more workers. 2) Ensure highquality education for every child in Adams County. I also want to increase vocational education opportunities for our children that will allow them to gain the skills that Colorado employers are looking for. 3) Make sure Adams County gets its fair share of transportation funding to repair our roads and make public transportation more accessible. 4) While FasTracks is primarily under the purview of the RTD Board of Directors, I will make sure there are measures in place to hold RTD accountable to keeping its promise to our northern communities. 5) I am a strong proponent of making sure Colorado offers business incentives that are sustainable and responsible. Taxpayer funded incentives must be used to employ Colorado workers first and foremost.

1) Problem Solver, Professional, Ethical 2) Operated three businesses at one time, and owned/invested and managed a dozen rental properties. Attained 14 accreditations/diplomas plus victims advocacy training, Community Service Chaplain’s Accreditation. Desire to serve people so they can learn to sustain themselves. 3) Bring accountability and transparency to government; Cut and balance the budget; School choice. 4) RTD has collected money and is not expending it in the areas promised. They have to comply. Require financial accountability. No more pork! 5) Eliminate and relax regulations, taxes and fees, to promote entrepreneurs to start new businesses.

State House District 34

STEVE LEBSOCK Party: Democratic Address: 9620 Fred Drive Thornton, CO 80260 Background: Father, grandfather, husband, Marine Corps veteran, Westminster High School graduate. Worked full time in the corrugated box industry while attending college full time. Served on Thornton City Council from 2003-2011. Worked for the Department of Interior, U. S. Geological Survey. Steve’s son attends school in School District 12. Contact: 303-564-2676 1) Solutions oriented, listens. 2) Earned a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Metropolitan State College of Denver. Approved budgets of approximately $200 million yearly, hiring and performance reviews of city manager, city attorney and municipal judge while serving on Thornton City Council from 2003-2011. Worked in a professional, business environment as a contract specialist with the U.S. Geological Survey. This position gave Steve the experience working with private business, contractors and government. 3) Jobs/economy, fully funding education and transportation improvements. 4) The legislature must work closely with the governor’s office and RTD to make sure the entire passenger rail system is completed. Currently, the people of Northglenn, Thornton, Federal Heights and the entire north metro area are paying taxes to RTD and have little to show for it. 5) Completing the North Metro line through Northglenn and Thornton will bring jobs to our district, Adams County and Colorado. The state of Colorado should provide business incentives for Colorado businesses who employee Colorado citizens.

JODINA BOUNCHE WIDHALM Party: Republican Address: 4 White Pelican Circle Thornton, CO 80241 Background: Adams County resident for 16 years. Contact: 1) Vision, Integrity, Dedication 2) I have a clear vision of what the legislature should do to help create jobs in Colorado, and I will work relentlessly to drive it to completion. I have the integrity to deal honestly with my constituents, and work toward common goals. I will work with the dedication doing whatever is necessary to complete the vision. 3) 1) Economy 2) Job growth 3) Education 4) Ensuring fairness in fund distribution 5) I would look to eliminate taxpayer funded programs that are attempting to compete with and/or eliminate jobs that are held by private citizens. I want to promote the free-enterprise system.


October 11, 2012

House District 35 House District 56

QUESTIONS 1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style: 2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job: 3) Please list your top three priorities if elected: 4) What role do you think the legislature should have with the build out of FasTracks? 5) What ideas do you have to promote job creation in your district?

Terms Winners of the state House district races serve two-year terms. Please note District 56 candidates Republican Kevin Priola (incumbent) and Libertarian Will Hiltscher did not respond to requests to complete the questionnaires.

No photo provided



Party: Incumbent Democrat Address: 10344 Meade Loop, Westminster, CO 80031 Background: State representative, House District 35, six years; middle school teacher - Adams County District 50, 27 years; president of the Westminster Education Association, four years. Contact: www.cherylinpeniston. com, cherylinpeniston@gmail. com, 303-475-1044

Party: Republican Address: Westminster Background: Small business owner, triathlete, rock-climber, skydiver, sports coach and husband. Contact:

1) Inclusive, respectful, accessible. 2) Having served the people of HD 35, I understand that there are two important parts to being a state representative. One is what I do at the Capitol, passing significant legislation and being recognized as a moderate who always works across the isle. The second important job of a state representative is to stay connected to the community. 3) Continuing to place jobs and the economy at the top of the list. Rewriting the School Finance Act to better and more fairly allocate resources to our school districts for the benefit of students. Prioritizing early childhood education at the top of our resource list 4) Taxpayers in the north metro area have been paying taxes for almost 10 years for a service they do not have. Last April, I helped organize the legislative response to RTD’s decision to drop commuter rail from the FasTracks plan. Because of that, and other public input, rail was left in the plan for the Northwest line. 5) Cut regulations where possible, balancing that with consumer protections, and offer tax incentives that provide real positive economic results and job creation in Colorado.

1) Reasoned, fair, compassionate. 2) Small businesses are our greatest potential for job creation. As a small business owner, I have the experience to create an even playing field for the people and businesses and to open Colorado for more job creation. 3) Reduce the flood of new regulations that hinder small businesses. Give parents more voice and choice in the education of their children. Parents know best. Bring some common sense and fairness to the RTD system that leaves my district with an inadequate transportation system while burdening us to pay for other areas. 4) FasTracks will forever be highly subsidized, so the legislature needs to ensure resources are fairly distributed across the region and reduce the need for regressive sales tax increases that hurt those who are struggling the most, or develop a system that will restore tax fairness to areas that are left out.

5) Reduce government’s burden on small business. Prevent the Department of Labor from extorting money from businesses that use independent contractors. End corporate welfare for politically favored businesses, which puts other businesses at a disadvantage.

DAVID ROSE Party: Democrat Address: 457 Poppy Drive, Brighton, CO 80601 Background: Elementary principal for Brighton school for 32 years and served as Brighton councilman and mayor for six years. Served on the RTD board for eight years and on the Brighton urban renewal commission for 10 years. Contact: 1) Collaborative, creative, problem solver 2) I think my experience as an educational leader for 36 years and as a nonpartisan elected official are a benefit. As a nonpartisan politician I strive to find the best solution that is best for the people and solving issues that benefit the people the most. 3) Continue to create more jobs and working opportunities for people. Make sure to provide affordable health care for all Coloradoans. Ensure we have sufficient funding for schools as well as infrastructure. 4) I was on the RTD board when we approved FasTracks and I supported the fact that we make sure it is done on schedule. I think legislature needs to follow through with that list of priorities. The RTD board of directors need the pressure put on them to uphold that promise. We need to hold their feet to the fire on what they initially promised. 5) We have been successful in Brighton for the past 10 years in the energy industry and we need to continue that success. Keep a balanced approach and support additional jobs in wind and solar energy. But we also need to find a balance between additional jobs and the environment.

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