October 11, 2012
2 Jeferson County Election Guide 2012
A guide for the Jeffco voter This annual election guide highlights questionnaire responses from the most local races in the regional coverage area. This includes Je erson County races, RTD races, the Congressional District 7 race and all state House and Senate races in the Arvada, Golden, Lakewood and Wheat Ridge region. The guide also highlights ballot questions. Look for continuing coverage in our newspapers throughout the month of October and through the Nov. 6 general election. We encourage all Je erson County residents to vote. Please send your comments and questions to editor@ ourcoloradonews.com Website links Colorado Community Media ourcoloradonews.com Je erson County www.co.je erson.co.us/ elections State election information www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/ elections Arvada www.ourarvadanews.com Golden www.ourgoldennews.com Lakewood www.ourlakewoodnews. com Wheat Ridge www.ourwheatridgenews. com Cover photo taken by Andy Carpenean.
110 N. Rubey Drive STE 120 Golden CO 80403 303-566-4100 newsroom@ourcoloradonews. com
Options for voters in the 2012 presidential election By Glenn Wallace gwallace@ourcoloradonews.com
Election season is upon Jefferson County, and while a barrage of political ads might tell voters all the reasons why or why not to vote for a given candidate, it can be hard to know exactly how to go about voting in the first place. For general voting information, the Jefferson County web site www. votejeffco.com can provide a wealth of information. Questions can also be answered by calling 303-2718111.
Registering Step one for a prospective voter will be to ensure that he or she is registered to vote. The last deadline to register for the Nov. 6 presidential election was Oct. 9. Voters can go to the Jeffco Elec-
tions Division at 3500 Illinois St., Suite 1100, in Golden, county motor vehicle offices, any statewide driver’s license offices, or go online to www.govote colorado.com to register, or confirm their status and address. They can also indicate if they would prefer a mail-in ballot. Be aware, Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler has warned that some 800 people who registered on GoVoteColorado.com on a mobile device between Sept. 14 and 24 did not have their information recorded due a computer glitch. Gessler’s office has asked anyone who may be affected, try and confirm their registrations before the election deadline.
Mail-in ballots Registered voters who confirm that they want to vote by mail will start receiving their ballots on Oct.
15. Registered voters must request a mail-in ballot by Oct. 30 to have one mailed out. The mail-in ballots can be picked up in person from the Elections Division office, or at any county motor vehicle division until Nov. 2. Once filled out, and sealed in their return envelopes, voters may either pay the postage for the mailin-ballot, or drop it off at multiple sites across the county, including early voting sites (see below), at any Jeffco municipality city hall during regular business hours, or 24-7 at the Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder’s Office drop-box (100 Jefferson County Parkway).
Early voting Jeffco voters can vote early at specific locations, Oct. 22 to 27, and Oct. 29 to Nov. 2. Hours vary between locations, but they include the county administration building (100 Jefferson County Parkway), Jeffco Department of Motor Vehicles officers in Arvada (6150 N. Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite 320), Evergreen (4990 County Hwy. 73), Lakewood (20th and Wadsworth), and the South Service Center (11139 Bradford Rd. in Littleton). Jeffco libraries at Stanley Lake, Belmar and Columbine will also offer early voting.
Election Day The polls will open on Election Day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at local polling places. A list of precinct polling places will be available at www.votejeffco.com. Voters are encouraged to vote between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the crowds are the lightest. Voters in line to vote before 7 p.m. will still be allowed into the ballot box. Voters must provide an acceptable form of ID to be allowed in the ballot box. Acceptable ID can include a state driver’s license, U.S. passport, military ID, Medicare or Medicaid card, college ID, or even a current copy of a utility bill that lists a current address.
Voters to decide school funding Ballot questions 3A and 3B would support Je co schools By Cassie Monroe cmonroe@ourcoloradonews.com
Campaigning for and against ballot issues 3A and 3B has been heard around Jefferson County throughout the summer. District representatives note Jeffco Public Schools will be able to continue normal operations during the 2012-13 school year, but if the Legislature does not increase funding for the 2013-14 school year, the district will face $45 million in budget cuts. The ballot issues include a proposed bond and mill-levy — or property tax — increase, that will be on the Nov. 6 ballot. Jeffco Public Schools Chief Operating Officer Steve Bell said the $39 million mill levy override, known as 3A, would go to the district’s general fund for day-to-day operations, educational programs, maintenance, salaries and supplies. The $99 million bond package, 3B, would support capital projects, such as buildings, repairs and renovations. In order to fund the increases, the average homeowner in the county would pay about $14.76 per year per $100,000 in assessed value. For the average Jeffco homeowner, this would be about
This pie chart shows what the money raised from the tax increase to support ballot issue 3A would be used for in Je co schools. Graphic courtesy of Je co Summit Budget Reduction Recommendations $3.06 per month. Two opposing groups have emerged in the county. Citizens for Jeffco Schools is in support and Jefferson County Students First is opposed. The majority of Jefferson County Board of Education members are in support of the tax increases. School board member Laura Boggs is opposed. Citizens for Jeffco Schools representatives are in support of the bond and mill levy, stating it will strengthen the district. Kelly Johnson, co-chair of the group, said she and other supporters believe strong schools benefit the community by providing an educated workforce, attracting business and maintaining property values. “Both issues, 3A and 3B, are a
very modest request of the taxpayers to provide quite a lot for the schools,” Johnson said. “We wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t important.” She said the last time Jefferson County taxpayers were asked to make a contribution to the schools was for the 2004 mill levy. She said if the measures are passed, 600 jobs in the schools will be maintained, the district will not have to use furlough days, and critical repairs needed in the schools will be made. The opposing side, represented by Jeffco Students First, says schools do not need extra funding to operate. Sheila Atwell, chair of the group, said she and supporters
believe it is unfair for the district to ask for increased funding from taxpayers, and they should use the funds they already have more efficiently. “We feel it isn’t necessary,” Atwell said, “the economy being where it is, and that is why school funding has gone down.” For more information about Citizens for Jeffco Schools visit www.supportjeffcoschools.com, and for Jeffco Students First visit www. jeffcostudentsfirstaction.com.
Jeferson County Election Guide 2012 3
October 11, 2012
Marijuana question a pitched fight Amendment 64 would make state irst to legalize marijuana
‘We would have to go back and re-vote on any changes we’d want to make, and that’s a big structural problem.’
By Clarke Reader creader@ourcoloradonews.com
Laura Chapin Many eyes will be turned to Colorado to see if it becomes one of the first states to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Amendment 64 would amend the state’s constitution to allow for the growth, transport and sale of marijuana, as well as allow the establishment of retail stores, growing and manufacturing facilities. Similar issues are on the ballot in Oregon and Washington this year. According to Mason Tvert, the “Yes on 64” campaign co-director, the amendment regulates marijuana in a similar way to alcohol. Possession, use and limited-home growing would be legal for residents 21 years old and older, and the system for regulation and tax would be near what the system for alcohol is. Passing the amendment would no change DUI or employment policies, and stores selling marijuana could still be prohibited by localities. This issue has been on the minds of many since medical marijuana was legalized
in 2009, and both sides of the amendment are extremely passionate about it. Major supporters have flocked to each side, and the debate over the issue is just heating up. Laura Chapin, a spokesperson for the “No on 64” campaign, cites three major reasons against passing the amendment. “The increased access is a huge problem,” Chapin said. “Parents know that more pot available means there will be more pot that kids have access to.” She added that use among students is already on the rise, and that the amendment will only increase the number of young people smoking. Another problem with the amendment is that it conflicts with federal law, Chapin said. Since federal law still bans the production, transportation and distribution of marijuana, if the amendment passed, users would believe they would be protected by Colorado law, but federal law would supersede the state’s. “Since the issue would be an amend-
ment to the state’s constitution, if there was a problem we wanted to fix, we couldn’t do it legislatively — we’d have to go back to the constitution,” Chapin said, describing the third major issue. “We would have to go back and re-vote on any changes we’d want to make, and that’s a big structural problem.” The list of supporters who have rallied against the amendment include Gov. John Hickenlooper, Speaker of the House Frank McNulty, the County Sheriffs of Colorado and most recently, the Colorado Education Association. For Tvert, and other supporters of Amendment 64, the prohibition on marijuana has “utterly failed and caused far more harm than good” and so the time has come to look at a different approach to the issue. “Amendment 64 would take marijuana out of the underground market, where it is entirely uncontrolled, and put it in the legitmate market at licensed stores,” Tvert
Amendment to streamline personnel New rules would allow for more lexibility, modernization By Clarke Reader creader@ourcoloradonews.com On November’s ballot voters will consider Amendment S, an issue that aims to modernize the state’s personnel system. The amendment would change rules in the state’s constitution concerning hiring and and other details of the personnel system, which hasn’t been updated in more than 40 years, in an effort to make them more flexible. Currently, the state assesses a job applicant through standardized testing, but Amendment S would change things so that test scores aren’t the only thing taken into account when hiring someone. The amendment also creates a veterans hiring preference to help returning soldiers find a job in the civilian sector. The amendment would also expand the sources of
employment for the state. For example, the constitution currently allows for an agency to only have three finalists for a job, states that applicants must be residents of Colorado, and places a limit on temporary work to six months. In response to these rules, Amendment S would allow for six finalists for a position, would allow job applicants to live within 30 miles of the state’s border, and would extend temporary work time to nine months. The state’s governor would also receive more responsibility over the personnel system with the passage of Amendment S. Governors would be able to exempt around 325 positions that are currently merit positions under the existing rules, which would allow them to be politically appointed. These positions include deputy directors and public information officers, among others. On Wednesday, Sept. 12, Gov. John Hickenlooper and former governors Bill Ritter and Bill Owens came out in favor of the amendment and launched the “Yes on S” campaign. For information on the campaign and amendment, visit www.voteyesons.com.
said. “Right now teens are reporting that it’s easier to buy marijuana than alcohol, and that in part is because marijuana is not regulated like alcohol.” Tvert also said there is no evidence that teen use would increase, if the amendment passed, since a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that marijuana use by high school students dropped in Colorado after the 2009 regulations on medical marijuana went into effect. Supporters also note that there is tax money to be made from marijuana legalization. All sales would be the subject of state and local sales taxes, and according to Tvert, the General Assembly would also need to enact an excise tax of up to 15 percent on wholesale sales of nonmedical marijuana, of which the first $40 million would go to the state’s public school construction fund. Supporters for the adoption of Amendment 64 include former congressman Tom Tancredo, Doug K. Wilson, Colorado State Public Defender, the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado, the National Latino Officers Association and Blacks in Law Enforcement of America. For more information on the campaign against Amendment 64, go to www.vote noon64.com and for the campaign in favor of the amendment, visit www.regulatemarijuana.org.
Funding: Ballot question approval to fund district Funding continued from Page 2
increases. School board member Laura Boggs is opposed. Citizens for Jeffco Schools representatives are in support of the bond and mill levy, stating it will strengthen the district. Kelly Johnson, cochair of the group, said she and other supporters believe strong schools benefit the community by providing an educated workforce, attracting business and maintaining property values. “Both issues, 3A and 3B, are a very modest request of the taxpayers to provide quite a lot for the schools,” Johnson said. “We wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t important.” She said the last time Jefferson County taxpayers were asked to make a contribution to the schools was for the 2004 mill levy. She said if the measures are passed, 600 jobs in the
schools will be maintained, the district will not have to use furlough days, and critical repairs needed in the schools will be made. The opposing side, represented by Jeffco Students First, says schools do not need extra funding to operate. Sheila Atwell, chair of the group, said she and supporters believe it is unfair for the district to ask for increased funding from taxpayers, and they should use the funds they already have more efficiently. “We feel it isn’t necessary,” Atwell said, “the economy being where it is, and that is why school funding has gone down.” For more information about Citizens for Jeffco Schools visit www.supportjeffcoschools.com, and for Jeffco Students First visit www.jeffco studentsfirstaction.com.
October 11, 2012
4 Jeferson County Election Guide 2012
Congressional Representative District 7
QUESTIONS 1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style.
2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job.
Incumbent Party: Democrat Address: 3258 Youngfield St., Wheat Ridge, CO Contact: PerlmutterforColorado. com; 303.459.4729
Party: Republican Address: Golden Background: Joe was raised in Golden. He’s worked as a stockbroker, systems analyst, computer programmer, general supervisor and CEO (CoorsTek). He has served on the boards of many nonprofits and organizations, including the Air Force Memorial Foundation, and the School of Mines Board of Trustees. Contact: Joecoors.com 720-350
Party: Libertarian Address: 15820 E. Tennessee Ave, Aurora, CO Background: After 33 years of naval service, both active and reserve, I retired in 2008 as a master chief petty officer. I have degrees in business (AS), industrial technology (BS), and management (MA). I run a small logging and forest management company. I’ve worked with independent contractors, business groups, state representatives, and state senators to clarify the Colorado Laws for independent contractors. Contact: votebuckbailey.com; 303828-8527
3) Please list your top three priorities if elected. 4) How would you handle the growing discrepancy concerning marijuana, between federal law, and state amendments, including Amendment 64 (recreational marijuana) on the upcoming general ballot? 5) Following the Aurora theater shooting there have been calls by some in the state to revisit current gun control laws. What – if anything – would you change about current gun laws? Terms The winner of the House congressional race will serve a two-year term. Please note American Constitution Party candidate Doug Dayhorse Campbell did not respond to a request to complete a questionnaire.
1) Bipartisan, accessible, hard working 2) Growing up and raising my family here, I value the importance of listening, being accessible and getting things done. I hold office hours at grocery stores and job fairs to meet people and listen to what’s on their mind and help them. In doing these things, helped ensure construction began on the VA hospital and fought to save jobs on the Orion space project and at The National Renewable Energy Lab. 3) 1) Invest in all domestic energy sources to wean ourselves from foreign oil. 2) Pass a bipartisan 10-year budget that reduces the debt by ending tax loopholes for millionaires while protecting Medicare and Social Security. 3) Reduce the debt by ending tax loopholes for millionaires and billionaires 4) I support the use of medical marijuana; however I stand with law enforcement against legalization for recreational purposes. The first step is to reconcile federal and state law. 5) I support the 2nd Amendment, and I support reasonable crime control measures like, reinstating the assault weapons ban, enforcing laws on the books, limit high capacity magazines and unlimited online sales of ammunition and mental health restrictions.
4629 1) Thoughtful, effective, consensusbuilder. 2) As the former CEO of CoorsTek, I helped create over a thousand jobs in the Denver metro area. I am the only candidate in this race who has ever balanced a budget or met a payroll. I believe Congress needs more people with private sector experience, who can help get the economy moving again by helping small businesses and entrepreneurs create jobs for working families across the 7th district. 3) Creating good-paying jobs that increase the standard of living for working families; promoting a true all-of-the-above energy policy that emphasizes use of all energy sources; and cutting wasteful federal spending that has put our children and grandchildren $16 trillion in debt. 4) I support enforcing federal law and oppose Amendment 64 because I am concerned about the impact that sanctioning the use of recreational marijuana will have on our children, families and schools. 5) I agree with Gov. Hickenlooper that no law could have prevented the tragedy in Aurora. The Aurora shooting was the act of a madman. Instead of passing new laws that would place greater restrictions on law-abiding citizens, I believe state and local law enforcement agencies should enforce the current laws on the books.
1) Lead by example 2) Tenacity, dedication. Strong belief in the abilities and inherent goodness of individual human beings doing the very best they can with the circumstances they find themselves in. 3) a) Read and work to understand every piece of legislation proposed. b) Restore the Federal Government to its proper Constitutional roles. c) Work to end the use of US Military Forces as the world’s police force. 4) There should be no “War on Drugs.” End “prohibition” and allow individuals to determine freely what they choose to place in their bodies. As part of this, individuals must also accept FULL responsibility for the actions they may take under the influence of those substances voluntarily placed in their bodies. 5) Work to eliminate many of the existing restrictions on the individual right to self-defense. The 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution means what it says and it applies to individuals, not just the “police power” of the state or national government.
CLOSE CALLS FOR THE AGES Colorado’s 7th congressional district was decided by 121 votes in 2002. Republican Bob Beauprez: 81,789 Democrat Mike Feeley: 81,668 Remember your vote counts. FAST FACTS In 1861, President James Buchanan signed a bill creating the Territory of Colorado. The territory had 17 counties, including Je erson County, and Golden City was the capital. Election of county oficers, including the irst Board of County Commissioners: December 7, 1861 Je erson County o cials assume o ce: January 6, 1862: Arvada plat iled: December 1, 1870 Golden established: June 16, 1859. Lakewood plat iled: July 1, 1889 Unplatted area comprising Wheat Ridge named by resident Henry Lee in 1882, who served as a state senator, 1885-1889. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Please send your comments and questions to editor@ourcoloradonews. com or attention: Editor, Colorado Community Media 110 N. Rubey Drive STE 120 Golden, CO 80403
Jeferson County Election Guide 2012 5
October 11, 2012
Jefferson County Commissioner District 2
QUESTIONS 1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style. 2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job. 3) Please list your top three priorities if elected. 4) How would you handle the growing discrepancy concerning marijuana, between federal law, and state amendments, including Amendment 64 (recreational marijuana) on the upcoming general ballot? 5) Following the Aurora theater shooting there have been calls by some in the state to revisit current gun control laws. What – if anything – would you change about current gun laws?
Terms Winner of the District 2 county commissioner race will serve a four-year term. In other races, incumbent Commissioner Faye Gri n and District Attorney candidate Pete Weir are running unopposed. District Attorney Scott Storey is term limited.
Incumbent Party: Republican Address: 1530 Arbutus Court, Golden, CO 80401 Background: I am a lifelong resident of Jefferson County. I attended Jefferson County public schools. I earned my bachelor’s degree from Metro State University in Chinese. I earned my MBA in International Trade from The Thunderbird School of Global Management in AZ. Contact: www.johnodom.org
Party: Democrat Address:14405 W. Colfax, No. 23, Lakewood, CO 80401 Background: Longtime Jeffco resident, married with two sons. Former Audit Director for the Colorado Department of Transportation, former chair of the Jefferson County Audit Committee. Practiced law in Arvada for several years. Contact: Tigheforjeffco.org 303 588-6212
1) Management style in 3 words; Hire smart people! 2) My first term here as a Jefferson County Commissioner has been very successful. Within weeks of being appointed commissioner, we cut planned spending in Jeffco by tens of millions of dollars. While the USA had its credit rating downgraded for the first time in history, Jefferson County had its credit rating upgraded by Moody’s and Fitch. Jefferson County is the only city, county or government in Colorado that achieved this. Just a short time ago, our external auditor came back with results of the countywide audit and gave us the “highest marks possible.” I will continue to work with my fellow commissioners to safeguard taxpayer dollars and ensure that Jefferson County remains a great example of fiscal responsibility! 3) Maintain a fiscally conservative approach to government. Maintain a high level of customer service in all areas of county government. Economic development/jobs, jobs, jobs! 4) I believe the problems with education in Jefferson County and elsewhere cannot be solved by borrowing and spending more taxpayer dollars. 5) I strongly support the completion of the Jeffco Parkway/Beltway and believe it to be a critical piece of the economic turnaround we need so desperately in Colorado.
1) Collaborative, open, responsible 2) With over 20 years of experience as an auditor, I understand how to make government more efficient, effective and accountable. I have the vision to lead Jefferson County forward with sensible growth. I will engage the citizens and work full time on improving county government. 3) My priorities are land use, economic development, budget and fiscal responsibility. These issues are interrelated and I will work to achieve a balance for the county on each of these priorities. We can use our land resources wisely, while promoting economic growth and being fiscally responsible. 4) We cannot expect to thrive in the future if we do not invest in the education of our children now. I support 3A and 3B. 5) There is a legitimate need for transportation improvements in northwest Jefferson County. There are also legitimate concerns expressed by communities impacted by the parkway. Too many questions remain unanswered concerning the parkway, so we need to continue to work at finding a solution that is acceptable to all the cities in the County. I am committed to the hard work required to find a solution that balances the need for transportation improvements with the need to address the concerns of those impacted by the parkway.
October 11, 2012
6 Jeferson County Election Guide 2012
House District 23
Senate District 22
QUESTIONS 1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style.
2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job.
Party: Democrat Address: 9206 W. Alameda Ave No. 1142, Lakewood CO, 80226 Background: Raised in Lakewood, Kerr has served for seven years in the Statehouse. He is a Jeffco Public Schools teacher. He and his wife Tammy have three children. Contact: 303 669-2684, AndyKerr.org
Party: Republican Address: PO Box 27301 Lakewood, CO 80227 Background: I am a Colorado native, husband to Debbie for 36 years, we have two adult children and five grandchildren. I am a nonprofit executive director. Contact: 303-725-4765, www. summersforsenate.org
Party: Republican Address: 13393 West LaSalle Circle, Lakewood, 80228 Background: Married 37 years to wife Linda, two married sons. Three grandchildren, two in Jeffco schools. Confectioner by trade, Executive B.A., Mesa College. Conservationist, outdoorsman, gardener, licensed Capt. in the USCG Merchant Marine. Contact: www.rickenstrom.com, 303986-3188
Party: Democrat Address: 755 Vista Lane, Lakewood 80214 Background: I came to Colorado in 1965 to attend the University of Denver. After graduation, I started, grew and sold two successful small businesses. I have been honored to serve House District 23 for three years now. Contact: www.MaxTyler.US, max@ maxtyler.us, 720-722-2306
1) Collaborative, informed, decisive.
1) Collaborative, consensus-building, effective.
1) Serve my constituents.
3) Please list your top three priorities if elected.
4) Health care is a major issue in the country right now. What changes do you think need to be made to make it a better system.
5) Amendment 64 regarding marijuana will be on the ballot this year. What is your stance on the issue?
TERMS Winners of House seats serve a twoyear term. State senate winners serve a four-year term.
2) I am a Jeffco teacher and father of three. I have served for seven years in the Statehouse. I have worked hard with people of all parties to move Colorado forward. 3) Good jobs, strong education and a fair and just Colorado. 4) We need better access to affordable quality care. There have been too many delays implementing a Colorado model for the health exchanges, and we should finish that work without politics and delays. 5) I oppose the initiative. We need to give our recent hard work on this issue time to show results before making major changes.
1) Teamwork, goal-oriented, patient. 2) I have been an organizational and community leader for over 30 years. I have led organizations through change, adjusted to changing economic and cultural challenges, balanced budgets, worked with a board and staff in strategic planning and organizational development. 3) • Provide businesses with the best climate for economic recovery and job creation. • Spending discipline, using available resources to meet the needs of our state. Common-sense, problem-solving public policy. 4) Revamp the current federal health care plan and replace it with strategies that address the cost issue through better use of technology, payment reform, addressing costly mandates, providing for limited benefit policies, allowing insurance companies to sell across state lines, reward, not punish personal responsibility for health care expenses and decisions. 5) Voters will decide whether or not to legalize marijuana for recreational use. I am opposed to this due to the devastating economic costs and personal and societal impact of drugs on individuals, families, businesses and our health care and social service systems.
2) I have worked my whole life with my family to expand Enstrom Candies, a 50-year-old Colorado business. We focus on attention to detail, quality products and excellent customer service. A former county commissioner, elected at age 24. Former member and chairman of the Grand Junction Airport Authority. I am a former volunteer firefighter and EMT on Lookout Mountain. Past volunteer CEO and chairman of the Greater Cherry Creek Chamber. CO Ducks Unlimited Conservationist of the Year. Retired Wildlife Commissioner and GOCO Board member. A proven lifelong community leader and volunteer. 3) To cultivate an environment for small business to thrive and prosper, the responsible development of Colorado’s abundant natural resources in a way that honors our heritage, and to provide the best education possible with the best teachers for our children. 4) I support health care reform that provides greater accessibility, lower costs, and keeping decision-making power between a patient and their physician — not insurance companies or the federal government. 5) Opposed. While I advocate for freedom and personal responsibility in every regard, the ties to at-risk youth and high school graduation rates is an overriding factor. As I go door-to-door in the district, I do not find overwhelming support for the initiative.
2) As a result of my business career I have a practical, problem-solving approach to issues. I don’t promote “bumper-sticker” solutions that sound great but don’t actually accomplish an effective end result. My experience in the Legislature in terms of getting things done is very valuable. I’ve found this to be the most complicated and challenging position of my career. 3) • Work for the highest quality of education possible for the children and young adults of Colorado. • Promote state programs that historically support the success of small business. Small Business Development Centers are an excellent example of that type of work that should get better support. • Develop and enact plans for a sustainable economy including clean energy and conservation of energy and water resources. My 2010 bill increased renewable energy targets in Colorado by 50 percent, and I want to build on this great start. 4) Colorado has taken many steps over the last several years to expand coverage of the uninsured and lay the foundation for lower cost healthcare for everyone. Bills to combat Medicaid fraud and abuse are good examples. 5) Initiatives aren’t a good way to make public policy for complicated issues.
Jeferson County Election Guide 2012 7
October 11, 2012
State House District 25
QUESTIONS 1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style.
2) Describe the skills and experience that make
Incumbent Party: Republican Address: P.O. Box 940, Evergreen, COBackground: Current representative of House District 25, chair of Joint Budget Committee, vice chair of Appropriations Committee. Gerou has lived in House District 25 for 30 years, she is an architect. Contact: website and/or phone number: www.cherigerou.com, 720-635-3806
Party: Democrat Address: PO Box 995 Evergreen, CO 80437 Background: Lorna Idol, PH.D., university professor, specializing in literacy education and special education. A third-generation Coloradan, licensed mediator and well known for training professionals to collaborate and reach mutual decisions. Contact: www.LornaIdolCampaign.com; 303-679-1608
Party: Libertarian Address: 5906 Blanca Court, Golden Background: Semi-retired computer programmer, community organizer, top notch chess player. Contact: 303-277-9574
you the best candidate 1) Inclusive, hardworking, goal-oriented.
for the job.
3) Please list your top three priorities if elected.
4) Education funding has been a topic of discussion lately. How do you view current education funding?
5) What do you make of the Je erson Parkway project?
Winners of state House races serve two-year terms.
1) Strong, mediator, collaborative. 2) Very detailed oriented, chaired the first budget in the state’s history to garner 64 out of 65 votes in support in the House. I am the first woman in the Statehouse to chair the Joint Budget Committee. I have worked to improve the lives of the people of Colorado with a philosophy of fiscal conservatism, improved government relations with business and sensitivity to Colorado’s valuable natural resources. I understand the importance of a good education system in building a strong economy. 3) Continuing to focus on teacher’s support of children in the classroom, maintaining state support of higher education, supporting business in improving the regulatory climate to help business create more jobs and a better economy. 4) K-12 funding will largely be determined by the ruling on the Lobato lawsuit to be announced in January. Current state funding of K-12 is 40 percent of the State’s General Fund ($3 billion), higher education in Colorado is a greater threat to loss of the future of economic development given Colorado’s support at 8 percent of General Fund ($600 million). Economic development is dependent upon a strong educational system from K-12 to higher education. Colorado must find systems to deliver a quality education with improved graduation rates and fund those systems accordingly. 5) For over a decade this project has been debated; supported by many and opposed by others. Its completion will spur economic development. Until the parties can come together with a shared vision, any solution will suffer.
2) Lorna is a nationally and internationally respected education consultant helping professionals with collaborative problem solving, team decision making, and effective communication skills. She is skilled in using data and research evidence to aid in decision making. She is an effective communicator, author and public speaker. 3) Education and improvement of both state and national economy, while protecting Colorado resources. Preservation of wildlife and public lands, healthy living and health care for all, and working families and retired citizens. 4) Education should be our top priority; our children are our future. Currently, we spend the same amount of state money on education as we do on incarceration. Education and healthy living for our children will reduce the number of prisoners for the future. 5) We need effective and well-maintained public transportation systems, especially for retired citizens and commuters. This link to complete the beltway that already encircles the rest of the Denver metro area will reduce traffic onto neighborhood streets not designed to handle it, which increases noise, pollution and risks to safety. Local input must be carefully gathered and considered in creating a system that works for everyone. Environmentally friendly energy is vital to our future.
1) Encouraging, compassionate, determined. 2) I am well-informed in public policy, law and history; I have been involved in Colorado politics for 20 years; and I am not a member of either of the two parties who have brought Colorado and the nation to the brink of ruin. 3) Build up the schools. Build down the prisons. Find a way to clean up these leaky mines poisoning our water. 4) Utterly insufficient. The class sizes are swelling, the teachers are compelled to teach to the test instead of educate the children. Time to reverse the education “reforms” of the past 20 years. 5) It’s going to be built one way or another. We had better get to the table before all that is left is crumbs.
October 11, 2012
8 Jeferson County Election Guide 2012
State House District 27
State House District 29
QUESTIONS 1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style.
2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best can-
Party:Democratic Address: 11652 W. 75th Circle, Arvada, CO 80005 Background: I have a varied background in criminal justice, addiction counseling, and mental health. My life experience is extensive in many legislative areas. I am currently employed as an addiction’s counselor. Contact: www.TimAllport.com, Tim@ TimAllport.com, tallport@gmail.com, 303-435-8568
Incumbent Party: Republican Address: P.O. Box 746048, Arvada CO 80006 Background: My husband, Denes, and I have raised four children here in Jeffco, plus we are both Colorado natives. Our family has owned a small business in Arvada for more than 40 years. Contact: Libbyszabo.com, libby@libbyszabo.com 720-260-4722
didate for the job. 1) Direct, forthright, honest
3) Please list your top three priorities if elected.
4) Education funding has been a topic of discussion lately. How do you view current education funding?
5) What do you make of the Je erson Parkway project?
2) I follow the political process closely and my life experience is in the center of many legislative areas. As a state certified addiction’s counselor working in the private sector, I have become familiar with many state agencies and the complex problems we face. 3) 1) My first priority is to help advance economic policies that help the most people. Elected officials need to recognize the necessity of public and private cooperation, and advance helpful legislation. 2) We cannot absorb more cuts to our education in this state. We also need to improve subsidization of childhood education and ensure that average people can afford higher education. 3) Addiction needs to be treated more as a public health issue and not a criminal matter. Drug policy needs to be based on science, reason and fiscal reality. This is part of overall criminal justice reform. 4) I support ballot Jeffco Schools measures 3A and 3B. We should restore funding.
Winners of state House races serve two-year terms.
5) I support the Jefferson Parkway, but there are legitimate concerns with the project. It is important to note that there is no current scenario in which the state Legislature would vote on this issue. I would like to see an agreement reached at the local level. My preference would be that we fund the project rather than making it a tollway. I support the parkway because I believe Colorado’s expanding population will demand it.
1) Collaborative, practical and integritydriven. 2) I have strong convictions that the average person should be well represented. Too often policy makers forget what it’s like to be a hard-working person concerned about paying high taxes and making ends meet. Our family has owned a small business in Arvada for more than 40 years so I’m passionate about creating an economic environment where business can thrive. As one of two women on the state Economic Development Committee, I’ve been able to champion a healthier economy by supporting the business community. Due to these efforts, I scored 100 percent on the Jeffco Business Lobby scorecard. 3) 1) Job growth is essential to improve the economy. 2) Stimulate the economy through less government intervention. 3) Public education should provide choices for parents and demonstrate top quality results. 4) A high-quality education is a vital component of every community. Taxpayers, who fund public education, should expect high academic performance and choice options. I support funding for education through a robust business climate that generates more revenue. 5) Providing a safe highway system is an essential government function. A good transportation system is needed to convey goods economically. The northwest corridor should be connected with the rest of the metro area. As with all building projects, I support projects that have been well-developed and for which funding is secured.
TRACY KRAFT-THARP Party: Democrat Address: 12083 W 84th Place Arvada CO 80005 Background: I have worked in the Jefferson County community for over 30 years as a social worker, teacher, nonprofit manager, small-business woman, with a master’s in social work and law degree. Contact: www.TracyForStateRep.com, Tracy@TracyForStateRep.com, 303421-2787 1) Empowerment, efficient, pragmatic. 2) My work in the community has helped me appreciate the needs of our families and children. I understand the value of helping our families get on their feet, and that education is an investment in our children. As a small business-woman, helping nonprofits and small businesses, I understand the challenges of making a payroll and being successful. 3)1) Jobs/economy: Reduce regulations, increase incentives and prioritize hiring Colorado workers to keep Colorado jobs rather than losing them to India or China. 2) Education: More state-of-the-art classrooms, smaller class sizes and less time teaching to the test. 3) Health care: Implementation of national health care reform with our unique Colorado needs. 4) Education funding is the number one concern that I have heard from our neighbors when walking door-todoor. Our education funding is inadequate. Hard decisions have been made by our school districts during these tough economic times. As the economy improves, the state Legislature will need to prioritize the needs of our children. In November, Jeffco residents will have the opportunity to make their own decisions about increasing funding for our local schools. 5) I support the expansion of the beltway with support from all of the involved communities because it will help the economic development in the region.
ROBERT RAMIREZ Incumbent Party: Republican Address: PO Box 740488 Arvada Colorado 80006-0488 Background: I have been in the legislature for two years, one term. I was in business management both corporate and small business for 20 years. I am active in the community, My wife Suzanne is a teacher and my daughter is in high school. We have made the Westminster Arvada area our home. Contact: www.RamirezForColorado. com 1) Collaborative, sincere, and organized 2) I have owned and managed companies; I have worked every job from ditch digger to the position of owner. I understand financial responsibility, and I understand what it is going to take to put the people of Colorado back to work. I work with anyone and everyone to make sure that the best outcomes for our citizens are reached. I understand and have a working knowledge of our education system and I am working with teachers to do what is best for our children. 3) 1) Economic stimulus through private industry expansion. 2) Education reform and financial reform. 3) Energy reform 4) The manner in which we fund education in Colorado is deplorable. 5) The parkway should be completed. A metropolitan district like the Denver Metro area needs a beltway to move people and products. We should do everything we can to help the communities come together and get this project completed. It will be a great economic driver, bringing jobs to build the road and those businesses that will develop around the beltway.
Jeferson County Election Guide 2012 9
October 11, 2012
State House District 29
QUESTIONS 1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style.
2) Describe the skills and experience that
QUESTIONS 1) Please use three
HANS V. ROMER Party: Libertarian Party of Colorado Address: 11757 W. Ken Caryl Ave No. F124, Littleton CO 80127 Background: Aviation management, corporate sales. Presently entrepreneur. Contact: website, email address and/ or phone number: www.lpcolorado. org, hansromer1000@msn.com, 303 837 9393
make you the best can1) Visionary, determination, execution.
didate for the job.
3) Please list your top three priorities if elect-
2) My combined experience in corporate and private enterprise has equipped me with the tools to educate the current bipartisan politico on the ideas of a balanced and free society, with the protection of a narrow scoped government.
4) Education funding has been a topic of discussion lately. How do you view current education funding?
5) What do you make of the Je erson Parkway project?
Winners of state House races serve two-year terms.
State House District 35
3) 1) Balancing the budget. 2) Lower taxation (allowing businesses to hire more employees AND families retain more of their income). 3) Reducing the amount of overreaching victimless crimes laws.
words to describe your leadership style.
2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job.
5) I am not a proponent of eminent domain. Nonetheless, I do understand the need for expedited commuting for citizenry (Trust me, I drive in the same traffic, and I get discouraged). This “loop,” including C470 and E470 and the Northwest Parkway, was started many years ago by politicians and planners trying to be proactive to our growing area.
VANDE KROL Party: Republican Address: Westminster Background: Brian is not an Adams County politician but rather a hard working individual with a broad range of experiences — small business owner, triathlete, rock-climber, skydiver, sports coach, and husband. Contact: website and/or phone number: www.brianvandekrol.com
1) Inclusive, respectful, accessible.
three priorities if elected.
4) What role do you think the legislature
2) Having served the people of House District 35 for 6 years, I understand that there are two important parts to being a state representative. One is what I do at the Capitol, passing significant legislation and being recognized as a moderate who always works across the isle. The second important job of a state representative is to stay connected to the community you serve.
build out of FasTracks?
5) What ideas do you have to promote job creation in your district?
3) Continuing to place jobs and the economy at the top of the list. Rewriting the School Finance Act to better and more fairly allocate resources to our school districts for the benefit of students. Prioritizing early childhood education at the top of our resource list, because we know getting kids off to a good start in school produces the best results. 4) Taxpayers in the north metro area have been paying taxes for almost 10 years for a service they do not have. Last April, I helped organize the legislative response to RTD’s decision to drop commuter rail from the FasTracks plan. Because of that, and other public input, rail was left in the plan for the Northwest line.
Winners of state House races serve two-year terms.
Incumbent Party: Democrat Address: 10344 Meade Loop, Westminster, CO 80031 Background: State representative, House District 35 for six years; middle school teacher - Adams County District 50 for 27 years; president of the Westminster Education Association for four years. Contact: www.cherylinpeniston.com, cherylinpeniston@gmail.com, 303475-1044
3) Please list your top
should have with the 4) Local education is currently controlled by federal bureaucracy via the Department of Education. Local officials/school systems MUST follow fed mandates to be “rewarded/returned” the monies already gathered locally, via taxation. We need to return control to a local level, by eliminating the states’ dependence on the feds money. Eliminating local dollars/taxation going to the fed level, to be paid back when a state does what it is told to do, via Fed law or Dept. of Education rulings. It is already known that for every dollar sent up the government ladder, only 4 to 7 cents actually return to where it is needed. The rest is eaten up by inefficient Federal red tape.
5) We should cut regulations where possible balancing that with consumer protections, and we should be ready to offer tax incentives that provide real positive economic results and job creation in Colorado.
1) Reasoned, fair, compassionate. 2) During these difficult times when many are unemployed or their wages aren’t keeping up with costs, we need representation that understands small business. Small businesses are our greatest potential for job creation. As a small business owner, I have the experience to create an even playing field for the people and businesses in my district, and all of Colorado, and to open Colorado for more job creation. 3) Reduce the flood of new regulations that hinder small businesses. Give parents more voice and choice in the education of their children. Parents know best. Bring some common sense and fairness to the RTD system that leaves my district with an inadequate transportation system while burdening us to pay for other areas. 4) The Legislature is responsible to oversee RTD operations and safeguard taxpayer dollars. Unfortunately, that train has already left the station. FasTracks will forever be highly subsidized, so the legislature needs to ensure resources are fairly distributed across the region and reduce the need for regressive sales tax increases that hurt those who are struggling the most, or develop a system that will restore tax fairness to areas that are left out. 5) Reduce government’s burden on small business. Prevent the Department of Labor from extorting money from businesses that use independent contractors. End corporate welfare for politically favored businesses, which puts other businesses at a disadvantage.
October 11, 2012
10 Jeferson County Election Guide 2012
State Senate District 19
State House District 24
1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style.
2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job.
Incumbent Party: Democrat Address: 7649 Harlan Way, Westminster, CO 80003 Background: Former State Board of Education member; teacher at secondary and postsecondary levels; program director of state School Readiness Quality Improvement Program; and public policy director for state PTA. Contact: www.eviehudak.com, EvieRHudak@gmail.com, 303-423-8569
Party: Republican Address: 12726 W. 85th Circle, Arvada, CO 80005 Background: Arvada husband and dad. Navy fighter pilot, Topgun instructor and combat veteran. Extensive small business experience. Currently a pilot for FedEx and lieutenant colonel in Air National Guard. Contact: www.langsias.com / Sias4sd19@gmail.com / 720-248-7427
1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style.
2) Describe the skills and experience that make you
SUE SCHAFER Incumbent Party: Democratic Address: P.O. Box 1004, Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 Background: As a career educator, small business owner, and mother I am a moderate, common-sense legislator who works with all sides to improve our quality of life. Contact: www.sueschafer.com; sue@ sueschafer.com; 303-918-2660
the best candidate for the 1) Relaxed, fair, team-oriented.
1) Bipartisan, pragmatic, informed.
job. 1) Collaborative, pragmatic, energetic.
3) Please list your top three priorities if elected.
4) Education funding
2) I am accessible, hard-working, and solution-oriented. As state senator for the last four years, I have accepted the challenge of tackling important legislative issues, prioritized the interests of my constituents ahead of special-interest groups, and interacted productively with colleagues in a bipartisan manner.
has been a topic of discussion lately. How do you view current education funding?
5) What do you make of the Je erson Parkway project?
3) 1. Growing the economy by creating jobs - I was proud to sponsor the HIRE Colorado Act and had hoped it would not have fallen victim to partisan politics. 2. Investing in education - I have worked to ensure that our kids have access to a quality public education to prepare them for success. 3. Standing up for seniors - I sponsored legislation to prevent elder abuse and provisions to put more funding into senior services. Also, I supported restoration of the Homestead Property Tax Exemption. 4) After cutting K-12 funding by over a billion dollars and slashing funding for higher education, Colorado has fallen far behind other states. It is imperative that we provide an educational environment that prepares people for the workforce and attracts clean, hightech industries with good-paying jobs, promising a brighter economic future.
Winner of state Senate races will serve four-year terms.
5) Completion of the beltway will save people time and money by reducing commute times, cut down on air pollution, and promote economic development in northern Jeffco. We need to find a way to work together to make this project viable.
2) A small business background gives me gut-level appreciation for the challenges facing our entrepreneurs. Over two decades in the military provides valuable leadership and teamwork experience, and a demonstrated commitment to public service. I’m proud to have the 2012 endorsement of the North Metro Chamber of Commerce (which four years ago endorsed my opponent). With young children currently in Jeffco Public Schools, my family has a strong and personal interest in the success of our education system. I’m honored to have the 2012 endorsement of Colorado’s premier non-partisan education advocacy organization, Stand For Children. 3) Colorado’s legislature should focus with intensity on making Colorado the most attractive state for businesses to locate, grow and create jobs. Growing our private sector economy will increase prosperity for families, and also help pay for priorities like transportation, K-12 and higher education--themselves important contributors to economic growth. 4) I support adequate funding as an important component of excellence in education. State K-12 education funding (along with priorities such as higher education and transportation) is coming under increasing pressure from unfunded federal mandates for other programs. I’ll work to adequately fund K-12 education by advocating for a proper balance among these competing programs and helping to generate revenue by growing our economy. 5) I am a proponent of the Jefferson Parkway project.
3) Please list your top three priorities if elected.
4) What actions should be taken in regard to drought and wildires challenges statewide and locally?
2) As a legislator with a proven bipartisan track record I have sponsored and passed 19 bills that are good for working families, a clean environment, seniors, and students of all ages. I listen to and learn from constituents about what issues they feel state government should address, from improving job opportunities to addressing housing and transportation needs. I know how to work with all the relevant parties to come to practical solutions to these often complex issues. 3) 1) Create a sustainable economic climate for jobs growth; 2) Provide access to 21st century education and workforce development for people of all ages; and 3) Implement the health benefit exchange so more Coloradans can find affordable health insurance.
5) What are some state priorities that will e ect, or beneit your district? TERMS
Winners of state House seats serve tw-year terms. Please note questionnaires were sent to House District 24 candidates E.V. Leyendecker (R), and Christian Althen (L) but were not returned with responses.
4) Water conservation strategies will be key to combating the worst effects of droughts. Preventive measures, such as clearing dry underbrush, can help diminish the rapid spread of wildfires. Citizens living in high fire-danger areas should be urged to protect their homes, for example by using fireresistant building materials. Wildfire emergency response resources must be maintained. 5) The priorities for central Jefferson County and the state must be education and workforce development for citizens of all ages—K-12, college, community college, and trades and technical education. It’s also important to promote and improve job opportunities in Colorado while protecting the health of our precious land, water and air.
Jeferson County Election Guide 2012 11
October 11, 2012
RTD District K
QUESTIONS 1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style.
2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job. 3) Please list your top three priorities if elected.
4) With the West Rail Line nearing completion, what are you hoping to see as the result?
5) RTD has a lot of projects starting in the area. How do you think RTD should prioritize all that is happening?
No photo provided
No photo provided
Party: Address: 13282 Clermont Circle, Thornton, CO 80241 Background: Accountant, systems field engineer, Citizens Advisory Budget Committee, Lowry Redevelopment Authority, resident of Colorado for 20 years. Contact: 303-362-0254
Party: Address: Hunters Glen, Thornton Background: I’m a 20-year Air Force Vietnam veteran and a manufacturing, procurement and quality assurance professional. Contact: richhimmel4RTD.com, 303 717-3999
1) Teamwork, friendship, dedication
1) Participatory, pragmatic, decisive
2) David has served on public committees for more than 10 years, he has ridden RTD transportation to all parts of the city, and he graduated from the University of Wyoming with a degree in Business Administration.
2) I hold degrees from the University of Oregon and the Army’s Command and General Staff College and I’m a graduate of the Defense Systems Management College. As a formally trained program manager, I am versed in product requirements, defined procedures and attention to detail that produces product that meets stated needs. My experience in manufacturing involves detailed insight into budgeting, scheduling, manpower, equipment, supply issues and the ability to juggle those elements into cohesive, focused results.
3) 1. Complete the North line to 72nd as soon as possible, 2. Introduce new bus service to east Thornton, Reunion and Brighton, and 3. Employ Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) to shorten arrival times into the city. 4) This is unacceptable to the citizens who live up north. We have been paying into this project and we have not received any return. RTD needs to complete the North line all the way to 166th as soon as possible (they have already purchased the right of way). 5) No, I do not support a new tax. RTD was given the task of building out the rail system equally among all parts of the city. They have not done that. They have broken their promises with the citizens who live up North. How can you expect us to pay a new tax when we have not received the benefits of the older tax?
3) Support and promote FasTracks and the build-out of the North Metro Corridor; re-build public trust by participating in District K public meetings and communicating what is going on at RTD; give voice to Northern area concerns and return accountability to board actions. 4) It is problematic for community development and the long-range economic prosperity of the Front Range. RTD should pursue all available bonding capacity, federal grants and loans, private sector funding and leveraged cash resources. 5) I do, because it is in the economic best interests of all communities along the entire Front Range. Public transportation is key to the efficient movement of goods and services as well as business access to large labor pools. We must be willing to invest in our future if we are to expect prosperity for our children.
Party: Address: 850 S. 7th Ave. Brighton, CO, 80601 Background: Volunteered in the city of Brighton and School District 27J for many years. We are 45-year residents of Brighton and have owned Varsity Sports for 28 years. City Council 1996-2001 (Mayor pro tem four of these years): First woman mayor 2001-2009. Contact: 303-659-4586
Party: Address: 6751 E 60th Ave. Background: Twenty years in telecommunications, working to implement the “information highway.” Studied public administration at the University of Colorado at Denver Telecommunications Certificate University of Phoenix, bachelor’s degree from Metropolitan State University Contact:
1) Decisive, confident and an independent thinker.
1) Analytical, factual and equitable.
2) Leadership skills acquired through 14 years of service on the Brighton City Council, eight of those as mayor. Instrumental in getting increased bus service for Brighton residents by obtaining Call `n Ride service to supplement Brighton’s limited route service. Served on the DRCOG board, the Mayor’s Caucus Task Force for RTD, Adams County Economic Development a charter member of NATA (North Area Transit Alliance). 3) Represent the residents of District K with strong leadership skills, fair-mindedness and objectivity. Because of my history having been around when we passed the tax increase in 2004, there were some promises made, that need to be kept, I can represent those views. 4) The downturn in the economy wasn’t planned for, when FasTracks was put forth — obviously the whole system has been set back. Costs skyrocketed. We must look for creative ways to keep the plans moving forward to serve the entire Metro area. 5) I feel there is not much choice — in order to meet the rising costs and demands a tax increase is probably inevitable. There is also discussion of finding investment partners from the northeast area and it is so important to keep the metro partners striving for the same goal and that is a “complete build out of the system,” sooner rather later.
2) Masters curriculum completed including: research and analytical methods, public management and organization theory, public finance, policy process analysis, public policy formulation and administrative law. 3) A) Analyze the RTD budget and determine if the funding for future projects is fair to all corridors. B) Analyze current policy alternatives to determine which offers the greatest utility to advance RTD services to North Metro. C) Future forecasting to estimate positive and negative externalities of RTD funding to north metro. Probability and feasibility studies of improved RTD fastracks and bus services. 4) The delivery of services is overdue and delay will not be tolerated. A coalition of federal, state and local leaders must be established to initiate, implement and complete services to north metro. 5) No. A future tax increase is not an option. The taxpayer has already paid to advance services north and alternatives must be taken. The redistribution of funds should be considered and based upon need and what is good for Colorado. This will require each area to identify their mission and overall goals, and will increase communication and coordination within the RTD organization. This will force an increase in staff motivation by providing greater initiatives and responsibility in decision making.
October 11, 2012
12 Jeferson County Election Guide 2012
RTD Director District M
By Cassie Monroe cmonroe@ourcoloradonews.com
1) Please use three words to describe your leadership style.
2) Describe the skills and experience that make you the best candidate for the job.
3) Please list your top three priorities if elected.
4) What do you make of the delayed timeline of the North Metro FasTracks line and what should be done?
5)Would you support a future tax increase for the build out of the North Metro rail? Why or why not?
Candidates compete to serve on state Board of Regents
Incumbent Address: 11287 W. 26th Place, Lakewood 80215 Background: Current RTD director District M, 2nd vice chair of the RTD Board of Directors, chair of the FasTracks Committee, CDOT Liaison, Lifetime of Service with a number of organizations. Contact: www.cohen4rtd.com, 303717-5623
Address: Lakewood Background: Colorado resident since 1971 and Lakewood 1990 to present. Co-owner of an automotive service facility. Active community facilitator driven toward promoting common sense solutions and fair, respectful treatment for citizens. Contact: 303-647-8900, www. NatalieMenten.com, RTDNatalie@ gmail.com
1) Collaborative, passionate, visionary.
1) Innovative, frugal, principled.
2) I have served in this position for the last four years through the worst economic downturn since the Depression, and I have not been afraid to make the tough decisions necessary to keep the RTD fiscally sustainable for the long term. I understand how service decisions are made, and I favor policies that better serve the needs of the rider while still ensuring financial responsibility of the taxpayers’ dollars. My experience in the Legislature in terms of getting things done is very valuable
2) For years I’ve publicly advocated for increased transparency in government spending. Transparency invites public involvement and quickly identifies budget savings, allowing government agencies to provide a bigger bang for the buck. I’ve voluntarily worked to reduce taxes that especially affect limited income households and protect property rights, helping those in need is a rewarding civic duty.
3) 1) Seamlessly transitioning into operational service on the West Rail Line 2) Maximizing technological advances with regards to the bus fleet and how service is provided and 3) Finding an answer for “how do we complete the FasTracks project sooner rather than later?” 4) I hope to see vigorous investment and a rebirth of the area that the West Rail will serve, and I hope to see greater mobility options in Jefferson County now that the train will finally be pulling into the station. 5) Four billion worth of projects are either under contract or under construction so getting all of those projects done is priority one. I abide by the mantra of “build as much as we can, as fast as we can, until it’s done.” I think it’s imperative to solve the conundrum of the northwest and northern congestion issues.
3) Advocate for full transparency of the Regional Transportation District, including that purchases made with public credit cards, by check and contracts be posted on the internet. This will save taxpayers money and allow more money to provide first-class public transportation for the Denver metro area. Steer RTD back to concentrating on providing affordable transportation with more options to serve the needs of those who use it occasionally or regularly to get to the doctor, work, school or the grocery store. Identify excess properties owned by RTD, which produce zero property taxes, and sell them. Adding these properties back to the tax rolls will produce more property taxes to support important projects such as social services, libraries and schools. 4) I hope the results show promises were kept and those most in need of affordable, convenient transportation are served well. 5) Ensure that we learn from past mistakes before the other transit lines are built out. Increase transportation options by wisely allocating our budget without increasing taxes.
Among the decisions Jefferson County voters will make in November is who will be the District 7 representative for the University of Colorado Board of Regents. The candidates are Republican, Mary Dambman, Democrat and incumbent Irene Griego and Libertarian Eric Robinson. Dambman and Griego took part in a forum in Wheat Ridge last month to discuss their campaign stances. Robinson was unable to attend the forum, and did not respond in time for this article. The nine CU regents are responsible for supervising decisions that effect the university and controlling the funds and appropriations of the school. Generally, members serve six-year terms, but there have been exceptions. Griego was appointed to the position Nov. 19, 2011, by Gov. John Hickenlooper after former Regent Monisha Merchant resigned to work in Sen. Michael Bennet’s office. Prior to the appointment, Griego was a community superintendent for Jeffco Public Schools for 10 years. She supervised 37 K-12 schools in the district. She has worked as a faculty member for the University of Colorado Denver, Teachers for Colorado Program, and Metropolitan State College of Denver. She has been a principal and assistant principal for several schools, and was a classroom teacher for Denver Public Schools. At the forum, Griego said what sets her apart from her opponents is her perspective on education because of her experience in classrooms, at universities and as a CU regent. “What I’ve learned is that students have to be first,” she said. She said if elected, her priorities will be making college affordable, giving students good professors and preparing the student population to enter the workforce. Dambman said that, as a fourth-generation Coloradan, she has the best interest of Colorado students in mind, but has seen education all over the country, which she believes gives her a good working background. She earned her master’s degree at Colorado College and taught English at the Air Academy High School. She was named chairman of the English Department and elected president of the Air Academy Education Association. She decided to change careers and began pursuing political aspirations. “I felt I could accomplish as much there as I could in the classroom,” Dambman said. In 1982, she ran for the state House of Representatives District 20 seat, and served in the General Assembly for three terms, sitting on education committees among others. She said she was responsible in part for working with higher-education legislation, amending the state’s budget bill, and securing in-state tuition rates for dependents of active-duty military personnel.