Wheatridge transcript 0313

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March 13, 2014

50 cents Jefferson County, Colorado | Volume 30, Issue 37 A publication of


Ride-sharing services to be regulated By Vic Vela

vvela@coloradocommunitymedia.com Ride-sharing service companies will face state regulations – but not to as strict a standard as are traditional taxi services – under a bill that passed the Senate on March 10. Transportation network companies like Uber and Lyft allows passengers to book rides through a smart phone application. The companies have been able to provide services without government regulations because they claimed to have fit under a different operating model than taxi companies, an assertion that has upset the taxi

cab industry. But legislators were forced to take regulatory action after the Public Report Utilities Commission began investigating whether companies like Uber and Lyft are complying with state transportation rules. “I think it’s an important bill, and it’s something that has to be done because the PUC is saying these businesses are acting outside of the law,” said Sen. Ted Harvey, R-Highlands Ranch, a bill sponsor. “And,


without this bill, they would no longer be able to do business.” The bill is one of many nationwide responses to the relatively new industry – Uber, for example, began operating four years ago. Local governments across the U.S. have struggled with determining whether transportation network companies fall under the umbrella of a motor vehicle service or as web-based transportation companies that are entirely different animals, altogether. The bill would require businesses like Uber and Lyft to carry liability insurance, conduct background checks on drivers, inspect vehicles and receive permission to


operate from the PUC. The amended version of the bill also requires that drivers not be allowed to drive more than eight hours in any 24-hour period and that companies keep files containing driver insurance and proof of background checks on file. However, the bill would not require companies like Uber and Lyft to comply with the same set of guidelines that regulate taxi companies, such as regulation of rates and operational requirements. Taxi companies say that the new transportation Services continues on Page 14

Nonprofit coffee shop sets up in Wheat Ridge By Clarke Reader creader@ coloradocommunitymedia.com

Wheat Ridge’s Max Marcum unloads a shot last season for his lacrosse team that went on to win a state championship. The Farmers were ranked as the No. 1 team in the state this season. See story on Page 17. Photo by Daniel Williams

Council releases added funding for 32th By Hugh Johnson Wheat Ridge council approved a budget appropriation for $500,000 for the 32nd Avenue widening project during a special council meeting after the study session March 3. The city awarded a contract Nov. 7 in 2012 to Concrete Works of Colorado in the amount of $4,600,776.34 for the completion of the widening project at 32nd Avenue. The contract included a 10 percent contingency amount of $460,000, bringing the contract construction budget total to $5,060,776.34.

Now that the project is nearly done, city staff reports that it is nearly $1.1 million over budget. The city disputes a large portion of that number but has confirmed that at least an additional $470,000 is due to the contractor. Gerald Dahl, the city attorney, recommended that the city council allot an even $500,000 for contingencies. The majority of the funds came from Denver Regional Council of Government’s Transportation Improvement Program which awarded the city a $2.924 million federal grant in March 2011. Jefferson County contributed $1.25 million for the construction. The remainder was funded by the city of Wheat Ridge. Now, both the


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funds from the grant and the county are depleted. Councilman Zachary Urban, District 2, questioned what staff is doing to prevent overruns from happening again. He stated that staff needs to take steps to ensure the Wheat Ridge’s partners can trust that it can manage funds for these kinds of projects. City Manager, Patrick Goff, cited a variety of reasons for the overrun, including a low contingency amount and bids for the job coming it at a lower number than they turned out to be. Overall, Goff stated that it’s tough to predict what’s going to happen with this type of project. “I think it’s part of a contract’s work to make sure you get the work that you need ... there’s always going to be unforeseen issues that come up in projects like this,” Goff said. “Can’t ensure this is not going to happen again ... I think this is a very unique project which unfortunately there were a lot of circumstances that were out of out our control.” The widening at 32nd runs from Braun Court to Wright Court. The project will increase the street’s capacity while serving to reduce traffic during congested hours.

Coffee drinkers looking for a warm place to go for a cup or ministry have a new stop in Cup of Faith. A local non-profit community shop, located at 11460 W. 44th Ave., Unit No. 5, Cup of Faith opened in late November with a simple mission — offer an independent coffee shop atmosphere and spread Christian ministries. “We’re not affiliated with any church or denomination,” Laurel Imer, manager at Cup of Faith said. “There is no shop like this in the area at all.” The shop is open 7-11 a.m. Monday and Wednesday through Friday, and 9-11 a.m. on Tuesday and Saturday. According to Imer, everything at the shop comes from donations, and all the food and drinks that Cup of Faith offers is available for donation. Soups are available on Monday and Friday and breakfast burritos on Thursday. “All of the funds donated at the shop go to the costs of running the place and our ministries,” she said. “We’ve got a program called ‘Blessing Bags’ which collects items to be given to homeless people in the community.” In addition to the food and drink offered, Cup of Faith is a site for Bible studies, homework clubs and community meetings. Imer said clubs like a local Tupperware and woodworking groups have used the space, and the shop is doing outreach to churches and local organizations to spread the word. “Not every church has the space to host people, and a lot of people aren’t able to open up their homes,” she said. “We are providing a resource for people who need it.” In the summer Cup of Faith is looking to offer Bible study, as well as other opportunities for young people. “We started slow but have been getting the word out and the reception has been great from the community,” Imer said. “We want to people to think of us and know if they need help, coffee or a friend, we’re here.” For more information, call 303-4249760 or visit www.cupoffaithco.com.

2 Wheat Ridge Transcript

March 13, 2014

A forecast full of money comes our way The second half of the legislative session will be best summed up by an overused 1990s catch phrase. “Show me the money.” While lawmakers spent quite a bit of time working on flood legislation during the first half of the session, the real story right now is the flood of bills that are piling up in appropriations committees, waiting to be funded. The hundreds of bills that sit in appropriation limbo are like a casting room full of singing, animated bills that are auditioning for “School House Rock.” “But I know I’ll be a law someday. At least I hope and pray that I will. But today I am still just a bill.” Starting March 18, there’s going to be a lot of lawmakers sitting around praying that their bills will not only become law, but will receive funding to boot. That’s the day that the Joint Budget Committee is scheduled to announce the state’s revenue forecast for the upcoming fiscal year. The forecast will determine which bills get money and which ones don’t. Whatever happens after that day, the result is certain to disappoint some lawmakers. “We will have tough decisions as we move through (the appropriations process),” House Speaker Mark Ferrandino, D-Denver said. “There’s a lot of good ideas out there, but it doesn’t mean we can fund them all.” The JBC will do its best to cobble together a budget that comes close to the one that Gov. John Hickenlooper has proposed — a $24 billion long bill that could result in hundreds of millions of dollars in additional funding for Colorado schools. In addition to Senate Bill 1 legislation, which would pump more than $100 million into higher education, the budget is also expected to include $230 million for K-12 education, as outlined by House Bill 1292, the Student Success Act. While the additional funding will go a long way in replacing money that was drained from education funding in recent

lean budget years, even the sizable cash infusion is certain to leave some educators wanting more. Last month, school superintendents called on lawmakers to address the socalled “negative factor” in education funding, which came as a result of $1 billion in education budget cuts in recent years. Superintendents point to a healthier state education fund as a sign that perhaps this is the year they get all the funding they want, will few strings attached. But that’s not going to happen. “They look at that fund and say, ‘Lets spend it,’ ” Ferrandino said of school superintendents. “The problem is when we spend it all down, then we’re in a place where there’s volatility and we can’t sustain it. It’s their job to do all they can to push for education, and I respect that. It’s our job as policy makers for the state to try to deal with all competing districts and look not just at the short term, but long term.” Senate President Morgan Carroll, DAurora, understands that there is “pent up frustration” on the part of school superintendents who haven’t been getting the funding that was originally expected through 2000’s Amendment 23 — the voter-approved initiative that required funding for education that exceeds the annual rate of inflation. Lawmakers had to take a chisel to that initiative in recent years. “Patience is running out and (superintendents) would like to catch up all at once, with no strings attached,” Carroll said. “And the reality is, within the revenue

we have, we don’t mathematically have the option of zeroing out what’s referred to as the negative factor.” Education will make up the lion’s share of the budget. And there are several other funding areas that are certain to receive infusions — efforts aimed a flood and wildfire mitigation, as well as tax credits for business and families, to name a few. But $24 billion gets eaten up pretty quickly during the sausage-making process. “People fight over more money than we do over less,” said Senate Minority Leader Bill Cadman, R-Colorado Springs. Cadman said that about “a half a billion dollars in spending is waiting in line for the (budget forecast),” with Cadman equating those who are hoping for money to come their way as being “drunk monkeys” that already lined up. House Minority Leader Brian DelGrosso, R-Loveland, said more money needs to

go to transportation and education, but also said that it’s important to practice temperance when doling out cash — because you never know. “Yes, we have resources but we don’t want to extend ourselves where we get to the point where we are slashing and burning like we were a few years ago,” DelGrosso said. “That’s not fair to the people of Colorado, when you try to run a state that way.” So March 18 is going to be an awfully interesting day. There’s going to be some folks who are happy and some who aren’t. And there’s going to be some joyous “School House Rock” songs sung by bills that made it, while other sad little bills are left singing the blues. Vic Vela covers the Legislature for Colorado Community Media. He can be reached at vvela@coloradocommunitymedia.com. Or, follow him on Twitter: @VicVela1.

what’s inside the transcript this week

Ralston Valley boys challenge top seed in basketball. Page 17 Books: Dave Barry makes another date with humor in latest read. Page 13

Life: Join us in sampling of some local brews. Page 12

Wheat Ridge Transcript 3

March 13, 2014

jeffco board of education on the record Jefferson County Board of Education discussed the following issues at its regular business meeting, March 6. The meeting was inside the auditorium at Golden High School, 701 24th St., Golden. Board members in attendance were president Ken Witt, secretary John Newkirk, vice president Julie Williams, second vice President Lesley Dehlkemper, and treasurer Jill Fellman. Prior to the start of the meeting, the board held an executive session to discuss negotiations with employee associations, such as the Jefferson County Education Association (JCEA). Outside of the high school, JCEA members, family and friends gathered in a rally, led by JCEA president, Ami Prichard, urging members to stand up for Jeffco students and schools, seeking collaboration and cooperation in negotiations with the board, and passing around

SPAC Update on 2014-2015 Budget

petitions to gain support.

Increasing third-grade reading goal During the meeting, the board discussed current goals, specifically increasing the reading scores of proficient to advanced third-grade students from 80 to 85 percent. Heather Beck, Jeffco’s chief academic officer, and her literacy team presented the district’s plan to achieve the reading goal. The presentation discussed several identified data points such as, extended school days, unified improvement plans, and more professional training and materials for teachers, achievement directors and principals. All of which would help 300 students increase their reading Transitional Colorado Assessment Program (TCAP) scores to achieve the goal.

The board also heard a presentation on the 2014-2015 budget from the minority and majority Strategic Planning and Advisory Council (SPAC) sub-committees. The purpose of this presentation is to open up the process for public comment prior to developing the adopted budget draft. The committees presented their recommendations for the 2014-2015 budget, each highlighting questions surrounding the district’s reserves and the board’s achievement goals. The SPAC majority recommended the board place a minimum of $2 million of the district’s $1 billion budget, into the reserves to maintain the district’s AA- bond rating. The committee also recommended increasing the reserves by $18 million over the next three years.

West Metro asks for 3 mill levy First request in 8 years By Clarke Reader creader@ coloradocommunitymedia.com The West Metro Fire Protection District will ask voters to approve a property-tax increase of 3 mills for the first time in eight years. The issue will be on ballots in a special-district mail-in ballot on May 6, which will be available to all registered voters and property owners within the fire district eligible to vote in the state. “We’re asking voters for this so we can maintain the high level of service we offer,” Fire Chief Don Lombardi said. “We have made significant cuts since 2009, reducing expenditures by 13.8 percent.” According to information provided by the district, if approved, “the measure would raise taxes around $2 per month for every $100,000 of actual property value and generate approximately $8.6 million annually for the fire department — restoring property tax funding to levels before Jefferson and Douglas Counties’ assessed values fell and allowing the District to

chart a financially secure course for future services to the constituents.” Lombardi said that a driving force behind the measure is the fact that property taxes, which is the district’s main source of income, has been declining and not rebounding the way the district hoped. Since 2009, property tax has declined by 4.81 percent, and the district responded by creating new plans for keeping costs down. “Firefighters have taken a 3 percent pay cut, and all civilian support staff salaries have been frozen for the past four years,” he said. “We planned to see some rebound in the property values, and we just haven’t seen it.” To keep offer the service residents have come to expect, the district has dipped into its general funds reserve to the tune of $4.5 million since 2008. According to information from the district, the mill levy “would allow the District to establish the general fund balance to previous levels to restore financial sustainability within the general fund. Additionally, a 3 mill increase will allow the District to reestablish appropriate funding to budgets, establish a current pay schedule for both firefighters and civilian support staff, begin to fund selected long-term capital needs, and estab-

lish resiliency for long-term future economic change.” Lombardi said the district has proved it is a good steward of the public’s funds, citing its April 2013 refinancing of $22,970,000 of District General Obligation debt, as well as bringing the interest cost down from 5.17 percent to 2.33 percent. The lower rates means taxpayers will pay significantly less on the debt. Firefighters are also trained as paramedics, which means the district doesn’t have to spend money by calling two separate units to an emergency. “The national accreditation we’ve received as a district shows that we are providing top service to residents,” Lombardi said. “We understand that the economy is tough for everyone, but the mill will helps us get back to where we need. If we didn’t need this, we wouldn’t ask for it.” Firefighters will be out in the community explaining the levy, and giving a balanced view on the issue in the coming months, Lombardi said. “It’s really going to come down to services and the level our residents expect,” he said. “We need to get back to a stable base to provide services.”

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The board will discuss the budget again at the March 13 study session.

CHOICE Committee Update The board heard an update from the Choice Enrollment Steering Committee and its current work. The committee is currently working on what CHOICE looks like for the district by researching school data and interviewing parents. They will continue to meet, discussing both the qualitative and quantitative data they gather through this process. The committee will present their final findings and recommendations to the board on April 3. The next Board of Education regular meeting will be 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 13, at the Jeffco Education Center, 1829 Denver West Drive, Golden.

Have a legislative question? Email Colorado Community Media Legislative Reporter Vic Vela at vvela@coloradocommunitymedia.com.


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With Supply of Active Listings at Record Low, Buyers Look to New Homes

By JIM SMITH, Realtor ® family as well as paired homes. KB sentation. And if you register as This Week’s Featured Listing not having an agent, they won’t let As the chart below shows, there is also building at Lyons Ridge in the Willow Springs area. The for- you bring an agent into the transare fewer active listings than at action later on. These builders do Huge Price Reduction on This Genesee Home mer orchard east of McIntyre any time in the last five years. In not use the buyer-friendly fact, the number of acNow only $649,000 Active Jeffco state-approved contracts The kids in this house at Open Sat. tive listings is one-half 2195 Foothills Drive S. are 12-3 pm used for all resale homes. the number of active Listings now grown, and that means Their lawyers create their listings five years ago. 2009-2014 it’s your turn for a chance to own contracts which are Although this chart is own this open, casual and not at all buyer-friendly. for Jefferson County light-filled home. Enjoy the You will not have the pro- convenience of being 30 only, the chart for the tections you have in resale minutes from downtown, yet MLS as a whole and for transactions. For example, within an hour of major ski areas and other recreational opportunities. You individual sections of your “deposit” with the Jeffco looks the same, will enjoy living in this wonderful home on 1.2 acres, affording privacy, easy builder is not the same as access to hiking and biking trails, and a short walk to the community clubwith current inventory Source: Metrolist the “earnest money” for a house with state-of-the-art fitness equipment, lap pool, meeting room and about 50% of five years resale transaction. It is not library! Sign the kids up for the award-winning swim team, join special inago. escrowed for your protec- terest clubs, play tennis and enjoy the playground. Select from various Mt. Taking note of this tion and typically is not returned if Vernon Country Club activities open to Genesee residents. The hot tub on Street north of 50th Avenue is lack of existing homes for sale, new home builders are gearing up being prepared for a new subdivi- you terminate. the redwood deck beckons you to relax and watch the wildlife! Listed by Also, you’ll want to see whether Karon Hesse. Take a narrated video tour at www.GeneseeHome.info. as quickly as they can and drawing sion, and Leyden Rock and Cana “metropolitan tax district” was delas are seeing brisk traffic. lots of interest from buyers who Jim Smith If you’re looking at buying a new created to build the infrastruccan’t find what they want in existBroker/Owner home, here’s some advice for you. ture for the subdivision, ing homes. which can add as much First, don’t be unrepresented. Last week I visited a “broker Golden Real Estate, Inc. as 40% to your properThe home builders will not give open house” at KB Homes’ new DIRECT: 303-525-1851 you a discount if they don’t have to ty tax bill for the next subdivision called Westwoods EMAIL: Jim@GoldenRealEstate.com pay your agent, so there’s no rea- 30 years. (More content Mesa. It’s at 69th & Indiana in 17695 South Golden Road, Golden 80401 son not to have professional repre- at JimSmithColumns.com.) Serving the West Metro Area COMMENT AT: www.JimSmithBlog.com Arvada. They are offering single-

4 Wheat Ridge Transcript

March 13, 2014

District wants new leader by June National park tourism in School board addresses timeframe, salary By Crystal Anderson

canderson@ coloradocommunitymedia.com Jefferson County Board of Education is in the midst of one of the biggest decisions its faced in recent years to find a qualified superintendent for Colorado’s largest school district. Recently, the board hired Ray & Associates, a national education leadership search firm, to help find an educated, innovative and creative leader to become the district’s next superintendent. Hired as of Feb. 27, Ray & Associates has wasted no time building an aggressive, three-month timeline for the search. “The May timeline, it’s realistic,” board treasurer Jill Fellman said. “I think it’s really critical to select somebody before or right after the end of the (school) year.” Over the next few months, Ray & Associates will work with the board on several processes of the search including advertising for candidates, community outreach, and candidate selection. At its most recent board meeting, March 6, the board advised Ray & Associates to advertise widely, both online and in print publications. It also settled

on a base salary of $280,000 for the position — a number competitive with districts of similar size according to a staff report. The board has expressed on several occasions it is looking for a traditional and nontraditional candidate for the superintendency that is an innovative and creative leader, someone who will meet set goals and push them to the next level. “It’s important we think about what leadership qualities Stevenson had that are revered and maintained,” Fellman said, “but also that we look at the qualities in the person that will move the district forward.” On Feb. 8, the former superintendent, Cindy Stevenson, moved up her previously announced retirement for summer, stating she could not work with a board who didn’t trust or respect her decisions. Since that time, a fourmember leadership team, made up of the district’s executive leadership team, Marcia Anker, Lorrie Gillis, Heather Beck and Steve Bell, has taken her place, reporting to President Ken Witt and Fellman every other week on pertinent issues. Two public meetings will be held for the community on March 18 and 19, to garner input from key stakeholders. Ken Witt, Julie Williams, John Newkirk and Lesley Dahlkemper did not return our calls or emails for a comment.

state creates $347.4 million Staff Report A new National Park Service (NPS) report shows that the 5,811,546 visitors to Colorado’s national parks in 2012 spent $347.4 million and supported 4,991 jobs in the state. “From Mesa Verde to Dinosaur National Monument, the national parks of Colorado attract millions of visitors a year from across the country and around the world,” said Sue Masica, director of NPS’s Intermountain Region, which includes Colorado and seven other states. “Whether these park visitors are out for an afternoon, on a school field trip or taking a long family vacation, they come for a great experience — and they end up spending a little money along the way, too. This new report confirms that national park tourism is a significant driver in the national economy, returning $10 for every $1 invested in the National Park Service. This reality makes parks tourism an important factor in Colorado’s economy as well. It’s a result we all can support.” Colorado’s 12 national parks include: Black Canyon of the Gunnison, Great Sand Dunes, Mesa Verde and Rocky Mountain national parks; Colorado, Dinosaur, Florissant Fossil Beds, Hovenweep and Yucca House national monuments; Bent’s Old Fort and Sand Creek Massacre national historic sites, and Curecanti National Recreation Area.

The peer-reviewed NPS visitor spending analysis was conducted for the Park Service by U.S. Geological Survey economists Catherine Cullinane Thomas, Christopher Huber and Lynne Koontz. The national report shows $14.7 billion of direct spending by 283 million park visitors in communities within 60 miles of a national park. This spending supported 243,000 jobs nationally — with 201,000 of those jobs in these park “gateway” communities — and had a cumulative benefit to the U.S. economy of $26.75 billion. According to the report, most visitor spending supports jobs in restaurants, grocery and convenience stores (39 percent), hotels, motels and B&Bs (27 percent), and other amusement and recreation (20 percent). To download the report, visit www.nature.nps.gov/socialscience/economics.cfm. The report includes information for visitor spending by park and by state. To learn more about Colorado’s national parks and how the National Park Service works with communities in the state to help preserve local history, conserve the environment, and provide outdoor recreation, go to www.nps.gov/colorado. NPS b-roll is available to news media to use in reporting on the 2012 National Park Visitors Spending Report at www.nps.gov/ news/econ_b-roll.htm.

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Wheat Ridge Transcript 5

March 13, 2014

Fraudulent drug test bill fails in committee Republican-sponsored legislation would’ve fined those who cheat tests By Vic Vela

vvela@coloradocommunitymedia.com A Senate committee on March 5 rejected a bill that sought to impose legal penalties in cases where employees try to cheat on company-mandated Report drug tests. The Republican-sponsored effort had previously passed the House, but Democrats on the Senate’s State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee killed the legislation. The committee chairman wondered how accusations involving a fake or diluted drug test would hold up in a court of law if there were no actual visual proof that the employee was trying to cheat by using a urine-cleansing device. “Is it eye witness testimony that (determines that) this person used a Whizzinator or video proof that this person used a Whizzinator?” Sen. Jesse Ulibarri, D-Commerce City said. “I don’t believe that government


belongs in the bathroom or the bedroom.” House Bill 1040 would have created a petty offense penalty for employees who attempt to defraud a drug test for occupations where the testing is required by law. Police, corrections officers, and commercial vehicle drivers are a few of the professionals who would have been impacted by the bill. Under the bill, those who try to hide their drug use through fake or diluted urine samples would have been subjected to fines of up to $5,000, depending on how many times they tried to cheat. The bill would not have applied in cases where business-mandated drug testing is not legally required. Some who testified in opposition to the bill said the legislation is clearly aimed at targeting marijuana users, with one witness calling it “the marijuana testing bill.” Sen. Mark Scheffel, R-Parker, acknowledged that Amendment 64’s legalization of recreational pot use has created a “vast unknown in a new permissiveness,” but said there needs to be some teeth in cases where employees knowingly attempt to defraud drug tests. “As it stands now, other than (employee) dismissal, there is no penalty for what is described here,” Scheffel said. The original version of the bill would have created new criminal misdemeanor drug offenses for those who cheat on drug tests, which could have resulted in jail time. However, prior to passing the House,

news in a hurry Jeffco5 petition drive

The petition effort to increase the number of Jefferson County Commissioners from three to five, continues. Petitions to sign or carry will be available in front of the Golden Library on Saturday, March 15, at 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. For further opportunities to sign or get a petition go to www.Jeffco5.com, or contact Bernie at MTTOP@aol.com, or Karen at karenoxman@aol.com. Groups may also request a speaker to attend a meeting.

Jefferson Symphony Young Artists Winner Recital & Reception

The 2014 winner of the Jefferson Symphony International Young Artists Competition, Danny Lai, will perform his favorite compositions for viola by Bach, Schubert, Shostakovich and York Bowen on Friday, March 21, at 7 p.m. at the Rockley Music Center, 8555 West Colfax, Lakewood. This

special recital and reception is a fundraising event for the 2015 JSIYAC competition. Ticket price set at $50 includes the recital, wine, desserts and various refreshments. Please call 303-278-4237 to reserve a seat.

Apex Park Partial Opening Jeffco Open Space will re-open the northeast portion of Apex Park on Friday, March 14, pending weather conditions. Trail repairs and re-openings have been divided into three phases. The re-opening of the northeast portion includes the Argos, Grubstake, Bonanza and the unrepaired Pick-N-Sledge Trails. The Second Phase includes the Sluicebox, Hardscrabble and upper Apex Trails scheduled to open by June 30, 2014. The Third and final Phase includes the Enchanted Forest, Poco Calle and lower Apex Trails that will open by Sept. 30, 2014.

Hosch, 83, released on bond Driving record reveals speeding violations, collisions Staff Report Kenneth Hosch, 83, of Golden, who has been accused of causing the deadly crash which killed a Jeffco sheriff’s sergeant Dave Baldwin, is out on a $10,000 bond but is prohibited from driving as a condition of that bond, a county court judge ruled on March 6. Hosch was advised of his charges during the bond hearing with one count of vehicular homicide and one count of criminally negligent homicide. Charges in this case can carry a sentence of probation up to six years in prison. The defendant’s driving record was a strong source for the prosecution seeking to prohibit Hosch from driving. According to an arrest affidavit, Hosch received five speeding tickets in seven years and rearended two cars in three years on Highway 93. Hosch will be allowed to visit his daugh-


ter in Cheyenne, Wyo., under court supervision. On Jan. 26, at 10:05 a.m., Baldwin was traveling in the left northbound lane on his Harley-Davidson patrol motorcycle, entering a sweeping curve. According to police officials a 2004 Saturn Vue SUV driven by Hosch was traveling southbound through the curve when it crossed a double-yellow line, traveling into the northbound lanes and passing at least Hosch one vehicle. The Saturn collided head-on with the Harley-Davidson. Hosch is alleged to have failed to return to his lane and continued driving southbound on the wrong side of the road for approximately 1,500 feet, the district attorney’s office reported. Witnesses of the crash estimate that Hosch was traveling 70 to 79 mph just before the collision with Sgt. Baldwin, according to court records. A dispositional hearing has been set on April 11, at 8:30 a.m.

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the bill was amended to create only petty offenses that carry fines, rather than time behind bars. Deputy Attorney General David Blake said the penalty would have been “a logical extension” of law that requires drug testing in certain professions. Blake also reminded those in the audience that employers are allowed to penalize workers for marijuana use, even though pot consumption is now legal. But opponents of the effort said the bill is unfairly aimed at pot users. Terry Robnett, a medical marijuana patient and advocate, told the committee that because TCH metabolites are stored in fat cells, the drug leaves the body at a much slower rate than other substances. So, in many cases, marijuana will remain in a person’s blood 30 days after initial impairment. “You can go out on a Friday night and paint the town red with meth or cocaine and come in Monday morning and test

perfectly clean,” Robnett said. “But, with marijuana, you’re screwed.” Denise Maes of the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado wondered why the government should be involved in this process to begin with. “There is a lot of discretion on the part of employer to fire at will,” she said. “It’s a matter left to the employer and employee.” Ulibarri agreed, saying that the loss of income from being fired “is a significant penalty” and that the legislation attempts to “solve a problem that doesn’t exist.” The bill failed in the Democrat majority committee following a 3-2 party-line vote. Afterward, the bill’s House sponsor, Rep. Frank McNulty, R-Highlands Ranch, blasted the committee’s vote. “It is unfortunate that Senate Democrats continue to choose criminals over the safety of Colorado citizens,” he said. “They refuse to admit that those falsifying drug tests are putting the rest of us at risk.”

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This report is courtesy of Wilson Group Real Estate. Copyright©2014 ©2014 Not intended to solicit buyers or sellers currently under contract. Copyright

6 Wheat Ridge Transcript

March 13, 2014

opinions / yours and ours

Defend the right to access information “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectant.” Louis Brandeis wrote these words a century ago, before his appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, to note the power of publicity as a cure for “social and industrial diseases” like the inequities fostered by the corporate monopolies of his time. Today all states have “sunshine laws,” a catchall term for statutes requiring openness in government — rules meant to guarantee access to public records and proceedings. Justice Brandeis would probably approve: Shed light on the workings of government and society is better off. Transparency is now such a popular concept, it’s become something of a buzzword. Mayors, school boards, city councils, the president — public officials at every level tout their transparency initiatives. Indeed, the Internet has made it possible for governments to easily share important information — budgets, agendas, minutes, databases — like never before. It’s a trend worth applauding. But not every bit of information regarded by the law as a public record is free of charge and easy to download. Far from it. And elected officials in some communities still conduct some public business behind closed doors. That’s why news and civic organizations nationwide are taking time this week —Sunshine Week — to educate the

public about the importance of open government. And that’s why, about a year ago, a little-known, 27-year-old council of Coloradans decided to greatly expand its mission. The Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition (CFOIC) is a nonpartisan alliance of media outlets, civic groups, First Amendment lawyers and individuals founded in 1987 by Jean Otto, a long-time Rocky Mountain News editor. With a tiny budget, CFOIC volunteers mostly sponsored community forums, presented awards and filed court briefs in support of greater government transparency. Its most notable accomplishment was not a small one, helping to persuade the state judiciary to put court records online. But similar nonprofits in other states were doing much more — putting on seminars, developing online resources, reporting on issues and legislation, answering questions from citizens and journalists and playing the role of watchdog. Colorado needed the CFOIC to be more like

them. Why? The CFOIC is rooted in the belief that a healthy democracy depends on the free flow of information. To be engaged and to hold their elected officials accountable, citizens need to know what’s going on in their communities. They have a right to know. But it’s a right that shouldn’t be taken for granted. The State Integrity project recently gave Colorado an “F” for public access to information. Coloradans have no way to administratively appeal denials of access. Colorado has no agency monitoring governments for possible violations of access-to-information laws. If a Coloradan is denied access, the only recourse is to sue. This is frustrating for residents like Melody, who was denied information on how much employees of her local fire district are paid in salary and overtime. And Bill, who spent nearly $1,500 trying to show that his county commission was improperly meeting in secret. And Ruth, a state college professor who was billed $3,700 after requesting records from her employer. The news media play a vital role in using open-government laws to expose corruption, life-threatening problems or the need for policy reforms. But newsroom staffs have shrunk dramatically (or have disappeared entirely) in recent years, as have news media budgets to wage legal battles against violations of freedom-of-

information statutes. The CFOIC hopes to shore up the news media’s efforts in defense of access to information by providing Colorado journalists — and all residents — with a resource and partner. Among our initiatives: seminars and an FOI hotline supported by the state’s leading media-law attorneys. Visit our website at www.coloradofoic.org for resources, news and original reporting on open-government issues and legislation. To keep up with new entries, “like” our Facebook page, follow us on Twitter (@CoFOIC) or sign up for our emailed newsletter. We welcome new members and, of course, donations (we’re a 501(c)(3) nonprofit). You may already belong to a civic group that belongs to the CFOIC. Our growing membership includes (in addition to media organizations) the American Civil Liberties Union of Colorado, the Colorado Bar Association, Colorado Common Cause, Colorado Ethics Watch, the Independence Institute, the League of Women Voters of Colorado and the Society of Professional Journalists. Members represent varied interests and political persuasions but share a common passion for government transparency. Jeffrey A. Roberts, a former reporter and editor at The Denver Post, is executive director of the Colorado Freedom of Information Coalition.

question of the week

How do you celebrate St. Patty’s Day? We asked Arvada residents how they best like to celebrate the holiday of the Irish.

“I don’t always celebrate it, but when I do, I just get a few people together, go to some bars and have a few drinks,” Jackie Rogers, Arvada

“The wearing of the green, and I dye my hair red. We eat corned beef and cabbage and put a little green dye in beer,” Kathy Lisano, Arvada

“Good Beer, good friends, and a good party,” Jean Gordon, Arvada

“Always of corned beef and cabbage for dinner, and the wearing of green. We also do push a potato down the hall with your nose,” Karen Rose, Arvada

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Melodies alive and well So, the other day, in a fit of nostalgia, I went on to iTunes and downloaded Chuck Mangione’s definitive album “Feels So Good.” Remember that one? From 1977, it was the album, with a hit song of the same name (No. 4 on the Billboard top 40), that introduced the world to the flugelhorn, the fatter, mellower cousin of the trumpet. When I was a senior in high school, I wore out my copy of that album. Because it was a tape. Y’know, we used to have to listen to ... oh, never mind. Anyway, I listened that album just about every night for five months straight as I was doing my homework. It was multitasking for me: working on math or science, while ingraining in the back of my mind some concept of what a good jazz musician sounded like. I haven’t listened to that music in about 25 years. What was amazing to me the other day was that, out of the recesses my head, I was able to hum along to almost everything on the album. And not just the main melodies — the improvised solos, the interesting guitar counterlines, even the drum fills. What was, a quarter century ago, background noise for other pursuits, somehow stayed hardwired in my brain for all that time. You know what my wife is thinking right now, don’t you? “Sure, but I send you to the store with a list of three things and you can’t bring that home five minutes later?” But that’s a story for another day. It’s amazing to me what the human

brain is capable of. It really is remarkable. That which gets repeatedly entered into it, remains, even without conscious effort. For me, what I entered in, for most of my life, has been music. For Peyton Manning, it’s been three-, five-, and seven-step drops; LeBron James, jump shots. You get the idea. But also, on a preconscious level, what was entered in for me were other programs. Everybody roughly my age has had the experience of saying something, and then recoiling in shock, realizing that they just said something their parents would have said. “There can be no freedom without responsibility,” comes to mind for me. There were more important messages, too. That I was loved, that I mattered, and that there was a right way to go about my life also were programmed in. Those messages were delivered, in not quite as deliberate a fashion, but with no less intent, by my parents. And I hear those messages in Alcorn continues on Page 7

Wheat Ridge Transcript 7

March 13, 2014

Forever living with ‘the lock’ Bend the knuckle of the thumb on your right hand. Open your mouth and insert the knuckle between your top and bottom teeth and bring them together to gently touch your thumb. Now take your hand away … and try to eat a spoonful of Special K. Try to shovel in a forkful of pasta. Try to take a bite of anything with your jaws open no more than the width of the knuckle on your right hand. You are in “the lock.” I first experienced “the lock” on a scuba diving trip. By the fourth or fifth day of diving, I found that my jaws were locked in the exact position where I had held the mouthpiece of my regulator to breathe underwater. “The lock” became more alarming as we returned to shore because no amount of stretching, grinding, or sliding my jaws sideways would release it. That first episode quickly subsided but “the lock” began making itself felt more often. Any type of chewing became an oral

obstacle with a more-than-likely chance of chomping down on a chunk of cheek or bit of bottom lip. With my eyes watering, I was painfully jolted into the reality that something was wrong in my face. I learned the details of my defect during a routine dental visit. I was as surprised as anyone when, as I was asked for the ubiquitous “open wide,” my jaws became stuck in the soon-to-be-familiar knuckle’s width that would begin to consume how I consume.

May be time to get your goose Historically March has been sportsmen’s annual transition month between hunting and fishing seasons. March and April has been a time to set back and reflect on the last six months of hunting and eagerly look ahead to angling the lakes and rivers. As more opportunities emerge that transition is almost transparent. The fishing season has yet to take flight, yet many of us are cleaning and casing the shotguns and searching for the trolling, casting and fly gear in storage. Let’s think again. Consider the snow goose spring migration is bringing massive flights into Eastern Colorado drawing water fowlers to take a hard look at the Snow Goose Conservation Season currently under way. In addition the spring turkey season is less than a month away. In the midst of this transition we are reminded of fall hunting seasons, due dates for big game license applications and Division of Parks and Wildlife hosted hunting seminars. Let’s take a closer look at what is available at this point in time. The light Goose (snow and blue) conservation season runs Feb. 17 to April 30. The spring turkey season opens April 12 and ends May 25. Big game hunting applications are dueApril 1. This all presents a full agenda for sportsmen and might suggest we delay taking fishing gear out of storage. Check out the Division Parks and Wildlife (CPW) website (http://cpw.state.co.us) to seek out your specific information for seasons, licenses and educational programs. If you have never pursued snow geese, it may be time. Consider guides for reasons outlined below. A few suggestions would include Chris Schiller who guides in the Jumbo Reservoir area near Crook, Colorado (303-947-7424) or Stillwater Outfitters (303-659-8665), based In Brighton. If you are a local sportsman that frequently hunts eastern Nebraska check with HuntTheNorth outfitters at 866-936-HUNT. A snow goose hunt is a challenge as well as a uniquely exciting adventure. And given the growing population, a hunt is strongly encouraged by US Fish & Wildlife Service and CPW. Snow goose numbers have reached the level where the huge numbers are damaging their natural nesting grounds

in northern Canada and Alaska and the snows are expanding their summer range into other waterfowl and bird species summer habitat. The service estimates the snow goose population to be in access of 5 million birds, with an increase of more than 300-percent since the mid-1970s and that number is increasing more than 5-percent annually. Snow goose hunting requires large numbers of decoys; allows use of electronically amplified mechanical electronic calls; eliminates the normal 3-shell plug in shotguns; no federal migratory stamp, but hunter must have a Colorado waterfowl stamp and there is no daily bag or possession limit. Given the suggested unique gear and large decoy spreads, guides and outfitters are normally engaged when snow goose hunting. Canada goose hunting is often times a cold, shivering experience, while the snow goose season falls in the spring; a comfort factor for those who do not like colder temperatures. For the Colorado outdoor enthusiast who may not hunt or fish and prefers to hike, bike or ride, take a look at the CPW Division trail maps that provide current and safe travels in all of the state parks. There are 466 trails in the 42 state parks. The new maps include information about trail length, width, surface type, slope and degree of difficulty, all helpful to the novice as well as the seasoned hiker and biker. Go online www.parks.State. co.us to find the map systems, which can be downloaded as a PDF to print or mobile phone app. Colorado’s outdoors offers a variety of opportunities, take a look and make the most of the winter-spring transition.

The dentist, a long white coat with a frown hovering above it, reached for an anatomically correct plastic skull and explained how microns of movement were affecting the strongest muscles in my body. Using the jawbone in a macabre jabbering motion with rubber bands to represent the offending ligaments, he showed the 1/62nd of an inch that my own skeleton was in error. Thus began my journey for treatment of “the lock” — hours of casting bite impressions in pink thick liquid plastic (akin to Silly Putty but not as fun), remnants of which clung to my gums and tongue for days. From these castings came the dental appliance, a palate-covering plate fitted to my front teeth that was supposed to force my bottom jaw infinitesimally forward. However, “the lock” and its treatment made normal speech a struggle and eating an outright embarrassment. A regular bite of food would get caught up in a sponta-

Alcorn Continued from Page 6

my head just as clearly as I heard Chuck Mangione’s tunes. I think we sell ourselves short when we fall in to the trap of “not sounding like our parents.” The things that our forebears repeated to generations of Americans were responsible for the attitudes and mores that built the economic and philosophical engine of the modern world. The generation the first wanted to untether from their parents’ rhetoric was also the generation that—on that foundation—built Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon, and put a giant airplane into space and brought it back

neous attack of “the lock” and I would end up shearing off the top half of whatever I was eating so that it spattered back onto the plate. My jawbones just never returned to the pinprick alignment, so after a year or so of repeated pink putty castings, I finally gave up on the dental appliance — and the garbled speech I used to explain it — and embraced my faulty facial structure. To be sure, “the lock” is still my passenger, forcing me into polite smaller bites, and responding with a disconcerting pop when I laugh too loud. I do console myself with the fact that my jaw locks where they do … what if they locked while my mouth was open, leaving me gaping at a world used to my knuckle’s width of words? Andrea Doray is a writer likes to laugh out loud so you just might hear her jaw pop if you’re standing close by. Contact her at a.doray@andreadoray.com.

again. We were hard workers, creative and risk-taking, sometimes foolish, but always optimistic and forward-thinking. The messages we repeat are like seeds in a garden: they don’t always bear fruit until many seasons of weather and sunshine have passed. But, if we’re careful and intentional about what we tell our children, in time, they, too, may have the awkward experience of saying something, remembering it from their youth, being shocked ... And then realizing that they suddenly sound pretty smart. Michael Alcorn is a music teacher and fitness instructor who lives in Arvada with his wife and three children. He graduated from Alameda High School and the University of Colorado-Boulder.

To place an Obituary for Your Loved One… Private

Outdoors writer Ron Hellbusch can be reached at Ron-Hellbusch@comcast.net.

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8 Wheat Ridge Transcript

March 13, 2014

Affordable housing bill clears House GOP lawmakers say measure will have little impact By Vic Vela

vvela@colorado communitymedia.com A Democrat-sponsored bill that aims to provide more affordable housing in Colorado passed the House on March 4, following a party-line vote. Democrats see the bill as an overdue piece of legislation that would help struggling families obtain roofs over their heads, including those who were affected by last year’s flooding that ravaged parts of the state. But House Republicans said Democrats’ own policies have contributed to the lack of affordable housing and that the bill’s effort to help flood-impacted families doesn’t go far enough. House Bill 1017 would provide tax incentives to developers who construct affordable or reasonably-priced homes. The bill also gives the state’s Home Investment Trust Fund the ability to make more lowinterest loans available for the purposes of affordable housing construction. The bill would impact the state’s General Fund by $40 million over the next decade. Rep. Crisanta Duran, D-Denver, the bill’s sponsor said the legislation is a response to the increasing need for affordable housing in Colorado, where rents continue to rise, causing more people to become priced out of their neighborhoods. “It is an issue that has hit every single corner of our state, in both urban and rural areas,” Duran said just before the

House vote. A bill amendment that was added prior to the House vote would give housing priority to those who were affected by last year’s floods in the northern part of the state. However, House Republicans said they needed more assurance that the bill would give priority to flood victims and proposed an amendment that would require 50 percent of the money be set aside for that purpose. That and several other Republican amendments failed. And Republicans wondered whether this bill would do anything to help the state’s affordable housing issues, to begin with. Rep. Cheri Gerou, R-Evergreen, said that Democrats’ own regulations on the construction industry — which were meant to provide more consumer protections — have raised insurance costs and have made it less desirable for developers to build affordable homes. “We’ve basically killed affordable housing in the private sector and this bill does nothing to help that,” Gerou said. House Minority Leader Brian DelGrosso, R-Loveland, agreed with his Republican colleague. “We think we’re going to dangle a few dollars of a credit in front of someone and that it’s somehow going to solve the problem?” he said. “We’re kidding ourselves.” But Rep. Jonathan Singer, D-Longmont, quoted Chinese philosopher Confucius as he accused Republicans of playing politics for not getting their way in the amendment process. “While on the road to revenge we need to be prepared to dig two graves,” Singer said. “We as a body cannot afford to waste time with petty partisanship when it comes to the flood or this bill.”

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Child care tax credit advances Bill aims to help low-income families with child care costs By Vic Vela

vvela@coloradocommunitymedia.com Low-income families who struggle to pay for child care could get some relief under a Democrat-sponsored bill that cleared its first legislative hurdle on March 5. But Republicans on the House Finance Committee called the effort a “Band-Aid” approach to a problem that they believe is not up to government to solve. House Bill Report 1072 would create child-care tax credits to families who make less than $25,000 a year in federally-adjusted gross income. The credit would be equal to 25 percent of a taxpayer’s child care expenses. The new credit — which is capped at $1,000 — would only be available to those who do not qualify for existing child care tax credits that are tied to federal returns. Rep. Brittany Pettersen, D-Lakewood, a bill sponsor, told the committee that parents in poverty often face two choices — either give up their career endeavors to take care of their children or use a large portion of their incomes to pay for child care. “This bill will increase self-sufficiency by allowing parents to stay in the workforce,” Pettersen said. “Our child care expenses are one of the most expensive in the nation.” Marlana Wallace of the Colorado Fiscal Institute, a nonpartisan economic think tank that supports the legislation, said that Colorado ranks as the fifth least affordable state for infant care and that child care costs often soak up as much as half of a low-income family’s income. Only those who support the legislation provided testimony, including Megan Smith, an Alamosa single mother of a 7-year-old child. Smith said she moved to Colorado from Chicago to attend Adams State University five years ago and that she initially struggled to pay for child care. Smith said that she now has a goodpaying job with a university and currently wouldn’t qualify for the tax credit. Howev-


er, she told committee members that she remembers what it was like to struggle and that she hopes the legislation could help others going forward. “If I had that kind of assistance ... it would have been a huge impact,” she said. “Every little bit helps.” Supporters of the bill said the legislation would fix a loophole that disqualifies many low-income families from receiving a tax credit that was set up by the state in 1996. The current child care tax credit that’s on the books applies to families that earn less than $60,000 a year. But the credit is tied to federal income taxes, which doesn’t apply to many low-income families because their earnings are too low to even have to file federal taxes. “Middle-class families get a child care tax credit, so lets give the lower income earners tax credits because they are taxpayers, too,” Rep. Daniel Kagan, D-Cherry Hills said. “They are mothers and fathers, too.” About 55,000 families would qualify for the credit, which could reduce state revenues by more than $47 million over the next four fiscal years, according to bill information from the Legislative Council. The bill also provides a three-year sunset clause, meaning the Legislature can evaluate the tax credit down the road to see if it is something worth continuing. However, Republicans questioned the effectiveness of the bill. House Minority Leader Brian DelGrosso, R-Loveland, said families often have to make decisions about their expenses, including energy bills and car insurance rates, which can also run high. DelGrosso said that it’s not the state’s role to triage which expenses should be granted government-sponsored relief. DelGrosso also said it is better policy to provide financial relief to families by keeping the government out of taxpayers’ wallets to begin with. “We need to start looking at ways to allow people to keep the money we have instead of giving people more money,” DelGrosso said. The bill passed the Democrat majority committee following a 7-5 party-line vote. The legislation now heads to the House Appropriations Committee before it receives a full vote in the House.

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Wheat Ridge Transcript 9

March 13, 2014

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WHY US...?

Jeffco Board seeks nominations for district committee

The Jeffco Board of Education is seeking 10 community members to serve on the district’s Technology and Data Privacy Advisory Committee. This is an advisory committee that will review and report to the board on district technological issues, policies, practices, systems, strategies and data governance. Persons interested in being a part of the committee should submit a letter of interest that addresses their desire and experience needed for the Technology and Data Privacy Advisory Committee. Nominations with resumes need to be submitted by email, Friday, March 28, to Lorie Gillis, Jeffco’s Chief Financial Officer, lgillis@jeffco.k12.co.us. For more information, call 303-982-6762.

Jeffco Chief Academic Officer to become Oregon superintendent

At the end of June, Jeffco’s chief aca-

demic officer, Heather Beck, will leave the district to become the new superintendent for the Lake Oswego School District in Lake Oswego, Ore. Beck will succeed William A. Korach as the district’s superintendent bringing several academic and leadership qualities to the district. She was unanimously chosen by the Lake Oswego School Board among a variety of candidates for her experience, qualifications, and creative leadership shown throughout her career. ”I am tickled pink about my new position at the Lake Oswego School District and am very much looking forward to meeting the community, the staff, teachers, students and seeing what we can get to work on,” Beck said. Beck, who always wanted to be a superintendent, is leaving the district to pursue that opportunity and to be closer to family. Korach will retire at the end of June after serving the Lake Oswego School District for 27 years.


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10 Wheat Ridge Transcript

March 13, 2014


IF YOU HAVE THIS CARD YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR NO COST* IN-HOME CARE City Manager Patrick Goff provided comments and welcomed the new development to Wheat Ridge. Officials gathered to break ground for a new housing development called Perrin’s Row last week by New Town Builders, which will include 26 row homes. It is credited as the first for-sale housing of this kind in Wheat RIdge in more than a decade. The location is at 38th Avenue and Depew Street.. Courtesy photo





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Wheat Ridge Transcript 11

March 13, 2014

LEGISLATIVE NEWS IN A HURRY One ‘Jessica’s Law’ effort survives, other fails

Dueling versions of a bill aimed at creating stiffer penalties for those who commit sex crimes on children were heard in legislative committee hearings last week, but only one survived. The House State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee on March 3 gave unanimous approval to a Democrat-sponsored

bill that would create a Colorado version of Jessica’s Law. The law is a national initiative that came as a result of the 2005 rape and murder of 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford of Florida. The law would impose mandatory minimum sentences for for sexual assaults on children. House Bill 1260, sponsored by Rep.

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Hurry continues on Page 24


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Meanwhile, a Republican effort to create a “Jessica’s Law” statute failed. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Libby Szabo, R-Arvada, would have created the identical version of Florida’s law, which imposes a 25-year minimum sentence for sexual assaults on

Calm After the Storm

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Mike Foote, D-Lafayette, creates a minimum sentencing structure of 10 years behind bars for crimes of sexual penetration of a child under the age of 12. The bill would also set a minimum sentence of 24 years for serious cases of sexual assault, and judges would be able impose life sentences, if they believe the punishment is warranted.

Supplement of


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West Metrolife

12 Wheat Ridge Transcript March 13, 2014

Tulo steps to plate for kids

Staff pick favorites in local spirits and brews By Crystal Anderson Spirited by St. Patrick’s Day, Colorado Community Media staff members indulged in the traditions of the holiday, savoring some of the finest liquors and craft beers across the Front Range. Over the course of two weeks, we sampled locally distilled gin, whiskey, vodka, tequila and absinthe and indulged in craft pale ales, India Pale Ales (IPA) and stouts. While we could only choose from a fraction of local spirits and brews, here’s a listing of our favorite brews and spirits to celebrate with this St. Patrick’s Day. Best Mixer: Golden Moon Gin, Golden Moon Distillery, 412 Violet St., Golden A common mixing liquor, the Golden Moon Gin is a spirit with an uncommon and distinctive flavor. Made with mint, juniper berries and lavender, among other herbs and spices, this gin has a vintage flavor and charm that can be sipped or mixed in cocktails. “My favorite was the Gin. I am normally not a fan of Gin, but I liked the smooth taste and delicate flavor,” Lynette Arguello, digital logistics supervisor. The tasters particularly liked the sweetsmooth lavender notes the liquor brings to the table. Sipping favorite: Reposado, State 38 Distilling, 400 Corporate Circle, Golden This spirit is made with blue agave, giving it sweet undertones. This spirit rests in white oak barrels for two months which adds an oak and vanilla flavor to the whiskey flavor. “Very smooth, very unusual spirit made from 100 percent organic blue agave. The smo-

kiness of the spirit gives it the trademark whiskey flavor that blows your mind,” Amy Woodward, community editor, Golden Transcript. “It was very smooth, with just enough smokiness in the flavor that it really did taste like a whiskey ... except for just a ghost of that agave flavor. I could sip it for quite some time,” Glenn Wallace, assistant editor. Stout: A stout is known for being dark in color, heavier and robust in flavor, and strong. They are made with roasted malt, barley, ale yeast and water. Winner: Chai Milk Stout, Yak and Yeti Brewpub, 7803 Ralston Road, Arvada. ABV: 5.2 % IBUs: 26 This stout was dark in color, but light in weight. It was smooth and quite easy to drink, some may say too easy. When drinking it you had the chocolate, smoky flavor of a stout, combined with an aroma of allspice and the milky creaminess of chai tea. “Smells like a million bucks ... which would buy quite a few yaks I imagine. The wonderfully sweet and exotic chai flavor dances atop the deep richness of this stout,” Wallace said. “Tastes just like the name suggests — a Liquored continues on Page 13

There’s no question that cancer treatment takes a toll on the mind and body of its patients (and as a breast cancer survivor, I can relate). From diagnosis through treatment, the resistance and fortitude of cancer patients is tested. For patients at Children’s Hospital Colorado’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, an upcoming trip was designed specifically to escape these pressures and allow them to focus on just being a kid. Colorado Rockies All-Star shortstop and friend of Children’s Colorado, Troy Tulowitzki, is underwriting an all-expense paid trip to the Colorado Rockies spring training camp for more than 20 patients and their medical caregivers. While in Scottsdale, Ariz., the children will enjoy an exhibition game, meet-andgreet sessions with players and coaches and even some one-on-one downtime with the players. “Last year, I presented Troy with the proposal to fund this trip and he immediately agreed,” said Jim Kellogg, vice president of community and retail operations for the Colorado Rockies. “That’s just the kind of guy he is, he genuinely wants to help and give back wherever he can.”

Denver actor shares in Oscar glow

Colorado native Scott Takeda wasn’t able to attend the Academy Awards Sunday night, but he has come a long way from being a lambkin at Fort Collins High School. The Hollywood actor-director had a vested interest in the March 2 Oscar results. He had a part in the popular “Dallas Buyers Club,” the much-acclaimed film that earned a Best Actor Oscar for Matthew McConaughey and a Best Supporting Actor award for Jared Leto during the 86th Academy Awards ceremony. Takeda remains a true Coloradan, living in his beloved Bonnie Brae neighborhood in south Denver. “My family’s here,” he said. “I married my very lovely bride. When I’m not in front of the camera, I’m behind the camera. I’m used to flying to do corporate films. I’ve (flown) 17,000 miles in six weeks.” Takeda said that he has six agents around the country who scout potential film roles for him. As for landing his part in “Dallas Buyers Club,” he said, “My Louisiana agent contacted me about that role. Probably a couple of weeks passed. I got the callback when landing in Denver. I walked off my flight and happened to see a flight leaving for New Orleans and walked on that flight.” As far as working with McConaughey, who lost 40-some pounds for his role, Takeda said that surprisingly the hunky actor “had a lot of energy.” “I found him to be a complete gentleman, right up there with Will Ferrell. (He was) really easy to work with. I was seeing the effects of his weight loss, but it was impossible for him not to be incredibly nice. He stayed in character, but during periods in the makeup trailer, he would drop character.”

Parker continues on Page 13

Wheat Ridge Transcript 13

March 13, 2014

Date with Barry full of laughs “You Can Date Boys When You’re Forty” by Dave Barry c.2014, Putnam $26.95 / $31.00 Canada 224 pages You never wanted to grow up to be a zookeeper. And yet, your home is filled with wildlife: monkeys on the furniture. Hyenas watching TV. Elephants tromping through the house. Mules in the morning, wolves in the afternoon, and sloths in the evening. In other words, you have kids and since you’ve spent all this time taming them,

Parker Continued from Page 12

5280’s top 10 new restaurants

The current issue of 5280 magazine is out and instead of its traditional eight picks for top new restaurants, this year they upped the ante to 10. Probably because there are so many worthy newbies in town, many I haven’t even had a chance to visit! So here’s the list of 5280’s fave new raves, which the magazine calls “The 10 Hippest, Most Delicious Restaurants in Denver Right Now.” 1. Acorn at The Source at 3350 Brighton Blvd. (www.denveracorn.com). 2. Lower 48 Kitchen at 2020 Lawrence (www.lower48kitchen.com). 3. The Curtis Club at 2100 Curtis St. (www.thecurtisclub.com). 4. Los Chigones at 2461 Larimer St. (303-295-0686). 5. Café Max at 2412 E, Colfax. (www. cafemax.net). 6. The Plimoth at 2335 28th Ave. (www.theplimoth.com). 7. Session Kitchen at 1518 Pearl St. (www.sessionkitchen.com).

Liquored Continued from Page 12

rich chai flavor, a must for any chai or stout lover,” Woodward said. We sampled four stouts; the Lookout Stout from Golden City Brewery; the chocolate milk stout from Ironworks Pub; the Thrilla n’ Vanilla stout from Brewery Rickoli; and a chai milk stout from Yak and Yeti Brewpub. India Pale Ale (IPA): Made to last the voyage from England to India, IPAs have swiftly become a popular craft beer. Bitter in taste, this ale is known for being highly hoppy and fairly strong. Winner: Hop Killa IPA, Ironworks Pub, 12354 W. Alameda Parkway, Lakewood ABV: 6.7% IBUs: 65 This IPA is a medium weight, dark golden-colored ale, that’s strong with a hefty amount of hops. It’s one that can be savored and enjoyed alone or over a meal. “The high pitched bitter taste of hops lingers in your throat on this one. For those that love that strong taste, the HK IPA is a great choice,” Woodward said. We also sampled the Totally IPA from Brewery Rickoli, which was a close second with a lighter, milder hops flavor. Specialty Brews: This category was designed to taste our local brewers most popular or interesting brews. We sampled a Hefeweizen, a Red Pale Ale, pale ale and a

you’re a bear about who they hang out with. So you’ll understand the sentiment behind

8. Old Major, 3316 Tejon St. (www. oldmajordenver.com). 9. Olive + Finch at 1552 E. 17th Ave. (www.oliveandfincheatery.com). 10. Beast & Bottle, 719 E. 17th Ave. (www.beastandbottle.com). Check them out and let me know what you think.

LiveWell, CRA join forces on `Take It Home’

LiveWell Colorado, a nonprofit organization committed to preventing and reducing obesity in Colorado, has joined forces with the Colorado Restaurant Association to kick off the “Take It Home” pilot program, aimed at helping people maintain a healthy lifestyle while eating at their favorite restaurants. Beginning Friday, four participating restaurants will offer “Take It Home” to-go containers to encourage patrons to think about boxing up a portion of their meal and consuming a balanced portion size. Four Denver-area restaurants, representing several different cuisine options and price points, are participating in the program, including all three Sam’s No. 3 locations, Elway’s Cherry Creek, Racines and Osteria Marco. Program materials available within the restau-

double cream ale. Winner: Enormous Richard, Brewery Rickoli, 4335 Wadsworth Blvd., Wheat Ridge ABV: 8.6% IBUs: 40 This cream ale is light in color with a creamy powerful, lingering taste. “Just the smoothness, I like a light beer anyway,” Golden Transcript special projects manager John Tracy said, “the Enormous Richard is just really different from anything I’ve tasted.” “Smooth and malty. You taste the higher alcohol content at first, but the finish is like silk. The alcohol gives it that OMPH, without the hops. I quite like the flavor. It’s an interesting beer,” Wallace said. Colorado Community Media staff would like to give thanks to the following distilleries and breweries who participated in our tastings. The Front Range has a plethora of breweries, and this is by no means an exhaustive list; we thoroughly enjoyed this endeavor, and thank those who participated for their tasty products and support. Yak and Yeti Brewpub, Arvada Brewery Rickoli, Wheat Ridge Odyssey Beerwerks, Arvada Ironworks Pub, Lakewood Golden City Brewery, Golden State 38 Distilling, Golden Golden Moon Distillery, Golden *ABV (Alcohol by volume); IBU (International Bitterness Unit)

“You Can Date Boys When You’re Forty” by Dave Barry. If you want to know what a good father is, look no further than this book. Yes, Dave Barry is a good dad: he actually took his daughter, Sophie, to a Justin Bieber concert. That was after “the hormone bomb detonated” in his house and he was no longer an authority figure. He was a Dad who knew very little about his little girl, except that her school is “infested” with boys. He was in his fifties when Sophie was born. If he gets his way, he’ll be ninety-two

years old when she has her first date. Which will, by the way, be chaperoned by Barry himself, alive or dead, there on the console. These are things a man does. He also needs to be manly, which isn’t easy these days because of “the Baby Boomers.” We are not like our parents, says Barry. “They were the Greatest Generation; we are Generation Wuss.” And yet, he’s brave enough to have read Barry continues on Page 14


rants will encourage guests to consider packaging part of their meal in order to help them mindfully select a portion size that supports their healthy lifestyle. “Our goal in supporting this campaign is to remind people who you can eat out and be healthy at the same time — people don’t have to choose between the two. This program serves as a reminder not to overeat while you are busy socializing,” said Sonia Riggs, chief operating officer of the Colorado Restaurant Association. “Denver has an exciting, vibrant restaurant scene, and we want to help people enjoy it in a mindful, healthy way.”

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Eavesdropping on a man: “My goal is to be the person that my dog thinks I am!” Penny Parker’s “Mile High Life” column gives insights into the best events, restaurants, businesses, parties and people throughout the metro area. Parker also writes for Blacktie-Colorado.com. You can subscribe and read her columns (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at www.blacktie-colorado.com/pennyparker. She can be reached at penny@ blacktie-llc.com or at 303-619-5209.

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14 Wheat Ridge Transcript

March 13, 2014

your week & more Thursday/March 13, March 25, April 10, April 30

healTh classes Bridges Integrative Health and Wellness at Lutheran Medical Center is offering community health and wellness services and classes in February at 8300 W. 38th Ave. Free parking is available. Space is limited. Go to www.WellnessAtBridges.com or call 303-425-2262 to register or for information and costs. Upcoming classes are: aroMaTherapy, 6-7:30 p.m. last Wednesday, Aromatherapy III: Sacred Scents & Essential Oils (March 26); Aromatherapy IV: Herbal Infused Honey (April 30). Basic FoaM Rolling, for flexibility and injury prevention, 5:30-7 p.m. Tuesday,

March 25.

sTress relieF monthly workshop series, 6-8 p.m. every second Thursday: Being a

Perfectionist isn’t Perfect (March 13); Mind-Body Connection (April 10).

Thursday/March 13 MeMBership MeeTing American Legion Post 161 has its next monthly membership meeting at 7 p.m. Thursdays, March 13 at 60th Avenue and Lamar Street. The group gets veterans to help veterans. Friday/March 14 Mineral cluB The North Jeffco Gem & Mineral Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 14, at the Apex Community Recreation Center, 6842 Wadsworth Blvd., Arvada. Contact Judy Knoshaug, 303-423-2923 or jrknoshaug@comcast.net. The meeting will feature Mark Jacobson, geologist and author of “Antero Aquamarines,” who will highlight the mineral collecting history of Mt. Antero as well as show pictures of aquamarines that have been discovered over the years. Public is welcome. Event is free with free parking. Call Judy Knoshaug, 303-423-2923, or email jrknoshaug@ comcast.net.



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Your Week continues on Page 15

Barry Continued from Page 13

Fifty Shades of Gray, in order to find out why women are so enamored of it. He discovered that “Women are interested in sex.” Later, he read a study indicating that women are talkers and men “are more suited to taking action, such as opening a beer, or opening a second beer.” Which is not to say that Barry is open to the kinds of challenges that some commercials tout; in fact, he says, that for older men, “Learning when to back down from challenges is one of the main reasons he got to be an older man, as opposed to dead.” Challenges, such as shopping in a foreign country, keeping the dog from stopping every 20 feet during a walk, and becoming a professional author… Here’s one important bit of advice: do not — DO NOT — drink anything while reading “You Can Date Boys When You’re Forty” unless you have a heavy towel in front of you. Spewing liquid across table or aisle while you’re laughing isn’t a pretty sight. And you will laugh because author Dave Barry is a very funny guy with a knack for knowing what we’re thinking a half-second before we do — but unlike us, he’s unabashed enough to actually say it, with barely a filter. It’s kind of like spending time with a silly group of Eighth-Grade boys, only better and just slightly more grown-up. I loved this book. I laughed, I got a little verklempt, and then I laughed again. I think you will, too, because “You Can Date Boys When You’re Forty” is wildly funny.

Services Continued from Page 1

network companies are hurting their business because they are not required to comply with costly regulations. Sen. Cheri Jahn, D-Wheat Ridge, a bill co-sponsor, said she understands those concerns and hopes that lawmakers will examine taxi regulations at another time. “We are more than happy to look at that, but that’s not this bill,” Jahn said. Jahn lauded companies like Uber and Lyft for creating “an entirely new class of jobs” that attracts part-time drivers, such as college students and retirees, who are looking to make a few bucks. Jahn also said that while it’s good to see these companies thrive, it’s just as important to make sure that riders feel safe. “It is our job to make sure there are protections for consumers and we believe we have done that,” Jahn said. While the bill had strong bipartisan support – it passed the Senate following a vote of 29-6 – there was some dissent. Sen. Owen Hill, R-Colorado Springs, blasted the attempts to impose “wet blanket” regulations on the new industry. Hill – who said he has logged 193 trips through Uber – tried unsuccessfully to attach an amendment that would have put off the implementation of the PUC regulations until next year. “When does the PUC have constitutional authority to say who can and can’t pick someone up and take them somewhere else, as part of a private contract?” Hill said. The bill now heads to the House.

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HOUSEKEEPING / LAUNDRY AIDE Life Care Center of Evergreen Full-time positions available. Housekeeping and laundry experience in a long-term care facility preferred. High school diploma or equivalent required. We offer great pay and benefits in a team-oriented environment. Eileen Gandee 303-674-4500 | 303-674-8436 Fax 2987 Bergen Peak Dr. | Evergreen, CO 80439 Eileen_Gandee@LCCA.com Visit us: LCCA.com EOE/M/F/V/D – 46693

Keep Kids Together Abused and neglected brothers and sisters are often separated in foster care. There just aren’t enough foster homes to keep them together. This leaves them sad, anxious and confused and they feel like it’s “all their fault.” Give the Gift of Hope-Become a Savio foster parent. Call Tracy Stuart 303/225-4152

Law firm and title company needs F/T clerical or paralegals. Multiple positions available. Foreclosure, title, closing, mortgage experience helpful, not required. Clerical and data entry needed. Must be ACCURATE hard-workers for hivolume, fast-paced office located at I-25 and Lincoln. Email letter, resume & salary requirements to: staceyrembisz@janewaylaw.com with “Position Available-your name” in subject line.

LEGITIMATE WORK AT HOME No Sales, no Investment, No Risk, Free training, Free website. Contact Susan at 303-646-4171 or fill out form at www.wisechoice4u.com

Local Storage Facility

is seeking an energetic, people friendly, computer savvy person. No experience necessary, 28 hours per week, willing to train the right candidate. Please call for appt. or email resume 303-972-7867, snl19@stor-n-lock.com.

Need Flexibility?

Work with people with disabilities, assist with shopping, recreation, and socialization. Great Job! Positions in Jefferson & Denver Counties EOE 303-650-1914

Plumbers Needed!!

Apprentice & Journeyman, must have own tools and transportation Call 303-655-8120

Receptionist part-time

25-30 hours per week, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Hours 8:00-5:15. Some Saturdays 8-12pm. Fun/Busy Pediatric office near Park Meadows area and Castle Rock location. Please fax resume to 303-689-9628 or email a.lane@pediatrics5280.com

Schmidt Construction

Company (Castle Rock division) is accepting applications for experienced grading crew personnel. Apply at 1101 Topeka Way, Castle Rock. Excellent benefits package. EOE.

The Academy A charter school in Westminster is hiring custodians. Visit our website at: theacademyk12.org/Employment for details.

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Wheat Ridge Transcript 15

March 13, 2014


SENIOR PROM Jefferson County Council presents its senior

citizen’s prom, “Old Hollywood,” is 2-5 p.m. Saturday, March 15, at Wheat Ridge 5-8 School, 7101 W. 38th Ave. Event includes live music, food and a dance-off. All seniors are welcome. RSVP by calling 408-332-3763.

SATURDAY/MARCH 15 ST. PATRICK’S festival The Historic Olde Town Arvada Association again presents it St. Patrick’s Day Festival noon to 6 p.m. Saturday, March 15, featuring live music, beer, wine, food, family fun and plenty of shopping options from street vendors. For information on this event, including vendor, volunteer, and sponsorship opportunities, visit the Historic Olde Town Arvada website at www.historicarvada.org. Snow date will be March 22. SATURDAY/MARCH 15 LEPRECHAUN GARDENING Create a mini green garden for the Leprechauns from 10-11 a.m. Saturday, March 15, at Country Fair Garden Center, 17201 W. 64th Ave., Arvada. Materials cost includes container, soil plants, accessories and surface covering. Then 11 a.m. to noon, create miniature furniture for your Leprechaun garden. Cost varies depending on materials. Call 303-209-4394 for information and reservations; space is limited. SATURDAY/MARCH 15 DRESS EXCHANGE Prom is just around the corner, and the

Prom Dress Exchange Corp. and Tebo Store Fixtures of Denver are hosing the 2014 Prom Dress Exchange. Metro teens can shop from thousands of gently-used and new designer dresses. Entrance is free; however a valid student ID and donation are requested if the student finds a dress. Seamstresses will be on-site to repair broken zippers, straps and snaps, and adjust hems. The exchange is 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 15, at Tebo Store Fixtures, 5771 Logan St., Denver. Visit www.PromDressExchange.org. Donations are always accepted; contact promdressexchange@gmail.com or call 303-875-4783.

SATURDAY AND SUNDAY/MARCH 15-16 PURIM WEEKEND Congregation B’nai Chaim celebrates

GARDENING CLASSES Echter’s Garden Center, 5150 Garrison


St., Arvada, presents Vegetable Gardening 101 from 10-11:30 a.m. Saturday, March 15; Pruning Trees & Shrubs from 2-3:30 p.m. Sunday, March 16; Fairy Garden workshop from 10-11:30 a.m. Saturday, March 22 (registration required); Terrarium workshop at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 22 (registration required); Beekeeping for Beginners from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, March 23 (registration required); Composting and Soil Improvement from 10-11:30 a.m. Saturday, March 29; Perennial Color Through the Year from 2-3:30 p.m. Saturday, March 29; Seeding a New Lawn from 2-3:30 p.m. Sunday, March 30. Go to www.echters.com for details or call 303-424-7979 to register for those classes that require it.

Your Week continues on Page 16


Advertise: 303-566-4100

TUESDAY/MARCH 18 AMERICAN WEST Join Active Minds 2-4 p.m. Tuesday, March 18, for an exploration of how the West was opened and won. We’ll tell the story from a variety of perspectives--from the early explorers who ventured into the unknown to the fortune seekers who raced to the Gold Rush. We’ll also include the often brutal elements of what was known at the time as “Manifest Destiny” including conflicts with Native Americans as well as Spanish Mexico, all of which added significant territory to the United States. Program is free and takes place at Emeritus at Green Mountain, 12791 W. Alameda Parkway, Lakewood. RSVP by calling 303-237-5700. TUESDAY/MARCH 18 PUBLIC EDUCATION The state of public education will be examined at Lifetree Café at noon and 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 18, at5675 Field St. in Arvada. The program, titled “Pass or Fail? The State of Education,” features filmed stories from Nikhil Goyal, TED talk speaker and author of “One Size Does Not Fit All: A Student’s Assessment of School,” and Sajan George, the founder of Matchbook Learning, a school-turnaround organization. Participants in the Lifetree program will discuss the current state of public education and what changes might improve the system for schools, parents, and students. Admission to the 60-minute event is free. Snacks and beverages are available. Lifetree Café is a place where people gather for conversation about life and faith in a casual coffeehouse-type setting. Questions about Lifetree may be directed to Polly Wegner at 303-424-4454 or pwegner@peacelutheran.net.

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CAREER FAIR Red Rocks Community College’s Emergency and Public Safety Department and Outdoor Education Department will host a career fair from 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, March 18, at the RRCC Lakewood campus. Call 303-914-6462., or visit www. rrcc.edu/epservice or www.rrcc.edu/outdoor/.

will spotlight careers in performing arts 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 19, in the community room at the college’s Lakewood campus, 13300 W. 6th Ave. Panel members who are professional musicians, composers, artistic directors, choreographers and dancers will answer questions about their careers. Go to www.rrcc.edu/maps.


SPRING FUNDRAISER Friends for Families First plans its spring fundraiser at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, March 15, at DoubleTree by Hilton in Greenwood Village. The evening includes a cocktail hour with a silent auction, a Parisian cuisine dinner, a live auction and dancing. Registration is available online at www.familiesfirstcolorado.org.


Id ot


the holiday of Purim with a weekend of events, March 15-16. Events on Saturday, March 15, include Rocky Mountain Jewgrass concert at 6 p.m. Go to www.bnaichaim.org for ticket information. On Sunday, March 16, is the Fun Fest, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The festival includes a carnival, silent auction and more.

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Continued from Page 14

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16 Wheat Ridge Transcript

March 13, 2014

Champions for children CASA group offers free breakfast By Clarke Reader

creader@ coloradocommunitymedia.com April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, and CASA of Jefferson and Gilpin counties is hosting its second annual Champions for Children breakfast. The CASA (court appointed special advocates) group will host the free, one-hour breakfast at the Denver Marriott West, 1717 Denver West Blvd., on Wednesday, April 9, 7:30-8:30 a.m. Registration begins at 7 a.m.

“We struggle with finding enough volunteers and making sure people have the right information about us,” said Melissa Hellmuth, marketing and development manager with the CASA. “We finally have gotten to the point where we can host an event like this so people can learn more about our mission and the work we do.” According to Leah Varnell, executive director with the group, the Jeffco and Gilpin CASA has been around for 15 years, and trains volunteers who are appointed to court cases that deal with child abuse and neglect. “It’s tough work, and takes a special kind of person to do it,” she said. “Many of them don’t have a lot of background working with kids, but have a passion to work to make sure children area safe.”

There are more than 570 cases of child abuse and neglect in the two counties, and so the program needs as much financial and volunteer support as possible. “Our volunteers No. 1 job is to gather as much information as possible to give the judge so he or she can make the best decision for the child,” Varnell said. “We have found that when judges have the volunteers working, the get a better sense of what the child needs.” According to Hellmuth, the breakfast will include talks from CASA leaders, a representative from the Family Crisis Center and a 19-year-old former CASA member, who had a volunteer work with him during his childhood. “Awareness is our greatest challenge, and so this is a great opportunity for peo-

IF YOU GO whaT: 2nd Champions for Children breakfast where: Denver Marriott West 1717 Denver West Blvd., Lakewood when: April 9 7:30 - 8:30 a.m. cosT: Free inforMaTion: 303-271-6539 or www.casajeffcogilpin.co ple to hear directly how the work we do affects people,” Varnell said. For Hellmuth, the breakfast is a chance to awaken in people a desire to help the children who need it. “I hope by the end of the event they’re inspired to take action, whether that is in the form of donations, volunteering, or spreading the word,” she said. For more information, call 303-2716539 or visit www.casajeffcogilpin.com.

your week & more Continued from Page 15

Thursday/March 20 spelling bee Here’s a fun way to exercise your mind. Challenge other spelling whizzes in the fourth annual spelling bee for adults ages 60 and older 1-3 p.m. Thursday, March 20, at the Community Recreation Center, 6842 Wadsworth Blvd., Arvada. Call 303-425-9583. Free, but register early as this event can fill. aMandal@darlingdoubles.org. Thursday/March 20 safeTy MeeTing The Jeffco Senior Squadron of the Colorado

Civil Air Patrol will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 20, at the Runway Grill for a safety meeting. Anyone interested in aviation is welcome; membership is not required to attend. The Runway Grill is at 11705 Airport Way, Suite 200, Broomfield. Contact 2nd Lt Scott Lyons, assistant public affairs officer, at 720-441-8502 or s.lyons@jeffcocap.org.

Ellis St. It is the third in a “Snap Shots” series of concerts. The concert is free with a suggested donation. More information may be found at coloradorepertorysingers.org.

computer in a small class setting at the Community Recreation Center of Apex, 6842 Wadsworth Blvd. One-on-one personal training is also available. Call 303-425-9583 for times and fees.

club has offered scholarship funds. Applications are available on Arvada high school Naviance websites. For more information, contact arvadarunningclub@gmail.com or ltkrapes@msn.com.

coMing soon/March 23

geT acTive Get and stay in shape. Choose from more than 30 fitness and dance classes at the Community Recreation Center of Apex, 6842 Wadsworth Blvd., including seated or standing classes in yoga, tai chi, and Zumba, as well as stretching, weight room, and much more. Call the center at 303-425-9583 or pick up your activities guide for details. Many classes are free or discounted for SilverSneakers.

woMen’s neTworking group in Arvada has openings for women in business who can commit to a weekly Wednesday morning meeting. One member per business category. Contact Info@OurConnection.org or call 303-438-6783.

TryouTs raTTlers Lacrosse will have tryouts Sunday, March 9 and March 23, from noon to 1:30 p.m. for U11/U13, and 1:30-3 p.m. for U15/U17 at Williams Turf Field in Superior. All teams have 11 practices and will play in three to four tournaments. Jersey, shorts and shooting shirt are included with player dues. players must be current members of US Lacrosse. Contact David Auday at david.auday@rattlerslax.net, or go to www. rattlerslax.net. coMing soon/March 23

Thursday/March 20

aMerican TribuTe Colorado Repertory Singers will perform a celebration of American music in “Landscapes: An American Tribute” at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 23, at Golden Applewood Valley United Methodist Church, 2035 Ellis St. This is the third in a “Snap Shots” series of concerts. Sunday’s concert is free with donations accepted. Go to www.coloradorepertorysingers.com.

head shaving A St. Baldrick’s head shaving event is from

coMing soon/March 23

4-8 p.m. Thursday, March 20, at Arvada West High School, 11595 Allendale Drive, Arvada.

Thursday/March 20 egypT in Turmoil The civil unrest that began in late January 2011 with the ouster of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak continues to roil this critically important Arab country. Subsequent President Mohammad Morsi, an Islamist and Egypt’s first freely elected leader, was ousted by the army in July 2013 after mass protests. Join Active Minds 2:30-3:30 p.m. Thursday, March 20, as we explore the origins and implications of Egypt’s current situation and where this story may go from here. Program is free and takes place at Atria Inn at Lakewood, 555 S. Pierce St., Lakewood. RSVP at 303-742-4800. friday/March 21 blood drive Belmar Library-Lakewood community blood drive is 10-11:40 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m. Friday, March 21 in Bonfils’ mobile bus at 555 S. Allison Parkway, Lakewood. For information or to schedule an appointment, contact Bonfils’ Appointment Center at 303-363-2300 or visit www.bonfils.org. friday/March 21 To april 13 TheaTer show Evergreen Players presents “Apartment 3A” at

7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and 2 p.m. Sundays, from March 21 to April 13, at CenterStage, 27608 Fireweed Drive, Evergreen. Tickets available at 303-674-4934 or www.evergreenplayers.org. Show is rated R.

friday and Saturday/March 21-22 TheaTer producTion Colorado ACTS presents “Alice in

Wonderland,” a production by the 8- to 12-year-old class, at 7 p.m. Friday, March 21, and at 2 and 7 p.m. Saturday, March 22, at 9460 W. 58th Ave., Arvada. A donation-only performance is at 2 p.m. Friday, March 21. Call 303-456-6772 or email coloradoacts@ yahoo.com; go to www.coloradoacts.org.

saTurday/March 22 dinner parTy St. Paddy’s dinner and entertainment at Troll-

heim Sons of Norway Lodge, 8810 W. 14th Ave. in Lakewood, is planned for Saturday, March 22. Dinner of corned beef and cabbage is served at 5 p.m., with entertainment by the Wick School of Irish Stepdancing at 6 p.m. Call 303-989-4496 for information about cost and to make reservations.

saTurday/March 22 naTive landscaping Learn about select native Colorado

plants at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 22, at Country Fair Garden Center, 17201 W. 64th Ave., Arvada. Learn about some great plants that will thrive in our conditions and help plan your landscape to make the most with what we have here. Call for cost and reservations, 303-209-4394.

coMing soon coMing soon/March 23 reperTory singers The Colorado Repertory Singers will perform a celebration of American music in song and verse titled “Landscapes: An American Tribute” at 3 p.m. Sunday, March 23, at the Golden Applewood Valley United Methodist Church, 2035

arT aucTion Wildcat Coffee, on the northwest corner of Simms and 64th, plans a silent art auction and show to benefit the Dumb Friends League. The theme of the show is Furry Friends. Artist Natasha McConnachie, of Golden, will display illustrations from her book “Kitty Cat Finds a Home.” Local artist Robin Lacey will have handmade cards with 100 percent of her profits going to DFL. The opening party is Sunday, Feb. 23, but you can drop by, see the art and put in bid anytime. Closing bid pay will be March 23. coMing soon/March 24 blood drive InnovAge Greater Colorado PACE community

blood drive is from 10-11:40 a.m. and 1-3:30 p.m. Monday, March 24, inside the Annex at 8405 W. Alameda Ave., Lakewood. For information or to schedule an appointment, contact Bonfils’ Appointment Center at 303-363-2300 or visit www.bonfils.org.

coMing soon/March 25 arT league The Wheat Ridge Art League will meet 7-9 p.m. Tuesday/March 25 at the Active Adult Center, 6363 W. 35th Ave., Wheat Ridge. After the meeting, local well-known artist Doug Dawson will present a demonstration about night scene pastels. Anyone in the Denver metro area is welcome to attend. Contact 303-278-8247 or 303-421-1356 or lartus1@msn.com or t.f.douglass@comcast.net. coMing soon/March 26 Jazz concerT Café Del Sol presents an evening of jazz with Jazz Over Easy, from 6-9 p.m. Wednesday, March 26, at 608 Garrison St., Lakewood. Join Marti Henry on trombone and his swinging friends and enjoy Café Del Sol’s Mexican cuisine and famous Margaritas. Call 303-238-7999 for reservations. coMing soon/March 26 blood drive St. Anthony Hospital community blood drive

is 8-9:40 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 26 in Auditorium A located at 11600 West 2nd Place, Lakewood. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Bonfils’ Appointment Center at 303-363-2300 or visit www. bonfils.org.

coMing soon/March 27 children’s workshop Rock out with some fun garden

crafts, such as rock sculptures, paintings, drawings and decorations. Stations will be set up so kids can choose which crafts they want to make. Cost depends on crafts. Rock and Roll garden crafts is at 2 p.m. Thursday, March 27, at Country Fair Garden Center, 17201 W. 64th Ave., Arvada. Call 303-209-4394 for reservations; space is limited.

coMing soon/March 30 blood drive Christ on the Mountain Parish community

blood drive is 8 a.m. to noon Sunday, March 30, inside Bonfils’ mobile bus at 13922 W. Utah Ave., Lakewood. For information or to schedule an appointment, contact Julie Hayes at 303-9882222 or Julie@christonthemountain.org.

recurring evenTs coMpuTer classes Learn basic to advanced use of the

concordia luTheran Choir invites you to come and sing at Concordia’s worship services during the Lent and Easter seasons. The choir is looking to add new voices. Concordia’s choral director is Dr. Frank Eychaner of Colorado Christian University. The choir practices at 7 p.m. every Wednesday at 13371 W. Alameda Parkway in Lakewood. If you have question, contact Eychaner at 303-963-3137.

healTh Map Need a boost? Looking to have more fulfilling, healthful, meaningful days? Prefer to help yourself rather than seek coaching or attend psychotherapy? Lorie Gose will share free information about a daily personal “road map” to determine how you want to be, think and feel. Get ready to ascend beyond your inhibiting beliefs and self-concepts. Join Gose from 8-9 a.m. Fridays at Whole Foods Market Belmar, 444 S. Wadsworth Blvd. in Lakewood. Contact Gose to let her know that you’re going to be there. Go to www.DrLorieGose.com, or contact 303-500-2340 or Lorie@DrLorieGose.com.

arvada running Club is offering $1,200 in college track or

recurring/Through March

cross-country scholarships to one or two graduating high school girls for the 2013-14 school year. Eligible students must live in Arvada and/or attend an Arvada-area high school and plan to participate in a formal track or cross-country program during their freshman year in college. This is the third year in a row the

fooThills woMen’s Golf Par-3 Club plays Thursday mornings from April through September at Foothills Golf Course, 3901 S. Carr St., Denver. New members are being accepted through March for the 2014 season. Call Elaine Luft at 303-378-3074 or go to foothillswomensgolf.com for information.


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Wheat RidgeSPORTS

Wheat Ridge Transcript 17 March 13, 2014

RV runs into wall at No. 1 Mountain Vista But Mustangs look like team of the future By Daniel Williams

dwilliams@ coloradocommunitymedia.com HIGHLANDS RANCH - Next season at this same time we may be talking about Ralston Valley boys’ basketball playing in the 2015 Final Four. But in 2014, the No. 5 Mustangs came just short of that, falling to top ranked Mountain Vista 68-38 March 5 at Mountain Vista High School. Ralston Valley ran into a buzz saw in the Mountain Vista Golden Eagles, who also just beat the defending 5A state champions Eaglecrest on Friday night. The Mustangs couldn’t keep pace with Mountain Vista who pounced on Ralston Valley early and took a 27-15 lead into halftime. After the half the Mustangs made an immediate run to start the second half cutting the Golden Eagles deficit to 29-21 early in the third quarter. Ralston Valley showed flashes of being Mountain Vista’s equals, getting multiple dunks from sophomore big-man Dallas Walton. Walton finished with 10 points, six rebounds, three blocked shots and two monster dunks, and controlled the paint during stretches of the action. The sophomore is already a force and could quite possibly be the best center in the state next season. However, against the Golden Eagles, the Mustangs were overmatched despite 13 points and seven rebounds from senior Zac Stevens.

Ralston Valley sophomore Dallas Walton jams a furious two-handed dunk during RV’s recent match-up at Mountain Vista. Photo by Daniel Williams Mountain Vista closed the third quarter with a scoring surge, out-producing Ralston Valley 20-10 in the quarter. The Golden Eagles got another huge night for a senior who has turned into a huge star. Mountain Vista senior Jake Pemberton started the game slow in terms of

his own standards but still finished with a game-high 28 points and 15 rebounds. The one-loss Golden Eagles will now face No. 1 Fossil Ridge Friday at the University of Colorado. Ralston Valley on the other hand can use their tournament experience as just

that — experience. With Walton returning, as well as junior Andrew Wingard, the Mustangs should enter next season as a top ten ranked 5A team. Ralston Valley (18-8, 11-5 in 5A Jeffco) finished third in league play behind Chatfield and Dakota Ridge.

Wheat Ridge tabbed No. 1 4A team Golden, Green Mountain could be noise-makers too this season By Daniel Williams

dwilliams@ coloradocommunitymedia.com WHEAT RIDGE - Just like they overwhelmed their opposition on their way to a 4A state championship last season the Wheat Ridge Farmers were overwhelmingly the No. 1 team in Colorado in the preseason boys lacrosse rankings. Wheat Ridge was No. 1 and three of the four teams that round out the top five were beat by the Farmers en route to their state title last season. The Farmers beat Air Academy 14-2 to win last year’s state championship, and outscored their four playoff opponents 6110 in the process. Air Academy is 4A’s No. 2 team followed by No. 3 Cheyenne Mountain, No. 4 Thompson Valley and No. 5 Valor Christian. Wheat Ridge at No. 1 was an easily decision for voters. The Farmers return their leading scorer John Roach who had 85

Wheat Ridge’s Max Marcum unloads a shot last season. The Farmers went on to win the 2013 state championship. The Farmers were tabbed as the No. 1 team in the state this season too. Photo by Daniel Williams points last season (35 goals and 51 assists). Also, junior Dima Makarov and his 27 goals from last season will also return. But the player who will be leaned upon the most next season if Wheat Ridge in-

tends on repeating as champs is Dima’s brother, stud goalie Jensen Makarov. The older Makarov was 14-4 in net last season, allowing only 77 goals in nearly 800 minutes played.

Wheat Ridge head coach Chris Knott has turned his program into a juggernaut that will hard to be stopped this season. Two other Jeffco teams that are looking to take a big step forward this season are Golden and Green Mountain. The Demons (4-12, 2-5 in Foothills league play last season) started off slow last season but won three of four games during one stretch during the second half of their season. Junior Adam Kreller, junior Matt Conklin and senior Austin Pippen will be a trio of players Golden is counting on being impact players this season. Green Mountain (5-10, 3-4 in Foothills league play last season) was a team that was better than their final record indicated. Six of the Rams’ losses came in game were in there in the game until the final minutes. If Green Mountain can close out games better they can potentially be the surprise team in Foothills league play this season. The Rams have several players who are expected to be breakout players this season including senior Karl Stidham and senior Max Nielsen.

D’Evelyn boys, girls hoops teams both beaten in Great 8 By Daniel Williams

dwilliams@ coloradocommunitymedia.com Lady Jags fall to unbeaten Mesa Ridge D’Evelyn girls’ basketball won’t be making another state championship game appearance this season. The No. 2 Jaguars had their playoff run ended by No. 1 Mesa Ridge in a 47-41 loss in the Great 8 round of the state tournament Saturday at the Denver Coliseum. D’Evelyn kept the game close but the undefeated Grizzlies flexed their muscles late in the contest and held off the Jaguars

— who had a goal of getting back to the state title game. Gabby Purnell scored a game-high 22 points to lead Mesa Ridge, and Kylee Shook make things tough for the Jaguars recording 14 total rebounds. The loss came after two blowout victories for D’Evelyn in the first two games of the tournament. The Jaguars opened the tournament with a bye but then beat Canon City 46-38 in the second round. D’Evelyn then blew out Pueblo West 74-50 in the Sweet 16 last Saturday at D’Evelyn High School. The Jaguars (21-5, 13-1 in 4A Jeffco) won

another league title this season and had 10, and seven game win streaks this season. D’Evelyn boys season ended by Sand Creek No. 1 D’Evelyn boys’ hoops had their great playoff run end in the Great 8 by No. 2 Sand Creek Saturday at the Denver Coliseum. After earning a bye and recording a pair of playoff wins, the Jaguars could not close the gap on Sand Creek who survived multiple D’Evelyn charges. It is also the end of one of the great D’Evelyn athletic careers: Senior Ty McGee starred for both the basketball and football

teams. But before it ended the Jaguars beat Falcon 75-69 in the second round of the tournament. Then, D’Evelyn blew out Mead 69-46 in the Sweet 16 last Saturday at home. The Jaguars (20-6, 13-1 in 4A Jeffco) won a league crown again this season with their only league loss coming to Wheat Ridge. D’Evelyn will have junior Grant Witherspoon returning next season. Witherspoon was one of the best juniors in the state this season.

18 Wheat Ridge Transcript

March 13, 2014

RV KO’d by state’s best in Regis Jesuit By Daniel Williams

dwilliams@ coloradocommunitymedia.com AURORA - Against any other team No. 5 Ralston Valley might have stood a chance. But against No. 1 Regis Jesuit the Lady Mustangs were helpless as they fell 85-37 in the Sweet 16 of the state tournament Tuesday at Regis Jesuit High School. Rebuilding Ralston Valley brought their team that features six freshmen into one of the most hostile basketball environments in the state — and it showed. The Raiders attacked the

Mustangs almost immediately outscoring Ralston Valley by 10 points in the first quarter, then outscoring them 28-5 in the second quarter, to take a 47-13 lead into halftime. The game was all but over as Regis Jesuit has three double-digit scorers. Senior Justine Hall had 25 points and senior Diani Akigbogun scored 19 points and had nine rebounds for the Raiders. Ralston Valley was led by Amanda Lefholz who scored 13 points. Chalk it up as a learning experience for the young Mustangs, who surprised many with their run to the

Sweet 16, despite being so wet behind the ears. Ralston Valley beat No. 12 Eaglecrest 78-32 in their first round playoff opener at home. Then, they upset No. 4 Brighton 73-37 three days later, blowing them out on the road. In addition, the Mustangs finished second in 5A Jeffco behind Lakewood, finishing in front of Dakota Ridge and Columbine despite being one of the young teams in the league. Ralston Valley (20-6, 14-2 in 5A Jeffco) only had two league losses this season and the both came to powerhouse Lakewood.

But the Mustangs could be back on top as early as next season. Ralston Valley returns 10 varsity players including six freshman and three sophomores. Two of those players include freshman Ashley VanSickle who averaged 12 points, four rebounds and two steals this season, and freshman Sarah Bevington who averaged over five points and five rebounds in a limited role this season. Not only will Ralston Valley be good next season but they have the foundation to be great for seasons to come.

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GALLERY OF GAMES & weekly horoscope


ARIES (Mar 21 to apr 19) Take time from your busy schedule to check out what’s going on around you. You might find that someone has been secretly trying to pull the wool over those beautiful Sheep’s eyes. TAURUS (apr 20 to May 20) Once again, the Bovine’s boldness pays off in uncovering the source of a disturbing workplace situation. Your personal life calls for patience, as a certain matter plays itself out. GEMINI (May 21 to Jun 20) Forget about going all out to impress someone in your personal life. Just being yourself is all that matters. a workplace decision will need more time. Don’t rush into it.

crossword • sudoku & weekly horoscope


CANCER (Jun 21 to Jul 22) Some supersensitive Crabs might take offense at what they perceive as a slight. But a closer look points to a simple misunderstanding. The weekend holds a welcome surprise. LEO (Jul 23 to aug 22) Sure, you can roar your head off over someone’s failure to keep a promise. But the wiser course would be to ask why it happened. Be prepared for an answer that might well surprise you. VIRGO (aug 23 to Sept 22) a developing relationship needs time to find its direction. So please be patient and resist pushing things along. a recently cooleddown workplace situation could heat up again. LIBRA (Sept 23 to Oct 22) Congratulations. Your well-thought-out proposal seems to be working. Someone who hasn’t agreed with you on most things in the past could turn out to be one of your major supporters. SCORPIO (Oct 23 to Nov 21) Things seem to be going well. However, you can still expect criticism -some of it pretty heavy. But as long as you can back up your position, you’ll be able to rise above it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 to Dec 21) Making an effort to smooth over even the smallest obstacles now will go a long way to assuring that things run smoothly once you’re set to move on with your plans. CAPRICORN (Dec 22 to Jan 19) You should be able to continue with your plans once you get past those temporary delays. Surprise, surprise. an offer to help comes from a most unlikely source. AQUARIUS (Jan 20 to Feb 18) Prioritizing your tasks is important this week because of all those demands you have to deal with. The pressure eases in time for you to enjoy the weekend. PISCES (Feb 19 to Mar 20) Save your energy and stay focused on what has to be done, despite all those distractions you’re likely to face. You should see some evidence of real progress by week’s end. BORN THIS WEEK: You are a generous, giving person who is always ready, willing and more than able to help others in need. © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

March 13, 2014

2005110014 Original Principal Amount $88,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $80,995.54 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: Legal Description CONDOMINIUM UNIT NO. 311, BUILDING NO 9240, LE MARQUIS CONDOMINIUMS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DECLARATION RECORDED MAY 14, 1979 AT RECEPTION NO. 79042168 AND CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED ON MAY 23, 1979 AT RECEPTION NO 79045394; TOGETHER WITH THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE THE FOLLOWING LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS PARKING SPACE 12, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. * Pursuant to Corrective Affidavit Re: Scrivener’s Error Pursuant to C.R.S §38-35-109(5) Recorded at Reception No.2012106789, on October 05, 2012 in the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County, Colorado to correct the Legal Description Also known by street and number as: 9240 West 49th Avenue #311, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. If applicable, a description of any changes to the deed of trust described in the notice of election and demand pursuant to affidavit as allowed by statutes: * Pursuant to Corrective Affidavit Re: Scrivener’s Error Pursuant to C.R.S §38-35-109(5) Recorded at Reception No.2012106789, on October 05, 2012 in the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Jefferson County, Colorado to correct the Legal Description

The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/09/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 2/20/2014 Last Publication: 3/20/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/12/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Nancy Jensen, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Lisa Cancanon #42043 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, L.L.P. 1199 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 Attorney File # 1164.00098 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012

Public Notices Public Trustees COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301235 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 5, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) HOWARD C HEANEY, II Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ACTING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR LENDER, PACIFIC REPUBLIC MORTGAGE CORPORATION Current Holder of Evidence of Debt NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Date of Deed of Trust June 03, 2003 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust June 09, 2003 Recording Information (Reception Number) F1772199 Original Principal Amount $205,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $176,536.33 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: LOT 39, BLOCK 3, MAPLE RIDGE SUBDIVISION,COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 13501 WEST 65TH AVENUE, ARVADA, CO 80004. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/02/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 2/13/2014 Last Publication: 3/13/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/05/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Barbara Lyons, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Holly L Decker #32647 Medved Dale Decker & Deere, LLC 355 Union Blvd., Suite 250, Lakewood, CO 80228 (303) 274-0155 Attorney File # 13-945-25606 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1301235 First Publication: 2/13/2014 Last Publication: 3/13/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript

COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301241 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 12, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) David Soto and Molly K Kaye Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting solely as nominee for WACHOVIA MORTGAGE CORPORATION Current Holder of Evidence of Debt JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Date of Deed of Trust October 28, 2005 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust November 04, 2005 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2005110014 Original Principal Amount $88,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $80,995.54 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: Legal Description CONDOMINIUM UNIT NO. 311, BUILDING NO 9240, LE MARQUIS CONDOMINIUMS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DECLARATION RECORDED MAY 14, 1979 AT RECEPTION NO. 79042168 AND CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED ON MAY 23, 1979 AT RECEPTION NO 79045394; TOGETHER WITH THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO USE THE FOLLOWING LIMITED COMMON ELEMENTS PARKING SPACE 12, COUNTY

Public Trustees

NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/09/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 2/20/2014 Last Publication: 3/20/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/12/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Nancy Jensen, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Lisa Cancanon #42043 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, L.L.P. 1199 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 Attorney File # 1068.05436 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1301241 First Publication: 2/20/2014 Last Publication: 3/20/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript

COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301242 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 12, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) Scott J Barker Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting solely as nominee for STEARNS LENDING, INC. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Stearns Lending, Inc. Date of Deed of Trust March 06, 2013 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust March 08, 2013 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2013028631 Original Principal Amount $215,033.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $214,709.13 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: LOT 12, BLOCK 2, HOMESTEAD PARK SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 6155 Fenton Street, Arvada, CO 80003. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/09/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 2/20/2014 Last Publication: 3/20/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE

Public Trustees

Legal Notice NO.: J1301242 First Publication: 2/20/2014 Last Publication: 3/20/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301261 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 27, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) Mark D. O’Brien and Yvonne R. O’Brien Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems. Inc., as nominee for FPF Wholesale, a Division of Stearns Lending, Inc. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt G and E LLC, a Colorado limited liability company Date of Deed of Trust October 25, 2010 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust November 12, 2010 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2010101330* Original Principal Amount $235,277.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $253,738.87 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: Lot 949, Lake Arbor Filing No. 6, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado * The legal description in the Deed of Trust was amended by a Corrective Affidavit Re: Scrivener’s Error pursuant to C.R.S §38-35-109(5) recorded June 21, 2012 at Reception No.2012064428 Also known by street and number as: 8475 Lamar Drive, Arvada, CO 80003. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. If applicable, a description of any changes to the deed of trust described in the notice of election and demand pursuant to affidavit as allowed by statutes: The legal description in the Deed of Trust was amended by a Corrective Affidavit Re: Scrivener’s Error pursuant to C.R.S §38-35-109(5) recorded June 21, 2012 at Reception No.2012064428 NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/23/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/27/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Jenniffer L Johnson, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Fred Gabler #8978 Karsh Fulton Gabler Joseph PC 950 S. Cherry St., Suite 710, Denver, CO 80246 (303) 759-9669 Attorney File # O'Brien The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1301261 First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301267 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 19, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records.



To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 19, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) PATRICK J KOENTGES AND LAURIE A KOENTGES Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., ACTING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR LENDER, LOANCITY , A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Current Holder of Evidence of Debt NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Date of Deed of Trust August 25, 2006 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust September 01, 2006 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2006107812 Original Principal Amount $640,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $734,563.80 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: LOT 19, DISTINCTIVE ADDRESSES AT APPLEWOOD, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 3391 OAK STREET, WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST.

Public Trustees

NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/16/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 2/27/2014 Last Publication: 3/27/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/19/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Barbara Lyons, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Holly L Decker #32647 Medved Dale Decker & Deere, LLC 355 Union Blvd., Suite 250, Lakewood, CO 80228 (303) 274-0155 Attorney File # 13-945-25628 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1301267 First Publication: 2/27/2014 Last Publication: 3/27/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript

COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301270 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 19, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) Scott A. Patterson Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Cherry Creek Mortgage Co., Inc. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Nationstar Mortgage LLC Date of Deed of Trust April 20, 2005 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust April 21, 2005 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2005008551 Original Principal Amount $223,930.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $205,045.57 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: LOT 26, BLOCK 1, WEST WOODS RANCH PHASE II-TRACT C, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED JUNE 10, 1994, UNDER THE RECEPTION NO. 94103702, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 16129 W. 70th Place, Arvada, CO 80007. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on

Wheat Ridge Transcript 19


Public Trustees

The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/16/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 2/27/2014 Last Publication: 3/27/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/19/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Jenniffer L Johnson, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Jennifer M. Griest #34830 The Castle Law Group, LLC 999 18th Street, Suite 2201, Denver, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 Attorney File # 13-07879 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1301270 First Publication: 2/27/2014 Last Publication: 3/27/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript

COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301271 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 19, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) Josefina Rocha Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting solely as nominee for M&I Bank FSB Current Holder of Evidence of Debt LSF8 Master Participation Trust, by Caliber Home Loans, Inc., solely in its capacity as servicer Date of Deed of Trust May 01, 2007 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust May 17, 2007 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2007056828 Original Principal Amount $206,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $199,687.56 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: LOT 3, BLOCK 2, ARVADA PARK VIEW SUBDIVISION, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 6153 Allison St, Arvada, CO 80004. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/16/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 2/27/2014 Last Publication: 3/27/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/19/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Jenniffer L Johnson, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Monica Kadrmas, ESQ. #34904 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, L.L.P. 1199 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 Attorney File # 3125.00489 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1301271 First Publication: 2/27/2014 Last Publication: 3/27/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript

Public Trustees COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301279 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 27, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) Kristi McNulty Original Beneficiary(ies) PINNACLE MORTGAGE GROUP, INC. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt First Horizon Home Loans a division of First Tennessee Bank National Association Date of Deed of Trust August 28, 1998 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust September 02, 1998 Recording Information (Reception Number) F0686162 Original Principal Amount $73,700.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $50,083.54 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: Legal Description CONDOMINIUM UNIT 55 IN CONDOMINIUM BUILDING 4, ARBOR POINTE CONDOMINIUMS, PHASE 3, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF RECORDED ON SEPTEMBER 21, 1983 IN BOOK 83 AT PAGE 124A, IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, COLORADO AND AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR ARBOR POINTE CONDOMINIUMS, RECORDED ON MAY 27, 1983 AT RECEPTION NO. 83048301 AND AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN THE MASTER DECLARATION FOR LAKE ARBOR VILLAGE RECORDED MAY 27, 1983 AT RECEPTION NO. 83048300, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 5620 West 80th Place #55, Arvada, CO 80003. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/23/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/27/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Barbara Lyons, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Lisa Cancanon #42043 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, L.L.P. 1199 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 Attorney File # 9696.03497 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1301279 First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301295 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 27, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) A MARGUERITE BOLZ Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC Date of Deed of Trust June 13, 2005 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust December 30, 2005 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2005134970 Original Principal Amount $97,900.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $86,215.29 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and oth-

December 30, 2005 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2005134970 Original Principal Amount $97,900.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $86,215.29 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: EXHIBIT A COMMENCING AT A POINT FIVE FEET WEST AND 200 FEET NORTH OF TH E SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BLOCK 54, LAKEWOOD; THENCE NORTH AND FIVE FEET WEST OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 54, A DISTANCE OF 55 FEET; THENCE EAST 138 FEET TO THE CENTER LINE OF THE VACATED ALLEY OF SAID BLOCK 54; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID CENTER LINE A DISTANCE OF 55 FEET; THENCE WEST A DISTANCE OF 138 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Also known by street and number as: 1224 VANCE ST, LAKEWOOD, CO 80214-4227. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST.

20 Wheat Ridge Transcript Public Trustees

NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/23/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/27/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Jenniffer L Johnson, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Eve M. Grina #43658 Janeway Law Firm , P. C. 9800 S. Meridian Blvd., Suite 400, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 31443 (13-000038) The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1301295 First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301300 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 27, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) AMANDA L CORBIN Original Beneficiary(ies) COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt COLORADO HOUSING AND FINANCE AUTHORITY Date of Deed of Trust August 08, 2005 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust August 15, 2005 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2005065546 Original Principal Amount $102,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $87,176.50 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONDOMINIUM UNIT 208, IN CONDOMINIUM BUILDING 3, PLAZA DEL LAGO CONDOMINIUMS, PHASE IV, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF, RECORDED ON DECEMBER 29, 1983 AT RECEPTION NO. 83123389 IN THE RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, COLORADO, AND AS DEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR PLAZA DEL LAGO CONDOMINIUMS, RECORDED MAY 10, 1982 AT RECEPTION NO. 82031148 AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO RECORDED SEPTEMBER 8, 1983 AT RECEPTION NO. 83085753, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 1845 KENDALL ST # C208, LAKEWOOD, CO 80214-3507. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/23/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript

real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/27/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Nancy Jensen, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Sheila J. Finn #36637 Janeway Law Firm , P. C. 9800 S. Meridian Blvd., Suite 400, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 31218 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012

Public Trustees

Legal Notice NO.: J1301300 First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301301 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 27, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) JOHN A TARBELL Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR DENVER MORTGAGE COMPANY Current Holder of Evidence of Debt DENVER MORTGAGE COMPANY Date of Deed of Trust September 07, 2010 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust September 20, 2010 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2010082130 Original Principal Amount $274,038.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $265,934.14 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE NORTH 132 FEET OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, EXCEPT THE EAST 20 FEET THEREOF, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. CORRECTIVE AFFIDAVIT RE: SCRIVENER'S ERROR RECORDED ON 11/1/2010 AT RECEPTION #2010097630 TO CORRECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION. Also known by street and number as: 895 CARR STREET, LAKEWOOD, CO 80214. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. If applicable, a description of any changes to the deed of trust described in the notice of election and demand pursuant to affidavit as allowed by statutes: CORRECTIVE AFFIDAVIT RE: SCRIVENER'S ERROR RECORDED ON 11/1/2010 AT RECEPTION #2010097630 TO CORRECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/23/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/27/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Barbara Lyons, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Eve M. Grina #43658 Janeway Law Firm , P. C. 9800 S. Meridian Blvd., Suite 400, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 31478 (13-000128) The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1301301 First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1400004 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On January 3, 2014, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) BALMORES STEVE MARIN GAITAN Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR CORNERSTONE MORTGAGE COMPANY Current Holder of Evidence of Debt

given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On January 3, 2014, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) BALMORES STEVE MARIN GAITAN Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR CORNERSTONE MORTGAGE COMPANY Current Holder of Evidence of Debt PNC BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Date of Deed of Trust January 26, 2006 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust February 07, 2006 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2006015384 Original Principal Amount $170,800.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $169,899.18 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: LOT 39, WHEATRIDGE VIEW 1ST ADDIT I O N , C O U N T Y O F J E F F E R S O N, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 4235 AMMONS ST, WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80033. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST.

Public Trustees

NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/30/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 3/13/2014 Last Publication: 4/10/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript • IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 01/03/2014 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Nancy Jensen, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Wayne E. Vaden #21026 Vaden Law Firm, LLC 2015 York Street, Denver, CO 80205 (303) 377-2933 Attorney File # 13-081-05333 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1400004 First Publication: 3/13/2014 Last Publication: 4/10/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1400005 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On January 3, 2014, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) Paul S Geer and Sharon E Geer Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., acting solely as nominee for DENVER MORTGAGE COMPANY Current Holder of Evidence of Debt JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Date of Deed of Trust April 30, 2009 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust May 11, 2009 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2009042608 Original Principal Amount $292,887.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $273,288.08 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: LOT 93, ARBOR ESTATES FILING NO. 1, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 8073 Fenton Court, Arvada, CO 80003. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/30/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 3/13/2014 Last Publication: 4/10/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 01/03/2014 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of

other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 3/13/2014 Last Publication: 4/10/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 01/03/2014 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Nancy Jensen, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Jennifer H. Trachte #40391 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, L.L.P. 1199 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 Attorney File # 1068.100068.F01 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012

Public Trustees

Legal Notice NO.: J1400005 First Publication: 3/13/2014 Last Publication: 4/10/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1400022 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On January 3, 2014, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) Susan A. Meier Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Calusa Investments, LLC Current Holder of Evidence of Debt U.S. Bank Trust, N.A., as Trustee for LSF8 Master Participation Trust, by Caliber Home Loans, Inc., as its attorney in fact Date of Deed of Trust January 31, 2006 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust February 21, 2006 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2006021586 Original Principal Amount $128,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $124,622.44 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: EXHIBIT A CONDOMINIUM UNIT 17, NEWLAND PARK TOWNHOMES, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED APRIL 21, 1978 IN BOOK 9 AT PAGE 11 AND AT RECEPTION NO. 78035313 AND CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FOR NEWLAND PARK TOWNHOMES RECORDED APRIL 3, 1978 AT RECEPTION NO. 78028984 AND AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECORDED FEBRUARY 25, 1980 AT RECEPTION NO. 80014114, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 6550 West 14th Avenue Unit 17, Lakewood, CO 80214. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/30/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 3/13/2014 Last Publication: 4/10/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 01/03/2014 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Barbara Lyons, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Jennifer M. Griest #34830 The Castle Law Group, LLC 999 18th Street, Suite 2201, Denver, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 Attorney File # 13-08037 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1400022 First Publication: 3/13/2014 Last Publication: 4/10/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301239 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 5, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) Lisa Marie Fleak Original Beneficiary(ies) BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Green Tree Servicing LLC Date of Deed of Trust December 07, 2007 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust December 17, 2007 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2007137349 Original Principal Amount $89,000.00

Original Beneficiary(ies) BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Green Tree Servicing LLC Date of Deed of Trust December 07, 2007 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust December 17, 2007 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2007137349 Original Principal Amount $89,000.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $83,031.55 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONDOMINIUM UNIT NO. 9, BUILDING NO. 8, INDEPENDENCE SQUARE CONDOMINIUMS, CONDOMINIUM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DECLARATION RECORDED ON JUNE 8, 1979 AS RECEPTION NO. 79050748, AND CONDOMINIUM MAP RECORDED ON JUNE 8, 1979 AS RECEPTION NO. 79050750 IN THE JEFFERSON COUNTY RECORDS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 4623 Independence Street 9, Wheatridge, CO 80033. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST.

Public Trustees

NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/02/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 2/13/2014 Last Publication: 3/13/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/05/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Jenniffer L Johnson, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Joan Olson, ESQ. #28078 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, L.L.P. 1199 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 Attorney File # 1159.00729 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1301239 First Publication: 2/13/2014 Last Publication: 3/13/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301285 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 27, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) Douglas P. Williams Original Beneficiary(ies) Land of Oz Inc. DBA Affordable Interest Mortgage Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC Date of Deed of Trust February 20, 2009 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust February 27, 2009 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2009017785 Original Principal Amount $220,189.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $205,792.48 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: EXHIBIT A LOT 10, BLOCK 4, WOODLAND VALLEY FILING NO. 3, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. SCRIVENER’S ERROR AFFIDAVIT RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO ON MARCH 6, 2012 AT RECEPTION NO. 2012024400 TO CORRECT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. SCRIVENER'S ERROR AFFIDAVIT RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO ON MARCH 6, 2012 AT RECEPTION NO. 2012024400 TO CORRECT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. Also known by street and number as: 11874 West 71st Place, Arvada, CO 80004. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. If applicable, a description of any changes to the deed of trust described in the notice of election and demand pursuant to affidavit as allowed by statutes: SCRIVENER'S ERROR AFFIDAVIT RECORDED IN THE RECORDS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO ON MARCH 6, 2012 AT RECEPTION NO. 2012024400 TO CORRECT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/23/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said

The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/23/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/27/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Jenniffer L Johnson, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Jennifer M. Griest #34830 The Castle Law Group, LLC 999 18th Street, Suite 2201, Denver, CO 80202 (303) 865-1400 Attorney File # 13-05959 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012

March 13, 2014

Public Trustees

Legal Notice NO.: J1301285 First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301298 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 27, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) DOLORES RESENDEZ AND ERNESTO MABANAG Original Beneficiary(ies) MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR MORTGAGE AVENUES, LLC. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Date of Deed of Trust October 28, 2005 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust November 15, 2005 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2005114456 Original Principal Amount $203,801.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $193,927.45 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: LOT 10, BLOCK 12, THE HIGHLANDS SUBDIVISION, FILING NO.4, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. A.P.N #: 2936303015 Also known by street and number as: 6195 WEST 75TH PLACE, ARVADA, CO 80003. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/23/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/27/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Nancy Jensen, Deputy, for Pub lic Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Sheila J. Finn #36637 Janeway Law Firm , P. C. 9800 S. Meridian Blvd., Suite 400, Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 706-9990 Attorney File # 31117 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1301298 First Publication: 3/6/2014 Last Publication: 4/3/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript COMBINED NOTICE - RESTART - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-109(2)(b)(II) FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1300610 Republished to restart foreclosure stayed by bankruptcy and reset sale date. To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 19, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) Jeffrey Langnes and Jannelle Moore Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. acting solely as nominee for Universal Lending Corporation

by bankruptcy and reset sale date. To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 19, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) Jeffrey Langnes and Jannelle Moore Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. acting solely as nominee for Universal Lending Corporation Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Wells Fargo Bank, NA Date of Deed of Trust August 23, 2010 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust September 15, 2010 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2010080402 Original Principal Amount $175,430.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $169,884.46 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: TOWNHOUSE 79, WOODCREST, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO. Also known by street and number as: 6464 Welch Street, Arvada, CO 80004. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST.

March 13, 2014

Public Trustees

NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/16/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 2/27/2014 Last Publication: 3/27/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/19/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Barbara Lyons, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Monica Kadrmas, ESQ. #34904 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, L.L.P. 1199 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 Attorney File # 9105.05421 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1300610 First Publication: 2/27/2014 Last Publication: 3/27/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript NOTICE OF UNCLAIMED OVERBID FUNDS CRS 38-38-111(2.5b)(3a,b,d)(5) PUBLIC TRUSTEE SALE NO. J1300727 To: Record Owner of the property as of the recording of the Notice of Election and Demand or other person entitled. You are advised that there are overbid funds due you. This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust and Notice of Election and Demand: Name of Record Owner as evidenced on the Notice of Election and Demand or other person entitled Gayle E Badowsky Address of Record Owner as evidenced on the recorded instrument evidencing the owner's interest 22728 Kay St, South Lyon, MI 48178--1603 Recording Date of Deed of Trust June 17, 2009 Recording Information 2009059022 Recording Date of Notice of Election and Demand June 13, 2013 Recording Information of Notice of Election and Demand 2013071295 Legal Description of Property CONDOMINIUM UNIT NO. 18, BUILDING NO.5, ARBOR GREEN TOWNHOMES, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF FILED FOR RECORD JUNE 14, 1973 IN BOOK 4 AT PAGE 1 THROUGH 5, AN AMMENDMENT OF A PORTION OF LAKE ARBOR TOWNHOMES, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOFILED FOR RECORD JUNE 8, 1972 IN BOOK 2 AT PAGES 42 AND 43, AND 125, AND SUBJECT TO TERMS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, USES, RESERVATIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND OBLIGATIONS SET FORTH IN SAID DECLARATIONS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, Public Notice STATE OF COLORADO. Street Address of Property WheatChase Ridge Dr CityUnit Council Hear8788 18, Public Arvada, CO ing to Consider Adoption of Second 80003 Major Modifications to the I70 / Kipling NOTICE OF UNCLAIMED Corridors Urban RenewalOVERBID Plan FUNDS IAsold athearing public auction, at 10:00 AM28, on public is scheduled for April 10/23/13, at the Jefferson County Admin2014, at the of 100 the Wheat istration andregular Courtsmeeting Facility, JefferRidge City Council, which begins 7:00 son County Parkway, Suite 1540 atGolden, p.m.,80419, or as soon ashighest possible thereafter, for CO to the and best bidder for cash, the real property described the purpose of considering the approval above. AnMajor overbid was realized from of Second Modifications to the I70the sale and,Corridors unless the funds are claimed / Kipling Urban Renewal Plan by the owner or other persons entitled thereto pursuant to C.R.S. § 31-25-107. The within five years from the date of sale, the general scope ofwill thebe Major Modificafunds due to you transferred to the tions to fund the I70 Kipling Corridors general of /the County of Jefferson, State ofRenewal Colorado, or includes: to the State TreasUrban Plan urer as part of the "Unclaimed Property pursuant to Colorado ·Act", Enactment of Tax Incrementlaw. Financing First Publication: 2/13/14 on parcel at southwest corner of 38th Last Publication: 3/13/14 Avenue Kipling Street, Wheat Ridge, Name ofand Publication: Wheat Ridge TranCO. script 1/28/14 ·Date: Addition of one parcel at 3795 38th Margaret T. was Chapman, Public Avenue that excluded from Trustee the first in and for the County of Jefferson, State of modification to the plan Colorado · The Major Modifications’ Relationship to By: Jenniffer L Johnson, Deputy, for PubLocal Objectives and Plans lic Trustee ·©Public Vision, Trustees' Goals andAssociation Objectives Colorado Revised 9/2012 ·ofCatalyst Area Map and Description of these Areas Legal Notice NO.: J1300727 · Compliance with the Wheat Ridge First Publication: 2/13/14 Master Plan Last Publication: 3/13/14 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript

Wheat Ridge Legals


Public Trustees

NOTICE OF UNCLAIMED OVERBID FUNDS I sold at public auction, at 10:00 AM on 10/23/13, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the real property described above. An overbid was realized from the sale and, unless the funds are claimed by the owner or other persons entitled thereto within five years from the date of sale, the funds due to you will be transferred to the general fund of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, or to the State Treasurer as part of the "Unclaimed Property Act", pursuant to Colorado law. First Publication: 2/13/14 Last Publication: 3/13/14 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript Date: 1/28/14 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Jenniffer L Johnson, Deputy, for Public Trustee ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1300727 First Publication: 2/13/14 Last Publication: 3/13/14 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301262 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 19, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) Paul Bishop Original Beneficiary(ies) TCF National Bank Current Holder of Evidence of Debt TCF National Bank Date of Deed of Trust April 05, 2010 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust April 09, 2010 Recording Information (Reception Number) 2010030796 Original Principal Amount $30,450.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $28,175.74 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: Lot 21, Sunset Acres, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Also known by street and number as: 8070 Oak Street, Arvada, CO 80005. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/16/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 2/27/2014 Last Publication: 3/27/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/19/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Nancy Jensen, Deputy, for P ublic Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Lindsey S. Smith #35875 Winzenburg, Leff, Purvis & Payne, LLP 1660 Lincoln Street, Suite 1550, Denver, CO 80264 (303) 863-1870 Attorney File # Bishop The Attorney above is acting as a debt · Authorized Urban Renewal Undertakings collector and is attempting to collect a and Activities debt. Any information provided may be ·used Project for Financing that purpose. ·©Public Jefferson CountyAssociation Impact Report Trustees' of Colorado Revised 9/2012 This hearing will be held in the Wheat Legal NO.:located J1301262 RidgeNotice City Hall, at 7500 West First Publication: 2/27/2014 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Last Publication: 3/27/2014 Copies of the Major Modifications to the Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge TranI70 / Kipling Corridors Urban Renewal script Plan are available for review in the office of the Wheat Ridge City Clerk, 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.

Wheat Ridge Legals

Please refer to the City of Wheat Ridge web page at www.ci.wheatridge.co.us for more information. Map of Area to Be Considered for Addition to the Wheat Ridge Redevelopment Plan. /s/ Steve Art Urban Renewal Manager Legal Notice No.: 80536 First Publication: March 13, 2014 Last Publication: March 13, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Transcript ______________________________

DATE: 12/19/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Nancy Jensen, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Lindsey S. Smith #35875 Winzenburg, Leff, Purvis & Payne, LLP 1660 Lincoln Street, Suite 1550, Denver, CO 80264 (303) 863-1870 Attorney File # Bishop The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012

Public Trustees

Legal Notice NO.: J1301262 First Publication: 2/27/2014 Last Publication: 3/27/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript

COMBINED NOTICE - PUBLICATION CRS §38-38-103 FORECLOSURE SALE NO. J1301274 To Whom It May Concern: This Notice is given with regard to the following described Deed of Trust: On December 19, 2013, the undersigned Public Trustee caused the Notice of Election and Demand relating to the Deed of Trust described below to be recorded in the County of Jefferson records. Original Grantor(s) William F Price Original Beneficiary(ies) Mortgage Money, Inc. Current Holder of Evidence of Debt Federal National Mortgage Association Date of Deed of Trust September 27, 2004 County of Recording Jefferson Recording Date of Deed of Trust October 11, 2004 Recording Information (Reception Number) F2110216 Original Principal Amount $93,200.00 Outstanding Principal Balance $79,326.93 Pursuant to CRS §38-38-101(4)(i), you are hereby notified that the covenants of the deed of trust have been violated as follows: failure to pay principal and interest when due together with all other payments provided for in the evidence of debt secured by the deed of trust and other violations thereof. THE LIEN FORECLOSED MAY NOT BE A FIRST LIEN. The property to be foreclosed is: CONDOMINIUM UNIT NO. 5, BALSAM MANOR CONDOMINIUMS, A CONDOMINIUM IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DECLARATION RECORDED AUGUST 28, 1979 AT RECEPTION NO. 79077911 AND CONDOMINIUM, MAP RECORDED AUGUST 28, 1979 AT RECEPTION NO. 79077912 OF THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON RECORDS, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO Also known by street and number as: 1031 Balsam Street, Denver, CO 80214. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN IS ALL OF THE PROPERTY CURRENTLY ENCUMBERED BY THE LIEN OF THE DEED OF TRUST. NOTICE OF SALE The current holder of the Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, described herein, has filed Notice of Election and Demand for sale as provided by law and in said Deed of Trust. THEREFORE, Notice Is Hereby Given that I will at public auction, at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, 04/16/2014, at the Jefferson County Administration and Courts Facility, 100 Jefferson County Parkway, Suite 1540 Golden, CO 80419, sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the said real property and all interest of the said Grantor(s), Grantor(s)' heirs and assigns therein, for the purpose of paying the indebtedness provided in said Evidence of Debt secured by the Deed of Trust, plus attorneys' fees, the expenses of sale and other items allowed by law, and will issue to the purchaser a Certificate of Purchase, all as provided by law. First Publication: 2/27/2014 Last Publication: 3/27/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript ● IF THE SALE DATE IS CONTINUED TO A LATER DATE, THE DEADLINE TO FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO CURE BY THOSE PARTIES ENTITLED TO CURE MAY ALSO BE EXTENDED; DATE: 12/19/2013 Margaret T. Chapman, Public Trustee in and for the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado By: Jenniffer L Johnson, Deputy, for Public Trustee The name, address, business telephone number and bar registration number of the attorney(s) representing the legal holder of the indebtedness is: Monica Kadrmas, ESQ. #34904 Aronowitz & Mecklenburg, L.L.P. 1199 Bannock Street, Denver, CO 80204 (303) 813-1177 Attorney File # 3030.100010.F01 The Attorney above is acting as a debt collector and is attempting to collect a debt. Any information provided may be used for that purpose. ©Public Trustees' Association of Colorado Revised 9/2012 Legal Notice NO.: J1301274 First Publication: 2/27/2014 Last Publication: 3/27/2014 Name of Publication: Wheat Ridge Transcript

Wheat Ridge Legals Public Notice WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO ADOPT A BUDGET AMENDMENT A public hearing will be held by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority on Tuesday March 25, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado regarding a supplemental budget appropriation to its 2014 budget. This appropriation is for expenditures associated with maintenance and utilities, professional services, and debt servicing for the Town Center Fund. Any interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearing. The budget amendment will be available for inspection by the public in the City Clerk’s office on Thursday, March 20; Wheat Ridge Municipal Building at 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. /s/ Steve Art Steve Art, Urban Renewal Manager Legal Notice No.: 80537 First Publication: March 13, 2014 Last Publication: March 13, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Transcript ______________________________

Notice To Creditors

final settlement will be issued by the City of Arvada Finance Director at 10:00 a.m., March 18, 2014 to Brannan Construction Company for work related to Project 13-WA-07 – Water Main Vault Piping and Gate Valve Replacement and performed under that contract dated October 21, 2013 for the City of Arvada. Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company or corporation that furnished labor, material, drayage, sustenance, provisions or other supplies used or consumed by said contractor or his subcontractors in or about the performance of the work contracted to be done by said Brannan Construction Company and its claim has not been paid, may at any time on or prior to the hour of the date above stated, file with the Finance Director of the City of Arvada at City Hall, a verified statements of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim. CITY OF ARVADA /s/ Christine Koch, City Clerk

Government Legals

Public Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Wayne Dale Faber, a/k/a Wayne D. Faber, a/k/a Wayne Faber Case Number: 14PR30176 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to District Court of Jefferson County, Colorado on or before July 7, 2014, or the claims may be forever barred. Mebane T. Faber Personal Representative 2516 Highland Avenue Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

Legal Notice No.: 80521 First Publication: March 6, 2014 Last Publication: March 13, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Transcript and the Arvada Press

Legal Notice No.: 80527 First Publication: March 7 2014 Last Publication: March 21, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Transcript

Public Notice

Public Notice

NOTICE OF CANCELLATION and CERTIFIED STATEMENT OF RESULTS §1-13.5-513(6), 32-1-104, 1-11-103(3) C.R.S.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Gregory A. Rieb, a/k/a Gregory Allan Rieb, and Gregory Rieb, Deceased, Case Number 14PR30197 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to District Court of Jefferson, County, Colorado on or before July 14, 2014, or the claims may be forever barred. Jeffrey L. Rieb Personal Representative 3200 Tennyson St. Denver, CO 80212

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Clear Creek Valley Water and Sanitation District, Jefferson County, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixtythird day before the election, there were not more candidates for director than offices to be filled, including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the election to be held on May 6, 2014 is hereby canceled pursuant to section 1-13.5-513(6) C.R.S. The following candidates are hereby declared elected: James H. Anderson: 4 Year Term, until May, 2018

Legal Notice No.: 80530 First Publication: March 13, 2014 Last Publication: March 27, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Transcript

John S. Pedota: 4 Year Term, until May, 2018


Angela Marriott: 4 Year Term, until May, 2018

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Ralph Lee Auer, aka Ralph L. Auer, Deceased Case Number: 2013 PR 30913 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Jefferson County, Colorado on or before June 27, 2014 or the claims may be forever barred. Thomas R. Auer Personal Representative 5650 24th Avenue NW, No. 605 Seattle, WA 98107

/s/ Richard J. Scheurer (Signature of the Designated Election Official) Contact Person for the District: Fonda Wilhem Telephone Number of the District: 303-424-4194 Address of the District: 5420 Harlan St., Arvada, CO 80002 District Facsimile Number: 303-424-0632 District Email: CCVSJA@aol.com Legal Notice No.: 80531 First Publication: March 13, 2014 Last Publication: March 13, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Ridge Transcript

Legal Notice No: 80515 First Publication: February 27, 2014 Last Publication: March 13, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Ridge Transcript

Public Notice NOTICE OF CANCELLATION and CERTIFIED STATEMENT OF RESULTS 1-5-208(1.5), 1-10-203, 32-1-104, C.R.S.

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of John A. Larsen, aka John Larsen, Deceased Case Number: 2014 PR 30018 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Jefferson County, Colorado on or before June 27, 2014 or the claims may be forever barred. Brian A. Larsen Personal Representative 9888 Teller Court Westminster, Colorado 80021

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by the Wheat Ridge Water District, Jefferson County, Colorado, that at the close of business on the sixty-third day before the election, there were not more candidates for director than offices to be filled, including candidates filing affidavits of intent to be write-in candidates; therefore, the election to be held on May 6, 2014 is hereby canceled pursuant to section 1-5-208(1.5), C.R.S. The following candidates are hereby declared elected: James Malone: 4 Year Term, until May, 2018

Legal Notice No: 80516 First Publication: February 27, 2014 Last Publication: March 13, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Ridge Transcript

Frank Stites: 4 Year Term, until May, 2018


Barry A. Hudson Designated Election Official

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Clifford F.S. Bebell, Deceased Case Number: 2014PR30137 All persons having claims against the above-named estate are required to present them to the Personal Representative or to the District Court of Jefferson County, Colorado on or before July 7, 2014, or the claims may be forever barred. David F. Bebell c/o Scobie & Morlang, LLC 1660S. Albion St., Ste. 918 Denver, CO 80222

Contact Person for the District: Barry Hudson Telephone Number of the District: 303-424-2844, ext. 25 Address of the District: P.O. Box 637, Wheat Ridge, CO 80034 District Facsimile Number: 303-423-9462 District Email: barry@wrwdistrict.com Legal Notice No.: 80532 First Publication: March 13, 2014 Last Publication: March 13, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Transcript

Legal Notice No: 80526 First Publication: March 6, 2014 Last Publication: March 20, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Ridge Transcript


Government Legals Public Notice NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice is hereby given that disbursements in final settlement will be issued by the City of Arvada Finance Director at 10:00 a.m., March 18, 2014 to Brannan Construction Company for work related to Project 13-WA-07 – Water Main Vault Piping and Gate Valve Replacement and performed under that contract dated October 21, 2013 for the City of Arvada. Any person, co-partnership, association of persons, company or corporation that furnished labor, material, drayage, sustenance, provisions or other supplies used or consumed by said contractor or his subcontractors in or about the performance of the work contracted to be done by said Brannan Construction Company and its claim has not been paid, may at any time on or prior to the hour of the date above stated, file with the Finance Director of the City of Arvada at City Hall, a verified statements of the amount due and unpaid on account of such claim. CITY OF ARVADA /s/ Christine Koch, City Clerk

The Draft Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Reporting For Entitlement Grantee for the 2013 Program Year for the City of Arvada, Colorado is available for inspection and public comment. PUBLIC INSPECTION: The Report is available for public inspection during normal office hours at the following location or a copy can be made available by contacting: Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Division City of Arvada PO Box 8101 8001 Ralston Road Arvada, Colorado 80001-8101 720-898-7494 PUBLIC COMMENTS: Public comments will be received at the above mentioned offices until March 28, 2014. A summary of comments received will be included with the Report. Ed Talbot Manager, Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization

mal office hours at the following location or a copy can be made available by contacting: Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization Division City of Arvada PO Box 8101 8001 Ralston Road Arvada, Colorado 80001-8101 720-898-7494 PUBLIC COMMENTS: Public comments will be received at the above mentioned offices until March 28, 2014. A summary of comments received will be included with the Report. Ed Talbot Manager, Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization

Wheat Ridge Transcript 21

Government Legals

Legal Notice No.: 80533 First Publication: March 13, 2014 Last Publication: March 13, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Transcript and the Arvada Press Public Notice NOTICE OF HEARING UPON APPLICATION FOR A NEW HOTEL AND RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE OF ILLEGAL BURGER, LLC D/B/A ILLEGAL BURGER 15400 WEST 64TH AVENUE, UNIT 1A Notice is hereby given that an application has been presented to the City of Arvada Local Liquor Licensing Authority for a Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License from Illegal Burger, LLC d/b/a Illegal Burger, 15400 West 64th Avenue, Unit 1A, Arvada, Colorado, whose Managing Member is James Nixon, 9085 Gardenia Street, Arvada, Colorado. The license would allow sales of malt, vinous and spirituous liquor by the drink for consumption on the premises at 15400 West 64th Avenue, Unit 1A, Arvada, Colorado. Said application will be heard and considered by the City of Arvada Liquor Licensing Authority at a meeting to be held in the Arvada Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 8101 Ralston Road at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 27, 2014. The application was submitted on February 13, 2014. For further information call Kristen Rush, Deputy City Clerk, at 720-898-7546. Dated this 13th day of March, 2014. /s/ Kristen R. Rush Deputy City Clerk CITY OF ARVADA, COLORADO Legal Notice No.: 80534 First Publication: March 13, 2014 Last Publication: March 13, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Transcript and the Arvada Press Public Notice ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed bids for the construction of City of Arvada, Project No. 13-ST-16 entitled, Lamar Street Sidewalk Extension (BNSF Railroad to W. 56th Place), will be received at the office of the City Engineer until 1:00 PM on March 25, 2014 and then publicly opened and read aloud. The BID DOCUMENTS, consisting of Advertisement for Bids, Information for Bidders, Sample Forms, Special Conditions, Addendum when issued, Bid Bond, Bid Proposal, Bid Schedule, and the Project Drawings may be examined at the following locations: City of Arvada Engineering Division 8101 Ralston Road, Arvada, Colorado 80002 Dodge Plan Room – www.construction.com ISqFt Plan Room – 1030 West Ellsworth Ave., Unit G, Denver, Colorado 80223 Reed Construction Data www.reedpsp.com Rocky Mountain E-Purchasing System at www.rockymountainbidsystem.com No cost bid documents may be obtained at www.rockymountainbidsystem.com on or after March 6, 2014. Bid Documents may also be obtained at the office of the City Engineer upon payment of $30.00 per set, which is non-refundable. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES OF THE MAJOR ITEMS OF WORK ARE: Asphalt Removal: 300 SY 6” Vertical Curb and Gutter: 505 LF Concrete Sidewalk: 300 SY Hot Mix Asphalt Patching: 225 SY Segmental Retaining Wall: 1,940 SF Structural Fill (CDOT Class 1): 940 CY Seeding – Low Water Mix: 14,900 SF Guardrail Installation: 205 LF Bidders, subcontractors and suppliers must be familiar with the current City of Arvada Engineering Code of Standards and Specifications for the Design and Construction of Public Improvements, dated July 19, 2011, which will be combined with the Bid Documents to form the Contract Documents for the Project. A copy of the Standards may be obtained from the office of the City Engineer upon a non-refundable payment of $30.00. Holders will be notified when supplemental revisions and additions are available as they are adopted. The Standards are also available at no cost on the City's web site at www.arvada.org. Holders are responsible for keeping current their City of Arvada Engineering Code of Standards and Specifications. The Project Engineer for this work is Matt Knight, at 720-898-7660, or mknight@arvada.org. CITY OF ARVADA /s/ Patrick Dougherty, P.E. - City Engineer Legal Notice No.: 80535 First Publication: March 13, 2014 Last Publication: March 20, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Transcript and the Arvada Press

BE Informed! Legal Notice No.: 80533 First Publication: March 13, 2014 Last Publication: March 13, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Transcript and the Arvada Press

Legal Notice No.: 80521 First Publication: March 6, 2014 Last Publication: March 13, 2014 Publisher: Wheat Transcript and the Arvada Press

Read the Legal Notices!

22 Wheat Ridge Transcript

March 13, 2014

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Wheat Ridge freshman swimming Nathan Rockenfeller in the home stretch of his Individual Medley in his team’s first meet of the season Saturday at Carmody Recreation Center. Photo by Daniel Williams

Wheat Ridge tops in season opening meet A-West finishes right behind Farmers, Rams tough too By Daniel Williams

dwilliams@ coloradocommunitymedia.com LAKEWOOD - It may still be cold outside but the competition in the swimming pool is just heating up. And four of Jeffco’s top boys swimming teams met up for the season’s first meet with Wheat Ridge coming out on top with 584 team points Saturday at Carmody Recreation Center. Arvada West finished second with 536 points, Green Mountain finished third with 521 points and Standley Lake finished fourth with 474 points, in the four team meet that featured two 4A Jeffco teams and two 5A Jeffco teams. Wheat Ridge won four events including the 50 Free with Parker Sorsenson’s time of 23.11. Bret Kindvatter on the 200 Free for the

Farmers with a time of 1:59.67. And Nathan Rockenfeller won the 500 Free with a time of 05:26.67. Wheat Ridge also won the 200 Free Relay in 01:36.37. A-West finished right behind the Farmers in total points but they finished tied with Wheat Ridge for winning the most events. The Wildcats took home four separate events including getting a pair of wins from Jakub Lewandowski who won both the 100 Fly (56.71) and 100 Backstroke (1:00.81). A-West also had a winner in the 200 Individual Medley with Ryder Pittz time of 2:08.29. Pittz also won the 100 Breaststroke in 1:07.82. Green Mountain’s Jacob Moore won the 100 Free with his time of 52.89 and he and his teammates also won two more events taking the 200 Medley Relay in 1:48.14 and then the 400 Free Relay in 3:36.75. Standley Lake had the meets best diver in Trent Kindvall who beat the field with 277.10. The next closest diver was Wheat Ridge’s Andy Franks who two second with 165.55 points.

Prep sports Scoreboard GOLDEN HIGH SCHOOL

collected six fouls.

Girls lacrosse


Golden 18, St. Mary’s Academy 1 Golden junior Morgan Dasch led with six goals and four assists followed by junior Kaycee Fulton with three goals. Junior Addie Renstrom scored two goals and had two assists. Junior Annie Fox had three assists and one goal and junior Olivia Hayden had two assists and one goal. Senior goalkeeper Alayna Henshaw had six saves.

Girls lacrosse

Girls soccer Golden 1, Arvada West 2 Golden and Arvada West were tied after halftime 1-1, but the Wildcats scored in the second half to win 2-1 in the season opener. The Demons had five shots on goal and

THURSDAY 5:30 p.m. - Golden vs. Chaparral SATURDAY 10 a.m. - Golden vs. Valor Christian TUESDAY 4 p.m. - Golden vs. Denver East

Girls soccer WEDNESDAY 6 p.m. - Golden vs. Ralston Valley

PREP SPORTS SCOREBOARD Would you like to see your team on the board? Contact sports reporter Kate Ferraro at kferraro@ coloradocommunitymedia.com. Or go to www.goldentranscript.net/scores/ and click on Post to the Scoreboard.

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Services Wheat Ridge Transcript 23

March 13, 2014

Services Lawn/Garden Services



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24 Wheat Ridge Transcript

March 13, 2014

tigers finally tamed by top ranked regis Jesuit Lakewood’s playoff run ends, plenty to be proud of By Daniel Williams

dwilliams@ coloradocommunitymedia.com

Lakewood sophomore Mackenzie Forrest forces up a tough shot despite Regis Jesuit’s suffocating defense last Thursday at the Denver Coliseum. Photo by Daniel Williams

DENVER - It almost didn’t seem fair. No. 2 Lakewood, a proven power in 5A girls’ hoops this season, outmatched every girl’s team they faced this season. That was until they faced a girl’s team that might be better than most boys’ high school teams in Colorado, falling 72-31 to No. 1 Regis Jesuit in the Great 8 of the state tournament Thursday at the Denver Coliseum. After an emotional victory over Highlands Ranch just 48 hours previously, the Tigers might not have been prepared for the monster that is the Raiders. Moreover, Regis Jesuit has a roster that features seven future Division-I players, meaning they have two girls on their roster that will being at the highest college level, yet they sit the bench for the Raiders. And it showed. Lakewood was never really in the contest after Regis Jesuit ran out

to a 24-7 first quarter lead. Then, they were never able to surpass the double-digit mark in any of the four quarters and the Tigers became frustrated with the intensity of the Raiders’ suffocating defense. And just like they dismantled another 5A Jeffco power in Ralston Valley in the Sweet 16 just 48 hours before, Regis Jesuit gave no mercy to Lakewood. However, despite senior Jessica Brooks and senior Gabby Carbone both playing in their last ever games, Lakewood has plenty to be proud of and the future is very bright. The Tigers (24-2, 16-0 in 5A Jeffco) recorded one of their best seasons in school history, losing only twice while going perfect in 5A Jeffco, beating Ralston Valley twice. In addition, Brooks and Carbone were the only two seniors on a team that is bringing back 10 varsity members, including sophomore Mackenzie Forrest. Forrest was a breakout star for Lakewood this season, averaging 19.4 points per game as well as four steals per game. As a sophomore Forrest is already one of the best players in the state. Look for the Tigers to enter next season as one of the top ranked teams in Colorado.

legislative news in a hurry Continued from Page 11

Regulatory reform bill dies

children. Foote, a Boulder County deputy district attorney, said Szabo lifted the Florida law “almost word for word.” He said her bill was “overbroad in its consequences” and would have been subjected to constitutional challenges. Szabo’s bill failed in the same committee on a party-line vote. Foote’s bill now heads to the House Appropriations Committee, before it receives a full vote in the House.

A Democrat majority House committee on March 5 killed Republican legislation to ease penalties on small businesses that break new state rules. House Bill 1033, sponsored by Rep. Libby Szabo, D-Arvada, would have allowed small businesses with 100 or few employers to receive warnings rather than fines when they commit first-time violations of state rules that are less than a year old. The bill was backed by Republicans and several business groups. However, Democrats on the House State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee voted in

unison against the bill. Szabo said Democrats got their marching orders from the AFL-CIO, the only group to testify against the bill during the committee hearing.

Bill addresses statutes on sex crime-related offenses A bill that does away with statute of limitations for crimes that accompany sex offenses is making its way through the Legislature with bipartisan support. Right now, sex crimes that involve a DNA sample are not subject to statute of limitation guidelines, but crimes that of-

ten occur during the commission of a sex crime – such as burglary and kidnapping – do fall under statute of limitations laws. Senate Bill 59 – sponsored by Sen. Lucia Guzman, D-Denver, and Rep. Polly Lawrence, R-Douglas County – would do away with those limitations, allowing courts to consider those crimes for sentencing purposes. The bill sailed through the House on March 6, with only three Republicans voting no. The bill had previously passed the Senate. The legislation now heads back to the Senate for the consideration of House amendments.

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