Not present = 0
Basic = 1
Strong = 2
The proposal does not mention or has included very little information related to this area. No details or rationale are included and many guiding questions are left unanswered.
The proposal has some explanation and detail but there is little detail. Not all guiding questions are addressed. The lack of detail leaves questions unanswered and does not clearly explain the rationale for the decisions in this area.
The proposal has clear explanations and plans in this area that have specific detail. Some examples and data are used to explain the rationale or actions proposed. Most of the guiding questions are answered.
Part I - Educational Focus What to Look For
Exemplary = 3 The explanation and plans in this area are detailed and thorough. Concrete examples are used that fully explain the rationale and action to be taken in this area. All or almost all of the guiding questions are answered thoroughly. Where appropriate, detailed data is used to explain the rationale for actions to be taken.
Demonstration of the connection between the school's ELO Plan and its overall vision and mission Evidence that the school's ELO plan supports its educational focus and Unified Improvement Plan
Part II - Addressing ELO Parameters (6 parts) Parameter What to Look For 1. Maximize time that currently exists in the day
Examples of how the school will use common practices to maximize instructional time and minimize transitions, interruptions, and other non-instructional time across the entire school Concrete examples for improving bell to bell instruction and maximizing how time in classrooms will be used more effectively May included data from the school's use of the Quality Time Analysis tool and lessons learned from this analysis
2. Use time more effectively for core instruction
Examples of individual student level data driving the number of minutes and dosage allocated for core, intervention/acceleration and enrichment.
DPS Scoring Rubric - Barrett
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11:44 AM - 4/7/2014
Not present = 0
Basic = 1
Strong = 2
The proposal does not mention or has included very little information related to this area. No details or rationale are included and many guiding questions are left unanswered.
The proposal has some explanation and detail but there is little detail. Not all guiding questions are addressed. The lack of detail leaves questions unanswered and does not clearly explain the rationale for the decisions in this area.
The proposal has clear explanations and plans in this area that have specific detail. Some examples and data are used to explain the rationale or actions proposed. Most of the guiding questions are answered.
3. Use time more effectively for intervention/acceleratio n and enrichment
Evidence of flexible grouping/regrouping of students in daily/weekly core, intervention, and enrichment opportunities. Describes multiple intervention and enrichment opportunities.
4. Expand time beyond the current school day or year
Evidence of number of minutes/hours/days added to schedule beyond current year
Exemplary = 3 The explanation and plans in this area are detailed and thorough. Concrete examples are used that fully explain the rationale and action to be taken in this area. All or almost all of the guiding questions are answered thoroughly. Where appropriate, detailed data is used to explain the rationale for actions to be taken.
Innovative staffing plan that includes staggered teaching, technology, partners etc. 5. Ensure time for teachers to collaborate in order to support and develop their professional practice so the above parameters can be implemented with consistency
Evidence of intentional, additional time allocated for teacher collaboration to strengthen instruction using structures/protocols that drive instructional focus, and develop best practices.
DPS Scoring Rubric - Barrett
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6. Recommended (not required): Incorporates innovative approaches using community partners or blended learning for portions of student time
Not present = 0
Basic = 1
Strong = 2
The proposal does not mention or has included very little information related to this area. No details or rationale are included and many guiding questions are left unanswered.
The proposal has some explanation and detail but there is little detail. Not all guiding questions are addressed. The lack of detail leaves questions unanswered and does not clearly explain the rationale for the decisions in this area.
The proposal has clear explanations and plans in this area that have specific detail. Some examples and data are used to explain the rationale or actions proposed. Most of the guiding questions are answered.
Exemplary = 3 The explanation and plans in this area are detailed and thorough. Concrete examples are used that fully explain the rationale and action to be taken in this area. All or almost all of the guiding questions are answered thoroughly. Where appropriate, detailed data is used to explain the rationale for actions to be taken.
Identifies community partners, role/responsibilities to support instructional focus in the expanded day. Evidence of blended learning or adaptive technology to support expanded time interventions/acceleration/enrichmen t opportunities for students either through partners or software.
Part III - Budget and Sustainability What to Look For
Evidence of innovative or cost effective strategies to support ELO plan
Part IV - Stakeholder Engagement What to Look For Evidence of engagement of staff in development of proposal and buy-in from staff Evidence of engagement of students and family in development of the proposal Evidence of intentional efforts to gather input from students and families on the school's proposal
DPS Scoring Rubric - Barrett
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No 11:44 AM - 4/7/2014