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1 Tuesday Colorado Day
The Centennial State celebrates its 147th birthday on Tuesday, August 1, with a free event at the History Colorado Center. Arts and crafts, live music, snacks, and alpacas, are just the tip of the snow cone at this carnivalesque gathering fit for an entire state. History Colorado Center, Denver. historycolorado.org
Junior Firefighters Academy Camp
Each four-day camp lets kids from 1st-3rd grade experience the life and work of a firefighter. From learning fire safety behaviors to fire science to an obstacle course that puts it all together, your kids will love this half-day camp! Registration is $60 per child, and space is limited. Denver Firefighters Museum. denverfirefightersmuseum.org
2 Wednesday ArtPark Al Fresco
Family Nights: Art Cars
Some folks just can’t leave their art in a museum and would rather travel around with it or even inside of it! In this workshop, you’ll design your own tiny art cars using toys, googly eyes, and other fun objects. This event is free, with all supplies included, but you must pre-register. RiNo ArtPark, Denver. runoartdistrict.org
Metro Denver Farmers’ Market
Metro Denver Farmers’ Market is the oldest farmers’ market in the Denver area. Many of their farmers are from generations of Colorado farming families, locally grown in all ways! The Aspen Grove farmers market recurs every Wednesday until September 27. Aspen Grove, Littleton. denverfarmersmarket.com
3 Thursday
Modern Arcana Film Premiere
The premiere screening of the feature film Modern Arcana is a kaleidoscopic reincarnation romance about two souls who met in the afterlife, and they take turns living lives of their choice. This showing is for ages 18 and up. General tickets are $20, and doors open at 6:30 p.m. Meow Wolf Denver. meowwolf.com
Wild Adventures: Herbal Foraging Skills
For ages 10-12, find and identify local native herbs as you explore mountain meadows and forests. Create your own herb ID book and other fun crafts using Brigette’s herbal expertise and guidance. Registration is required, and it costs $75. There is a shuttle available from and to Boulder. Wild Bear Nature Center, Nederland. wildbear.org
4 Friday
Friday Night Swing Nights
Each Friday night during the month of August, head to the Swing Night and Makers Market event in the parking lot at the BARBOX Garden. Enjoy live music, dancing, food trucks, and a cool Makers Market. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and make a night of it with family and friends. Aspen Grove,
Littleton. aspengrovecenter.com
Rotating Tap Comedy
Rotating Tap combines some of the best craft beer you can find with some of the funniest comedians from across the country. They feature comedians seen on just about every comedy program imaginable. This is a recurring event; jump online to see which events are free and require tickets. River North Brewery, Denver. rotatingtapcomedy.com
5 Saturday
Audi Denver Littleton
Twilight Criterium
The Criterium is a full day of racing, including professional men’s and women’s races. The Audi Denver Littleton Twilight Criterium is at the midpoint in a new national criterium series formed in collaboration with USA Cycling and America’s best criterium races. There will also be a beer garden, live music, and a cruiser ride for the family to make it a wicked day. Race registration starts at $40. Downtown Littleton. littletoncrit.com
Unicorn 5K (South)
Come frolic at the Unicorn Runner 5K in Highlands Ranch to finish off your summer! You’ll earn a sweet T-shirt and a flashy unicorn finisher medal. Costumes are encouraged, and there’s a Costume Contest for DIY costumeclad participants. Registration ranges from $17-41. Highlands Heritage Regional Park, Highlands Ranch. unicornracer.com
6 Sunday
Colorado Scottish Festival
The Colorado Scottish Festival began 59 years ago in Golden and celebrates Scottish culture and athleticism. Join them for traditional Scottish music, piping and drumming competitions, and Scottish dancing. Tickets start at $15 for adults and $10 for children. This is a two-day event beginning Friday, August 5. Denver Polo Club, Sedalia. scottishgames.org
Mile High Showdown
The biggest car show, Mile High Showdown Lowrider Car Show, hits the National Western Complex in Denver. This “can’t miss out on event” is part of the 2023 Lowrider Tour and the WEGO-Midwast Tour, which features lowriders from all across the Midwest. National Western Complex, Denver. milehighshowdown.com
7 Monday Summer Camp: Team Fox
HERO Kids Sports is a non-competitive sports enrichment program teaching the fundamentals of sports and the values of teamwork. For ages 4-12, the primary focus is to build your child’s self-confidence, learn leadership and teamwork skills, and connect with new friends. Registration is $36 for the week of August 7-11. Berkeley Lake Park, Denver. herokidsports.com
The Beatles Camp
The Beatles are undoubtedly one of the most important rock ‘n’ roll bands of all time, and their songs have greatly influenced the direction of modern music. Students will spend Monday through Friday learning and practicing songs from The Beatles, culminating in a live performance. Space is limited, and students can be enrolled online. School of Rock, Lakewood. schoolofrock.com
8 Tuesday
Regal Summer Movie Express
Head to a Regal every Tuesday and Wednesday for the Regal Summer Movie Express. During the first show of the day, enjoy $2 tickets, and make sure to jump online to see the movie and times. On August 8, watch Curious George with your family at Regal Village at the Peaks. Regal Village at The Peaks, Longmont. activityhero.com
Children ages three to seven, with a favorite adult, experience stories through books, flannel boards, puppets, songs, and activities. This program encourages emerging reading skills by engaging children in a playful environment with shapes, sounds, rhythm, and rhyme. Fountain Library. ppld.librarymarket.com
9 Wednesday
Music on the Green
Every Wednesday morning, enjoy the hottest weekly concert series of the season. The summer series is happening until August 16, and the artist playing on August 9 is Adia Clark Lay. Don’t forget to bring your lawn chairs and sunscreen. With concerts lasting about 45 minutes, it’s the perfect way to spend a summer day. Yampa River Botanic Park, Steamboat Springs. springsmusicfestival.com
Seafood BBQ & Shellfish Boil
Head to The Sebastian on select summer evenings for a communitystyle dining experience featuring live music, mountain views, and chefprepared meals. Tickets start at $175, and you can reserve your spot online. The Sebastian, Vail. thesebastianvail.com
10 Thursday
Movies at McGregor’s Square
Bring a blanket and find a spot on the lawn or choose a table in the plaza - both are free and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Popcorn, candy, soft drinks, and bar drinks are available for purchase. On August 10, head to McGregor’s Square to watch Antman and the Wasp: Quantamania McGregor’s Square, Denver. mcgregorsquare.com
Rooftop Karaoke
Join Desk Chair Workspace and DJ Robin Hood at your new favorite karaoke spot. There will be margarita specials, karaoke, and an amazing view of the Rocky Mountains. Make sure to reserve a spot online for $10. Desk Chair WorkSpace, Loveland. business.loveland.org
11 Friday
Rocky Mountain Irish Gathering
The Rocky Mountain Irish Gathering returns to Fort Collins from August 11-13. Eleven renowned local, national, and international bands will provide the best in Irish traditional and contemporary rock performances, featuring special guests, the McTeggart Irish Dancers. Tickets range from $2080. Lincoln Center, Fort Collins. lctix.com
Summer Films: Mean Girls
Get ready to go back to high school with the iconic movie Mean Girls. This beloved teen comedy has become a cultural phenomenon, and it’s still as funny and relevant today as it was when it first hit theaters. Film admission is free, with a suggested donation of $5 per person. Historic Elitch Theatre, Denver. historicelitchtheatre.org
12 Saturday
Arapahoe Warrior 5K
Come out and support the Arapahoe Warrior Cross Country team at the 4th annual Arapahoe Warrior 5K. Registration is $35, and $10 of every registration goes directly to the Cross Country Booster team. Race day registration opens at 7 a.m., and the race begins at 8 a.m. Arapahoe High School, Centennial. warrior5k.com
Free Admission Longmont Museum
On the second Saturday of each month, head to the Longmont Museum, where all exhibits in the museum are free! Typically, exhibition admission is $8 for adults, $5 for students/seniors, and free for three and under. Longmont Museum. longmontcolorado.gov
13 Sunday
19th WWW Kids “Games of Old”
Join the old-fashioned fun at the free “Games of Old” for kids of all ages. Activities include panning for gold and gems, bubble blowing, apple dash, tic tac toe, sack race, cactus toss, marble race, and more. If you want to head over early, plan to attend the Family Pancake Breakfast, that’s $5 per person. Geneva Lodge Lawn at the Littleton Center. westernwelcomeweek.org
Stanley Summer Series
Head to the Stanley Marketplace every second Sunday of the month to shop for local produce at the seasonal farmers market. Enjoy live music from local music acts covering a range of styles and genres. Stanley Marketplace, Aurora. stanleymarketplace.com
14 Monday
Family Time
Gather the whole family for engaging stories, dancing, singing, and rhyming. This activity is suitable for babies, preschoolers, and toddlers. This recurring event is free, and families can meet in the Standley Lake Meeting Room. Standley Lake Library, Arvada. jeffcolibrary.bibliocommons.com

Summit County Community Playgroup
Join the Summit County Play Group and become more connected with the community. This is a free event for parents and children (birth-three) to play and use their creativity to make beautiful art pieces. Teen Center, Frisco. summitfirc.org
15 Tuesday Free Day
August 15 is a free day at York Street and Chatfield Farms. For free days, registration is required, and tickets sell out quickly. Jump online in advance to secure your spot. Denver Botanic Gardens Chatfield Farms, Littleton. botanicgardens.org
Kids’ Introduction to Tae Kwon Do 6-6:45pm
Children 5-13 are invited to Lane Academy of Martial Arts on Tuesday nights for a free Tae Kwon Do introductory class. Karate lessons are very popular after-school activities and have proven to increase student focus and confidence in the classroom. Kids should wear sweatpants, a T-shirt and leave the jewelry behind. Lane Academy of Martial Arts, Arvada. land-academy.com
16 Wednesday Free Night
Satisfy your science curiosity during the SCFD Free Nights—no need to reserve your Free Day ahead of time. Walk up anytime during Free Nights and gain access to the Wildfire Halls or the permanent exhibitions. A separate ticket is required if you’d like to visit the planetarium, the new Infinity Theatre, or “Bugs.” Denver Museum of Nature and Science. dmns.org
17 Thursday Jagged Little Pill
Joy, love, heartache, strength, wisdom, catharsis, LIFE–everything you want to see in a Broadway show is in the exhilarating, fearless new musical based on Alanis Morissette’s world-changing music. The musical contains strong language and adult themes. There are two show times on Thursday, one starting at 2 p.m. and one at 7:30 p.m. Buell Theatre, Denver. denvercenter.org
Picnic on the Plaza
Bring your picnic lunch and something to sit on, and join the fun at the Picnic on the Plaza. This event recurs every Thursday and features live music on the lawn. Festival Plaza, Lafayette. lafayetteco.gov
18 Friday Free Day
Ride the dueling zip line, navigate the river, dig in the sand, stroll through the apple orchard, and explore the outdoors. Joy Park at Children’s Museum Marsico Campus, Denver. mychildsmuseum.org
Outdoor Toddler Storytime
Stories, songs, rhymes, and fun for toddlers and caregivers is at the Outdoor Toddler Storytime. Immediately following the program, play and social time in the park. This storytime is ideal for ages 2-5, and an adult must accompany their children. Dailey Park, Denver. denverlibrary.org
19 Saturday
Ed Sheeran Concert
The talented Ed Sheeran is coming to Colorado for “The Mathematics Tour” and to perform his top hits like Perfect, Photograph, and Castle on the Hill. Empower Field at Mile High, Denver. empowerfieldatmilehigh.com
Fort Collins Peach Festival

The Fort Collins Peach Festival is back and better than ever, with live music, local beer and drink vendors, food trucks, and local businesses and street vendors. Civic Center Park, Fort Collins. fortcollinspeachfestival.com
20 Sunday City Skate
Bring friends and family to the roller rink every weekend. Skate rentals are $9 for adults and $7 for children 12 and under. Skyline Park, Denver. summerindenver.com
Kids Create 4-4:30pm
For children ages five and under, head to the Children’s Library for a hands-on learning and craft experience. Children and families will explore new materials and create together. This is a free, recurring event that does not require registration. Denver Public Library: Central Library. denverlibrary.org
21 Monday
100 Things to Do Before You’re 12 10am-2pm
This recurring event is full of fun and exciting outdoor adventures for kids ages 6-12. The theme for August is catching crawdads at the Sand Creek Regional Greenway. Registration is required, and it starts at $10. Eagle Point Recreation Center, Commerce City. activekids.com
Let’s Play
Join Playcrafter Kids on a creative art adventure to connect, create, and play! The arts stimulate self-expression, creativity, and critical thinking while building confidence, body awareness, and communication skills. Register your toddler for the program online for $90. Foothills Unitarian Church, Fort Collins. playcrafterkids.com
22 Tuesday
Baby Time 9:15-9:45am
Help the littlest minds develop and grow as you bounce, sing, rhyme, and read with your baby. Golden Library. jeffcolibrary.bibliocommons.com
Kids Night 4-7pm
Kids 10 and under eat free at the Melting Pot on Tuesdays and Sundays. Melting Pot, Littleton. meltingpot.com
23 Wednesday
Feeding Group
Colorado Birth and Wellness offers a free, weekly Feeding Support Group. Attendees will breastfeed, chestfeeding, bottle feed, discuss pumping, and connect with others. No sign-up is needed; just arrive with yourself and your sweet baby. Colorado Birth & Wellness, Denver. coloradobirthandwellness.com
24 Thursday
Chicken Fight
The everything fried chicken festival is back for another year at Elitch Gardens. This is an adult-only, private, one-night extravaganza for the senses. Chefs from 45 of the city’s top restaurants will compete for your vote to win the crown for the best in chicken wings, fried chicken, bourbon chicken, chicken tacos, and more! Elitch Gardens, Denver. chickenfightfest.com

Genealogy Assistance
Larimer County Genealogy Society has volunteer researchers to help you with your genealogy or family history. Loveland Public Library. lovelandpubliclibrary.org
25 Friday
Breckenridge Hogfest: Bacon and Bourbon
Meat connoisseurs can taste their way through a spectrum of park samples, premium whiskeys, single malt scotches, and barrel-aged spirits while enjoying live music and mixology below Peak Nine. The Village at Breckenridge. rockymountainevents.com
26 Saturday Family Day Out: Farmers’ Market Cooking
Head to Uncorked Kitchen and see how to use summer products that will make your taste buds sing. Uncorked Kitchen & Wine Bar, Centennial. uncorkedkitchen.com
Film on the Field
Starts at Dusk