2016 Colorado PGA Directory - Member Directory

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Colorado PGA Member Directory

PGA of America Membership Classification Definitions A = Member

B = Apprentice

Active Members (A-1 and B-1) | Head Professional at a PGA Recognized Golf Course PGA Members employed as Head Golf Professionals at PGA Recognized Golf Courses (A-1). (A-2 and B-2) | Head Professional at a PGA Recognized Golf Range PGA Members employed as Head Golf Professionals at PGA Recognized Golf Ranges (A-2). (A-3) (B-3) | Exempt PGA TOUR, Champions Tour, Web.com Tour, LPGA & Futures Tour. PGA Members who are exempt players on the PGA TOUR, LPGA TOUR and other Tours recognized by the PGA TOUR or LPGA TOUR and approved by the PGA Board of Directors (A-3). (A-4) (B-4) | Director of Golf at PGA Recognized Golf Facilities PGA Members who are Directors of Golf at PGA Recognized facilities (A-4). (A-5) (B-Not Applicable) | Past Presidents Past Presidents of the Association, regardless of their current occupation or profession (A-5). (A-6) (B-6) | Golf Instructor at a PGA Recognized Facility PGA Members employed at PGA Recognized Golf Facilities, PGA Recognized Golf Schools, and PGA Recognized Indoor Facilities as either golf instructors, supervisors of golf instructors or individuals who instruct PGA Professionals How to Teach (A-6). (A-7) (B-7) | Head Professional at a PGA Recognized Facility Under Construction PGA Members employed as Directors of Golf or Head Golf Professionals at PGA Recognized Golf Facilities under construction (A-7). (A-8) (B-8) | Assistant Golf Professional at a PGA Recognized Facility PGA Members who are employed as Assistant Golf Professionals at PGA Recognized Golf Facilities (A-8). (A-9) (B-9) | Employed in Professional Positions in Management, Development, Ownership Operation and/or Financing of Facilities PGA Members who are employed in professional positions in management, development, ownership, operation and/or financing of a facility (ies) (A-9). (A-10) (B-10) | Golf Clinician PGA Members who are employed as Golf Clinicians (A-10). (A-11) (B-11) | Golf Administrator PGA Members who are employed by the Association, a Section or the PGA TOUR in an administrative capacity and PGA Members who are employed full-time as employees of golf associations recognized by the Board of Directors (A-11). (A-12) (B-12) | College or University Golf Coach PGA Members who are employed as golf coaches at accredited colleges, universities and junior colleges (A-12). (A-13) (B-13) | General Manager PGA Members who are employed as General Managers/Directors of Club Operations who have successfully completed the requirements set forth by the PGA Board of Directors (A-13). General Managers/Directors of Club Operations General Managers and/or Directors of Club Operations shall manage the entire golf facility including golf operations, golf course maintenance, club house administration, food and beverage operation and other recreational activities at the facility. (A-14) (B-14) | Director of Instruction at a PGA Recognized Facility PGA Members who are employed as Director of Instruction at a PGA Recognized Golf School or PGA Recognized Facility (A-14). (A-15) (B-15) | Ownership or Management of a Retail Golf Facility PGA Members whose primary employment is ownership or management of golf products or services at a “PGA Recognized Retail Facility” provided such employment specifically excludes primary employment as a clerk. “PGA Recognized Retail Facility” shall be defined as a stand-alone retail golf specialty stores or as a sporting goods stores with golf departments similar in size and merchandise inventory to a standalone golf shop (A-15). (A-16) (B-16) | Golf Course Architect PGA Members who are primarily employed in the design of golf courses as architects or PGAMembers who are primarily employed in an ownership or management capacity as golf course builders (A-16). (A-17) (B-17) | Golf Course Superintendent PGA Members primarily employed in the management of all activities in relation to maintenance, operation and management of a golf course. PGA Members in this classification are required to satisfy the criteria of either a Golf Course Superintendent or Assistant Golf Course Superintendent as defined by the Golf Course Superintendent’s Association of America (A-17). 2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory | www.coloradopga.com

(A-18) (B-18) | Golf Media PGA Members primarily employed in the reporting, editing, writing or publishing of golf-related publications in any form of media (inclusive of, but not necessarily limited to, newspapers, magazines, the Internet) or in the broadcasting or commentating about golf events on network television, cable networks, the Internet or any other form of related media (A-18). (A-19) (B-19) | Golf Manufacturer Management PGA Members primarily employed in an executive, administrative or supervisory position with a golf industry manufacturer or golf industry distributor (A-19). (A-20) (B-20) | Golf Manufacturer Sales Representative PGA Members primarily employed by one or more golf manufacturing or distributing companies involved in the wholesale sales and distribution of golf merchandise or golf-related supplies to golf facilities, retail stores or any other golf outlets (A-20). (A-21) (B-21)| Tournament Coordinator/Director for Organizations, Businesses or Associations PGA Members primarily employed in the coordination, planning and implementation of golf events for organizations, businesses, or associations (A-21). (A-22) (B-22) | Rules Official PGA Members primarily employed in the provision of services as a rules official for recognized golf associations, recognized golf tours or recognized golf events (A-22). (A-23) (B-23) | Club Fitting/Club Repair PGA Members primarily employed in the business of club fitting must use a recognized fitting system or a comparable system, must have all the necessary equipment normally associated with club fitting and must have access to a PGA Recognized Golf Range or a range at a PGA Recognized Golf Course to monitor ball flight. A PGA Member primarily employed in club repair must have an established place of business with all necessary equipment normally associated with club repair or must service one or more golf tours or series of golf events (A-23). (A-24) (B Not Applicable) | Primarily employed within the golf industry who are not eligible for another active classification. PGA members primarily employed within the golf industry who are not eligible for another Active classification. Master Professional MP Members that have successfully completed advanced professional training. Non-Active Classifications Class “F� Members are Members who fail to meet the requirements of the Professional Development Program. Life Members

Members who are not eligible for classification as Active Members and who have held a minimum of 20 years in an Active Classification (whether continuous or not) may elect to classify as either: a. Life Member-Active; or b. Life Member-Retired. Retired Members Members who are retired and have achieved a total of 65 years or more for age and years of Active classifications and who are not eligible for another classification. Inactive Members Members who are not eligible for classification as Active or Life Members. Life Member Century Life Members who are fully retired, are no longer active in the Association in any manner and have achieved a minimum age of 75 years and a minimum of 25 years of Active classifications. This is a one-time only permanent transfer into Life Member Century. Honorary Members It is with a great deal of pride that The Colorado Section PGA welcomes Honorary Members who by their life’s work have made significant and lasting contributions to The Colorado Section PGA and the game of golf, and who have exhibited a passion for serving others. Their names will be forever inscribed among those who have made golf the greatest game. Tom Bauerle Littleton, CO Richard Langston Denver, CO Judy Bell Colorado Springs, CO Larry Maurer Frederick, CO John Bond Denver, CO Homer McClintock Englewood, CO Milford Brinkerhoff Littleton, CO Michael Miller Glenview, IL Allen Burt Scottsdale, AZ Will Nicholson Denver, CO Lloyd Chavez Englewood, CO Gary Potter Denver, CO Mike Christie Centennial, CO Dave Richardson Westminster, CO Don Cook Longmont, CO Ron Spargur Denver, CO Glenn Dunleavy Littleton, CO Mick Sweetman Centennial, CO K.G. Freyschlag Colorado Springs, CO Jack Vickers Castle Rock, CO A.J. Guanella Englewood, CO Rex Wade Colorado Springs, CO Chris Jenkins Englewood, CO Scott Wellington Orlando, FL Kaye Kessler Littleton, CO W.A. Wills Colorado Springs, CO Bob Kirchner Littleton, CO www.coloradopga.com | 2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory 25

Zachary E Abbruzzese, B-8 CC of the Rockies P | (970) 926-3021 zabbru@gmail.com Dale R Abraham, PGA, A-4 Telluride Ski & Golf Resort P | (970) 728-2606 C | (760) 567-6784 swingmd@yahoo.com

Ken R. Anderson, PGA, A-14 Pelican Lakes Golf & CC P | (970) 674-0930 C | (970) 978-6055 ken.anderson@comcast.net Thomas C. Anderson, PGA, RM C | (970) 333-7869 tcanderson8495@icloud.com

Alan R. Abrams, PGA, A-4 Indian Tree Golf Club P | (303) 403-2542 proabrams@yahoo.com

Jacob K. Anderson, PGA, A-8 The Club at Rolling Hills P | (303) 279-7858 C | (970) 531-0228 janderso@pga.com

Frank M Adgate, B-8 Roaring Fork Club P | (970) 927-9100 C | (970) 456-7999 fadgate@gmail.com

Zachary G. Anderson, PGA, A-8 Castle Pines Golf Club P | (303) 688-6022 C | (319) 331-6944 zanderson@pga.com

Eddie Ainsworth, PGA, A-11 Colorado Section P | (303) 681-0742 C | (719) 761-6125 eainsworth@pgahq.com

Sherry Andonian, PGA, A-6 Valley Country Club P | (303) 690-6377 C | (720) 339-4865 sherry@pga.com

Carlo F. Alaqua, PGA, LM C | (720) 381-9723 olrac5169@yahoo.com

Ted Apostolos, PGA, LM C | (719) 237-7209 tapostolos22@gmail.com

Gary V. Allacher, PGA, RM gogary19@hotmail.com

Tom Apple, PGA, MP CC of the Rockies P | (970) 926-3021 tomapple@comcast.net

Anthony C. Allen, PGA, A-8 South Suburban Golf Course P | (303) 770-5508 C | (720) 838-0088 luvtoteeitup@yahoo.com Donald Allen, PGA, A-13 Raccoon Creek Golf Course P | (303) 932-0199 C | (303) 916-5046 dallen@raccooncreek.com Michael W. Allen, F C | (970) 390-1046 bluec4@pga.com Jack L. Allen, PGA, A-8 Heritage Eagle Bend Golf Club P | (303) 400-6700 C | (720) 454-7400 jack.allen@hotmail.com

Russell J. Aragon, PGA, A-9 Aspen Golf Management P | (303) 931-0929 C | (303) 931-0929 find_your_game@msn.com David W. Arbuckle, PGA, A-6 Springs Ranch Golf Club P | (719) 573-4863 darbuckle670@gmail.com James W. Arendt, PGA, LMA C | (630) 209-9109 jima2439@gmail.com Jonathan Arnold, PGA, LM C | (720) 384-8318 jmarnold@pga.com

Sue Kay Allen-Stultz, PGA, IN P | (719) 276-0311 C | (719) 371-7108 suenjeff1@earthlink.net

Joseph L. Assell, PGA, A-9 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (303) 517-0499 jassell@golftec.com

Bradley F. Alston, PGA, A-14 PGA Learning Center @ Park Hill Golf Club P | (303) 333-5411 C | (720) 385-6238 bfalston@pga.com

Daniel L. Augustine, B-8 Colorado Golf Club P | (303) 840-5400 C | (239) 249-2450 daugustine11@icloud.com

Stacy R. Amann, PGA, A-14 Hart Ranch Golf Course P | (605) 341-5703 C | (626) 360-3691 stacyamann@gmail.com Kenneth R. Anderson, PGA, LM C | (970) 302-6856 KRAgoGOLF@aol.com


Clayton M. Aurzada, PGA, A-8 Eaton Country Club P | (970) 454-2587 caurzada@yahoo.com Timothy J Ausec, PGA, A-9 Valley Hi Golf Course P | (719) 385-6911 C | (719) 659-4360 timausec@yahoo.com

2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory | www.coloradopga.com

Mark N. Bacheldor, PGA, A-11 University of Colorado, Colorado Springs PGA Golf Management P | (719) 255-3032 C | (720) 203-6232 mbacheld@uccs.edu Zachary Bailey, B-8 Sonnenalp Golf Club P | (970) 477-5372 C | (480) 628-4229 zbailey@sonnenalp.com Pete Bain, PGA, LM John Baker, PGA, LM Ryan M. Bakken, PGA, A-8 Thorncreek Golf Course P | (303) 450-7055 C | (507) 273-8647 ryan.bakken@cityofthornton.net Whittney M. Baldwin, PGA, A-11 Wyoming State Golf Association P | (307) 250-3044 C | (307) 340-1294 whitcoon.pga@gmail.com Dave Baltzer, PGA, A-9 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (713) 392-6946 dbaltzer@golftec.com Anthony P Barbo, B-8 Frost Creek P | (970) 328-2326 abarbo@frostcreek.com David Baril, PGA, A-7 Coal Creek Golf Course P | (303) 666-7888 C | (317) 902-0822 baril300@yahoo.com Joshua B. Barilar, PGA, A-8 River Course at Keystone P | (970) 496-1520 C | (609) 351-9093 josh.barilar@gmail.com Stephen P. Bauerle, PGA, A-9 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (720) 560-0885 sbauerle@golftec.com Mark E. Bazley, F PGA Tour Superstore P | (720) 266-2400 C | (239) 834-8862 bandlive2@aol.com Steven R. Beach, PGA, A-6 Glenmoor Country Club P | (303) 781-0400 C | (303) 907-3605 sbeach@glenmoorcc.org Kimberly N. Bean, PGA, A-8 Cherry Creek Country Club P | (303) 597-4653 C | (970) 310-3959 bean.kimmy@gmail.com Jameson J. Beard, F C | (720) 203-9097 jamesonbeard@gmail.com

Logan S. Beatty, PGA, A-8 Frost Creek P | (970) 328-2326 C | (702) 466-0886 lsbeatty@gmail.com

Lynn Blevins, PGA, A-12 Regis University P | (918) 230-7412 C | (918) 230-7412 BGGROUP01@AOL.COM

Jeremy Beck, PGA, A-9 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (630) 579-9390 jbeck@golftec.com

Justin M. Blomberg, PGA, A-8 Red Sky Ranch P | (970) 754-8425 jblomberg09@yahoo.com

Thomas D. Begay, PGA, A-8 Hillcrest Golf Club P | (970) 247-1499 C | (970) 946-7051 bdguy49@yahoo.com

Edward R. Bodigheimer, PGA, A-6 Sand Creek Golf Course P | (719) 597-5489 C | (407) 446-4621 ebodigheimer@pga.com

Joseph D Beling, B-8 CommonGround Golf Course P | (303) 340-1520 C | (970) 980-3874 jbeling@commongroundgc.com

Brad D. Bogard, PGA, A-13 The Club at Crested Butte P | (970) 349-8603 gm@clubatcrestedbutte.com

Casey Brittain, PGA, A-8 Cherry Hills Country Club P | (303) 350-5220 C | (231) 580-1577 cmckinnon@pga.com

Willard J. Benner, PGA, LM P | (303) 320-7613 C | (303) 803-3100 wjbpga@yahoo.com

Cory M. Boillot, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (303) 408-3346 cboillot@golftec.com

Sam G. Broome, PGA, A-8 Roaring Fork Club P | (970) 927-9100 C | (941) 685-9892 sambroome@golfinschoolsusa.com

Andy Benson, PGA, A-1 Highlands Ranch Golf Club P | (303) 471-0000 C | (303) 807-1675 Andy.Benson@du.edu

Kevin S. Bolles, PGA, A-4 Boulder Country Club P | (303) 530-4600 C | (303) 817-5493 kbolles@bouldercc.org

Lucas J. Brosterhous, PGA, A-4 Catamount Ranch & Club P | (970) 871-9200 C | (970) 846-3863 lukeb@pga.com

Don Bernal, PGA, LM C | (719) 896-0073 holeinone1995@yahoo.com

Brian M. Bonos, PGA, A-6 Ptarmigan Country Club P | (970) 226-6600 C | (303) 877-9990 brian.bonos@gmail.com

Lindsay A. Browder, PGA, A-19 Peter Millar P | (919) 465-0155 C | (970) 420-7705 lindsbrowder@gmail.com

Kyler A Booher, B-8 River Valley Ranch Golf Club P | (970) 963-3625 C | (937) 570-0764 kabooher@gmail.com

Brian M. Brown, PGA, A-1 Meadow Hills Golf Course P | (303) 690-2500 C | (303) 918-7820 BrianBrown@pga.com

Nicholas J Borgeson, B-8 Fossil Trace Golf Club P | (303) 277-8750 C | (970) 217-5500 nborgeson@cityofgolden.net

Cameron S. Brown, PGA, A-1 Bell Nob Golf Course P | (307) 686-7069 C | (307) 689-6858 yourpro@pga.com

Chris G. Bowry, PGA, A-8 Boulder Country Club P | (303) 530-4600 C | (303) 908-2922 cbowry@pga.com

Hamilton H. Brown, PGA, A-20 ISG A/S Trackman P | (810) 225-8285 C | (828) 734-8103 hb@trackman.dk

Jeffrey B. Boyer, PGA, A-13 Eagle Ranch Golf Club P | (970) 328-2882 jboyer@eagleranchgolf.com

David A. Brown, PGA, A-8 Frost Creek P | (970) 328-2326 C | (203) 804-0039 dbrownpga12@yahoo.com

William J Bernhardt, B-13 Four Mile Ranch Golf Club P | (719) 275-5400 C | (719) 684-5497 progolf_04@yahoo.com Shane T. Bertsch, PGA, A-3 PGA Tour P | (800) 556-5400 mobyplus3@yahoo.com Bryce Bervig, PGA, A-6 Sand Creek Golf Course P | (719) 597-5489 C | (719) 588-9515 brycebervig@yahoo.com Laura R. Beuhring, PGA, A-1 Willis Case Golf Course P | (720) 865-0700 C | (813) 817-4653 laura.beuhring@denvergov.org Erik L Billinger, PGA, A-12 University of Denver P | (303) 871-2000 C | (303) 519-7475 erik.billinger@du.edu Brandon L Bingaman, B-8 The Bridges Country Club P | (970) 252-8899 bingaman.brandon@yahoo.com

Eric M. Bradley, PGA, A-1 Pinery Country Club P | (303) 841-2060 C | (970) 331-3055 ebradley@thepinerycc.com

Bill Bisdorf, PGA, LMC

Alexandra R. Braga, PGA, A-8 Denver Country Club P | (303) 733-8242 Alebraga54@gmail.com

Stephen P. Black, PGA, A-13 Arrowhead Golf Club P | (303) 973-9614 C | (330) 221-8124 sblack.pga@gmail.com

Jason A Brandt, PGA, A-13 The Links Golf Course P | (303) 470-9292 C | (303) 931-7016 JBrandt@thelinksgolfcourse.com

Michael Bratcher, F Columbine Country Club P | (303) 794-6333 C | (970) 765-1075 mbratcher@columbinecountryclub. org Tim Brauch, PGA, LM plug86@comcast.net Randal L. Bregar, PGA, A-1 Elmwood Municipal Golf Course P | (719) 561-4946 C | (719) 406-8486 underpar7@comcast.net

Ian D. Bruce, PGA, A-8 The Club at Cordillera P | (970) 926-5300 C | (970) 977-0236 ianandkris@earthlink.net Steven Bruening, PGA, A-13 Riverdale Golf Club P | (303) 659-6700 C | (303) 834-0972 steve@riverdalegolf.com

Stuart G. Bruening, PGA, A-13 Bear Dance (The Golf Club at) P | (303) 681-4653 C | (303) 808-8591 stuart@beardancegolf.com www.coloradopga.com | 2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory


Gregory Bryan, PGA, A-1 Roaring Fork Club P | (970) 927-9100 C | (917) 750-3733 gbryan2@hotmail.com

Kevin P. Carlson, PGA, A-14 The Club at Pradera P | (303) 607-5700 C | (954) 579-5121 kcpro@aol.com

Matthew E. Bryant, PGA, A-13 Green Valley Ranch Golf Club P | (303) 371-3131 C | (303) 434-0307 mbryant@gvrgolf.com

Joseph P. Carlton, PGA, A-1 Legacy Ridge Golf Course P | (303) 438-8997 C | (707) 583-5118 joe.carlton64@gmail.com

Don A. Buchholz, PGA, LM C | (970) 618-3080 dabpga@comcast.net

Thomas Carricato, PGA, A-13 Golf Club at Redlands Mesa P | (970) 263-9270 C | (970) 596-1491 ktcarricato@gmail.com

Andrew Buchholz, B-8 Haymaker Golf Course P | (970) 870-1846 C | (970) 309-1963 adbpga@gmail.com Vince M. Buelk, PGA, A-14 Collindale Golf Club P | (970) 221-6651 C | (970) 691-8833 vincebgolf@hotmail.com Charles D Burns, B-8 Ironbridge Golf Club P | (970) 384-0630 C | (970) 343-9583 burnschas@msn.com Randy C. Burross, PGA, A-1 Sumo Golf Village P | (719) 784-4653 rburross@hotmail.com Corey L. Butler, PGA, A-14 GolfTEC - Golden P | (303) 278-3589 C | (831) 277-7262 coreyblee@gmail.com Lucas S Butler, B-8 Glacier Club (The) P | (505) 250-7374 C | (505) 250-7374 lbutler@theglacierclub.com Tom F. Buzbee, PGA, A-1 Gypsum Creek Golf Course P | (970) 524-6200 C | (970) 376-0389 glfbldr@gmail.com Mickey Byrne, PGA, A-1 Saddle Rock Golf Course P | (303) 699-3939 saddlerockgc@aol.com Michael C. Callihan, PGA, A-1 Aurora Hills Golf Course P | (303) 739-1550 C | (303) 579-6709 carycallihan@msn.com Lanny H Cameron, B-8 The Olde Course at Loveland P | (970) 667-5256 C | (970) 518-2212 lanny.cameron@pga.com Donald S Campbell, PGA, A-1 Headwaters GC @ Granby Ranch P | (970) 887-2709 C | (970) 509-0807 d.c@pga.com


Christopher J. Carroll, B-8 The Golf Club @Ravenna P | (720) 981-6000 C | (952) 913-3942 chriscarroll1717@yahoo.com Kendall T. Carson, PGA, A-19 Pins & Fins, LLC C | (970) 214-7959 kcarson@pga.com Jeffrey C. Carter, PGA, A-8 Riverdale Golf Club P | (303) 659-6700 C | (720) 949-8387 jcarter@pga.com John J. Cassidy, PGA, A-8 Kennedy Golf Course P | (720) 865-0720 John.Cassidy@denvergov.org Rudy K. Castaneda, PGA, A-1 Indian Tree Golf Club P | (303) 403-2542 C | (303) 916-4805 rudyc64@yahoo.com

Andrew J. Clavin, PGA, A-8 Linksoul C | (303) 523-2236 ajclavin@yahoo.com Nicholas R. Clearwater, PGA, A-14 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (203) 219-0585 nickstackandtilt@gmail.com John H. Clendenin, PGA, IN P | (970) 544-0300 C | (970) 274-0385 john@skidoctors.com Graham T. Cliff, PGA, A-1 Colorado Golf Club P | (303) 840-5400 gcliff@coloradogolfclub.com Michael T. Clinton, PGA, A-9 GTMN Partners, LLC P | (303) 779-9900 C | (303) 886-2285 mike.clinton@golftec.com Charlie Cobb, PGA, LM C | (970) 629-9397 chuck@chuckcobb.net Joshua L. Coccagna, PGA, A-1 Glacier Club (The) P | (970) 382-6700 C | (412) 445-0765 jcoccagna@pga.com Kevin E. Cohrs, PGA, A-8 Mariana Butte Golf Course P | (970) 663-3483 C | (303) 956-1916 Kevin.e.cohrs@gmail.com Clayton Cole, PGA, LM C | (303) 638-1344 clayton@pga.com

Holly J. Champion, PGA, A-11 Colorado Section P | (303) 681-0742 C | (217) 232-1790 golferholly@gmail.com

Rick D. Cole, PGA, A-1 Eaton Country Club P | (970) 454-2587 C | (970) 397-7526 rdcgsem@gmail.com

Samuel H. Chapman, PGA, A-4 Black Bear Golf Club P | (303) 840-3100 C | (281) 785-6940 schapman@canongategolf.com

Larry P. Collins, PGA, A-4 Omni Interlocken Resort P | (303) 464-9000 C | (720) 232-8925 lcollins@omnihotels.com

Don L. Chavez, PGA, RM C | (702) 622-9029 felicia.sias@gmail.com

Bryan M. Collins, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC - Chapel Hills P | (719) 219-3095 C | (720) 272-9492 bcollins@pga.com

Joseph M Chavez, B-8 The Greg Mastriona Golf Courses at Hyland Hills P | (303) 650-7641 C | (720) 220-6733 jmctitleist05@yahoo.com Anthony B. Chesla, PGA, A-8 CC of the Rockies P | (970) 926-3021 C | (970) 393-0018 tchesla@pga.com Justin A. Cirbo, PGA, A-13 Spring Valley Golf Club P | (303) 646-4240 C | (303) 502-0209 jcsvgc@yahoo.com

2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory | www.coloradopga.com

Michael J. Congdon, PGA, A-8 Colorado Golf Club P | (303) 840-5400 C | (607) 753-1391 michaelcongdon@pga.com Thomas Connell, PGA, LM C | (303) 927-8546 tconnjka@comcast.net Douglas Cook, PGA, LM dacooks@comcast.net Jim Cook, PGA, A-8 Aspen Glen Club P | (970) 704-1988 jimcookmeekergolf@live.com

Donald J. Cook, PGA, A-8 Murphy Creek Golf Course P | (303) 361-7300 C | (630) 947-5906 djcook@pga.com

Brian W. Dahmer, PGA, A-1 Mountain Vista Greens GC P | (970) 482-4847 C | (714) 913-0229 b.dahmer24@gmail.com

Wilbur A. Derby, PGA, RM C | (970) 302-2765

Todd Coover, PGA, A-13 The Golf Club at Devils Tower P | (307) 467-5773 C | (970) 631-0315 t_coover@yahoo.com

Brian V. DallaBetta, PGA, A-4 Aspen Junior Golf P | (970) 920-3221 C | (970) 309-5200 bdallabe@hotmail.com

Timothy W Dever, B-8 Haymaker Golf Course P | (970) 870-1846 celtictd@yahoo.com

Leslie J. Core-Drevecky, PGA, A-1 Murphy Creek Golf Course P | (303) 361-7300 mcreekgolf@aol.com

Paul O. Dalpes, PGA, RM pedalpes@gmail.com

Don Corey, PGA, LM

David Dame, PGA, LM C | (719) 251-2448 toosoon57@comcast.net

Jeffery C. Corona, PGA, A-8 Lakewood Country Club P | (303) 233-0503 C | (970) 539-3188 jeffery.corona@yahoo.com

Kyle R. Daniell, B-13 Rifle Creek Golf Course P | (970) 625-1093 C | (208) 484-6277 proshops@sopris.net

Nathan L. Corsbie, PGA, A-1 Eagle Ranch Golf Club P | (970) 328-2882 ncorsbie@pga.com

James M. Dargis, PGA, A-1 Cattail Creek Golf Course P | (970) 663-5310 C | (970) 290-2144 darjay90@comcast.net

Daniel C Counts, B-8 Castle Pines Golf Club P | (303) 688-6022 DCOUNTS01@GMAIL.COM Ryan P Coyne, B-8 C | (303) 514-8161 rcoyne@pga.com Stephen B. Crane, PGA, A-8 Hiwan Golf Club P | (303) 674-3369 C | (630) 235-2785 scrane38@gmail.com Adam L Cronk, B-8 Pradera (The Club at ) P | (303) 607-5700 alcronk@gmail.com Thomas J. Cross, PGA, A-15 Golf Galaxy - Centennial P | (720) 225-0984 C | (719) 963-7563 crosstomcoo@yahoo.com Kevin P. Cubbage, PGA, A-14 GolfTEC - Cherry Creek P | (303) 388-4832 C | (303) 905-4164 kcubbage@golftec.com Christopher G. Culver, PGA, A-8 Three Crowns Golf Club P | (307) 472-7696 C | (307) 259-7062 cgculver34@gmail.com Jeramy C Curry, B-8 The Links Golf Course P | (720) 519-8346 jcurry@pga.com Charles E. Curtis, PGA, A-1 Battlement Mesa Golf Club P | (970) 285-7274 C | (208) 906-4945 chuckycurtis@aol.com

Matthew W. Daubner, PGA, A-1 Saratoga Inn Golf Club P | (800) 594-0178 C | (248) 342-2403 mattdaubnerpga@yahoo.com Steven C. David, PGA, A-1 Denver Country Club P | (303) 733-8242 C | (612) 599-7445 sdavid@denvercc.net Schott Davis, PGA, LMC Ryan R. DeHaan, PGA, A-23 J & R Club Repair P | (970) 222-7372 C | (970) 690-4500 ryandehaan@pga.com Kelly P. Deimund, PGA, A-20 Club Glove P | 1-855-547-3883 C | (970) 376-3945 kellydeimund@hotmail.com Angelo J. DeJulio, B-8 Golf Club at Redlands Mesa P | (970) 263-9270 C | (970) 209-4512 dejuliogolfrounds@hotmail.com

David K. Detweiler, PGA, LM dkd72@msn.com

Jacques C. Deyoe, PGA, A-8 Aspen Glen Club P | (970) 704-1988 C | (970) 618-5376 jdeyoe@gmail.com Erin E. Diegel, PGA, A-8 Legacy Ridge Golf Course P | (303) 438-8997 C | (303) 667-3102 ediegel@pga.com Jacob W. Diehl, PGA, A-8 Snowmass Club P | (970) 923-5700 C | (843) 504-0713 JackDiehl@pga.com Dick A. Dierker, PGA, A-1 Springhill Golf Course P | (303) 739-6854 C | (303) 947-2965 rdierker@auroragov.org David R. DiMartino, PGA, A-14 Fort Collins Country Club P | (970) 482-1336 C | (970) 309-2611 dimartino@pga.com Nathan J. Done, F oninone@pga.com Dick Dorn, PGA, A-13 Pagosa Springs Golf Club P | (970) 731-4755 C | (970) 901-1844 dpackers@yahoo.com Dale Douglass, PGA, A-3 PGA Tour P | (800) 556-5400 C | (303) 688-1082 Jace P Dressen, B-8 Golf Club at Redlands Mesa P | (970) 263-9270 C | (970) 209-1946 jpd3021@yahoo.com

David H. Delin, PGA, LM C | (303) 877-2901 delindave@gmail.com

Jonathan L. Dron, PGA, A-6 Eisenhower Golf Club P | (719) 333-2606 C | (724) 355-3660 Jdron@the-golf-guys.com

David A. Dent, PGA, A-1 Cottonwood Country Club P | (307) 532-3868 C | (307) 338-0730 ddent@torringtonwy.gov

Timothy J. Drzewinski, PGA, A-8 Roaring Fork Club P | (970) 927-9100 C | (973) 479-8113 timmyd2692@gmail.com

Estevan R. DeOlivera, PGA, IN C | (303) 520-2802 edeolivera@PGA.com

John M. Dunlop, PGA, A-4 Rollingstone Ranch Golf Club P | (970) 879-1391 C | (479) 621-9317 dunlopmike@hotmail.com

Anson W. Derby, PGA, RM aderby7490@msn.com

www.coloradopga.com | 2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory


David R. Duval, PGA, A-3 PGA Tour P | (800) 556-5400 davidduval2@mac.com James A. Edfors, PGA, A-8 Inverness Golf Club P | (303) 397-7878 C | (720) 839-7066 jimedfors@hotmail.com Derek W Eley, B-8 Legacy Ridge Golf Course P | (303) 438-8997 C | (386) 216-8009 DELEY@CITYOFWESTMINSTER.US Richard E. Ellefson, PGA, LMA C | (303) 880-5362 ricke@pga.com Billy D. Ellison, PGA, A-14 Cedar Ridges Golf Course P | (970) 675-8403 billyd@pga.com Robert J Ellison, B-8 Littleton Golf and Tennis Club P | (303) 548-9765 C | (303) 548-9765 robert.ellison4925@gmail.com Brandon D. England, PGA, A-13 Dalton Ranch Golf Club P | (970) 247-8774 C | (970) 250-9916 brandon@daltonranch.com Tyler S. Enna, PGA, IN C | (720) 201-2354 ennapro@pga.com Brian K. Erickson, PGA, A-4 Perry Park Country Club P | (303) 681-3186 C | (218) 831-6370 brikerickson@yahoo.com Nathan J. Erickson, PGA, A-1 Country Club of Colorado P | (719) 538-4095 C | (602) 405-3567 nathanjerickson@hotmail.com Michael E Erickson, B-8 Casper Country Club P | (307) 265-0767 C | (928) 201-2151 mericks5@gmail.com Robert C Erickson, B-8 Buffalo Golf Club P | (307) 684-5266 bob.erickson@pga.com Scott D. Erwin, PGA, A-4 Maroon Creek Club P | (970) 920-1533 C | (970) 309-9630 scottwin100@gmail.com Jeffrey B. Esterline, PGA, A-1 Pine Creek Golf Course P | (719) 594-9999 C | (760) 213-7071 jbe553@hotmail.com

Tyler W Evenson, B-1 Boulder Canyon Country Club P | (605) 347-5108 tyler@bouldercanyoncountryclub. com Kenneth Everett, PGA, LMA Snowmass Club P | (970) 923-5700 C | (970) 948-4507 keverett85@gmail.com Dillon R Evert, B-8 Meadow Hills Golf Course P | (303) 690-2500 dillonevert21@gmail.com Jay A. Ewing, PGA, A-6 The Bird Golf Academy P | (877) 424-7346 C | (623) 293-3273 jay@birdgolf.com Jim E. Eyberg, PGA, LM jimeyberg@aol.com James E Faddis, PGA, LM Tristen B. Fay, PGA, A-1 Fort Collins Country Club P | (970) 482-1336 C | (303) 434-2222 tristenfay@pga.com Eric P. Feely, PGA, A-13 Bridges Country Club (The) P | (970) 252-8899 C | (970) 210-5508 eric@montrosebridges.com Michael F. Fengler, PGA, A-8 Saddle Rock Golf Course P | (303) 699-3939 C | (303) 579-7719 mfenglergolf@gmail.com Stan Fenn, PGA, A-14 Golf Academy of Northern CO P | (970) 266-8552 stfnglf@q.com Tyler L. Ferratti, PGA, A-8 Columbine Country Club P | (303) 794-6333 C | (570) 470-2101 ferrattipga@gmail.com Jim Fiala, PGA, LM jimmarilynfiala@hotmail.com Ray Fielder, PGA, LM C | (303) 913-9370 ray2026@q.com Adam M. Finch, PGA, A-8 Fossil Trace Golf Club P | (303) 277-8750 afinch@cityofgolden.net Ann Finke, PGA, A-6 Country Club of Colorado P | (719) 538-4095 C | (719) 337-3346 afinke@cheyennemountain.com Tyler A. Finn, PGA, A-8 EagleVail Golf Club P | (970) 949-5267 C | (804) 854-4997 tyler_finn1@eku.edu

William R Eubanks, B-8 Broadmoor Golf Club P | (719) 634-7711 gbutte@coloradocollege.edu 30 2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory | www.coloradopga.com

Dow H. Finsterwald Sr., PGA, LM C | (304) 276-1283 Nicholas C. Fiorini, PGA, A-8 Hiwan Golf Club P | (303) 674-3369 C | (720) 220-1223 fiorini45@aol.com Andrew H. Firman, PGA, A-8 Aspen Golf Club P | (970) 429-1949 C | (303) 589-5398 ahfirman@gmail.com David W. Fischer, PGA, A-8 Columbine Country Club P | (303) 794-6333 C | (314) 608-9873 dfischer@pga.com Caine L Fitzgerald, PGA, A-8 Meadow Hills Golf Course P | (303) 690-2500 C | (303) 921-1627 cfitzger@auroragov.org Bryan A. Flanagan, PGA, A-14 C | (717) 460-7978 lindsbry13@gmail.com David T Fletcher, B-8 River Course at Keystone P | (970) 496-1520 C | (425) 301-4031 fletchnasty0587@gmail.com Blake A.D. Fletcher, PGA, A-21 Broadmoor Golf Club P | (719) 634-7711 C | (513) 616-0474 bfletcher@broadmoor.com Mark A. Fontana, PGA, A-1 Sand Creek Golf Course P | (719) 597-5489 C | (719) 337-1999 mark@worldgolfsandcreek.com William H. Foust, PGA, A-13 Ridge at Castle Pines North P | (303) 688-4301 C | (406) 239-0508 wfoust@troongolf.com Donald A. Fox, PGA, LMC C | (970) 231-0465 Donald R. Fox, PGA, LMA C | (720) 253-6554 DonFox630@gmail.com Brian L. Franco, PGA, A-1 Lincoln Park Golf Course P | (970) 242-6394 C | (970) 260-2686 bfunderpar@hotmail.com Jason A. Franke, PGA, A-1 Green Valley Ranch Golf Club P | (303) 371-3131 C | (970) 319-7150 jfranke@gvrgolf.com Gregory Frederick, PGA, LM C | (818) 640-8573 frederick@pga.com

Jeff E. Freebury, PGA, A-8 Foothills Golf Course P | (303) 409-2400 C | (303) 598-9505 freeb@fhprd.org Justin E. Freudenburg, PGA, A-8 Castle Pines Golf Club P | (303) 688-6022 C | (402) 992-1286 jfreudenburg@pga.com George Fritschmann, PGA, LM C | (303) 243-4465 gerrypga@msn.com Garrett D Froggatte, B-6 The Club at Flying Horse P | (719) 494-1222 C | (719) 201-0240 GFroggatte@flyinghorseclub.com

Jeffrey C. Gillotti, PGA, A-8 Cheyenne Country Club P | (307) 637-2230 gio2wyo@hotmail.com Joe Glasser, PGA, LM joemg@pcisys.net Howard R. Glasser, PGA, A-1 Eagle Springs Golf Club P | (970) 926-4404 C | (970) 376-0372 hglasser@eaglesprings.org Stephen Glowacki, PGA, A-8 Red Hawk Ridge Golf Club P | (720) 733-3500 Stephen.Glowacki@pga.com Michael Goff, PGA, LM mmgoff75@comcast.net

JP Hachey, B-8 Bear Creek Golf Club P | (303) 980-8700 C | (248) 875-7973 jphachey10@gmail.com Ralph T. Haddad, PGA, LM C | (303) 903-1309 ralph.golf@netzero.net David R. Hagan, PGA, A-1 C | (760) 238-8272 dhagan@thecitrusclub.com Miles E. Hains, PGA, A-8 Kennedy Golf Course P | (720) 865-0720 C | (480) 262-0454 miles.hains@denvergov.org

Grant A Gaalema, PGA, A-6 C | (706) 817-0183 gagaalema@pga.com

Johnny R. Goodman, PGA, LM C | (970) 260-6291 jgbmgc@aol.com

Jim Hajek, PGA, A-1 Fossil Trace Golf Club P | (303) 277-8750 C | (303) 746-7416 jhajek@cityofgolden.net

Alexander R. Gade, PGA, A-8 Denver Country Club P | (303) 733-8242 C | (402) 380-5430 alexandergade11@gmail.com

Gregory D. Gortsema, PGA, A-6 River Valley Ranch Golf Club P | (970) 963-3625 C | (970) 379-6159 gorts61@pga.com

Robert L. Haldeen, PGA, A-6 Denver Country Club P | (303) 733-8242 C | (720) 272-2130 bhaldeen13@gmail.com

Brett E. Gagnon, PGA, A-8 Red Sky Ranch P | (970) 754-8425 C | (970) 390-5856 bgagnon@vailresorts.com

Brian E. Gott, PGA, A-8 CommonGround Golf Course P | (303) 340-1520 C | (303) 345-5442 brian@gottgolf.com

Gary G. Hallberg, PGA, A-3 PGA Tour P | (800) 556-5400 C | (303) 886-2327 ghallberg@pgatour.com

Kenneth B. Gannaway, PGA, A-8 Colorado Springs Country Club P | (719) 634-8851 C | (719) 233-2261 bradgannaway@pga.com

Alexander C Gough, B-8 Red Rocks Country Club P | (303) 697-8008 acgough94@gmail.com

Benjamin R. Halter, PGA, A-8 Broadmoor Golf Club P | (425) 681-7332 halt2649@vandals.uidaho.edu

Patrick R Grady, B-12 University of Colorado P | (303) 492-4455 C | (303) 507-3789 patrickrgrady@gmail.com

J R Hamblet, PGA, A-13 Elkhorn Ridge Golf Course P | (605) 722-4653 C | (605) 391-6970 jrh@arrowheadrc.com

Donald Graham, PGA, A-8 Raccoon Creek Golf Course P | (303) 932-0199 C | (720) 312-5149 dgrahamgolf@gmail.com

John T. Hamer, PGA, A-13 Quail Dunes Golf Course P | (970) 867-5990 C | (505) 793-0598 thamer@cityoffortmorgan.com

Robert J. Grall, PGA, A-8 Colorado National Golf Club P | (303) 926-1723 C | (303) 594-3064 rob.grall@gmail.com

William C. Hancock, PGA, A-1 Littleton Golf and Tennis Club P | (303) 794-5838 C | (720) 284-8830 nmdivot@hotmail.com

Rick Graves, PGA, LM rickg@bresnan.net

Shannon E. Hanley, PGA, A-8 Haymaker Golf Course P | (970) 870-1846 hanley@pga.com

David A Gapp, B-8 The Club at Rolling Hills P | (303) 279-7858 davidgapp@gmail.com Harold Garrison, PGA, LM C | (970) 227-4008 jtgar4@msn.com John P. Gazaway, PGA, A-1 Raven Golf Club at Three Peaks P | (970) 262-3636 bud_gazaway@pga.com Philip E. Gerlach, PGA, A-1 Collindale Golf Club P | (970) 221-6651 C | (870) 484-2291 earl.gerlach4@gmail.com Phil Gerster, PGA, LMC pgerster@comcast.net Thomas R Gibbs, PGA, A-14 GolfTEC - Park Meadows P | (303) 858-8280 C | (303) 726-7018 tgibbs@golftec.com Marcus A. Gillmor, PGA, A-8 Greeley Country Club P | (970) 353-2431 C | (563) 265-4930 mgillmor06@gmail.com

Theophilus D. Gregory, PGA, A-8 Eisenhower Golf Club P | (719) 333-2606 C | (719) 331-5184 theo.lt.gregory@gmail.com Geoff M. Greig, PGA, A-6 CommonGround Golf Course P | (303) 333-5411 C | (970) 948-3216 geoff@evoswinggolf.com Travis J. Gruenenwald, PGA, A-8 Highland Meadows Golf Course P | (970) 204-4653 tgruenenwald@yahoo.com

John P. Hanrahan, PGA, A-23 J & R Club Repair P | (970) 222-7372 C | (970) 222-7372 johnhanrahan@pga.com Chad Hansen, PGA, A-1 CC of the Rockies P | (970) 926-3021 C | (970) 376-0943 crh@pga.com

www.coloradopga.com | 2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory


Arne C. Hansen, PGA, RM C | (303) 512-3114 rockymtnbiker@netzero.net Jesse G. Hansen, PGA, A-1 Arrowhead Country Club P | (605) 342-6389 C | (970) 319-1047 jesshansen@pga.com Jeff C. Hanson, PGA, A-4 Red Sky Ranch P | (970) 754-8406 C | (970) 331-4564 jeffhanson@vailresorts.com Vernon E. Harbart, PGA, LM C | (970) 388-1944 vernpro1@msn.com Matt D Hardy, B-8 C | (970) 708-7498 matty81435@yahoo.com Kory S Harrell, B-8 Pradera (The Club at ) P | (303) 607-5700 koryharrell12@yahoo.com Alexander G. Harris, PGA, A-14 Sportz Skillz P | (719) 387-8100 C | (719) 534-3828 alex@sportzskillz.com George E. Hart, F Sonnenalp Golf Club P | (970) 477-5372 C | (970) 331-4770 Tide09@msn.com Scott Hart, PGA, LM C | (303) 588-3291 shart22485@gmail.com Richard J. Hartman, PGA, LM hmhartman522@hotmail.com Daniel Harvanek, PGA, LMM C | (303) 882-3370 coachdanny@pga.com Cody S. Hasten, PGA, A-8 Columbine Country Club P | (303) 794-6333 C | (303) 875-5968 chasten@columbinecountryclub.org Craig Hatch, PGA, A-1 C | (605) 431-6531 iamhatchman@rushmore.com James D. Hayden, PGA, LM C | (719) 966-9598 haydemann@gmail.com Andrew M Hebert, B-8 Indian Peaks Golf Course P | (303) 666-4706 C | (303) 359-2308 heberta@pga.com Paul L Hebinck, PGA, A-1 Buffalo Run Golf Course P | (303) 289-1500 C | (303) 944-7810 phebinck@c3gov.com


Beau Heidrick, PGA, A-1 Plum Creek Golf & Country Club P | (303) 688-2611 C | (303) 550-6449 bo@golfplumcreek.com

Scotty A Hofer, PGA, A-6 MetaGolf Learning Center P | (303) 799-0870 C | (303) 995-3329 sahofer@q.com

Val R. Heim III, PGA, A-1 The Greg Mastriona Golf Courses at Hyland Hills P | (303) 650-7641 C | (303) 903-0851 vheim@hylandhills.org

Gary W. Hoffman, PGA, A-8 Murphy Creek Golf Course P | (303) 361-7300 garyhoffman@pga.com

Bryan Heim, PGA, A-1 Columbine Country Club P | (303) 794-6333 bheim@columbinecountryclub.org Val R. Heim Jr., PGA, LM C | (970) 466-5000 ValHeim19@gmail.com David W. Heinly, PGA, LM C | (303) 332-9021 dbheinly@msn.com Greg A. Heiny, PGA, A-4 Greeley Country Club P | (970) 353-2431 C | (970) 515-9950 gccproshop@comcast.net Tom W. Hensel, B-8 Eaton Country Club P | (970) 454-2587 C | (715) 379-8862 mrthensel@gmail.com Joseph Herbert, PGA, LMA C | (303) 913-1299 gprojo@msn.com Kent Heusinkveld, PGA, LM kent@tomarket-tomarket.com Kyle Heyen, PGA, A-1 Hiwan Golf Club P | (303) 674-3369 C | (303) 503-2888 kah57@me.com Geoffrey R. Hiland, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 geoff.hiland@gmail.com Jeffrey D. Hill, PGA, A-9 River Course at Keystone P | (970) 496-1520 C | (970) 333-3370 jeffh@vailresorts.com

Garrett T. Hoffman, B-8 Buffalo Run Golf Course P | (303) 289-1500 C | (720) 454-2402 garrett_hoffman@yahoo.com Perry A. Holmes, PGA, A-14 Colorado National Golf Club P | (303) 926-1723 C | (720) 244-2905 perryholmes@pga.com Ben K. Honaman, PGA, A-8 Lakewood Country Club P | (303) 233-0503 C | (303) 349-6557 benhonamanpga@gmail.com Stephen R Horvey, B-8 Indian Tree Golf Club P | (303) 403-2542 C | (303) 229-2343 ChipJunior2@aol.com Hank Hough, PGA, LM C | (720) 394-8365 gobkitchenandbath@gmail.com Winston A. Howe Jr., PGA, LMC fsnfool@gmail.com Winston A. Howe III, PGA, A-1 Mariana Butte Golf Course P | (970) 663-3483 C | (303) 525-2609 howewin@yahoo.com Ryan D. Hoynacki, PGA, A-8 The Club at Crested Butte P | (970) 349-8603 C | (860) 803-0563 ryan.hoynacki@gmail.com Charles Huckaby, PGA, LM charlie7731@msn.com Daniel J. Hughes III, PGA, A-1 Todd Creek Golf Club P | (303) 655-1779 dh3@pga.com

Andrew D. Hilts, PGA, A-14 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (303) 618-5904 ahilts@golftec.com

Jeremy D. Hughes, PGA, A-8 Eagle Springs Golf Club P | (970) 926-4404 C | (970) 376-2631 jhkbhughes@gmail.com

Erin M. Hinderliter, PGA, A-8 Country Club at Castle Pines P | (303) 688-6400 C | (626) 827-0573 emkato1124@yahoo.com

Robert V. Hunt, PGA, A-1 The Links Golf Course P | (303) 470-9292 C | (720) 988-1051 rhunt16@hotmail.com

Brian C. Hodges, PGA, A-1 The Club at Rolling Hills P | (303) 279-7858 C | (720) 935-6841 Brian2282@aol.com

Don Hurter, PGA, A-1 Castle Pines Golf Club P | (303) 688-6022 C | (303) 587-2957 donhurter@castlepinesgolfclub. com

2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory | www.coloradopga.com

Jon D. Husby, PGA, A-1 Cheyenne Shadows GC@Ft Car P | (719) 526-4122 C | (719) 640-3527 jon.d.husby.naf@mail.mil Peter D. Hymes, PGA, A-8 Omni Interlocken Resort P | (303) 464-9000 C | (843) 222-7750 phymes@pga.com Christopher J Hyten, B-8 Sanctuary P | (303) 224-2860 C | (719) 439-7903 chris@hyten.com Aaron Y Ireland, B-6 Jake’s Academy P | (303) 708-1090 C | (303) 895-4326 aaron@jakesacademy.com PJ Irwin, PGA, RM pjirwin@ix.netcom.com Prim Ivan, PGA, A-1 Hollydot Golf Club P | (719) 676-3341 C | (719) 568-1711 prim_ivan@yahoo.com Frank J. Jacobson, PGA, MP Cheyenne Shadows GC@Ft Car P | (719) 526-4122 C | (406) 868-6115 frank.jacobson@us.army.mil John D. Jambor, PGA, IN C | (605) 490-3735 jjambor1956@gmail.com Todd P. James, PGA, A-24 Red Sky Ranch P | (970) 754-8425 C | (970) 331-6044 tjames@vailresorts.com Seth H. Jamison, PGA, A-1 The Club at Pradera P | (303) 607-5700 C | (608) 770-2211 sh-jamison@hotmail.com Eric J. Jensen, PGA, LM n9839c@msn.com Michael D. Johnson, PGA, A-14 Three Crowns Golf Club P | (307) 472-7696 C | (970) 471-9037 mdjohnson@threecrownsgolfclub. com Adam Johnson, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC - Centennial P | (303) 858-8280 C | (303) 519-3972 ajohnson@golftec.com Christopher A. Johnson, PGA, A-8 Cherry Creek Country Club P | (303) 597-4653 C | (734) 323-3502 c.johnson@pga.com Chris Johnson, PGA, A-13 Pinery Country Club C | (720) 422-2724 cjtitup@msn.com

Jim Johnson, PGA, LM C | (720) 298-1200 jjohn14750@q.com Shad A. Johnson, PGA, A-1 Golf Club at Redlands Mesa P | (970) 263-9270 shadbo10@gmail.com Steven Johnson, PGA, A-13 Three Crowns Golf Club P | (307) 472-7696 C | (307) 333-3747 sjohnson@threecrownsgolfclub. com Bruce A Johnston, PGA, A-1 Paradise Valley Golf Club P | (307) 237-3673 C | (307) 267-7535 bjohnston@pga.com Gregg C. Jones, PGA, A-6 Sand Creek Golf Course P | (719) 597-5489 C | (719) 209-4018 Jones9605@yahoo.com Brady R. Jones, PGA, A-8 Coal Creek Golf Course P | (303) 666-7888 C | (949) 355-3770 bradyrobertjones@gmail.com Dillon N. Joslyn, F Heritage Eagle Bend Golf Club P | (303) 400-6700 C | (720) 384-3997 dillonjoslynpga@gmail.com Michael T Kahler, PGA, LM C | (843) 655-8921 mtkahler10@gmail.com Randy Kahn, PGA, LM C | (505) 793-6207 randymkahn7777@aol.com George C. Kahrhoff, PGA, A-4 The Golf Club @Ravenna P | (720) 981-6000 C | (720) 346-3624 gkahrhoff@ravennagolf.com Joseph D Kamby, PGA, A-8 CC of the Rockies P | (970) 926-3021 C | (970) 390-9848 kambymanpga@gmail.com Daniel J Kane, PGA, A-13 Ridge at Castle Pines North P | (530) 796-5804 C | (406) 560-7663 dkane@troongolf.com Matthew P Kantor, B-8 Ptarmigan Country Club P | (970) 226-6600 C | (303) 550-5174 mkantor@ptarmigancc.com John M. Karamigios, PGA, LM C | (303) 912-7928 jkaramig@jeffco.k12.co.us David Karnel, PGA, LM dlenraks@comcast.net

Martin L. Kauffman, PGA, A-1 Lake Arbor Golf Course P | (720) 898-7360 C | (303) 435-5578 lkauffman@arvada.org Jonathan A. Kaye, PGA, A-3 PGA Tour P | (800) 556-5400 C | (602) 295-2316 jkaye@pgatour.com Jeffrey Trace Kea, PGA, A-13 Silver Spruce Golf Course P | (719) 556-7414 C | (228) 348-2210 j.kea@us.af.mil Brad E. Keating, PGA, A-6 Springs Ranch Golf Club P | (719) 573-4863 C | (719) 244-2857 bradkeating@comcast.net David W. Keesee, PGA, IN C | (970) 846-7554 dkstmbt@hotmail.com Geoffrey M. Keffer, PGA, A-8 Aurora Hills Golf Course P | (303) 739-1550 gmkeffer@aol.com Mark T. Kelbel, PGA, A-1 Broadmoor Golf Club P | (719) 634-7711 C | (719) 492-3426 mkelbel@broadmoor.com Anne Kelly, PGA, A-12 University of Colorado P | (303) 492-4455 anne.kelly@colorado.edu Jeffery S. Kelly, PGA, A-13 King’s Deer Golf Club P | (719) 559-4500 C | (719) 661-4548 jkelly@kingsdeergolfclub.com Patrick T Kent, B-12 University of Denver P | (303) 871-2000 C | (206) 890-7579 patrick.kent@du.edu Todd J. Kenyon, PGA, A-8 Sand Creek Golf Course P | (719) 597-5489 C | (719) 510-4378 tjkpga@live.com Athan R Kerr Brochado De Almeida, B-8 Colorado Golf Club P | (303) 840-5400 athankerr85@gmail.com Kenneth M. Kettler, PGA, A-6 PGA Tour Superstore P | (720) 266-2400 C | (720) 498-3997 kmk1953@yahoo.com Sung Hee Kim, B-8 Family Sports Center GC P | (303) 649-1115 skim@golftec.com

www.coloradopga.com | 2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory


Mark Kizzire, PGA, LM C | (720) 273-7904 mdkizzire@msn.com

Kenneth S Krieger, PGA, A-1 Cheyenne Country Club P | (307) 637-2230 C | (307) 631-4332 Ken@cheyennecountryclub.com

Somin Lee, B-8 Valley Country Club P | (303) 690-6377 C | (310) 774-7363 somin3613@gmail.com

Benjamin F. Kristopeit II, PGA, A-8 C | (303) 913-4336 bfkten@gmail.com

Larry N. Leeman, PGA, RM C | (720) 220-9838 leeman21@comcast.net

Stacy A. Kleve, PGA, A-4 Pelican Lakes Golf & CC P | (970) 674-0930 C | (970) 396-0955 stacy@pelicanlakescc.com

Ed J. Kujalowicz, PGA, A-1 Springs Ranch Golf Club P | (719) 573-4863 C | (719) 231-3388 kujalowicz@msn.com

Mark W. Legenza, PGA, A-14 C | (303) 472-5915 marklegenza@pga.com

Charles V. Kline, PGA, LM vkline@pga.com

Steven B. Kurtz, PGA, A-8 City Park Golf Course P | (720) 865-3410 C | (720) 621-9777 skurtz@pga.com

Paul D Klatt, B-8 The Ranch Country Club P | (303) 466-2111 C | (303) 882-4839 paulklatt1@comcast.net

Pierce A Klingbiel, B-8 Beaver Creek Golf Club P | (970) 754-5775 C | (309) 781-4436 pklingbiel72@gmail.com Matthew B. Kloppenburg, B-8 Pradera (The Club at ) P | (303) 607-5700 C | (608) 438-0808 mbklopp@gmail.com Daniel L. Knecht, PGA, A-1 Flatirons Golf Course P | (303) 442-7851 C | (303) 818-9412 knechtd@bouldercolorado.gov Michael A. Knights, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC - Westminster P | (303) 426-6600 C | (815) 342-9080 nohooks72@gmail.com Eric C. Knotts, PGA, A-1 Harmony Club P | (970) 224-4622 C | (970) 217-6651 eric@harmonyclub.info Edward G Knowles, B-8 Silver Spruce Golf Course P | (719) 556-7414 knowlesed@msn.com Stewart G. Koch, PGA, A-1 The Fox Hill Club P | (303) 651-3777 C | (303) 709-2263 skoch@thefoxhillclub.com Gregory W. Kohr, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (410) 925-6082 gkohr@pga.com Michael W. Kramer, PGA, A-8 Fox Hollow Golf Club P | (303) 986-7888 C | (720) 299-7004 mikekramer14@gmail.com Thomas A. Krause, PGA, A-6 Jake’s Academy P | (303) 708-1090 C | (303) 359-7014 tkrause61@msn.com


John P. LaCrosse, PGA, A-1 Beaver Creek Golf Club P | (970) 754-5775 C | (970) 456-2154 luckoftheirish@pga.com Chris L. Lai, PGA, A-1 Red Sky Ranch P | (970) 754-8425 C | (970) 470-0058 clai@vailresorts.com Mark W. Lampe, PGA, A-1 Maroon Creek Club P | (970) 920-1533 C | (970) 319-9329 marklampe@pga.com Robert J. Lane, F Snowmass Club P | (970) 923-5700 C | (970) 948-7661 ntrainlane29@yahoo.com Scott D. Lane, PGA, A-6 MetaGolf Learning Center P | (303) 799-0870 C | (303) 506-9739 scottdlane55@gmail.com Gerard C Lanser, B-8 Cobble Creek (The Links at) P | (970) 240-9542 glanser85@hotmail.com Daniel J. LaRouere, PGA, A-13 Bookcliff Country Club P | (970) 242-9053 dlarouere@troongolf.com

Cory A. Lehrman, PGA, A-9 Topgolf - Centennial P | (720) 880-3151 C | (763) 242-4600 cory.lehrman@topgolf.com Wayne D. Leighton, PGA, A-4 Highland Hills Golf Course P | (970) 330-7327 C | (970) 381-7364 WAYNE.LEIGHTON@GREELEYGOV. COM Zachary E Lenart, B-8 C | (970) 390-3633 Zach.lenart@Gmail.com Michael Lepore, PGA, A-1 Airport Golf Club P | (307) 637-6418 C | (307) 286-2220 mikelepore@msn.com Lew Lepore, PGA, LM C | (307) 286-1630 Pro_Perfect@hotmail.com Edward D. Leuppe II, PGA, A-8 Lone Tree Golf Club P | (303) 799-9940 C | (303) 667-8533 edl@sspr.org David Lewis, PGA, A-4 Walking Stick Golf Club P | (719) 553-0081 C | (719) 251-8369 dwlewis65@comcast.net Bob Lewis, PGA, A-8 The Meadows Golf Course P | (303) 409-2250 C | (970) 390-6390 Bobl@fhprd.org Joseph Limes, PGA, LM josephlimes@aol.com

Richard A Lash, B-6 GolfTEC - Denver Tech Center P | (303) 770-5951 C | (970) 381-8575 rlash426@gmail.com

Justin W. Limon, PGA, A-11 Colorado Section P | (303) 681-0742 C | (720) 390-1160 JLimon@pgahq.com

Brian J. Lavender, PGA, LM james1976@comcast.net

Philip M. Linares, PGA, A-6 Trent Wearner Golf P | (303) 645-8000 C | (970) 376-3020 philiplinaresgolf@gmail.com

William F. Lawe, PGA, LM Todd B. Laxson, PGA, A-1 Cherokee Ridge Golf Course P | (719) 597-2637 C | (719) 648-1654 laxsont@yahoo.com

2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory | www.coloradopga.com

Brian C. Lindstrom, PGA, A-6 Highland Meadows Golf Course P | (970) 223-4653 brian@highlandmeadows.com

Joe Linnemeyer, PGA, LM C | (719) 649-7302 JoeLinnemeyer@yahoo.com Sam D. Linnenburger, PGA, A-1 Ute Creek Golf Course P | (303) 774-4342 C | (303) 594-7615 rockiesgolfcorp@gmail.com Joe Little, PGA, LMC jtlittlejr@earthlink.net Paul Lobato, PGA, A-1 Meridian Golf Club P | (303) 799-4043 C | (303) 903-3600 lobats@aol.com Matthew D Lodwick, PGA, A-8 Inverness Golf Club P | (303) 397-7878 C | (720) 237-9018 mlodwick@destinationhotels.com Bill Loeffler, PGA, A-13 The Links Golf Course P | (303) 470-9292 C | (303) 916-7702 wrloeffler65@aol.com Austin T Logan, B-8 Estes Park Golf Course P | (970) 586-8146 C | (970) 443-7694 austin@golfestes.com Tim Lollar, PGA, A-1 Lakewood Country Club P | (303) 233-0503 tlollar@lakewoodcountryclub.net Jordan S. Londer, PGA, A-8 Castle Pines Golf Club P | (303) 688-6022 zonajsl@gmail.com

Robert A Lytikainen, B-8 Black Bear Golf Club P | (303) 840-3100 C | (303) 663-0513 robfinlander@gmail.com

Craig R. Marsh, PGA, A-1 Casper Municipal Golf Course P | (307) 233-6620 C | (307) 267-2708 cr_marsh@pga.com

Robert J. Macaluso, PGA, A-1 Heather Gardens Golf Club P | (303) 751-2390 C | (720) 341-5993 hggspro@aol.com

Michael S. Marsili, PGA, A-20 Callaway Golf P | (800) 228-2767 C | (815) 378-7933 mmarsili84@pga.com

James W. MacDougall II, PGA, A-8 Rollingstone Ranch Golf Club P | (970) 879-1391 C | (623) 202-8846 jmacdougall@troongolf.com

William J. Martin, PGA, A-9 Patty Jewett Golf Course P | (719) 385-6934 C | (719) 659-5703 billmartin@q.com

Michael E Maestas, B-8 Highland Hills Golf Course P | (970) 330-7327 C | (970) 210-2105 memaestas@pga.com

Keith C. Martin, PGA, A-1 Twin Peaks Golf Course P | (303) 772-1722 C | (303) 877-4678 kmarttp@gmail.com

Matthew R. Magley, PGA, A-1 Southridge Golf Club P | (970) 416-2828 mattmagley@gmail.com

Jeffrey D. Martin, PGA, A-8 Meadow Hills Golf Course P | (303) 690-2500 C | (970) 589-0815 jdmartin@pga.com

Ryan J. Mahlstadt, PGA, F Deer Creek GC @ Meadow Ranch P | (303) 978-1800 C | (631) 848-1982 RMahlstadt@gmail.com Bill A. Majure, PGA, LMC C | (719) 649-2693 majuregolf@comcast.net Douglas E Mallon, B-1 Emerald Greens Golf Club P | (303) 366-3133 C | (303) 359-4856 dmallon@wgamail.com

James Long, PGA, LM C | (303) 503-3823 jplindenver@gmail.com

Ethan E. Malzahn, PGA, A-8 Lakewood Country Club P | (303) 233-0503 C | (308) 249-2565 emalzahn12@gmail.com

Michael F. Loosley, PGA, A-8 Gardens of the Gods Club P | (719) 636-2520 C | (719) 660-3017 mloosley@pga.com

Robbins H Manley, PGA, A-8 Breckenridge Golf Club P | (970) 453-9104 C | (970) 485-2843 robbins@townofbreckenridge.com

David S. Lopez, PGA, A-1 Country Club at Castle Pines P | (303) 688-6400 C | (970) 331-9716 DLopez@ccofcastlepines.com

Brian K. Markel, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC - Golden P | (303) 278-3589 bmarkel@golftec.com

Frank N. Lucy, PGA, RM FrankLucy@comcast.net Cobie J. Lunsford, PGA, A-1 Black Bear Golf Club P | (303) 840-3100 C | (307) 679-5809 cobielunsford8@hotmail.com Steven W. Lynes, PGA, A-1 West Woods Golf Club P | (720) 898-7370 C | (303) 994-0655 slynes@arvada.org

Todd R. Marley, PGA, A-1 South Suburban Golf Course P | (303) 770-5508 C | (303) 817-8494 toddm@sspr.org Patti Marquis, PGA, A-6 Fossil Trace Golf Club P | (303) 277-8750 C | (509) 993-7927 pingpongpatti@msn.com Gary Marsh, PGA, A-4 Casper Municipal Golf Course P | (307) 233-6620 C | (307) 267-0932 PROGOLFGM@AOL.COM

Trevor J Martinet, B-8 Ridge at Castle Pines North P | (303) 688-4301 tmartinet@troon.com Manny Martinez III, B-8 Castle Pines Golf Club P | (303) 688-6022 C | (703) 489-6409 mm3critter@hotmail.com Richard M Marulli, B-8 The Golf Club @Ravenna P | (720) 981-6000 C | (201) 618-7742 rmarulli88@gmail.com Ed L. Marzec II, PGA, A-8 CC of the Rockies P | (970) 926-3021 C | (970) 390-8536 ed_marzec@pga.com Shelby Masse-Samento, PGA, A-8 The Club at Rolling Hills P | (303) 279-7858 C | (970) 433-0392 smassesa@gmail.com Zachary A. Massey, PGA, A-9 Pine Creek Golf Course P | (719) 594-9999 C | (970) 640-8237 zmassey@pga.com Scott R. Matthews, PGA, A-8 South Suburban Golf Course P | (303) 770-5508 C | (970) 846-6074 scottm@pga.com Cathy Matthews-Kane, PGA, A-13 Country Club of Colorado P | (719) 538-4095 C | (719) 439-1159 cmatthewskane@ cheyennemountain.com

www.coloradopga.com | 2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory


Steven P. Mauser, PGA, A-8 Denver Country Club P | (303) 733-8242 C | (303) 548-1297 smauser@pga.com

Jerred P. McKinney, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC - Park Meadows P | (303) 858-8280 C | (208) 310-2559 jpmckinney@pga.com

Dillon B. May, PGA, A-8 Cherry Creek Country Club P | (303) 597-4653 C | (605) 660-7648 dillonmay@pga.com

Dennis McLaughlin, PGA, A-6 Adobe Creek Golf Course P | (970) 858-0521 C | (970) 644-1268 djmcl@hotmail.com

Jeffrey C. Mayhall, PGA, A-8 Country Club at Castle Pines P | (303) 688-6400 C | (580) 678-8032 jeffmayhall@yahoo.com

Grant E. McLaughlin, PGA, A-6 C | (303) 960-7025 grantmc002@gmail.com

Elizabeth G McCabe, B-8 Beaver Creek Golf Club P | (970) 754-5775 C | (339) 225-0739 liz.g.mccabe@gmail.com Reese W. McCall, PGA, A-13 Raven Golf Club at Three Peaks P | (970) 262-3636 C | (702) 423-9064 reesemccall@pga.com Mark T. McCarthy, PGA, A-8 Highlands Ranch Golf Club P | (303) 471-0000 C | (303) 921-4402 mark.mccarthy@du.edu Phillip J. McCarthy, PGA, A-9 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (206) 850-4014 philmcc2631@gmail.com David R. McCleave, PGA, A-4 Southridge Golf Club P | (970) 416-2828 C | (970) 371-4415 drmccleave@pga.com Steven S McCurdy, B-8 Roaring Fork Club P | (970) 927-9100 C | (208) 860-7284 sheamccurdy@gmail.com Michael T. McCutchen, PGA, LMA C | (720) 935-6345 cindinmike@comcast.net Brandon M. McDermott, PGA, A-14 GolfTEC- Fort Collins South P | (970) 692-5270 C | (970) 691-4511 bmcdermott@golftec.com Emily R McDonald, B-8 Columbine Country Club P | (303) 794-6333 golf.dreamcatcher717@gmail.com Kyle M. McGee, PGA, A-8 Overland Golf Course P | (720) 865-0430 C | (720) 935-5211 kmcgee@pga.com John T. McIntyre, PGA, A-1 Frost Creek P | (970) 328-2326 C | (970) 401-2841 johntheomcintyre@gmail.com


Ross W. McLean, PGA, A-8 Denver Country Club P | (303) 733-8242 ross.mclean30@gmail.com Mark A. McMunn, PGA, IN golfmanmam1@msn.com Jeffrey R McNair, B-8 Lake Valley Golf Club P | (303) 444-2114 jrmcnair@gmail.com

Scott A. Meyer, B-8 Meridian Golf Club P | (303) 799-4043 scottmeyer44@yahoo.com Randall L. Meyers, PGA, A-13 Foothills Golf Course P | (303) 409-2400 C | (303) 728-4746 randym@fhprd.org Clement D Michel, B-8 Aspen Glen Club P | (970) 704-1988 C | (970) 390-6669 Perpetualmotionllc@me.com Mark C. Miller, PGA, A-4 Estes Park Golf Course P | (970) 586-8146 mark@golfestes.com Pat J. Miller, PGA, A-13 The Fox Hill Club P | (303) 651-3777 C | (520) 903-8960 otndog@gmail.com

Doug McNeil, PGA, A-9 Doug McNeil P | (303) 739-7890 dmcneil@auroragov.org

Erroll Miller, PGA, A-1 Breckenridge Golf Club P | (970) 453-9104 C | (970) 485-1739 errollm@townofbreckenridge.com

Nathan H. Mead, PGA, A-1 Vail Golf Club P | (970) 479-2260 C | (774) 722-3417 nathanmead123@gmail.com

Russ Miller, PGA, A-4 Broadmoor Golf Club P | (719) 634-7711 C | (719) 660-9339 rmiller@broadmoor.com

Kirk R. Mease, PGA, A-1 Wellshire Golf Course P | (720) 865-0440 kirk.mease@denvergov.org

James R. Miller, PGA, A-13 Sonnenalp Golf Club P | (970) 477-5372 C | (970) 819-3131 jim.blindsquirrel@gmail.com

Jeff L. Meeker, PGA, A-1 Riverdale Golf Club P | (303) 659-6700 C | (720) 233-5588 jeff@riverdalegolf.com Michael K. Melena, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC - Park Meadows P | (303) 858-8280 mmelena@pga.com Christopher D Melendez, B-8 Flatirons Golf Course P | (303) 442-7851 Melendezgolf@gmail.com Jack Mendelsohn, PGA, LM C | (623) 566-9514 jackannazco@msn.com Michael D Mendelson, PGA, A-4 Tiara Rado Golf Course P | (970) 254-3830 C | (970) 210-8183 mordecai3@hotmail.com John Merrihew, PGA, LM johnmerrihew8016@comcast.net John E. Mescall, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (512) 743-2423 jmescall@golftec.com

2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory | www.coloradopga.com

George S. Miller Jr., PGA, A-6 Family Sports Center GC P | (303) 649-1115 C | (303) 330-5146 george.miller05@comcast.net Joshua G Miller, PGA, A-9 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (720) 234-3560 jgmiller@pga.com Chad J. Miller, PGA, A-14 GolfTEC - Chapel Hills P | (719) 219-3095 C | (719) 205-5174 chadmiller@pga.com Dustin D. Miller, PGA, A-6 Jake’s Academy P | (303) 708-1090 C | (720) 982-4714 dustinmiller@pga.com Patrick W. Miller, PGA, A-8 Patty Jewett Golf Course P | (719) 385-6934 C | (719) 287-5414 mtfupatty@yahoo.com Grant R Miller, B-8 Lone Tree Golf Club P | (303) 799-9940 grant.miller81@yahoo.com

Sean C. Miller, PGA, A-8 Boulder Country Club P | (303) 530-4600 C | (970) 485-3418 sean.c.miller@pga.com Barry Milstead Jr., PGA, A-1 Valley Country Club P | (303) 690-6377 C | (303) 250-0178 jbmgolf@pga.com Katherine K. Milstead, PGA, A-14 The First Tee @ Green Valley Ranch P | (970) 242-9053 C | (303) 515-1110 kggolf@pga.com Gene Miranda, PGA, LM P | (719) 481-2272 C | (719) 331-8504 genemiranda@comcast.net Burt R Miranda, B-8 Murphy Creek Golf Course P | (303) 361-7300 C | (661) 348-1635 burt.miranda84@gmail.com Mark W Mobley, PGA, A-20 Acushnet Company P | (760) 476-0300 C | (970) 390-8731 themobe@pga.com Kevin C. Montano, PGA, A-8 Glenmoor Country Club P | (303) 781-0400 C | (505) 331-0016 km103091@nmsu.edu Douglas P. Montgomery, PGA, A-8 CommonGround Golf Course P | (303) 340-1520 C | (720) 635-8072 doug@gottgolf.com Christopher T. Moore, PGA, A-13 C | (307) 277-9650 cktmoore@msn.com Eliot E. Moore, PGA, A-23 PGA Tour Superstore P | (720) 266-2400 C | (720) 939-3849 emoore@pga.com Justin M Moore, PGA, A-20 Cobra-Puma Golf P | (800) 917-3300 C | (720) 633-5110 jmoore.cpg@gmail.com Daniel F Morgan, B-8 Green Valley Ranch Golf Club P | (303) 371-3131 C | (760) 815-5675 dmorgan@gvrgolf.com Nathan C. Morris, PGA, A-14 GolfTEC - Westminster P | (303) 426-6600 C | (720) 341-4020 nmorris@golftec.com Tara G. Morris, PGA, A-8 Country Club at Castle Pines P | (303) 688-6400 C | (620) 255-3989 tmorris@ccofcastlepines.com

Jim M. Morrisey, PGA, LM jimmym3636@gmail.com Jack Morrison, PGA, LM C | (970) 903-9307 jmorrison@durango.net Cameron T. Morton, PGA, A-1 Lake Valley Golf Club P | (303) 444-2114 C | (720) 989-3091 cameron@lakevalley.com Travis J. Morton, PGA, A-1 P | (303) 841-2060 C | (303) 669-1484 tmorton@thepinerycc.com Danny Mourino, B-8 The Fox Hill Club P | (303) 651-3777 C | (720) 341-9195 dannymourino@gmail.com Robert J. Mueller, PGA, A-4 Yampa Valley Golf Club P | (970) 824-3673 C | (757) 358-8555 sockeyepro@centurylink.net John Mulliken, PGA, LM C | (970) 376-1230 mort3636@hotmail.com Lawrence H. Mullis III, PGA, IN C | (719) 440-1885 lawrence.mullis@us.af.mil Jason C. Murphy, PGA, A-13 Pinehurst Country Club P | (303) 985-1559 C | (303) 929-1402 jasoncmurphy@hotmail.com Larry Murphy, PGA, MP Cedaredge Golf Club P | (970) 856-7781 C | (970) 729-1871 larryandbarbaramurphy@msn.com Dennis Murray, PGA, A-6 Valley Country Club P | (303) 690-6377 C | (720) 940-5007 golfinmurphy@aol.com John M. Murray, PGA, LM C | (303) 587-1324 jmurray57@msn.com Christopher R. Murzyn, PGA, A-8 Colorado Golf Club P | (303) 840-5400 C | (630) 650-1287 chrismurzyn@gmail.com Terry Naughton, PGA, LM C | (303) 915-7480 bigterryN@AOL.com Robert T. Nelson, PGA, A-8 Valley Country Club P | (303) 690-6377 C | (720) 666-4834 rtnpga@gmail.com David J. Nelson, PGA, A-8 C | (608) 217-6318 davidnelson@pga.com

Philip J Nelson, B-12 Colorado Christian University P | (303) 963-3000 C | (937) 684-6714 philipnelsongolf@gmail.com James A Newton, PGA, RM janewton@centurylink.net Austin L. Nichols, B-8 Pinehurst Country Club P | (303) 985-1559 C | (303) 726-9273 austin-n@live.com Mitchell T. Nielsen, PGA, A-1 Red Rocks Country Club P | (303) 697-8008 C | (720) 841-3824 mnielsen@redrockscountryclub.org Heikke Nielsen, PGA, A-20 Cal Golf, LLC P | (612) 819-9122 C | (720) 837-7948 heikke@heikke.com David Noble, PGA, LM C | (520) 603-4227 dnoble@pga.com Thomas B. Noonan, PGA, A-8 Boulder Country Club P | (303) 530-4600 C | (720) 939-6882 TomNoonan@pga.com Amy R. Nordeen, PGA, A-8 CC of the Rockies P | (970) 926-3021 C | (406) 363-8974 amynordeen@msn.com Michael E. Northern, PGA, LMA C | (719) 210-7986 mikenorthernpga@yahoo.com Peter M. Norwood, PGA, A-6 MetaGolf Learning Center P | (303) 799-0870 C | (720) 633-4085 norwood.p@gmail.com David Norwood, B-8 Willis Case Golf Course P | (720) 865-0700 C | (512) 913-6507 jnorwood73@yahoo.com Thomas L. Nosewicz, PGA, A-8 Meadow Hills Golf Course P | (303) 690-2500 C | (720) 459-1711 nozahills@pga.com Edward Nosewicz, PGA, LM enosewicz@msn.com Jeffrey A. Nova, PGA, IN C | (303) 913-8832 jnovacolo@gmail.com Patrick G. Nuber, PGA, A-14 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (303) 949-7014 pnuber@golftec.com

www.coloradopga.com | 2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory


Anthony G. Oberle, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (507) 351-4239 tonyoberle@gmail.com Stephen M. O’Brien, PGA, A-8 Green Valley Ranch Golf Club P | (303) 371-3131 C | (773) 485-6139 sobrien747@yahoo.com Jacob G. O’Dell, PGA, A-1 The Club at Flying Horse P | (719) 494-1222 C | (970) 691-5253 jodell@flyinghorseclub.com Michael J. O’Donnell, PGA, A-9 Cheyenne Shadows GC@Ft Car P | (719) 526-4122 C | (719) 264-7541 modonnell21@hotmail.com John D Ogden, PGA, A-1 Cherry Hills Country Club P | (303) 350-5220 C | (303) 842-6115 jogden@chcc.com Robert G. O’Hara, PGA, A-1 Golf Club at Redlands Mesa P | (970) 263-9270 C | (970) 417-0549 robert@redlandsmesa.com Jordan F. O’Keefe, B-8 Red Sky Golf Club P | (970) 754-8377 C | (717) 215-1171 jokeefe@vailresorts.com Kevin J. O’Keeffe, PGA, A-8 C | (303) 681-6246 k.okeeffe.pga@gmail.com Edward Oldham, PGA, A-1 The Ranch Country Club P | (303) 466-2111 C | (303) 250-5256 edoldhamgolf@gmail.com Robert M. O’Neill, PGA, A-1 Casper Country Club P | (307) 265-0767 C | (307) 277-7414 boneill@pga.com Daniel J. O’Shaughnessy, PGA, A-1 Fitzsimons Golf Course P | (303) 364-8125 C | (303) 475-6334 shivass@aol.com Scott R. Ough, PGA, A-14 GolfTEC - Boulder P | (720) 379-4843 C | (970) 406-8336 sough@golftec.com Jim Owens, PGA, A-1 Cherry Creek Country Club P | (303) 597-4653 C | (970) 274-3089 jowens@cherrycreekcountryclub.com Michael D Paavilainen, B-8 South Suburban Golf Course P | (303) 770-5508 mike.paav@yahoo.com


Kirk Padgett, PGA, LM Justin R. Palermo, PGA, A-8 King’s Deer Golf Club P | (719) 559-4500 C | (559) 250-8336 jpalermopga@gmail.com Craig C. Palmer, PGA, LMM C | (720) 231-3562 ccdpalmer@gmail.com Anthony W. Panella, PGA, A-1 C | (480) 235-7805 tonyp999@yahoo.com Will Panella, PGA, A-1 Buffalo Run Golf Course P | (303) 289-1500 C | (720) 984-8941 williep74@gmail.com Ari A. Papadopoulos, PGA, A-1 Red Sky Golf Club P | (970) 754-8377 C | (330) 559-1984 uhson123@yahoo.com Ian J. Parham, PGA, A-8 Beaver Creek Golf Club P | (970) 754-5775 C | (970) 376-6342 delfian@hotmail.com Richard G Parker, PGA, A-4 Gardens of the Gods Club and Resort P | (719) 636-2520 C | (252) 382-1007 RGPPGA@AOL.COM William K. Parker, PGA, A-8 Columbine Country Club P | (303) 794-6333 C | (860) 309-3753 wkp3526@gmail.com CJ Parry Jr., PGA, A-1 Glenmoor Country Club P | (303) 781-0400 C | (303) 981-8618 GLENMOORCC@AOL.COM Tyler G. Parsloe, PGA, A-8 Country Club at Castle Pines P | (303) 688-6400 C | (720) 987-3799 tparsloe@huskers.unl.edu

Gregory E. Patterson, PGA, A-8 Pinehurst Country Club P | (303) 985-1559 C | (720) 335-1649 gregpatterson15@msn.com Benjamin N Pennymon, B-8 Green Valley Ranch Golf Club P | (303) 371-3131 bpennymon@att.net Jerry Pepper, PGA, LM Jeffrey D. Perkins, PGA, A-14 Four Mile Ranch Golf Club P | (719) 275-5400 C | (719) 432-6452 rljdperkins@juno.com Adam N. Perko, PGA, A-8 Columbine Country Club P | (303) 794-6333 C | (303) 550-4348 adamperko@gmail.com Douglas Perry, PGA, A-1 City Park Nine Golf Course P | (970) 221-6650 C | (970) 218-3294 dperrypga@gmail.com Nicholas K. Perry, PGA, A-8 Omni Interlocken Resort P | (303) 464-9000 C | (720) 987-8129 nkperry@omnihotels.com Charles J. Perry, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC - Park Meadows P | (303) 858-8280 C | (303) 374-4039 cperry@golftec.com Bob J. Persichetti, PGA, A-1 Red Hawk Ridge Golf Club P | (720) 733-3500 C | (303) 435-2573 bpersichetti@crgov.com Troy R Persson, PGA, A-13 Pagosa Springs Golf Club P | (970) 731-4755 troyp@golfpagosa.com Billy Peterson, PGA, LMM C | (719) 466-0624 billwcup@aol.com

Craig S. Parzybok, PGA, A-1 Fox Hollow Golf Club P | (303) 986-7888 craigp@lakewood.org

Michael J. Petrisko, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC - Boulder P | (720) 379-4843 C | (239) 850-4420 pgamike83@hotmail.com

Michael J. Passmore, PGA, LM C | (303) 912-1377 mjpass19@pga.com

Mark R. Pfingston, PGA, A-1 The Golf Club at Bear Dance P | (303) 681-4653 mark@beardancegolf.com

Steve Patterson, PGA, A-6 Hiwan Golf Club P | (303) 674-3369 C | (720) 232-7092 spatterson@pga.com Guy E. Patterson, PGA, A-8 Red Hawk Ridge Golf Club P | (720) 733-3500 C | (720) 384-7726 lefty69@pga.com

2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory | www.coloradopga.com

Jim Phillips, PGA, A-6 Lake Valley Golf Club P | (303) 444-2114 C | (303) 931-5394 profromdover@pga.com John R. Phillips, PGA, LMA jrpsherwood@yahoo.com Michael L. Pickens, PGA, LM mpgraziw@msn.com

Thomas M. Pickering, PGA, A-8 Quail Dunes Golf Course P | (970) 867-5990 C | (720) 250-6987 matt.pickering@pga.com

Remington D. Post, PGA, A-8 Hiwan Golf Club P | (303) 674-3369 C | (970) 368-0432 remingtonpost@pga.com

Benjamin D. Pilon, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC - Boulder P | (720) 379-4843 bpilon@pga.com

Nicole T. Poulos, PGA, IN C | (303) 475-4304 nicolepoulos@pga.com

Joseph D. Pinson, PGA, A-1 Overland Golf Course P | (720) 865-0430 C | (720) 205-2270 joe.pinson@msn.com Nathan M Pippett, PGA, IN nate@aspenvaillimo.com Joshua B Pitchford, PGA, A-9 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (303) 547-0800 josh@pga.com Cody W Pitz, B-8 Casper Country Club P | (307) 265-0767 codypitz3@gmail.com Alice M. Plain, PGA, A-4 Vail Golf Club P | (970) 479-2260 C | (970) 390-9055 aplain@vailrec.com Kelly L. Plaisier, PGA, A-6 Trent Wearner Golf Academy P | (303) 645-8000 C | (720) 331-1639 kelly@trentwearnergolf.com Chad A. Poirot, PGA, A-7 Heron Lakes Golf Course P | (970) 218-5805 C | (970) 218-5805 chad@islandmeadows.com Bill Poirot, PGA, LM C | (307) 620-5997 sandypoirot@comcast.net Douglas W. Poland, PGA, A-8 Telluride Ski & Golf Resort P | (970) 728-2606 C | (616) 460-7676 Andrew S. Pole, PGA, A-8 Catamount Ranch & Club P | (970) 871-9200 C | (630) 639-9424 aspole@Catamountranchclub.com Vance L. Pollock, PGA, A-8 Flatirons Golf Course P | (303) 442-7851 C | (303) 503-0513 vppga@aol.com Michael B. Pope, PGA, A-8 Cherry Creek Country Club P | (303) 597-4653 C | (919) 475-9555 michaelbpope@gmail.com

James H. Pratt, PGA, A-1 Aspen Golf Club P | (970) 429-1949 C | (970) 987-4011 prattelectric2@gmail.com Roger Prenzlow, PGA, A-12 University of Northern Colorado P | (970) 351-2075 C | (307) 760-1359 rvprenz@me.com Rick A. Price, PGA, LM C | (303) 653-3593 bellarosarick@gmail.com Anthony J Principato, PGA, A-13 Pine Creek Golf Course P | (719) 594-9999 C | (303) 944-6633 aprincipato@pga.com Dominic D. Principato, PGA, A-8 Lone Tree Golf Club P | (303) 799-9940 C | (720) 217-8815 dprincipato@pga.com Edward Provow, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC- Fort Collins South P | (970) 692-5270 C | (630) 408-3653 Provowl@aol.com Al Pryor, PGA, A-13 Dos Rios Golf Club P | (970) 641-1482 C | (512) 755-2450 apryor@dosriosgolf.net Devon J Puleo, PGA, A-1 Kennedy Golf Course P | (720) 865-0720 devon.puleo@denvergov.org Bpbby Quaratino Jr., PGA, A-1 West Woods Golf Club P | (720) 898-7370 C | (303) 829-2083 bquaratino@gmail.com Jeff L. Rafferty, PGA, A-1 Buffalo Golf Club P | (307) 684-5266 C | (307) 259-9247 jraff@pga.com Lucas R. Ramey, PGA, A-1 lucasramey@gmail.com Bill Ramsey, PGA, A-1 Lone Tree Golf Club P | (303) 799-9940 C | (303) 435-8256 billr@ssprd.org Paul D. Ransom, PGA, LM David A. Rawlings, PGA, IN davidarawlings@gmail.com

Charlie A. Ray, PGA, A-8 Fitzsimons Golf Course P | (303) 364-8125 charlieray@pga.com Daniel Reabe, PGA, A-8 Cherry Hills Country Club P | (303) 350-5220 C | (412) 818-7615 dreabe@pga.com Lonnie Reed, PGA, LM lonniegreed@yahoo.com Dane Reese, B-8 Pinery Country Club P | (303) 841-2060 ikingsap2883@gmail.com Patrick M. Reidy, PGA, A-8 Inverness Golf Club P | (303) 397-7878 C | (303) 910-9867 pmreidy@comcast.net John R. Reilly, PGA, A-8 Cheyenne Country Club P | (307) 637-2230 C | (760) 412-2344 johnrreilly@hotmail.com Sara M. Rembold, PGA, IN C | (605) 484-3889 sara.rembold1@gmail.com Scott B. Rethlake, PGA, A-11 Scott Rethlake P | (303) 295-2096 C | (303) 435-7382 scott.rethlake@denvergov.org Kury E. Reynolds, PGA, A-1 Hay Creek Golf Club P | (307) 464-0747 C | (801) 814-9830 kuryreynolds@msn.com CJ Rhyne, PGA, A-6 P | (970) 208-1030 C | (970) 640-2375 rhyne33@pga.com Alden Richards Jr., PGA, A-4 River Valley Ranch Golf Club P | (970) 963-3625 C | (970) 948-7455 alden@rvrgolf.com Tim Richardson, B-8 Todd Creek Golf Club P | (303) 655-1779 C | (970) 308-6511 trichgolf83@gmail.com Travis Riddle, PGA, IN C | (720) 219-5096 ricefor6@aol.com Kirk L. Rider, PGA, A-1 Bear Creek Golf Club P | (303) 980-8700 C | (720) 205-2276 bearcreekgolfshop@gmail.com Douglas C. Rikkers, PGA, A-14 Red Hawk Ridge Golf Club P | (720) 733-3500 C | (303) 880-6947 drl21983@gmail.com

www.coloradopga.com | 2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory


Michael D. Ritter, PGA, A-1 Grand Elk Ranch & Club (The) P | (970) 887-9122 C | (970) 531-3800 mrmdr@hotmail.com Pete A. Roach, PGA, A-4 Sonnenalp Golf Club P | (970) 477-5372 C | (970) 390-8355 proach@sonnenalp.com Ryan F Roach, B-8 The Club at Cordillera P | (970) 926-5950 Ryan.Roach@Colorado.edu Brett J. Roberts, PGA, A-17 Sanctuary P | (303) 224-2860 C | (270) 875-3110 brett_roberts43@eku.edu Robert R. Robinson, B-8 Old Baldy Club P | (307) 326-5222 C | (914) 409-7001 ranrobinson@hotmail.com John T. Rogala, PGA, A-6 Pro-Link Golf School P | (720) 364-2653 johnrogala@sbcglobal.net Douglas Rohrbaugh, PGA, A-4 Ironbridge Golf Club P | (970) 384-0630 C | (970) 379-9012 Doug@ironbridgeclub.com

Gregory N. Russ, PGA, IN C | (518) 669-0372 gregruss@pga.com Brian K. Ryall, PGA, LM C | (303) 915-6798 ryall@pga.com Penn G. Saad, PGA, A-8 Roaring Fork Club P | (970) 927-9100 C | (843) 412-0958 psaad@clemson.edu Gregory A. Salas, PGA, A-1 Snowmass Club P | (970) 923-5700 C | (720) 334-3475 gg_salas@yahoo.com Craig B Salib, B-8 Fort Collins Country Club P | (970) 482-1336 C | (612) 730-4567 Salib.craig@gmail.com Steven J. Samuels, PGA, LM C | (970) 441-0269 broncos80723@gmail.com Jim Sanborn, PGA, LMA jsanborn@pga.com Kenneth A Sanchez, PGA, A-8 Valley Country Club P | (303) 690-6377 C | (480) 861-0372 kensanchez8@pga.com

Jonathan R Roth, B-8 Broadmoor Golf Club P | (719) 634-7711 jonroth0621@yahoo.com

Reggie J. Sanchez, PGA, A-14 Topgolf - Centennial P | (720) 880-3151 C | (303) 870-9816 coachjude10@gmail.com

Patrick Ruddy, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC - Chapel Hills P | (719) 219-3095 C | (719) 393-3392 pruddy@pga.com

Kevin L. Sanger, PGA, A-13 Colorado Springs Country Club P | (719) 634-8851 C | (720) 289-2072 kevins@cscountryclub.com

Courtney L. Rudolph, PGA, A-8 Indian Peaks Golf Course P | (303) 666-4706 C | (303) 888-8003 courtneygolfs@mac.com

Ryan D. Santa, PGA, A-8 Eaton Country Club P | (970) 454-2587 C | (970) 978-8834 pgaproryan@gmail.com

Micah R. Rudosky, PGA, A-1 Conquistador Golf Course P | (970) 565-9208 C | (970) 560-1787 mrudosky@hotmail.com

Joseph V. Sarconi, PGA, A-8 Country Club at Castle Pines P | (303) 688-6400 C | (720) 363-2627 Jsarconi@ccofcastlepines.com

Derek J. Rush, PGA, A-8 Cherry Hills Country Club P | (303) 350-5220 C | (970) 376-7432 drush@chcc.com

Kevin D. Sauer, PGA, A-1 golfnski10@yahoo.com

Chad W Rush, B-8 Sonnenalp Golf Club P | (970) 477-5372 C | (970) 376-1337 crush@sonnenalp.com Christopher J. Rusin, PGA, A-8 Beaver Creek Golf Club P | (480) 488-1362 C | (970) 710-1220 cjrusin@pga.com


Steve Saulsbery, PGA, A-8 Indian Peaks Golf Course P | (303) 666-4706 ssaulsbery@msn.com Alan L. Saunders, PGA, A-8 Glenmoor Country Club P | (303) 781-0400 asdrs@pga.com

Sam P. Saunders, PGA, A-3 PGA Tour P | (800) 556-5400 C | (216) 308-0434 cameron.marcus@msmgolf.com 2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory | www.coloradopga.com

Stan Sayers, PGA, A-14 MetaGolf Learning Center P | (303) 799-0870 C | (720) 201-1975 stansayersgolf@gmail.com John A. Scappatura Jr., PGA, A-9 Blackstone Country Club P | (303) 680-0245 C | (832) 585-3488 jscap@pga.com Todd R. Schafersman, PGA, A-1 Bridges Country Club (The) P | (970) 252-8899 C | (402) 730-0260 todd@montrosebridges.com Matt D. Schalk, PGA, A-13 Colorado National Golf Club P | (303) 926-1723 C | (303) 590-4293 mlschalk2224@msn.com Tyson C. Schalock, PGA, A-1 C | (970) 219-1207 tschalock@pga.com Eric M Schaupeter, PGA, IN C | (720) 933-3201 eschaupeter@gmail.com Casey A. Schiel, PGA, A-21 911 Golf P | (720) 391-1111 Casey@RoundsForeKids.org Walter R Schlomer, B-8 South Suburban Golf Course P | (303) 770-5508 C | (720) 939-2367 walterindenver@gmail.com Paul D Schmeling, B-8 Ridge at Castle Pines North P | (303) 688-4301 C | (480) 580-4999 pschmeling@troon.com Keith Schneider, PGA, A-13 Castle Pines Golf Club P | (303) 688-6022 C | (303) 525-7926 kschneider@castlepinesgolfclub. club Christopher A. Schultz, PGA, MP C | (330) 607-6536 chris.schultzpga@gmail.com Gregory J. Scialdone, PGA, A-8 Indian Tree Golf Club P | (303) 403-2542 C | (303) 668-4688 gregscialdone@gmail.com Jim K. See II, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC - Cherry Creek P | (303) 388-4832 C | (720) 648-7842 jimsee@pga.com Jeffrey D. Seltz, PGA, A-4 The Club at Rolling Hills P | (303) 279-7858 C | (303) 947-0053 pgaproseltz@gmail.com

Chance R. Semones, PGA, A-1 Tiara Rado Golf Course P | (970) 254-3830 C | (505) 977-8719 chances@gjcity.org

Beau S. Smith, PGA, A-1 Colorado Springs Country Club P | (719) 634-8851 C | (719) 337-3087 beau.smith@pga.com

Brian R. Sevier, PGA, A-6 Family Sports Center GC P | (303) 649-1115 C | (303) 717-4515 brspga@yahoo.com

Eric A. Smith, PGA, A-8 C | (469) 767-4759 esmith2644@yahoo.com

Blake C. Sharamitaro, PGA, A-8 Lake Arbor Golf Course P | (720) 898-7360 C | (314) 602-8565 bsharamitaro@arvada.org Carroll C. Sharratt, PGA, A-13 Warren Golf Club (The) P | (307) 773-3556 carroll.sharratt@us.af.mil Tray D. Shehee, PGA, A-14 Ute Creek Golf Course P | (303) 774-4342 C | (303) 875-5050 triplethree@earthlink.net Terra L. Shehee, PGA, A-1 Boulder Country Club P | (303) 530-4600 C | (303) 875-4848 terra@pga.com Roger Shields, PGA, LM rdsjo70@gmail.com Robert M. Shuler, PGA, LM C | (623) 570-7986 bobshusch@pga.com Cory T. Sigler, PGA, A-8 Sanctuary P | (303) 224-2860 C | (402) 578-1571 corysigler@hotmail.com Luke O. Skattum, B-8 Buffalo Run Golf Course P | (303) 289-1500 lskattum@gmail.com Bradford B. Skupaka, PGA, A-14 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (724) 554-8448 bskupaka@golftec.com Craig Sloan, PGA, LM C | (612) 290-4744 sloanc@earthlink.net Mike Sloan, PGA, RM sloanmcs15@aol.com Jack E. Small, PGA, A-6 Aspen Golf Club P | (970) 429-1949 C | (970) 987-4285 jsmall74@yahoo.com Dale Smigelsky, PGA, A-4 Collindale Golf Club P | (970) 221-6651 C | (970) 218-1438 dsmigelsky@fcgov.com Daniel A. Smith, PGA, IN seaoaks386@aol.com

Leighton T. Smith, PGA, A-14 First Tee of Pikes Peak P | (719) 597-1932 C | (843) 415-6788 lsmithpga@gmail.com Spencer E. Smith, PGA, A-8 Spring Valley Golf Club P | (303) 646-4240 C | (303) 325-1462 spenceresmith@icloud.com Jaime M. Sniffin, PGA, A-8 Highlands Ranch Golf Club P | (303) 471-0000 C | (303) 641-0822 Jaime.Sniffin@du.edu Daniel P. Sniffin, PGA, A-14 Omni Interlocken Resort P | (303) 464-9000 C | (720) 232-6211 dansniffin@yahoo.com

Cody J. Stalcup, PGA, A-1 C | (307) 631-4188 Stalcup@pga.com Bob J. Stallman, PGA, LM C | (719) 431-9709 bob@pueblocountryclub.com Curtis A. Starkey, PGA, A-1 Douglas Community Club P | (307) 358-5099 C | (307) 351-3289 cstarkeywyo@gmail.com Mike Steiner, PGA, A-13 Eagle Springs Golf Club P | (970) 926-4404 C | (970) 331-4474 msteiner@eaglesprings.org David J. Steinmetz, PGA, A-1 Inverness Golf Club P | (303) 397-7878 C | (720) 261-5046 dsteinmetz2001@yahoo.com Craig Stephens, PGA, A-1 Indian Peaks Golf Course P | (303) 666-4706 C | (303) 847-8596 craigs@cityoflafayette.com

Dan H. Sommers, PGA, LM danimpactgolf@gmail.com

Tim Stevens, PGA, A-4 Flatirons Golf Course P | (303) 442-7851 stevenst@bouldercolorado.gov

Jack Sommers, PGA, LM C | (505) 604-2302 jrsomm@gmail.com

Scott E. Stevenson, PGA, A-4 C | (951) 204-1906 ScottStevenson1724@yahoo.com

Scott Sommers, PGA, A-1 Saddleback Golf Club P | (303) 833-5000 C | (970) 556-8278 cpnscotty@aol.com

Paul E. Steward, PGA, A-8 Pinehurst Country Club P | (303) 985-1559 C | (720) 209-0929 psteward@pga.com

Keith E. Soriano, PGA, A-11 Colorado Section P | (303) 681-0742 C | (720) 841-1006 keithsoriano@pga.com

Scott A. Stewart, PGA, A-6 Mountain Vista Greens GC P | (970) 482-4847 BUFFSSTEW@HOTMAIL.COM

Charles D Soule, B-6 P | (303) 371-3131 csoule@gvrgolfacademy.com Benjamin E. Spiers, PGA, A-8 Gardens of the Gods Club and Resort P | (719) 636-2520 C | (719) 651-5305 bspiers@pga.com

Dow N. Stewart, PGA, A-1 Salida Golf Club Inc P | (719) 539-1060 C | (719) 221-9586 golfsalida@hotmail.com Keith R. Stilwell, PGA, A-13 Cheyenne Shadows GC@Ft Car P | (719) 526-4122 C | (970) 980-4038 kstilwell11@gmail.com

Benjamin J Splichal, B-8 Springs Ranch Golf Club P | (719) 573-4863 C | (701) 610-1655 bsplichal@gra.midco.net

Robert E. Stong, PGA, A-8 Raccoon Creek Golf Course P | (303) 932-0199 C | (970) 623-5659 stongwrcs@gmail.com

Stuart L. Spyker, PGA, A-1 Catamount Ranch & Club P | (970) 871-9200 C | (480) 226-4317 stuspyker@gmail.com

Geoffrey J. Strasser, PGA, A-8 Wellshire Golf Course P | (720) 865-0440 C | (720) 301-2169 geoffrey.strasser@denvergov.org

Craig Stadler, PGA, A-3 PGA Tour P | (800) 556-5400 savsfan00@cs.com

Shawn J Strohman, PGA, IN C | (972) 849-3108 shawnstrohman@yahoo.com

www.coloradopga.com | 2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory


Rynk M. Strothers, PGA, A-14 Pro-Link Golf School P | (720) 364-2653 C | (720) 364-2653 strothers13@msn.com

Timothy A. Tafoya, PGA, A-8 Bookcliff Country Club P | (970) 242-9053 C | (402) 202-7700 tim_tafoya@hotmail.com

Pentti K. Tofferi, PGA, A-13 CC of the Rockies P | (970) 926-3021 C | (970) 331-6106 pentti@ccrockies.com

Amy M Stubblefield, PGA, A-6 Old Baldy Club P | (307) 326-5222 C | (760) 668-4003 amystubb1@gmail.com

Patrick M. Tait, PGA, A-1 Raccoon Creek Golf Course P | (303) 932-0199 pgatait@aol.com

John Tolan, PGA, A-13 Family Sports Center GC P | (303) 649-1115 johnt@sspr.org

Bryce A. Tani, PGA, A-8 Fox Hollow Golf Club P | (303) 986-7888 C | (303) 520-2780 brycetani@pga.com

Kenneth R. Toms, PGA, A-11 University of Colorado, Colorado Springs PGA Golf Management P | (719) 255-3032 C | (719) 930-6510 kenneth.toms@gmail.com

Michael E. Stubblefield, PGA, A-1 Old Baldy Club P | (307) 326-5222 C | (760) 238-2021 mstubbl@aol.com Mark A. Sturtz, PGA, LM C | (303) 957-7914 pgamas@yahoo.com Steven M. Sullivan, B-8 Heritage @ Westmoor GC P | (303) 469-2974 C | (720) 934-2904 anyonebutsteveme@yahoo.com Paul J. Surniak, PGA, A-14 Cheyenne Shadows GC@Ft Car P | (719) 526-4122 C | (719) 332-0024 paulsurniak@yahoo.com

Harry L. Tanner, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC- Fort Collins South P | (970) 692-5270 C | (760) 521-0407 htanner@pga.com Tyler M Tarpley, PGA, A-13 Coyote Creek Golf Course P | (303) 857-6152 C | (303) 817-6330 ttarpley16@gmail.com

Visanu Tongwarin, PGA, A-8 Legacy Ridge Golf Course P | (303) 438-8997 C | (815) 546-8008 Vtongwarin@gmail.com John Trenck III, PGA, LMA P | (303) 587-7958 C | (303) 957-8085 jtrenck@q.com

Tom W. Taylor, PGA, A-1 Haymaker Golf Course P | (970) 870-1846 tom@haymakergolf.com

Ryan D Treptow, B-8 Arrowhead Country Club P | (605) 342-6389 ryan.treptow@gmail.com

Mark E. Sutherland, PGA, A-8 Broadmoor Golf Club P | (719) 634-7711 C | (719) 429-6673 cogolfent@gmail.com

Kenneth J. Thayer III, PGA, A-4 Beaver Creek Golf Club P | (970) 754-5775 C | (808) 276-6458 kthayer@vailresorts.com

John W. Trierweiler, PGA, A-8 Columbine Country Club P | (303) 794-6333 C | (812) 249-8407 jtrierweiler2@gmail.com

Mollie G. Sutherland, PGA, A-11 C | (719) 429-6217 msutherl@uccs.edu

Thomas N. Thomas, PGA, LM C | (516) 850-7439 TNTPGA33@yahoo.com

Shane S Sutherland, B-8 Cheyenne Shadows GC@Ft Car P | (719) 526-4122 shanebecky49@msn.com

Ty Thompson, PGA, A-4 Colorado Springs Country Club P | (719) 634-8851 C | (303) 918-9270 ty.thompson@pga.com

Robert K. Trowbridge, PGA, A-8 Country Club at Castle Pines P | (303) 688-6400 C | (703) 362-0225 ktrowbridge@ccofcastlepines.com

Mike G. Swan, PGA, A-1 The Club at Crested Butte P | (970) 349-8603 C | (540) 272-1628 golf@clubatcrestedbutte.com Samuel L Swanger, B-8 The Fox Hill Club P | (303) 651-3777 tvillesam@gmail.com Christopher R Swinhart, PGA, A-1 Thorncreek Golf Course P | (303) 450-7055 C | (303) 905-6107 chris.swinhart@cityofthornton.net Darren R. Szot, PGA, A-4 Club @ Cordillera Valley Course P | (970) 926-5950 C | (970) 343-2753 dszot22@pga.com Scott Szymoniak, PGA, A-13 Fort Collins Country Club P | (970) 482-1336 C | (678) 850-0975 scotts@fcgolf.org


David M. Thompson, PGA, A-1 EagleVail Golf Club P | (970) 949-5267 C | (970) 988-2601 DaveThompson@pga.com Michael Thomsen, PGA, A-8 The Ranch Country Club P | (303) 466-2111 C | (314) 484-0413 mwthomsen@pga.com Brad A. Thorberg, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC- Fort Collins South P | (970) 692-5270 C | (402) 843-8947 bradpgapro@gmail.com Rick R Timm, PGA, A-14 Timm Golf Academy P | (303) 204-7331 C | (303) 204-7331 rick@timmgolf.com Philip M. Tobias, PGA, A-1 River Course at Keystone P | (970) 496-4316 C | (970) 333-4025 ptobias@vailresorts.com

2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory | www.coloradopga.com

David Troyer, PGA, A-13 CommonGround Golf Course P | (303) 340-1520 C | (303) 521-0431 dtroyer@commongroundgc.com Josh W. Troyer, PGA, A-1 Greeley Country Club P | (970) 353-2431 C | (719) 338-9494 jtroyer@pga.com John R. Trujillo Jr., PGA, A-6 Eisenhower Golf Club P | (719) 333-2606 C | (719) 963-0327 john_marne@yahoo.com Andrew M. Tucker, PGA, A-6 Lakewood Country Club P | (303) 233-0503 C | (303) 549-0607 andrewtuckergolf@gmail.com Brian T. Turner, B-8 Dos Rios Golf Club P | (970) 641-1482 C | (970) 275-3508 btturnercb@yahoo.com Max R Twarjan, B-8 Maroon Creek Club P | (970) 920-1533 C | (603) 591-6916 mtwarjan@gmail.com

Cyrus C. Twete, PGA, A-8 Bear Dance (The Golf Club at) P | (303) 681-4653 cytwete@yahoo.com Brad D. Tyson, F Valley Country Club P | (303) 690-6377 C | (720) 585-8345 bradtyson11@gmail.com Jeff K. Ulvedal, PGA, A-1 Ptarmigan Country Club P | (970) 226-6600 C | (303) 345-7762 julvedal@pga.com Richard J. Urso, PGA, A-8 Castle Pines Golf Club P | (303) 358-5906 C | (303) 358-5906 rickyurso@yahoo.com Kirk S. Usui, F P | (808) 895-4123 kusui@pga.com Tyler C. Van Kooten, PGA, A-8 Roaring Fork Club P | (970) 927-9100 C | (602) 705-9369 tvankooten@me.com Stephen M. VanDyke, PGA, A-4 Aspen Glen Club P | (970) 704-1988 C | (970) 948-1848 steve.vandyke@ourclub.com James C. Vaughn, PGA, A-6 Family Sports Center GC P | (303) 649-1115 C | (303) 589-7367 codyvaughn@me.com Kevin Vena, PGA, A-1 Pinehurst Country Club P | (303) 985-1559 C | (303) 669-9945 kvena@pinehurstcountryclub.com Eloy W. Vendegna, PGA, A-6 Chipeta Golf Course P | (970) 245-7177 C | (970) 260-3732 evgolfpro1969@hotmail.com Bill M. VerBrugge, PGA, LMC John Vickers, F Hillcrest Golf Club P | (970) 247-1499 johnvickerspga@yahoo.com James Vie-Carpenter, PGA, RM C | (720) 333-2035 jamesvie@comcast.net Nathan S. Vincent, PGA, A-1 King’s Deer Golf Club P | (719) 559-4500 C | (719) 659-6438 nathan.vincent2@gmail.com Anthony L. Vitale, PGA, A-8 Colorado Golf Club P | (303) 840-5400 C | (201) 214-6814 avitale@coloradogolfclub.com

Ron Vlosich, PGA, LM C | (303) 550-0144 rtvlosich@comcast.net Craig S. Vollmar, PGA, A-14 Golf Galaxy - Westminster P | (303) 952-5571 C | (303) 513-0195 craigvollmar13@pga.com Kyle A. Voska, PGA, A-6 The Links Golf Course P | (303) 470-9292 C | (513) 290-2964 kvoska@hotmail.com Sam T. Vosler, PGA, A-6 First Tee of Pikes Peak P | (719) 597-1932 C | (605) 645-0438 samvosler@gmail.com Ty Walker, PGA, A-14 GolfTEC - Denver Tech Center P | (303) 770-5951 C | (303) 514-1212 twalker@golftec.com Stephen J. Wallace, PGA, A-13 Eisenhower Golf Club P | (719) 333-2606 C | (602) 750-5950 azsteve19@gmail.com Glenn Wallace, PGA, A-4 The Club at Flying Horse P | (719) 494-1222 C | (719) 491-7943 gwallace@flyinghorseclub.com Aaron K. Walsh, PGA, IN C | (303) 928-0971 awalsh@judge.com Scott Walter, PGA, A-20 Straight Down Clothing Company P | (805) 543-3086 C | (303) 902-1317 swalter@straightdown.com Brett J. Walton, PGA, A-20 E-Z-GO C&M Golf&Grounds Equip C | (720) 376-5870 bwalton@pga.com Daniel Ward, PGA, A-8 Aurora Hills Golf Course P | (303) 739-1550 C | (720) 342-4671 dward91@juno.com Nicholas S. Warner, B-8 Red Sky Ranch P | (970) 754-8425 C | (201) 410-7076 warnernicholas7@gmail.com Gary R Washington, PGA, IN pg@victorydenver.com Kirk L. Wasson, PGA, LM C | (307) 680-5660 wasn1@bresnan.net Trent J Wearner, PGA, A-14 Trent Wearner Golf P | (303) 645-8000 C | (720) 234-4653 trent@trentwearnergolf.com

Dennis S Weber, B-8 River Course at Keystone P | (970) 496-1520 weber.denny@gmail.com Erica E. Webster, PGA, A-6 Eagle Ranch Golf Club P | (970) 328-2882 C | (970) 331-9023 ericaweb9023@gmail.com Jesse W. Weeks, PGA, LM C | (901) 387-8605 jesseweeks@pga.com Michael E Weingartner, PGA, A-1 Ridge at Castle Pines North P | (303) 688-4301 C | (303) 518-3864 dubski8683@gmail.com Charles Weir, PGA, LM sammyremy@gmail.com Nick B. Welch, PGA, A-8 Riverdale Golf Club P | (303) 659-6700 C | (720) 854-9259 nwelch@pga.com Scott R. Wells, PGA, A-24 Catch - 72 Golf P | (717) 283-8193 C | (717) 283-8193 srw@mail.com Ben P. Welsh, PGA, A-4 EagleVail Golf Club P | (970) 949-5267 C | (970) 688-0115 bwelsh@pga.com Andrew T. West, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC - Denver Tech Center P | (303) 770-5951 C | (415) 999-5703 awest@golftec.com Douglas F. Wherry, PGA, A-14 Jake’s Academy P | (800) 910-2742 C | (303) 548-9159 dougwherry@mac.com Brian K. Whitehouse, F Eisenhower Golf Club P | (719) 333-2606 C | (719) 494-9402 bwhitehousepga@gmail.com Mark C. Wiebe, PGA, A-3 PGA Tour P | (800) 556-5400 C | (303) 810-0697 mwiebe@pgatour.com R.J. Wiegand, PGA, A-6 C | (303) 808-9355 wiegand.rj@gmail.com Thomas C. Wight, PGA, A-8 Pinehurst Country Club P | (303) 985-1559 C | (720) 384-3306 tcwight@comcast.net Jeffrey R. Wilcinski, PGA, A-8 Headwaters GC @ Granby Ranch P | (970) 887-2709 jwilcinski@pga.com

www.coloradopga.com | 2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory


John T. Wilcox, PGA, LMC waggers85@gmail.com Shawn Wilcox, PGA, A-6 Pro-Link Golf School P | (720) 364-2653 sw@pga.com Tommy S. Wiles, B-8 Meridian Golf Club P | (303) 799-4043 C | (303) 810-8416 tommywiles01@yahoo.com Sonny Williams, PGA, A-6 PGA Tour Superstore P | (720) 266-2400 C | (303) 547-2778 sonwill@comcast.net John A. Williams, PGA, A-9 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (503) 708-3589 jwilliams@golftec.com Ryan C. Williams, PGA, A-1 Sunset Golf Course P | (303) 651-8466 C | (303) 356-4860 ryanpga09@gmail.com John L. Williams, PGA, A-8 C | (901) 491-2929 JLW.Luke1990@gmail.com Chris Williamson, PGA, A-8 Fort Collins Country Club P | (970) 482-1336 C | (970) 305-1027 chriswilliamson@pga.com Darryl J. Wilson, PGA, IN cameron_w@q.com Michael Wilson, PGA, A-8 Breckenridge Golf Club P | (970) 453-9104 C | (970) 389-2904 mikewil@colorado.net Christopher J Wilson, B-8 South Suburban Golf Course P | (303) 770-5508 chrisjwilson303@gmail.com John R Wiltgen, B-8 Ironbridge Golf Club P | (970) 384-0630 C | (970) 948-3313 jrwiltgen@gmail.com Brian A Wilzoch, B-8 Heritage Eagle Bend Golf Club P | (303) 400-6700 bwilzoch@gmail.com Brett Winder, F Bookcliff Country Club P | (970) 242-9053 C | (970) 260-7609 brettwinder@hotmail.com Michael D. Wine, PGA, RM C | (615) 424-8880 mikewine@pga.com Bill Winfield, F C | (303) 419-3060 winfield43@msn.com


Bryan M. Winkel, B-8 The Club at Cordillera P | (970) 926-5950 C | (916) 300-7678 bwinkel1515@gmail.com

Jason T. Young, PGA, A-1 Golf Club at Red Rock (The) P | (605) 718-4710 jasonyoung@pga.com

Tyler S. Winslow, B-8 Lake Valley Golf Club P | (303) 444-2114 twinslow03@gmail.com

Troy C. Youngren, PGA, A-1 Cobble Creek (The Links at) P | (970) 240-9542 C | (970) 901-9428 troy@cobblecreek.com

Daniel T. Winters, PGA, A-6 GolfTEC Headquarters P | (303) 779-9900 C | (321) 543-4610 dwinters18@pga.com

Seth D Zacks, B-8 The Golf Club @Ravenna P | (720) 981-6000 s.zacks@hotmail.com

Jason L. Witczak, PGA, A-14 Green Valley Ranch Golf Club P | (303) 371-3131 C | (480) 415-1447 pga11@live.com Grant Wittenwyler, PGA, A-24 Authentic Athletix, LLC P | (303) 961-3300 C | (303) 881-9914 grantwitt@comcast.net Fairington E Wood, PGA, LM C | (970) 749-5600 few3@bresnan.net Tom Woodard, PGA, A-4 Meadows Golf Course (The) P | (303) 409-2103 C | (303) 598-5681 tomw@fhprd.org Christopher S. Woods, B-1 Omni Interlocken Resort P | (303) 464-9000 C | (303) 521-6840 cwoods@omnihotels.com Gary W. Woodside, PGA, LM C | (720) 329-0006 gwoodside@live.com Joshua R Woodworth, B-8 Glacier Club (The) P | (719) 291-2131 josh.woodworth3@gmail.com Larry E. Worster, PGA, A-8 Indian Peaks Golf Course P | (303) 666-4706 C | (303) 641-3596 doctorlarry@pga.com Lisa M. Wright, PGA, RM C | (970) 903-5678 lisalopro@aol.com James C Wright, B-8 Indian Peaks Golf Course P | (303) 666-4706 C | (303) 815-0842 wright.james87@gmail.com Ryan M. Wroblewski, PGA, A-8 Cherry Hills Country Club P | (303) 350-5220 C | (303) 518-4672 wroblewski.ryan@gmail.com Narudol P Yoadjarust, B-8 Littleton Golf and Tennis Club P | (303) 794-5838 peterytw1@gmail.com

2016 Colorado PGA Member Directory | www.coloradopga.com

Michael J. Zaremba, PGA, A-4 Desert Hawk at Pueblo West P | (719) 547-2280 C | (719) 251-9078 zarembaent@yahoo.com Brian J. Zeigler, PGA, A-8 Red Sky Golf Club P | (970) 754-8377 C | (267) 261-4623 bzeigler@vailresorts.com Rich M. Zulkoski, PGA, LM C | (970) 324-0685 szrz1970@yahoo.com Rudolph T. Zupetz, PGA, A-13 Sanctuary P | (303) 224-2860 C | (303) 332-4503 rzupetz@sanctuarygolfcourse.com Zane T. Zwemke, PGA, A-8 Aurora Hills Golf Course P | (303) 739-1550 C | (720) 281-0658 zanezwemke@yahoo.com Ronald W. Zwemke, PGA, LM C | (303) 349-4324 rwzgolf@aol.com

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