Colorado State University / Nicole Ceciliani / Graduate Conducting Recital / March 3, 2024

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Graduate Conducting Recital

Nicole Ceciliani, conductor Dr. Hyeji Seo, collaborative pianist

Sunday, March 3, 2024 8:00 PM Organ Recital Hall

Recital Program


O Virtus Sapientiae

Silentio Nocivo

Hildegard von Bingen (1098–1179)

Arranged by Katerina Gimon

Mackenzie Laun, Susanna Jacobson, Hayley Price, soloists

Barbara Strozzi (1619–1677)


Nacht liegt auf den fremden Wegen

Lockung, Op. 3, No. 1

Schweigend sinkt die Nacht

Dr. Hyeji Seo, harpsichord Robert Stahly, cello

Fanny Hensel (1805–1847)

Mackenzie Laun, soprano Susanna Jacobson, alto Lucas Jackson, tenor Chandler Peveto, bass

Ich stand in dunklen Träumen, Op. 13, No. 1

Liebst du um Schönheit, Op. 37, No. 4

Clara Schumann (1819–1896)

Arranged by James McCullough



Poem of Praise


Florence Price (1887–1953)


Non Nobis, Domine Rosephanye Powell

My Song in the Night Elaine Hagenberg

To Sit and Dream Rosephanye Powell

Choir Personnel


Kirsten Carpenter

Mackenzie Laun

Keah Redder

Kristy Shuck


Mykayla Fitzpatrick

Kaia Monson

Susanna Jacobson

Hayley Price


Josh Ceciliani

Lucas Jackson

Luke Marshall

Kenneth Wicklund


John Friskney

David Lonowski

Chandler Peveto

Andrew Wallace

This wonderful choir is comprised of singers who are music educators around Colorado, graduate and undergraduate students from CSU, and music professionals. There are not enough words to describe how grateful I am for the time they dedicated to making this recital possible.

I would also like to thank my Graduate Oral Comps committee for their time and guidance in helping me achieve this graduate degree in Choral Conducting. Thank you, Dr. Kim, Dr. Grapes, and Dr. Aragon, for your time.

Dr. Seo, thank you for your wonderful collaboration with this recital. I always enjoy working with you with the CSU Chamber Choir, so thank you for joining me another time.

Lastly, I want to thank Dr. Kim and Dr. Payant for their endless guidance and support throughout my studies. Dr. Kim and Dr. Payant, you both have given me so many opportunities to get on the podium and grow as a conductor. I appreciate the mentorship I received from both of you immensely and have cherished my time with you at CSU.

Texts & Translations

O Virtus Sapientiae Hildegard von Bingen

O Virtus Sapientiae, Quae circuiens circuisti

Comprehendendo omnia

In una via, quae habit vitam, Tres alas h-bens, Quarum una in altum volat, Et altera de terra sudat, Et tertia undique volat.

Laus tibi sit, sicut te decet,

O Sapientia.

O strength of Wisdom

Who, circling, circled, Enclosing all

In one life-giving path,

Three wings you have:

One soars to the heights,

One distills its essence upon the earth, And the third is everywhere.

Praise to you, as is fitting,

O Wisdom.

Silentio Nocivo Barbara Strozzi

Dolcissimi respiri

De’ nostri cori amanti

Son le parole affettuose e i canti.

Sfoga, o mio core, il tuo cocente ardore, Se tal’hor non ti tocca

Nodrirti almen di due soavi baci.

Afflittissima bocca,

Stolta sei se tu taci:

Parla, canta, respira, esala il duolo, Canta, canta, che solo

Dolcissimi respiri…

Sweetest breaths

Are the passionate words and songs

Of our loving hearts.

Express, oh my heart, your burning desire,

When at times you cannot

At least nourish yourself with two sweet kisses.

Afflicted mouth,

You’re foolish if you remain silent: Speak, sing, divulge your suffering, Sing, sing, for only Sweetest breaths…

– Giulio Strozzi (1583–1652)

Nacht liegt auf den fremden Wegen

Nacht liegt auf den fremden Wegen, Krankes Herz und müde Glieder,Ach, da fließt, wie stiller Segen, Süßer Mond, dein Licht hernieder;

Süßer Mond, mit deinen Strahlen

Scheuchest du das nächtge Grauen; Es zerrinnen meine Qualen, Und die Augen übertauen.

Night lies over unknown pathways, Sick heart and tired limbs, -

Then, sweet moon, like a silent blessing, Your radiance streams down;

With your beams, sweet moon, You dispel nocturnal terrors; All my torments melt away

And my eyes brim over.


Hörst du nicht die Bäume rauschen

Draußen durch die stille Rund?

Lockt’s dich nicht, hinabzulauschen

Von dem Söller in den Grund, Wo die vielen Bäche gehen

Wunderbar im Mondenschein

Und die stillen Burgen sehen

In den Fluß vom hohen Stein?

Kennst du noch die irren Lieder

Aus der alten, schönen Zeit?

Sie erwachen alle wieder

Nachts in Waldeseinsamkeit,

Fanny Hensel

Fanny Hensel

Wenn die Bäume träumend lauschen

Und der Flieder duftet schwül

Und im Fluß die Nixen rauschen

Komm herab, hier ist’s so kühl.

Dost thou hear the trees that rustle

Through the soft and quiet air?

Wouldst thou forth, with joy to wander, Now that night is still and fair?

Where the many streamlets round thee

Wondrous in the moonlight flow, While the silent hills look downward

O'er the gleaming plain below.

Canst thou hear the songs entrancing,

Known when bye-gone days were bright?

Songs that wake once more to music, In the lonely woods at night, When the trees in slumber hearken, And the lilac's scent is full; When the water-fairies whisper, Come to us, where waves are cool.

Schweigend sinkt die Nacht

Schweigend sinkt die Nacht hernieder, still verglimmt des Abends Pracht, leis‘ verklingen unsre Lieder, leiser klingt die Welle wieder, unsre Fahrt, sie ist vollbracht, gute Nacht, gute Nacht.

Silently, the night descends on earth, Evening’s splendor quietly dies down, Softly our songs are fading, Softer resounds the wave, Our journey is over, Softly, softly, good night.

Fanny Hensel

Ich stand in dunklen Träumen Clara Schumann

Ich stand in dunkeln Träumen

Und starrte ihr Bildniß an, Und das geliebte Antlitz

Heimlich zu leben begann.

Um ihre Lippen zog sich

Ein Lächeln wunderbar, Und wie von Wehmuthstränen Erglänzte ihr Augenpaar.

Auch meine Thränen flossen Mir von den Wangen herab Und ach, ich kann es nicht glauben, Daß ich Dich verloren hab'!

I stood in gloomy daydreams and gazed at her portrait, and that well-beloved countenance began furtively to come to life.

About her lips there seemed to glide a wondrous smile, and, as if they were about to fill with nostalgic tears, her eyes glistened.

And my tears flowed down my cheeksand ah, I cannot believe that I have lost you!

– Christian Johann Heinrich Heine (1797–1856) √

Liebst du um Schönheit Clara Schumann

Liebst du um Schönheit, O nicht mich liebe!

Liebe die Sonne, Sie trägt ein gold'nes Haar!

Liebst du um Jugend, O nicht mich liebe!

Liebe den Frühling, Der jung ist jedes Jahr!

Liebst du um Schätze, O nicht mich liebe.

Liebe die Meerfrau, Die hat viel Perlen klar.

Liebst du um Liebe, O ja, mich liebe!

Liebe mich immer, Dich lieb' ich immerdar.

If you love for beauty, Oh do not love me!

Love the sun, It has gold hair!

If you love for youth, Oh do not love me!

Love the spring-time That is young each year!

If you love for wealth, Oh do not love me!

Love the mermaid, Who has many limpid pearls!

If you love for love, Oh yes, love me!

Love me forever; I will love you forevermore!

– Friederich Rückert (1788–1866)

Non Nobis, Domine Rosephanye Powell

Non nobis, Domine, tuo da .

Sed nomini tuo da gloriam.

Non nobis, Domine, tuo da gloriam.

Not unto us, O Lord, give thy glory. But to your name be the glory. Not unto us, O Lord, give they glory.

– from Psalm 115:1

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