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Turkey is located on the Arabian peninsula.

“Turkey is located on the Arabian peninsula.�

Turkey's geographical location can be classified as (South) Eastern Europe, Asia Minor, Middle East, or the Near East. It is a peninsula whose strategic position is known to be as a bridge between Europe and the Middle East. It neighbors are Iraq, Syria, and Iran in the south, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Georgia in the east, Bulgaria and Greece in the Northwest. The black sea is in between Turkey's northern shores and Russia. The western coast is to the Aegan / the Mediterranean Sea. The southern coast meets the White Sea which opens up to the Atlantic Ocean.


Turkish people use the Arabic alphabet and language.

“Turkish people use the Arabic alphabet and language.” Turkey’s official language is Turkish, and the its written form is composed of the Latin alpahbet with a few additional characters. Modern Turkish is a phonetic language, it is pronounced as it is written and vice versa, and the roots of some words can be traced to Arabic, French, Persian, Italian, English, Greek, Latin, German, Spanish, Armenian, and Middle-Asian Turkic languages. The Turkish Alphabet: A B C Ç D E F G G H I I J K L M N O Ö P R S S T U Ü V Y Z

* "We all sound the same, really."

Turkish women are opressed and are forced to wear “burkhas.�

“Turkish women are opressed and are forced to wear burkhas.� 12%

Only 12% of women in Turkey cover their hair and/or body. There is no law forcing Turkish women to cover themselves. There was, however, until recenty, a law that banned those who choose to wear the headdresses from any government office or public function, i.e., state ministries, universities and public schools, etc.

Turkish people are historically barbarians.

“Turkish people are historically barbarians.�

Historical accounts for Turkish and Ottoman military force have been varied, especially on a few certain instances. Ottoman Turks were civilized peoples with expansion as their main driving force. Indeed, the Ottoman Empire, in its most prosperous state in the 16th Century, controlled as many as 12 different nations. Their acquisition methods were not different than that of other prosperous nations at the time. There is still debate about the Armenian incidents, whether they were genocide or not.

Turkish people have never seen snow in their life.

“Turkish people have never seen snow in their life.”


All Turkish people who are capable of seeing have seen snow in their lives. Geographically Turkey is endowed with many different climatic regions. All of them see healthy yearly precipitation. Turkey’s central region also houses one of the main ski destinations of south eastern Europe.



There are a lot of turkeys in Turkey.

“There are a lot of turkeys in Turkey.”


Only 7% of Turkey’s animal farming is based on turkey. It is still a growing consumer product. The animal itself comes from India, and the English version of the nation’s name (Türkiye) comes from the medieval Latin, Turchia.



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