Color Magazine - Edition 32 - October 2010

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32 October 15th November15th


in a city rich in shades, here is a COLOR that includes all...


Diversity 2.0 Three Takeaways from WDLS 2010 Waiting For Superman Davis Guggenheim’s Latest Film

25 Years of Shonen Knife

Review: Iman Beauty Products

Dr. Yvonne Thornton The Ditchdigger’s Daughter is back and has Something to Prove

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october 2010

B u s i n e ss

5 Three Takeaways from the 2010 World Diversity Leadership Summit

6 Motivation is Tricky Business: Fresh Strategies for Getting to Work

B e nc h m a r k s

8 Food Coach German Lam Demonstrates the Power of Food

10 Waiting for Superman: Davis Guggenheim Points his Camera at America’s Public Schools


12 Dr. Yvonne

Thornton, author of The Ditchdigger’s Daughter, on fulfilling her father’s legacy and her latest book, Something to Prove.

E n t e rta i n m e n t

16 Shonen Knife: Sharp as Ever

23 The Painted Man: Brooklyn Bodega

L i f e st y l e

18 Immigrants Define Napa Wine Scene

20 An Investment in Fashion

22 Review: Iman Beauty Products October 2010



From the Ed i t o r


In a city rich in shades here is a color that includes all…

n the time between when I read the first draft of Bridgit Brown’s feature on Dr. Yvonne Thornton and when I sent the final copy to our designer, my brother and his wife had a beautiful baby boy. Now an uncle, my perspective has changed a bit, specifically, with regard to Dr. Thornton’s 5,542 deliveries. Yesterday, it was one of those telling statistics that journalism professors love; it was the number in the final graph that was missing a comma between the fives. Today, I am starting to understand the magnitude of that figure. I am beginning to imagine the joy each one of those deliveries has brought into the world – 5,542 babies equals a lot of happy uncles, and I can only imagine how all those proud parents must have felt.¶ Then I thought of Dr. Thornton’s father, the proud parent who wanted everything for his daughters. He wanted them to be the best, to work in the most respected field, to become doctors. And with the help of his dedication and unique brand of wisdom, the Thornton sisters have delivered. Yvonne has not only become a doctor, but written books, broke down barriers and advanced maternal-fetal medicine. Her father once said, “If I told [my daughters] to reach for the moon, and they never got it, they knew in falling they could grab a star.” Well dad, Yvonne has definitely shot the moon.



Color Magazine is the premier all-inclusive monthly magazine that highlights and promotes professionals of color. 4 Copley Place | Suite 120 Boston, MA 02116 (617) 266.6961 Publisher

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Joanne Choi is a freelance journalist who also regularly contributes to AsianBoston Magazine. Her passion is staying up-to-date on people and society. She is working on her first novel.


Anna Giraldo-Kerr founded Shades of Success, a career coaching firm, to help professionals of color proactively manage their careers. In 2006, Anna’s editorial commentary on immigration and education was awarded national recognition at the First National Ethnic Media Awards.

MAGAZINE October 2010

Bridgit Brown is the Development Director at Teen Voices — a magazine created by and for teen girls from Boston and distributed all over the world. She is a contributor to Color Magazine, the Bay State Banner and WGBH’s Basic Black.

Desmond Williams is a freelance writer and JUNO magazine columnist. He lives in Brooklyn, NY, is half of a mixed-race couple and father to a rambunctious, comedic and inquisitive kindergartner. Desmond is currently working on a graphic novel, The Painted Man.

Trond Arne Undheim is an entrepreneur, speaker and author. He lives between Boston and London, speaks six languages and has a Ph.D. in sociology. He writes frequently on wine and society.

Jay Calderin is the author of Form, Fit & Fashion, the upcoming Fashion Design Essentials,and an instructor and Director of Creative Marketing at the School of Fashion Design. Jay is currently the Regional Director of Fashion Group International of Boston and the Executive Director of Boston Fashion Week which he founded.

GateHouse Media


“Everyone agreed on one thing: the traditional ways to address diversity in the workplace and the marketplace are no longer effective.”

Diversity 2.0: Innovation, Inclusion and Interdependence Key themes from the World Diversity Leadership Summit 2010 By Anna Giraldo-Kerr


ast month, roughly 350 participants came together for the 2010 World Diversity Leadership Summit at the Harvard Medical School in Boston. Attendees, who represented sectors ranging from technology to entertainment to government, came from as far west as Seattle and as far east as Austria. During the two-day event, everyone agreed on one thing: the traditional ways to address diversity in the workplace and marketplace are no longer effective. Three themes emerged from workshop discussions and keynotes inviting the audience to create a new version of diversity – a 2.0 of sorts – that fosters innovation, advocates for inclusion and promotes interdependence among constituencies.

The first theme focused on the concept of innovation. Innovation and diversity are tightly interrelated – diversity of thought and perspective is the catalyst for innovation. Approaching a challenge from a new angle would naturally yield out-of-the-box suggestions speakers stated. Carlos Domínguez, senior vice president at Cisco Systems, discussed how his organization

engaged professionals outside of the technology sector to help address current business issues. The second theme highlighted the key role of inclusion in developing and implementing a solid diversity strategy. Inclusion plays a strategic and tactical role since its main goal is to replace the event driven nature of past diversity initiatives with an ongoing effort that

is part of the organizational strategy. Keynote speaker Andrés Tapia referred to inclusion as “making the mix work.” The third theme underscored the interdependent nature of diversity 2.0 initiatives. Interdependency forces organizations to trust and collaborate with work teams that span continents, cultural backgrounds and rank in the organization. Businesses are painfully discovering that the days of the stand-alone employee are over. Instead, with the help of technology, collaboration speeds up the innovation and communication process. In the end, despite a steep uphill battle, participants felt the conference offered a unique and innovative way to discuss a thorny issue. “Any event that pulls together diversity thought leaders and practitioners is powerful,” said Joanne Derr, vice president of human resources for Neighborhood Health Plan, “Through this event I was able to make very worthwhile connections that will help me, and my organization, move forward.”

Anna Giraldo-Kerr, writes, consults and coaches on leadership, diversity and entrepreneurship. She can be reached at October 2010



Motivation is Tricky Business Fresh Strategies for Getting to Work By Alexis Schroeder


ately I’ve been fascinated by ideas and questions that seem to keep coming back around, challenges we find ourselves repeatedly facing over the course of a week, month, or lifetime. Take motivation for example. Even my friends and colleagues I consider to be the most motivated, say they wrestle with motivation as much as the next person. It’s clear that we’ve been trying to figure out motivation for a while now; we’ve all read a headline like, “How to Stop Procrastinating.” But the question is always the same: where does motivation come from?

The hope is that if we know where motivation comes from, we’ll be able to access it more easily, more frequently and then go do all those things we’ve wanted to do, or perhaps begin doing things differently. We won’t have as much trouble getting started and we’ll tackle all the high-priority things first. A lack of motivation means one of two things: fear or disinterest. This holds true whether we’re talking about motivation in the short-term (day-to-day work) or the long-term (the kind of careers and lives we aim to build over time). When I feel unmotivated, it usually isn’t because I’m exhausted; it’s because I know deep-down that in order to begin doing whatever I need to do, I’ll feel uncomfortable. When something is new and difficult for me, I initially am fearful. When I’m not learning or doing work I’m passionate about, I get bored and resentful. What I like is that sweet spot in between where I’m challenged, but not in over my head, and genuinely interested in whatever task is at hand. Whether it’s fear or disinterest though, it’s an uncomfortable feeling. Discomfort tends to kill motivation. The recipe for increased motivation then seems to be pretty straightforward: Get comfortable operating outside your sweet spot – in other words, understand how change works so that you can actually change your behavior – and then do whatever you need to do to keep yourself interested in your work. Simple enough, right? Thankfully, there are people out there doing wonderfully interesting work around these issues. To get more comfort6

MAGAZINE October 2010

able with the entirely normal discomfort of change and personal growth, check out Immunity to Change: How to Overcome it and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization by Harvard Graduate School of Education Professor Robert Kegan and leadership scholar Lisa Laskow Lahey. This book explains how and why we have the tendency to systematically work against so many of the goals we hope to achieve. Kegan and Lahey remind us that most people deal constantly with fear and go on to argue that anxiety is “the most important – and least understood – private emotion in public life.” They don’t just leave us hanging either; they provide concrete strategies for overcoming our own brand of immunity to change. If you’re looking for ways to stay interested in your work – no matter your field – try reading dancer and choreographer Twyla Tharp’s very accessible and aesthetically gorgeous book, The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use it For Life. According to Tharp, “Creativity is taking the facts, fictions, and feelings we store away and finding new ways to connect them.” She

‘A lack of motivation means one of two things: fear or disinterest’

spends a fair amount of time explaining the significance of memory to the creative person and suggests that the real secret of creativity is simply “to go back and remember.” Daniel H. Pink’s wildly successful Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us and a groundbreaking book published in 1990 called Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, are also useful books. If you prefer videos, both Pink and Csikszentmihalyi have given TED (a nonprofit dedicated to “Ideas Worth Spreading”) talks on their research that you can easily find online at Learning about where motivation comes from is well and good, but of course it’s not a solution to the problem. Knowledge is power, but only if paired it with action. Next time you have an important task or goal ahead of you and are feeling unmotivated, ask yourself why you’re feeling that way. Write down all the uncomfortable answers that might make you feel like a five-year-old; set aside the fact that this makes you feel vulnerable, and brainstorm ways of moving through those

Boston Medical Center is proud to support Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. blocks. Talk about what you think is holding you back with people you trust, especially if what you’re feeling is fear. It’s much easier to get motivated if you feel connected to peers who are struggling with similar challenges. If you’re feeling disinterest in your work, do something about it. Take on a new challenge within your company, or introduce a new idea at your next team meeting. Think about how you can shift your work so that, as much as possible, you do work that inspires you. And if you’re feeling really stuck, try answering this question: What is one thing you never seem to have trouble feeling motivated to do? Why do you think this is? Try investing time and energy there and take note of what feels different. Csikszentmihalyi calls this experience flow – a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. When I’ve experienced this state of flow myself, Csikszentmihalyi is right – nothing else matters than the work, not even my own fear. Alexis is a freelance writer and editor and co-founder of The New Prosperity Initiative(NPi), a media organization dedicated to knowledge sharing in the social justice field. Lex serves on the board of directors of The Writers’ Room of Boston, is a “Connector” for Boston World Partnerships. She can be reached at An earlier version of this piece was originally published on in July 2010.

As a central component of the greater Boston area, our commitment to serving individuals with various cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds is an essential part of who we are at Boston Medical Center. We know that by bringing together differences — a rich variety of traditions and viewpoints — we can remain truly engaged in providing the utmost service to our community. In fact, we offer our patient population on-site, person-to-person interpretation services in more than 30 languages, 24-hours-a-day. This same commitment to diversity encompasses our careers. Within our strong, all-inclusive workforce, you have the opportunity to discover the full potential of your own personal and professional strengths. You belong with the best. At Boston Medical Center (BMC), you can join a team of individuals who don’t simply strive for excellence – they set the standard for it. Visit our website to discover opportunities and enjoy an exceptional career at BMC – The Exceptional Choice:

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RECIPE Coconut Ginger Brown Rice with Scallion and Mint (Vegan) Yield: 8 servings I n g r e d i e n t s: 2 cups whole brown rice 6 cups of water 4 slices of fresh ginger 1 can coconut milk 1 bunch scallions (slice thin, rinse with cold water for 5 minutes) 1 bunch mint (remove from stem, julienne mint) 1⁄2 cup grapeseed oil D i r ec t i o n s 1. In a large pot, bring 6 cups of water to a boil; add ginger and 2 cups of rice. Simmer rice for about about 20 minutes until rice is done; depends on the brand of rice used. 2. Strain rice into colander to remove excess water. In a bowl, combine coconut milk and grapeseed oil. Add the cooked rice, scallion and mint. Stir together using a fork. S u g g e s t i o n: Add ground cardamom and diced pineapple to give it an unique flavor.

Home Cooking with German Lam Glam Foods Founder Demonstrates the Power of Food By Joanne M. Choi


n a rainy Saturday night

chef German Lam is surrounded. And, frankly, he is enjoying the attention. Seventeen adults are eagerly waiting to devour bouillabaisse, ratatouille and coconut brown rice with mint and scallion. Wine, fresh bread, salad and plentiful desserts are also literally on the table.

“We were able to prepare this food in the comfort of home. If you ordered a three course meal at a French restaurant, it could end up costing at least $75 per person.” German is dressed in his chef’s whites and has, for the last two hours, been doing what he loves best: talking about food and instructing. This is one reason he created his company, Glam Foods: to reach the young professionals out there who want to eat well, stay healthy and need someone to teach them how to do it. During this combination cooking lesson and dinner party, mounds of uncut vegetables, cans of peeled and plum tomatoes, shrimp, salmon, mussels and clams were combined in aromatic bubbling pots, and despite the work required, it had a casual, fun atmosphere. Perhaps the steady flow of wine helped. A few months before the actual party, German met me for lunch at Whole Foods. This was only our second meeting, so we walked around the aisles and politely, chatted about food. Santiago, Chile comes up, turns out he was born there. He talks about how the food in Santiago is great and we discuss the general food scene of Latin America. Then, he stops abruptly, his eyes open with delight. German is transfixed on a container of coconut water. German still has coconut on his mind when we sit down to eat. (Apparently it has only 60 calories per serving and is a good hangover fix.) He is outlining the aforementioned cooking demo/dinner party plan – coconut will be used as an ingredient. I wanted to include Bouillabaisse, the spicy French stew, and Ratatouille. He obliged.

The “food coach” is spreading his message (Healthy Living. Healthy Cooking. Healthy Body.) through his appearances at food shows, the Glam Foods website and working with his clients. When he hits the road, he often addresses vastly difference audiences. His Ron Burton Training Camp appearance gave him the opportunity to speak to girls aged 9 to12 about healthy eating habits: “You are what you eat, the food groups will fuel your body, mind and soul with energy, endurance and performance in class and sports.” Kathy Cheng of the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center had this to say in an email: “German has worked patiently with me and Ling to improve our food program. For instance, the mac and cheese was a big hit. A grandparent asked us for the recipe because his grandchild likes it so much that he wanted to cook the dish at home. His passion for healthy eating and cooking is contagious!” As I write this, it is easy to forget the frantic running around needed to obtain all the required vegetables for the dinner party. (Which squash for the recipe? There are about 8 kinds here!) And at the time, my mind was occupied with making sure it ran smoothly. Now, however, the random shots of the steaming dishes, sous chefs, and my co-host that allowed the use of his kitchen, awaken a latent memory of how satisfying it was to see friends gathered around food. Breaking bread together and creating together are powerful activities that people should share with one another regularly. All the better if the food choices we make are delicious and help our bodies to run better. German might just be the person who can help you bring it all together.

To plan your own dinner party or to enlist any of German’s many services, visit the Glam Foods website at or email him at


MAGAZINE October 2010

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Waiting For “Superman” An Inconvenient Truth Director Davis Guggenheim Points his Camera at America’s Public Schools By John Black


fter working with an ex-Vice President named Al in his Oscar-winning film, An Inconvenient Truth, and rock legends like The Edge and Jimmy Page in It Might Get Loud, his documentary about the electric guitar, director Davis Guggenheim didn’t have to look far for his next project. It was there at home waiting for him in the form of his two children, Stella and Miles. Trying to decide what schools they should go to, led the documentary filmmaker to turn his cameras on the state of education in America today, focusing on the lives of five kids whose dreams, hopes and untapped potential all rest on their escape from what even educators call the ‘drop out factory’ of today’s inner city public school system. All they needed for the chance of a better education, and the potential for a better future was the golden ticket, offered through a highly competitive lottery process, of admission at a charter school.

Guggenheim’s journey revealed some truly tragic situations, but it also lead him to some real-life heroes who are fighting every day to make things better, including Geoffrey Canada, president and CEO of the Harlem Children’s Zone, a community-based organization serving 17,000 children living in a 100-block radius in New York City.


MAGAZINE October 2010

“People simply don’t believe I’m telling the truth about the state of education in America,” Canada said. “So part of what I think my role is, is to say very clearly that I think there has to be some changes. Some of them are in areas that people are very touchy about. Once you start talking about work rules and union issues, people – I mean, that has been the third rail

politically for almost everyone, Democrats and Republicans, not to talk about that issue. I don’t see a solution unless we do some of those kinds of changes.” Canada, who was named one of “America’s Best Leaders” by U.S. News and World Report in 2005, maintained that while charter schools and programs like The Harlem Children’s Zone, are having an impact on the lives of some children, nothing will really change in the American education system until parents, teachers and administrators honestly put aside their emotions and their selfish reasons and put the interest of the children first. “I think all of us who are raising kids are really worried about this. I just think across the board people believe that, ‘If I don’t get my kid a great education, they’re simply not going to be able to be successful,’” he said. “When it comes to your own child, you will go to extraordinary efforts to try and guarantee them a decent education … I’m not surprised that folk are taking kids out of public education, even if they can’t necessarily afford it, to give their kids a private education, thinking that’s going to be the edge.” Even though he is the president and CEO of such a private institution, Canada is a product of the Bronx public school system and used the education he received to escape the drugs and violence Clockwise form the top; Francisco of everyday life in the (right) and his Mom school. He is a firm in Waiting For believer that although “Superman”. Geoffrey Canada in the system is broken, Waiting For “Superparents and educators man”. (Courtesy of can fix it if they will Paramount Pictures © 2010 Paramount put self interest aside. Pictures.) “What we’ve done in America is everyMusician John Legend (left) with thing but have that Co-Writer/Director conversation. Every Davis Guggenheim. other approach you (Courtesy of Public Education Pictures) could take without bringing up changes in work roles, we’ve done in America for the last 40 years – none of it has worked,” he said. “So I am going to continue to bring these issues up and just say to folks that we’ve got to confront this. We’ve got to really look at it and say, ‘We’ve got to do something different.’”

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Something Proven The Legacy of

Dr. Thornton By Bridgit Brown


MAGAZINE October 2010 October 2010


t’s been fifteen years since Dr. Yvonne Thornton published her acclaimed memoir The Ditchdigger’s Daughters, which became a national bestseller, was translated into 19 different languages and adapted into a made-for-television movie. With a third book to launch in December, Dr. Thornton shared her hesitations about writing this new book and also told us what to expect.

“My entire life,” she said “was in that first book, but there were so many people asking for another book. Over the years I wanted to be like Margaret Mitchell with Gone With the Wind or like Ralph Ellison with Invisible Man – one book and that’s it. Then my kids grew up and they are doing well now, and one person said, ‘you have to tell us how you raised your kids,’ and that was why I wrote this one.” With Something to Prove: A Daughter’s Journey to Fulfill a Father’s Legacy, Dr. Thornton doesn’t want to sound bitter, nor does she want to evoke pity. She just wants to pass along some motherly wisdom.


MAGAZINE October 2010

“I want the reader to understand that there are people out there with their own set of agendas and they may not be malicious, but only seem to be malicious when it comes to you. However, you have to overcome it and keep on going.” Case in point: In the first chapter of Something To Prove, Dr. Thornton describes her initial experiences in the medical profession and how, through saving lives, she was able to cast a bright light on her work. In this chapter, called “The Sub-basement and The Glass Ceiling,” Dr. Thornton shares a scene from the early 80s when she worked in the sub-basement of The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, a dark and dreary place at the time that had not been upgraded since the 1930s. In this scene, Mary, a first-time mother in her mid-thirties, just gave birth to a boy and is in the throes of a postpartum hemorrhage – losing a pint of blood per minute. She might need an emergency hysterectomy but Dr. Thornton wants to save her from that dire scenario by finding out where the stream of blood is coming from. After a few attempts, she finds the source and performs a delicate operation that stops the flow of blood to one of Mary’s arteries, saving this new mom from what could have been an irreversible procedure. Dr. Thornton is a maternal-fetal medicine specialist (high-risk obstetrician). Being a perinatologist or maternal-fetal medicine specialist carries with it the expertise of advanced training in being able to manage complicated pregnancies, above and beyond those skills of a general OB/GYN. “You find your opportunities in the castaway areas of life,” said Thornton, who is the first black woman in the United States to be board-certified in high-risk obstetrics, despite being placed in the sub-basement. “People will not give you something that is already shiny. They will throw something to you, thinking it’s a castaway and you have to make it shiny,” she said about her initial working experiences. “But it’s all been a challenge that has made me a better person, a better physician definitely, and a smarter academic.”

Dr. Thornton was among the great wave of women who began earning medical degrees in the 1970s, when only 8 percent of the 8,314 medical degrees were awarded to women. Today, 43 percent of the close to 7,000 degrees awarded to physicians are given to women. In 1970, only 7 percent of obstetricians were women. Now, almost 36 percent of OB/GYNs are women. The wisdom of her father – the late Donald Thornton, whose grand dream of his daughters becoming physicians at a time when black women physicians had close to zero visibility – is the linchpin in her life. Each chapter of Something to Prove begins with one of his quotes, like at the beginning of chapter three, “If I told [my daughters] to reach for the moon, and they never got it, they knew in falling they could grab a star.” It was this magical optimism combined with hard work that made Dr. Thornton who she is today. She is credited with having established and developed the program for CVS (not to be confused with the pharmacy, as in chorionic villus sampling) a procedure performed in a pregnant woman during the first ten to twelve weeks of her pregnancy to determine the health of the fetus she is carrying. “We made the road easier but there are still a lot of bumps in it. As an analogy, from a historical perspective in America, originally there were no roads. It was all dirt and mud for the horse-drawn wagons that used to come into New York City back in the 1900s, and then they built a cobblestone road, and now the road is paved with

asphalt. But, the never-ending road is still there. My parents didn’t have the cobblestoned road. They just had mud. They were trying to make it in the mud, and then they made the road a little better with cobblestones for my sisters and me. My husband and I now have paved the road with asphalt for our kids, but it’s still going to be a long road to home, though the journey is a bit easier than it was for their grandparents.” With that said, some doctors and their patients, according to Dr. Thornton, are taking it a bit too easy today despite national guidelines to prevent threats to health and establish national goals to reduce these threats. “Women are too posh to push nowadays. Nobody wants to go into labor. Nobody wants to push. They want to have a cesarean delivery. It may sound good, but it’s not good and sound. It’s a scary and odd request, as far as I am concerned. My husband and I went to Lamaze classes. By the way, what ever happened to Lamaze? But now, deliveries are at the physician and the patient’s convenience and there are too many cesarean deliveries. The downside to this is that more cesarean deliveries cause more newborns to go to the intensive care units after birth, because they still have fluid in their lungs compared to babies delivered vaginally and, in addition, more mothers are dying.” This scary phenomenon counters the goals of Healthy People 2010, a set of health objectives for the nation that stated, back in 2000, a need to have the maternal death rate down to 5 per 100,000 live births. “In 2000, the maternal mortality rate was already about 7 per 100,000 live births,” Dr. Thornton added. “Today, in New York City, it’s at 13 per 100,000 live births, and it’s because mothers are dying of obstetrical hemorrhage.” Instead of declining, the maternal death rate and women dying in childbirth is increasing at an alarming pace.

“But it’s all been a challenge that has made me a better person, a better physician definitely, and a smarter academic.”

The Doctors Thornton (L to R) Jeanette, Yvonne, Linda and Rita.

“If Mother Nature wanted us to have a baby through our abdomen, she would have put a little zipper there, but she didn’t.” Now that Something to Prove is off to the press, and with the demand of her readers to write and publish more, Dr. Thornton is considering renaming and updating her women’s health book, Woman to Woman, which was published in 1997, at a time when the medical establishment recommended that pregnant women, regardless of their weight prior to pregnancy, gain between 26 to 35 pounds in order to prevent fetal death. “Consequently, 25 years later, obesity has become a major health problem and I believe that the recommendations that said ‘eat to appetite’ were overstated and have contributed to the obesity epidemic in our country.” Dr. Thornton published the first randomized clinical trial in the United States of nutritional outcomes in obese pregnant women, which was prompted by the question: Can we place obese pregnant women on monitored, nutritionally well-balanced programs during pregnancy versus the traditional-conventional ‘eat to appetite’ recommendations? Her findings appeared in the June 2009 edition of the Journal of the National Medical Association. The study concluded that obese women who were pregnant and weighed up to 500 pounds and who maintained or even lost weight during their pregnancy had better outcomes than those who gained weight during pregnancy.

“What this means is that from now on, we as obstetricians should be selective in how we manage our obese patients. The scale should not be the only tool used to assess the health of a pregnancy in an obese patient. We had one woman who was 472 pounds when she was eight weeks pregnant. When she delivered her seven pound baby, she was 446 pounds and had a healthy outcome. If she had gained another 30 pounds, her baby would more than likely have been ten pounds, and she would have probably had to undergo a cesarean delivery.” Throughout her nearly 40 years of experience, Dr. Thornton has delivered 5,542 babies and has been a departmental vice-chair of OB/GYN and director of maternal-fetal medicine. She is presently clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at New York Medical College and a perinatal consultant at Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, New York. Through her hard work, dedication, education and by her father’s words, Dr. Thornton is the living proof that if you anything believe in can be achieved. “Never be satisfied with what you are doing right now,” she said when asked about keys to success, “Always try to do better.” October 2010



Shonen Knife is Sharp as Ever By John Black

that are too sad or try to be too intense. Rock and roll should be about celebrating the good things in life.” Getting their simple message of having fun across to the audience hasn’t always been easy, Naoko explained. When the band first started playing gigs in their hometown, the audience didn’t let loose as much as the musicians wanted. They would listen, respectfully, and clap, politely. But they didn’t join in the fun. “We first came to America in 1989 and played a show in L.A.,” she said. “People were up and dancing with the first song, which made us very happy. It’s not easy (L to R) Ritsuko, Emi Morimoto to play rock and roll to people and Naoko who just stand there. Now in Japan, the audience moves, too.” Life on the road, no matter how much fun they have playing at night, can take its toll on any band, let alone a trio of ladies hirty concerts in 34 days.¶ There aren’t many people who could who often travel half-way round the world to even go see that many shows in a row, let alone get up on stage and rock out their gigs, so it’s no surprise that Shonen Knife night after night. Never mind that you had to fly from Japan to America for has gone through a lot of changes over the the first gig. That’s what happens, though, when you are in Shonen Knife, the years. Bass player Ritsuko has only been with legendary pop/punk band from Osaka, Japan that has been traveling the world playing the band since 2006 and long-time drummer one-night stands for more than 25 years. Etsuko left in April citing “personal reasons.” Naoko, who founded the band with her sister Atsuko and their friend Michie Nakatani in 1981, said that while the personnel changes have been tough to go through on a personal about and play it with as much energy as you “It’s a hard schedule. It’s tough to be on level, they have never had a negative effect can. Take, for example, their classic pop tune, the road so long and living in hotels away on the band or its music. “Different musicians “Banana Chips,” two minutes and twenty-five from home,” said singer/guitarist Naoko, “but have brought different things to the music beof Ramones-style punk that it’s almost imposthen we get on stage and there is just so much cause of the style they play, but Shonen Knife sible not to dance to. Asked what inspired her energy from the audience you can’t feel tired. has always been the same,” she said. “Our new to write the song, Naoko simply said, “I like You just have to play for them and have fun.” drummer, Emi, was a fan of the band before she banana chips, and I can’t always find them in Talking on the phone from, where else, on joined. She already knew all the songs, so it was American supermarkets,” she then added, “I the road, Naoko said that part of the success of very easy for her to join us on stage and play usually write songs about things in my life, Shonen Knife comes from their simple philosoShonen Knife music.” things that I like. I don’t want to write songs phy about rock and roll: write what you know



MAGAZINE October 2010

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Immigrant Wine Growers Shape Napa Valley By Trond Arne Undheim


he American Dream always awakes and inspires recent immigrants.

Napa Valley is no exception. Charles Krug, a 27-year-old Prussian immigrant, founded the first winery in 1861. Other Europeans, particularly Italians, Germans and French, followed. In 1966, Robert Mondavi, of Italian descent, built Napa Valley’s first major winery and shaped the Valley into one of the most important wine growing regions in the world. Well, so much for romantic history.

In 2004, Constellation Brands, a Fortune 1000 company that owns 100 brands in 150 countries, bought Robert Mondavi Corp. for more than one billion dollars. Widely regarded as the end of innocence for a young industry mostly run by family farmers, it also meant a new beginning for boutique wines. Growers with very different values emerged. Many of them are immigrants. Arguably, the wine industry is now being transformed by another immigrant wave, the Hispanics, who bring with them their own ways of thinking about community, ownership, quality, tradition and terroir, and not always in unison. According to The Multicultural Economy (2008) by the Selig Center, by 2013, one person out of every six in the U.S. will be Hispanic. Hispanic buying power grew 349 percent from 1990 to 2008, and accounts for 8.9 percent of all U.S. buying power, according to Selig Center’s estimates. There are only a dozen or so major Hispanic wine players and traditionally they know each other. Moreover, if you buy their wine, you likely know them, too. There are two families towering over the rest, the Robledos and the Cejas. Both have been served at the White House. Both make delicious wine at $20 and up. But this is where the similarities stop. The Robledos are patriarchs and emphasize the Mexican tradition. Reynaldo Robledo wore his sombrero throughout the dinner with Obama and the Robledo tasting room has hand carved furniture from the town of Zamora in Michoacan, Mexico.

The Cejas are matriarchs and emphasize post-modern cultural fusion. Amelia Ceja is the first MexicanAmerican woman President of a significant wine production company, selling most of her 75,000 cases of grapes to other vintners. With a 10,000 case production of her own, Ceja eyes 23,000 cases by 2015. The Robledo Family wine club categorizes you as padrinos (godparents), tios (uncle/aunt), or primos (cousins) depending on how much they ship you every month and gives up to a 30 percent discount. As I saw for myself, on location, club members are treated even slightly better than wine writers. Good for them. Clearly, they want a wine club to be more than a commercial relationship. Reynaldo Robledo, with vineyards in Napa, Sonoma and Lake counties, started out as a laborer, became expert at pruning vines and gradually turned himself into a wine grower. Now, as an estate owner with fourteen vineyards, totalling approximately 300 acres, he sells grapes to other vintners and produces his own estate wine. “We embrace every ethnic group,” Amelia Ceja said, “In fact, my kids are Millennials, so we incorporate wine, culture and salsa.” Her son Ariel Ceja has just opened BistroSabor, Napa’s coolest Mexican fast food venue with trendy, inexpensive, yet sophisticated

food, which also offers salsa courses in the evenings. The Cejas have fully embraced the internet, with regular YouTube videos, and are opening the food and wine website, Salud! Napa. Amelia Ceja is an energetic, public voice, with deep engagement in the local community: “It used to be Robert Mondavi, now the spokesperson is a woman, a Mexican woman,” she said, with pride. Echoing Cejas call to reach out, MexicanAmerican winemaker Alex Beloz of Tricycle, who evokes the urban, non-ethnic city kid vibe, said: “I am more American than most Americans. If anyone had told me, ten years ago, I would move from Chicago to California, find my wife the next day and become a wine maker, I would have said they were crazy.” Alex and his wife Jen, produce a few, exclusive bottles of Syrah under their label Lavoro. Marita’s Vineyard, owned by Bulmaro Montes, the genius behind Joseph Phelps’s cult wine Insignia, is another small scale, high-end boutique effort, with a less than 500 case production, reaching out to wealthy consumer connoisseurs everywhere. Walking through his

If you know any winemakers, sommeliers or entrepreneurs of color, email, who is currently working on a book on the subject.


MAGAZINE October 2010

Clockwise from far left; Vanessa Robledo; Robledo Vineyard; Alex Beloz; Amelia Ceja; the grape harvest at Marita's Vineyard

Trond’s Picks

Marita’s Vineyard Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon (2005, $150, 91/100)

With a subtly fruity, French style and produced in only 225 cases, this wine is the wine Bulmaro Montes “always wanted to make.” Eminently drinkable, yet sophisticated, and no annoying aromas are screaming for attention. The 5,000 vines are located on a beautiful 2.6 acre lot in Coombsville, an agricultural area located at the south eastern end of Napa Valley distinguished by its slightly cooler climate and soil conditions, which are a mix of well-draining river rock and mineral-rich volcanic ash.

Mixto Napa Valley (2006, $37, 88/100)

This wine, which won the Bronze medal at the L.A. International Wine Competition (kudos to Megan, the winemaker), is a non-traditional mixture of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot, a true treat in California. A versatile wine, yet with teeth and great tannins, Mixto is the opposite of smooth. Think twice before serving this wine to friends without an introduction: tell them this is true wine. Mixto tastes of red plums, a hint of sweet balsamic, notes of cardamon, and thankfully not too much vanilla for a change. On the palate, the dark cherry gives the impression of being still alive. Rios Wine Company is located in Calistoga, known for its hot springs, although its grapes are sourced from all over Napa.

vines, my mind almost tripped, remembering a phrase from the Song of Solomon 7.12: “Let us get up early to the vineyards; let us see if the vine flourish.” “I believe Bulmaro has named each vine,” said Jordi Cata, who is in charge of Marketing at Marita’s Vineyard, “what you see and drink is the entire life’s effort of one man.” Family Winemakers of California has 625 members. More than 90 percent of them produce less than 10,000 cases annually. Many produce less than 5,000, this in an era where the industry typically defines a small producer as fewer than 50,000 cases per year. Given the recent economic downturn, the road has been bumpy. “There is a lot of repricing, discounting and larger allocations happening,” Amelia Ceja said , “We will never go back to the 90s. Consumers are getting savvy”.

“There is also a saturation of certain varietals,” said the stunning Vanessa Robledo who made the Robledo brand what it is today. She is now a Partner of Black Coyote, co-owned by African-American Dr. Bates, and added, “going from an era of $100 wine, under $40 is suddenly a popular price point,” although, “wine is still a seductive beverage.” She should know. Placing their wines in gourmet shops and top-tier restaurants in metropolitan areas is obviously a goal they all have. However, every wine entrepreneur I met on this trip to Napa spoke of direct-to-consumer sales as their only salvation, as finding a distributor willing to take on a new boutique wine is tricky. “We are too small for distributors,” lamented Rafael Rios of the eponymous wine label, “on the other hand, we all have day jobs.” Why are distributors so conservative? Stay tuned, I intend to find out. And, while you do not need to spend time at BistroSabor to know there is a new vibe in Napa, unpretentious fusion of farm food, wine, youth and dance surely helps you forget old vines.

Robledo Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley4th Collector’s Edition (2005, $100, 91/100)

If you ever wondered whether immigrants could make wine, go no further. Wow! With a ruby toned color, with dark cherry, plum and chocolate aromas, with a hint of tobacco, this is pure joy. Black fruit and cedar dominate in the mouth and the finish is peppery. With 24 months in oak, and only made in 200 cases, this wine truly is a collector’s item, if you wish. Myself, I would not have the patience, even thought the tannins are as vibrant as a young person’s libido. I must say I feature their top end wine just to prove that the Robledo’s can make high-end wine, but their lower price point wines are great (86-89 points) and start under $20 for wine club members.

The Napa Wine Scene Here’s a quick taste of what Napa brings for the ethnic voyageur. Family Wine makers of California: Black Coyote: BistroSabor: Ceja: Lavoro: Marita’s Vineyard: Rios Wine Company: Robert Mondavi wines: Robledo: Tricycle: October 2010



An Investment in Fashion Find the Style that Works for You B y J ay Ca l d e r i n


re you a fashion victim? Do you rebel against fashion? Is fashion something you avoid? No matter where you fit in this spectrum, the key to success is meaningfulness. If clothes are a prefabricated package you adopt because someone told you to; you’re fighting the system on principle; or you just don’t have a clue, then you will never be able to make the best of all the tools that the world of fashion makes available to you. More importantly your ‘look’ will never be a reflection of the real you.

Regardless of whether it is fair or unfair, people make instantaneous assessments, if not judgments of who you are and what you’re about, based on your appearance. Like any other important facet of our lives it’s important to devote, time, energy and resources to figuring fashion out. Knowledge is power. If you are familiar with trends you can access them and figure out if they are right for you. In this way you will never feel like you’re not ‘in’ fashion. Your look is based on well informed choices. The public has been misled to think that fashion is about blindly following trends. If a fashion designer, editor or stylist says so, it must be true. Not so. They are guides not gatekeepers. Fashion is about change and creativity, but the motivation behind this should be about keeping things fresh for yourself, becoming empowered, and bolstering the cultivation of positive self esteem. Anyone can take stock of their wardrobe, compare the items in that closet to their lifestyle and make the edits and additions that are relevant to them, but not everyone does.

‘The public has been misled to think that fashion is about blindly following trends.’ 20

MAGAZINE October 2010

For someone who doesn’t have the time or the confidence to do this on their own, this is when they should seek professional help – a stylist, the equivalent of a fashion therapist. There are no real rules regarding fashion because just as soon as you make a rule, someone is there breaking it, and doing it well. Some people feel more comfortable following a rigid structure, but I suggest that any set of rules be accompanied by a list of suggestions of how to bend or break them. Their are guidelines and formulas that help to simplify the process of developing a sense of your own style. The individual who will actually be wearing the clothes should be very involved in the process of building a system they can live with. Ask yourself questions. What you do for work? What is that environment like? Where do you live? If you’re dating, what kind of message are you trying to send? The answer to every question helps to make smart decisions about what to cut, keep or acquire. Build a customer profile for yourself based on the facts of who you are as well as the elements of design that best suit you. Think about color, texture, pattern, silhouette, layers, accessories, makeup, hair, foundation garments, fitness and wellness. All of these things contribute to the creation of a vehicle that allows you to express yourself. And if you’re like most people, there are many sides of you, so don’t sell yourself short. Consider what kinds of clothes will serve all of you. There are so many resources to choose from, these are a few that provide consistently helpful information. Vogue Magazine - Big trends that everyone will be talking about and a fun read, but by no means the final word on what real people are wearing. The September and March issues are by far the most influential throughout the year. Lucky Magazine - A very useful shopping guide that helps you think strategically about buying fashion. Students of fashion use this magazine to understand how trends translate into different designer collections and to get a feel for what people are actually buying. - This website brings the runways from around the world to your computer screen. Here you can have some fun learning about how designers from around the world are interpreting fashion. It’s often said that fashion and style are two distinctly separate things. Fashion turns on a dime, but your style should evolve, not shift gears with each passing whim of the fashion industry. In the end, fashion is about ideas, and style is about what you do with them.

The Letter ‘E’ in American Sign Language

MGH Council on Disabilities Awareness Moving beyond compliance to ensure a comfortable environment for all individuals with disabilities. The Massachusetts General Hospital Council on Disabilities Awareness was established to improve access and the overall experience for patients, family members, staff, volunteers and visitors with disabilities. Among the many goals attained by the Council are the addition of assistive technologies at MGH’s Blum Patient & Family Learning Center. Visually impaired visitors have access to Zoom Text, Dragon Naturally Speaking, JAWS and a keyboard with oversized letters and numbers. In addition, the Council designed and implemented a web portal to assist individuals with mobility disabilities to navigate the hospital with increased ease. Yet another achievement was the creation of a beginning American Sign Language/Deaf Culture class. This course is open to MGH employees and is taught by a deaf instructor, which provides for a true immersion experience.

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Makeup expert Byron Barnes with Iman

IMAN Cosmetics The Model Company for Women of Color By Joanne M. Choi


here seems to be a business model floating around the runways of Paris and New York that requires a turning a former it model into a brand. They accomplish this by trying to act or sing or by creating/endorsing a fragrance or fashion line. Along the way, if she snags the requisite rock star, billionaire, or president (à la Stephanie Seymour and Carla Bruni), more power to them! But there are some concrete reasons to have confidence in former supermodels when makeup is on the table: They know how to enhance and conceal like no one else out there; they once had access to every product and makeup artist under the sun and can discern the good from the bad; a model doesn’t stay relevant long after their glory years unless there have an aptitude in the business of beauty.

For more information or to purchase IMAN products visit


MAGAZINE October 2010

Enter Iman, wife of rocker David Bowie, and perhaps the best known Somalian export in the world. She possesses a look comprised of equal parts elegance and fine features that made fashion magazine editors bow to her. In 1994, she founded IMAN Cosmetics. Some figures point to roughly $25 million in sales annually, but regardless of the exact figure, her line has a clear fan base among women all over the world. Her makeup line is about having options for all different shades of skin and having a reasonable price point. Plus, she entered the market just when women of color were demanding more from makeup companies. One of my beauty needs is finding that suitable and convenient loose powder. The Second to None Semi Loose Powder ($13.99) contains an internal shave mill. Oh la la! One easy turn produces delightful, loose powder easily added to my visage. The Clay Medium shade does a fair job of making me look more polished and less shiny. My southern belle tester -who admittedly has an almost perfect medium brown complexion - liked the Earth Medium shade because “it blended well and had a smooth finish.” The Luxury Blushing Powder ($9.99) in Posh was a two-shade duo. One generous sweep of the brush and then onto the apples of my cheeks, produced a healthy summer color that went well with my tan complexion, or so said my merry lunch companions. The eye shadow duo was put on my eyes dry and Bejeweled produced a purplish shade with a pearl finish. It can also be applied wet. The lip pencil in tan (reasonably priced at $6.99) could be the base for a lighter color or the complement to a darker more dramatic shade. The Iced Tea lipstick would look particularly lovely on the Latina and Black beauties out there! One nice touch is that the top of the tube has a little plastic peephole window for easier viewing of the color within. The price points for the tested cosmetics were all under $15! So, now you too can be beautiful naturally without breaking the bank. You can use the money you saved to splurge on other items on your fall beauty list.





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