Color Magazine - Ed. 36 - April 2011

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36 April 1st April 30th


in a city rich in shades, here is a COLOR that includes all...


Taking Blind Aim by Mimi Gonzalez

Q+A with I Hotel author

Karen Tei Yamashita Innovation in Boston:


Fashion that Fits Your Personal Brand

Darnell Williams

CEO Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts

Helping individuals and organizations communicate with today’s emerging majorities. 401.274.0033

Advertising/BrAnding w Pr/imAge Consulting internAl CommuniCAtions w event mArketing w Community relAtions


April 2011



5 Taking Blind

8 1HourTooth:

Aim by Mimi Gonzalez

6 Q&A with I Ho-

Dentistry Gets Tech Upgrade, Boston Gets Tech Company

tel author Karen Tei Yamashita

10 Philanthropy at BCNC Chinese New Year Banquet


1-4 horizontalOct4.indd 1


12 We spoke to

Darnell Williams, president and CEO of the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts, as he prepares for the National Urban League Conference this summer in Boston.



18 Sons of the

16 Review: Men-

Prophet: Lebanese-American playwright examines the ‘secondgeneration’ search for roots

ton is a trip to Southern France via the South Boston

23 The Pained Man by Desmond Williams

20 The Rise of Portugese Wine Tourism by Trond Arne Undheim

22 Just Right: Fashion that Fits Your Personal Brand by Jay Calderin

Cover and feature photos © Don West /

The only program designed to prepare multicultural leaders of color for executive-level roles. Applications now being accepted! Session begins October 4, 2010. Learn more at:

6/10/10 3:35 PM April 2011



From the EDITOR


When I think of equal opportunity I think of that little footnote that reads “This company is an equal opportunity employer.” I Always like reading that. To break it down, this means you can’t discriminate against a job applicant or employee based on age, race, sex, sexual orientation etc. – and another bonus, you can’t discriminate against someone for complaining about discrimination. But even if we were following these laws to a T, we’d still be lacking in that other key ingredient of equal opportunity, equal advantages.

When I spoke to Darnell Williams, CEO of the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts, I realized that the advantages afforded to me – which enable my personal advancement and I too often take for granted – make for a long list indeed. Here’s what my opportunity to get a job would look like: I browse on my phone, because it’s easier than using my computer in the other room; I feel confident applying, because I know I can drive to the interview, have a suit to wear to it, and that attaching my resume as a PDF is no problem. The reason I love the work that the Urban League does, is that it helps less fortunate people get some of these same advantages: If you can’t afford a computer, you can use theirs. Never been taught how to handle a job interview? They’ll teach you. These are examples of the essential things that allow more people a better chance at the opportunities. Now that’s what I call an equal opportunity employer. Michael


In a city rich in shades here is a color that includes all… Color Magazine is the premier all-inclusive monthly magazine that highlights and promotes professionals of color. 4 Copley Place | Suite 120 Boston, MA 02116 (617) 266.6961 Publisher

Josefina Bonilla Editor

Michael Chin Event Strategist

Desiree Arevalo Intern

Yiming “Coco” Yu Advisory Committee

Greg Almieda Ferdinand Alvaro, Jr. Daren Bascome Sandra Casey Buford Mark Conrad Kim Dukes-Rivers Beverly Edgehill Yvonne Garcia George Gilmer Kimberly Y. Jones Samson Lee Brenda Mckenzie Juan Carlos Morales William Moran Oswald Mondejar Nereida Perez Russel Pergament Carol Sanchez John Sims Eduardo Tobon Leverett Wing Publisher

Color Media Group, LLC Distribution

Joanne Choi is a freelance journalist who also regularly contributes to AsianBoston Magazine. Her passion is staying up-to-date on people and society. She is working on her first novel.


Mimi Gonzalez is a stand-up comedian actively touring since 1998. She’ll go anywhere to make people laugh, including Iraq and Afghanistan to entertain the U.S. military. She’s also a part-time black-walnut farmer in between comedy shows and writing assignments.

MAGAZINE April 2011

GateHouse Media

Aaron A. Arzu is a Le Cordon Bleu-trained culinarian. A recovering lawyer, Aaron now spends his time arguing over the perfect spice blends instead of legal briefs.

Trond Arne Undheim is an entrepreneur, speaker and author. He lives between Boston and London, speaks six languages and has a Ph.D. in sociology. He writes frequently on wine and society.

Jay Calderin is the author of Form, Fit & Fashion, the upcoming Fashion Design Essentials,and an instructor and Director of Creative Marketing at the School of Fashion Design. Jay is currently the Regional Director of Fashion Group International of Boston and the Executive Director of Boston Fashion Week which he founded.

Desmond Williams is a freelance writer and JUNO magazine columnist. He lives in Brooklyn, NY, is half of a mixed-race couple and father to a rambunctious, comedic and inquisitive kindergartner. Desmond is currently working on a graphic novel, The Painted Man.


Taking Blind Aim by Mimi Gonzalez


here did the term, “the land of opportu-

nity” originate? Careful hunting through the internet’s thickets yielded a direct attribute to Will Rogers. “America is a land of opportunity and don’t ever forget it,” said the quarter-Cherokee comedian, columnist and early film actor.¶ Since declaring, “All men are created equal,” the inhabitants of and immigrants to the United States have aimed their upward aspirations like arrows toward the celestial moving target of such a noble concept.

By declaring America’s independence, the colonists followed in the steps of England’s feudal barons who, five centuries earlier, wrote the Magna Carta using law to limit the powers of the English king. Law is a human attempt at diplomatically navigating the divisions amongst our animal instincts. At its core is the recognition of respect and acknowledgement of each individual’s right to exist and pursue happiness. We don’t seem to be able to get enough examples or depictions of this ideal. A tally of televised network schedules finds listings filled with police and courtroom dramas. Because residing somewhere in the bedrock consciousness of all of us is the vision that we are all made of the same stuff: talents, desires and the wish to follow our dreams. Equal Opportunity legislation has tried to achieve a leveling of the playing field for those who want to get in the game instead of spending a lifetime watching from the sidelines. In the same way weight division determines boxing and Unrest in Egypt wrestling match-ups, so too have college admissions and equitable hiring principles been guided through legislation. Fairness seems to be something humans are hard-wired to strive towards. We’re witnessing an historical awakening among certain Arab Nations whose genetic call to the ideal of equality is forcing them onto the streets, out from under a monarchy’s grip. I’m taking a breath of female pride witnessing the number of women throwing off the yoke of oppression and patriarchy in these protests for freedom. Making the most powerful impression is Nawal El Saadawi, a physician, author and prominent Egyptian feminist. Her presence in Tahrir Square was constantly met with applause and requests for photos alongside this 80-year-old woman. Her life in the midst of firings and death threats has been a beacon of hope for the women and

Will Rogers

men of Egypt. “Danger has been a part of my life ever since I picked up a pen and wrote. Nothing is more perilous than truth in a world that lies,” wrote El Saadawi in 1981. Her conviction to serve the ideal of truth and freedom has landed her in jail and in exile over the course of her life. It’s also the force that’s kept her strong and continuing to speak for the rights of women’s self-determination alongside all Egyptians to live a liberated life. Justice is depicted as a woman, blindfolded in order to express impartial neutrality; holding scales to objectively weigh the merits of each argument; and finally with a sword indicating the coercive power of both justice and reason. In a corporate world of competition, cooperation is anathema to the “might makes right” philosophy. But it is indeed a wider and wiser worldview that embraces Martin Luther King’s dream “that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’” The Civil Rights Act of 1964 came a year after Dr. King’s speech and has ever after aimed toward enforcing the idea of the “self-evident” truth that we are all created equally. All-American funny-man and entertainer Will Rogers lived this idea fully through a personal philosophy that he “never met a man I didn’t like.”

Nawal El Saadawi April 2011



Karen Tei Q+A Yamashita On her latest book, I Hotel


By Joanne M. Choi

aren Tei Yamashita is at a podium looking down at her notes at the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center. The author and professor of creative writing at the University of California Santa Cruz is here to read from and discuss her newest book, I Hotel (Coffee House Press), a finalist for the 2010 National Book Award for fiction. Karen Tei Yamashita on the roof of the re-rected International Hotel in San (Mary Uyematsu Kao) Francisco.

Yamashita is a third generation Japanese-American who attended Carleton College. “I grew up in L.A. near [University of Southern California]. That was an old Japanese community that was inside an African American community. In many ways, I was culturally African American,” she confided about her “L.A. homegirl” youth. Later, she left the States to carve out a Brazilian identity in her twenties. Her multicultural background comes out when Karen Tei Yamashita shows her slides and adopts accents when reading aloud from her book. I spoke to her after her presentation. Joanne Choi: What was your inspiration for writing I Hotel? Karen Tei Yamashita: I was always going to write something; I had started a project on the Asian American movement and that is what I wanted to do. Then in 1997 I did it formally. I was at the University of California Santa Cruz, starting my job there, and I had access to all these research funds and time to go to the different archives. There are special collections at San Francisco State College, ethnic studies collections and the library at [University of California] Berkeley, historical societies in Japantown and Chinatown, the National Asian American library is there. I also began to talk to people that participated in the period, and went back and read the books of the period, later memoirs 6

MAGAZINE April 2011

and articles written about the time. Research started a long time ago, over a period of 10 years.

I Hotel Divided into ten novellas, one for each year, I Hotel begins in 1968, when Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated, students took to the streets, the Vietnam War raged, and cities burned. As Yamashita’s motley cast of students, laborers, artists, revolutionaries, and provocateurs make their way through the history of the day, they become caught in a riptide of politics and passion, clashing ideologies, and personal turmoil. And by the time the survivors unite to save the International Hotel – epicenter of the Yellow Power Movement – their stories have come to define the very heart of the American experience.

JC: What a labor of love for you, all the research you did to get it down, to give birth to this massive book. KTY: It was a labor but it wasn’t painful. The research is really fun and fascinating. I could have done it for many more years but you have to produce something and I couldn’t keep people waiting. I had to write it finally. JC: What made you decide to use 10 linked novellas? Were you influenced by Haruki Murakami [A Wild Sheep Chase, Norwegian Wood]? What do you think of his bodies of work? KTY: I have read his work but was more influenced by Latin American writers, the magical realism. Although you don’t see that in this book – it is more of a realist, because of the period and kinds of voices. More influenced by someone like [Italo] Calvino, he was an Italian writer. He experimented with form and also with narrative voices. He was a kind of an ethnographer in Italian folklore. He died several years ago, and I really liked his writing. JC: I know how much you had to tighten. It is almost a love affair with your characters. How

do you tighten it and say you won’t talk about this character anymore in order to focus? KTY: One of the ways that I did it was to structure the book from the beginning. I made some decisions about eliminating characters. There are 30 characters in the whole book and some make cameo appearances in other novellas. Each novella should have three main characters. I made some rules about that to constrain the work so that I would be able to locate it and find some usable limitations to coalesce the stories. So the rules were in place to make the book happen. Because every time that I came back to the writing – you imagine something big like this – you have to be able to come back to it and start writing again. So having a structure to follow was useful and practical. JC: Was it easier to write the male perspective or the female ones? KTY: As a writer, I write more structure and ideas rather than character. I am not, for example, Chang Rae Lee [Native Speaker and The Surrendered] who can explore the narratives from the point of view of a character with all of the psychic emotional depth. I don’t think of myself as that kind of writer. I am more interested in using these characters as stepping stones to tell stories which are also about ideas.

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© 2011 NAS (Media: delete copyright notice) April 2011



Dentistry Gets Tech Upgrade, Boston Gets Tech Company New Startup, 1HourTooth, gets you a crown in one visit By Marissa Lowman


don’t know many people who enjoy going to

the dentist. It’s often time-consuming, painful, and costly. Boston-based startup 1HourTooth promises patients a crown in under one hour. Patients are able to get a crown in one visit, which saves them both time and money, and dentists benefit from more flexibility in their schedules and being able to see more patients. Dr. David Jin, DDS founded the company in May 2010 to provide a better patient experience and change the dental industry in a big way. Jin’s Jay Sun dental background includes a stint as a lieutenant commander dental surgeon in the U.S. Navy. He brought on childhood friend Jay Sun, who has a background in finance and entrepreneurship, to be COO.¶ Jin and Sun have collaborated on startups before, but this is the first one that has really taken off. Although Jin owns a dental practice in New Jersey, they decided to launch 1HourTooth in Boston because “the medical industry, technology, the innovation is all there,” said Sun, who moved to Boston 16 years ago. Although Sun grew up in New York City, he now considers himself a Bostonian. Sun was one of the first Boston World Partnerships connectors and likes promoting both Boston and general economic development.


MAGAZINE April 2011

While the technology has been around for awhile (Jin has been using it at his practice for more than seven years), the process hasn’t been streamlined until now. The biggest challenge was to integrate all the existing technologies and be able to scale the crown-making process to serve many dentists. Jin’s solution was to create a mobile lab in a van that utilizes the latest wireless technology. Dentists prepay for blocks of crowns, and the vans can move around on an as-needed basis. 1HourTooth currently has two mobile lab units and hopes to have 7 to 10 in Boston by the end of the year. The company began to serve three dentists in January and has at least two more ready to sign up. So far, all dentists have renewed their accounts. Sun said they are very selective about their clients and will train dentists until they are ready to use their services. While Sun and Jin attend trade shows such as the Yankee Dental Congress and introduce themselves to dentists in Back Bay and Brookline, many of their clients come from referrals and word of mouth. Sun said they get lots of inquiries from patients who

see a van. In addition to mobile lab units, 1HourTooth is developing a training center to bring dentists and dental students together for workshops and a speaker series on the latest innovations in dental technology. 1HourTooth will be certified to offer classes by the end of the year. They also plan to offer seminars on business management, which Sun believes many dentists could improve upon. Trainings will help bring in revenue, but the co-founders are committed to making them accessible to students who can’t afford to pay. One of 1HourTooth’s biggest challenges is scalability, and they are currently looking for funding to grow and eventually expand to other states such as New York City and New Jersey. Sun cautioned that they don’t want to expand too quickly because “we want to make sure we have our process down first and refine it as much as possible. It’s a medical service and almost like an exact science – we don’t want to grow too fast.” Another challenge is hiring the right people. In addition to the co-founders, 1HourTooth has four part-time employees and two trainees who run the mobile lab units. While 1HourTooth has competitors that offer the same service, no other company currently offers such a quick turnaround time. Sun is not worried about competition, especially since they have a patented technology process. He is excited that Boston, likely due to its reputation for being on the forefront of medical advancements, is becoming better known for dental innovation. Other companies to watch in the Boston dental tech scene include Mouthwatchers, which has developed a toothbrush with nano-silver particles in it that inhibit bacteria growth, a problem people often overlook when they put toothbrushes in the same cup. Sun said he hopes 1HourTooth can partner with them in the future. 1HourTooth plans to launch a blog called Blog About Teeth in the next three months that will provide information on new technologies for patients and include content written by local dentists. Jin said they also hope to launch an informational mobile app as part of their marketing strategy since there aren’t any apps out there right now that he believes cover both health and education. It’s an exciting time for the dental industry. Hopefully someone will develop a silent drill next.


from everyone else?

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By embracing diverse skills, perspectives and ideas, we choose to lead: EOE.




Philanthropy at BCNC Chinese New Year Banquet


oston Chinatown Neighborhood Center {BCNC) held their annual Chinese New Year banquet on March 11 at Empire Garden Restaurant to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit. The event sold out to a full house of 600 guests and raised more than $200,000 for BCNC’s programs for children, youth and families.¶ At the banquet, Frank K. and Rose H. Chin, announced a $82,000 endowment, called the Chin Tunn Fon Endowment Fund after Frank’s father. Chin Tunn Fon owned a restaurant and grocery store on Tyler Street in the 1940s and raised his six children in Chinatown.¶ For more information visit



For over 75 years, Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. has been the leader in creating nutritious juices and food products for the entire family. Most of our success is due to the diversity among our 2,000 employees worldwide. At Ocean Spray, we strive to create an inclusive culture in which individual perspectives are valued and differences leveraged for greater opportunities in today’s multicultural society.

5 Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc. believes diversity makes good business sense. We take pride in being an Equal Opportunity Employer. Candidates of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

1 David Brown and Elaine Ng; 2 Celebrating the year of the rabbit; 3 Elaine Ng, Stanley Chen, Joseph Chow, Selina Chow and Katie Chow; 4 HsiuLan Chang, Linda Lee, Selina Chow and Laura Sen, BJ Wholesale Club CEO; 5 Frank and Rose Chin


MAGAZINE April 2011


2011 6-10PM



JUNE 16,



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Darnell Williams, president and CEO of the Urban League (UL) of Eastern Massachusetts, has worn many hats. He started out wearing a hardhat, working in a steel mill in Gary, Ind. He then entered the military, and eventually ended up stationed in Westover Air Reserve Base in Chicopee and Ludlow, Mass. Through the G.I. Bill he was able to don a square cap and earn a degree from American International College in Springfield. That launched him into careers in electoral politics, diversity consulting and community advocacy. Notably, he was the president of the Springfield branch of the NAACP, manager of recruitment and development at Massachusetts General Hospital and the director of the United Way of Pioneer Valley. In 2003 Boston Mayor Thomas Menino awarded Williams the Community Service Award; in 2005 he received Paul Parks Veteran’s Community Service Award; and in 2007 he was inducted into the Human Resources Alliance for African Americans Hall of Fame. We spoke to him in the UL offices in Roxbury, Mass. CM: Did you have any perception of Boston or Massachusetts before coming to the area? DW: I don’t know if I had any perceptions because I knew about Boston, and I knew about the history, but I guess coming from Gary, Indiana, which is a predominantly Mexican and African American community, I was a little culture shocked when I came here to see this 12

MAGAZINE April 2011

many white people. [Laughs.] It was like, Toto, this is not Kansas, but, low and behold, here it is 40 years later, I have come to love, to appreciate the cultural differences, the landscape. I was just in Indiana this past week, and it reminded me of when I was 18 and I worked in one of those ingot plants. Gary is an industrial rust belt and many of the people, my parents included, moved from the South to raise their families

because they thought the lifestyle in the North would be better for their children. CM: It doesn’t sound like you grew up dreaming you would be a diversity consultant. How did that passion come about? DW: That’s a very good question. I think that how I got to where I am is like an evolution or a process. I always knew that deep inside of me there was a voice, which needed to be cultivated and developed, and I needed the right platform for that voice to be heard. However, growing up, you just don’t have the guidance, or the understanding, or the wherewithal, as to how that’s going to come about. Life has afforded me opportunities to absorb that there were people who were in charge and then the people who they were in charge of – there were perks and privileges and there were obstacles and hurdles. I found myself caught in between that. I recognized that those folks who were being denied, were not being denied because of their individual merit. My passion came out of recognizing the disparity of that system. Then I became an advocate, and I had to learn and be trained to become a more effective advocate. April 2011


Darnell Williams with March Morial (National UL President and CEO) and Robert Coard

CM: How did you go about the process of learning and training? DW: When you start observing the players, the person in charge, who is speaking at the microphone or who runs the division, they all have different styles and nuances. When you get beat up and you get kicked to the curb, you end up observing and learning from these people. A couple things come out of that. One, you thank God and pray to God that you don’t become like them. It doesn’t mean you don’t want to be in their position, you just don’t want to operate with the same kind of tactics they used. Some of those people were very mean! They could care less about people, because they were so focused in on results. But I got trained in that kind of a system in multiple [sectors]. My promise was, that if I was ever to make it into a position of responsibility, that I would never become like those people I had to serve under. CM: Do you ever catch yourself acting like that? DW: Well there might be times where I have to make decisions that are unpopular. What I try to do is make a decision based on how I would like to be treated myself, so there is not this cold, calculated indifference. I have learned from observing the folks who were the robots and machines of carrying out their work. CM: The UL traditionally served the African American community but now serves many other communities. How are you reaching out to those communities and helping them? DW: You’re absolutely right that in 1910 when the National UL was founded – this particular affiliate was founded in 1917 – the primary focus was on the migration of black people moving from the South to the North. When they left the South, and those horrible conditions, they moved north thinking that they were going to move to the promise land. And when they go to the northern cities they found they were locked into menial jobs. A lot of the 14

MAGAZINE April 2011

(Don West)

We will wrap our services around you not because of the color of your skin but by the potential you have for yourself and for society.

jobs that we now take for granted were forcibly blocked off because of the color of our skin. The UL was founded to fix that. How we’ve been able to transition today is because those same social conditions that have been plaguing our nation also impact Asians, Latinos, Africans, those who move in from the Caribbean and even our transient white folks. So we really don’t focus in on African Americans, we focus on whoever walks through the door, and we wrap our services around them, and we give them the best of our abilities, collective knowledge, skill sets and competencies to put them back on the road. If I were to say it another way, we take used tires, we retread them and we put them back on the road, because we think there is a marketplace for retread tires. We give people hope that they can reinvent themselves and become engaged into society. And that’s going to benefit themselves, their family, their community, their city and, ultimately, the nation.

CM: If a reader didn’t know much about the UL, what would you point to and say, this is what we do? DW: The best thing that we have here at the UL is that we offer all of our programs free of charge, that’s the first thing they should know. Secondly, the people who come to us, don’t have the money to go to a community college and can’t enroll in a four year institution. They don’t have the resources, or there’s a transportation barrier, that prevent them from going for the certificate programs. Usually, when they come to us, they have a high school diploma or a GED equivalent. We take them, do an assessment of who they are, and the barriers that are preventing them from being successful. Then we pour into them. We deconstruct their images of who they are, and then we reconstruct a positive image of who they can be. Then we put them back on the road prepared for an opportunity. That’s the generic version but I can think of a hundred stories of how we’ve done that. CM: The National UL Conference is returning to Boston after 35 years. It is a very different city now, what do you hope to showcase? DW: 35 years ago, Kevin White was mayor and you were probably a twinkle in somebody’s eye. [Laughs.] It was a very turbulent time because Boston had a reputation of being a very hostile, racist environment because of the busing issue. It was a very bitter time. We don’t want to dwell on the history, but we don’t want to run from it. We want to say to those who are coming to Boston, that Boston is now a minority-majority city, 51 percent of the people who live here are people of color. There are 81 languages spoken in Boston. There’s a cultural diversity – and it’s not just a black and white construct – that was probably more prevalent because of busing. I look at the Asian population in Chinatown, or the Vietnamese population in Dorchester, or those from Haiti, or Cape Verdeans, et cetera, that make up Boston. I don’t want to leave any countries out, but what I am trying to say is that there is a great attraction here in Boston for people of color. And if it wasn’t for the immigrant population influx, then we would have

March Morial and Darnell WIlliams

(Don West)

lost even more population. There is a melting, culturally-rich pot that makes Boston a totally different place. We’ve been a lot more progressive than that one snapshot would reveal. So the question is, how do we let those who are coming here, who have never been here and those who are returning, recognize that this place will embrace them and that it has embraced diversity? We want to have them leave here as ambassadors.

CM: Aside from the UL, you sit on several boards. How do you handle it all? DW: In my free time I play golf and I swim. I go early in the morning, usually during the week. We go out and play nine holes around five, six o’clock depending on when the sun rises, then we go to work. Golf is probably the most important ingredient because, the portability of the lessons of golf are something that people often miss. There’s honesty and integrity. How do you deal with success and manage disappointment? If you hit a ball out of the fairway, that’s obviously not what you intended to do, but the objective is how do you get back in the game, not that the game is over. Then you learn from playing with others in terms of who they are as people. The the lessons of golf are just phenomenal. What I try to do in all of the roles that I play, I try to bring to the table a sense of transparency a sense of fairness that I would listen to what the issues are, and that I will come to my own conclusions. That I will try to suspend my judgments, but at the same time use my previous experiences to assist me when I come up with these decisions. I have a solid faith in God, in that he is using me as an instrument in order to better humanity, so I never lose sight of that. Lastly, I would say that no matter what you do in life, you are going to have supporters and you are going to have detractors, the question is how you navigate that. As long as you have a good sense of your mission and goal in life, then I think you are going to be fine.

Advertise with us (617) 266-6961

CM: What can we expect in the UL’s upcoming State of Black Boston report? DW: Here’s what we do know: Blacks are living in just about every neighborhood in the city. But there are basically four zip codes, where more than 50 percent of the people happen to be African American. We look at the factors dealing with education, health, housing, economic development or engagement, civic engagement and disparities around those areas. If we use this report and the recommendations that are going to come from it to eliminate, reduce, disappear those disparities in those zip codes, then we can fix the problems in some other parts of the city. Highest unemployment, highest incarceration rate, all of the maladies that are known to man are residing in those four zip codes. We are going to use it to impact policy makers, to influence philanthropic efforts.

Creativity. Diversity. Excellence. The Colleges of the Fenway – Emmanuel College, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Simmons College, Wentworth Institute of Technology, and Wheelock College – serve a diverse neighborhood, and our students, faculty, and staff mirror that community. Individually, our colleges have been recognized for excellence in research and scholarship. Together, our colleges are dedicated to a learning environment that fosters creativity and celebrates differences. We serve a diverse workplace from IT experts and HR specialists to marketing and PR wizards and computer programmers. The Colleges of the Fenway are committed to fostering dynamic and challenging work environments. The Colleges offer competitive salaries, great benefits, easy access to city culture, as well as convenient locations and tuition assistance. For more information, please visit

Building a diverse workplace is not just an ideal, it’s a commitment. Applicants from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. EOE.

Color Magazine April 1/4 page Focus on Equal Opportunity




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Menton Southern France via South Boston By Aaron A. Arzu


there anything that superchef Barbara Lynch can’t do?

Having already conquered the fine-dining world with her award-winning No. 9 Park, as well as local faves B & G Oysters, and the Butcher Shop, the James Beard Award winner (and South Boston native) has set her sights on spicing up the food scene in Southie’s Fort Point district by opening a trilogy of eateries in the trendy FP3 complex. The first two, Drink (a cathedral to the classic cocktail of yore) and Sportello (Lynch’s creative Italian take on diner fare) are both welcome entrants to Boston’s foodiverse, and have cemented her reputation as one of the foremost purveyors of great eats in this town.¶ And then there is Menton.

Named for a town located in the Côte d’Azur, Menton is Lynch’s homage to the flavors, ingredients, and above all, the elegance of the French Riviera. It is a temple to fine dining; the subdued, earth-toned dining room, the dramatic, indirect lighting, even the jazz nouveau wafting from the atmosphere all serve to provide an understated supporting act to the main event: beautiful, aromatic and artistic plates. Even the servers speak in hushed, reverent tones, so as not to upstage the real stars – the nouvelle cuisine inspired by Lynch and executed by her talented executive chef Colin Lynch (no relation). The food is elegantly displayed on stark white plates to 16

MAGAZINE April 2011

better accentuate the beautiful techniques mastered by the kitchen staff; the result is artfully composed food with a clean appearance. That cleanliness is echoed in the flavor of the food; ingredients are individually recognizable,

and yet combine to create succulent, savory flavors. The chef sent us a rutabaga velouté with a mushroom geleé as an amuse bouche; if one dish could be said to encapsulate the evening, this small bite fit the bill. The velouté was technically perfect, velvety and aromatic; the mushroom geleé was a perfect way to concentrate the earthy flavor of mushrooms without permitting texture to interfere with flavor. Even the garnishes of shallot, barley and small drops of truffled oil were a grace note on the overall dish. The effect was startling; each individual ingredient was distinct, yet the combination of flavors was completely harmonious, and blended into a clean, unmuddled aroma on the palate. That particularly confoundingly wonderful experience; clean, distinct, yet blended flavors, was to be replicated with each course. The torchon of foie gras was so perfectly smooth and silky, it may as well have been duck butter; spread over a warm rum raisin brioche (A brief note about the tremendous level of service to Menton be found here, Located at 354 Congress during this course, Street, Boston, MA 02210. a server continuFor reservations call ally monitored the 617-737-0099 or visit temperature of my brioche, and replaced it with fresh, warm bread to ensure that the torchon would meld seamlessly with its buttery goodness. Heaven.), it was sinfully rich, but not cloying. A blood orange geleé provided the necessary astringency to prevent the fat from coating the tongue and dulling the taste buds. In keeping with the Riviera influence, citrus and seafood are found all over Menton’s menu; given the high-level of technical proficiency present in this kitchen (Chef Colin Lynch is a long-time veteran of No. 9 Park) the preparations and presentations were as creative as only dedicated culinary artistes could contrive; as an example, the seared hiramasa featured heart of palm rendered three ways, including seared on both ends to resemble petite scallops. Additionally, dehy-

drated citrus powder and artfully supremed blood orange and grapefruit salads were often paired with non-seafood items like duck and the above mentioned foie gras; a constant reminder of the citrus groves that dot the restaurant’s namesake. The deceptively simple-appearing orange duck was a witty play on meaty textures. The seared breast was crusted with tangerine zest, and sauced in a tangerine – rather than the traditional orange – sauce, while the confitted leg meat was visually similar to the large trumpet royale mushrooms. The effect was that of eating three different meats, rather than one animal and one fungus. Not to be missed is the Ris de Veau, crispy fried veal sweetbreads paired with lobster in a lobster reduction. This decadent Provençal take on surf and turf was cut with a slightly bitter fava leaf sauce which served to accentuate the sweetness of the veal and the lobster, while providing a rich green contrast to the pale red and brown of the dish. Dessert was undertaken with the same care and attention as every other course, and with much the same experience. Rather than an undifferentiated mélange of sweet, the gateau caramel combined a sweet and savory combination of salted caramel, dried apricots and anise spiced chocolate ice cream which, in turn evaporated rather quickly (there is no way that I just inhaled it. Honest). Such art doesn’t come at a discount; Menton has two dining options; a four course prix fixe menu ($95), and a seven course chef’s tasting menu ($145). Adding the optional suggested wine parings contributes a further $105 premium to your bill. However, in the world of fine dining, this premium is a small price to pay for entrée to Cat Silirie’s award-winning cellar; Silirie has a penchant for discovering small, artisanal estate wines, which pair fantastically with this menu. Most restaurants are local or regional draws; however, like the French Laundry in Napa, or Alinea in Chicago, Menton is destination dining; it is reason to travel to Boston.

Boston Medical Center proudly supports Equal Opportunity Month. As a central component of the greater Boston area, our commitment to serving individuals with various cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds is an essential part of who we are at Boston Medical Center. We know that by bringing together differences — a rich variety of traditions and viewpoints — we can remain truly engaged in providing the utmost service to our community. In fact, we offer our patient population on-site, person-to-person interpretation services in more than 30 languages, 24-hours-a-day. This same commitment to diversity encompasses our careers. Within our strong, all-inclusive workforce, you have the opportunity to discover the full potential of your own personal and professional strengths. You belong with the best. At Boston Medical Center (BMC), you can join a team of individuals who don’t simply strive for excellence – they set the standard for it. Visit our website to discover opportunities and enjoy an exceptional career at BMC – The Exceptional Choice:

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Sons of the Prophet Lebanese-American playwright examines the ‘second-generation’ search for roots By John Black

Yuself Bulos, Dan McCabe and Kelsey Kurz will appear in the Huntington Theatre Company’s production of Sons of the Prophet


t’s a story shared by all families, particularly among immigrant families: chil-

dren rejecting the ways of their parents, only to see their children grow up with a hunger to explore their roots and find out what their family history is all about.¶ In playwright Steven Karam’s new play, Sons of the Prophet, the second-generation Lebanese-American author uses the story of two brothers going through a very strange period in their lives to explore ideas about their heritage, family and just what ‘roots’ mean to people today.¶ “My grandfather’s generation were all about assimilation. America was a melting pot and they wanted their family, especially their children, to blend right in,” Karam said. “It was my generation, born and bred in America, that wanted to ask questions about what life was like for them back home. We considered ourselves Americans, but we were all hungry to know where we came from so our cultural roots didn’t just wither away with the next generation.”¶ Sons of the Prophet, which gets its world pre-

Stephen Karam, playwright, and Peter DuBois, director, of Sons of the Prophet


MAGAZINE April 2011

mier at the Huntington Theater in Boston this spring before moving to New York City in the fall, tells the story of LebaneseAmerican brothers Joseph and Charles Douaihy, young, gay, and having a hell of a year until a prank-gone-wrong in their small town of Nazareth, Penn. leads to the death of their father. As if that’s not enough, Joseph is battling a mysterious ailment, and his eccentric boss is pressuring him to write a memoir about his Maronite Catholic family’s tenuous connection to Kahlil Gibran, author of The

Prophet. Things get even more intense when an ambitious and sexy reporter descends on the family in search of a story.¶ “It’s based on real events, but it’s not autobiographical,” Karam said. “There was an incident like the prank in the play that took place in 2004 in Pennsylvania, and I did work in a publishing house for a while, but those are just touch-points for me to explore other themes, themes about family, culture and how who we are and where we come from play a part in the way we deal with crisis in our lives. There may be cultural differences in the details, but the way we handle situations is, I think, universal. Some people fall apart, some grow stronger when faced with adversity, and some use humor to help them get through it all.”¶ Huntington Theatre Company presents the world premiere of Sons of the Prophet by Stephen Karam, April 1 through May 1, at the Calderwood Pavilon at the Boston Center for the Arts. For information, call 617-266-0800 or visit The production will play Off Broadway at the Roundabout Theatre Company in the fall.

Congratulations to the Academy of Women Achievers Class of 2011 Geri Denterlien President Denterlein

boston 17



Academy of Women Achievers

Laura Sen

President/CEO BJ’s Wholesale, Inc.

Superintendent Boston Public Schools

Carol Sanchez, CPA

Founder and Partner Sanchez & Santiago, LLC

Nancy Tarbell, MD

C.C. Wang Professor of Radiation Oncology Dean for Academic and Clinical Affairs Harvard Medical School Founding Director, Office for Women's Careers Massachusetts General Hospital

Celebration Luncheon June 15, 2011 Westin Copley Place

Carol Johnson, Ph.D.

2011 Sandra B. Henriquez Racial Justice Award

Keynote Speaker

Anita Hill

Professor of Social Policy, Law, and Women's Studies Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University

Diddy Cullinane

Founder Black & White Boston Coming Together

A world of investing. A world of career opportunities . A performance-driven culture that rewards talent and hard work. For more information about careers at Putnam, contact: Stephen Denny Manager, Diversity and Inclusion 617.760.0460 April 2011



Wine fields in Lisbon

Rocky Douro vineyards

The Rise of Portuguese Wine Tourism Lisbon and Porto the newest winetourism hotspots By Trond Arne Undheim


ortugal is emerging as one of the trendiest travel destinations right now.

The Portuguese have polished their jewels: trails, B&Bs, hotels, restaurants, discos, spas and wines. Visit before the floodgates open. Start with Lisbon, then go to the plains of the Alentejo towards the south and finish in Porto, exploring the more northern valleys of the Dão and Douro Rivers. If there’s time, a swim along the Algarve coast is not bad either, but mass tourism abounds down there already. Instead, avoid the masses and retreat into the countryside and blend with the locals in two, astonishingly fresh, European cities, Lisbon and Porto.


MAGAZINE April 2011

Interestingly, in this time of economic crisis, the wine industry is the most important sector of Portuguese agriculture. Portugal’s natural resources have always been fantastic. However, to the benefit of tourists and residents alike, the quality of tourist establishments have improved immensely over the last decade. As is the trend internationally, the approach to wine tourism has evolved, too, mainly because of a new generation of vintners who eyes the international public. Browsing the The Wine and Food Lover’s Guide to Portugal by Charles Metcalfe and Kathryn McWhirter, one finds there are plenty of places to stay and plenty of good wine, and not only Port wine. “Life is good, but wine is better,” said the author Fernando Pessoa (1988-1935). Why not connect the two? Lisbon, Europe’s westernmost and sunniest capital for sure, is aptly called “the city of explorers.” As the travel site GoLisbon says: “You’ll love Lisbon if you loved: the romantic decay of Venice, the emerging hipness of Barcelona in the 90s, the exoticism of Naples or Istanbul, the nightlife of Madrid, or the laid-backness of Rome.” Not to forget, Lisbon has established a reputation as one of Europe’s main clubbing cities. I spent a few sublime, early morning hours at the Fizz Beach Bar disco in Cascais, outside Lisbon at the mouth of the Tagus river, while the Atlantic waves (perfect for surfing) almost crash in on the dance floor. But the most undeniable attraction of Lisbon is its fish restaurants. The fish served is unparalleled in its freshness and presentation: you pick your fish while it is still alive, with Vinho Verde as a delicious wine choice. Coming out of one of them, the Cervejaria Relento, I remember thinking I will never eat fish again anywhere else. Even locals continue to be amazed. Lisbon’s mighty mix of

The Portuguese Wine Scene

Panoramic view of Porto

the old-fashioned and the hip; of the historic and the modern, is also a clue to its wines. Here, tradition and innovation meet in emerging brands, vintners and wine establishments that are about to go global. Upon mentioning the city of Porto, most people will immediately think of Port wine. But beyond wine, Porto is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, built along the hillsides overlooking the mouth of the Douro river. It is an outstanding urban landscape with a 2,000-year history. Visit the cathedral with its Romanesque choir, the neoclassical Stock Exchange, and the Portuguese style Church of Santa Clara. The Yeatsman is a high end wine hotel that opened in 2010, aiming to have the world’s best and biggest wine cellar for Portuguese wine. The place is owned by the Fladgate Partnership, a family based management group whose principal business, the production and marketing of premium Port wines, Fonseca, Taylor’s and Croft, was established over three centuries ago in 1692. Says Claire Aukett, marketing manager: “With a Caudalie spa, a kids club with entertainment and babysitting service, and 20 parent parent discount for the second room, it is also family friendly accommodation”. Porto is also the place of many wine festivals, such as Essencia do Vinho, where I recently tasted myself through the old stock exchange full of tastily embedded wine stands in the ornate Arab Room, an oval chamber

that attempted to copy Granada’s Alhambra Palace. In the outskirts of Porto, UNESCO has again awarded the Douro valley landscape for being representative of the full range of activities associated with winemaking – terraces, quintas (wine-producing farm complexes), villages, chapels and roads. The Douro Boys, five great Douro estates who joined forces five years ago in a massive PR campaign: Quinta do Vale Meão, Quinta do Crasto, Quinta Vale Dona Maria, Quinta do Vallado and Niepoort Vinhos (Nápoles), are the most visible result of that tradition at the moment. The Portuguese wine scene is about to become famous for one particular indigenous grape, Touriga Nacional. The reason is that the tourism authorities believe it is good branding, despite the fact that there is a wide variety of local grapes here, and also international varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon. The fruity, easy drinking wine style of Vinho Verde from the Minho region is the choice for a fresh, uncomplicated fish dish. From Lisbon to Porto, to the resort towns, Estoril and Cascais on the Atlantic coast or the Algarve coast, or the two archipelagos off the coast — the Azores Islands and Madeira, from fish to monuments oto discos, Portugal is branding itself as a lifestyle choice for vacationer and wine-lovers alike. To turn Pessoa’s phrase around, “wine is good, but life is better”, or rather, the two are intertwined.

Trond’s Picks

Quinta Nova de Nossa Senhora do Carmo

(2008, $20, 88/100) This wine is produced from old vines, from vineyards aged more than 30 years. It is a blend of Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Touriga Franca and Tinta Amarela grape varieties. This is a grand wine, complex and highly aromatic. It ages in French and American oak barrels for 16 months and remains another six months in the cellar. It has a deep red color, a floral aroma with a hint of ripe, black fruit, toast and spices. The ending is very long, with hints of fruit and cedar.

Quinta do Noval Port wine

(2008, $75, 91/100) Port is a magnificent rich and long-lived dessert wine made from vines planted in along the steep terraces of the Douro River Valley of Portugal. Port is a great way to end a meal. This port has fantastic vanilla, almond, hazelnut and caramel aromas. The texture is velvety, overall, Quinta do Noval is super smooth stuff with uncanny elegance.

Quinta do Vallado Reserva field blend

(2008, $50, 91/100) The blend is from old vineyards with more than 20 grape varieties all mixed. The nose is floral with cherry and citrus zest. The flavour is very concentrated, with balsamic oak notes, fig and black plum aromas and tobacco. All in all, the wine is full bodied, firm with great structure and good acidity, yet with mature and silky tannins. There are some mineral notes and a very elegant finish. This kind of wine asserts with confidence that Portuguese red wine means business.

Consider wine tourism as an improvement of ordinary tourism. However, there is no need to go crazy on the wine aspect of it. Wine is simply the entry point to interesting sensory experiences in nature, in the city, and in meeting people. Visiting wine country is a sure way to get a personalized trip where you have the chance to make friendships with passionate people along the way. A Good Nose (wine resource) Aromas & Sabores Wine Bar 44 Rua Tomás de Anunciação, Lisbon, tel. +351-213-963-985. Aveleda (winery) Chapitô (tapas bar & esplanade) Eleven (restaurant) Encostas de Estermoz (winery) Essencia do Vinho (wine fair) Fizz Beach Bar (disco) GoLisbon (guide) clubs.html GoPorto (guide) Great Wine Capitals (website) Infovini (Portuguese wine portal) Quinta de S. José (B&B) Quinta do Noval (winery) Quinta do Pego (B&B) Quinta do Vallado (winery/B&B) Quinta Nova (winery/B&B) The Douro Boys (5 top wineries) The Yeatsman (wine & spa hotel) Viniportugal Wines of Portugal Wonderful land (interactive guide) April 2011



Just right. Fashion that fits your personal brand b y J ay C a l d e r i n


he fundamental function of fashion is to cover

up our nakedness, protecting ourselves from the elements. That definition only applies to the fact of the garment, not the design or how an overall look is put together. This is where the hierarchy of who wears what and why becomes of importance. The designer, society and the wearer all enter into an agreement about what has value, and what doesn’t at any given point in time. Thanks to the democratization of fashion, today’s consumer can tap into the market on their terms and within their budget.

Equal Opportunities Discount retailers like Target, Marshalls, and Kohl’s provide designer labels for less. Some stores specialize in fast fashion - turning around the latest trends quickly and at affordable prices. H&M is known for being able to bring the runway to retail at record speeds. For both these business models, partnerships with high-end designers add even more caché to shopping on a budget. Designer outlets and “sample sale” style websites like Gilt Groupe (gilt. com) and Rue La La ( are yet another frontier for hunting down bargains. Thanks to technology, quality is now expected at any price point, so it is often the fit that betrays the origins of an ensemble. Finding a great tailor or seamstress is one way to transform economical off the rack purchases into fashion that suggests high-end if only because they fit like a glove. Upmarket Investments Most style savvy fashion devotees understand that investment pieces are essential when putting together a strong fashion statement. For both men and women, quality shoes are the first step. Regardless of the category, you don’t want to get tripped up on trendy cuts and colors which are more often than not, fleeting. The best return on investment will usually involve variations on the tried and true classics that offer a solid foundation for any look. Gilding The Lily Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel is credited with saying that we should always “take one thing off before you leave the house.” One of the most obvious missteps when it comes to dressing on a budget is gilding the lily. Accessorizing may seem like a smart way of disguising the caliber of your couture, but overcompensating will undermine your good intentions every time. Trying too hard can be a signal to people that you’re hiding something. Competing Castes In your professional life, there is nothing wrong with looking your best and dressing for success, but it is important to consider the environment in which you and your clothes will be interacting with others. Does your wardrobe reflect the job you’re doing? Does it upstage upper management? Does it define you as an employee versus having the quality of the work you’re doing do that? The Other Half Do blondes really have more fun? Does a designer label actually make a difference? The grass always seems greener when we are reflecting on how the “other half” lives. Walking a mile in their shoes while carrying their bag, is easier with web-based rental services like, renttherunway. com, and They provide low overhead and high impact alternatives that allow you to keep up with the Joneses – or the Kardashians. Playing the Field Your personal life is a great platform for experimenting with your wardrobe, as well as beauty and grooming regimes. Friends and family may be inclined to be supportive of your choices, but they will also be more apt to be honest with you if you’ve gone off the reservation. You’ll know who has your best interest at heart. Just Right Goldilocks knew when it was just right, but it was only after having tested all of her options. After you’ve dipped your toe into many of the fashion pools, you’ll have a better insight into what is comfortable, empowering and relevant about your wardrobe. Not to mention gaining a better appreciation for how and why people express themselves a certain way through clothing. A little fashion empathy goes a long way once we move past our clothes speaking for us, and we start to really communicate on a deeper level.


MAGAZINE April 2011





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Our Next Breakthrough In The Fight Against Cancer Might Be You. There is nothing more important in our fight against cancer than the next person we hire. The DFCI Human Resources Office of Diversity and Inclusion is committed to creating an environment of excellence for all who work and receive care here.

Why Dana-Farber? Dana-Farber Cancer Institute brings together world-renowned experts, innovative researchers and dedicated professionals, allies in the common mission of conquering cancer, HIV/AIDS and related diseases. Combining talented people with the best technologies in a genuinely positive environment, we are responsible for research and advances in the medical field, take part in high profile studies, and work with amazing partners, including other Harvard Medical School-affiliated hospitals. Dana-Farber’s new Yawkey Center for Cancer Care, which opened in January 2011, added 275,000 square feet of light-filled, spacious clinical areas, all in a “green” building. Our expansion is creating new opportunities across all areas of the hospital, including patient care, research, administration, operations and more. There couldn’t be a better time to join Dana-Farber. Don’t wait. To see a complete list of our current opportunities, please visit our website. Dedicated to Discovery...Committed to Care. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

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