Alejandro M. Benitez, Maria F. Castaneda, Silas J. Harris & Gabriela C. Pizzichini COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY
Alejandro M. Benitez, Maria F. Castaneda, Silas J. Harris & Gabriela C. Pizzichini COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY August 2017
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Objective The objective of this project is to, by working with Colorado State University’s One Health Institute in partnership with a larger collaborative, make recommendations for a “health hub” facility that would address all aspects of health in the 80521 zip code community of Fort Collins, Colorado.
Goals The goal of this “health hub” is to address the question of what the community needs to have a better understanding of health, along with fulfilling their wants in a way that incorporates systems thinking and problem solving in order to achieve a sustainable “health hub.”
Solution The team has set about answering these questions using data from focus group studies provided by the One Health institute. After analyzing the data, the team was able to determine some immediate needs and concerns of the community and develop a three-phase plan for the future of the “health hub.”
Project Outline The project group outlined the three problems that need to be addressed immediately, based on the focus group data, following the launch of the “health hub” and discussed potential future development for the project. The “health hub” is intended to be a pay-for-services facility with the ability to provide free resources for members of the population demographic that do not have the
means to pay. The project is played out in three phases as follows: •
Phase One—Immediate post launch recommendations.
Phase Two—Five years post launch, the “health hub” will be financially independent and
develop as a living organism requiring additional research in order to identify new problems that have arisen in the community. •
Phase Three—10-15 years following the launch, the “health hub” will be interdependent and
run sustainably , at which time additional research should once again be conducted to assess community needs. I
Contents Executive Summary Intro
Welcome to the “health hub” movement
1 5 5
Case Study
9 9
Works Cited
Intro Welcome to The “Health Hub” Movement Colorado State University’s One Health Institute does not work to fight disease. They seek to create health. This project is intended to give the 80521 zip code
community (as identified on the map) the opportunity to consider health as more than just physical in order to strive for a healthier Fort Collins. With that in mind, consider the unfathomed potential of 20 acres, and the concept of a “health hub.” “Health hub” is a recently www.Googlemaps.com
coined term referring to a facility that addresses all
aspects of health, including but not limited to human,
This map shows the 80521 zip code area, the area of focus throughout the project.
animal and environmental. This project team has focused mainly on aspects of human health. The One Health Institute, in partnership with a larger collaborative, has recently purchased 20 acres surrounding the Salud Family Health Clinic, located in the 80521 zip code area, making this “health hub” a feasible possibility. The “health hub” is intended to be a pay-for-services facility, giving it the ability to provide free resources for members of the population demographic that do not have the means to pay. This report will address the needs and concerns of the community as well as make recommendations for incorporating resources and addressing issues based on observations and the data that has been analyzed.
The Mission The goal of this project is to make recommendations for a facility, known as a “health hub,” that would address all aspects of health. Additionally, this project addresses the questions: what does the community need to have a better understanding of health, and how can community wants be fulfilled in a way that incorporates systems thinking and problem solving in order to achieve a sustainable “health hub?”
Defining Health Traditional thinking comes with setbacks as humanity moves into the modern age. This report will examine some everyday misconceptions about health, as well as several approaches to a new standard of health. These misconceptions aren't bad per se, they have just become obsolete ways of thinking.
Health Noun \ˈhelth also ˈheltth\ a: a condition in which someone or something is thriving or doing well b: general condition or state (Merriam-Webster Dictionary online)
Misconceptions Common misconceptions about health include: •
Health is just about being able to fight off disease (immunity) and physical ability.
Health care is primarily for a well-being, but basically is just sick care; health has so much
more to do with making sure you aren't just sick. •
Health is not as black and white as people think it is, when in reality wellness is complex.
Changing health habits is difficult to do.
A New Approach A modern approach to resolving these misconceptions could be to: • Attempt to change how you see healthy living •
Introduce components of health that
may be new to you •
Increase knowledge of a subject
(healthy living) that is ever changing
The above figure gives a visualization of the several aspects of health.
The team defined health as all elements contributing to the optimal pursuit of happiness. In this case it would include elements such as physical, mental, spiritual, social, financial, and environmental, explained as follows: • Physical Applies to the general health of one's body (Going for a run) • Mental A state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential (Counseling) • Spiritual Finding purpose in one's life (can include deities /religious beliefs, meditation)
• Social Applies to how well one interacts with others (conversation) • Financial Applies to being satisfied with current financial standing (having a mortgage payment schedule) • Environmental Applies to living a lifestyle that is respectful of the surroundings and environment
Process Resources Focus Group Data The collaborative previously conducted six focus groups within the 80521 community, providing the project team with the resulting data. Three of the focus groups were conducted in English, and three were conducted in Spanish to address the second largest language demographic of the area. All of the subjects who participated in this focus group were recruited from the 80521 area code to understand the community needs most accurately. Out of these six focus groups, five of them expressed concern with three main issues as illustrated by Figure 1. The major problems concerning the community are: 1.) a lack of respect for the Spanish speaking community 2.) a lack of respect/ resources for the homeless community 3.) a lack of access to equitable health care (fig 1)
Graphic by Authors
The above figure is a visual representation of the most pressing issues, as listed. The Y-axis represents the level of concern on a scale of one to five, The data shows that there are concerns covering several aspects one being the least concerning and five being the most concerning. of health which significantly impact the 80521 community.
The Approach The team approached this project by analyzing the data provided by the One Health Institute in the form of focus group results, as well as taking into consideration Fort Collins Census data and incorporating additional observations.
Demographics Demographics from the 80521 zip code area, provided by the Fort Collins census, were also used to further support the recommendations made in this report. For example, the census identified the Hispanic population as the second largest ethnic group in the 80521 area, reinforcing what was http://pics.city-data.com/craces2/3164.jpg
learned from the focus group data which identified a focus on that ethnic group.
The figure above provides a visualization of the demographics in the city of Fort Collins with the Hispanic population as the second largest.
Survey Development During this project, the team created a 16-question multilingual survey intended to address data gaps in the community. This survey is intended for use later in the development of the “health hub� to identify future community needs and wants that are not apparent at this time.
Understanding the Data Using focus group studies conducted by the collaborative, the team set about answering the questions: what does the community want and what does the community need? After analyzing the data, the team was able to narrow down the immediate concerns of the community to the following: resources for the homeless, resources for Spanish speakers, and better access to medical care.
Case Study In order to develop an appropriate plan to approach this project, the team researched several case studies concerning the “health hub” movement. The most relevant of these case studies was a project created in the United Kingdom intended to address the overall health of the elderly community utilizing the ideals of indigenous peoples. The Burleigh Salterton Hospital Health and Wellbeing Hub Began November 30th 2012 - Opening June 2017 Westbank Healthy Living Center Budleigh Salterton,United Kingdom
Purpose “At the Healthy Living Centre, people of all ages can enjoy a wealth of activities to keep body and mind healthy. This bright, modern building has purpose-built facilities including a fitness suite, community-cafe (Fridays term time) and Kidszone. Meeting rooms and an Event’s Studio are also
available for personal or business hire. The Budleigh Health and Wellbeing hub will be open to all, with the main focus on the communities in Budleigh Salterton, Exmouth and Woodbury along with surrounding villages and hamlets. Together, the Budleigh Hub will provide a service for nearly 50,000 people.” (Burleigh Salterton Hospital)
How it Relates to the Project Like the collaborative that One Health is working with, The Burleigh Salterton Hospital Health
and Wellbeing Hub is a joint venture project that has been developed over a four-year period by NHS Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group (NHS NEW Devon CCG), West bank Community Health and Care based in Exminster, the League of Friends of Budleigh Salterton Hospital, Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust, Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust (RD&E) and NHS Property Services.
Process The team that brought the Burleigh Salterton Hospital Health and Wellbeing Hub together created a video timeline which documents the entirety of their process. This video goes into further detail about the project and their mission. -View video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6IdQ3DgWwE
Results The project has garnered a ton of support from the community and is moving along. The reason behind the majority of this community support is a cultural value that exists in the majority of European countries, entailing that children taking care of their parents to the extent that they were taken care of as children. More about the process and where the project is currently can be seen in the videos on the project's website: https://budleighhospitalhub.org
For further information contact the relevant press office/ site: •
NHS Northern, Eastern and Western Devon Clinical Commissioning Group - Sarah Hyde,
01392 267647 sarah.hyde4@nhs.net •
West bank Community Health and Care – Wendy Hancock, Communications and
Marketing Manager 01392 824752, 07872 061144 w.hancock@westbankfriends.org •
Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust – James Garnett, Communications
Manager 01392 402833, jamesgarnett@nhs.net •
WELL UK: http://www.welluk.org
Devon Carers Centre: http://www.devoncarers.org.uk
Time for Life: http://timeforlife.org.uk
West Bank: www.westbank.org.uk
Conclusion Recommendations In order to ensure a sustainable and effective health hub, the team made the following recommendations to be implemented within the “health hub” facility. According to the data collected, these are the optimal resources for improving the health of the community.
Resources for The Homeless In order to address the demand for resources for the homeless population, the plan is to implement a homeless care and resource center that includes health care, shelter, donation center, and an unemployment office. An example of this solution can be found in a report compiled for The North Valley Housing Trust in which the organization implemented housing services and counseling that led to the reduction of homelessness by two thirds after ten years (North Valley Housing Trust ). The team took into consideration that some members of the community might not agree with having the homeless population brought in by the health hub, but decided that it was important for all people to be welcome.
Resources for Spanish Speakers Some of the main issues with existing resources for Spanish speakers are a lack of respect for the Spanish speaking community and a lack of consideration of those for whom Spanish is a primary language. Hispanics are the second largest demographic in the area, making up 10.10 % of the population, and are extremely underrepresented in culture and in language. Ten point two percent of the population speaks a language other than English at home (Fort Collins Census). The project team is proposing that the “health hub” establish a policy that ensures Spanish speakers are given equal respect and access to resources. This issue is not only relevant in the 80521 community, but also nationally. These proposed solutions are at the forefront of addressing the situation. Because of this, there are no established examples of solution success to date.
Equitable Health Care The final, immediate problem that the project group identified from the focus group data is concerning equitable access to healthcare and medical services. These issues include problems such as clinic hours not accommodating traditional work schedules and not providing sufficient face time with physicians. As a potential solution to this problem, the team suggests incorporating an after-hours clinic that opens in the afternoon and closes later in the evening, giving members of the workforce the opportunity to see a doctor without having it affect their job situation. An example of these solutions being implemented is a case study done by The University of Texas School of Public Health showing the impact of extended primary health care hours. This study saw a 100% decrease in clinic users monthly emergency department visits. Researchers were able to conclude that extended hours for primary care has the potential to eliminate the reliance on emergency resources (Fisher, Texas School of Public Health).
Nonprofits The project group also reached out to several nonprofits who are active in the 80521 community. The process for choosing these organizations began with considering the definition of health for this project. The team wanted to include organizations that would help to facilitate all aspects of health in a broad sense, rather than the more specific services that could be included in the future After determining the five most immediately relevant groups, described on the next
page, the team contacted leaders utilizing the following email. To Whom it may Concern,
Hello, we are interns with the One Health Institute of Fort Collins. We are currently working on a project concerning the healthy living of the Fort Collins community. One Health is part of a consortium that recently purchased twenty acres of property surrounding the Salud Family Health Clinic in north Fort Collins. Under the One Health Institute’s definition of overall health, we are most interested in facilitating all aspects of health, be it mental, physical, spiritual or any other category that contributes to a healthy life. The goal is to gather information for the local community and then develop a working plan to utilize the space in ways that would best support the community. After determining the needs of the community we think that your organization shares the “health hub” values, we think that your organization shares our mission so we’d like to ask you if you'd see yourself becoming involved with this project. To what degree do you see your organization contributing to the “health hub”? Do you think this project could really have an impact on the community? We ask you to seriously consider becoming a part of this movement and helping us achieve a healthier Fort Collins.
Thank you so much for your time, and we hope to hear from you soon. Gabriela Pizzichini Alejandro Benitez Maria Castaneda Silas Harris 11
Idea Wild (Addresses Environmental Health) Idea Wild seeks to minimize the loss of biodiversity by empowering the Heroes and S(heroes) of the Planet working on the front lines of conservation. The team felt it was important to incorporate this organization within the “health hub” because, although the project focused mainly on human health, it is equally important to encourage environmental and animal health.
Sexual Assault Victims Advocacy Center (Addresses Community Health) The Sexual Assault Victims Advocacy Center’s victim services provide a safety net to individuals impacted by sexual violence.
The team chose to include SAVA in the organization recommendations to make sure that all people feel welcomed and supported by the “health hub.”
The Matthews House (Addresses Family Health) The Matthews House is a 501(c)(3) organization that empowers young adults and families in transition to navigate difficulties on the road to self-sufficiency. This organization would address a main problem that has arisen in the community: there is an extreme lack of family services.
Summit Stone (Addresses Mental Health) Summit Stone’s mission is to provide unsurpassed behavioral health prevention, intervention, and treatment services in Larimer County. This organization would help to address the mental aspect of health, which is a crucial part of launching a successful “health hub.”
Community Foundation of Northern Colorado (Addresses Financial Health) The Community Foundation of Northern Colorado is a nonprofit organization that manages and administers more than 475 charitable funds and approximately $101 million in assets. Donations to the fund, and grants, are distributed to 501(c)(3) agencies around Northern Colorado. It would be important to have this organization in the “health hub” because, especially at the beginning, it will be necessary to have potential alternate funding for resources.
Phases of Evolution Now, having explained the three main problems that need to be addressed immediately following the launch of the “health hub,” this report will outline the future potential for development of this project. As this “health hub” is intended to be a pay-for-services facility, it would have the ability to provide free resources for members of the population demographic that do not have the means to pay. This group of community members would be identified by a system similar to the Federal Electronic Benefit Transfer qualification process. This would mean that the
“health hub” will have resources available to all members of the community who may need them, regardless of their financial situation.
The team has developed a threephase plan intended Graphic by Author
to accommodate the organic growth of the
The above figure illustrates the potential growth of the “health hub.”
“health hub” in addition to achieving sustainability. For the purposes of this project, these phases are set on a 15-year plan but this timeline would be flexible in order to accommodate real-life application. The first phase of the plan is the now, which is covered by the recommendations the team has made in this report. These recommendations include resources for the homeless, Spanish speakers, and equitable health care. The second phase would be five-years post launch, or when these problems have been addressed. At this point the “health hub” will be financially independent which means that it will create revenue in order to sustain itself, and take a step closer to being sustainable. Additionally, more data will need to be collected at this time in order to asses new issues that will have arisen 15
within the community that cannot be predicted from where the 80521 zip code stands now. Phase three begins about ten to fifteen years post launch, or when the requirements of phase two have been met. At this time the “health hub” will be independent and sustainably run. This means that the facility will be equitably, economically, and ecologically stable, with the organizations included in the hub no longer needing outside aid to function. At this point, the team would recommend conducting additional research to assess community needs and/or to remove resources that are no longer necessary. The team has developed a bilingual survey (see Appendix
A) to serve this purpose. This additional data will help the “health hub” to be as dynamic and sustainable as possible.
project growth The possibilities of the “health hub” movement are virtually endless. This is furthered by the vastness of the 20 acres of land., which roughly translates to nineteen football fields. There is much that can be done with that landscape. Some of the possibilities for this project that were not included in this report are a hiking trail, a community garden, alternative energy sources, a daycare
center, and a community kitchen with cooking classes. Many of these options would further strengthen the environmental sustainability and education of the community.
Works Cited “Budleigh Hospital. Budleigh Hospital Hub. Wordpress, budleighhospitalhub.org/. “Dimensions of Wellness.” Campus Recreation, campusrec.illinois.edu/programs/studentwellness/dimensions-of-wellness/#EnvironmentalWellness. Accessed 22 July 2017. “Fort Collins, Colorado.” Fort Collins, Colorado (CO) Profile: Population, Maps, Real Estate, Averages, Homes, Statistics, Relocation, Travel, Jobs, Hospitals, Schools, Crime, Moving, Houses, News, Sex Offenders, www.city-data.com/city/Fort-Collins- Colorado.html. Accessed 25 July 2017. “Home.” The Matthews House, thematthewshouse.org/. Accessed 25 July 2017. IDEA WILD, www.ideawild.org/. Accessed 25 July 2017. “Mental health: a state of well-Being.” WHO, World Health Organization, www.who.int/features/ factfiles/mental_health/en/. Accessed 22 July 2017 Mission and Vision - Community Foundation of Northern Colorado, www.nocofoundation.org/ mission. Accessed 25 July 2017. “One Health .” One Health Institute, Colorado State University , onehealth.colostate.edu/.
“Planning Services.” Trends || City of Fort Collins, www.fcgov.com/planning/trends.php. Accessed 25 July 2017.
“QuickFacts.” U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts Selected: Fort Collins City, Colorado, www.census.gov/ quickfacts/fact/table/fortcollinscitycolorado/PST045216. Accessed 25 July 2017. Six Dimensions of Wellness explained by Wellness Services Evan Rand, Operations Coordinator of
University Wellness Center Northwest Missourian | 50 comments. “Six Dimensions of Wellness explained by Wellness Services.” Northwest Missourian, www.nwmissourinews.com/opinion/article_aac31352-d4bb-11e0- a3d40019bb30f31a.html. Accessed 22 July 2017.
“Transforming Lives through Recovery, Renewal and Respect.” SummitStone Health Partners, summitstonehealth.org/. Accessed 25 July 2017. “Welcome to SAVA.” SAVA Center, savacenter.org/. Accessed 25 July 2017.
Appendix Appendix A Community Survey—English 1. Which of the following best describes your current occupation? Business and Financial Operations Occupations Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations Legal Occupations Education, Training, and Library Occupations Healthcare Occupations Food Service Occupations Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations Personal Care and Service Occupations Office and Administrative Occupations Construction and Extraction Occupations Student
No Current Occupations Other (please specify) 2. What is your ethnicity? (Please select all that apply.) American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian or Pacific Islander Black or African American Hispanic or Latino White / Caucasian
Prefer not to answer Other (please specify)
3. How many people currently live in your household? 1-2 3-5 6-8 9 and above 4. What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received? Less than secondary school qualifications Secondary school qualifications (GCSE, A-level, etc.) Some university but no degree Foundation degree Bachelor degree Post-graduate degree 5. How many hours of physical activity does your family participate in per week? 0-2 hours
3-5 hours 6-8 hours 9-11 hours 12-16 hours 6. On a scale of 1 to 5, how important is living a healthy lifestyle to you? 1 not important 2 mildly important
3 somewhat important 4 important 5 very important
7. On a scale of 1 to 5 where would you say you are in your health journey? 1 has not started 2 beginning 3 showing results 4 in reach of ideal fitness 5 I have reached my ideal fitness 8. How far is the grocery store you normally shop at? 1 mile
2 miles 3 miles 4 miles 5 miles or more 9. What form of transportation do you use to get here? Public Transportation Bike Walk Vehicle Carpool 10. How far away is the recreation center that you attend? 0-1 mile 2 miles 3 miles 4 miles 5 miles or more 11. What form of transportation do you use to get here? Public Transportation Bike Walk Vehicle Carpool
12. How far away is the after school program you attend? (if relevant) 0-1 mile 2 miles 3 miles 4 miles 5 or more miles 13 What form of transportation do you use to get here?
Public Transportation Bike Walk Vehicle Carpool 14. How far do you have to travel to the nearest open space? 0-1 mile 2 miles
3 miles 4 miles 5 or more miles 15. What form of transportation do you use to get here? Public Transportation Bike Walk Vehicle
16. What types of services would you like to see more of within the community? Physical Health Mental Health Financial Health Spiritual Health Educational Health Social Health
Appendix B Community Survey—Spanish Cuestionario de Centro de Salud 1. Cual de las siguientes opciones describe mejor su ocupación actual? Negocios Ciencias de la vida o ciencias sociales Educación Legal Servicios de comida Servicios de limpieza Cuidado personal Administracion Construcción Estudiante Desempleado
2. Cual es su etnia? Indio Americano o Nativo de Alaska Asiatico o Isleno del Pacifico Negro o Afroamericano Hispano o Latino Blanco/ Caucasico Prefiero no responder 3. Cuál es el nivel más alto de la escuela que ha completado? Menos de la escuela secundaria Cualificaciones de la escuela secundaria Alguna universidad pero ningún Diploma Diploma de Asociado Diploma de Universidad Diploma de Doctorado
4. Cuántas personas viven actualmente en su hogar? 1-2 3-5 6-8 9 o más 5. Cuántas horas de actividad física participa su familia por semana?
0-2 Horas 3-5 Horas 6-8 Horas 9-11 Horas 12-16 Horas 6. En una escala de 1 a 5, qué tan importante es vivir un estilo de vida saludable para usted? 1 no es importante 2 ligeramente importante 3 algo importante 4 importante 5 muy importante 7. En una escala de 1 a 5, dónde dirías que estás en tu viaje de salud? 1 no has comenzado 2 comenzado 3 mostrando resultados
4 en el alcance de mi condición física ideal 5 He alcanzado mi condición física ideal
8. A qué distancia se encuentra su tienda de supermercado? 1 milla 2 milla 3 milla 4 milla 5 millas o más
9. Qué tipo de transporte utiliza para llegar hasta aquí? Transporte público Bicicleta Caminas Vehículo compartir coche 10. A qué distancia está el centro de recreación al que asistes? 0-1 milla
2 milla 3 milla 4 milla 5 milla o más 11. Qué tipo de transporte utiliza para llegar hasta aquí? Transporte público Bicicleta Caminas Vehículo compartir coche
12. A qué distancia está el programa después de la escuela que asiste? (si es relevante) 0-1 milla 2 milla 3 milla 4 milla 5 milla o más 13. Qué tipo de transporte utiliza para llegar hasta aquí?
Transporte público Bicicleta Caminas Vehículo compartir coche 14. A qué distancia está espacio abierto ? 0-1 milla 2 milla 3 milla 4 milla 5 milla o más 15. Qué tipo de transporte utiliza para llegar hasta aquí? Transporte público Bicicleta Caminas Vehículo compartir coche
16. Qué tipos de servicios le gustaría ver más dentro de la comunidad? Salud física Salud mental Salud financiera Salud Espiritual Salud educativa Salud social
The Colorado State University Sustainability Workshop integrates the content of two undergraduate courses in one real-world, problemsolving workshop focused on finding practical and sustainable solutions to community problems. Working together in 2017, interdisciplinary groups of students—most in their first year of study at CSU—and faculty took on projects for Northern Colorado communities, including non-profit organizations and government agencies. Teams of two, three, or four students worked directly with these clients to carry out the projects and write the final reports, which were edited by the workshop coordinators. Workshop Coordinators: Katie Haggstrom (Graduate Teaching Assistant, CSU English Department), Paul Cawood Hellmund (Instructor, CSU School of Global Environmental Sustainability), and Kristie Yelinek, (Instructor, CSU English Department) The 2017 Sustainable Community Fellows are Suleiman Abdulkhaleq, Alex Benitez, Maria Castaneda, Brittany Escobedo, Karina Gonzalez, Silas Harris, Daniela Ornelas, Gia Pizzichini, Jen Platero, Adam Rusch, Monica Solis, Hayden Webb, and Johanna Zapata The workshop is sponsored by three parts of the university: School of Global Environmental Sustainability, English Department, and the Career Center.
onsider the unfathomed potential of 20 acres, and the concept of a “Health hub.” “Health hub” is a recently coined term referring to a facility that addresses all aspects of health. The One Health Institute at Colorado State
University, in partnership with a larger collaborative, has purchased those 20 acres, surrounding the Salud Family Health Clinic, located in the 80521 zip code area of Fort Collins, Colorado. The One Health Institute does not work to fight disease. They seek to create health. This project is intended to give the 80521 zip code community, including its traditionally underserved members, the opportunity to consider health as more than
What does the community need to have a better understanding of health?
How can their wants be fulfilled in a way that incorporates systems thinking and problem solving in order to achieve a sustainable health hub?
The Colorado State University Sustainability Workshop integrates the content of two undergraduate courses in one real-world, problem-solving workshop focused on finding practical and sustainable solutions to community problems. Working together in 2017, interdisciplinary groups of students—most in their first year of study at CSU—and faculty took on projects for Northern Colorado communities, including non-profit organizations and government agencies. The workshop is sponsored by three parts of the university: School of Global Environmental Sustainability, English Department, and the Career Center.
Front cover illustration: freedesignfile.com
just the physical. The goal of this health hub is to address the questions: