4CS Interactive Brochure

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Grow your business and unlock your c ustomers’ potential... i nte ra c ti ve ma r k e ti ng c o mmun icatio n s ... va l u e an d e x pe r i e n c e o p timis e d!






info@4csinteractive.co.uk 020 3561 2697

Welcome to you r litt le brochu r e ful l of BIG ideas on how 4cs interactive ca n hel p, grow your business and unlock your customers’ potential... interactive marketing communications...value and experience optimised! Introducing your Virtual MA (virtual marketing assistant), with specialist skills and experience in marketing communications. Your Virtual MA can help with a single marketing task or project or help develop and execute interactive marketing campaigns that are focused on the entire customer experience to attract maximise and retain customers for the long term.

‘ H ave You H e ard W Hat you r c u stoM er s a re s aYIng?’ 4cs publish a Free monthly newsletter jammed packed with ideas on how to interact more effectively with your customers... their value and experience optimised.

to subscribe to your Free 4cs newsletter simply visit:

www.4csinteractive.co.uk Whether it’s strategy and planning expertise with a difference, specialist marketing assistance, bespoke training or direct marketing to your customers, all our products and services are designed to give you, your people and your business the competitive edge. Please read on and see which works for you. Continued Business growth AndreA WAlsh dIrector


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strAteGy & PlAnnInG

your VIrtuAl MA do you hAVe A lonG terM Pl An For your B usIne s s? do you knoW Who your tArGe t c ustoMer Is And ho W to At trAct, oPtIMIse And re tAIn theM lonG terM? Your Virtual MA will help you set clear objectives and plan all your marketing communications. Your Virtual MA will plan out your marketing for the next 12 months or whatever time period you require to help increase your customer pipeline and ultimately increase sales. Your Virtual MA will help plan out the most relevant communication channels which prove to be the most cost effective and which deliver the maximum potential return on investment. Your Virtual MA will even provide anticipated costs in advance and regularly review progress so that you can evaluate your marketing communications tactics’ performance on an ongoing basis.

4cs is offering a Free marketing communications review for your business. to find out more about 4cs and book your Free marketing communications review visit:

www.4csinterac ti ve.c o.uk info@4csinteractive.co.uk

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your VIrtuAl MA Are you Burdened WIth the dAy-to -dAy ActI VItIe s InV olVed In W ork InG on your MArke tInG coMMunIc AtIons? Are you MIs s InG out on th e oPP or tunItIe s AVAIl ABle Acros s your MArke tInG coMMunIc AtIons? Your Virtual MA will help you with any internet marketing, sales or Pr project from basic social media updates to managing extensive marketing campaigns. Your Virtual MA will help execute your marketing for the next 12 months or whatever time period you require saving you time and money so you can concentrate on your business Your Virtual MA will help reach customers through their preferred communication channels and deliver the maximum potential return on investment. Your Virtual MA will create engaging and inspiring content which captures the imagination of your customers ...... their value and experience optimised 4cs is offering a Free marketing communications review for your business. to find out more about 4cs and book your Free marketing communications review visit:

www.4csinterac ti ve.c o.uk info@4csinteractive.co.uk

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your VIrtuAl MA Are you GenerAtInG hIGh quAlIt y le Ads , BuIldInG your c ustoMer PIPelIne A nd re tAInInG your e x IstInG c ustoMer s? Are you conF used By the MultItude oF AdVer tIsInG chAnnel s AVAIl ABle? Your Virtual MA will help you with any multi-media/online advertising and direct marketing task or project from basic classified advertising to media planning buying and campaign management. Your Virtual MA will help execute your advertising for the next 12 months or whatever time period you require saving you time and money so you can concentrate on your business. Your Virtual MA will help generate high quality leads, build your customer pipeline and retain them long term ....... their value and experience optimised. Your Virtual MA will help create tailored advertising campaigns which spark engagement, optimising the customer experience and generating sales.

4cs is offering a Free marketing communications review for your business. to find out more about 4cs and book your Free marketing communications review visit:

www.4csinterac ti ve.c o.uk info@4csinteractive.co.uk

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your VIrtuAl MA Are you F ully e xPloItInG A ll the re Venue oPP or tunItIe s Acros s your MArke tInG coMMunIc AtIons? Is the l Ack oF tIMe or re s our ce s holdInG you BAck? Your Virtual MA will train you and your people in all aspects of marketing communications from basic social media updates to digital marketing planning and execution. Your Virtual MA will deliver bespoke training relevant to you, your people, your business, and your industry. Your Virtual MA will help you and your people communicate effectively with your customers engaging them with your company, retaining them for the long term.... their value and experience optimised. Your Virtual MA delivers an extensive range of courses which are offered in short sessions to optimise the learning experience.

4cs is offering a Free marketing communications review for your business. to find out more about 4cs and book your Free marketing communications review visit:

www.4csinterac ti ve.c o.uk info@4csinteractive.co.uk

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BrAndInG dId you knoW thAt BrAnd recoGnItIon And BrAnd e xPerIence deFIne s your BusIne s s In the MArke tPl A ce? 4cs Branding helps give your brand a personality that identifies your product, service and company so that customers can distinguish your brand from other similar companies. 4cs Branding helps create strong brand experiences which attract new customers and

retain existing customers keeping you, your people and your products and services in your customers’ minds. From logo development to corporate literature your Virtual MA has the expertise to give your business a personality.

WeB desIGn d oe s your WeB sI te P or tr Ay your coMPAny FAVourABly? 4cs Web design helps you aim at the trends of your customer. our responsive web design includes interactive functions and coding language that enhance the user experience. 4cs Web design applies quality page layouts, web typography and motion graphics so that your website can be easily found by search engines.

We pride ourselves on delivering professional, stylish and fashionable websites with a focus on straightforward navigation and usability. With a wide range of designs from professional to fun to e-commerce and interactive. Your Virtual MA’s focus is on straightforward navigation and usability.

4cs is offering a Free marketing communications review for your business. to find out more about 4cs and book your Free marketing communications review visit:

www.4csinterac ti ve.c o.uk info@4csinteractive.co.uk

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shoWcAse tAlent netWork

WAnt to Work In MArke tInG coMMunIc AtIons or MAyBe , you A lre Ady do? 4cs shoWc A se tAlent ne t Work c An helP you ProMote your sk Ill s And e xP erIence to A VA st onlIne AudIence to helP you l And thAt dre AM joB!

direct targeting of companies actively recruiting in the marketing communications industry 4cs’ specialist website - more effective than generic sites as you won’t get lost in the crowd! 1 to 2 minute Interactive video Cv - more effective than a text based Cv as it allows you you to make an impact and show your personality recruiters to get to know the real person recruiters feel that they already know you, increasing your chances of interviews subscribe to the showcase talent network and get your Free monthly newsletter. to find out more about the showcase talent network visit:

www.4csinterac ti ve.c o.uk info@4csinteractive.co.uk

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sPotlIGht coMPAny netWork

WAnt to cre Ate A dIrect MArke tInG c AMPAIGn, coMPAny P roFIle or e x Pl AIner VIdeo thAt re Ache s A c APtI Ve onlIne AudIence? 4cs sP otlIGht coMPAny ne t W ork c An helP you P roMote your coMPAny’s unIque Products And ser VIce s to A VA st onlIne AudIence to helP you GroW your BusIne s s And Incre A se s Ale s! Partnering with 4cs will provide direct targeting of business to business, consumer and specific target audiences. 4cs’ specialist website - more effective than generic sites as you won’t get lost in the crowd! Interactive advertisement, 1 to 2 minute interactive introducer video, explainer video or company profile helps make an impact and spark engagement with your customers Helps give your brand a personality and allows customers to interact with you, your people and your business. Customers feel that they already know you, your people and your business, driving

subscribe to the spotlight Company network and get your Free monthly newsletter. to find out more about the spotlight Company network visit:

www.4csinterac ti ve.c o.uk info@4csinteractive.co.uk

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SOMe Of Our ClientS

info@4csinteractive.co.uk 020 3561 2697

Drive you r s ale s, grow your busines s t h rou gh in te racti ve communi c ations w it h you r custome rs... t h eir valu e an D e xpe rie nce op timiseD.

4cs interactive 20 russell lane whetstone london n20 0ab 020 3561 2697 info@4csinteractive.co.uk

www.4csinterac ti ve. c o. u k

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