Bristol Musical Schools - Secondary Prospectus

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B e c o m e a B r i s to l M u s i ca l S c h o o l and nurture a community o f c r e at i v e l e a r n e r s

Whether you are already a musical school or just starting out on the journey, the Bristol Musical Schools membership aims to support all schools in the city to achieve musical excellence. Our award-winning programme supports schools through a range of high-quality curriculum resources, enrichment activities and teacher training opportunities. We work closely with Department for Education, Ofsted, Arts Council England and industry organisations across the music education sector to make sure we are at the cutting edge of best practice in musical teaching and learning. Our experienced and knowledgeable team are here to support music in your school.

B e c o m e a B r i s to l M u s i ca l S c h o o l

M a n ag i n g m u s i c l e s s o n s i n yo u r s c h o o l We can now manage music lessons in your school through a parent pay and lesson management system called Paritor. This removes the burden of managing lessons in your school and means that we can timetable lessons and deal directly with parents for payments and enquiries. No more chasing parents!

Planning for music and t e ac h e r t r a i n i n g

B e c o m e a B r i s to l M u s i ca l S c h o o l

No school improvement plan is complete without a ‘School Music Education Plan’ (SMEP). Developed with Ofsted and DfE, every school should have an up-to-date plan and we can write this plan with you. Developing expertise in your team is vital to supporting an ongoing musical culture. Through extensive research with colleagues across schools and the music education sector, we have developed a series of resources and training sessions to support schools with Ofsted ‘Deep Dives for Music’ so that you have got it covered.

M u s i c A dva n c e m e n t S u b s i dy Schools that join the membership are eligible to apply for a Music Advancement Subsidy of up to £900. This investment can be used to support the advancement of music in your school, for example, funding ensembles or music clubs, instruments or music lessons.

B r i s to l M u s i c C u r r i c u lu m Bring music to life in your school through our awardwinning Bristol Music Curriculum. We can support your team to use high-quality resources, musical games and singing so that music thrives in the classroom.

F o c u s o n S o u n d P RO s o f t wa r e f o r KS 3, GCSE a n d A L e v e l Your membership includes the full Focus on Sound PRO software with unlimited licences for up to 1250 students and 7 teachers worth £599. The software has 300 structured lessons containing learning activities and listening tests. These are perfect for whole class teaching or individual student work. There are resources for all the UK exam boards, including lessons on most of the set works. (Schools that already have the software will be upgraded and BPM will pay for renewal).

B e c o m e a B r i s to l M u s i ca l S c h o o l

I n s t r u m e n ta l M u s i c L e s s o n s We know the administrative pressures faced by schools, particularly at this time. Music lessons don’t need to stop as a result of COVID-19 or funding pressures. With free lessons for children in care, the instrument loan scheme and Paritor, all children in your school that want to access a music lesson should be able to do so.

Sp e c i a l P r o j e c t s Each year Bristol Plays Music organises a number of special projects in schools across Bristol with highlyregarded local and national partner organisations such as Tomorrow’s Warriors, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Chineke! and many others.

B e c o m e a B r i s to l M u s i ca l S c h o o l

Membership - Plan A Description

I n c lu d e d i n p l a n

School Music Education Plan

Meet with a member of BPM team to review and discuss music planning in your school

Focus on Sound PRO software for KS3, GCSE and A Level (schools that already have the software will be upgraded and BPM will pay for renewal)

Focus of Sound PRO software unlimited license for up to 1,250 students and seven teachers worth £599. The software has 300 structured lessons containing learning activities and listening tests. These are perfect for whole class teaching or individual student work. There are resources for all the UK exam boards, including lessons on most of the set works.

Annual INSET/consultancy

1/2 day consultancy/training or attendance at staff meeting/INSET

Paritor for schools (for administration and billing of instrumental lessons)

Schools use Paritor to manage their own instrumental lesson timetabling BPM will manage financial administration and invoice parents directly

Annual secondary school ‘Music Advancement subsidy’ value of £900

Schools can apply for £900 of financial support which can be spent with BPM on instruments, lessons, ensembles, etc.

CPD and training – eg. Ofsted Deep Dive

Attendance at BPM CPD sessions for one member of staff

Secondary Music Leaders’ Network

Attendance at secondary network (four per year)

Support for students

Free instrument hire for students in receipt of Pupil Premium. Free instrumental lessons for children in care


For a half-day or whole-day workshop, please contact the BPM team


For any other bespoke tuition or training, please contact the BPM team

Annual membership fee (payable in September)


B e c o m e a B r i s to l M u s i ca l S c h o o l

Membership - Plan B Description

I n c lu d e d i n p l a n

School Music Education Plan

Meet with a member of BPM team to review and discuss music planning in your school

Focus on Sound PRO software for KS3, GCSE and A Level (schools that already have the software will be upgraded and BPM will pay for renewal)

Focus of Sound PRO software unlimited license for up to 1,250 students and seven teachers worth £599. The software has 300 structured lessons containing learning activities and listening tests. These are perfect for whole class teaching or individual student work. There are resources for all the UK exam boards, including lessons on most of the set works.

Annual INSET/consultancy

One-day consultancy/training or attendance at staff meeting/INSET

Paritor for schools (for administration and billing of instrumental lessons)

BPM will use Paritor to manage all instrumental lesson enquiries, financial administration (invoice parents directly) and timetabling for schools.

Annual secondary school ‘Music Advancement subsidy’ value of £900

Schools can apply for £900 of financial support which can be spent with BPM on instruments, lessons, ensembles, etc.

CPD and training – eg. Ofsted Deep Dive

Unlimited attendance at BPM CPD sessions

Secondary Music Leaders’ Network

Attendance at secondary network (four per year)

Support for students

Free instrument hire for students in receipt of Pupil Premium. Free instrumental lessons for children in care


For a half-day or whole-day workshop, please contact the BPM team


For any other bespoke tuition or training, please contact the BPM team

Annual membership fee (payable in September)


B e c o m e a B r i s to l M u s i ca l S c h o o l

F e e s f o r a d d i t i o n a l o r n o n - i n c l u s i v e ac t i v i t i e s, f o r m e m b e r s Description


School Music Education Plan

Bespoke meetings, cost per hour: £35.00

Focus on Sound PRO software for KS3, GCSE and A Level (schools that already have the software will be upgraded and BPM will pay for renewal)


Annual inset /consultancy

Attend one staff meeting: £50.00 One day’s INSET One day’s consultancy: £100.00

Paritor for schools (for administration and billing of instrumental lessons)


Annual secondary school ‘Music Advancement subsidy’ value of £900


CPD and training – eg. Ofsted Deep Dive

Per additional staff member, per course: £35.00

Secondary Music Leaders’ Network


Support for students



Per year group Half-day workshop: £100.00 Whole-day workshop: £150.00



Annual membership fee (payable in September)


*Fees for non-members, available on request

To f i n d o u t m o r e a b o u t b e c o m i n g a B r i s to l M u s i ca l S c h o o l , c o n tac t Chris Green E d u cat i o n P r o g r a m m e M a n ag e r c h r i s.g r e e n @ b r i s to l p l ays m u s i c.o r g 011 7 20 47 1 3 9

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