March 2011 - The Chronicle

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7201 W. Sample Road, Coral Springs, FL 33065

Coral Springs High School


Volume XVIV Issue IV

March 2011

news..................1-4 opinion...............5-7 dimensions........8,9 feature..........10,11 entertainment....12,13 sports.............14-16

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Honor Society members in danger of losing their membership due to lack of service hours. Sponsors like Carmen Newstreet, pictured, warn students to get their service hours completed or face probation.

Reality show searches for next star Ana Serpa Ariana Morell Staff Writers

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photo by Sara Castaneda

club sponsors said: “In every group, there is that one core group that is really on top of what they have to do.” - Carmen Newstreet, NHS “They wait until the last second to turn their hours in, when it would be easier... if they managed their time.” - Jenny Martinez-Raposo, SHS “There are few members in the society, but they are passionate about it.” - Jacquelene Lieberman, NAHS

Alec Kaye Staff Writer As nearly 250 notification letters were sent out mid-February, sponsors of honor societies became concerned over the members’ commitment to the groups. The three honor societies that require service hours at our school – National, Spanish and Art – pride themselves on their contribution to the community. “It’s their service that separates honor students from others,” said Carmen Newstreet, National Honor Society sponsor. For NHS, one risks being put on the probation list if he or she has not earned a yearly sum of 20 inside service hours, which are hours obtained through the group-related activities, and 40 outside service hours, which are hours obtained outside of the group, or does not maintain a 3.0 unweighted GPA. Once placed on probation, the member has one semester to make up any of the unmet requirements in order to have the sentence lifted. Newstreet estimated that 50% of members are usually put on probation after not turning in their service hour requirement. The number, though, Continued on page 3

NASA website created for teachers as a learning tool


Jordan Butchen Staff Writer A school press release on Feb. 9 announced that the school is now a participant of the NASA Explorer program. This entails access to a new website ( that contains an assortment of articles and videos teachers can download and include as part of their curriculum. The site can assist students in learning about a variety of topics, such as space and

astronomy. Filling out a form automatically enrolls teachers in the program. Teachers are also permitted to add their own activities to the site, so other teachers can utilize them in their own classroom. This new tool gives teachers the ability to show their students various projects NASA has been working on as well as upto-date research on their latest findings. The website will also send out weekly emails and upload monthly podcasts. It supplies additional material on various Represented by junior Jessica Voss, SGA wins Vice President of the Florida Association of Student Councils, page 2.

Young baseball players must live up to high expectations, page 14.

scientific topics. There are many potential research topics available on the site including projects on the solar system and a reduced gravity experiment. In the reduced gravity experiment, participants enter a ship that simulates weightlessness. The website will provide in-depth coverage on the launch of the Discovery Continued on page 2 Meet the folks who keep our school clean, page 8.

MTV’s Emmy award winning series, MADE, held auditions for its upcoming season on Feb. 28 in the Media Center. MADE is a documentary series that features every day students who overcome obstacles to fulfill a long-term goal. MTV is traveling around the nation in hopes of finding potential cast members for their eleventh season. After a mass email was sent out to all of the district principals, Assistant Principal Cory Smith agreed to have the auditions and show held at CSHS. “There is a positive message [that goals are achievable with hard work] and if there is something that will benefit our kids we want to do that,” Smith said. Before the casting call, students were required to complete basic questions about themselves and their goal. Students were encouraged to have a detailed goal that can be successfully reached, not goals like “I want to be famous” or “I want to be a star.” The casting call lasted two and a half hours, and after a ten-minute interview students were encouraged to leave to make the audition process quicker. “After the interview, I felt like it was a good experience and it was very natural,” said Rachel Ledbetter, junior, who attended the auditions. Following the interviews, the tapes were sent out to MTV’s New York offices, where they will be evaluated and a student will be chosen. When the cast member is selected, a phone call will be administered to the parents to assure parental consent and to agree to the terms and conditions. Participants will be followed by one MTV camera crew-member for up to five months while receiving intense training from a mentor in order to achieve their goal. To ensure that the learning environment is not disrupted, only one camera operator will document the episode. If a teacher is uncomfortable with the filming occurring in their classroom, there is no obligation to film there. Filming for the MADE episode will take place during the upcoming school year but it is not guaranteed that one of the students at CSHS is chosen to be in the show.


MARCH 2011


7th Broward Student Leader’s Day Leadership and class offices go to Nova High School to participate in workshops to enhance their leadership skills.

8th Dress for Success

11th ESE Spring Scavenger Hunt ESE students will participate in outdoor activities during 6th and 7th hours.

12th SAT Testing At J.P. Taravella High.

14th - 18th


25th Make A Wish $1000 collection Leadership will run down the hallways, collecting donations for Make A Wish in hopes of collecting $1000 in one collection period.

Religions teacher awarded Holocaust scholarship Shahnawz Hardanian Staff Writer Valerie Arena, DE WorldReligions and AP literature teacher, has been rewarded a scholarship to explore the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. over spring break. The program is being funded by The Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education at Florida Atlantic University. Teachers will be required to participate in a training session before they leave for D.C., and another one once they return. The tour of the museum will be led by Broward County Public School Multicultural Curriculum Development/Training Specialist Linda Medvin and Director for the Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education center at FAU, Dr. Rose Gatens. Participants will also be able to speak

with Holocaust experts, such as Dr. Ann Millan who will instruct a session on understanding and teaching students about the Holocaust. She will be using resources from the USHMM. A child survivor, Stephen Montrose, will also talk to the teachers about his experiences during the Holocaust. Arena was selected for this scholarship based on an essay she wrote that explained what studying the Holocaust would mean to her. “As a professor of religious studies,” said Arena. “It is necessary to explore theodicy, which is the mystery of the coexistence of good and evil.” On the third day of the program, Bridget Conley-Zikic, the Director of Research and Projects for the Committee on Conscience, will inform teachers about all genocides

that have taken place apart from the WWII Holocaust, including the ones in Russia, China, Turkey and Armenia. This is the part of the scholarship that Arena is looking forward to the most. This is not Arena’s first scholarship opportunity. Throughout her career, she has won about a dozen scholarships. As part of her academic career, Arena tries to earn a scholarship every year. “I was a “C” student in high school, except in English,” she said. “I started to appreciate learning in college.”

Reed Congdon Staff Writer Student Government attended the Florida Association of Student Councils (FASC) conference from Thursday Feb. 17 through Mon the 21, ran for a position as Vice President, and won. Represented by junior Jessica Voss, our school’s SGA students campaigned all weekend and triumphed over Palm Beach Central High to win the position, making our school the new Vice President of the FASC for the 2011-2012 school year. “Our school has never held a state position before, and we worked really hard, so

it’s a great honor,” Voss said. The FASC conference is an event held for students in SGA every year in different locations around Florida. This year SGA traveled to Pensacola, where they met with schools from all over the state and spent five days together, listening to guest speakers and attending seminars or workshops about improving leadership skills. They also attended dances and outings that the conference offered. The theme of our school’s campaign was baseball, our slogan being “Join Our Team.” All weekend our leadership students wore baseball jerseys and handed out buttons in

a crusade to win the position. In front of all the schools, and hundreds of kids, our students performed a skit as part of their campaign. Voss also delivered several speeches at conferences that explained the importance of choosing our school to hold the position of Vice President. When the time to vote came, all the hard work that our SGA students put into this goal paid off. Jessica Voss, who represents Coral Springs High in the FASC, will now attend the meetings and conferences alongside other school officials who hold positions in the FASC, such as Boca Raton High School,

The program is scheduled for Mar. 1416. Nine other teachers will also be participating in this scholarship opportunity from schools such as Piper, Plantation and Hollywood Hills High Schools, and Apollo, Sawgrass Springs, New River, Nova, and Pines Middle Schools.

Student Government serves as Vice President for FASC

Libya Bolivia

The government pledged Mar. 1 to build new houses for the estimated 6,000 victims of a mudslide that occurred Feb. 27 in Bolivia’s capital city of La Paz. La Nina was blamed for the heavier than normal rains that swept away the adobe-made homes, leveling whole neighborhoods. On Mar. 2, a national campaign will raise donations for the victims.

The United Nations General Assembly suspended Libya from its human rights body Mar.2, after Libyan antiQadhafi protestors were repeatedly repressed with gunfire over the past 2 weeks. The Security Council requested that the International Criminal Court investigate the latest measures taken by Libyan Col. Moammar Al-Qadhafi’s regime for crimes against humanity. ICC prosecutors will present the case to ICC judges on Mar. 3, who will then decide whether or not arrest warrants are to be issued.


The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, who managed Egypt’s affairs since Feb. 11 appointed the first post-Mubarak prime minister on Mar 4. Former Transport Minister Essam Sharaf had been chosen to replace the prime minister that was sworn in by Mubarak. The council had also appointed a committee to amend the suspended constitution to allow for elections.


by Alec Kaye

‘NASA’, cont.

(Feb.), Endeavor (Apr.), and Atlantis (Jun.) space shuttels These rockets will be sent into different orbits in order to map out the Milky Way. Science teacher Peter Pompura plans to utilize the newly created website in his teachings. “My partnership with NASA began in 2005 and has been the highlight of my teaching career,” Pompura said. He has been involved with several NASA projects and tests over the last six years. Pompura has held video conferences in his class ever since the partnership began. He was also able to participate in the previously mentioned reduced gravity experiment. “Through the NASA Distance Learning network, I am able to bring innovative and exciting lessons to my classroom from across the country.” Pompura feels the NASA website will allow his students to explore topics, become more interested in aeronautics and enjoy his class more. He believes students will look forward to participating in the NASA activities he has inserted into his curriculum. The government organization will also be hosting trips for various space-related programs. NASA intends to reward students with these visits based on their level of participation on the website. These programs include an all-expense paid trip for one teacher and two students to the National Student Symposium at Kennedy Space Center in May, as well as classroom video conferences with NASA officials, such as astronaut Robert Cabana. Cabana is currently the director of the Kennedy Space Center. NASA plans to continue sponsoring the newly created website in hopes that both students and faculty will benefit and enjoy the resource.

MARCH 2011

Underclassmen get serious about FCAT success FCAT tutoring sessions are being held on campus every weekend to help students improve test scores Katie Long Staff Writer FCAT Saturday camp began on Jan. 29. The program is a series of seven weeks, progressing through Apr. 9. The goal is to help students improve their FCAT testing scores for this year’s test, which will be conducted from Apr. 11 through the 14. “Without a doubt it will help scores,” said Eric Belliard, freshman guidance counselor. The camp is held each Saturday in the freshmen, or the ten, building from 9 am until twelve pm. Attendance is voluntary but strongly encouraged. According to the information communicated to students through the morning announcements and fliers posted around the school, regular participation makes students

eligible for prizes. The sessions are held in six different classrooms; three of the rooms are dedicated to reading and the other three dedicated to focusing on math. They are staffed by teachers from the school, including three reading and three math teachers, as well as a Creole-speaking aid to help with students who are nonnative English speakers. The sessions are conducted in two 80-minute blocks, one for each subject. The two blocks are separated by a 20-minute break. “I learned a little bit more than I already knew,” said Nhan Pham, freshman, who has already attended multiple sessions and plans to attend the remainder. In the first week the program attracted about 95 students, growing to 130 students by the Feb. 5 session date. They are hoping for the program to grow as the weeks continue. Each week the teacher whose

class had the greatest participation receives a prize, giving teachers an added incentive to encourage their students to attend. “We are still targeting [certain] students,” said Belliard, referring to students who in the past have struggled with these types of examinations and whom he feels would be most benefited by participation in this program. He went on to say that they are hoping to have a turn out above 150 students in the coming weeks. FCAT scores have significant impact upon our school’s grade. High FCAT scores (considered levels 3, 4, or 5 in reading writing or science) account for 400 out of 800 points in the 2009-2010 grading criteria. The other half of the school grade is related to the help given to students with scores of one and two so as to help them improve. This is why our school is so enthusiastic about aiding students in any way that they can.


‘Probation’, cont.

does not concern her; saying that all of the members are scholarly enough to get it done. “All you guys need is a little nudge,” she said. “Once you receive the letter, you manage to find the time.” For Spanish Honor Society, if a returning member does not reach the ten-service hour requirement for the entire year, he or she becomes lowered to a “member of honorary status.” Once lowered, the member would be ineligible to receive a cord from SHS during graduation. New members must achieve an initial total of 15 hours before being considered for induction. In Feb., two months before deadline, only 12% of the members had their service hour requirement. Jenny Martinez-Raposo, SHS sponsor, acknowledged that there remains time in the school year, but felt there should be more members already past the limit. “Students have multiple opportunities to earn club hours, such as attending the monthly meetings or the Wednesday Spanish tutoring,” said Raposo,” but they do not take advantage of them.” National Art Honor Society, with about 30 members, had one quarter of its members receive a notice concerning their group hours. Jacquelene Lieberman, NAHS sponsor, said that members had dual incentives when participating in the club activities. Face painting at IHOP and McDonald’s provided both interaction with the community and free food for the members painting. For students in need of hours, NHS Service Hour Coordinator Emily Frick mentioned the “huge board” located by guidance filled with volunteer opportunities.

Students take a minute to breathe with yoga class

Duffy Dufresne Staff Writer Student government held a free yoga session on Sat. Feb. 5 from 10 am to 11:30 am in the dance room, under the direction of Courtney Gallo, registered yoga teacher. The session began with basic information about yoga. Gallo gave further explanation of the definition of the goals of yoga on handouts. Each participant was supplied with an exercise mat and went through some breathing exercises. Participants were instructed to clear their minds and focus on breathing in and out, known as Pranayama, one of the components of yoga. Then, participants were

led through a number of postures such as downward and upward-facing dog. The purpose of the different postures, or Asana, is to help maintain flexibility, relaxation, and balance of strength. Yoga is defined as the ‘cessation of the thinking mind.’ It originated in India around 300 B.C. and was brought to the U.S. in the late 1800s. The session cost SGA about 50 dollars, which they acquired through fundraising. Courtney Librizzi, SGA president, said that “everyone [that attended] seemed to have gotten a lot out of it,” she said. Due to a shortage in supplies, there was a limited amount of people who could

come to the session. “For next year I would like to find a way to make it so more people can participate because we could only have so many people, because we only had so many mats,” Librizzi said. SGA is required to complete a variety of different projects throughout the year by the Broward County Associations of Student Government in order to become Gold Medallion Council of the year. “We have to do something that either promotes being more safe or being more healthy and this is what I chose to do,” Librizzi said. Citizenship Development, Community

service, Environmental Concern, Faculty and Staff Relations, Fundraising, Membership Motivation, School Service, and school spirit are the different categories that need to be fulfilled. So far SGA has done a number of projects in order to fulfill the requirements, including creating a Homecoming invitation video, instead of using paper invitations. The group has met its environmental concern requirements through ‘X the Text,’ which was a campaign to stop texting and driving, and ‘Jeans for Teens’ during which jeans were collected for underpriviledged teens.

NEWS BRIEFS Debate member makes Vending machines raise Delta Pi Sigma becomes it to state competition prices on select items nationally affiliated The debate team’s Feyaad Allie qualified to compete at the Florida Forensic League Varsity State (FFL) competition which took place on Feb. 5, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The competition consisted of four preliminary rounds, in which students debated one-on-one against competitors from other Broward County schools. Those who performed well in the preliminary rounds advanced to the final round. The winners in this round qualified to compete in the state competition. Allie debated the topic of whether juveniles should be tried as adults, and won 3 out of the 4 preliminary rounds, and also won in the final round. Allie will compete in the FFL Varsity State competition, which will be held at Wellington High School on Mar. 4 and 5.

-Sarah Moseley, Staff Writer

The school vending machines showed an increase in prices for a select few items as of Jan. New products costing $1.50 replaced traditional $1 items on the uppermost row of the machines. Gilly Vending, Inc., in charge of maintaining and stocking the machines, attributes the 50 cents increase to the larger sizes of the new snacks, as compared to the previous ones, and their “all-natural, healthier alternative” qualities. In previous years, Gilly provided coupons to whomever lost their money from a machine malfunctioning. The company discontinued the coupons at the start of this school year after students began abusing the system. If a student loses money to a malfunctioning machine, he or she should contact either the phone number on the machines or a qualified employee of Gilly Vending, Inc., who stops by on campus periodically.

-Alec Kaye, Staff Writer

Delta Pi Sigma, the English honor society, has become the National English Honor Society. During the course of the summer advisor Jacqueline Rackard and president Caitlyn Tate contacted the national office in order to become a part of the nationwide society. The National English Honor Society is recognized throughout the country and comes with scholarship eligibility and other opportunities, which include networking with other members of the nationally bound organization. To be a part of it, students must have a 3.5 GPA in their English classes, a 3.0 in their other ones and also a teacher’s recommendation letter. Delta Pi Sigma has been responsible for several book drives, in which they donated the books to a children’s hospital and Habitat For Humanity. They have also hosted two poetry readings in the media center.

-Lorenzo Mohammed, Staff Writer


MARCH 2011

MARCH 2011


E-readers take weight off students’ shoulders Schools should eliminate textbooks and start to use e-readers. Tara Johnston Photo Captain Can you imagine all of your textbooks under 12 ounces and thinner than six textbooks? As crazy as it may sound, this is all possible with the use of e-readers. With all of the latest technology available to the public, the rights to many textbooks can be purchased and downloaded to e-readers. An e-reader is a small device with the capacity to download e-books and display text and images. Most can hold up to 1500 books, and most books can be purchased for cheaper than the shelf price. E-readers range anywhere from $150$200, and can be purchased refurbished for an even lower price. With all of this technology at hand, schools should consider purchasing ereaders and distributing them with textbooks pre-loaded to students. Last year, Clearwater High School in Tampa distributed Kindles, e-readers created by Amazon, with textbooks loaded on them to students. 2,000-plus students were given ereaders as a new approach to textbook distribution. According to an interview with students from the high school in the St. Petersburg

Times, students were thrilled with the new technology they had received. Students said they were relieved that they didn’t have to carry around all of the weight of various textbooks around anymore. E-readers have up-to-date technology such as the ability to highlight a word and in an instant provide a definition. Also, e-readers have the ability to attach a set of notes to a specific page. With hardcover books, writing in the book can come with a hefty fine. “I take notes on my Nook [the Barnes and Noble model] and attach them to pages to remind myself what I liked about that certain part of a book,” junior Stephanie Hey said. The price of a single textbook can range from $85 to almost $150. Students are required to take five core classes, each requiring a separate book. If you do the math, a set of books per student would cost about $350. A Nook e-reader, which costs $149, is a fraction of the price. Students would be distributed an e-reader at the beginning of the year, and would be required to return it before summer. “Textbooks are so heavy, I carry about three back and forth on a daily basis. My Nook, on the other hand, is so much lighter, I’d prefer [to have] my books on it,” Hey said.

Lorenzo Mohammed

I myself am an owner of a Nook, and I would much rather have my textbooks loaded on it than have to lug around six books day in and day out. Picking up definitions, attaching notes, and on-the-go reading is possible with the

use of an e reader in place. They can be used virtually anywhere and are lighter than 12 ounces. I’ll take my books on an e-reader rather than on a hardcover any day.

Think before you forge


Anastasia Okonski Staff Writer We have all been in this sticky situation: you’re sitting at a desk when the teacher announces that today is the last day to turn in a field trip form for a trip you’ve been looking forward to, but the space that reads “parent signature” is empty. Forging parent signatures is on the rise among students and the consequences are dire. When you forge your parent signature on any legal document belonging to the school you are in direct violation of the Broward County Code of Conduct. But this shouldn’t be surprising news to anyone. The legal consequences, however, should be taken much more seriously. Forging a signature on a legal document, like a check or a medical release form, is a felony punishable by law. It should be equated with “lying to the police” and be added to your criminal record.

As outlined in the District Discipline Matrix, the crime will be reported to local law enforcement. The student will be eligible for an out of school suspension lasting up to 10 school days. Suppose you were to nonchalantly sign you mother’s name on a field trip form. If something serious happened on that trip, the school would be held responsible because your parent did not give them permission to take you off campus. These forms are sent home for a reason, and it usually takes less than 20 seconds to get a real signature. Although forging a signature on a field trip form seems to be less serious than forging a signature on a deed to a house, they are seen in the eyes of the law as the same offense. Beginning your criminal record while in high school can cause you harm when it comes time to apply for college. There are potential consequences to practicing the precise looping of your mother’s signature, and it could be detrimental in many situations.

SAMANTHA SCHWAB, Editor-in-Chief SHAINA KONZNY, Managing and Entertainment Editor AMANDA CURRENT, News Editor JAMIE KLEIN, Opinion Editor SARAANA JAMRAJ, Feature Editor ALLIE SCHUTT, Dimensions and Graphics Editor ASHLEY RYNAR, Sports Editor LAUREN LEWKOWICZ, Sports Editor SARIKA BEHARRYSINGH, Copy Editor TARA JOHNSTON, Photo Captain and Business Manager SARA CASTANEDA, Photo Captain JON McEWAN, Advertising Designer CORY LAUB, Advisor

Sara Castenada

WHAT’S YOUR SIGN?: Forging a parent’s signature is a serious offense and should not be taken lightly.

Aneesa Allie Austin Bergeron Jordan Butchen Bria Carey Jordan Cohen Reed Congdon Amanda Current Duffy Dufresne Sara Grignon Shahnawz Hardanian

STAFF Katie Jones Alec Kaye Kasey Litchfield Kathryn Long Daniel Lopez Daniela Lozano Sonya Majewski Harley Mitchell Lorenzo Mohammed Cindy Morataya Arianna Morrell

Sarah Moseley Anastasia Okonski Elisa Press Brittany Salopek Daniel Schutt Joshua Seiler Ana Serpa Caitlyn Tate Michael Trotman Kristin Vara

The Chronicle is a member of Florida Scholastic Press Association (FSPA). Editorial opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Coral Springs High School or Broward County Public Schools The Chronicle is written and published by the journalism students at Coral Springs High School. Advertising is available by calling 754-3220600. We accept all letters to the editor in room 803. All letters are subject to editing for space and content. The School Board of Broward County, Florida, prohibits any policy or procedure which results in discrimination on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, marital status, race, religion or sexual orientation. Individuals who wish to file a discrimination and/or harrasment complaint may call the Executive Director, Benefits & EEO Compliance at (754) 321-2150 or Teletype Machine TTY (754) 321-2158. Individuals with disabilities requesting accomodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may call Equal Educational Opportunities (EEO) at (754) 321-2150 or Teletype Machine TTY (754) 321-2158.


MARCH 2011



News is worthy for high school students For the past month, news stations across the nation have focused great attention on the political unrest occurring across the Middle East. News stations have zeroed in on the Egyptian and Libyan protestors who seemed to tag team in the quest to diminish their former and current suppressive rulers. Unfortunately, the issue being covered goes unnoticed by the majority of the youth. It is common for a typical high school student to be unconcerned with current events, especially when there is unlimited technological entertainment to attract our attention. Really, who could blame us? However, the importance of following the news actually far exceeds the apparent urgency to do everything but. News stations and periodicals are the marketplace for up-to-date information. These media are responsible for alerting citizens on news worthy events happening across the globe. Although the majority of these events seem irrelevant to a minor living in Coral Springs, it bears much weight when it comes to the state of your future.

Acquiring knowledge on current events can give a student the ability to make educated decisions when considering things like occupation, finances, and party affiliation. Based on recent news, senators plan for pay cuts for South Florida teachers. By understanding the technicalities of the situation, a student who aspires to be an educator can determine if that is the route they still want to take. Without the news, a high school student faces the danger of entering into their field blind of the possible consequences. Following the news also is important for how you will vote. It scares us that the people who spend their time gossiping about Jersey Shore are going to be responsible for choosing the people who will run the country. These conversations on topics that are spoon fed to Americans via the television are hardly advancing our society. A conversation should be an exchange of ideas that could lead to a new perspective, and you probably won’t get very far if the topic at hand is virtually meaningless in the long run. If there is to be small talk among

friends, at least engage in a conversation that involves topics that can contribute to our future. Just knowing what’s going on in your surroundings can promote a general sense of well-being. It’s a feeling like you have just freed yourself from the cardboard box known as Coral Springs. The repetitive routine most of you experience day in and day out can become mundane, so it is refreshing to engage in something beyond your control.

Also, the ability to form opinions of the state of the world today comes from an understanding of the news, which can make anyone feel like a valuable member of our society.

As for the historical event in the Middle East, it is definitely something we recommend you read up on. Spreading awareness on this issue, we think, could heighten a sense of unity in our own country. Almost every event on the news impacts you in some shape or form. If not, then it’s something to pay attention to- it could happen to you.

LETTERS TO THE EDITORS Send Letters to the Editors to room 803, or email them to

I must say that the January issue was your best yet. I was very intrigued with all the articles, especially “Television Drama.” I used to watch high school teen dramas in 8th grade and would worry what category I would fall under. This made me stress about what clothes I would wear and the way I acted. It would have been nice if someone told me that it doesn’t really work like that in high school. Keep it up! Vianca Gonzalez JUNIOR I was really looking forward to getting the paper this issue. My classmates seemed to forget that we have a newspaper since we haven’t been in school for a while. I thought that the front page didn’t have much going on besides having our principle holding up an “A”. Maybe there should have been faculty or students in the background to make it more exciting. I really liked the E.H.A.S. story since it was actually a girl. I also enjoyed seeing the chorus article since that night was really important to us. The songs were all in order which was shocking to me, and it was great that Candlelight was mentioned too. Khaleel Zaheera SENIOR

This issue wasn’t my favorite because the cover didn’t catch my attention. It was good but kind of dull to me. I would have liked to have seen more color, maybe our school’s colors. Some of the pictures were pixiliated but they all still looked good. Other than this, the paper came out great! Lisa Truong FRESHMAN I really love the graphics placed on the front page displaying that our school is most definitely an “A”. The font and color of the letters coordinate well and give the outer parts of the newspaper a polished and modern look. The “Inside the Chronicle” bar at the bottom of the front page has an authentic look. The “Boys vs. Girls” sections of Dimensions made me want to continue reading because I could relate to the articles in so many ways. The mustaches and bows also acted as a perfect asset to this section. Overall, the punctuation and grammar could be tweaked and improved but overall this is one of the best issues so far. Richel Riley SOPHOMORE The “Boys and Girls” article was excellent. Alec Kaye and Kathryn Long put forth a great effort to collect the information for this article. It compared and contrasted the clothing, academic achievement, and social differences between the two genders. Sangeetha Matchanickal SENIOR

I would like to make some comments about the article “Controversial word should remain part of Huck Finn.” I think the “N” word should not be removed from the book. I do agree that the word shouldn’t be used although this is the way the book was written. The way the book was written is a part of history and should be left that way. Leaving the word teaches people how the world used to be, how it has changed, and most importantly not to use the word. The way Mark Twain wrote his book is the way it should stay. People can learn from the book, however I don’t think it should be taught in school because there are other books that are good substitutes. The word should be left because it is a part of history, so no one should try to cover it up and hide it. That’s my opinion. Alyssa Johnson SENIOR In general I liked this issue. There were a few issues with the resolution of the wrestling photos on the last page of the sports section, but the article was still written well. I’d also like to point out that the front page was good because it showed our academic achievement but the spread wasn’t as appealing as it has been in previous issues I have seen this year. Other than that the newspaper was really informative. Malcolm Chicoye SENIOR


PERSPECTIVE matters. with

Jamie Klein

Facebook ruins excitment of high school reunions Years after graduating from high school, alumni meet again for their class reunion. It is in the nature of the reunion for attendants to nostalgically reminisce about their school days, followed by informing each other about where they stand in life now. The event also leaves room for competition upon entering, because one will find himself repeatedly comparing his status to the next. Whether your reaction to the event is anxiety or one of excitement, the feeling will be dimmed down in years to come. We are history in the making: class reunions will now subsidize extreme reactions when students meet again due to Facebook. Facebook has 600 million users according to Goldman Sachs and the world population sits at 6.9 billion people according to the U.S census, consequentially 8.6% of the entire world is using Facebook. With this it is fair to say that an entire graduating class will already be connected through social networking by the time their reunion rolls around. Updating photos, statuses, and having mobile access to Facebook are all features of the site that allow rapid networking. Of my 650 friends on Facebook, at least 300 of them are childhood relations. I have kept in touch with only a few of these people, but the rest of them still clog up my newsfeed. They carelessly (or for some forgetfully) inform me about their lives through my news feed. When we eventually cross paths it won’t be as remarkable as it could’ve been if I hadn’t already known about them. A study ranks Facebook as the most used social network service by worldwide monthly active users. We can come to see that among economic collapse, environmental catastrophes, and starvation people are still frequently logging on Facebook. It is nearly impossible for graduates to lose touch with one another, even after dispersing onto different paths. The idea of social networking might kill reunions but it won’t limit the probability of seeing people from our past; Facebook, like reunions, promotes staying in touch. Although it may allow you to see that your friends have started families, it won’t have the same affect as having an in-person meeting. Through instant messaging on the chat option, we can merely see words. There is only so much emotion we can put forth without having our entire body and our expressions to back up our thoughts. Speaking involves all of our senses and tests our socialization skills. While sitting on the computer there is no pressure to immediately respond or compose oneself. The entire in-person meeting is much more real. Plus, we can distinguish if someone has turned into a complete nut. Also, Facebook may make running into an old friend an awkward experience. If two people have been knowingly following each other on Facebook and haven’t said hello online then why should they say hello in-person? After spending years as someone’s Facebook friend and not acknowledging one another online, meeting again at a reunion could be uncomfortable. Reunions allow us to not only reminisce on memories but to re-visit them. Reunions may not die soon, but they will quickly dim down. But no matter what, reunions are apart of the high school tradition and to eliminate them would be taking out a beautiful memory that could have been.

MARCH 2011


drug testing



“Drug testing is important because it will help students stay healthy.”


Student Drug Testing: Preventative or Punishment Unfair policy will not prevent drug use among students Lorenzo Mohammed Staff Writer Random drug testing in public schools is unconstitutional and immoral. Belvidere district in New Jersey has already begun to randomly drug test students in their high school and also in testing their middle school. These drug tests are not to stop the students from doing drugs, but to prevent them from starting by showing them they will be caught by the schools if they do. Both the parent and the student must consent to the test before the student takes it. Without both, the test cannot be administered.

This policy of drug testing the majority of students in schools is unfair. Schools already have the authority to administer drug tests to individual students who appear to be under the influence of drugs. If an entire population of students is being tested without any suspicion of being under the influence, then students are being frightened from doing drugs, which is immoral and unethical, because scaring people to control them is wrong. Administration of the tests is also used to

lessen the likeliness of students to be influenced by peer pressure; their influences are now coming from the administrators of the tests. The U.S. Constitution prohibits searches for unreasonable purposes. The policy is targeting students mainly in high schools but is beginning to test middle schools as well, in hopes of targeting students before they get a chance to be introduced to drugs. Although this time in a student’s life is the main point of introduction to drugs it is still wrong to target such a large population of the same group of people. If a certain profile of a person fits the description of a criminal, this doesn’t give the right to accuse that person of wrongdoing. An entire class of students is asked to perform a drug test without any reason as to why they should; this is a target to their age group, which attacks them and scares them from doing drugs. They are taking the test to prove their innocence without any accusation of being guilty. For a long time, our justice system has been based on “innocent until proven guilty,” which would be shattered if students have to prove their innocence without being accused of anything; they’ll be guilty until proven innocent.

Schools have right to drug test, according to Student Code of Conduct Kasey Litchfield Staff Writer At a time when drug use has become increasingly popular with teenagers, public schools should follow the lead of New Jersey’s Northern Regional School District and randomly drug test students as a method of drug use control. A drug test is a technical analysis of specimens like urine, blood, or saliva in order to determine the presence or lack there of of performance enhancing drugs, like steroids, as well as illegal ones, such as marijuana and cocaine. In the beginning of every school year, public school students sign a contract in the Student Code Of Conduct saying they will not use drugs and they give the school permission to drug test them. This gives the school the right to drug test any student at any time for any reason. The students signed away their right to refuse a drug test when they signed that contract. Drugs sometimes give an unfair advantage to those using them, and those doing the right

thing can get left behind in their dust. An athlete using steroids will usually perform better and a student using drugs that provide them with the attention to stay up and study may get the better grade at the expense of their health. The random drug tests keeps people honest and the playing field fair. Let’s face it, the possibility of a random drug test looming over the students’ heads is the only way to really prevent drug use. Testing students is a way to keep drugs out of the hands and bodies of teenagers and it is better to randomly drug, test students than to ignore the problem of drug use and push it aside. At least 25% of the nation’s corporations require drug testing in order to get hired, so drug testing at school will just prepare the student for the future. Some may say that drug testing public school students is unConstitutional, but it is against the law to have these drugs in your system to begin with. Testing students will deter them from making the decision to use these drugs with the ever-present threat of a surprise test and having the chance of getting expelled from school.

Parents: Keep out of student parking lot Parents congesting student parking lot causes accidents, frustration Sara Gringon Staff Writer The student parking lot is called the student parking lot for a reason. We as students like the fact that we have a spot to call our own as soon as we purchase the decal.

The irritation we feel when we see that someone has parked in, or blocked, our spot is growing as of late. This is due to parents who use the student parking lot as a drop off area. Sometimes parents choose to go down the aisles of the student parking lot rather than

the student drop off area so they can save time. Some parents even park in vacant spots, and in the exits of the aisles, making it harder for students and teachers to come and go through the parking lot. From a parent’s point of view, it is a lot simpler to go through the student parking lot, rather than the drop off loop because it is quicker and easier. Yes, it’s faster, but accidents can happen if caution is not taken. When parents park in a turning lane, it causes traffic to back up, forcing students to either go around them or wait for them to move, which sometimes is for an extended period of time.

“Parents that need to get in and out of the drop off loop should wake up earlier so they don’t get caught in the line,” Diana Barco, senior, said. The solution to the increasing issue of parents using the student parking lot as a drop off area is to direct them to let off their kids in the vacant driver’s education area in the morning. Security can be seen at the entrance to the student parking lot every morning setting up cones and directing parents to the driver’s ed area so parents can let their kids out without having to go through the drop-off loop. This will help to avoid accidents and students can get through the parking lot without any further disturbances.

“There shouldn’t be drug testing in a school setting. The testing could be inaccurate and get innocent students in trouble.” JACOB KOPELMAN, SOPHOMORE

“Schools should start drug testing students, because they would stop doing it out of fear.” TIFFANY PALACIOS, JUNIOR

“Drug tests shouldn’t be allowed because it’s an invasion of privacy, and if a student is causing a problem it should be handled directly.” KEVIN CASTILLO, SENIOR

“Drug testing shouldn’t be conducted, because if students aren’t doing it in school then it shouldn’t be a problem.”


“I don’t think drug testing should be done through school because it’s none of their business what students do outside of school.” JEFF HERRINGTON, JUNIOR

g n i h c t a c z z z z e s thozzzzzzz ode Coral Springs

z z by Alec Kaye Staff Writer

t. ed as they slep thtask was repeat a ity to bring toge ed un rt rm fo po op ty e ili th ib e ss id prov r at the e its po “Dreams may t did not occu ilt to maximiz bu bu d, te is er la w re dy e po bo er er e,” Wilat w g, ov The human experiences th em. For exampl ugh outsmartin th er ro m th s s fro it’ an n m ar er le hu th he r to sant or . Yet, of survival. W me time, in orde a series of plea goal is survival sa ng its yi s, la be at ep re ot “r th nn s, g t these that ca IT New ing, or detectin us to learn wha liable function son said to M w y lo gl al in ay em m se s a ence e future are chained to pleasant experi use this to guid un d p. an nee ie sl on sc m to m to ed co main a mystery avoided: the ne riences had in ons for sleep re shut off expe y el . iv oves the id ct sa in st he in The exact reas animal havior,” sleeping impr be an w ho ld ng n ou si w ow po sh hy ex w ve mans. tists. After all, ings, potentially These tests ha both rats and hu pic prom its surround of to fro s e s sk th es ta e restoraer en in ov ar n ce its aw rforman eep involves th speculatio pe sl c ifi of nt ry ie eo Sc th n? ajor 4 sleep, itself to predatio The second m ly during stage ar ations. ul an ic pl grt ex su Pa e . p bl ee em si of Sl ’s syst t for RNA duced two plau lidation Theory that is importan tion of the body e so d on on C ire rm n qu ho io ac at th ation ed by Eve a grow The Inform ed and record an increase in rces the inform rv fo se in re ob d as in w m s , in the hesi gests that the d protein synt rsity of Chicago during sleep. an y ve ni da U of us e te io th itu ev at st pr r increase ofesso at the In throughout the ssociation. This Van Cauter, pr A ience Institute al Sc ic ch in ar ed ra M se B re an to eric body. 2007 According urnal of the Am throughout the arch in Japan, Jo s se ir Re pa g in re al ic ak of m w ce a he of sleep ed in curren Physical and C rns “experienc ivation – or lack suggests the oc tte pr pa de p on ee ur ” sl p. ne of e system. e slee showed brain A consequenc one’s immune during slow-wav in ed ge on uc an rs od ch pe pr nt a re gnifica Journal of where state are often – includes a si table pattern the American ic in ed . id al pr ap a et (R s r, w ge EM d R eir white A. Za Sleep follo lost 20% of th According to : 1, 2, 3, 4, an es ts ag ra to st rs ed e fe iv fiv re pr h p. p” cycles throug iology, sleep-de the control grou “slow-wave slee ng slow- Phys n compared to ri t”). The term mans he du en w hu d t em se hy un ov w es co M oc ng ll e Ey explaini blood ce ation repr lly rm fu d fo at an t in s e or ct sh Th fa ll 4. fa t indisputions of stages 3 and Both theories ments have no ists of recollect ri ns n pe co io ex at e lly rm th ra , fo ne er in rath ion, udies have wave sleep ge need sleep--or agates informat es. Although st ri gr eo se p. th n ee ai e sl th br e EM of R th e w much y on during events. Since during sleep, ho ably proven an ts are reinforced s en as ill ev , sk ay on or pl ils ot re W m rol every imals thew pertaining to searchers cont shown that an riment by Mat re pe , il IT ex nt U M 01 at d? 20 se k es es ar proc scienc ttom line is A landm of it is being and cognitive elation, the bo rr n ai co ex br ite al of tu fin r ac de so a d to sociate profes able to derive eep. s are connecte that the vari at rats’ dream use we need sl ed th ca er ov be ed p sc in di ee rm sl te on ed de ils ne W . e s’ w an m rst like hu the animals pe periences – ju tivity created as ac n ai br of rn unique patte

s e u l b g n i n r o m e h t lose by Sara Castaneda Photo Captain

w friends. But ho nging out with ha to or s k ay or w ew e m ar e ho there rent reasons, lik e or soda. But ffe ffe l di ra r co fo ve er t se ef gh e pr ni ar rs up late at and othe .com here , ed dz ks ay oi in st ct l dr fa al d gy ve er an e’ , en m Let’s face it - w me of us drink om, xt morning? So ding to ehow.c ne or e cc A th e lf. iv se rv ur su stay do we toxicate yo can help you out having to in st beat music fa or to n, g w stay awake with in do en d st up an Music. Li stay awake. bob your head akes , m ng en si ce ev fa or natural ways to ks ur ce or yo w an u ater on awake. D that irritates yo lashing cold w e song. Music er also helps. th sound even at to w ic Cold water. Sp g g us in on m al nk e ri m th D hu d lively. ill make w an e es ak on aw ur ears! ph el ad fe you u don’t hurt yo tter, and he yo be re su e e ak ar m n rhythms which onounced. Just ock has circadia is, more pr cl ht al lig rn e te th in ur er O ht mps through brig Light. ercise, blood pu re to light. The a r ex su fo e po w w ex n do he by in w W d . e te t th o for a walk or regula Go outdoors ake. Looking ou e energized. G aw or u m yo el s fe t. e ep er w al ke d e it tside, do some u mor the better our veins an will help keep yo the time to go ou y ve da d ha y t nn n’ su do a u ur shoulders an ke. If yo minute on s like rolling yo le ride a bi or s op do be pe in s rlo s lp ea se he ci nt your stretching exer mething pleasa of your neck or so an of ck th ba ng is e ki th th in Th do ng Games. is there to wrists. Massagi d ease fatigue. hat better way e circulation an game such e ov pr lin im on s or stay awake. W lp es he so gam a break al st paced video well. But take ly with a game? Fa al ci pe es k n or se craft w estrain and wor as World of War en can cause ey re sc e th , le hi once in a w fatigue.

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dre by Kathryn Long Staff Writer

ve man beings ha As a race, hu eam dr ed rd co earliest re e Th s. m ea dr 5000 yea erials at least at m n tte ri w in d countl s have inspire m ea dr y, or st hi s, scho t. For centurie ar of ks or w d an hat pur e dream and w w hy w e in rm te the Mesopotam As far back as their d to understand ie tr d an ed rd co to be idered dreams Hebrews cons the at th d ve se belie while the Chine of a n tio uc od in the pr or ct fa g in id gu ek opinion was The earliest Gre ipp ers, although H ly visited dream at th d ze ri ine, theo father of medic nig e th ng ri and du receives images ms. sulting in drea the so challenged al le Aristot s w m ea dr ng that dreams, believi dy. tions of the bo modern psych ce More re ntly, und rated with Sigm ing was inaugu be e H . 99 ten in 18 of Dreams, writ st ife an m t, conten types of dream e su is s ou ci uncons a mask for the ou ci ns co d the un which containe cting informatio lle co a means of a as the “royal ro describing them ry ra po em nt Carl Jung, a co resolve e lp he to ed rv dreams se l of unconsciou in a deeper leve ec is an inborn pi scious, which s am re D . ople identical to all pe

zzzzz’s to my bed

thee oh bed I love rmth and rest; part e w you. When ly addicted to e’s er th only to realize ken and tired, us io ec le between pr morning strugg ibility. body pied, but my mind is occu w it ho try to imagine mfort, bed! I’ll ent, om sheets at that m aloft your soft pillows. he smell of my wait for l! You patiently ou are so loya of you I r days. In hono h never-ending room in which ave named the ‘the you reside as

by Jamie Klein Opinion Editor

lled into your ys I’m often pu da ng lo r fte A .’ e a gravitabedroom by what feels lik p na k ic qu a r to you, abcomfort fo d eager, I flop in an sy w ro D e. Eyes closed, tional forc memory foam. e ns de ur yo minute nothsorbed by es and for a slow th ea br ep de w u are second to I take a fe to matter. Bed, yo s em se ld or w ing in the nviction. en say this with co g stress and ev none and I can vine- alleviatin e di ar e u ar yo u e yo m , Bed ache. To ad he g in nd a l-pou ; instead I have curing the skul memor y foam tic he en nt be sy t n’ an more th g. You have inanimate bein t you have love for your be my last, bu t no ill w d an the first d. . I love you, be been the best

n o eam

lp us recconscious to he un e iv ct lle co e unicate. m th trying to comm archetypes, fro is m by ea dr ed e at th in s ct theory of aspe been fasc ognize various ed a cognitive at ul d st un po fo l al en H be ntained in the ms have In 1953, Calvin llows maps co ut fo ho er ug m ro ea Th dr re he . Other 20th ars old. ture challenges , dreams whe fu gs e tin at ri ip w tic , an ns r to dreams proless actio dream in orde sts believed that gi lo de ho to yc d ie ps tr d growth. ts an olars have d intrapersonal century theoris an rte e. in rv th se bo s r m ties fo r controlled rpose drea vide opportuni d sleep unde ie re ud st ve s ha ha le study in the mians, peop Other research ity of Chicago rs nt ie ve ni nc U A e a Th as ch ming, and r dreams. conditions, su between drea ks od lin G ed ith in w rm ns connectio s, which dete was the 1950 ages. e merely the dreamer’s soul various sleep st that dreams ar ve lie be ts is nt signals that it a dream. Currently, scie in the random al ng ic ni ys ea ph m ds ng di s that the go ain’s way of fin idered the br ns EM sleep. R co , ng es -debated purri at du cr es po receiv s cause and still ul ou ri so te e ys th y -m ill da st t dreams. It during the Despite their anecdotes abou g re in , st re em te th in y es an m ssination a ght it produc pose, there are out his own assa ab ed m ea dr n . id that a Lincol event occurred inspired is sa fore the actual be dreams of ks e ee th w w by idea of divinely fe e inspired i- mere er nd w co ks of or w rs e to up with the were indica Many creativ evenson came St s ui Lo rt be ore recently, rs. Ro in a dream. M - their creato e m yd ea H r. dr M in d st an re ll ilight series, hology’s inte story of Dr. Jeky e popular Tw th n tio of ta re or rp th te au In , st-selling novMeyer d Freud’s The to write her be o Stephanie d tw e ire er sp w in e er en th Salvador Dali have be elieved that rrealist painter be claims to su to e d th ve o, ls lie A be . t (which he m dreams. els by a dream ting pictures fro ) and latent, in m pa ea r dr fo Einstein’s Theoe n th ow of es was kn orks of science. as w s d m ire ea sp dr in w so sa al the physicist. Dreams have us wishes. He rticular dream of l, pa ve a le by s d ou ire ci sp ns in as as to the cause on on an unco ry of Relativity w s few answers ha ill st s.” ity ou ci an ns m fascinated by Although hu ad to the unco continue to be at e th w ed s, riz m ea eo th dr e of ng, the results y of Freud’s, grander meani d and purpos ve ed lie ut be sp e di H r . ei es th eative minds pite emotional issu test and most cr n- them. Des ea co gr e un th e iv of ct e lle m ousness, the co of dreams by so selves. nscious that is co un e y speak for them th or of st hi ce in or , al symbols s utilize archetyp


MARCH 2011

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Ana Serpa & Arianna Morrell Staff Writers

The Chronicle polled 250 students and found the top five career choices among students In society, today’s students have been viewed as

indecisive in terms of choosing a career for their future. After the poll, the top five career fields were found to

be: pediatrics, engineering, pharmacy, law enforcement, and teaching. In order to reach success in any of these

careers it requires determination and hard work. If you

are considering pursuing any of these careers, talking to a guidance counselor can be helpful way in finding out which courses are offered. By taking the initiative and getting the proper information, it will give you a head start on your dream career.


Pediatricians are doctors who specialize in children’s medicine and often work with teenagers. Students who wish to specialize in this career should take science and math classes, including AP courses in biology, chemistry, and calculus. According to the US Department of Labor, employment opportunities for all physicians are expected to steadily increase between now and 2014. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that pediatricians earn an average of $153,370 annually, not including self-employed physicians. Victoria Sciandra, junior, found an interest in pediatrics through her enjoyment of working with kids outside of school. “I teach little kids how to dance so I know to how to connect with [them],” Sciandra said.




Teachers are those who educate students in a variety of subjects. All states require teachers to hold a bachelor’s degree, which represents the completion of a four-year college program at a university and many states have laws that grant teachers tenure after three years of successful teaching. A teacher’s salary ranges varies depending on the area, what grade they teach, how long they have been teaching, and what level of degree they hold. The average salary for public school teachers in Florida for the 2009-10 school year was around $46,938. Shane Nerenberg, senior, found an interest in teaching and would like to become a teacher later on in life. “I like the fact that you [get to] interact with kids,” Nerenberg said.

Engineers use principles of math and science to develop economical solutions to technical problems. An aerospace engineer is responsible for designing, developing, and testing aircraft, missile systems, and spacecraft, as well as manufacturing and supervising the production of these items. “The aerospace career is going to be an emerging field for the next few years, and I would like to be a part of that,” said Marcus Levine, senior. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics show that the average annual wage for an aerospace engineer is about $94,780. Pharmacists distribute prescription drugs, and advise individuals about dosages and the side effects of certain medications. Most pharmacists work in community pharmacies or health care facilities such as hospitals. Students who plan on becoming a pharmacist must adhere to courses in mathematics and natural sciences such as chemistry, and biology, and courses in the humanities and social sciences. Before admission to pharmacy college a student must take the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT), which determines the candidate’s general knowledge on information covered in the required college courses. The average employment rate is expected to increase by 17 percent between the years of 2008 and 2018. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics the annual wage of a pharmacist is $109,180.

Law enforcement officers includes police officers, deputies, and sheriffs. State police officers, also recognized as state troopers or highway patrol officers, inspect highways to enforce regulations and arrest criminals statewide. The average annual wage of police and sheriff patrol officers was $51,410 in 2008. Deputy sheriffs and sheriffs enforce laws in counties. In terms of education and training, it is usually expected for an applicant to have a high school education, and in some cases one to two years of college education or a degree. It is also suggested that the applicant take law enforcement courses in high school if offered.


Meet your custodians: an important part of Colt family Jordan Cohen Staff Writer The institution we spend nearly 35 hours at each week would be more than an eyesore if it wasn’t for the men and women who work day and night, behind the scenes, to keep our campus looking like a gem. Many of our custodians, such as Andrew Russo, Jean Joseph, and Head Custodian Keith Grant were Colts themselves years back. Grant, class of ’85, is known best for his friendly and outgoing spirit. He oversees the work done by the team of custodians during the day and through night. “Although many people their job, I remy job. I feel

don’t enjoy ally enjoy lucky to say that I love

Sara Castaneda

my job and I especially love the team I get to work with,” Grant said. Grant loved being in fun, free-spirited environments and his love for our school brought him back.

“At work, I’m always laughing about something. I get along quite well with the kids and adults. The students here are very friendly. I can have the worst day at home, but as soon as I get to work, my day gets brighter,” he said. The nighttime shift of a typical custodian begins at 3:30 pm and ends at 11 pm. The night team includes Mike Davis, Joeann Hill, Mark Mawnis, Manny Hodge, Cerese Geffrard, Raymond Joseph, Darel Barret, Thomas Tyler, and Andrew Russo. Mike Blasik has been working here since 1987 and is usually seen on the yard tending to the exterior of the campus. Hill is assistant to Grant during the night hours and supervises the work of the night team. During the day, the custodians focus on the cafeteria, classrooms and the floors. Grant oversees the work during the day which is executed by Kali Hingoo, Clovis Sawyers and Mike Blasik. Terrance Roundtree, one of our security specialists who has worked here since 2005, is fond of our custodial team. “Our custodians do a tremendously great job at keeping our school looking great,” Roundtree said. “They keep our school running smoothly.”

Some students seem to be happy with our custodial team, using words such as “friendly,” “outgoing,” and “cheerful,” to describe them. “He [Grant] has always been so nice and cheerful,” said Sasha Jean-Noel, senior. “I’ve never seen him with a frown on his face and he always seems to be helping someone out.” Clovis Sawyers is another custodian who has been loyal to our school for the past 15 years. Sawyers works the day shift, 7 am to 3:30 pm and described his job as “interesting.” “Although it’s hard to work during the day when all the students are around, it’s nice to help teachers out by fixing anything that needs to be fixed,” Sawyers said.


MARCH 2011

Champion, soldier, mentor: Eric Albarracin Alec Kaye

Share ideas with your community Feyaad Allie Contributing Writer

Photo Courtesy of Eric Albarracin

lbs weight-class. A year later, he began residing at the Olympic Training Center for freestyle wrestling in Colorado Springs, CO for the next 10 years. Albarracin enlisted in the Army in 1998 and became a member of their World Class Athlete Program, where his mission--secondary to being a soldier--was to make World and Olympic teams. He traveled to over 25 countries, winning seven Armed Forces Championships and placing second in the International Military Sports Council (CISM) World Championships. “Being able to represent the Army and America was the greatest honor in my life,” Albarracin said. By 2004, he became the Officer in Charge of Modern Army Combatives – a program intended for training soldiers in hand-to-hand combat prior to being sent out to foreign lands. “One of these days I would like to go back some time and take care of the soldiers again,” he said. After 10 years of active duty in the military, Albarracin became mentor and coach to Olympic wrestler Henry Cejudo. That year Cejudo rewrote history by becoming the youngest American wrestler to win an Olympic gold medal at age 18. Albarracin plans on using his experience in wrestling and coaching to help support the art of wrestling. The president of the Wrestling Federation of Brazil has contacted him to help their wrestlers prepare for the upcoming Olympic trials. “My passion is always to help the world,” Albarracin said.

Lyrical Fire: Claude Paul’s got flow Duffy Dufresne Staff Writer Claude Paul, junior, started rapping when he was 11. His brother Pidieu had been rapping for two years and had been relatively successful. One day as a song of his brother’s was playing, Paul began to rap his own lyrics to the beat of the song. After that day, Paul continued rapping for about two months, but quit soon after because he got discouraged. “I was horrible in the beginning,” he said. “Every rookie starts off bad.” Paul went back to rapping when he was 15. “It just came to me… it flowed better.” With help from his older brother, Paul recorded his first song in Feb. of last year. The song began as freestyle, but after some encouragement from friends, he decided to write the song down. Starting with the chorus, he then wrote “3000 degrees,” and recorded it onto a mix tape that included about 12 other songs. Paul has also recorded an album titled “Statistics,” which includes 12 songs. Paul plans to release his mix tape in Feb. and his album soon after. Although Paul is passionate about rapping, he doesn’t know if he wants to pursue it in the future. “I don’t know if I want to make a career out of it,” Paul said. “If it happens, it hap-

Sara Castaneda

RAP IT UP: Junior Claude Paul practices rapping to his friends during first lunch hour. pens. If I’m successful at it, it’s cool, if not. It’s whatever.” Poetry, along with rappers like Lil’ Wayne, J. Cole, and Drake, influence Paul’s rap technique. Paul’s favorite songs by these artists are “The Blowup” by J.Cole, “It’s Been a Pleasure” by Drake, and “Bill Gates“ by Lil’ Wayne. Paul admires Lil’ Wayne’s originality and J.Cole’s lyrics.

“[Lil’ Wayne’s] style is very unique. No one can match his style, his flow changes in every single song that he does, you never

hear him say the same thing twice… [J.Cole’s] lyrics are off the chain, it’s like amazing lyrical fire,” Paul said. According to Paul, rapping has made him more of an individual, and gives him a distinct personality and style that differentiates him from other rappers. “Everybody wants to be that kid in the group. I just want to be that kid that everybody notices,” he said.


Recently Mayor Roy Gold went through a surgery; although he is doing great he is having Vice Mayor Claudette Bruck provide the update for this month. The recently reelected Bruck wants to inform all students of the upcoming event in Coral Springs. One of the first upcoming events was a “Slice of the Springs” meeting on Feb. 24 at Maplewood Elementary School. These meetings gave residents an opportunity to voice any concerns they may have, hear about what is happening in their community, or make suggestions as to what the city should consider doing. This was an excellent way for students to get involved with the community. Mayor Gold led the 34th Annual Waterway Cleanup on Mar. 5. This is a way that teens can improve our city by cleaning debris from our local waterways. This is one of the largest environmental events in Coral Springs. Volunteers who were interested in joining us as we embarked to beautify the city met at Riverside Park. The event lasted from 9 am to 1 pm. The City will be hosting the annual Government Academy for students 16 years and older. This is an ideal opportunity geared towards learning how the city operates. The participants also will learn how the city’s tactical and business-planning models meet standards such as customer focus, leadership, and process management. This program starts in Feb. and occurs on the 4th Thurs. of every month continuing through June. Finally, Vice Mayor Bruck would like to encourage all students to share their ideas about the community. For further details regarding any of these events, please visit


Mayor’s Messenger

Staff Writer Eric Albarracin, class of 1991, returns to our school each year to run a miniature clinic with the Colt wrestlers. Usually during the week of Winter Break, he works hand-to-hand with the wrestlers, teaching them not only physical technique but also the mental approach necessary to win. Head Coach Dan Jacob welcomes these visits, saying that the 23 years of wrestling experience Albarracin possesses

works as an effective training tool for current Colt wrestlers. His story began his sophomore year at high school, when he felt “challenged to go out for the [Colt] wrestling team.” Albarracin competed and dominated in the 103-weight class while under the instructions of current Head Coach Dan Jacob. He was proud when he placed second in States at the end of his senior year. He went on to receive a scholarship to Arizona State University, where he attended and majored in kinesiology, the science of human movement. Two factors brought him to choose ASU; one, his father was already living in Arizona; and, two, the campus was less than five miles from the Sunkist Kids Wrestling Club. The Sunkist Kids is arguably one of the most successful wrestling clubs in the world, producing wrestlers who have earned more than 158 World and Olympic Team spots in the past 35 years – the majority of them around Albarracin’s weight class. Albarracin took part in both the university’s wrestling team and the club. During his stay at ASU, he claimed three University National Championships, a gold medal at the PanAmerican Championships, membership on Team USA three times (an additional two, years later), and membership on the Senior U.S. Nationals team. In 1996, Albarracin brushed close to gold when he placed third at the Olympic trials in the 121


MARCH 2011




I will be the first to admit my lack of interest in any literature remotely approaching “real.” I’ve never found the excitement in non-fiction that others seem to, so I keep myself comfortable in the realm of all things fiction. But when I started to read the memoir of Claire and Mia Fontaine, I was captured by their story. Come Back is the dramatic and moving true story of a mother and daughter enduring the trials that come with teen abuse, and its repercussions. Claire is the kind of mother that considers her only daughter her biggest priority. As a single parent, she does all she can to draw closer to her daughter. They have an incredibly strong bond, being one another’s only real family. For the most part, Claire thinks that her daughter is growing up happy and healthy, trying her hardest to raise her the right way, even through her brief time as a single mother. When Mia begins getting into drugs, Claire must search through Mia’s past to find the root of her addiction. When the explanation goes back to her abusive and now estranged husband, Claire must take immediate action, not just to hold him accountable for his heinous deeds, but to help Mia get through her trials. The story is told from both Claire’s and Mia’s points of view. This presents an insightful take on the same story from the viewpoint of the one going through it and the one helplessly watching. This account is incredibly insightful. It’s unlike many other accounts of teen abuse I’ve read, in which the situations are often fabricated. It feels incredibly honest and realistic, while still shocking the reader with the tragedy of the sad situation. Mia goes through incredible situations, from homelessness to rehabilitation, meeting many other girls in her situation, all at different levels of wellness. Throughout everything that Mia does, however hurtful or radical, Claire never gives up hope on her. She goes as far as sending Mia to a rehab center in the Czech Republic in hopes of getting her far enough away from her troubles to finally get better. This story is “a testament to the power of the love between a mother and daughter,” said the New York Times. Through all the pain and suffering, struggles and heartbreak, Mia finds her way back from her darkest place, returning back to her loving mother.





Chili Cookoff heats up Florida freeze Brittany Salopek Staff Writer The 26th annual Kiss FM Country Chili Cook-Off, held at C.B Smith Park on Jan. 30, was the place to be to break free of those winter coats, and enjoy phenomenal live music. Being a regular at this event for basically my life, I knew exactly what was in store for me that morning. For those who have never attended this event there are a few things you should keep in mind: the lines to get into the parking lot are ridiculous, and the restroom lines are absurd. If you plan on attending next year’s event, I would recommend leaving at least two hours before the performance begins. For everyone who was in attendance, I am sure we can all agree that this was the perfect way to shake off the frigid winter weather we battled on and off for months. Along with the beautiful sunshine, the performers and chili competi-

tion also helped to heat up the day. Opening up the stage, The Band Perry, best known for their hit “If I Die Young,” played with rich vocals that mixed well with their mature musical vibes. Although it was still in the morning hours, the crowd seemed to enjoy their stage presence. Following them throughout the day was a performance by Justin Moore, a Chili Cook-off alum and southern gentleman. The ladies swooned over his charm. Little Big Town, whose harmonies are the purest and best matched of any in the music industry, definitely proved how talented they really are. Their live performance mirrors the way they sound over the radio and it was an honor to see such a talented group of individuals that perform like legends. Martina McBride and Trace Adkins were the remaining acts of the day, both of whom have a monstrous fanbase, and

enough number ones to be a perfect role model to smaller artists. Not much throughout the day did I notice anyone leaving in the middle of a performace. The audience seemed to really love the line-up this year. Along with the great bands and chili, outfitters Hillbilly brand had a tent set up that was drawing in customers like flies. The belt kiosk drew a flock of people too, letting them customize their own belts and buckles. In a nutshell, the Kiss Country Chili Cook-Off is a must for any fans of the radio station, or country music in general. There are always great performers, great people, and it is a wonderful and friendly atmosphere. And if you want to get out of the sun, they offer an open dance floor for anyone who wants to show off their dosi-do.

I Am Number Four This new teen action flick is not Four-star material

Saraana Jamraj Feature Editor I Am Number Four, which premiered on Feb. 18, had some bright spots that made the movie watchable, but dulled in comparison to more memorable action movies. The plot reads like a bad sci-fi story: A teenage alien struggles to stay invisible as he hides from an enemy group out to destroy him. They have him next on their hitlist of nine young aliens necessary for their eventual world domination. Now, to be fair, the movie is actually less corny that it sounds- on the flip side, it is still pretty clichéd. A misunderstood hero, a free-spirited love interest, and evil aliens made the movie feel like more of the same. Directed by D.J. Caruso, Four seemed amateur in comparison to his other movies, such as Disturbia. Perhaps it was because of the cast with the exception of the main character. Alex Pettyfer, playing the lead role “Number Four” or John Smith, showed promise as an actor. His portrayal of a frustrated

young hero was believable, but unfortunately, his cast mates paled in comparison. Most notably so was Dianna Agron, who played his love interest, Sarah. Agron, known best for her role as a cheerleader on Glee, was disappointing. It didn’t feel natural nor was it particularly impressive. Her performance stood on not for realistically portraying her character, but for making every scene she was in completely awkward. In fact, I honestly enjoyed Bernie, the dog’s performance, more than hers. To be fair, Bernie was the most touching part of the whole movie. The movie seemed to have a relatable theme; John experiences isolation, loss, and teenage frustrations. Had the actors, writers, and director only dug a little deeper, perhaps it would have been better communicated to audiences. The movie was adequately enjoyable, but on a largely superficial level. The movie was very entertaining as John discovered the benefits to being supernatural, and as he and his cronies fought against the tough-on-theeyes Mogadorians; but for those hoping to gain anything from this movie experience, I advise against watching. For those hoping to see a couple of explosions and some freaky aliens, this will suffice.

Photo Courtesy of DreamWorks Studios


Release dates: (from left to right) Mar. 11, Mar. 18. Graphics courtesy of Sony Pictures Entertainment

Battle: Los Angeles


MARCH 2011



Thank You, Cage The Elephant Harley Mitchell Staff Writer Cage The Elephant, a five-piece band from Kentucky, has reinvented their sound on their second studio album, Thank You, Happy Birthday, released on Jan. 11 from Jive Records. The rock n’ roll element that has made them famous is not what you will hear on the new album. It may not be the upbeat angst that a teen can relate too, but lead singer Matthew Shultz can admit that on the first record he was really frustrated and angry at the world, and writing about its problems and his frustrations with them. He now realizes that he is “part of the hypocrisy.” These feelings have helped create the band’s new album. Shultz opens up the album with “Always Something,” singing that there is “always something waiting for you” over echoing guitar riffs. The imperfections of Shultz’s voice as he jumps off key makes him sound as if he is questioning himself. This song is an expression of how Shultz was trying to control things that were going on in his life and it “all unraveled in a real bad way.” After it all fell apart, he had to face everything and says that the songs were direct attacks on him. “Shake Me Down,” the fourth track on the album, alters between Shultz’s mellow voice and loud breakdowns, eventually

bringing the opposite sounds together as one song. One of the goals the band had with their new album was to avoid mainstream mediums. “Sell Yourself,” the sixth track on the album, is a head-thrashing song about staying true to who the band is, despite the pressure of the music industry to become mainstream. The distortion and slinky strings on the guitar, Shultz’s imperfection’s in his voice, and their lyrics, kept the band’s original sound. The drums were less aggressive in most of the album’s songs. The drum playing was not heavy enough for my liking, but it fit well with the arrangement of the rest of the music. Fans get used to one sound from a band and expect them to stick to it. But bands have to be able to mature, and Cage The Elephant proves to listeners it can be done without losing their sound of crunchy guitars and Shultz’s jumpy vocals. Even though the album is incredibly different from the first, the feel of their music is still there. A band needs to be able to adjust their music to the times, and I think Cage The Elephant does just that. Photo courtesy of Cage The Elephant



Daniel Schutt Staff Writer

Comic books have become a huge part of geek culture, and for good reason. These exciting colorful adventures do a great job of capturing the imagination. The two most famous comic book companies are Marvel Entertainment and DC. Both have an almost equal number of super heroes and villains, but one company, in my opinion, is better then the other. DC has done as amazing job of creating incredible heroes like Batman and Superman, as well as making equally sinister villains, like The Joker and Brainiac. All of their heroes have original origins and interesting powers. Unlike marvel whose heroes have fairly similar back-stories. Most of DC’s stories take place in fictional cities, like Gotham or Metropolis. This creates a much more flexible location for writers, making more enjoyable and better-written stories. When a super hero’s main location is New York City the story is limited to the constraints of reality. For example, in the DC universe there are some main locations that are very important to the Batman comics such as, Arkam Asylum and

Tara Johnston

Wayne Manor. If it wasn’t for a fictional city then these places could not exist. DC also has much more recognizable and beloved characters. They were the first company to conceive of the idea of super heroes. When I think of a super hero, like many people, I think of Superman. DC was also the first company to create a group of super heroes. The Justice League of America (JLA) is made up of 7 heroes primarily, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Aquaman. But there are dozens of heroes in the JLA. Marvel does have a few pretty good heroes, like Captain America, but most are boring a stupid. DC just has great heroes with compelling back-stories. When I think super heroes I think DC comics.

14 SPORTS High hopes for water polo season IN THE KNOW MARCH 2011

Kathryn Long Staff Writer

The water polo team started early on both training and fundraising this year. Although the season began in March, the team began on land conditioning on Jan. 25. They started regular season practice on Jan. 31. The team had their first game Feb. 22, so practice began almost a month before the first game. Nonetheless, Coach Dan Barbosa says this is about the same time the team began practice last year. The team is also getting a head start on fundraising. They plan to order new water polo suits, which differ from traditional suits in that the girl’s suits zip up the back. The team has not purchased new suits in several years. Because of the costs of the suits ($80 for the girls and $40 per suit for boys), each player is selling three boxes of candy, with the possibility of more fundraising efforts to come. The team is optimistic for this year’s season. They lost very few of last season’s players and feel that this will help them this year, because it means that they have a more experienced team. “We have the entire boys team returning,” said Barbosa. “We have high hopes for the boy’s team.” He also said that he expects improvements in the performance of


REED &D.LO What happened to being friends?

Sara Castaneda

COLTS IN THE WATER: Carlos Rivera (left) pump-fakes the ball to pass it by his opponent from Cardinal Gibbons High. the girls’ team from last season. Unlike the boys, the girls did lose a few of last year’s players, one of whom was last year’s girl’s goalie. This year, they will need to train a new player to take her place. “I think we’re going to do really well and be very successful,” said boy’s captain Moshe Paul, senior, who added that he was very excited for the team to play their rivals again.

The team welcomes students to come cheer them on. Their first game was held at Deerfield Beach High School against Pines Charter. Their schedule varies from two to three games a week with games typically played on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and certain Wednesdays during some weeks. Their home games are played at Deerfield Beach High School.

High expectations for baseball season Junior loaded team starts off strong with a record of 4-1, expect to have another successful season

Ashley Rynar Sports Editor

After being named district champs last year and obtaining a record of 17-8, the boys baseball team has a lot to prove this year. The team has 13 returnees with the majority of them being juniors. Returnees

If we play hard and play good, good things will happen.

-Frank Bumbales, baseball coach

include Alex Demicco, the only senior on the team, and juniors Lewis Brinson, Cole Bumbales, Ian Delamadrid, Dylan Ebel,

Aaron Maller, Austin Nelson, Jonny Ortiz, Brett Schneider, Alan Sharkey, Dalton Wolchik, and sophomores Joe Demicco and Justin Mixon. “Although we’re a young team most of us have played together before high school,” said Maller. “Since we’ve had the experience of playing together previously we connect well.” Along with the returnees there are also a few new additions to the team: freshmen Oliver Levine, Kenneth Warner, Tyler Horn and junior Brandon Boyce. The Colts started off the season with a 6-2 win over Pine Crest in the First Pitch Classic. Maller pitched for six straight innings, only allowing one run, and Brinson hit a two-run home run helping lead the offense to insure a win. The boys also defeated Coral Glades on Feb. 22, 4-1 for a district win. During the

same week they also defeated Boyd Anderson 21-1. As of this writing the team holds a record of 4-1. “We’re doing okay, we’re 4-1 now. We Just have to keep playing good,” said Coach Bumbales. “If we play hard and play good, good things will happen.” The team takes on Marjory Stoneman Douglas, district rival, on Mar. 10, at 3:45pm at Douglas. The boys will also be participating in a tournament in Sarasota Mar. 14-17, taking on Mariner in their first game.

Sean Fitzgerald

SPORTS BRIEFS Armely named first team All-County

Walter Dix inaugural meet success

Sophomore Rachel Armely was chosen for the 2011 All Girls County Soccer Team, announced on Tues., Mar. 3. The team is a selected group of athletes considered to be the best players in Broward County. Armely has been playing soccer for most of her life, and has been on the varsity soccer team at our school since her freshman year playing as a starting defender. “I didn’t expect it at all. I was really excited when I found out,” said Armely. As part of the team, she will be photographed for The Sun-Sentinel and recognized as an All County soccer player, along with all of the other girls across the county that have had this honor. - Reed Congdon, Staff Writer

Alumnus and Olympic medalist Walter Dix held a gathering before a track meet held at our school on Feb. 9. The event was intended to inspire students to take part in athletics early, and get on the right track towards a brighter future. Dix was a part of the graduating class of ’04 and was on the track team since his freshman year. Currently, he is training for the 2012 Olympics as well as other events across the country. Sixteen different schools from all over Broward County were invited to this event, with 15 of them actually participating in the track meet. Our boys track team came in 6th with a final score of 50, and the girls finished 4th out of 13 with a final score of 62.

- Danny Lopez, Staff Writer

The competition between Coral Springs and Marjory Stoneman Douglas has become more than just a rivalry, it’s become a war. Ever since 1990, when Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School opened its doors, our students have been in an inevitable rivalry with theirs. When it comes to sports, most athletes can agree that this rivalry has grown into a battle. Most of the tension stems from a Broward County School District change, when thousands of students living west of University Drive were relocated to the new school in Parkland. “My friends left [Coral Springs High] to go to Douglas and start their own tradition,” said football coach Ray Gould, who graduated from our school in 1993, right after the split happened. The resentful feelings toward Douglas didn’t fade or fizzle out with time either. Whether it was rumors about the different sports teams at Douglas having financial advantages over us, or personal issues between our students and theirs, the bitter feelings have exploded into a complete war zone over the past two decades. It seems that our athletic teams always seem to go head to head with the Douglas Eagles, building the unfriendly feelings between them and us. Students have probably noticed the strife between our school and MSD in general competitive school functions, but sporting events are undoubtedly the best evidence of this cross-town rivalry that has transformed into full out warfare. “Their obnoxious singing already had us ticked off before the district championship game. They think they run Coral Springs,” said varsity soccer player Cassidy Neer, sophomore. Even the fans can sense the spiteful feelings between our teams and theirs, making the Springs vs. Douglas faceoffs the stars of most teams’ seasons. The clashing of both schools is probably most apparent every fall when our schools face each other at the widely known Pig Bowl football game. “They think they’re better than everyone, and I don’t like it, “ said Coach Gould. With every showdown between our Colts and the Eagles, the hostility with our enemy seems to grow more intense. While this may just be traditional case of high school rivals, the battle shows no signs of letting up.

MARCH 2011


Brandon Macknofsky: comeback kid

Elisa Press

ACE: Senior Brandon Macknofsky defeated Northeast on Mar. 2, bringing his record to 6-1.


Nesser named new tennis coach Jordan Butchen Micheal Trotman

Staff Writers

The tennis team has changed coaches for the spring season. Caryn Nesser, the American Sign Language (ASL) teacher and ASL club sponsor, has decided to fill the previously unoccupied position. Former coach Virginia Walz, decided to step down as coach due to her commitment as the language arts department head.

Nesser has been interested in tennis throughout her life. She started playing tennis when she was eight years old and played for four years as a student at CSHS. She hopes to use this experience as a player to improve the team. Her goal this season is to expand on her players’ advantages and skills. The team started conditioning a week before winter break and each player plans to

keep working hard throughout the season. Practices, which began on Jan. 18, will be critical for success on the court when matches begin in Feb. Nesser plans to coach the team for years to come. “I will coach the tennis team as long as the position stays open,” she said. Nesser is optimistic about the team’s chances for this season and hopes that they will be successful. Students who play for the tennis team were excited for the season to begin. Jobin Nadayil, senior, who played on the tennis team for three years, talked about how he felt about the upcoming tennis season. “I am excited this year because we have a new coach and new players,” he said. Nadayil, along with other returning players are intrigued to see how Nesser’s strategies will affect the team.

Softball welcomes Brust, new coach Tara Johnston Photo Captain

The girls varsity softball team welcomed a new head coach this season. Kristen Brust, 7th grade geography teacher at Coral Springs Middle School, has joined the coaching staff for the 2011 season. Brust has had a hands-on experience with softball for over eight years; she played all throughout high school and into college. “I am looking forward to being apart of the [softball] tradition,” Brust said. Brust has been looking forward to getting back into competitive softball for a while now and when the position at our school arose,

at the Coral Springs Tennis Center 11 years ago. When he was 12 he competed in his first tournament and was ranked 137 in the state at age16. Macknofsky has attended tennis camps like JTA (Junior Tennis Academy) and now helps teach kids at the tennis center during the summer. Macknofsky takes challenging classes like Dual Enrollment Anatomy and AP Biology. He said that he finds it difficult, but he “manages to get through it.” Macknofsky plans to study medicine next year at college, but is unsure about where he will be attending. He has several options, including University of Miami’s six-year medical program which he was accepted into early this Feb. Macknofsky is sure that he wants to pursue his tennis career through college no matter where he attends. “I love the sport. I just want to keep it going!” he said.


Lauren Lewkowicz Sports Editor Senior Brandon Macknofsky is back in action after recovering from a knee injury that prevented him from playing the majority of last year’s tennis season. “I was devastated,” he said. “It was my favorite thing to do and I couldn’t play for over a year, but I perservered to the fact where I know am playing better than ever.” After seven months recovering from a fractured kneecap, Macknofsky came back in to his senior tennis season undefeated, ranked number one on the team and captain. Macknofsky practices his tennis skills three times a week and vigorously works out two hours every day. “Coming in to my senior year and especially because I didn’t play last year, I was very anxious to get on the courts and really start playing again,” Macknofsky said. Macknofsky started playing tennis

she was eager to take on the job.

Being that Brust teaches at another school, it is sometimes a challenge to get to practice on time. Her assistant coach, Stacey Eggemeyer, also a new edition to the team, is able to start practice while waiting for her.

Since there is only a varsity team this year, the ages of the players range from 9th to 12th grade.

“We are looking for leadership from our upperclassmen to set a great example for our young team this year, in order to have a successful season,” Brust said.

Competitive cheerleaders named county champs Kasey Litchfield Staff Writer

The competitive cheerleading team won first place in the large nontumbling division at the BCAA County Championship on Jan. 15. Doing a mix of cheering, dancing, and stunts, the cheerleading team competes against other schools in the district for their division. There are three judges who score the team out of 100 points. The team with the highest amount of points in that division wins. “It felt amazing. It was the best feeling in the world,” said Miranda Suarez, sophomore and flyer on the team. At the previous competition, held at South Broward High School on

Wed., Jan. 5, the team placed fifth out of the seven schools in attendance, including Pompano and West Broward. The winner was the West Broward Bobcats. After the defeat, the team practiced to improve their techniques. “[Practicing] paid off and I’m so proud of team,” Courteney Jacobazzi, sophomore, said. But at the State Championship Competition, held in the Silver Spurs Arena on Sat. Feb. 5, the competitive cheerleading team was awarded seventh place out of nine schools participating. “We tried really hard this year and we were really confident after the last win, but the other schools were really good,” Suarez said.







Mar. 8/6:30pm

Girls Water Polo

Westminster Glades, Douglas, Track Taravella Girls Tennis Ely Boys Tennis Hollywood Hills BCAA Track Championship Boys Water Polo Northeast Boyd Anderson Baseball Softball Deerfield Softball Douglas Baseball Douglas Baseball Monarch


Mar. 10/4:15pm Westminster Mar. 11


Mar. 23/ 3:30pm Mar. 24/ 4pm


Mar. 26 Mar. 29/ 5:30pm Mar. 29/ 6:30 pm Apr. 5/ 4:00pm Apr. 1/ 6:30pm Apr. 8/ 6:30 pm Apr. 14/ 3:45 pm

TBA Northeast CSHS CSHS Douglas CSHS Monarch


lifetime sports MARCH 2011

Lifetime Sports are sports that can be played at any age and outside of school.

Articles written by Lauren Lewkowicz, Sports Editor

A commonly played game with friends on the weekend for fun, junior Jeff Herrington uses bowling, instead, for scholarship money. Herrington has been bowling for three years, since a family friend convinced him to try a league out at the Brunswick bowling center in Margate. “I love that I control the game and that its totally on me and no one else,” he said. Last year, Herrington placed 7th in the state Jr. tournament out of over 200 bowlers. Herrington also earned first place in his league, Generation Gap, where he won $200 in scholarship money. His league is registered with the United States Bowling Congress, an organization that serves amateur adult and youth bowlers in the United States. In the most recent tournament, on Sun. Mar. 6, Herrington participated in the Second Annual South Florida Youth Tri-County Tournament at Brunswick.


Lauren Lewkowicz

Formerly called Ultimate Frisbee, the sport is played somewhat like football. There are two end zones to reach to receive points. Each team has seven players that throw the disc, to their team in order to score in the end zone. Players are not allowed to run with the disc but can pivot feet in order to pass the disc. According to CNBC research in 2008, Ultimate had the biggest increase in participation for team sports in America, increasing by 20.8% from 2007. Junior Aaron Maller uses Ultimate as one of his pastimes. Maller plays with his friends at Pine Trails Park in Parkland. “It’s possibly the best sport ever,” Maller said.


Cindy Morataya

Beach tennis is a combination of beach volleyball and tennis. With two players on each side, players use rackets to hit a ball, similar to a tennis ball, back and forth over the net in order to score points. Senior Andrew Moenich has been playing for a year now. His interest was sparked when he saw a tournament on the beach, “It seemed like a lot fun,” Moenich said. Since then, he has been participating in practice tournaments and has been featured on the international website for beach tennis. Due to recent injury, Moenich can no longer participate in beach tennis as frequently as he used to. He had surgery on rotator cuff which made playing the sport difficult. “I used to play about once a month,” he said.

Courtesy of Andrew Moenich

beach tennis

Motocross is a type of motorcycle racing. The sport usually takes place on dirt roads, hills or tracks where racers compete to complete the race first. Senior Donnie Ernst raced motocross while living in California for three years. When he was nine years old, his neighbor inspired him to try and self taught himself basic tricks. He pariticipated in multiple tournaments and got the opportunity to ride with professional riders including Ricky Carmichael, Ryan Villopoto, and Jeremy McGrath. “my ex-professional trainer knew them,” he said. Ernst practiced every chance he got until he had an accident on his bike where he suffered fractured ribs and a collapsed lung in sixth grade. “It was really bad,” he said. “My parents wouldn’t let me ride anymore.”


Courtesy of Donnie Ernst

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