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Overview of Land Uses
Land Use Ground Floors
Institutional Land Uses
Office space is provided for the social enterprises with active frontage to increase its connection with community
This proposal focuses on creating active frontages along the intersection of the site boulevard and Parkhurst Road, which connects to Holloway Road, by locating the retail space, offices, women’s centre and daycare centre. These land uses are more accessible to the main road and the community. The women’s and daycare centres are located on the inner side of the perimeter blocks so that the more semiprivate and private spaces can be used for events with increased privacy.
When we design urban housing we are designing cities. Designs for housing should begin as urban designs, driven in the first instance by our vision of a beautiful city.
- Peter Barber (Barber, 2018, 49)
The site is designed in accordance with London Plan goals, including creating green open spaces, providing places to relax and play, and reducing the dominance of cars by supporting active travel (transit, walking, and cycling). The site’s legibility is enhanced with a unifying tree-shaded central green space for active and passive recreation, a play street, a skate park, and community garden allotments.
Active frontages are provided at Parkhurst Road, with mixed use retail towers, a pop up retail centre for SMBs, a women’s centre, and medical offices.
Residential buildings have been oriented and “stacked” to maximize solar exposure and provide dual aspect units for better daylight and ventilation.
The 998 housing units are offered in a wide variety of bedroom configurations, including, and to ensure social diversity, 30% of units are reserved for families (3BD+).
Note: 50% of housing to be market rate. 50% to be social housing, distributed equally throughout.