The Picture the Homeless Oral History Project: Each One Teach One

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Each One Teach One

“One of the biggest things I learned, being involved with Picture the Homeless was unity.”

The Picture the Homeless Oral History Project

Don’t Talk About Us: Talk With Us!

James Doctor
James Doctor and the PTH Civil Rights campaign Hands Off the Homeless Rally, August 18, 2016


Each One Teach One is a skill-share about the ways in which Picture the Homeless (PTH) and the struggle for civil and human rights for homeless folks was a school where everyone was a student, and everyone was a teacher within the organization.

It also offers reflections about the many ways that PTH as an organization taught movement allies, faith communities, policy makers and the general public about issues impacting homeless New Yorkers and what real solutions to homelessness could be.

We learned how to:

o Identify root causes of the problems impacting us

o Craft solutions to homelessness and learn how to organize for them

o Create popular education materials

o Conduct research

o Use direct action as a way to educate

o Know how to “make our case” in campaign meetings, the media and with elected officials

o Understanding laws and policies

o Breaking down jargon

o Make the media work for us

PTH Civil Rights campaign Know Your Rights, 2005

Creating a culture of learning:

• Honors the knowledge of homeless folks

• Recognizes that agreeing on a problem isn’t the same as agreeing on solutions to the problem

• Is clear about the work we need to do, together

• Values how individual knowledge is transformed through collective learning and action

• Respects all the ways that learning happens and is shared

• Lifts up creativity and fun

How did we do this?

• Believing that everyone is a teacher and a learner

• Making space for folks to discuss, debate, agree and disagree

• Demystifying jargon

• Started an organizer trainee program

• Creating a Homeless Organizing Academy and curriculum

• Seeing ourselves as social change makers

• Educating our allies

• Educating the public through direct action, participatory action research projects, media work and public speaking

What was accomplished?

• We changed negative stereotypes

• Built solidarity among members and the social justice movement

• Seeded the social justice movement with skilled leaders

• Moved innovative ideas and won policy change that was shaped by homeless New Yorkers


The Struggle is the School

Jean Rice (October 20, 2017)

I guess being homeless gave me the opportunity to see how the criminal justice system is subverted. I mean, being an Afro American, I had an idea about the subversion of the criminal justice system. The idea came from so many male, Afro Americans capital punishment, lynching—without due process of law.

Charley Heck (2018.12.12)

Well, my association with Picture the Homeless deals with the Potter’s Field Campaign and effectively, through my earlier work with Joe Gilmore and the Midnight Run in burials of persons that we knew that lived on the street. In fact, a close friend of mine— Bill Phillips, a person that I had slept beside in hallways and doorways and banks, he died, and we held the funeral service for him, and he is now buried in Calvary Cemetery in Queens. And so that was just one person. We buried several other people that we knew on the street through the Midnight Run. So, because of that experience, I jumped at the opportunity to become chairman of the Potter’s Field Campaign.

Marcus Moore (November 13, 2017)

Once I learned what the community was doing to sustain itself, that kind of like took me to another level as far as homesteading and community land trusts, because we was no longer waiting for institutions or individuals. You kind of learned how to do these things and get resources with community, or with individuals. You're educating the community, individuals are educating themselves, and learning how to live guerrilla.


William Burnett (November 16, 2017)

Well one of the things that I learned, was how homeless people related to each other. I had already seen it in the sense of—usually when, not even homeless but just poor, and you have nowhere to turn and you really need some help, it's usually another poor person who'll be the one to respond.

William Burnett (January 19, 2018)

It was Rogers who pointed out that homeless people are pushed out of society while they’re living and then when they’re dead, they’re put on an island that nobody can see. And so they’re pushed out of society when they’re dead too. And that’s a pretty touching point.

Frank Morales (February 20, 2020)

There was the intellectual side, people like Jean [Rice], with the library, and the wisdom that was in the room. And it’s not only in terms of intellectual stuff, but just the street smarts of people.

Frank Morales (February 20, 2020)

I just learned a lot just being around people, and hearing the way they articulate their experiences, and to be educated to the kind of work that people were doing, and some of the other issues that I was not familiar with. I’d never had those experiences, you know? Going to the intake center, and what that’s about, and people getting jerked around. The promises being made that they’ll get some kind of supplementary income, or maybe they’ll get a house here, and all of that—Kafka-like insanity that people are put through—who are already suffering. I had never had any experience with any of that! When you don’t really live in that day


to day, it’s an education to meet people who do live that, day to day.

Everyone is a Teacher and a Learner

Anthony Williams (January 3, 2018)

I went to check on Lewis [Haggins] one night, in his room with Russell and he’s sitting on the bed, writing. He goes, “I’m writing a mission statement. Want to help me write a mission statement?” I said, “What is that?” He goes, “Well, we need a mission.” I was like, “A mission for what?!” He goes, “Well, you need a mission statement to say what you do and how you do it, and why you’re doing it, so that people can understand what you’re doing.

Jean Rice (October 6, 2017)

So, because I knew about the Fourteenth Amendment, and ba-baba, Lynn and Emily and Anthony just drafted me! Like, you need me! I got drafted to the civil rights committee, which is the first committee my beloved Picture the Homeless ever established. But I loved it because seriously, it gave me the opportunity to use

PTH Original Mission Statement written by Lewis Haggins with Anthony Williams in Bellevue Men's Shelter

knowledge that I thought I would never be able to use in a positive way. I was able to use that knowledge to contribute to progressive social change and equal justice, and I'm still doing that.

Lynn Lewis (January 25, 2018)

One of the things that I loved about Picture the Homeless was the welcoming, which meant knowledge was passed, not just shared in meetings but when people were sitting around reading the newspaper, or having a cigarette break, or standing outside.

Marcus Moore (November 13, 2017)

Jean Rice, he has taught me to say, “ecological engineer.” So, when I go to different places, I'm often introduced as an ecological engineer. I have learned how to build my economy by recycling cans and bottles, and making it work for me from time to time.

Civil Rights campaign action planning. July 23, 2012

From Campaign Meetings to Workshops and Trainings

Andres Perez with PTH Housing campaign, Vacant Property March and sleep-out kick off through City Council Speaker Christine Quinn’s district. August 24, 2010

Andres Perez (August 7, 2019)

When I was young, we really didn’t understand about abandoned buildings and what that was about, but we knew that they were burning down buildings. We always thought that they were burning them down purposely to get the insurance money or they would try to move tenants out so they can get higher rent and stuff.

why a building would sit there dilapidated like that, or sit there boarded up for years, with no one living in there when in the meantime, where I’m growing up, there’s a whole bunch of us living in a two bedroom apartment all

I didn’t understand the reasons

cluttered up and that’s how most families were living there in the neighborhood.

I didn’t know so much about it until I became a part of Picture the Homeless and as soon as I got to Picture the Homeless, I said, “That’s why!” I said, “No, I’ve got to get in here and do something about this. We’re going to have to get together and count these buildings, and check these lots out, and do what we have to do, and convince the city to do something about it, because this is crazy.”

You’ve got all these buildings that could be uploaded, cleaned out, renovated, and fixed for someone to live in. It bothers me a lot to see people living in these conditions. I’ve seen so much people in really bad conditions, and they ain’t got to live out in the cold climate weather, on dirty streets, and they’ve got buildings there that could be renovated for them to live in. *

Ryan Hickey (May 22, 2019)

Even newer folks who came in when we were talking about vacant property, I mean, there were so many times when people in the housing meeting, a new person in the housing meeting was like, “Oh yeah! Vacant property. I always wonder why they don’t do something about that, because that’s an issue.”

That’s a really important organizing moment—issue identification for people and tying that to a solution, and doing political education around like, “Okay, so there’s vacant property. Why isn’t it counted? Why aren’t landlords held accountable? Why isn’t the city held accountable?” Like, asking all these questions to kind of slowly politicize and radicalize the issue and our membership was really good at doing that with newer membership as well. *


William Burnett

First of all we had to be trained by Manhattan Neighborhood Network and because Picture the Homeless was an organization in Manhattan, we were able to do that. We all sat together in front of the computer and watched all the raw footage and had to make decisions about what footage to pull in, how to clip it together and produce a final product that tells a story, so that it wasn’t just raw footage being played out for everybody. Charlie was very forceful about how the story was being told, so… He would let you know, “This footage, no! That footage, no.” *

Sue Lob (October 22, 2019)

I think Picture the Homeless after that started training members to kind of create your own media so that you could control the narrative. And that was really a huge lesson for me about like thinking about both doing our own media but also like how do we make sure that the message that we want gets out.

James Tracy (December 2, 2018)

People who are attracted to Picture the Homeless tend to have a kernel of it just in their personality, like outgoing, inquisitive, wanting to be connected with others in a project, but also it’s because Picture the Homeless encourages that and helps people develop those good instincts and does political education and

Ryan Gibbs, PTH. Rental Subsidies campaign Town Hall Meeting, Bronx. May 29, 2008

makes connections. Which is pretty unique because so much homelessness and housing stuff tends to be so hyper-focused on the neighborhood, right?

People are encouraged to think about connections, instead of these little boxes of policy or neighborhood or their rights, or bad-copbad-landlord type of stuff. But just actually thinking about why homelessness exists, why does it exist almost all over the globe, with some exceptions, of course. And trusting that its members can develop their intellectual capacities farther than they may have even expected.

James Doctor (March 5, 2020)

Picture the Homeless taught everybody like—first breathe, and hear what the person’s saying, and then respond, and listen. You don’t have to agree with them, but if you listen to them, at least you understand them, so you know how to better deal with them, and y’all can come to a better solution toward the problem and stuff. But you’re not going to get there if everybody’s just running off, loud mouthing, and ain’t nobody listening to one another. That is one of the things that Picture the Homeless taught me. Don’t forget the unity, because there’s no little me, no big I’s, and stuff, it’s we, and together as a whole is how we’re going to get it accomplished. Unless we sit down and talk to each other, we don’t know what the problem is, or how to fix the problem.

Kay Samuels (December 6, 2019)

It’s one thing to go to meetings and everybody complaining. And it’s like, “Well, we could try to do this. We could try to do that.”

To me, Picture the Homeless was more like, “We’re going to teach you how to look at these things, how to analyze them, and from


that process, how to approach solving them, along with the political component that comes with that.” Because that’s what people don’t know. And that’s what organizing is about, learning how to organize. At Picture the Homeless, you have people who are little pockets of organizers. That’s important because, they could go to Timbuktu, and they would know how to organize. So, I think Picture the Homeless did a better job of teaching people how to organize, how to analyze a situation, how to determine who it is that you need to go and approach about addressing a problem so you’re not just in the street screaming. It helps you slow your mind down because you can be so angry you’re missing things, so that you start to say to yourself, “I got to learn how to organize.”

Jean Rice (October 13, 2017)

Picture the Homeless provided the space, the leadership, and the technology to mount a campaign. I don't know if we would ever achieve that without an organization like Picture the Homeless. Through that campaign, I truly learned that those who society at large might call, “the least amongst us” the marginalized, the criminalized… We don't have to be apathetic. We've got power, if we just use it. Picture the Homeless taught me that. I said, if we got that much power over this issue, we can use that power in other issues. That was a learning experience.

Ryan Hickey (April 25, 2019)

Other challenges, sometimes people said some really fucked up shit to me, about me. Some people were like really anti-Semitic, or some people were really sexist or homophobic and I think we actually like did a decent job of not ignoring those differences during housing campaign meetings. Because sometimes housing campaign meetings were just like, “We’re going to talk about the


campaigns.” But sometimes they morphed into like, “We need to take some time to do like political education because in the meantime, for the next HOA class, there’s not enough time to like address this.” And so we—really like, if somebody said something homophobic or, you know—whatever—took some space in that meeting to be like, “Okay. Let’s examine this. Right? So, why— why are we like this? Like what does this do to us as a collective group that’s trying to like form solidarity around this one issue? Like, who is that serving?” Who is this division serving, sort of thing?”

It was just like, “We’re in this together. Like if we have divisions, we’re going to fail. We’re just going to fail and that’s what the Podolsky’s of the world want us to do. They want to like say—all these undocumented people… Like they’re taking our jobs. or whatever…” Like blah, blah, blah. *

Ryan Hickey (April 25, 2019)

Sometimes leaders were protective of the roles that they served and there wasn’t enough mobility within the leadership realm, where people were like, “No, that’s my job. I want to do that.” And so we countered that by having political education trainings and HOA was a really huge part of that.

Sometimes we’d just be like, “Listen, if you want to talk to press you have to come to an HOA thing on press, or whatever.” And if I thought a member would be really good at that, I made sure that member was there. Even if it was just that one person, because sometimes that happened. And then, if that happened, then making a direct connection to the next housing meeting. Being like, “Listen, I want to give it up bigtime for this person who came to this HOA training, did an amazing job and I want this person to be the next press spokesperson” Everybody’s like, “Oh! Like, cool.” Marcus always was just like, “Yeah! Like that’s amazing!” He


always tried to build people up and making it like a big thing— because it is a big thing for somebody to be like, “We all think you’re ready to do this. Do it.”

So making an intentional line between training based on curricula that membership has like perfected over the years and being like, “Yo, big ups to this person who took a risk, is going outside of their comfort zone, and we’re going to help you shine in this moment.” And making sure that a lot of members were forming a support network and being like, “We all need to support this person. Let’s do it.” I didn’t really put that together in the beginning but as I got going in the organizing world, you realize the importance of that and then it becomes just your everyday thing.

Shaun Lin (October 11, 2019)

There would be particular skills that we would need to work on in order to best engage with the CPR work. So, some of it was things like public speaking, right? So, if we were to have an action coming up and want to encourage newer members to speak at the press conference so we’re not always relying on the same members talking, the Homeless Organizing Academy might organize a series of public speaking trainings. And part of it is public speaking, but the first part of it is even just like, “How do I take my story and write it out in a way that communicates my the end message that I want?

So, it’s like, public speaking is also thinking about our stories, how do our stories connect to the issue that we’re working on… And then how do I practice doing this in a way—because public speaking is very scary to people. So, like how do I practice in a way where I can show up powerfully, on the day of? So, Homeless Organizing Academy—I know that there was a regular writing class, right? There was stuff around public speaking. I know that there was regular computer classes. Computer literacy was really


important for folks. So, it would kind of just provide tools and analysis for folks to be able to engage with the campaign work powerfully.

But it wasn’t necessarily… I don’t even think necessarily the end goal was participation in the campaigns. I think writing in itself is a skill you know, or you using the computer in itself is a skill that helps people to find employment or other opportunities outside of the Picture the Homeless work that they were doing that I see Homeless Organizing Academy was supportive of that. It was like PTH members personal development, so that they can engage with campaign work, but also so that they can engage with other things too.

Willie Baptist (November 26, 2018)

Yes, you have leaders that have natural leadership qualities, but they don’t have the training to know they know why personally they’re homeless. They don’t know the system or the political and economic system that produced homelessness. And so, their story is a story largely of the effects, but not of the cause.

And so, if you’re going to have leaders, you have to have a political education process to connect their story with all of the stories.

Maria Walles, PTH Housing Campaign Retreat

From Organizer Trainees to the Homeless Organizing Academy

Rob Robinson (May 7, 2018)

It was probably for me, the first time that I really understood you build power by coming together. You can go as a small, little group, but what would you accomplish? Let's go with an organization that might have already figured out a process and understand how to do this.

DeBoRah Dickerson (February 13, 2020)

It was challenging. I’ve been in training programs—I’ve been in trainings… That was out of my comfort zone. I didn’t know— there was so many things that I did not know. I didn’t know anything about outreach. Learning how to speak to public officials, learning how to speak to the press, writing out blogs… What negotiation was about, how to negotiate, getting members to be involved… Because you can do things, but if you don’t get people involved, you’re not doing anything. You have to know how to get involved, and you have to listen to what people are saying, and homeless people go through a whole lot of stuff.

I remember one-time Sam; he took me out. We went out and we went to the post office. I didn’t know they had a postal office for homeless people, back then. And I’m like, “You’ve got to be kidding.” And he said, “We got to go there, it’s the first of the month and we’re going to go on the other side, and this is where we’re going to pass out flyers.” Afterwards, it just came a breeze. And we was passing out our information, taking down people’s names, you know? And it just became a lot of fun. I love the outreach, you know, and we had a chart of places where we were going to go and do our outreach, so that was important.


Marcus Moore (November 13, 2017)

One of my favorite instructors was this brother, he's an artist, by the name of Not4Profit. I used to plan my days and my weeks to be at this writing class. I would spend so much time at Picture the Homeless, nine to five, like it was my job, and I got a chance to be in a lot of little workshops and classes. And so, through literature and arts, I have been able to come up with another way of fighting oppression.


Nikita Price (December 2, 2017)

At the time I did not understand what the difference was between being a leader and being an organizer. Even though folks within Picture the Homeless you and Tyletha [Samules], and a few other people, probably identified that I had some qualities in which I could do that. I think mostly because of my personality.

And then once I got over the fact that you know, if you step out of your comfort zone, you can still be you. And being as basic in my articulation as possible, I did have a way of being able to make folks be comfortable with me and make folks be uncomfortable with me, which is a trait that you need!

And I think once it was identified, and then I was told what the program would look like, and this would be something that you could then take once this is over with, this could be a career for you. But I think what was not told to me at the time, was that being an organizer is grinding. It's tedious. There are good parts to it, but they’re also a lot of downside to it also.

Nikita Price and Marcus Moore, PTH Homeless Organizing Academy class.

So, you have to be able to get in there and weigh your victories with your defeats and your—your settling. You have to do all of that. So, you have to be willing to do that. You're not always going to win. You're not always going to lose!

Sometimes you're just going to have to swallow a bitter pill and then hopefully on the other side you'll come out and you'll be able to say, maybe revisit, a situation that didn't come out exactly like you wanted it to.

So, then I basically had to ask myself, “Can you do this?” And I said, “Yea, I can do this. I can do this.” So, I said, “Yeah, okay, I can get into that.” I just saw that as an opportunity to push Picture the Homeless's mission, which I had fully embraced at the time. And so yeah, I was fully committed to that, and it went well.

Rob Robinson (May 7, 2018)

I believe I was with Sam and Jean one day and somebody is telling us a story, and Sam goes to him, "Well, are you angry about it?" And then, "Hell, yeah…?" "So, what do you want to do about it?" And hearing that methodology. I had never done organizing with people, but I said, "Yeah, it makes sense. If they're angry about it then you come up here and talk about it and let's see what we can do together." Because you can stay off mad over there, and it ain’t going to do anything right? You're just over there mad, right? But if twenty people came to an office and got mad, and figured out a process to take their anger channel it to something positive, then that's going to make change, right?

That whole process was a learning experience for me. I had never done organizing. It's a place where, I got a foundation of how to organize. Then I went to that organizing trainee training, and I think that really helped me. It also helped me to understand that


this problem is bigger than us and people need to be connected. This is not the only place where this is happening. *

Rob Robinson (November 23, 2018)

So you organize by using what you learned, on how to do a oneon-one, “So, here’s a way to take what you’re angry about. Tell your story to somebody, and help them make social change because if you and ten other people do the same thing, trends start to develop. Out of trends we start to find out there’s a problem. When we find out there’s a problem, we work towards a solution.”

So, you put on your organizer’s hat. It was some of the foundational training that I got to be able to do that. I had never done that type of work before, but it was an opportunity that was sort of pushed at me, and I’m not angry about it. I was able to learn. And I think that organizing academy helped me a lot in that aspect, alright? You’ve heard of one-on-ones before, but how do you make it happen? It’s easy to talk about it, but what does it look like? What are the eight steps or ten steps, whatever it is? You know, and I suddenly had that toolset in my back pocket and able to do that.

DeBoRah Dickerson (February 13, 2020)

If you’re going to get in involved in any kind of organization, or group, or community, you need to have some information, so that you can carry this information to other people if they want to join. and I find that important, in organizing and being a part of Picture the Homeless. It’s getting information and having research. Researching the people that you’re talking about or having a conversation and having that dialogue. Because if you don’t know anything about them, then you can’t have a conversation or dialogue with them. And that’s one thing that Picture the Homeless


has taught me and if we have to do a direct action, or protests, or rally, then we know what we’re talking about, because we’ve done the research.

Maria Walles (December 2, 2022)

I had the opportunity to work doing an internship. It was like six months plus of doing outreach. I was an outreach worker. I was working with Shaun, Nikita, and Ryan. They trained us for a couple of weeks.

We would try to get members, get people out to Picture the Homeless. We went to shelters. I remember even going to Wards Island! We were going on Wards island, and did a lot of outreach. We went to HRA. We went to the courts, criminal court, and family court. There was times we had to separate, and I did both! I was lucky to get some people from housing court. I think one time we went to Harlem, and we all got together, and we spent the whole day out in Harlem trying to get new members to come to the office in the Bronx. And it was a lot, but we did it!

Willie Baptist (November 19, 2018)

Realizing that political education is not disconnected from the actual protests and organizing, that in fact, the protests become a school in political education. I mean, your involvement in protests and struggles brings questions into your mind as to why protest? Who you’re up against? Why are you up against that? Why the injustice that you’re protesting against? What’s the cause of it? These are questions that can’t be answered just by experience alone, but experience combined with education. And particularly political education because we’re dealing with a political system that upholds an economy, that thrives off of poverty and homelessness.


Marcus Moore (November 13, 2017)

There is so much that I learned at Picture the Homeless. From learning my audience, to talking about community land trusts. I gave some workshops at Picture the Homeless, myself! I was able to teach some classes and learn some things from Picture the Homeless. I got a chance to learn how to lobby in Albany. I got a chance to learn some things about the organization, when it was founded, who our founders are, you know… And I got a chance to talk in public about some of the work that we’re doing at Picture the Homeless. Kind of like help people to understand the stereotypes when it comes to challenging homeless people. That it's really just a stereotype, it's not really what's going on.


Jean Rice (October 6, 2017)

We cannot depend on our adversaries to educate us to the point where we can liberate ourselves. So, we have to develop a formula, and a curricula, and a culture and an atmosphere, where we can truly educate ourselves, and move our brain past indoctrination to education. And then we can be in the vanguard of a movement that will succeed in making America live up to its original credo.


Arvernetta Henry (September 28, 2017)

We had an opportunity to learn how to write letters to politicians. How to run a campaign and work it to the advantage that it would reflect the needs of the people, not the politician and to focus on how to write a policy. Sam Miller taught us how to do the ins and outs of writing policies and get the attention of the politicians and the lawmakers and how they played a very important part of the political circle. We learned how to be activists. Because that's what we were, because we was going against the grain. So, we learned how to fight back. How to write chants. How to stand up to the government and say we're human beings. We're not a piece of meat that you can shuffle from place to place. We're not your commodity! We don't believe that you have the right to keep us out of these vacant houses and we learned how to go around and search for vacant property, how to log property and to research property and find out who was the landlord. Who owns this property? Why this property has been vacant so long?

PTH Housing campaign chant sheet

Marcus Moore (January 11, 2018)

I’ve just been seeing how I’ve been able to use my training, being part of different organizations, to be able to research and be part of what’s happening out here as far as social justice work to be able to help me, to be able to just inquire and ask questions, than opposed to just getting it secondhand.

And so, I guess what I’m trying to say is that I have to get off my butt and do something. I have to go and figure out and ask questions, than opposed to just sitting there and just waiting for my adversary to define or put a label on me, and then tell me or tell themselves, what they’re going to do with me.

Marcus Moore (January 11, 2018)

I think the lessons that being learned while you’re struggling are able to enrich your spirit. I think that’s a beautiful thing. You know, there are so many phrases, “Without no struggle, there’s no progress.” There’s a lot of things to be learned when you’re struggling, I think. It’s just not like, just struggle and be oppressed at the same time. No, you’re struggling, but you can actually see yourself learning some things, some things you might not want to do that, next time. You might want to come a different way.

Marcus Moore and the PTH Housing Campaign Calender Intro 48 rally, press conference and Civil Disobedience. September 29, 2010

But you wouldn’t know these things if you wasn’t constantly progressing and learning, and at the same time and enduring until the end, with the struggle, you know. So, it’s interesting, I think.

Some Lessons Learned

Sam J. Miller (November 30, 2017)

Leroy [Parker] was so good at outreach and Leroy was so—talk about no bullshit! He was really good at cutting through all that. No one could talk to Leroy and not be impressed by his power and his gravity. We did a lot of outreach together, and I learned a lot about how to talk to folks.

And of course, there were things that he could say to other homeless people that I couldn't say, right? Because he was in this situation and he could be like, “Get off your fucking ass.” I couldn't say that to people, or at least not in those precise words. But, you know there were things that he did that I couldn't emulate, but a lot of things he did that I could. Like his spotting when someone was being evasive or trying really hard not to do anything, and being able to call them out on it, but also his welcomingness and the way he treated folks and the way he praised them. So, Leroy was a big teacher.

Ryan Hickey (April 25, 2019)

Organizers have their role, but we take leadership from homeless folks because they know the issues better than we do and will always know it and their experience is really, really important and valued in that work and I think we’ve accomplished a lot. Sometimes we don’t need those organizers to do some things because members just know how to do it and they can do it and


they should do it. They should be seen doing it and homeless people should see other homeless people leading the charge for revolutionary change.

Anika Paris (August 15, 2019)

I think about things that happened at PTH or like conversations that I only had because of PTH just in terms of my understanding of the world and organizing and movements. I remember learning about the Shackdwellers and the MST in Brazil. I remember there was somebody from the Shackdwellers who came through the office [S’bu Zikode] and it was just a really chill conversation, just a bunch of people around the table talking. I remember he said, “You know they give us these rights, but you can’t afford your rights.” And I’ve like repeated that so many times, that was really revelatory for me.

Sam J Miller (November 30, 2017)

I had no real understanding of what homelessness was like and what the real issues were with homelessness. There's a level on which, when you start to pay attention to homelessness and you start to really understand it, it sort of turns your whole understanding of the world on its end. I think oftentimes people slot homelessness into a box in their mind, where it's not threatening and not scary and doesn't have anything to do with them. And so, when you start to really understand the issue and see how intimately it's connected to everything that happens in this city and in the country and how intimately it's connected to racism and the high cost of housing and so many issues that are important to lots of folks. It's kind of hard to not simultaneously really angry and really resolved to do something.


Ryan Hickey (April 15, 2019)

Our members knew how to do this stuff and they were teaching me how to do this stuff. But they just knew. I remember like going through a lot of those checklists in those housing meetings. Members are like, “Okay, so do we have this? Do we have this? Do we have this? Do we have this?” Like, holy shit, I barely need to be here. I’m facilitating the discussion, but you guys know what to do. I wasn’t learning that our homeless members were like the experts in this, but I was reminded of it every single day. There’s just so much expertise in that room and so much leadership in that room, where these people, if and when they do leave Picture the Homeless, they’re just going to do amazing things wherever they are because we collectively have built each other up in that way.

Jenny Akchin (June 5, 2019)

One thing that I do really credit Picture the Homeless with, that I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere else, is a very healthy critique of vouchers and a very healthy critique of supportive housing. And I just really appreciate our members for always being really clear that you can’t depend on a voucher, that that’s not a reliable source of income for housing, and that without some sort of guarantee, that was going to leave people in the lurch, and leave people shafted. And I never would have had that level of critique without hearing it from our members and seeing it in our reports.

Ryan Hickey (May 22, 2019)

I’ve learned that you have to ask for the most radical thing. You should never limit yourself in terms of what you think you can get. Because what we need to do is challenge these whole facets of the American economy and American society. And I think our membership was pretty clear in not compromising where we didn’t need to compromise, or where we shouldn’t compromise.


Ryan Hickey (April 25, 2019)

I remember we formed a study group, a CLT study group. We didn’t learn about CLTs solely, we learned about all of this really boring ass complicated language that is used to put people in their place… Like to make people feel stupid. It’s a tool to oppress people and to marginalize them from other conversations. Like, these complicated financial terms, “equity”, whatever... And I remember, some members knew what this stuff meant but I would say like ninety, ninety-five percent… They could talk about CLTs, but when you pressed them on it they kind of got lost in the weeds.

And so we had this study group, and it was probably Kendall, I don’t remember—but it was like we should reach out to John Krinsky, who’s an educator. They could help us with the study group. That’s when Hillary got involved and Deshonay got involved, who helped form a curricula with some leaders about like what the goals of this study group would be, why it’s necessary, what we want to come out of it and stuff… And that was like a year or two. That was a long time. I forget how long the study group lasted.

And we developed a curricula based on brainstorming sessions. I was extracting themes that were coming out of housing meetings— where like a Kendall or an Arvernetta said a term, and I saw everybody’s face go like—blank. I was like, “Okay, we need to go more into that, but the housing meeting isn’t the place to do it, so we need a separate space to do it.” So, Deshonay and Hillary helped with the curricula, and we had weekly study groups where we were talking about community land trusts, really getting into the nuts and bolts, looking at case studies. We were reading reports. We were having reading groups.

And that’s where I really like latched on to popular education. I was like, “Oh my God. This stuff is so good, and I loved doing it and it’s so powerful and I see the results. We created a curricula and we educated ourselves based on the knowledge that we already had but we also looked at other resources, as well.


We tapped into those resources, and we started forming this common language around land trusts and mutual housing associations and like, home ownership and equity and like all this really complicated terminology that was used to like other homeless people in these conversations, in these policy questions.

And members really just shined. Oh my God. People were so jazzed about everything that we were doing. Whether it be games, whether it be quizzes. I remember we were having quizzes like every other week. And really we did so much. We had so many tactics in popular education where everybody’s learning ability was like catered to. I don’t like that term, but it was like we met everybody where they were at, and it was so cool and fun. And so we got really involved in the coalition work and we were building the Education Outreach Workgroup and that’s when we really started solidifying around like, we need a board game. I remember Arvernetta was like, “I want a board game because I love board games.”

Excerpt from pocket sized CLT brochure, PTH Housing campaign 2015

Educating Our Allies

Joo-Hyun Kang (January 1, 2019)

The issue of folks getting arrested for shit that are not crimes, quote-unquote, by the criminal legal system, was an issue that most people hadn’t really thought about before.

Joo-Hyun Kang (January 1, 2019)

I experience, a rigor that Picture the Homeless members brought to meetings or actions or things that I was out with them, that is not always present. It’s a gift. It’s not always present with a lot of organizations. It’s a gift that doesn’t just arise organically in some romanticized ways. It’s cultivated. It’s developed. It’s supported.


Lynn Roberts (January 6, 2023)

I knew that if my students heard from them firsthand as opposed to me trying to describe the work at Picture the Homeless, that it could really make a difference in their understanding of grassroots organizing, but also the plight of people who are homeless wasn't about them, you know, living in SRO’s and shelters and getting handouts, but it was about them being able to determine their own solutions.

And this is all before the community land trust work and all those campaigns. Like every one of your campaigns that you could mention, I felt like, I witnessed from a relative distance. But still, each one of them just blew me away! And I just knew it could open my students’ eyes to things, you know? I didn't know how strategic you could be with organizing, until I encountered Picture the Homeless.

PTH Housing campaign vacant property count survey. 2006

Kazembe Balagun (June 4, 2019)

One of the things I really appreciate about Picture the Homeless was the intellectual rigor, and the fact that you all would like, publish reports, and did a lot of that work. It seemed to work so seamlessly and endlessly and so effortlessly with the broader left intellectual community, and it really not just held its own but actually created that space for intellectual work to be happening in the city.

Banking on Vacancy, a participatory action research project of the PTH Housing campaign. 2012 PTH Housing campaign vacant property count packet. June 15, 2011

Excerpt from Banking on Vacancy, a participatory action research project of the PTH Housing campaign. 2012

Joo-Hyun Kang (January 1, 2019)

In 2014, the MTA declared that they were going to sweep homeless people of the A, C, E trains, and Picture the Homeless really led a fight at that point to make sure that didn’t happen. One of the things that I learned during that fight probably from members and Sam [J. Miller], it was really you all did political education, for the rest of us. It was easy to get groups to support that fight and to try to get cop watchers and other people to show up that night when we went to the train when they said they were going to sweep everybody off and stay there.

I think some of it was a good learning for me around how to publicly frame the issues around it. Sam was really patient and helpful about being clear with us and our comms team at the time that people who are homeless don’t want to be on the fucking trains all night either!


And to reframe what this was, and that they had paid their fare, so why shouldn’t they be able to be on the fucking trains? So, I feel like it was a different way to think about the issues, but also to really respect the agency of people.

Shaun Lin (October 12, 2019)

There was a moment in which the NYPD had this was during when it was really cold in the wintertime, which is the time when there’s most often homeless folks who sleep on the train. The NYPD began to announce that they were going to run sweeps to either arrest or, at least take people off the train. So, we organized a bunch of cop watch at the end of train lines that we thought would be over policed, and then also passing out information about what people’s legal rights are on the trains… And then also did a bunch of media stuff too that kind of publicly brought attention to the fact that the police were doing this in ways that that they ended up not arresting people off the train.

PTH Civil Rights campaign flyer to mobilize for overnight defense of homeless folks on E train. February 2014


Shaun Lin (October 12, 2019)

I remember the one bill that really resonated with folks was around the profiling bill, which initially started as a racial profiling bill if I remember correctly. Picture the Homeless fought really hard to have language around profiling of homelessness or perception of homelessness included. And if it wasn’t for Picture the Homeless’ participation in CPR, I don’t think that that language would have even been obvious to people that was important.

Ryan Hickey (April 25, 2019)

So for example, like when we were writing Gaining Ground. I remember we had Val in the room. We had Ken in the room, and we had Harry in the room, and we were just talking about what ways could we get cluster sites out of this program. Because they didn’t know anything about it. Our members were teaching them about it, and we were having multiple discussions and then we were just like, “Okay, we’re going to use eminent domain.”

Ryan Hickey (April 25, 2019)

So, I think allies were really important in that because we built really diverse strong allies and we went to their actions, we did political work together with CPR and in our housing stuff. It’s just it was really, really good for kind of breaking down a lot of stereotypes that people had. But also on their end, too. I mean, I’m sure a lot of the people had stereotypes about homeless people and then working with homeless people they’re just like, actually, this is kind of like fucked up and they reanalyze what they were thinking.


Jean Rice (October 20, 2017)

One of the main impediments that Picture the Homeless had when we tried to secure public space for our unhoused sisters and brothers who were New York City citizens, was this broken windows policing concept. Even well-intentioned so-called liberal allies, they seem to think that broken windows operated in the common good, and it was okay.

Picture the Homeless, along with a few other allies, were quick to point out that when you start a police state, you always start imposing these draconian policies against the people at the bottom of the socio-economic strata. I mean the Jews in Germany is a good example! First, the vagabonds and the hobos, then the intellectuals, and so on, and so on. And then, as the poem goes, when they came for me there was nobody to help me. *

Kazembe Balagun (June 4, 2019)

I looked at Pathmark on 125th Street, way different than when I met Jean. I used to just walk through 125th Street and not even think about it. But then when I met Jean and I heard him talk, and I

PTH Civil Rights campaign with Communities United for Police Reform, rally in support of Community Safety Act. July 24, 2013

heard him talk about canning and stuff like that it shifted the way I thought about the street. You know what I'm saying? Like, I tell people all the time, “You don't need Google glasses if you just listen to people.

Maria Walles, Salaam Ellis, Red, Lynn Lewis, Arvernetta Henry with PTH Civil Rights campaign, kicking off Days of Rage with Community United for Police Reform, in the Bronx, December 17, 2014

Shaun Lin (October 11, 2019)

I think in all actions it was both the specific incident of what happened, but Picture the Homeless members do a really great job of historicizing what’s happening. So, it’s not just, “We don’t want police to be over policing the subway at night, but that this is part of a larger issue related to Broken Windows policing, related to the criminalization of poverty and homelessness, in ways that I think really resonated with folks. *


Rob Robinson (November 23, 2018)

We raised awareness around the issue, and we showed the possibilities that could be happening. It’s up to the rest of the movement to pick up the baton and run with it, right? We created the model, so to speak. This can be done. We’ve done it. You want to know how? Come see us!

Rob Robinson (May 7, 2018)

We learned that we can bring people together around an issue to support us. And we learned the power of spectacle. We knew how to make a presence around the building as if we occupied the building. To be able to react on the fly I think, was incredible.

PTH Housing campaign rally and sleepout demanding vacant property be converted to housing for homeless and poor folks. March 19, 2009 PTH Housing campaign civil disobedience and occupation of vacant lot. July 23, 2009

Betty Yu (January 20, 2023)

It was the first time that I had even thought about to be honest personally, was a powerful moment for me because when you think about homeless folks when you talk about organizing and I've been very familiar with organizing and analysis around organizing and power mapping, all these things. But homeless folks, who are so marginalized, often like sex workers and other folks who are at-the-margins-of-the-margins are often never thought about. We often don't think about them being agents of change themselves.

And I have to say that that's something I never really thought about deeply, until I encountered the organization, and reading about the organization and then meeting you all, meeting the folks. It was very impactful for me. It definitely left me with a really powerful impression of the power that folks have, particularly homeless folks, to really organize and demand policy change and demand change, right?

Kazembe Balagun (June 4, 2019)

Pointing at the vacant houses that exist in the city, is the most intrinsic critique of capitalism that you can do without even telling people that, “This shit's about capitalism.” And that shit is so slick and so smart that people don't understand they're talking about capitalism, because it's like, “Yeah! Look at all of us homeless people and look at all those empty houses. You make that connection.” And folks are like, “Damn!” And I felt like Picture the Homeless put that on the map, you know what I’m saying?

Rogers and PTH Housing campaign, Vacant Property Walking Tour, East Harlem. 2009

Shaun Lin (October 11, 2019)

I really loved the mural that we painted in Harlem. I love that because it was such a learning process for all of us. So, that started with members of Picture the Homeless just kind of studying together. We had begun to read The New Jim Crow with each other and begun to talk about the issues that PTH members were organizing around, around policing and civil rights in the context of what Michelle Alexander was writing about in The New Jim Crow. And those conversations eventually led to a lot of visioning for what a mural could look like in Central Harlem. I think what I really appreciated about that was just the process, and the dialogue and us all very seriously taking our own political education to envision this mural happening. So, it wasn’t so much even how much fun it was to paint the mural. It was fun to paint the mural, but I think what I most fondly remember is the study sessions, the visioning sessions, just the input that Picture the Homeless members had in shaping what we ultimately painted on that wall.

Ryan Gibbs with PTH Civil Rights campaign and Justice Committee Know Your Rights community mural painting. July 30, 2013

Educating the Public

Rogers (January 18, 2018)

It is completely doable that every single person in New York City can have a decent place to live and convincing those who would do the task that it is doable is part of we continue to have to do.

Convincing city council people, convincing some real estate owners, convincing some developers, this is what we have to continue to do. They can be clear on the task that is ahead of them and understand that it is not just an ideal. We just have to get some people to understand that we’re not the lunatic fringe. Then maybe they’ll understand—not just that we can identify the spaces, but we can convert those spaces and then occupy those spaces.

Nikita Price (December 2, 2017)

How are we going to bring the attention to the fact that this city is housing all these people in the shelter and there's all this available land and property and buildings around? It was like, why don't we let the public know because I don't think the public is looking up either. Let them know about all this abandoned property.

Well, how are we going to do that?

We didn't have a lot of money. So, we reached out to someone that could do the screen, and then we bought the paper, and we bought the ink, and we made fun

Nikita Price, PTH Housing campaign silk screening signs to wheat paste vacant buildings in Harlem

out of getting ready to let the fucking city know that you're allowing people to suffer, whether they're on the street or in the shelter, by having these buildings. And that's when I was finding out then, that a lot of these buildings had been vacant the apartments anyway, for years and years and years and years, and the stores are open. So that made me angry. So, I remember us planning this. What are we going to do? These are the people who are going to have the papers... These are the people who are going to have the glue, the paste, or whatever, and this is what we're going to do and we're just going to hit all these buildings and we're going to call attention.

Frank Morales (February 20, 2020)

Our point really was to perform this act of civil obedience to take the arrest and breaking this law to highlight the fact that the bigger crime was to keep lots vacant, and keep buildings vacant, while people were without homes, particularly women and children that were leading the demographic of the homeless population at the time.

Jean Rice taking an arrest with PTH Housing campaign takeover of vacant lot owned by JP Morgan. July 23, 2009

That kind of action really is meant to appeal to the heart of those who see it being done and hopefully get them to take action to support your cause. In that respect, I think we got our message out, and we made it clear to people that we were willing to take these kinds of actions. And that’s what I believe. I believe that squatting these vacant buildings is an act of civil disobedience.

Arvernetta Henry (September 28, 2017)

We gained respect from the people that was in the community because they were educated. They found out who owned that building. They was surprised. They opened up their store to us, and they brought us food. Oh my, we had so much food! They allowed us to use their establishment, to go in and wash up and go to the bathroom. When they understood why we were out there and realized that “Well, all these people, they are not bad people, they’re just asking for housing! And when we would go to the streets and stay overnight, it brought attention to the main populations to say, “we have to get involved.” We may not have to stay overnight, but we're going to support you.

Ryan Hickey (May 22, 2019)

Picture the Homeless has tried to counter that narrative of like, “Yeah, if we divide society into neat little sections then our policy will be really neat and then finally, we’ll end homelessness.” Well, we see that’s not true and in fact it’s done a lot of damage to movement thinking and movement organizers where we think that we can house homeless people with AIDS, and then we’ll be fine. Or, we’ll house veterans and we’ll be fine. Or, you know, single mothers and then we’ll be fine. The problem isn’t divided into these neat little sections. It’s very messy, and we have to embrace those differences but not craft policies around those differences. And PTH I think, counters that narrative pretty well.


List of narrators

Andres Perez Anika Paris

Anthony Williams

Arvernetta Henry Betty Yu Charley Heck

DeBoRah Dickerson Frank Morales James Doctor

James Tracy Jean Rice

Jenny Akchin

Joo-Hyun Kang Kay Samuels Kazembe Balagun

Lynn Lewis Lynn Roberts Marcus Moore

Maria Walles Nikita Price Ryan Hickey

Rob Robinson Rogers Sam J Miller

Shaun Lin Sue Lob William Burnett

Willie Baptist

List of Supplementary Tools

1. Tools to Do Your Own Vacant Property Count

2. Community Land Trust Pop Ed Materials

3. Picture the Homeless Reports

4. Know Your Rights with the Police Pop Ed Materials

Listening to the Complete Interviews

The quotes included in this zine include the date of the interview. The full audio recordings and interview transcripts are available on the Picture the Homeless Oral History Project website.

Each One Teach One is one in a series of skills-share zines from the Picture the Homeless Oral History Project. The PTH Oral History project is a work in progress. Email us if you would like to stay in touch!

The Picture the Homeless Oral History Project


PTH Civil Rights Campaign, Days of Rage, December 14, 2017


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