1 minute read


If the cIty has stopped payIng your rent, that does not mean you need to pack up and leave. remember: the polIce can not evIct!!

1. show proof that you lIve there. even If the owner Is present, thIs Is a cIvIl Issue—not a crImInal one!

2. as long as a crIme Is not beIng commItted—you're good.

3. remember: thIs Is not your fault.

4. do not move out of your home.

5. waIt for a vacate order.

6. then remaIn In your home.

7. as legal aId has saId, they cannot evIct you wIthout takIng you to court.

8. so don't be IntImIdated!!

By 2011, PTH no longer had a Rental Subsidies campaign but PTH members and formerly homeless folks in apartments were thrown into a crisis by the Bloomberg bureaucracy. PTH jumped into action to support members and those tenants at risk of eviction. PTH was working on real solutions to the housing crisis, believing that when our homes should never be at the mercy of the political whims of elected officials and policy makers.

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