Columbia Update - 2018 Alumni Edition

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What if there were no Columbia Bible College?


The Alumni Edition 2018



the classic movie It’s a Wonderful Life, an angel gives George Bailey a gift: a glimpse of what the world would be like if he had never lived.

It’s a powerful and challenging question. Do we make a positive impact on the people and the community in which we live? Would anyone notice if we were to disappear? We got in touch with a series of Columbia alumni and asked them the question: “How is your life different because of Columbia?” We also invited them to share about the unique and interesting ways they are making a difference in the world around them. It’s our hope that you’ll be encouraged and inspired as you read these stories. More importantly, we pray these pages will spur you on to consider your own story: how is God at work in your world? And how are you joining God in that work?

Did you attend Cbc? We need your input. Take the Alumni Survey: Col umbi abc.ed u/ surv ey



Current Occupation: Physician. Family Info: “Lynnette and I have been married for more than 27 years. We have twin daughters who turn 25 this year. We added a son-in-law two years ago as well. We’ve been blessed to connect with extended family in Singapore, Taiwan, and Britain. Our most memorable family trip was a GlobeQuest excursion to Israel and Jordan where we all got to experience the richness of the Holy Land.” How he defines his calling: “To serve wherever we are, in whatever capacity our gifts facilitate, and to do what He places in front of us.” How he’s living that out: “I used to dream of working in third-world circumstances to better the lives of the less fortunate. God never really put me into places that led to such work, but He has allowed me to work in a profession that provides resources for such ministries. I have skills and abilities that get called upon to help


The Alumni Edition 2018

Frankly, I simply cannot envision a life without Columbia. I was given many tools to face a world very antithetical to Christianity. seniors in lodges, worship teams in our church, be a cheerleader for Compassion and their excellent work in child development, and encourage young folks to develop spiritually in places like Columbia. God puts things in front of me and my wife and when the Spirit leads, we go!”


How are you seeing God at work in your life and world? “My whole life has been a series of blessings from God. My profession, my spouse, my children, the faith communities I have been part of ... ALL these have been blessings that have led directly to further impacts around me. I am particularly delighted to see my children speak into the lives of their peers and younger kids through camp and youth ministry. I cannot tell you how impressed I am with the ministry of Compassion in delivering the Gospel to kids and their families while also supporting their nutritional, emotional, and intellectual needs. I am so proud of our church for the support for ministry to folks with special needs, to immigrant and refugee families, to international ministry in Ukraine and Mexico and for commitment to women in crisis with pregnancy, abuse, and disenfranchisement.” The difference Columbia made: “Frankly, I simply cannot envision a life without Columbia. I made friends that still enrich my life to this day. I was given many tools to face a world very antithetical to Christianity. The experience was so vivid that one of my daughters wanted to go to Columbia! In the face of so much erosion of Christian education, I am so happy to be able to point to Columbia’s continuing commitment to and success at educating Christian young people. The most vivid spiritual pilgrimage I embarked on was our trip to Israel through GlobeQuest, a Columbia venture! Where would I be today without Columbia?”

How she’s living that out: “I continue to live out the calling by currently serving in a pastoral role to the youth and young adults in our church and in the community of Yarrow and Chilliwack…serving on the licensing and ordination committee with our denomination for the province of BC, accrediting new pastors and working with young pastors enrolled in our ordination track, and volunteering once a month in our kid’s ministry program!”

I learned about the importance of community and mentorship at CBC and I am forever grateful.

How are you seeing God at work in your life and world? “God continues to amaze me in His faithfulness, love, grace, and patience in my own life and in the life of those around me. Our church has been in transition for the past year as we await a new lead pastor and while it has been one of the most difficult seasons of ministry life for me, He has shown me time and time again that He’s got this. Even when it feels like He is distant, He is right there. We don’t always know or understand why we find ourselves walking in the valley of shadows, or why He allows it — be it events in my own life or those around the world — but He is faithful and good and I rest on His promise to guide and carry me through.” The difference Columbia made: “As I look back over my journey the past 33 years I see more clearly how God was preparing me for such a time as this. It was not just the biblical studies that prepared me for ministry life, it was the caring and nurturing relationships developed with profs and with fellow students. I learned about the importance of community and mentorship at CBC and I am forever grateful for that experience. I continue to be amazed at the incredible people God has placed along my path and in my life over the years. CBC has played a big role in my extended family as well… my parent’s life (when they attended it was called Bethel Bible Institute), four of the five siblings in my family, my son’s life, some of my nieces and my nephew, and in more recent years my husband Loren’s life as he had the privilege of assisting in coaching the men’s basketball team and building relationships with a group of pretty awesome young men. I cherish my memories and our continued connection to the community we lovingly call CBC.”


is currently working in the movie industry in Vancouver. Current Occupation: Youth and Young Adult Pastor at Yarrow Alliance. Family Info: Married to Loren (28 years this fall); two young adult children: Richelle who is living and serving as a volunteer leader with YWAM in Sligo Ireland, and Ryan who also attended CBC from 2012-2015 in the youth work program and

How she defines her calling: “From early on I knew that the Holy Spirit had given me the gifts of leadership, shepherding, and encouragement. Early on I never would have thought I would become a pastor, but I knew and followed His call in serving in many different roles and capacities in the church and in the community… mainly with children and youth.”



C o l um b i a b c. e d u / s u rv e y

How she defines her calling: “God has called me to build our home and family to be a place of safety, love, and support to the lost and the broken. This looks different through various seasons and people God lays before us, but we walk alongside each one to share the hope of Jesus as well as be a support and resource for the practical things of life.” How s he’s l i vi ng that ou t: “Thankfully God has broken my heart for the things that break His and we are preparing to move our family to a small town in Mexico to work alongside single mothers and impoverished families. Through this work, the goal is to walk alongside families so they can stay together — so single moms have resources and support to be able to keep and raise their children, instead of leaving them at orphanages. I take seriously the call to care for the widow and the orphan in every practical way, as well as to help these families break the generational cycle of poverty and find hope and new life in Christ.”


Columbia gave me the biblical foundation and grounding I needed to share the hope Jesus brings ... and the practical tools to teach. CO LUM BIA U PDATE |

The Alumni Edition 2018

Current Occupation: “I am a writer/editor for FamilyLife Canada, working to bring help and hope to marriages and families across Canada. However, our family has recently accepted a position with CDL Ministries in Primo Tapia, Mexico and we’re preparing to head into full-time missions work in the next few months.” Family Info: “I’ve been married to my best friend, Earl Fast, for 20 years and we have three teenage sons who are nearing adulthood. We have also expanded the boundaries of family for a time through foster care.”


How are you seeing God at work in your life and world? “God is at work all around us and it’s a privilege to be a part of it! He is working intimately in my life and the life of our family to grow and strengthen us, to give us courage to raise our hands and say, “Yes Lord, send us — we’ll go!” He is building my trust and dependence on Him as we prepare to move to another country, and He is answering our prayer to bring us to the end of ourselves so we can see more of Him. In my circle and world, I’ve had the privilege of seeing hearts and lives transformed, marriages reconciled, and individuals come to a deeper understanding of the Gospel. I can’t wait to see how He will continue to move in and through my family as we pour our lives out for His sake and walk alongside the lost, the hurting, and the broken.” The difference Columbia made: “Columbia taught me how to merge my passions. I’ve always had a passion for working with children and families and I had a desire to see people transformed by the love of Christ. At CBC I learned that these two passions can work together in my life and journey. It gave me the biblical foundation and grounding I needed to be able to walk alongside and mentor people in their faith, to share the hope Jesus brings and it also gave me the practical tools to teach. When I merge these two things and I can teach from a place of hope and love because of Christ’s love for me — this is the piece that changes everything.”

CBC gave me examples of godly pastors to look to and still keep in touch with today, and laid the foundation for my theological understanding.


How he’s living that out: “I’m doing exactly that!” Current Occupation: Lead Pastor at Central Baptist Church in Victoria Family Info: Barton met his wife Heather at Columbia, where she was also studying missions. They now have four 4 kids, ages 7, 9, 11, and 13. How he defines his calling: “I’m called to be a lead pastor, called to preach the Word, lead God’s people, and train people for ministry.”

How are you seeing God at work in your life and world? “Central Baptist is in the heart of Victoria so we’re an urban church. We see God at work in a difficult urban environment. We’re seeing lots of people baptized, and seeing our church learning what it means to live on mission as a family. We just completed a sponsorship of a Sudanese refugee family and we’re now working towards sponsoring an Eritrean refugee family. The difference Columbia made: “CBC was critical to my early spiritual development. My time here gave me examples of godly pastors to look


to whom I still keep in touch with today (ie Pastor John Neufeld), and laid the foundation for my theological understanding.”

Barton recently wrote a book entitled The Problem with Christianity: Six Unsettling Questions You Have Asked.


C o l um b i a b c. e d u / s u rv e y


CBC is where I discovered that God was calling me into fulltime, long-term mission.

Current Occupation: Cross-cultural missionary serving with MB Mission in Mexico. Family Info: “God has provided me with a family in my team, in the students I disciple, and in my church here. I also continue to have a great relationship with my siblings and my dad, even though I’m far away.” How she defines her calling: “To pour out my life into others, following Jesus’ example of discipleship. Encouraging others to be strengthened in their walk with Jesus and to pour their lives into others. Challenging people to be involved in mission today.” How she’s living that out: “I live in intentional community with 12 students from different


The Alumni Edition 2018

nations, teaching — through devotionals, through classes, through hands-on ministry experience — how to walk out the life that Jesus has called us to walk out here on this earth.” How are you seeing God at work in your life and world? “Any time I see a student grasp a new truth or make a decision to intentionally follow Jesus in certain areas of their life — to me that’s God working things out through me and through them. I also have the opportunity in some of the areas we minister in to share God’s truth with people and to see the impact it has on their lives as they gain understanding — and as they gain freedom in different areas of their lives.” The difference Columbia made: “My time at CBC prepared me in so many incredible ways for where I’m at now. From classes that expanded my theological knowledge — knowledge that I


continue to draw on as I teach and occasionally preach — to profs that demonstrated life-onlife discipleship in our “out of class” interactions — a model that I continue to follow as I know that what I teach goes beyond the classroom. And of course my dorm experience, learning to be a student leader — walking through life with my peers, learning from one another, and discipling those younger than me as I learned from those who were more experienced. CBC is where I discovered my passion for life-on-life discipleship. I loved it so much I even stayed on for five years after graduation as a Residence Director. And then there were the short-term missions trips over Spring Break. That’s where I discovered that God was calling me into fulltime, long-term mission.”

My time at CBC inspired my faith and my love for the church — that we are a part of the church that is global, historical, and present.


Current Occupation: Pastor of Young Adults at Northview Community Church and Founder and Director of Apologetics Canada.

How he defines his calling: “I believe God has gifted me in the area of evangelism and leadership.” How he’s living that out:“I founded Apologetics Canada eight years ago and I’ve been pastoring for 16 years.”


How are you seeing God at work in your life and world? “Recently I hosted and created the Human Project with Power to Change and Apologetics Canada. We filmed in Portland, South Korea, Uganda, and Ottawa. We saw God at work in addressing these big issues of our humanity through the lens of the Gospel and helping people to have these meaningful conversations across Canada and the world. It started with the Thinking Series and now we’re into the Human Project which you can learn more about at” The difference Columbia made: “My time at CBC inspired my faith and my love for the church, that we are a part of the church that is global, historical, and present.”


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Current Occupation: Artist & Furniture Maker. Family Info: “My wife and I met at CBC in 1999 and married between our third and fourth years. I have three children, Ruth (10), Beatrice (7), Oliver (4). We homeschool our kids and go on travel adventures whenever we can.” How he defines his calling: “I feel I was made to create and to inspire others with God’s beauty as well as my story.”


The Alumni Edition 2018

How he’s living that out: “I am an artist who creates furniture and art with natural materials that showcase God’s creation. And I tell my story through social media for the purpose of inspiring others to find their calling and pursue their God-given dreams for their lives.” How are you seeing God at work in your life and world? “God is using my story every day to encourage and inspire a rising generation of craftspeople and artists.” The difference Columbia made: “Well first and foremost I wouldn’t have met my lovely wife.


CBC helped to grow really strong convictions in my own heart and built a theological foundation that has served to help guide our family through life’s ups and downs. She is undoubtedly the best thing that happened to me while at CBC. She’s a treasure and a rock-solid foundation in our family, and my partner in shaping our kids hearts. Several of our closest friends also happen to be friends we made in our time at CBC. Personally, I would also add that my time at CBC helped to grow really strong convictions in my own heart and built a theological foundation that has served to help guide our family through life’s ups and downs.”

Because of CBC, I am more deeply aware of the God who is at work in my own life — the One who continues to pursue me in love, accepting me as I am.”


Current Occupation: SoulStream Administrator, Spiritual Director/Counsellor. How she defines her calling: “To journey with people by helping them live life more aware of the presence of God in and around them.” How she’s living that out: “I have had the privilege of walking with my church community through both wonderful and challenging times, witnessing God work deeply in the hearts of

its people. I am also honoured to work with SoulStream, an organization that seeks to support people who wish to live contemplatively amongst the opposing pressures within the world of which we live.” How are you seeing God at work in your life and world? “In the last years I have felt an overwhelming sense of goodness in so many areas of my life, particularly through relationships: in my family, my church and my work. I have seen God in the gift of a newborn grandchild and as I walked with my father in his final days. These moments of goodness come


over me, and it happens without warning! I love those times but cannot manufacture them — that is God at work.” The difference Columbia made: “Because of my experience at CBC, I made lifelong friends. These friends continue to impact me to this day. Because of my time at CBC, I am more deeply aware of the God who is at work in my own life — the One who continues to pursue me in love, accepting me as I am.”


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I experienced so much healing and transformation from my past through Quest and SALTS. It’s hard to say where I might be today if it wasn’t for Columbia.


Current Occupation: First Mate for SALTS (Sail and Life Training Society) aboard the Pacific Swift. How he defines his calling: “To be God’s instrument to bring people closer to Him through His creation and through the community around us.” How he’s living that out: “At SALTS, our mission is ‘to develop the spiritual, relational, and physical potential of young people through sail training, shipboard life, and associated


The Alumni Edition 2018

activities in a Christian environment.’ We strive to create a place where everyone is welcome and encouraged. A place where people can begin to be truly known and be fully accepted. The boats bring people together from many different walks of life and create a community quickly. I get to be part of this community each trip and see how God works and moves through each person.” How are you seeing God at work in your life and world? “Every trip I get the privilege of seeing and hearing of transformations that God has done in people’s lives during their time on SALTS. Whether it is something that happens within a trip, or from letters we receive later, there are constant reminders


of how God is working through me and the organization of SALTS to reach young people in a transformational way.” The difference Columbia made: “Through Quest and SALTS I experienced so much healing and transformation from my past, that it is too hard to say where I might be today if it wasn’t for Columbia. It was on my Quest SALTS trip that I found freedom from my years of depression. It is really because of my own transformational experience through SALTS, Quest, and my greater CBC experience that I now do what I do and believe so much that God is doing great things through it.”


Current Occupation: Youth Pastor (Kurt) and Ministry Assistant (Jackie) at Friendship Community Church, just ouside Victoria, BC. How they define their calling:  Jackie: To live a life of knowing Jesus, serving and obeying him in whatever He calls me to, at whatever time, in whatever place.  Kurt: I’m to serve like Christ served and be a light amongst a warped and crooked generation, currently with youth (Philippians 2). How they are living that out:  Jackie: At CBC, I discovered my calling to a life beyond myself, a life of loving and serving God. Right now, specifically, I feel called to love and serve in my local church community. I do this through my leadership in short-term missions projects as well as serving in our youth and children’s ministries in a support role.  Kurt: I believe there is a universal calling for all Christians based on the Great Commission. I have put a lot of prayer into how the Great Commission can be in full effect here on Vancouver Island, specifically among the youth that I work with daily. Because of this, I’ve seen many of our youth baptized, been given the opportunity to speak the gospel to our local First Nation youth community and been able go on missions trips with our youth and proclaim the gospel with them. So far in my life, it has led me to disciple and teach the youth about the kingdom of God in the second least churched city in all of Canada.

How are you seeing God at work in your life and world?  Jackie: Jesus is so good, and always working, although we may not always see it. I’m often amazed when He gives me a glimpse into how He is orchestrating His plan to draw people closer to Himself. One specific example of this would be having the joy of watching a young adult I’ve been discipling decide to come on as a youth leader in the fall. She will be a co-leader, serving alongside me to disciple girls like I discipled her! There were many times when I would have coffee with this beautiful soul, and not know what to say or how to encourage her, but God still used me to impact her life, and I now see Him guiding and molding her into a future church leader. I had a small part to play in her faith journey, but it was so worth it to see God advancing His kingdom through her!   Kurt: I felt called to reach out to our local First Nation community down the road from our church. A door opened for me through YFC, and I began volunteering at a weekly soccer night. The first year was very difficult, and I found it hard to break in. But God gave me the ability to persevere, and now, three years later, I’ve built a trust and strong relationships with the community and the youth. They now allow me to pray with them, and consider me a close friend and mentor in their life. I’ve even had the privilege of seeing God heal someone of a minor injury, and another give themselves to the Lord. I’m so privileged to see God work in this community, and am excited seeing the doors He is opening.


Without CBC, I would have a lukewarm faith and not nearly as much joy and purpose. The difference Columbia made:  Jackie: Well for one thing, we definitely wouldn’t be married! Without CBC, I would have a lukewarm faith and not nearly as much joy and purpose in what I do. Before CBC I was not in a good place. I was easily influenced by my peers, and had very little in the way of church community. Not only did CBC teach me the importance of Christian community, but also helped me to understand my faith. I began to see that I was a part of God’s story, and that there was a place for me in all of this. CBC truly changed my trajectory in life, and I am so grateful for those unforgettable years!   Kurt: CBC really helped me refine and discern the direction in my life. Prior to CBC, I was pretty uncertain. Through the community, revelation of the Word, and the amazing classes, I was able to establish a wonder for Christ and His work in my life. This, I believe, propelled me forward into my current ministry calling.


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I have felt so encouraged and uplifted by the staff, faculty, and student community at CBC. God’s presence is so evident through the way He is transforming the lives of students here.

Current Occupation: CBC Student. Will be Student Council president next year. How she defines her calling: “To be a light to those around me and continually show the love of Jesus wherever I go.” How she hopes to live that out after graduation: “By being open to going wherever God leads me and brings opportunity. I love and value getting to know others and hearing their stories, so whatever vocation God calls me to, I am looking forward to investing in relationships with those I encounter.” How are you seeing God at work in your life and world? “I see God working in the world through individuals who make a difference, whether that be through fostering children, praying for


The Alumni Edition 2018


healing, or paying for someone’s coffee at the drive-thru. In my own life I have seen God work through guiding me in my decision-making and giving me wisdom in how to help others, bringing peace into difficult situations.” The difference Columbia made: “While attending CBC, I have felt so encouraged and uplifted by the staff, faculty, and student community. God’s presence is so evident, and I can see that He is as work through the way He is transforming the lives of students here. If I had attended a public university instead of a Bible College, I would not have learned what I have about myself and about who God has created me to be. Amidst the ways that I struggle and make mistakes, I am reminded of God’s love and enduring provision and grace for me.

Meet Julia!


am thrilled to be your Alumni Associate. My goal is to connect with fellow Alumni – to hear from you, to support you, and to help you find ways to engage in Columbia’s community and Kingdom mission.

It’s your turn, alumni! Would you share your Candid feedback?


As an Alumni Association we need to know how Columbia equipped you, or perhaps fell short. Our desire is to listen, learn and serve. Your experience and your voice matter; your insight and experience will help shape the future of Columbia.

TAKE THE ALUMNI SURVEY C o l u m b i a b c. e d u / s u rv e y Take the Alumni Survey and be entered in a draw to win a $100 Amazon gift card

Please take a moment to share with us. We are excited to read your genuine response.”


SHAPE Columbia’s FUTURE What advice and feedback can you give us as we continue equipping young adults for discipleship, ministry, and leadership?

TAKE THE ALUMNI SURVEY Col umbi abc. ed u / s u rv ey Take the Alumni Survey and be entered in a draw to win a $100 Amazon gift card

C O L U M B I A C O N TA C T C olumbi a B i b le Colle ge 2940 Cl earbrook Road Abbotsf ord, BC C anada V 2 T 2 z 8 Send change of address and alumni updates to

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