Columbia College Affinity Alumni Magazine - Spring 2011

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Spring 2011

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a f f i n i t y Join us for

Reunion Weekend

April 15, 16, & 17

Columbia College

Anytime, Anywhere

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Inside the Gate


a f f i n i t y

Alumni Reunion Weekend

is April 15, 16, 17, 2011

We are excited to welcome back all Christian College alumnae and Columbia College alumni for the 2011 Reunion Weekend! Weekend highlights include:


Alumni Award Recipients

• Class Socials (1931, 1941, 1951, 1961 and 1971) • Master Artist Series • Alumni Awards Dinner • History & Traditions Showcase • Special recognition for Golden Anniversary class

Distinguished Alumni Award Michael Sawyer ‘74 Professional Achievement Award Franette Iwanski ‘04 Columbia College Service Award Judith Cunningham ‘64

For more information or to register for the weekend, visit the Events & Recognition section at

Be there!

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“Don’t measure your affinity for Columbia College, just live it and share it with others each and every day!” − Dale Coe Simons ‘65

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Board President

Dear Alumni of Columbia College, It is my honor to write a letter to all alumni for every issue of affinity. My first letter for this issue was written and ready to hand-deliver to Columbia College’s Public Relations department, who produce affinity. On my way via airplane to our January board of directors meeting in Columbia, all flights to Columbia were cancelled due to inclement weather and here I was stuck in Memphis, Tenn.! As I sat in Memphis International Airport making decisions to cancel the board meeting since most out of state people could not arrive in Columbia, two of my Illinois board members, Johnette Van Dien ‘09 and Lana Le Mons ‘09, walked up to me! Stranded in the airport, the three of us bonded with conversations about our families, our jobs and our aspirations for the board, our experiences at and with Columbia College. It dawned on me then that the three of us know each other because of Columbia College − even though we attended in different decades, in different cities and on different schedules. We were given the chance to share our genuine AFFINITY for Columbia College and we weren’t just talking about it, we were feeling it! It was real! Then it dawned on me that this is what establishing the tradition of Ivy Chain on each Nationwide Campus would mean for all alumni. And finding a way for Ivy Chain to be experienced for all of our online students would make this feeling of affinity even stronger. Sharing our affinity is wonderful at Reunion Weekend coming up in April and at Homecoming in October. And most importantly, just getting together with other alumni in any place at any time makes this affinity experience grow. Through all of these events and experiences, the spiritual Ivy Chain connects all of us for always. In closing, I must tell you that our Texas board member did make it to Columbia, so Suzanne Ready ‘81 will get an award at the February board meeting for “THE ONE WHO MADE IT.” Don’t measure your affinity for Columbia College, just live it and share it with others each and every day! Most sincerely, Dale Coe Simons ‘65 President, CCAA

Columbia College Alumni Association Board of Directors Dale Coe Simons ‘65 President

Clint Herbert, Jr. ‘88 Treasurer

Martha Eberhard ‘00 President-Elect

Kerri McBee-Black ‘93 Immediate Past President

Michael Kateman Executive Director of Development, Alumni and Public Relations

Lollie Zander Reed ‘68 Secretary

Carol Winkler ‘93 Alumni Trustee

Susan Davis Senior Director of Alumni Relations

Ex-Officio Members

Representatives: Athletics - Ryan McDannold Nationwide - René Massey ‘01

Faculty - Tonia Compton ‘99

Student Government Courtney Lauer-Myers, Kim Craig

Board of Directors Lynne Stuver Baker ‘64 Tanya Clatterbuck ‘00 Jonathan Dudley ‘10 Marjorie Thomas Gutelius ‘69 Bill Johnston ‘82 Bill Leeper ‘04 Lana Le Mons ‘09 Janette Nichols ‘02 Penny Pitman ‘65 Suzanne Pomeroy Ready ‘81 Johnette Van Dien ‘09 William “Bill” Wright ‘09


Letter from the

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The Online Campus is Columbia College’s largest campus, with 290 individual courses, 21 degrees including four master’s degrees and nearly 21,000 students.

The current leaders of the Online Campus from left to right: Mike Randerson, vice president for Adult Higher Educaiton; Ernie Wren, assistant dean for Adult Higher Education and of the Online Campus; and Dr. Gary Massey, dean for Adult Higher Education.

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Myth 4: 2: Anyone Online courses can learn online. are cake. Some myths die hard. Some students are simply not suited for online education. You have to have a certain amount of discipline and selfmotivation since you’ll have to juggle coursework with job and family responsibilities. Online courses demand a great deal of individualized work, and you have to manage Undergraduate GPAs by venue, your schedule to meet class end of August 2010 term requirements rather than Day attend at a specific time2.95 of the week. Evening 3.02 Nationwide 3.02 Again, more study needs Online 2.67 to be done, but research to date shows that older students do better in an online environment, perhaps because they are more focused and less likely to be distracted by the 24/7 circus that is the Internet.

“ s o t w h h

The instructors Nathan Miller*, a senior course review specialist who also teaches Music Appreciation and Music of the United States online, says, “I have found online teaching to be a rewarding experience. At first I was concerned that I would miss the ‘stand and deliver’ facet of in-seat teaching and the student participation... In an in-seat class of 20 students, five may contribute consistently, 10 on occasion and the remaining five will rarely engage in course discussions, making it hard to tell if they are getting it. In an online course, every student is required to participate in course discussions, which often results in interesting insights. “ Peggy Wright, assistant professor of biology, has also displayed keen insights in her human biology course. This hands-on online course was offered for the eighth time in January 2011. How hands-on? About halfway in, her students are required to dissect a real, well-preserved sheep’s heart that’s part of a home lab kit. Wright says she wanted to make the online science experience as equivalent to that which on-campus students would experience.

*Miller was recently promoted. He is now the director of special projects for Adult Higher Education.

W b h m f o H o e w f e fi t

A M f t t ( s C h T t p h

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Myth Myth 6: 2: There’s Online more courses academic dishonesty are cake. online.

“ a D a m w o g

If a student is predisposed to cheat, they’re going to cheat no matter the setting. It’s just harder to do so online. If three students turn in a paper or test at the same time, for instance, the instructor will know right away and be far more likely to check these documents for similar wording or themes. this Undergraduate GPAs byAnd venue, instructor has2010 a powerful end of August term ally: the Columbia College Day 2.95 Online Campus uses Evening 3.02, a service that uses three different3.02 Nationwide software systems with Online 2.67 access to (according to their website) more than 135 million archived student papers, 90,000 journals, periodicals and books and 13.5 billion Web pages to check for plagiarism. This service benefits students, too. Students may submit a paper to Turnitin and receive feedback on sentence structure, theme and originality within minutes. Once they hit submit, though, the paper can’t be recalled.

Uncle Sam says That crystal ball nearly shattered when the college first examined it in the late 90s, however. Many college leaders were skeptical at best about adopting new technology, especially Internet learning. “We really did not have a full understanding of how online worked,” says Mike Randerson, vice president for Adult Higher Education. “Stanford, MIT, Harvard all had an online presence and reputation − who would seek out Columbia College?” The answer was and wasn’t a surprise: the college’s own students. Columbia College had only to provide accessible education to the large number of enrolled students, such as working adults and military servicemembers, not able to take classes because of time and geographical constraints. This has held true for a decade. Currently, says Randerson, about two-thirds of Columbia College Online Campus students previously took or concurrently take an in-seat class at a Columbia College campus. There was another, more compelling factor. Life in the military is anything but stable, with frequent deployments, so online education is a necessity. And the U.S. military, through Education Services Officers (ESOs) at military bases throughout the country, informed existing on-base education institutions that they had to provide some online

R o i t C s T a t a a s t

W a m i

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