Columbia Eats! Fall 2024: Harvest Moon

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MayyadaShair ClaireLim


ColumbiaEats!Magazineis theuniversity’sfirstoncampuspublicationdevoted tofoodandculinaryculture. Weaimtoreportonavariety oftopics,includingNew YorkCity’sfoodand restaurantscene,diverse recipes,andfood sustainabilityinMorningside Heights,Harlem,and beyond.Ourteamis composedofstudentsfrom allfourschools,brought togetherbyoursharedlove forallthingsfood.















LettersFromThe EDITORS


Fromaveryyoungage,myparentsusedtotakemeto“adult”(howIthoughtofthematthetime) restaurants.WhileatfirstIdreadedthesedinnersbecauseallIwantedwasarestaurantwithakidsmenu thatofferedchickenfingersorpastawithbutter,IslowlybegantoenjoythemandnowIlookbackat theseexperiencesandseethemastheoriginofmyloveandappreciationforfood.Imeanhowmany othereightyearolds’favoritemealwasgnocchiwithapestocreamsauceandtiramisufordessert?

IjoinedColumbiaEats!onawhimbecauseArpitaandEmani(shoutoutourfounders!)werepassing around a sign up sheet in CC class sophomore year. While at first I was nervous to make the commitmentbecauseofmyalreadybusyscheduleasamemberoftheColumbia-BarnardWomen’s rowingteam,IamsothankfulIdid.Notonlyhasthemagazinegivenmeacommunitytosharemylove offoodwithandamuchneededrespitefromacademicstressors,butithasalsoallowedmetobeapart ofsomethingsospecialbyhelpingbuildthispublicationfromscratch(nopunintended).Ithasnot alwaysbeeneasy,butwitheachandeveryissuewepublishtherewardingfeelingnevergoesaway Iam sohonoredandgratefultohaveservedasEditorinChiefforthisissuealongsidethisincredibleteam.It hasbeenanamazingopportunitytocontinuetoadvancethispublication,especiallyaswemarkthis milestoneofourfirstprintedition.Littleeightyearoldwouldbesoproud,butalsoprobablymadthat thereisnoarticleongnocchiortiramisu…there’salwaysthenextissue!

Speakingofgratitude,astheseasonofharvest,fallisatimeofgratitude.Itisatimetoappreciatethe foodsthatweeatandtheworkthatgoesintobringingthemtoourtables.Thisfallseason,ourteamat ColumbiaEats!hasexploredourgratitudeforNewYork’sfoodscene.We’vetriedsomeofthecity’s hottest new restaurants and found new ways to showcase our love for food through dark room photography.Fallisalsoaseasonoftransition,aparticularlysadoneforsummerloverslikemyself.But evenastheweathergetscoolerandthelazydaysofsummerfadeaway,thehearty,comfortfoodonthe dinnertableremindsusthereisalwayssomethingtolookforwardto.Withthat,itismypleasureto welcomeyoutoourfourthissue,HarvestMoon!



Crisp fall mornings bring with them the promise of cozy gatherings, golden-hued leaves, and the unmistakable aroma of comfort foods that make the season truly special. Winter might be creeping aroundthecorner,butthethoughtdoesn’tseemsobadwhenI’msippinghotphobrothonachilly eveningorgatheringwithlovedonesaroundwarmpumpkinpie.

It’shardtobelievethatit’sbeentwoyearssinceIwaswritingthisveryletterfortheveryfirstissueof ColumbiaEats!.Now,threeissueslater,I’mbeyondexcited–anddeeplyproud–topresentourfourth issue,whichalsomarksamajormilestone:ourveryfirstprintedition Thismagazinehasbeenalaborof love,builtalongsideateamofpassionateindividuals–someofwhomhavebeenheresincethevery beginning.Together,we’veexploredthevibrantfoodscenearoundcampusandNewYorkCity.

Thisissue,HarvestMoon,isnamedinhomagetothesongbyNeilYoung,whoisknowntohaveonly local and farm-fresh food and drink at his concerts. In the same spirit, these pages hold stories of belovedNewYorkCityrestaurants,markets,andrecipesthatbringuscomfort.Whetherwe’recooking here in the city with friends or recreating these dishes back home, food is, at its heart, about love, connection,andcommunity,andthatiswhatweaimtoshowcasethroughoutthepagesofthisissue. JoinusasweexploretheculinarytreasureofNewYork,fromthedeliciousfoodsceneinFlushingtothe bustlingUWSfarmersmarketjustastone’sthrowfromcampus.You’llfinddeliciousrecipes,including acrispapplebakethat’llimpressyourholidaydinnertableandaheartypastaIgrewupenjoyingweekly withmyfamily.Withautumncomesthebountyoftheharvestandanopportunitytoreflectonthe pastyear–overspicedtea,hotchocolate,oracozymealsharedwithfriendsandfamily.Here’stoa seasonofwarmth,togetherness,andcomfortmeals!

Withgratitudeandexcitement, ArpitaIyer,ManagingEditor

The Tasting Menu

Film Eats First

Cecelia Fatta, 1

Bangkok Supper Club

Somin Virmani, 5

Dreamy Vegan-Friendly Pesto Pasta

Arpita Iyer, 7

The Core of Community

Alex Crow, 9

Cranberry Mince Pie Cookies Recipe

Clara Davies, 13

The Tasting Menu

Happier Grocery: an Erewhon Knockoff?

Jinny Yoon, 17

Flushing Food Crawl for 40

Mayyada Shair, 21

Stuffed Baked Apple Recipe

Jinny Yoon, 25

San Sabino: Style Over Substance

Mayyada Shair, 27






On a cold morning in October, I packed a bag with my camera, a few rolls of film, and a notebook. This semester, I took a film photography class, and I started bringing the camera everywhere I went. This day specifically, I was preparing to go on a trip to Astoria. I always had so much to photograph around me in New York, and since I had not been to Astoria yet, I definitely wanted to photograph what I did there. This semester, I also took a class in the Linguistics department called Endangered Languages of the Global City, a Global Core requirement that I highly recommend. It has widened my understanding of what languages are and what they mean to their communities. From the Eastern European region of Brighton Beach to the Mediterranean community in Queens, immigrants have made New York City what it is today. Specific communities are also associated with specific occupational niches. For example, the Greek community in New York operates many of the city’s diners, while many bodegas are owned by Yemeni immigrants. New Yorkers are estimated to speak over 700 languages, a number that astounded me. Languages like English often act as lingua francas here, a common language for speakers whose native languages are different. Lingua francas unfortunately exacerbate the perils for endangered languages, many of which are only passed down through families orally and are no longer taught in schools.

My class took a field trip to Astoria, Queens to learn about the linguistic diversity there, and I brought my camera to document the things we saw. We visited a Greek association called the Pontian Society Komninoi. Pontic Greeks hail from Pontus, which is in present-day Turkey. Their population was decimated in a genocide by the Ottoman empire in the early 20th century. The genocide, world wars, and industrialization is how Pontic Greek people ended up migrating to the United States. Currently, only the Komninoi’s older members still speak the language of Pontic Greek, with younger members using English and modern Greek, which is not mutually intelligible with Pontic Greek. This organization strives to preserve Pontic culture through their dance group. While on our trip, we ate at Little Morocco, a restaurant at the intersection of lively Greek and North African neighborhoods. The plates of food were being served nonstop — faster than our class could eat. My favorites were no doubt the merguez tagine and the vegetable couscous. Merguez, a type of lamb sausage, was served straight out of the oven on a steaming platter with a bubbling tomato egg sauce. The couscous was fluffy and a bed for seasoned chickpeas, cabbage, carrots, and butternut squash. The squash was a standout, its melt-in-your-mouth texture perfectly complementing the grain of the couscous.

Phone eats first — scratch that — film eats first. I had never used a film camera before taking this class, so I spent the semester slowly getting the hang of a completely manual camera. The basics include aperture size (how much light will be let into the camera) and shutter speed (how long the light will be let in). A few days after our class trip, I processed the film in the campus darkroom in Dodge Hall. Getting the film ready to process is the most difficult part for me. It has to happen completely in the dark — no red light like you might expect from TV shows. You must use scissors to cut the film at both ends, making it ready to roll onto a reel. This is where I have had trouble — jamming the reel or accidentally getting fingerprints on my negatives. Luckily, this roll went rather smoothly, and I was out of the pitch dark quickly.

Using light-tight containers, I applied chemicals to prepare film to be enlarged and printed. The film is agitated in developer, fixer, and fixer remover, with several water washes in between. The process, though long, was therapeutic I took my time gently shaking the container as I watched the clock. I was cautious not to shake too vigorously, though, as this gives the film a grainier look. But the real anxiety starts when it is time to take the film out of the container. This is when you find out if you got any images on your roll of film or not. If your roll is blank, you might have loaded it into the camera incorrectly. Luckily, this roll of negatives came out looking good.

Once the negatives were dried, cut, and placed in sheet protectors, it was time to print. To my disappointment, I found that the bright sunlight at the restaurant had washed out much of my images. Fortunately, my darkroom class taught me to manipulate the images to “burn in” the washed out parts, or apply light to certain areas of the images for longer than others. Using an enlarger, which looks like an old-fashioned school projector, I focused my image on the table in front of me before exposing lightsensitive paper. I took my print through the chemistry and water baths, and after several iterations of adjusting the light and contrast, I had an image I liked. While some areas are still a bit washed out, the merguez tagine is focused well, the steam visibly radiating from the dish.

I find myself appreciating photographs so much more now. The time and care it takes to develop film, not to mention the act of taking the photos themselves, is an art that takes practice and patience. While smartphones have revolutionized photography, the instant gratification they provide has made photos so common. While I appreciate how egalitarian this has made the discipline everyone can be a photographer now it is unfortunate that the materiality and craft is no longer part of the process.

Taking both the linguistics course and photography course at the same time turned out to be a great experience in both New York history and in paying attention. I found myself observing our school neighborhood more thoroughly, taking note of the businesses and peoples that have shaped the community. Anytime I visit a different area of the city, I am more aware of the languages and cultures that are present there, and the barriers that non-native English speakers may face in terms of jobs, healthcare, education, and other necessities. I am lucky to have my photographs to remember how New York is currently, as it will no doubt continue to change, much like it has all through its history.

At this point, you’ve likely been clued into the new wave of Thai restaurants opening across NYC. Two or so years back, all anyone could talk about was snagging a table at cult-favorite Soothr in the LES. Since Soothr, many other big-names have hit the street, including the likes of Sappe, Fish Cheeks, and Pranakhon. Whether these restaurants present Thai dishes new to the American palate or simply push the fold with bold reimaginings of Thai flavors, these restaurants have elevated the American-Thai-cuisineexperience beyond the casual, takeaway staples we all know (and still love). In this review, I will take you through the highlights of my time at Bangkok Supper Club, where the team is innovating an impressive, modern concept of texture in Thai dishes.


Hokkaido Scallop Ceviche: The first dish I tasted, and my favorite of the evening.

Plated in a wide ceramic bowl, I was first greeted by a dazzling, top-layer watermelon granita, dotted with flower petals. As I dug down into the granita, I uncovered treasures: beautiful rounds of Hokkaido scallop, pieces of pickled watermelon rind, and slices of garlic. The mouthfeel of my first bite was electric: the crunch and gush from the granita contrasted the silkiness of raw scallop, and further chewing released deep flavors of umami and spice hidden somewhere within the base of the dish. In just one small plate, my palate was cleansed and my appetite for the rest of the menu at BSK was unleashed.

Yum Khai Dao: This is what I mean when I say I’m a salad guy.

Yum Khai Dao is a staple Thai salad, consisting of runny fried eggs paired with fresh herbs and aromatics, all coalescing into a sour, spicy profile. The Yum Khai Dao at BSK, however, was next-level. I look back on this salad as a play on ‘egg three ways,’ as the dish featured flash-fried poached eggs, clusters of trout roe, and grated cured egg yolk all throughout. Each preparation of egg presented its own unique texture and flavor profile. Combined with rings of shallot, cherry, tomato, and cilantro, each bite of the salad became a novel experience, whether that be marked by runny yolk against flossy, crispy egg white, the burst of tomatoes and roe mixed with the spicy, fish sauce based dressing, and so forth.

Somin Virmani

Green Beans: The side dish that can.

Pork Jowl: A main that came well reputed, and lived up to some, but not all, of its reputation.

Having heard from friends that the pork jowl large plate is a must-get, I obliged. Atop a bed of garlic rice came a beautifully crispy row of fried pork cheeks, topped with shallots and a cheeky lime. I will admit, the first few bites of this dish were pretty addicting: the crispy yet flaky pork, combined with the soft rice and crispy shallot, made for a really pleasing textural combination. Around halfway through the dish, however, I began to lose interest in its flavor profile. With the thrill of the texture settled, the pork with the rice felt repetitive and heavy, and that little slice of lime couldn’t do enough to cut the weight of the dish. I also ordered the Beef Cheeks Massaman Curry, and felt similarly: while the beef itself was a showstopper (tender, melt-in-your-mouth, etc.), the overall flavor of the dish became a bit overwhelming for me by the end, with heavy notes of coconut and spice.

To be honest, it feels odd to include a random side dish in this review, but the thoughtful preparation of the Green Bean side further testifies that BSK is doing good work in the texture department. I ordered the green beans simply to add a veggie component to my meal, and I would have been satisfied with some simple green bean sauté situation. To my surprise, BSK produced a multidimensional dish: atop a bed of tofu cream lay green beans, sugar snap peas, and English peas, all coated in a chili oil and topped with fried shallots. Again, an excellent game of creamy, chewy, and crispy elements. I definitely took inspiration from this dish when preparing my Thanksgiving sides :)

In Review

While I couldn’t get enough of the small plates at Bangkok Supper Club, I did in fact get enough of the mains. That said, this is par for the course at many restaurants: it is difficult to create main course plates that continue to surprise the palate bite after bite. This qualm aside, I do give a great deal of credit to Bangkok Supper Club for their innovation with regards to texture. As a whole, my meal at BSK was one of the freshest takes on Thai cuisine I have seen in NYC. I look forward to returning sometime soon to sample the rest of the menu, and I recommend you check out Bangkok Supper Club too.


vegan-friendly pesto pasta





1 medium-sized broccoli cut into small florets

1/2 yellow bell pepper cut into long thin strips

1/2 red bell pepper cut into long thin strips

1/2 orange bell pepper cut into long thin strips

1/2 small zucchini cut into long thin strips

6 cloves of garlic

1 cup extra virgin olive oil

10 oz basil leaves

1 tsp lemon juice

3 oz pine nuts

10 - 12 oz penne pasta

Salt, to taste

Cook the Pasta:

1. Boil about 6 cups of water with a generous pinch of salt in a large pot.

2. While the water comes to a boil, make the pesto sauce following the instructions below.

3. Once the water starts boiling, cook the pasta for 8-9 minutes until it becomes al dente.

4. Drain the water and set aside the cooked pasta.

Make the Pasta

7. In a large saucepan, sauté the broccoli florets for about 2-3 minutes on high heat.

13. Garnish with a few fresh basil leaves on the top and serve!! Method

Make the Pesto Sauce:

5. In a blender or food processor, mix in the garlic, 1/2 cup olive oil, 8 oz of basil leaves, pine nuts, lemon juice and the parmesan cheese, salt to taste.

6. If needed, continue to add more olive oil until the sauce becomes smooth. Set aside the pesto sauce.

8. Add in all the bell peppers and sauté all the veggies together until they are cooked al dente. (about 3-4 minutes on high heat)

10. Add the cooked pasta and the pesto sauce to the veggies.

11. Mix well and add salt to taste.


On a crisp fall Sunday, I hopped on the 1 train heading downtown with the intention of visiting the Grand Bazaar New York City’s largest outdoor market. Once I got off the subway however, my plans quickly changed. As I walked across 77th street to reach Columbus Avenue, I stumbled upon a farmers’ market. The delicious sights and smells were too good to pass up, so I decided to walk through before continuing onto the Grand Bazaar. The market was similar to the one that happens on Broadway in front of Columbia University every Thursday and Sunday: the stands were set up on the edge of the sidewalk, enticing customers as they walked by. This market was much bigger than Columbia’s, however. Vendors had everything from produce to meats to dairy products and even baked goods.

This particular Sunday, the stands were littered with fall delicacies. The produce stands were overflowing with fresh fall crops like apples, pumpkins, and squash, while the bakery stands had any type of pumpkin or apple pastry, pie, or bread you could imagine. I made sure to take a full lap around the market before deciding on any purchases.

What struck me more than the delicious food from this farmer’s market however, was the sense of community I experienced. As I stopped at each of the stands, I heard countless greetings exchanged between customers and the stand owners. It was clear that this farmer’s market is an essential part of an Upper West Sider’s Sunday morning routine. Also indicative of the market’s nature were the spontaneous gatherings and conversations between customers that sprouted up on the sidewalk in front of the stands. Members of this community not only use this market as a source of groceries, but also as a chance to catch up and connect with their neighbors. I found that I didn’t even mind taking time to weave in between the crowd. It was so refreshing to see that New York City’s tight-knit neighborhood community is still alive and well, despite its slight reputation of being isolating.

I returned to one of the produce stands and bought a fresh apple cider along with an Evercrisp apple. (Can you tell I really like apples?) The apple cider had a slight tartness to it, and while I am usually someone who likes things sweet, I did not mind this taste as it was evidence of its fresh, homemade quality. The Evercrisp apple cured my soul after months of picked over and overripe dining hall apples. I had never had an Evercrisp before, but was encouraged to try it by the kind owner of this particular stand. He explained that it is a cross between a Fuji and Honeycrisp and is known for its (surprise, surprise) crisp texture. The apple was so juicy and had a similar tartness to the cider, but at the same time it also held undertones of sweetness.

As I walked back to the subway with a satisfied stomach and a heart filled with joy, I was reminded of the power of food. New York City is such a diverse place filled with people from all different backgrounds and cultures. Even more than that, society has simply become individualistic. We are so focused on ourselves that we forget about the world and people around us. The farmer’s market was able to cut through all of these boundaries and challenges and foster connections within this community. While a farmer’s market is just one example, food has the unique ability of bringing people together no matter the circumstances; even when everything else feels so polarized and divided. As we go through fall and all of its holidays, many of which we spend gathered around a table with loved ones, it's important to remember the other things food can give us besides a full feeling in our stomachs: a chance to spend time with others. By Alex Crow

Mince pies are a classic British holiday treat: small pies filled with thick often boozy mincemeat made of dried fruit and spices. With such a strong flavor, they can often be an acquired taste. These cookies offer a sweeter, less aggressive mouthful of these festive flavors. The cranberry mincemeat is adapted from Nigella Lawson’s recipe, made a little bit more dorm-friendly and modernized with the use of rum (I don’t know about you, but I rarely have a bottle of ruby port lying around). Using cranberries instead of the traditional selection of dried fruit makes it brighter, sweeter, and less heavy.

The alcohol cooks off on the stove, but if you’d rather skip it, you can replace it with more orange juice. I know spices can be expensive, but it’s important not to skip the cloves – they provide that unique, festive flavour.

This recipe makes ten large cookies, but you’ll have plenty of mincemeat leftover. It keeps in the fridge for two weeks, so you can use it later in more cookies or traditional mince pies. Pair with a cup of tea and Michael Bublé’s seminal Christmas album for a cozy sweet treat.


¼ cup rum

½ cup dark brown sugar

3 cups fresh or frozen cranberries

⅔ cup dried cranberries

⅓ cup raisins or currants

Juice and zest of 1-2 oranges

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp ground ginger

½ tsp ground cloves

1 tsp vanilla extract

Optional: 1 tbsp of honey or sugar


Dissolve the sugar in the rum in a saucepan over a low heat. 1.

Add the fresh cranberries and bring to a low simmer. 2.

Stir in the dried fruit, spices, and orange juice and zest. 3.

Simmer for twenty minutes or so, stirring, until you have a thick, chunky paste. The whole cranberries will start to pop satisfyingly; squish them with the back of your spoon to help them along. 4.


Add the vanilla extract and taste – if your cranberries are quite tart, you might want to add another tablespoon of honey or brown sugar. Remember, it’s not supposed to be extremely sweet, and the cookie dough will add some extra sweetness!


200g all-purpose flour

2 ½ tsp baking powder

Pinch of salt

50g dark brown sugar

50g granulated sugar

100g unsalted butter, cold from the fridge

1 ½ tsp ground ginger

Pinch of ground cinnamon

1 egg, beaten

Optional: extra sugar

1. Take the butter out of the fridge and cut it into small cubes.

Preheat the oven to 340 degrees Fahrenheit and line a baking tray with parchment paper.

2. Mix together the flour, both sugars, baking powder, salt, and spices.

3. Add the butter to the dry ingredients and rub between your fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.


4. Add the beaten egg and bring the dough together with your hands, being careful not to overwork it. If it feels too crumbly, you can add a splash of milk or more egg.


Roll a small amount of dough into a ball, then press down slightly onto your lined baking tray with your palm and repeat with the rest of the dough. The cookies will spread slightly, so leave a space between each one. Using your thumb or a small spoon, press down an indent into the center of each cookie. Fill each indent with a spoonful of your cranberry mincemeat.


Bake for 10-15 minutes depending on the size of your cookies. They should gain a little color and still be slightly soft to the touch. When you take them out, leave them on the tray for five minutes to harden slightly before moving them to a cooling rack. If you’d like, sprinkle a little granulated sugar over the top.

As an LA-raised vegan with a knack for splurging on overpriced wellness foods, it’s no surprise that I am a devoted fan of Erewhon the iconic LA supermarket notorious for its trendy and ridiculously expensive health foods, such as the $20 Hailey Beiber smoothie packed with ingredients like hyaluronic acid and sea moss. Upon moving to New York, I resigned myself to leaving behind my weekly Erewhon outings. But when my TikTok For You Page began buzzing about Happier Grocery as the “Erewhon of New York,” I knew I had to see for myself.


I visited Happier Grocery for lunch twice, each time opting for their hot bar combo plate. Both times, my main dish of choice was the marinated tofu sticks, paired with different sides. The tofu sticks were solid; they were soft in texture with a lightly sweet sesame ginger marinade that permeated the tofu nicely. But while I appreciated the tender texture, the flavor wasn’t particularly bold. Erewhon’s tofu sticks, on the other hand, pack a punchier, more savory marinade that makes the dish more memorable, albeit the slightly tough texture.

Sides from visit 1

Roasted Purple Cabbage

This dish had a smoky, charred flavor with a slightly sweet and salty profile. I liked the crispy edges, but the texture overall was on the tougher side, making it difficult to eat. It wasn’t bad, but I wouldn’t go back for it.

Asian Kelp Noodles

Springy and flavored with salty soy sauce, these were decent, but they lacked complexity and didn’t stand out enough to warrant a repeat order either.

Sides from visit 2

Roasted New Potatoes

My favorite side that I tried. They were perfectly salted and had a pleasant, mild flavor. Simple but satisfying.

Kale Delicata Squash Salad

This was another favorite of mine. The kale was well-dressed with a tangy, flavorful seasoning, and the delicata squash was sweet and tender. The pickled onions added a nice bite, making this a side I’d happily order again.


As a matcha enthusiast, I had high hopes for the strawberry basil matcha latte with almond milk. Unfortunately, it was a huge letdown. The drink wasn’t sweet at all, and tasted primarily of almond milk, albeit high-quality, housemade almond milk. Though I could detect a mild tartness from the strawberry, there was almost no trace of matcha or basil.


The bottled raw almond milks were one of my staples from Erewhon, so I was curious to see how Happier Grocery’s versions stood up to the test. On this occasion, I tried the strawberry and black sesame flavors:

Strawberry Black Sesame

Distinct raw almond milk taste with a mild strawberry flavor not bad, but slightly too salty for my taste, and I much prefer Erewhon’s version.


Much better! Nutty, light in texture, and mildly sweet definitely worth a try if you're a fan of sesame.

These oats were made with coconut yogurt (just like Erewhon’s) and topped with berry purée and fresh berries. While they weren’t bad, they tasted fairly standard, and I wouldn’t go out of my way to buy them again. While overnight oats in general are a somewhat simple and “unexciting” food, there’s something about Erewhon’s version that makes me want to come back for more.


If there’s one thing Happier Grocery gets right, it’s the vibe. The store is just as aesthetic as Erewhon, featuring lush greenery decorating the interior, clean lines, and a trendy, zen atmosphere. The store is vast, featuring both a smoothie and hot bar, sushi counter, and even fresh pizza. In the center, there’s a communal seating area where shoppers can enjoy their meals. The store also features a downstairs area dedicated to pantry goods and high-end beauty products like skincare, candles, and nail polish. It’s a haven for wellness enthusiasts, offering curated specialty products, including their own brand of organic coffee beans, almond butter, granola, roasted nuts, and soups all packaged in minimalist green-and-black branding. Like Erewhon, Happier Grocery also sells branded merchandise, from logo T-shirts to reusable bags.

Final Thoughts

In my experience, Happier Grocery definitely lives up to its reputation as the “Erewhon of New York,” from its curated selection of health-forward pantry goods to its trendy wellness vibe. While I thought some of the items were hit or miss, it was fun to venture downtown and visit at least once, and it certainly scratches the itch if you ’ re craving a dose of overpriced wellness culture in New York.


for only $40


up in Morningside Heights, it becomes easy to forget that boroughs other than Manhattan do, in fact, exist. Not only that, but the other boroughs have so much to offer food-wise. On a crisp and cool Saturday afternoon, I decided to pop my Columbia bubble and venture to Flushing, Queens to embark on a food crawl with my friend Caroline. Flushing is a hub of East and South Asian eateries, ranging from quick service stands to sit-down all-you-can-eat dim sum restaurants. To prevent ourselves from buying everything in sight, we withdrew $40 from an ATM upon our arrival in Flushing and vowed to remain within this constraint during our trip.

With $40 in hand and growling stomachs, we speed walked to our first destination. Relieved to see that there were only five people in line, we waited intently in front of the take-out window at Shanghai You Garden for peking duck bao. We received our box of four piping hot buns after just 15 minutes. Each pillowy bun was filled with a piece of duck brushed with a sweet and salty brown sauce, cucumber sticks, and scallions. The buns themselves were a bit small, so ordering two each was the perfect serving size. The duck itself was crispy, fatty, savory, and tender. Absolutely succulent. The greens inside the bun added the perfect crunch and lightness. These were delicious and, for $10 for a box of 4, quite the deal.

Our next stop—White Bear—was just around the corner. Caroline and I had both heard mixed reviews of this spot, and we wanted to formulate our own opinions. We shared the #6 10 wontons in spicy chili oil (we ordered extra oil) which was priced at $10. We opened the container to reveal a steaming set of wontons topped with copious amounts of chili oil, chili flakes, scallions, and garlic. These wontons were excellent: the meat was juicy and flavorful, and the chili crisp topping paired with the oil added perfect saltiness, spice, and crunch. The oil itself was not overpoweringly spicy and only imparted a deep, warming flavor. Neither of us understood how anyone could have deemed White Bear “hit or miss.” We devoured all 10 wontons in barely 10 minutes.

peking duck bao
wontons + spicy chili oil

roasted pork over rice

Surrounded by the aroma of sweet marinated pork, Caroline revealed that she’d been craving roasted pork over rice for the past few weeks. We both knew that we had to satisfy her craving in Flushing. After finishing our wontons, we walked down the block to Corner 28, initially intrigued by the abundant roasted ducks and pigs hanging in the window. We ordered the roasted pork over rice to share, which—despite being priced at $9—we received for $7.50 in addition to a free bottle of water! We opened the container to reveal a big portion of rice under a layer of steamed cabbage, topped with slices of roasted and glazed pork. The pork itself was delectable. It was juicy, sweet, neither too salty nor too fatty, and its skin was crispy. The cabbage cut through the saltiness as well. My one complaint was that the cabbage blocked the rice from absorbing the sauce, so it did not take on as much flavor as I would have liked. Nevertheless, we left Corner 28 feeling satiated.

By this point on our food tour, we began to feel full. However, there was one more savory item that I had been eager to try— jianbing, a Chinese street food pancake with egg and scallions. Luckily, the popular Flushing jiangbing spot, Eight Jane, was a seven minute walk from Corner 28, giving us just enough time to digest and create room in our stomachs. We ordered jianbing with spicy sauce and baocui, which is a crunchy cracker. For just $5, you receive two servings of jianbing, which was the best deal we encountered during the entire excursion. The pancake itself was thin and crêpelike. The egg and sauce packed an umami punch without singeing my tastebuds, and the scallions added bitterness and crunch. I would hold off on the baocui next time, as it made it more difficult to bite into the jianbing, but I appreciated the airy crispiness and volume it added.

Despite feeling nearly completely stuffed, Caroline and I were in desperate need of a sweet treat. We craved a dessert that wouldn’t be too heavy or overly sweet, so we headed to Duomi Rice Yogurt House. We each ordered a mango rice yogurt, which cashed in at $7.25 each (I also added sago to mine, which was an additional $1). Okay, okay, so we went over our price constraint by approximately an entire rice yogurt. But if you were to explore Flushing solo and try everything we did, you would remain just under $40 and leave with leftovers! This dessert was the perfect conclusion to our food trek. It was creamy and had no added sweetness. The purple rice and sago added chewiness, and small mango pieces at the bottom added sweetness. We slowly sipped our yogurts on our way back to campus. This was the perfect way to spend a cold weekend afternoon, and I cannot wait to visit Flushing again and try even more of its many restaurants!

jianbing + baocui
mangorice yogurt + sago

Stuffed Stuffed Baked Apples Baked Apples

As the air turns crisp and the leaves turn orange, there’s something deeply comforting about cozying up in the kitchen, surrounded by the aroma of baking apples and warm spices drifting from the oven. This stuffed baked apples recipe is a quintessential fall dish that feels like a hug in a bowl with a healthy, vegan twist While fall comfort foods often bring to mind indulgent, decadent sweets, this recipe offers the perfect way to savor a seasonal treat while also nourishing your body.



2 medium/large apples (I recommend Fuji)


¼ cup oats

1 tablespoon almond butter (or nut butter of choice)

1 tablespoon date syrup (or maple syrup)

¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon

Vanilla extract (to taste)

Pinch of salt


1 ripe banana

1 tablespoon almond butter (or nut butter of choice)

2 tablespoons oat flour

2 tablespoons non dairy milk

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

Jinny Yoon Jinny Yoon Jinny Yoon Recipe for 2 Recipe for 2 Recipe for 2


1 Preheat the oven to 400°F

2. Prepare the apples: Cut off the tops and hollow out the center of each apple with a spoon without going through the bottom

3 Mix the filling: In a bowl, combine oats, nut butter, date syrup, cinnamon, vanilla, and salt.

4 Stuff the apples with the filling mixture, then place them on a baking tray filled halfway with water

5. Bake for 1.5 hours or until the apples are tender.

6 Prepare the sauce while the apples bake by blending all sauce ingredients in a blender until smooth

7. Serve: Let the apples cool slightly, drizzle with the sauce, and top with toasted nuts, raisins, and/or extra cinnamon for added flavor and texture


These baked apples are delicious served warm on their own, but they’re also great chilled the next day. Try pairing them with:

Greek yogurt or vegan coconut yogurt for added creaminess

Ice cream (dairy or vegan) for a dessert reminiscent of apple pie à la mode Granola for added crunch

With a crispy, cookie-like top layer and a warm, tender base, these apples are as satisfying as they are nourishing. The date syrup adds complexity and a rich, caramel-like sweetness that feels indulgent, but keeps things naturally sweetened Enjoy this versatile treat any time of day as a cozy breakfast, a midday snack, or healthy dessert




With how difficult it has become in NYC to make dinner reservations at civilized dining times, it is nearly impossible to secure a seat at any of the various Italian restaurants that the West Village has to offer So when an 8:30 p m same-day reservation became available at San Sabino one of the city’s hottest new Italian spots on a random Tuesday night, I knew I had to take it.

Mayyada Shair Mayyada Shair

San Sabino was opened this past March by the same chefs behind Don Angie, one of the city’s most popular Italian restaurants just down the block on Greenwich Avenue While both restaurants offer ItalianAmerican fare, what sets San Sabino apart is its seafood-centric menu. This combination lends itself to unique and even shocking cocktails and dishes such as the insalata Louie, inspired by Californian shrimp Louie, shrimp parm (yes, the official menu item has a shortened name), and Scottie’s martini, made with garlic bread vodka.

The attention to detail in San Sabino’s decor is incredible The walls are painted a buttery yellow The curvaceous bar and colorfully upholstered diner stools give the space a casual ‘50s-esque feel and create a nice contrast from the trendy menu and clientele. While the restaurant can only seat 55 diners, the lights behind the bar, a wall of mirrors in the back, and a tin ceiling help to illuminate and enlarge the space. The ambiance is lively and loud as diners converse between sips of their cocktails.

To cover as much ground as possible, my friend and I ordered one appetizer, two pasta dishes, and one main course To allow for enough space on the table during the main course, our appetizer and one of the pastas were served at the same time. For our appetizer, we chose the octopus carpaccio, composed of paper-thin circles of octopus and capocollo atop garlicky, whipped potatoes and crunchy fried crackers, topped with pickled mustard seeds. This bite had everything: fat, acidity, spice, and savory umami, as well as a mix of textures. However, I couldn’t help but think that the flavor combination was not particularly novel, and the octopus was not the star of the dish as advertised The stuffed farfalle was the first pasta to arrive. This was the most beautifully plated dish of the night: eight large pieces of farfalle sat in a creamy white sauce and were topped with Japanese rice pearl crackers, bright orange tobiko, and buttermilk foam which added brightness, acidity, and texture. Against all logic, each piece of pasta was packed with smoked crab. This pasta blew me away. The sauce cut through the spicy chili inside the perfectly al dente farfalle, and the crackers and tobiko added the perfect amount of crunch to create a texturally interesting bite. I was reminded of how expertly the chefs at Don Angie combine flavor and texture to create innovative pasta dishes

Served next were the lobster triangoli and the shrimp parm, which are arguably, and perhaps intentionally, the two most viral and Instagrammable dishes on the menu. Four large pieces of triangular pasta filled with lobster were served in a white vodka sauce with black garlic This pasta dish was another standout The lobster was juicy and rich, and the vodka sauce neither overpowered the dish nor was lost among the other strong flavors. Once again, the pasta itself was cooked to perfection. The shrimp parm, on the other hand, fell flat Three large and butterflied shrimp are breaded, fried, topped with copious amounts of “sweet and sour” arrabbiata sauce and mozzarella cheese, and served in their shells. While the shrimp was tender and buttery, the flavor was completely lost in the sauce, which was not spicy, sweet, or sour as the menu suggested, but tasted like your average pomodoro. For a whopping $38, I urge you to resist the temptation to snap that Instagrammable picture of the shrimp parm and instead order another pasta

Our crippling indecision led us to order two desserts

The gelato viennese is served in slab form, with layers of dark chocolate torta, hazelnuts, salted caramel, and coffee and crème fraîche gelato. This was sweet, rich, cooling, and decadent If you’re in the mood for a lighter, more refreshing sweet treat, the pineapple sorbetto is for you The pineapple sorbet is served with a mascarpone-almond granita, chunks of pineapple, and broken rosemary pignoli cookies. My friend and I agreed that this dessert was the best dish we ordered all night Every flavor was sweet and delicious, and we fought over the last of the chewy cookies.

If you plan to visit San Sabino specifically for its seafood-forward dishes, I recommend you prioritize their pastas However, there truly is something for everyone at San Sabino, and the intimate yet lively vibe is certain to please.


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