1 minute read
Generally Speaking
from Owl Magazine | 2021
by Columbia GS
The Alumni mAgAzine of ColumbiA universiTy sChool of generAl sTudies
Classes are back in session in person. This photo of two nurses at Columbia University Irving Medical Center giving each other COVID-19 vaccine shots while a third takes their photo illustrates a significant theme of 2021. It is mandatory for students, faculty, and staff present at Columbia University campuses in fall 2021 to be vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to participate in on-campus activities (with exceptions for religious reasons). To access campus, all individuals have participated in the University “gateway” testing program, signed a pledge of mutual responsibility called the Columbia Community Health Compact, and taken an online COVID-19 safety training. Using the ReopenCU smartphone app, each day, everyone who is present at the University must complete a symptom self-check. Meanwhile, the University has outfitted its facilities with enhanced air circulation and maximum air filtration systems and employed rigorous cleaning practices, and is sharing health and well-being information in a prompt and consistent manner. Stopping the spread of COVID-19 in our community is a top priority.