Asa-Lift ....................3 Bejo VolmVogelVerbruggenUnivercoPopKerian......................15...................13Vriend............13...............16.............9.......................7.....................11 ADVERTISER INDEX

2 Carrot Country • Fall 2022 4 Blowin’ in the Wind Insights into Bacterial Blight Epidemiology 8 Estimating the Economic Impact of Bacterial Blight 10 2022-23 Buyers’ Guide Bacterial blight can affect carrot seed crops. Find an estimate of the economic impact of bacterial blight on page 8. And learn what researchers are doing to help growers manage the disease on page 4. 6 In the News 15 Advertiser Index 15 Calendar PO Box 333 Roberts, Idaho 83444 Telephone: (208) 520-6461 Circulation: (503) 724-3581 CARROT COUNTRY CONTACTS Editor Denise editor@ColumbiaMediaGroup.comKeller Publisher / Advertising Manager Dave dave@ColumbiaMediaGroup.comAlexander Director of Operations Brian brian@ColumbiaMediaGroup.comFeist EDITORIAL INFORMATION Carrot Country is interested in newsworthy material related to carrot production and marketing. Contributions from all segments of the industry are welcome. Submit news releases, new product submissions, stories and photos via email,to:call(509)697-9436. ADVERTISING SALES For information on rates, mechanics, deadlines, list rental, direct mail, inserts or other information, call (208) 520-6461 or email: SUBSCRIPTIONS U.S. $20 per year Canada $30 per year Foreign $45 per year Subscribe online or call (503) 724-3581 Email address changes/corrections to or mail to: Carrot Country PO Box CarrotRoberts,333ID83444Countrymagazine (ISSN 1071-6653), is published four times a year and mailed under a standard rate mailing permit at Idaho Falls, Idaho and at additional mailing offices. Produced by Columbia Media Group PO Box 333, Roberts, ID, 83444 Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose without the express written permission of Columbia Media Group. TABLE OF CONTENTS FALL 2022Vol. 30, No. 3 DEPARTMENTSON THE COVER As the 2022 season winds down and planning for 2023 ramps up, find everything you need for a successful season in our 2022-23 Buyers’ Guide on pages 10-14.

ASA-LIFT CARROT HARVESTERS BUILD FOR AMERICA ASA-LIFT is a leading international company developing, producing and distributing vegetable harvesters. For more than 80 years, ASA-LIFT machines have been sold all over the world, and more than 20 years of experience, on the US market. CLASSWORLDHARVESTERSVEGETABLEBUSINESSYOURFOR ASA-LIFT Metalvej 2 DK-4180, Soro Denmark Phone: 01145 5786 0700 ASA-LIFT US OFFICE Miller Farms, Hancock - WI P. (715) 249 www.asa-lift.compmillerfarms@gmail.com5160

By Jeremiah Dung and Jeness Scott, Central Oregon Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Oregon State University
4 Carrot Country • Fall 2022 Aresearch study is paving the way for the development of a forecasting model to help growers manage bacterial blight in carrot seed crops. Bacterial blight of carrot is a common disease and is caused by the plant pathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas hortorum pv. Carotae (Xhc). Infection results in irregular, chlorotic areas on leaves, petioles and stems that turn into water-soaked, necrotic lesions and blighted leaves. The Xhc pathogen can be transmitted by infected seed, and the seed-borne nature of Xhc makes it a major concern for Oregon’s hybrid carrot seed industry. In seed production systems, bacterial blight can result in blighted umbels (Fig. 1), causing reduced seed yield, lower germination rates of harvested seed, and infectedSeveralseed.species of Xanthomonas, including Xhc, are considered epiphytes, Blowin’ in the Wind Insights into Bacterial Blight Epidemiology meaning that they can survive and multiply on the leaves, stems, flowers and/ or fruits of plants, often without causing symptoms. In the case of Xhc, the bacterial blight pathogen can persist and reproduce on carrot leaves epiphytically and asymptomatically, with disease developing only after large populations are attained on foliage (over 1 million colony-forming units per gram of leaf tissue). Additionally, many epiphytic bacteria are subject to and dispersed in air currents through various mechanisms. Consequently, carrot seed crop canopies can be potential sources of airborne Xhc in naturally occurring aerosols. Previous studies have collected Xhc in air sampled during carrot seed harvest and combining events, demonstrating the potential for short- and long-distance movement of the pathogen in dusts and aerosols generated during cultural practices. Figure 2. Frequency of daily <<<Xhc>>> detection during each month of the study Figure 2. Frequency of daily Xhc detection during each month of the study 20%40%60%80%0%
Days Xhc detected/month 100% Field A Field B September2018October2018November2018NotsampledApril2019May2019June2019July2019August2019September2019October2019
Figure 1. Bacterial blight symptoms can be seen on carrot flowers and sepals. 5
Hirst-type Burkard seven-day volumetric spore samplers were used to sample air continuously in two carrot seed-to-seed fields which were located approximately 6.4 km apart and intended for harvest in 2019. Air samples were collected from the beginning of stand establishment (August 2018) through November 2018 and from April 2019 through harvest (October 2019). Fields were not sampled from December 2018 through March 2019 due to the inability of accessing and maintaining the spore samplers located at each field site. Samples from Burkard spore traps were separated into daily segments and DNA was extracted from each sample.
Authors’ note: This work was supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, through the Specialty Crops Research Initiative Project grant no. 202051181-32154 and the Western Integrated Pest Management Center project ID 1616. Additional funding was also received from the Agricultural Research Foundation. B: Total XhcA: B: Mean XhcField A: Mean Xhc
Total Xhc/month Field
Field Research The biennial nature of carrot seed production requires at least 13 months from planting to harvesting, resulting in a potential “green bridge” that facilitates Xhc survival from year to year. Consequently, the crop is potentially exposed to bacterial blight inoculum from the seedling stage until harvest. We conducted a field study to quantify and characterize the amount and timing of airborne Xhc throughout the carrot seed production season and identify weather factors that contribute to airborne Xhc in and around carrot seed fields.
The number of Xhc genomes present in each air sample was quantified using a previously published quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay specific to Xhc. During the 2018-19 season, air samples were collected on a total of 273 and 289 days in two fields, and Xhc was detected on 223 (82 percent) and 245 (85 percent) sampling days (Fig. 2). On average, 2,600 and 7,000 Xhc genomes were detected on a given day, and a maximum of up to 730,000 Xhc genomes were detected on a single day (Fig. 3). To identify factors most significantly correlated with airborne levels of Xhc, principal component analysis was conducted using weather data collected by the MRSO AgriMet Weather station located at the Central Oregon Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Madras, Oregon. Principal component analysis identified temperature (daily mean, maximum and minimum air and soil temperatures), wind (wind speed, direction and run) and factors related to moisture (daily precipitation, relative humidity and dew point) as being associated with Xhc in air samples. Growing conditions in the high desert, where carrot seed is frequently produced, are often characterized by sunny and dry days, windy afternoons and cool nights, which may contribute to the dispersal of airborne Xhc in and around carrot seed fields.This study provides a foundation for the development of a forecasting model to aid in the management of bacterial blight in carrot seed crops. By identifying weather factors and cultural practices that promote the reproduction or dispersal of Xhc, growers can potentially time their bactericide applications to occur prior to the development of favorable conditions or practices, maximizing the protective effect of copper-based bactericides.
Figure 3. Mean daily (lines) and total monthly (bars) <<<Xhc>>> genomes detected during the study
September2018October2018November2018NotsampledApril2019May2019June2019July2019August2019September2019October2019 Figure 3. Mean daily (lines) and total monthly (bars) Xhc genomes detected during the study detectedgenomes Field

Vegetable equipment manufacturer Tong Engineering has opened its new manufacturing facility in England after a three-year, two-phase construction project. The 90,000-square-foot factory includes new shot-blast, paint-spraying and powder-coating facilities, as well as high-speed fiber laser-cutting facilities to cut mild and stainless steel. In addition, the factory houses metal-preparation, fabrication and final-assembly departments, plus an area to store over 40 tons of spare parts and components. The new facility, made up of three buildings, occupies a 7-acre site. It replaces the company’s former facility, located in the same town, which it utilized for almost 90 years.
Sakata Seed America has initiated plans to relocate its headquarters, including all operations and personnel functions, to its 219-acre site in Woodland, California, by late 2024. The company has been operating its North American headquarters in Morgan Hill, California, since 1988. The planned relocation to the Woodland Innovation Center will follow the second phase of an infrastructure expansion project there. The Woodland facility opened in 2018, when phase one of the building project was completed. This phase featured 16 acres of operational facilities, including greenhouses and a 25,000-square-foot warehouse with the latest technology in seed processing equipment. The Woodland site also has ample farmland to host Sakata’s annual California Field Days event and serve as a permanent trialing location for the company’s breeding programs and research and development department.
6 Carrot Country • Fall 2022
Tong manufactures vegetable handling equipment for a range of vegetables including carrots, onions and potatoes.
Sakata Seed America has appointed Bill McCarthy as director of research and development (R&D). McCarthy will be responsible for all of Sakata Seed America’s vegetable research and development activity at the company’s R&D stations in Burlington, Washington; Woodland and Salinas, California; Fort Myers, Florida, and Culiacan, Mexico. McCarthy started his career at Sakata and rejoined the company in October 2020. He previously led other companies’ hot pepper and sweet pepper R&D programs, creating over 45 commercial pepper hybrids for open field and protected culture in the U.S. and abroad. McCarthy has a doctorate degree in horticulture and plant genetics from North Carolina State University. He will be based at Sakata’s Woodland Innovation Center in California.
Sakata Seed America Plans to Relocate Headquarters
Tong Engineering Builds New Facility
Stokes Seeds Adds ManagerTerritory
Sakata DirectorR&DAppointsAmericaSeed
Ethan Stanley has joined Stokes Seeds as the territory manager for Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. As one of the company’s 25 territory managers, Stanley will be responsible for seed and service to growers in the region. He will provide commercial vegetable seed recommendations and collaborate with growers to match seed options to their production and profitStanleygoals.has a bachelor’s degree in agricultural business management from North Carolina State University and experience in seed, grain, crop protection and ag financing. 7 Custom Built Harvesting Equipment Carrots — www.vogel-engineering.comPickles New! Extreme Super Cleaning System 3 to 4 times better cleaning than any other system WE BUILD THE BEST AND FIX THE REST! We offer a computer (digital processor) individual row head height system 2, 3, 4, 6 & 8 Rows Conventional Roller Bar or High Speed Crowning. Precision Computer Controlled Planting Population Systems LEADER IN CARROT HARVESTING TECHNOLOGY BUILT IN THE U.S.A. For More Information Phone: (231) 821-2125 Between 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. EST Ask for Wayne Fax (231) 821-0275

8 Carrot Country • Fall 2022
One of the most costly and persistent challenges impacting carrot seed production is bacterial blight, caused by Xanthomonas. The economic impact of the disease is particularly frustrating because it ripples through multiple links in the supply chain. At the grower level, management expenses increase the cost of production while losses in yield reduce revenue. Lower yields and higher costs are always concerning, but the sharp increases in agricultural input prices combined with looming drought have created a more pronounced level of risk. At the next link in the supply chain, seed companies incur the high cost of Xanthomonas disinfection practices.Bothgrowers and seed companies have to reconcile the high investment in the crop against the risk of Xanthomonas impacting seed quality and marketability. As a result, every aspect of bringing the seed to market must be managed intensely but balanced with frugality. Methods Improving understanding of the economic impacts of bacterial blight starts with establishing benchmarks. The initial focus has been to gain insight into the in-field impacts of bacterial blight in directseeded hybrid carrot seed crops grown in the Pacific Northwest. To do this, an expert opinion survey of growers and crop consultants in major carrot seed producing regions of Idaho, Oregon and Washington was administered. The goal was to better pinpoint the number of blight-targeted applications typically made per season and to gain a better understanding of the impact of bacterial blight on yield. To arrive at dollar value estimates of the impacts of bacterial blight, results of the survey were combined with label and price information for bactericides, hybrid carrot seed price and yield estimates, and direct-seeded hybrid carrot seed acreage estimates for the Pacific Northwest.
Estimating the Economic Impact of Bacterial Blight
Photo courtesy Jeremiah Dung, Oregon State University A field of carrot seed blooms.
By Gina Greenway, Greenway Research
Bacterial blight can infect the flowers of carrot seed crops, potentially reducing yield.

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Conclusions Bacterial blight is expensive to manage, negatively impacts valuable yield, and can impact seed quality and marketability. However, there are some promising new mitigation techniques on the horizon that could assist in making management of the disease more proactive and effective. 9
Author’s note: This work was funded by the United States Department of Agriculture Specialty Crops Research Initiative (grant no. 2020-51181-32154).
Bacterial blight can prevent umbel development. Photo courtesy Jeremiah Dung, Oregon State University
The number of direct-seeded acres in all major Pacific Northwest regions was estimated to be 5,299, and the price of seed was estimated to range between $9 and $14 per pound. Yields were estimated to range from 350 to 400 pounds of seed per acre. Industry-wide expenditure on blighttargeted bactericide applications in directseeded acreage was estimated to range from $210,000 to $315,000. The estimates are calculated based on the assumption that 90 percent of direct-seeded acres are treated with bactericides. Estimates of the value of lost yield attributed to bacterial blight will likely be a little bit different every year, for every region, and from farm to farm. It would be difficult to quantify how much yield is lost with a high level of precision, but it is worth considering how much various scenarios of yield loss could cost the industry. If 50 percent of direct-seeded acres are impacted by a 20 percent reduction in yield because of bacterial blight, and the assumed price is $9 per pound, the foregone value rings in at over $1.8 million. If 50 percent of planted acres experience a 35 percent yield loss at an assumed price of $14 per pound, the forgone value would be over $5 million.
Results Survey participants were asked to estimate the number of copper bactericide spray applications typically made per season. About 40 percent of folks who responded reported making two spray applications per season. Another 60 percent of respondents reported typically making three blight-targeted bactericide spray applications per season. To quantify the impact of bacterial blight on revenue, survey participants were asked to estimate how much yield would increase if bacterial blight did not exist. Responses ranged from 20 percent to 50 percent. The cost of a typical bactericide application was estimated to range from $20 per acre to $25 per acre but will depend on application rate, price fluctuations and region. Application costs will depend on how the product is applied and whether it is delivered as part of a tank mix or as a dedicated application. This analysis omits application charges.

10 Carrot Country • Fall 2022 Buyers’2022-23Guide TERRAMERA (800)tryrango.com597-9509 Rango NOVASOURCE (800)novasource.com525-2803 Solmenda & Sectagon CERTIS MeloCon nematicide BAYER Minuet fungicide FERTICELL ProPrimer 2-0-0+F, Universal 0-0-1, Pro K 0-0-20 GOWAN COMPANY (800)gowanco.com883-1844 Reason 500 SC fungicide, Badge X2 fungicide/bactericide, EcoSwing botanical fungicide, M-Pede insecticide/miticide/ fungicide, Previsto fungicide/bactericide ASA-LIFT (715)asa-lift.com249-5160 CR-1510A, CM-100, CM-1000 (mounted harvesters) UNIVERCO (450)univerco.comseminis-us.com245-7152 Mini-Veg, G4-Pro, Mac II (carrot harvesters) Univerco has been building carrot harvesters since 1978 and is now offering a complete range of harvesters from the smaller 1-row machines that will fit on 60 HP tractors all the way up to multi-row self-propelled and everything in between. A solution for root crops production in any soil type, weather conditions or volume. VOGEL ENGINEERING (231)vogel-engineering.com821-2125 Computer individual row head height system, 2,3,4,6 & 8 rows conventional roller bar or high-speed crowing, precision computer controlled planting population systems CROP INPUTS HARVEST

Keeping it Fresh Volm Companies is Your Official North American Distributor From Field to Market Shelf Volm Companies has been helping carrot producers across North America with their packaging and equipment solutions for many years. Volm continues to research and engineer better ways to automate your post-harvest carrot products and packing lines alongside our partners Wyma™ and Visar™ Sorting in order to help decrease your overhead, increase profits and improve the quality of your end product. Contact Volm Companies today to learn more about what we can do for your carrot business. 800.253.4737 |

12 Carrot Country • Fall 2022 KERIAN MACHINES INC. 1709kerian.comHwy81 S, PO Box 311 Grafton, ND USA 58237 (701) sales@kerian.com352-0480 Kerian Speed Sizer RIET VELD EQUIPMENT john@(815) Installation and full service. Full washing and grading lines. Allround, Tosca, Taneco, Upmann, VHM, IPLA Palletizing Buyers’ Guide VERBRUGGEN (509)verbruggen-palletizing.com531-7350 Specialists in palletizers and palletizing robots VOLM COMPANIES (CorporateAntigo,volmcompanies.comWIHeadquarters) 1804 Edison St., Antigo, WI 54409 (800) 253-4737 Idaho Falls, ID 3721 W 65th South Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (208) 524-0600 Pasco, WA 5702 Industrial Way Suite 101 Pasco, WA 99301 (509) 547-3437 Fresno, CA 3440 S East Ave. Suite 104 Fresno, CA 93725 (800) 253-4737 Monte Vista, CO 1100 S Country Rd. 3 E Monte Vista, CO 81144 (800) 253-4737 Ancaster, Canada 1283 Cormorant Rd. Suite 1 Ancaster, Ontario L9G 4V5 (800) 253-4737 MODERN PRODUCE EQUIPMENT Nicholson Top Tailer, Tong Barrel Washer, Tong Lift Roller Grader, Tong Screen Graders MONOSEM INC. (913)Edwardsville,1001monosem-inc.comBlakeSt.KS66111438-1700 Custom planters built-to-order GEARMORE, INC. 13477gearmore.comBenson Ave. Chino, CA 91710 (800) sales@gearmore.com833-3023 PROCESSINGPACKINGPLANTING&PACKING PROCESSING& 13 ACCURATE: Precisely orients and sorts carrots GENTLE: Separates without damaging carrots FAST: Thirteen standard models custom-designed to meet your needs sort from 1000 lb/hr to 30,000 lb/hr SIMPLE: Effective but simple design provides a rugged, low cost, low maintenance machine at a high value to our customers. It can even be used in the field! KERIAN MACHINES INC. 1709 Hwy 81 S, PO Box 311, Grafton, ND USA 58237 701-352-0480 • Fax 701-352-3776 Carrot Sizing Video Now Available: KERIAN SIZER Orients & positions carrots New kids on the block Olancha & Jacinto When growing carrots for the fresh market in the USA, it’s all about taste, seed uniformity and suitability for mechanical sowing and harvesting. By the development of Jacinto and Olancha, these characteristics were at center stage. Find out everything about our carrot varieties on Pine Higgins Technical Carrot Advisor +1 (831) pine_popvriendseeds OFFICIAL DEALERS OLANCHA IMPERATOR CUT & PEEL � VERY HIGH FIELD DURABILITY AND UNIFORMITY � HIGHER PROCESSING PERFORMANCE � GREAT FLAVOR � GOOD TOP ATTACHMENT JACINTO IMPERATOR CELLO � EXCELLENT FLAVOR � GREAT DURABILITY AND UNIFORMITY � GOOD CORE DEFINITION � STRONG HEALTHY TOPS

14 Carrot Country • Fall 2022 AGRI-STOR (208)agri-stor.com733-7000 Humidification, Refrigeration, Ventilation, Controls, Post-Harvest BEJO SEEDS (805)bejoseeds.com473-2199 Carrot seed SEEDGERMAINSTECHNOLOGY Carrot seed SEMINIS 800seminis-us.comN.Lindbergh Blvd. Saint Louis, MO 63167 (314) emily.standley@bayer.com694-7375 STOKES SEEDS, INC. 13031stokeseeds.comReflections Dr. Holland, MI 49424 (800) 962-4999 Carrot seed VILMORIN MIKADO (831)vilmorinnorthamerica.com771-1500 Speedo F1, Bolero F1, Volcano F1, Gold Nugget F1, Siroco Fi (carrot varieties) SOLEX CORPORATION 220solexcorp.comSouthJefferson St. Dixon, CA 95620 (707) 678-5533 Stanhay planters, 1, 2, 3 or 4 lines per metering unit SIMON Simon has a full range of bed formers (including the CultiRateau) POP VRIEND Carrot seed RIJK ZAWAAN (831)rijkzwaanusa.com455-3000(US Office) Ymer RZ (carrot variety) SERVICEDISINFECTINGS,LLC (208)disinfectingservices.net356-5332 Harvest 6.0 serves as a versatile sanitizer and disinfectant for carrots going into storage or already in storage. Harvest 6.0 utilizes hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid to protect against fungi, algae, and bacteria. The combination of these two ingredients is both effective and environmentally friendly. Harvest 6.0 has also been proven to be an effective disinfectant on equipment and cleaning storage facilities. Bio Ultra is a high-foaming detergent designed to penetrate into heavily contaminated surfaces and break down contaminants from storage walls and equipment. Buyers’ Guide SEED STORAGESEEDPLANTING(CONT.)

 15 Asa-Lift ....................3 Bejo VolmVogelVerbruggenUnivercoPopKerian......................15...................13Vriend............13...............16.............9.......................7.....................11 ADVERTISER INDEX Nov. 16-17 Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association Conference and Trade Show Three Rivers Convention Center Kennewick, Wash. Sheri Nolan, (509) 585-5460 • • Editor’s note: To have your event listed, please email Denise Keller, at Please send your information 90 days in advance. CALENDAR Exploring nature never stops BEJO ORGANIC CARROTS - A STRINGENT SELECTION PROCESS YAYA Similar to Nelson, with more uniform roots and plant vigor. The 5 1/2–6 1/2” roots have mild flavor and crisp, juicy texture with early sugar development. Strong, compact tops for bunching. Resistance IR: Ar / Cc / Ps, Pv NAPOLI Very full-sized Nantes with strong dark green tops and cylindrical, smooth blunt roots. A specialized variety with a sweet taste when sown in fall for winter harvest. Resistance IR: Ar / Cc / Ps, Pv Chelsey Lenczyk - Organic Lead, Home & Farm Market Manager T: 267-838-0078 E: NAVAL A Nantes type that produces very shapely, uniform, hairless roots 7-9 inches long. Crisp and sweet, Naval resists cracking with an added bonus of a long shelf Resistancelife. IR: Ad / Ar / Cc Aug. 29-30 International Carrot Conference Mt. Vernon, Wash. Sheri Nolan, • Dec. 6-8 Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market EXPO DeVos Place Conference Center Grand Rapids, www.glexpo.comMich.