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n Onion Seed
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Volume 40, number 7
PO Box 333 Roberts, Idaho 83444
Telephone: (208) 520-6461
Circulation: (503) 724-3581 OnionWorld.net
OnIOn WOrld COntaCtS
Editor Denise Keller editor@ColumbiaMediaGroup.com
Publisher / advertising Manager
Dave Alexander dave@ColumbiaMediaGroup.com
director of Operations
Brian Feist brian@ColumbiaMediaGroup.com

Bill Buhrig is the faculty research assistant at the Oregon State University Malheur Experiment Station and helps determine which varieties of onions and potatoes are a good fit for the hot Treasure Valley. The trials looked great this year, and Buhrig said the onions developed good foliar and root health in June, setting them up well for when the inevitable extreme heat of July and early August kicked in. Read the full story on page 32.
Onion World is interested in newsworthy material related to onion production and marketing. Contributions from all segments of the industry are welcome. Submit news releases, new product submissions, stories and photos via email to: editor@ColumbiaMediaGroup.com, or call (509) 697-9436.
For information on rates, mechanics, deadlines, list rental, direct mail, inserts or other information, call (208) 520-6461 or email: dave@onionworld.net
U.S. $24 per year
Canada $40 per year
Foreign $80 per year
Subscribe online at: www.OnionWorld.net/subscribe or call (503) 724-3581.
Email address changes/corrections to brian@ColumbiaMediaGroup.com or mail to:
Onion World PO Box 333 Roberts, ID 83444
Onion World magazine (ISSN 0892-578X), is published eight times a year and mailed under a standard rate mailing permit at Idaho Falls, Idaho and at additional mailing offices.
Produced by Columbia Media Group PO Box 333, roberts, Id, 83444. Copyright 2024. all rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose without the express written permission of Columbia Media Group.
For information on reprints call (208) 520-6461.

Seedling Onions Need a Hero

When onion seed and seedcorn maggots threaten young crops, our heroes come prepared. FarMore FI500 and Spinosad/Lumiverd

seed treatments provide early season disease and insec t protec tion for young onion crops. S eed D ynamics applies the protec tant to the seeds themselves, through a safe and controlled deliver y. It works at the most critic al time — during germination and seedling emergence — so your seeds c an thrive, while fending o threats of early damage. Get a hero from S eed D ynamics , the S eed Preparation Professionals. Call us at 86 6.321.9747 or choose a dealer listed above.

V isit our Website at

Buyers’ Guide 2025
There are a lot of moving parts involved in growing and marketing an onion crop - from needing the right products to protect your crop from pests and pathogens to having the right equipment to efficiently navigate the season. For most growers, packers and shippers, this translates into a constant to-do list, shopping list and wish list. Whether your list has you searching for a new harvester or just some innovative irrigation equipment, you’ll find a comprehensive list of suppliers in Onion World’s 2025 Buyers’ Guide.
Fertilizers/Growth Promoters
Insecticides/Pesticides/Fumigants EqUIPMEnt ........................
Bagging/Packaging/ Packing/Palleltizing Covers
Extraction Handling
Processing Scales/Weighing Sizing/Sorting


Crop Vitality
(800) 525-2803
CaTs calcium thiosulfate liquid fertilizer

Diamond K Gypsum
Solution grade gypsum, sulfate of potash and soil surfactants set the industry standards for purity and efficiency. Advanced testing provides better data from water and soil tests.

Premium 97
The purest, most soluble Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate boosts calcium and sulphur while reducing soil salts.

130 S 100 W
Burley, ID 83318 (208) 678-2610
Redox Bio-Nutrients focuses on sustainable plant nutrition. Each Redox Bio-Nutrients product has been scientifically developed to address specific plant needs in four key areas: Abiotic Stress Defense, Soil Health, Root Development and Nutrient Efficiency.
C r OP I n PU t S
Corteva Agriscience
Indianapolis, IN
Fontelis fungicide
Tanos fungicide
Bexfond biological fungicide

Terramera (360) 988-3032
Rango fungicide, insecticide and miticide
Corteva Agriscience Indianapolis, IN www.corteva.us
Starane Ultra herbicide
Gowan USA (800) 883-1844
Vida herbicide, Prefar 4-E selective herbicide, Treflan HFP herbicide, Treflan TR-10 herbicide
Corteva Agriscience
Indianapolis, IN
Radiant insecticide
Vydate L insecticide/nematicide
Entrust insecticide

Nichino America, Inc.
4550 Linden Hill Road, Suite 501
Wilmington, DE 19808 (888) 740-7700
Torac insecticide

Teleos Ag Solutions (833) 679-1942
TELONE™ II Soil Fumigant

Terramera (360) 988-3032
Rango fungicide, insecticide and miticide

2025 Buyers’ Guide
E q UIPME nt
Chinook Equipment Inc.
P.O. Box 15554, Boise, ID 83715 (208) 331-1126
chinookequipment@gmail.com www.chinookequipment.com

We enable growers and packers to develop an efficient and reliable agribusiness. From turnkey onion facilities to heavy duty equipment for topping, cleaning, optical grading with AI, bin handling, storage, bin tipping, weighing, bagging, sewing, crate filling, jumbo bag filling, and master packing lines. Proud member of the Onion Tech Alliance.
Ernst Manufacturing
Bakersfield, CA (661) 831-7553
Post-harvest processing facilities and equipment since 1944.
Design and Engineering Services * Equipment
Manufacturing * Parts and Supplies * Equipment Service

Fox Packaging
Aaron Fox
2200 Fox Drive
McAllen, TX 78504 (956) 682-6176
Fax: (956) 682-5768
Sustainable packaging that enhances your product visibility on retail shelves.

Fox Solutions
Aaron Fox 2200 Fox Drive McAllen, TX 78504 (956) 682-6176
Fax: (956) 682-5768
info@foxbag.com www.foxbag.com
Automation for complete fresh produce packing equipment lines, offering streamlined operation solutions and quality.
Haines Equipment, Inc.
P.O. Box I, 20 Carrington Street Avoca, NY 14809 (607) 566-2234
Hainesinc@aol.com www.hainesequipment.com
Lee Shuknecht & Sons
4458 Ford Road Elba, NY 14058 (585) 757-6628
mail@shuknecht.com www.shuknecht.com
Onion Harvesters, Grading, Topping, Packing, Sizing, Sorting

Rietveld Equipment
4067 E. 4000 N. Road
Bourbonnais, IL 60914 (815) 936-9800
john@rietveldequipment.com www.rietveldequipment.com Installation and full service. Full washing and grading lines. Distributor for Allround, Taneco, Upmann, IPLA Palletizing and Meconaf

SYMACH Palletizers
315 27th Ave NE
Minneapolis MN 55418 (612) 760-8864
marco.maljaars@bwpackaging.com www.symach.nl/en/ Specialists in onion palletizing, pallet wrapping, and conveying systems

W6788 5th Avenue Road Bryant, WI 54418 (715) 627-7333 www.thorpack.com

Top Air, Inc.
101 N. Roswell Blvd. Parma, ID 83660 (208) 722-6936
info@topairinc.com www.topair.ag
Vertical elevators
Van Doren Sales Inc.
E. Wenatchee, WA - (509) 886-1837
Union Gap, WA - (509) 469-9006
Grand Rapids, MI - (616) 361-3980
Kelowna, BC - (778) 480-6880 www.vandorensales.com
Integrating the best technology solutions for turn-key projects

Verbruggen Palletizing Solutions Inc.
North America Sales & Service Center
Visitors: 5804 Road 90 Suite D Pasco, WA 99301
Mail: 5426 North Road 68 Suite D122 Pasco, WA 99301 (509) 531-7350
info@verbruggenusa.com www.www.verbruggen-palletizing.com
Verbruggen is a worldwide supplier of palletizing, wrapping and product handling solutions for bags, crates and cartons.

Volm Companies volmcompanies.com
Antigo, WI (Corporate Headquarters)
1804 Edison St., Antigo, WI 54409 (800) 253-4737
Idaho Falls, ID 3721 W 65th South Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (208) 524-0600
Pasco, WA
5702 Industrial Way Suite 101 Pasco, WA 99301 (509) 547-3437
Fresno, CA
3440 S East Ave. Suite 104 Fresno, CA 93725 (800) 253-4737
Monte Vista, CO
1100 S County Road 3 E Monte Vista, CO 81144 (800) 253-4737
Brantford, Canada
173 Garden Ave.
Brantford, Ontario N3S 0A7 (905) 648-7300
E q UIPME nt

Yakima Label
1601 W. Pine Street
Yakima, WA 98903 (509) 955-8400
josh@yakimalabel.com www.yakimalabel.com
Custom packaging labels
Redwood Empire Awning Co. 3547 Santa Rosa Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 588-9900
mike@redwoodempireawning.com www.redwoodempireawning.com Equipment covers
JDC Extraction
527 W. McGregor Drive, Suite 527 Boise, Idaho 83705 (208) 577-5375
info@eqraft.com www.eqraft.com
We enable growers and packers to develop an efficient and reliable agribusiness. From turnkey onion facilities to heavy duty equipment for topping, cleaning, optical grading with AI, bin handling, storage, bin tipping, weighing, bagging, sewing, crate filling, jumbo bag filling, and master packing lines. Proud member of the Onion Tech Alliance.
Ernst Manufacturing
Bakersfield, CA (661) 831-7553
info@ernstusa.com www.ernstusa.com
Post-harvest processing facilities and equipment since 1944. Design and Engineering Services * Equipment Manufacturing * Parts and Supplies * Equipment Service

2025 Buyers’ Guide
handlInG (COnt.)

Fox Solutions
Aaron Fox
2200 Fox Drive McAllen, TX 78504 (956) 682-6176
Fax: (956) 682-5768
info@foxbag.com www.foxbag.com
Automation for complete fresh produce packing equipment lines, offering streamlined operation solutions and quality.
Haines Equipment, Inc.
P.O. Box I, 20 Carrington Street Avoca, NY 14809 (607) 566-2234
Hainesinc@aol.com www.hainesequipment.com
JDC Extraction
527 W. McGregor Drive, Suite 527 Boise, Idaho 83705 (208) 577-5375 www.jdcextraction.com
Kerian Machines
P.O. Box 311, Grafton, ND 58237 (701) 352-0480
sales@kerian.com www.kerian.com Kerian Speed Sizer
Lee Shuknecht & Sons 4458 Ford Road Elba, NY 14058 (585) 757-6628 mail@shuknecht.com www.shuknecht.com
Onion Harvesters, Grading, Topping, Packing, Sizing, Sorting
Rietveld Equipment
4067 E. 4000 N. Road Bourbonnais, IL 60914 (815) 936-9800
john@rietveldequipment.com www.rietveldequipment.com
Installation and full service. Full washing and grading lines. Distributor for Allround, Taneco, Upmann, IPLA Palletizing and Meconaf
E q UIPME nt
Van Doren Sales Inc.
E. Wenatchee, WA - (509) 886-1837
Union Gap, WA - (509) 469-9006
Grand Rapids, MI - (616) 361-3980
Kelowna, BC - (778) 480-6880
Integrating the best technology solutions for turn-key projects

Volm Companies volmcompanies.com
Antigo, WI
(Corporate Headquarters) 1804 Edison St., Antigo, WI 54409 (800) 253-4737
Idaho Falls, ID 3721 W 65th South Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (208) 524-0600
Pasco, WA 5702 Industrial Way Suite 101 Pasco, WA 99301 (509) 547-3437
Fresno, CA 3440 S East Ave. Suite 104 Fresno, CA 93725 (800) 253-4737
Monte Vista, CO 1100 S County Road 3 E Monte Vista, CO 81144 (800) 253-4737
Brantford, Canada 173 Garden Ave. Brantford, Ontario N3S 0A7 (905) 648-7300
info@eqraft.com www.eqraft.com
We enable growers and packers to develop an efficient and reliable agribusiness. From turnkey onion facilities to heavy duty equipment for topping, cleaning, optical grading with AI, bin handling, storage, bin tipping, weighing, bagging, sewing, crate filling, jumbo bag filling, and master packing lines. Proud member of the Onion Tech Alliance.
L&M Specialty Fabrication, LLC
4868 East Saile Drive Batavia NY 14020 (585) 283-4847
turbotop@lmspecfab.com www.turbotopharvester.com Turbo Top self-propelled and pulled-type harvesters

Lee Shuknecht & Sons
4458 Ford Road Elba, NY 14058 (585) 757-6628
mail@shuknecht.com www.shuknecht.com
Onion Harvesters, Grading, Topping, Packing, Sizing, Sorting

Nicholson Equipment
5050 W. 72nd Street
Fremont, MI 49412 (231) 924-6454
sales@nicholson-equipment.com www.nicholson-equipment.com
Field toppers, windrowers, harvesters, top-tailers
Rietveld Equipment
4067 E. 4000 N. Road Bourbonnais, IL 60914 (815) 936-9800
john@rietveldequipment.com www.rietveldequipment.com
Installation and full service. Full washing and grading lines. Distributor for Allround, Taneco, Upmann, IPLA Palletizing and Meconaf
584 W 100 N
Blackfoot, ID 83221
David Offerdahl (831) 240-9600
dofferdaul@spudnik.com www.spudnik.com
ASA-LIFT North American Sales Distributor
harVEStErS / harVEStInG

Top Air, Inc.
101 N. Roswell Blvd. Parma, ID 83660 (208) 722-6936 info@topairinc.com www.topair.ag

Univerco (1978) Inc
713 RTE 219 Napierville, QC Canada J0J 1L0 (450) 245-7152 www.univerco.com
One-row and two-row onion harvesters
One- to three-row onion windrowers
Topper tables for packing lines
Top Air, Inc.
101 N. Roswell Blvd. Parma, ID 83660 (208) 722-6936 info@topairinc.com www.topair.ag
info@eqraft.com www.eqraft.com
We enable growers and packers to develop an efficient and reliable agribusiness. From turnkey onion facilities to heavy duty equipment for topping, cleaning, optical grading with AI, bin handling, storage, bin tipping, weighing, bagging, sewing, crate filling, jumbo bag filling, and master packing lines. Proud member of the Onion Tech Alliance.
Haines Equipment, Inc.
P.O. Box I, 20 Carrington Street Avoca, NY 14809 (607) 566-2234
Hainesinc@aol.com www.hainesequipment.com
Top Air, Inc.
101 N. Roswell Blvd. Parma, ID 83660 (208) 722-6936 info@topairinc.com www.topair.ag
E q UIPME nt

Gearmore, Inc.
13477 Benson Ave. Chino, CA 91710 (800) 833-3023 sales@gearmore.com www.gearmore.com
Lee Shuknecht & Sons
4458 Ford Road Elba, NY 14058 (585) 757-6628
mail@shuknecht.com www.shuknecht.com Stahay Planter Authorized Dealer
Mel Beck Precision Planters LLC
214 Thunderegg Blvd. Nyssa, OR 97913 (541) 372-3532 rbeck@fmtc.com www.precisionplanters.com Multi-line planters since 1956
Milton Planters
101 N. Roswell Blvd. Parma, ID 83660 (208) 722-6936 info@topairinc.com www.topair.ag
Monosem Inc.
1001 Blake Street Edwardsville, KS 66111 (913) 438-1700 www.monosem-inc.com Custom Planters Built-to-Order

Top Air, Inc.
101 N. Roswell Blvd. Parma, ID 83660 (208) 722-6936
info@topairinc.com www.topair.ag
Chinook Equipment Inc.
P.O. Box 15554 Boise, ID 83715 (208) 331-1126
chinookequipment@gmail.com www.chinookequipment.com
Eqraft info@eqraft.com www.eqraft.com
We enable growers and packers to develop an efficient and reliable agribusiness. From turnkey onion facilities to heavy duty equipment for topping, cleaning, optical grading with AI, bin handling, storage, bin tipping, weighing, bagging, sewing, crate filling, jumbo bag filling, and master packing lines. Proud member of the Onion Tech Alliance.

Ernst Manufacturing Bakersfield, CA (661) 831-7553
info@ernstusa.com www.ernstusa.com
Post-harvest processing facilities and equipment since 1944. Design and Engineering Services * Equipment Manufacturing * Parts and Supplies * Equipment Service
Haines Equipment, Inc.
P.O. Box I, 20 Carrington Street Avoca, NY 14809 (607) 566-2234
Hainesinc@aol.com www.hainesequipment.com
JDC Extraction
527 W. McGregor Drive, Suite 527 Boise, Idaho 83705 (208) 577-5375 www.jdcextraction.com
Kerian Machines
P.O. Box 311, Grafton, ND 58237 (701) 352-0480 sales@kerian.com www.kerian.com
Lee Shuknecht & Sons 4458 Ford Road, Elba, NY 14058 (585) 757-6628
mail@shuknecht.com www.shuknecht.com
Onion Harvesters, Grading, Topping, Packing, Sizing, Sorting
2025 Buyers’ Guide

M & P Engineering Ltd
5050 W. 72nd Street
Fremont, MI 49412 (231) 924-6437
Onion peeling machines for fresh cut and process applications. Single machines or complete lines are available.

Modern Produce Equipment
5118 W. 72nd Street
Fremont, MI 49412 (231) 425-7226
We design and install a variety of vegetable handling and potato processing equipment. From single machines to full vegetable handling & grading systems. Dealers for Tong Engineering and Nicholson Machinery

Rietveld Equipment
4067 E. 4000 N. Road
Bourbonnais, IL 60914 (815) 936-9800
john@rietveldequipment.com www.rietveldequipment.com
Installation and full service. Full washing and grading lines. Distributor for Allround, Taneco, Upmann, IPLA Palletizing and Meconaf

E q UIPME nt

Volm Companies
Antigo, WI (Corporate Headquarters) 1804 Edison St., Antigo, WI 54409 (800) 253-4737
Idaho Falls, ID 3721 W 65th South Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (208) 524-0600
Pasco, WA
5702 Industrial Way Suite 101 Pasco, WA 99301 (509) 547-3437
Fresno, CA 3440 S East Ave. Suite 104 Fresno, CA 93725 (800) 253-4737
Monte Vista, CO 1100 S County Road 3 E Monte Vista, CO 81144 (800) 253-4737
Brantford, Canada 173 Garden Ave. Brantford, Ontario N3S 0A7 (905) 648-7300
We enable growers and packers to develop an efficient and reliable agribusiness. From turnkey onion facilities to heavy duty equipment for topping, cleaning, optical grading with AI, bin handling, storage, bin tipping, weighing, bagging, sewing, crate filling, jumbo bag filling, and master packing lines. Proud member of the Onion Tech Alliance.

Fox Solutions
Aaron Fox
2200 Fox Drive
McAllen, TX 78504 (956) 682-6176
Fax: (956) 682-5768
info@foxbag.com www.foxbag.com
Automation for complete fresh produce packing equipment lines, offering streamlined operation solutions and quality.

Volm Companies volmcompanies.com
Antigo, WI (Corporate Headquarters) 1804 Edison St., Antigo, WI 54409 (800) 253-4737
Idaho Falls, ID 3721 W 65th South Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (208) 524-0600
Pasco, WA 5702 Industrial Way Suite 101 Pasco, WA 99301 (509) 547-3437
Fresno, CA 3440 S East Ave. Suite 104 Fresno, CA 93725 (800) 253-4737
Monte Vista, CO 1100 S County Road 3 E Monte Vista, CO 81144 (800) 253-4737
Brantford, Canada 173 Garden Ave. Brantford, Ontario N3S 0A7 (905) 648-7300

Ernst Manufacturing
Bakersfield, CA (661) 831-7553
info@ernstusa.com www.ernstusa.com
Post-harvest processing facilities and equipment since 1944.
Design and Engineering Services * Equipment
Manufacturing * Parts and Supplies * Equipment Service

Fox Solutions
Aaron Fox
2200 Fox Drive
McAllen, TX 78504 (956) 682-6176
Fax: (956) 682-5768
info@foxbag.com www.foxbag.com
Automation for complete fresh produce packing equipment lines, offering streamlined operation solutions and quality.

2025 Buyers’ Guide
E q UIPME nt
SIZInG / SOrtInG (COnt.)
Haines Equipment, Inc.
P.O. Box I, 20 Carrington Street Avoca, NY 14809 (607) 566-2234
Hainesinc@aol.com www.hainesequipment.com
Kerian Machines
P.O. Box 311, Grafton, ND 58237 (701) 352-0480 sales@kerian.com www.kerian.com
Lee Shuknecht & Sons
4458 Ford Road, Elba, NY 14058 (585) 757-6628
mail@shuknecht.com www.shuknecht.com
Onion Harvesters, Grading, Topping, Packing, Sizing, Sorting

Tong Engineering
5050 W. 72nd Street Fremont, MI 49412 (231) 924-5647
sales@tongengineering.com www.tongengineering.com
Tong is a world leading manufacturer of advanced and gentle onion sizing, sorting, unloading, dumping, filling and weighing equipment. We manufacture high quality mild and stainless steel handling systems that are built for minimal maintenance and maximum performance; from single machines to custom built turnkey installations. The complete onion handling solution - designed with you in mind.

Unitec USA
California 310 N. Cluff Ave., Suite 117 95240 Lodi CA
Washington 2623 Euclid Ave., Suite B 98801 Wenatchee WA (209) 369-6200
unitec.usa@unitec-group.com www.unisorting.com
Unisorting is a brand of UNITEC, an international group with 100 years of history specialized in designing and manufacturing innovative solutions for processing, sorting, quality selection and packing of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Van Doren Sales Inc.
E. Wenatchee, WA - (509) 886-1837
Union Gap, WA - (509) 469-9006
Grand Rapids, MI - (616) 361-3980
Kelowna, BC - (778) 480-6880
Integrating the best technology solutions for turn-key projects

Volm Companies volmcompanies.com
Antigo, WI
(Corporate Headquarters) 1804 Edison St., Antigo, WI 54409 (800) 253-4737
Idaho Falls, ID 3721 W 65th South Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (208) 524-0600
Pasco, WA
5702 Industrial Way Suite 101 Pasco, WA 99301 (509) 547-3437
Fresno, CA
3440 S East Ave. Suite 104 Fresno, CA 93725 (800) 253-4737
Monte Vista, CO 1100 S County Road 3 E Monte Vista, CO 81144 (800) 253-4737
Brantford, Canada
173 Garden Ave. Brantford, Ontario N3S 0A7 (905) 648-7300
Ecorobotix Inc.
3030 Travel Plaza Way Pasco, WA 99301-5680
sales@ecorobotix.com www.ecorobotix.com
ARA Precision Sprayer. ARA is an AI-powered Ultra-High Precision Sprayer for Vegetable Crops, Meadows and Lawns
U.S. Dealers
Axis Ag (831) 524-7816 www.axisag.farm
Campbell Tractor (208) 466-8414 www.campbelltractor.com
Keithly Williams (928) 329-7770 www.keithlywilliams.com
RDO Equipment www.rdoequipment.com/locations
Eqraft info@eqraft.com www.eqraft.com
We enable growers and packers to develop an efficient and reliable agribusiness. From turnkey onion facilities to heavy duty equipment for topping, cleaning, optical grading with AI, bin handling, storage, bin tipping, weighing, bagging, sewing, crate filling, jumbo bag filling, and master packing lines. Proud member of the Onion Tech Alliance.
Lee Shuknecht & Sons
4458 Ford Road Elba, NY 14058 (585) 757-6628 mail@shuknecht.com www.shuknecht.com
Onion Harvesters, Grading, Topping, Packing, Sizing, Sorting

Top Air, Inc.
101 N. Roswell Blvd. Parma, ID 83660 (208) 722-6936
info@topairinc.com www.topair.ag

Exploring nature never stops
To produce a healthy, uniform crop, it is essential that young plants get a strong start. That’s why we developed the innovative B-Mox® seed enhancing process.
International research trials have shown that our priming technology enhanced with B-Mox® gives an improvement over standard priming, as seen in the development of the crop. Many growers have already experienced the advantages of B-Mox®, with stronger and more uniform crops and higher packout.
f bejoseeds.com
f provides stronger, more uniform germination
f strengthens the plant in the earliest stage
f stimulates better root development
f reduces risks for growers in the vulnerable early growth stage
f makes plants more resilient throughout the growth period
f is permitted for use in organic agriculture
f B-Mox® is available for onion, carrot, and rooted parsley, and always offered in combination with priming technology.
f Bejo Seeds Inc. (main office) 1972 Silver Spur Pl. Oceano, CA | T: 805- 473-2199 | E: info@bejoseeds.com
2025 Buyers’ Guide

Booker Auction Co.
31 Eltopia West Road Eltopia, WA 99330 (509) 297-9292 www.bookerauction.com

Description: Available in both 30# and 50# in all colors. 2000/bags per roll.
Stock Color: Red
Other colors available: Orange, White, Blue, Purple, Tan, Green, etc...

Ask about our stocking program.

Mesh Rollstock material is less expensive than premade bags. As Labor costs continue to increase, automation is in high demand on all packing lines. With the investment of mesh rollstock baggers, Thorpack strives to meet packing house needs with the best mesh rollstock available. No need for pack off tables and hand packing labor. Move forward into automation and reduce packing cost with this mesh rollstock material. Your cost savings on your material and less labor will generally pay for this machine within a short period of time.
20# Sewing thread available for all mesh rollstock material
Mesh rollstock functions excellent on the following equipment: Upmatic, Ilapack, Gillen Kirch, H-Tech, Saclark, Volmpack, plus more.
Western Laboratories, Inc. 211 W Highway 95 Parma, Idaho 83660 (208) 649-4360 www.westernlaboratories.com
Clearwater Supply
Columbia Basin 1086 South 1st Ave., Othello, WA 99344 (509) 488-5793
Treasure Valley 2232 SW 4th Ave., Ontario, OR 97914 (541) 889-0007
Precision Ag Drip Irrigation Design and Service Featuring the special commodities: onions, asparagus, blueberries, corn, hops, lavender, melons, mint, nurseries, peppers, shallots, squash, and vines
Redwood Empire Awning Co. 3547 Santa Rosa Ave. Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 588-9900 mike@redwoodempireawning.com www.redwoodempireawning.com
Seed cage covers & frames, pollination cages and frames

BEltS / ChaIn / rOllErS / EtC.
Haines Equipment, Inc.
P.O. Box I, 20 Carrington Street
Avoca, NY 14809
(607) 566-2234
Hainesinc@aol.com www.hainesequipment.com
Lee Shuknecht & Sons
4458 Ford Road Elba, NY 14058 (585) 757-6628 mail@shuknecht.com www.shuknecht.com
Onion Harvesters, Grading, Topping, Packing, Sizing, Sorting
500 6th Ave., P.O. Box 1150 Greeley, CO 80632 (970) 352-0463 or (800) 525-8922
Menahga, MN: (218) 564-5149 Filer, ID: (208) 326-4306 www.noffsingermfg.com

Top Air, Inc.
101 N. Roswell Blvd.
Parma, ID 83660 (208) 722-6936
info@topairinc.com www.topair.ag

2025 Buyers’ Guide

American Takii, Inc.
301 Natividad Road
Salinas, CA 93906 (831) 443-4901
Head of National Sales: Greg Hardison (831) 756-7053 - ghardison@takii.com
East Coast / Canada: James Young (269) 945-7799 - jyoung@takii.com
West Coast: Trace Pafford (559) 326-3545 - tpafford@takii.com
West Coast: Robert Sanchez (559) 469-6520 - rsanchez@takii.com
Southwest U.S.: Matthew Leonard (760) 756-8188 - mleonard@takii.com
National Vegetable Sales Manager: Mitchell Young (603) 393-3488 - myoung@takii.com
Bunching, short day, intermediate, long day and overwintering onion seed

Bejo Seeds, Inc.
1972 Silver Spur Place Oceano, CA 93445 (805) 473-2199
Bunching, intermediate, long day, and short day for both conventional and organic operations

Cora Seeds s.r.l.
Via Boscone, 1765/A 47522 Cesena (FC) +39 0547 385166 www.coraseeds.com
Enrico Rappuoli: +39 337 1111959
Short day, intermediate and long day yellow, white, red and pink onion seed

Enza Zaden USA, Inc.
7 Harris Place
Salinas, CA 93901 (855) 800-ENZA (3692) customer.service@enzazaden.com www.enzazaden.us From Seed to Solution

Gowan Seed
Brian Haddon (971) 282-2884 - Western OR & WA
Jimmy Graton (805) 305-5447 - Columbia Basin
Curtis Mokler (509) 820-8489 - Columbia Basin
BASF | Nunhems
Sales Specialists
Brett Ross (208) 504-9154 brett.ross@basf.com
Oregon, Idaho, Utah & CO Grant Aitken (209) 712-3665 grant.aitken@basf.com
California & Nevada
Kevin Moe (509) 975-6762 kevin.moe@basf.com
Columbia Basin WA & Western OR Mark Walton (840) 242-4439 mark.walton@basf.com
Sarah Beaver (208) 550-5565 sarah.beaver@basf.com
Oregon & Idaho
Product Development
Michael Straugh (208) 249-5942 michael.straugh@basf.com
Product Specialist NAFTA region
Main Office
BASF | Nunhems
1200 Anderson Corner Road
Parma, Idaho 83660 (208) 674-4000
Stokes Seeds
Scott Rush (239) 405-2591 srush@stokeseeds.com
Georgia, Vidalia
TS&L Seeds
Norman Linkenhoger (956) 578-4505 normanl@tslseed.com
Texas, New Mexico

Crookham Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 520 Caldwell ID 83606-0520 (208) 459-7451
ccoinfo@crookham.com www.crookham.com
West Coast and International Representative: Lyndon Johnson (208) 369-3390 lyndonj@crookham.com
Midwest Representatives: Pieter Droegkamp (262) 202-4019 - pieterd@crookham.com
James Eckert (608) 895-2143 - jamese@crookham.com
East Coast Representative: Luther McLaughlin (208) 789-4254 - lutherm@crookham.com

DP Seeds LLC
8269 E. Highway 95 Yuma, AZ 85365 (928) 341-8494
info@dpseeds.com www.dpseeds.com
Bunching, short day, intermediate, long day and overwintering seed
Wade Schwark (209) 607-2870 - Treasure Valley, UT & ND
Larry Duell (970) 397-8566 - Colorado
Jeremy Toney (928) 580-1967 - Imperial Valley
Christophe Veron (956) 802-3478 - Texas & Tamaulipas
Russ Brown (559) 799-0799 - San Joaquín Valley
Thomas Vaz (559) 410-0001 - San Joaquín Valley
Tom Boschee (209) 607-8517 - Stockton
Greg Patti (575) 202-2250 - New Mexico
Cameron Cruz (956) 280-3950 - Rio Grande Valley, TX
Eddie Vernor (830) 279-8970 - Winter Garden, TX
Tom Toole (616) 326-5557 - Midwest
Derek Levy (912) 433-4752 - Vidalia Region
Josh Heller (717) 940-5440 - Northeast
Dan Eggert (585) 613-5297 - Northeast
OnIOn SEEd (COnt.)

Hazera Seeds
3155 S.W. 10th Street Suite L
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (954) 429-9445
West Coast Sales Manager
Barry Younkin (559) 217-9417

Offices in:
Nampa, ID - Headquarters (208) 442-5251
Lancaster & San Joaquin Valleys (661) 397-5717
Desert Southwest (760) 398-2729
Colorado & New Mexico (970) 396-9728
Idaho, East Oregon, Utah & Nevada (208) 890-4549
Washington & Western Oregon (509) 551-4060
Skagit Valley, Washington (360) 941-7503
Georgia, Florida & the Carolinas (912) 585-8934
Rio Grande Valley & West Texas (956) 618-5574
Winter Garden Texas (830) 278-5850
Celaya Gto. (461) 117-3878
Colima, Col. (461) 104-0134
Zona Norte de Mexico y Bajio (461) 609-2674
Chihuahua (461) 171-9401
Tamaulipas (461) 134-2421
Irapuato, Gto. (461) 546-5792
“Bunching, long day, short day.”

800 North Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63167 (866) 334-1056
Central Valley, CA
David Scheidt (559) 367-7080
Desert Southwest
Christian Drye (928) 318-0067
Pacific Northwest
Richard Navarrete (208) 317-6451
Lee Schill (956) 227-3442

SEEDWAY_Onion World_Oct2021_Layout 1 10/4/2021 2:52 PM Page 1


California (661) 699-0055
Lancaster & San Joaquin Valley (661) 978-5342
+52 (462) 220-0453
Torreón, Coahuila (461) 117-3878
Desert Southwest (928) 446-7737
California, New Mexico (661) 300-9109
Colorado & New Mexico (970) 396-9728
Southern California, Arizona (760) 791-0325
Idaho, East Oregon, Utah & Nevada (208) 941-1421
Colorado (208) 550-7733
Idaho, Eastern Oregon, Utah, Nevada, North Dakota (208) 941-1421 (208) 550-7733
Skagit Valley, Washington (360) 941-7503
Rio Grande Valley & West Texas (956) 618-5574
Washington, Western Oregon (509) 820-9887
Texas (956) 618-5574
Torreon +52 (461) 117-3878
Colima, Col (461) 104-0134
San Luis Potosi (461) 140-9452
Chihuahua +52 (648) 109-1597
San Luis Potosi
Chihuahua (461) 171-9401
+52 (449) 196-1848
Tamaulipas (461) 134-2421
+52 (461) 346-1531
Irapuato, Gto. (461) 546-5792
Colima +52 (461) 104-0134

2025 Buyers’ Guide
Redwood Empire Awning Co.
3547 Santa Rosa Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA 95407 (707) 588-9900
mike@redwoodempireawning.com www.redwoodempireawning.com
Seed cage covers & frames, pollination cages & frames
SEEd trEatMEntS
Corteva Agriscience
Indianapolis, IN www.corteva.us Lumiverd insect control

Germains Seed Technology
8333 Swanston Lane
Gilroy, CA 95020
Kevin Walsh (314) 548-3694
kwalsh@germains.com www.germains.com

Seed Dynamics, Inc.
1081-B Harkins Road
P.O. Box 6069, Salinas, CA 93901 (831) 424-1177

Germains Seed Technology
8333 Swanston Lane Gilroy, CA 95020
Kevin Walsh (314) 548-3694
kwalsh@germains.com www.germains.com

Seed Dynamics, Inc.
1081-B Harkins Road
P.O. Box 6069 Salinas, CA 93901 (831) 424-1177

Germains Seed Technology
8333 Swanston Lane Gilroy, CA 95020
Kevin Walsh (314) 548-3694
kwalsh@germains.com www.germains.com

Gowan Seed
Brian Haddon (971) 282-2884 - Western OR & WA
Jimmy Graton (805) 305-5447 - Columbia Basin
Curtis Mokler (509) 820-8489 - Columbia Basin
Wade Schwark (209) 607-2870 - Treasure Valley, UT & ND
Larry Duell (970) 397-8566 - Colorado
Jeremy Toney (928) 580-1967 - Imperial Valley
Christophe Veron (956) 802-3478 - Texas & Tamaulipas
Russ Brown (559) 799-0799 - San Joaquín Valley
Thomas Vaz (559) 410-0001 - San Joaquín Valley
Tom Boschee (209) 607-8517 - Stockton

Greg Patti (575) 202-2250 - New Mexico
Cameron Cruz (956) 280-3950 - Rio Grande Valley, TX
Eddie Vernor (830) 279-8970 - Winter Garden, TX
Tom Toole (616) 326-5557 - Midwest
Derek Levy (912) 433-4752 - Vidalia Region
Josh Heller (717) 940-5440 - Northeast
Dan Eggert (585) 613-5297 - Northeast
SEEd COatInG / PEllEtInG (COnt.)

Seed Dynamics, Inc.
1081-B Harkins Road
P.O. Box 6069
Salinas, CA 93901
(831) 424-1177

Seedway Offices in:
Nampa, ID - Headquarters (208) 442-5251
Lancaster & San Joaquin Valleys (661) 397-5717
Desert Southwest (760) 398-2729
Colorado & New Mexico (970) 396-9728
Idaho, East Oregon, Utah & Nevada (208) 890-4549
Washington & Western Oregon (509) 551-4060
Skagit Valley, Washington (360) 941-7503
Georgia, Florida & the Carolinas (912) 585-8934
Rio Grande Valley & West Texas (956) 618-5574
Winter Garden Texas (830) 278-5850
Celaya Gto. (461) 117-3878
Colima, Col. (461) 104-0134
Zona Norte de Mexico y Bajio (461) 609-2674
Chihuahua (461) 171-9401
Tamaulipas (461) 134-2421
Irapuato, Gto. (461) 546-5792
“Bunching, long day, short day.”

Skagit Seed Services, Inc.
17297 Hulbert Road
Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 466-3191
Seed coatings and treatments formulated for the needs of onion growers in the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

Germains Seed Technology
8333 Swanston Lane Gilroy, CA 95020
Kevin Walsh (314) 548-3694
kwalsh@germains.com www.germains.com

Seed Dynamics, Inc.
1081-B Harkins Road
P.O. Box 6069, Salinas, CA 93901 (831) 424-1177
Skagit Seed Services, Inc.
17297 Hulbert Road
Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 466-3191
Seed coatings and treatments formulated for the needs of onion growers in the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

2025 Buyers’ Guide
S h IPPE r S

Harris Fresh Inc.
Columbia Basin Onion, LLC
P.O. Box 1191
78727 Westland Road
Hermiston, OR 97838 (541) 667-9472
Conventional & Organic Onions
Gills Onions
1051 S. Pacific Ave.
Oxnard, CA 93030
Office: (805) 240 -1983
Customer Service: (800) 348-2255 www.gillsonions.com
Year-round value-added conventional and organic onions.

Gumz Farms
N570 6th Court
Endeavor, WI 53930
Main Office (608) 981-2488 www.gumzfarmswi.com
Roderick Gumz and Richard Gumz
Onion and Potato Sales
Doug Bulgrin
Cell (608) 697-6775
Tom Bulgrin
Cell (608) 697-2137
Ryan Bulgrin
Cell (608) 566-6736
Gumz Farms is a 4th Generation farm that is proud to offer Wisconsin grown yellow and red onions and red and yellow potatoes. We are your Midwest connection and pack produce year round.
26062 Fresno-Coalinga Road Coalinga, CA 93210 (559) 884-2236
Fax: (559) 884-2219 www.harrisfresh.com

Paradigm Fresh
19974 County Road S Fort Morgan, CO 80701 (970) 775-2049
144 N. Oregon St. Ontario, OR 97914
Ashley Robertson: (208) 739-0831

Potandon Produce LLC
1210 Pier View Drive Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (208) 524-1900
Exclusive marketer of Green Giant fresh potatoes and onions.

Shuman Farms
278 Hwy. 23 South
Reidsville, GA 30453 (912) 557-4477
marketing@shumanfarmsga.com www.shumanfarmsga.com
Industry-leading, year-round grower and shipper of premium sweet onions.

Southern Produce Packing & Sales, LLC
569 DeWitt Tatum Road
Reidsville, GA 30453 (912) 654-0000
Grower, shipper, packer of Georgia Grown watermelons, eastern veg, and year-round premium sweet onions

Sunset Produce LLC
30103 West Gwinn Road
Prosser, WA 99350 (509) 786-3996
“Quality onions from Sunrise to Sunset!”

Treasure Valley Farms
135A East Railroad Lane
Weiser, ID 83672 (208) 986-3412
Packing Shed Manager
Shelly Frisby Cell: (541) 216-2637 sfrisby@agrinw.com
Sales Manager
Brian Debban Cell: (208) 216-2651 bdebban@agrinw.com

Vee’s Produce
(715) 374-3300
Onion Sales
Jason Vee
Servicing the US and Canada with year-round supply of red, white, yellow, and sweet onions since 1990.

Willowcreek Produce, LLC
4487 N Rd. D
P.O. Box 458
Vale, OR 97918
Tim H. Gluch
Cell: (541) 216-1730

2025 Buyers’ Guide
Inter Agra
+48 501 671 888
The world leader in agriboxes production. Global door-to-door delivery.

Volm Companies
Antigo, WI
(Corporate Headquarters) 1804 Edison St., Antigo, WI 54409 (800) 253-4737
Idaho Falls, ID 3721 W 65th South Idaho Falls, ID 83402 (208) 524-0600
Pasco, WA
5702 Industrial Way Suite 101 Pasco, WA 99301 (509) 547-3437
Fresno, CA
3440 S East Ave. Suite 104 Fresno, CA 93725 (800) 253-4737
Monte Vista, CO
1100 S County Road 3 E Monte Vista, CO 81144 (800) 253-4737
Brantford, Canada
173 Garden Ave. Brantford, Ontario N3S 0A7 (905) 648-7300

Agri-Stor Companies
(208) 733-7000
Crop Protection Products and Services Sanitizer and Disinfectants, Storage Treatments

Industrial Ventilation, Inc.
723 E. Karcher Road Nampa, ID 83687 (208) 463-6305

Emily Merk
Sales Manager North America (509) 318-0148
Ethylene for post-harvest sprout control. Contact your local IVI rep for more details.

Agri-Stor Companies
(208) 733-7000
Agri-Star Storage Control Panel with App Gellert Ventilation and Refrigeration Equipment

Industrial Ventilation, Inc.
723 E. Karcher Road Nampa, ID 83687 (208) 463-6305

Varieties In development, On display
Story by Kris Crookham, Crookham Company
Photos by Dave Alexander, Publisher
Aseasonthat started with a cool, wet and windy spring, followed by a long stretch of days with temperatures above 100 degrees in July, gave Crookham Company a chance to show off the adaptability of its onion varieties at the Crookham Company Onion Reveal. The event, held in Wilder, Idaho, on Aug. 27, highlighted some of the company’s new yellow and red long-day onions.
“This is a great way to wrap up the long-day growing season and to look forward to the 2025 season,” said Lyndon Johnson, sales development manager at Crookham Company.
Of the up-and-coming varieties Johnson is particularly excited about, OLRS14-1265 is a long-day red onion that matures in 110-112 days. The variety’s pilot production finished in August, and it is now ready to be trialed in growers’

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fields across the U.S. The variety has proven to be flexible in planting dates and consistent across the major long-day production areas of the U.S. Placing it in bigger volumes across many different soils types and input usages will allow Crookham to prove the performance that was achieved on a small sale in previous years.
The variety has also kept well in Crookham’s storage trials, and the company is looking to further prove this on a larger scale. Crookham is currently seeking growers to add this trial to their long-day program.
OLYX12-990 is an early (105-day) long-day storage yellow variety that has shown great results for growers in the Midwest, Northeast and Northwest. It performs well under overhead irrigation and can achieve a large size profile under drip irrigation in the Northwest. The top structure is upright and vigorous with a root system to match. It finishes early and has the storage capability to provide flexibility to growers.
Seedway rep Donavin Buck checks out Crookham’s yellow options at the Onion Reveal.
Diamond K Gypsum Ad for 2025 Buyers Guide - Columbia Media - 4.875" x 4.875" .qxp_Layout 1 7/24/24
The variety has had a pilot production and was trialed in large blocks in 2024. Crookham is looking to do a similar block trial pattern in 2025.
OLYX12-721 is a main-season (115day) long-day yellow variety. It has a very long-term storage life and wraps a complete scale upon maturity. The scales are the correct thickness and are multiple to provide protection without causing a black mold issue. The variety also presents a high percentage of single centers, making it suitable for ringing.
Block trials in 2024 were successful, and Crookham is looking to have a similar number of trials in the 2025 growing season.
Crookham Company will be displaying bulbs of these varieties at the Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association Conference in Kennewick, Washington, on Nov. 13-14 and at the Great Lakes Expo in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Dec. 10-12.

is a new red from

George Crookham, Jarom Jemmett with J&S Farms and Zane Beams from Seedway discuss varieties in Wilder, Idaho.
Kalie Christensen with Gumz Farms came from Wisconsin to meet with Crookham breeder Ryan Johnson at the Onion Reveal. Christensen calls the Trident variety “amazing” and says that although onions in her area get a lot of rot, she hasn’t seen any from Trident.
From left, Trey Reid, Roger McKinley and Todd Gray with RegenAg Nation help Crookham during the growing season with sustainable options for plant nutrition.
Crookham that will be in adaptability trials next year.
thrips tips and Maggot Management
Story and photos by Denise Keller, Editor
It was a fairly easy year to control thrips in the Columbia Basin, according to an informal show-ofhands survey by Washington State University’s Tim Waters at the WSU Onion Field Day, held Aug. 29 at Hartley Farms near Prosser, Washington. Waters said that the region’s relatively cool weather early on slowed thrips development, and for growers on top of their game making timely insecticide applications, it was a pretty easy year to manage the pest. However, knowing that another year of thrips control is always around the corner, Waters shared with field day attendees helpful tips to control thrips, as well as strategies to manage seed corn maggot in onions.
thrips Control
Currently, there are a lot of tools available to manage thrips, with another product on the way. Between Minecto Pro, Exirel, Movento, Torac, Agri-Mek, Radiant and Lannate, growers should be able to do a fairly good job managing thrips, Waters said; however, he reminded his audience of the importance of scouting their fields early.
“It’s really important to remember with thrips, you don’t want to get out to a late start. If you go out and you have 15-20 thrips per plant, you probably missed the boat by about 10 days,” Waters said. “Generally, in our region, at about the three- to four-leaf stage is the time you want to start applying insecticides for thrips control – when you get about one to two thrips per plant.”
Starting early and keeping populations low while plants are small is important to protect the early leaves that drive photosynthesis. Protecting the crop early will also significantly reduce the impact of Iris yellow spot virus (IYSV), including potential yield reduction. When thrips populations are building rapidly, multiple applications should be separated by

Field day attendees catch up during the WSU Onion Field Day.
about a week and intervals can be shortened to get better control.
Addressing insecticide resistance management, Waters reminded growers to not overuse the available chemistries. He recommended making no more than two applications of any active ingredient per year, being sure that the two applications are back to back to avoid exposing multiple generations to the product. In recent years, thrips populations have been developing some resistance to Lannate. Therefore, Waters recommended using Lannate more sparingly than in the past, and if growers notice a lack of control, refrain from making more than one application.
A new active ingredient is expected to be registered in the second half of 2025. Plinazolin is a new mode of action for thrips control that has been effective in WSU trials. The insecticide can be used for foliar applications, offers a broad spectrum of control and will be a good tool to add to the mix, Waters said.

Edp Electro-bagger model EB 2218 DF
A group discusses the onion cultivar trial, which included 47 entries from six seed companies.
Maggot Management
Moving on to discuss seed corn maggot management, Waters reported that it was a pretty light year for seed corn maggot in the Pasco, Washington, area, while some fields around Moses Lake, Washington, got hit harder.
When conditions are cool in the spring and onions take longer to emerge, plants are more highly susceptible to damage by seed corn maggot. When this happens, stand is compromised and, in turn, yield is reduced from that plant and the plants around it because the surrounding onions tend to become large and blow out their basal plate.
Management options are limited, especially given the loss of former standby product Lorsban (chlorpyrifos). The availability of diazinon is expected to diminish fairly soon, Waters reported, and neonicotinoids, which are included in package mixes, are also at risk.
“The one thing that scares me quite a little bit is neonicotinoids are constantly under scrutiny right now, and we’re worried we’re going to lose those,” Waters said. “When we lose neonicotinoids, we’re going to have a different discussion about seed corn maggot management.”
Seed treatments should help sufficiently manage moderate populations. Sepresto works relatively well under moderate pressure, according to Waters, and FarMore packages are still quite effective. If dealing with higher populations, a quick water lap with a pyrethroid will help knock back some of the adults. While the treatment is only moderately effective, it is sometimes the best option available.
Researchers are looking at alternative chemistries and seed treatments. Plinazolin, which offers very good efficacy and also benefits from having a package mix, will not be labeled in the first year as a seed treatment, but possibly down the road, Waters said.

Field day attendees visit while viewing

Tim Waters, a WSU regional vegetable specialist, speaks about managing onion thrips and seed corn maggots.
the onion cultivar trial.
Phillip Bauman points out details in an onion bulb grown in the onion cultivar trial.

• Potato & Onion Report with AMS, PACA
• “Mechanical Harvest in Short-day Onion” Project Update
• Onion Market Report, by John Harris, Paradigm Fresh

Dec. 8 The Club at Savannah Harbor
• Cost Insurance Discussion by Watts & Associates For Spouses/Friends
Savannah Taste Experience
First Squares food tour is the perfect blend of history and gourmet food.

Pyrolysis Progress
Story and photos by Dave Alexander, Publisher
sustainability / sə- stā-nə- bi-lə-tē / n : the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources, and thereby supporting longterm ecological balance
Sustainability is an important buzzword on farms nowadays, but farmers have been practicing it long before it had a Merriam-Webster definition. But now that it is defined as a goal for farmers, some processors are requiring sustainability reports and expect growers to have a plan in place.
Part of a sustainable plan involves recycling, and if you’re using plastic drip tape, dumping it into a hole or a landfill is not considered sustainable or even responsible. Recycling plastic makes sense, as it can be made into a variety of things, including building materials,
fabrics, packaging, toilet paper and even red diesel suitable for tractors.
If you caught the article titled “Is a Backyard ‘Still’ in Your Future?” from the March-April 2024 issue of Onion World, you’ll know that Oregon State University (OSU) has an ongoing project to convert plastic waste (like drip tape) into red diesel fuel. The conversion is done using pyrolysis, a process that heats plastics to high temperatures without oxygen and converts the plastic into usable diesel. OSU describes it cleverly as “futile to utile.”
At the OSU Malheur Experiment Station Onion Variety Day in late August, attendees got a chance to see pyrolysis in action, using a working pyrolysis reactor built by OSU students. The reactor is not overly complex or complicated. Running
on 120V AC, the heart of the machine is a high-temperature kiln that melts plastic.
The Ontario, Oregon, experiment station does not have a permanent reactor, or “still” as we like to call it for the shock value, but station director Stuart Reitz and OSU faculty member Marina Denny said there are several growers in the Treasure Valley that are willing to step up and have demo units on their property.
Many questions
But the first step to enhanced sustainability, Rietz said, is to get answers to plenty of questions about the fledgling technology. Popping them off one by one, Reitz created a long list. What kind of regulatory hurdles will need to be cleared? Will the cost of building and

Helenator, OSU’s working reactor, cranks out diesel fuel from drip tape in Malheur.

From left, Brett Ross, Xiang-Yu Zhang, Zhengu Li, Katelyn Grant and Michael Straugh represent BASF Nunhems at Malheur. Zhang and Li came from China for the field day, and Jason Cooper (not pictured) traveled from Australia.
running a reactor on your farm pencil out, considering the diesel you get back?
If a third party built a larger facility, would the shipping cost to get drip tape to the recycler and the electrical power to run the reactor make it profitable? Would a larger, community reactor charge growers to process their drip tape, or would the return of one kg of plastic for one liter of fuel be enough of a return? Would there be funds available to build such a facility? It’s too soon to answer any of these riddles.
To answer these questions and more, OSU is looking for help and input from growers. OSU has developed an online survey that will determine what type of plastic waste currently exists on farms, what growers do with it now and how much they spend to dispose of it. The survey seeks answers to these questions to determine the real-world viability of pyrolysis.

Irrigation tubing and ocean plastics converted by pyrolysis into diesel fuel are on display at the Malheur field day. Coffee cups from the on-campus Dutch Bros shop are also turned into fuel.
From left, Oregon State University engineering students Abbie Marshall, Luke Randall and Peyton Stringer display OSU’s pyrolysis reactor at the field day.
Scan this qr code to take a survey about your annual plastic usage. Survey results will help OSU understand the size and complexity of the agricultural plastics problem.

Even if the OSU survey finds that a backyard reactor doesn’t pencil out for Treasure Valley growers, a larger reactor built for the community could make sense. Reitz said the same tech on display at the field day could be “leveled up” into a larger machine.
Not all plastic can be pyrolyzed into diesel fuel, but there are some consumer packaging products that can. In addition to drip tape, things like milk jugs, squeezable bottles, 6-pack rings and some plastic bags will produce fuel. Perhaps a local effort to recycle these types of items would help with the feasibility of a large reactor and the goal of greater sustainability.
To take the survey and help OSU determine the next step, use the QR code on this page or go to oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/ SV_4T2Gjr8cpO2wOXQ.

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Malheur Experiment Station director Stuart Reitz and OSU faculty member Marina Denny discuss reactor research and field trials.

AOnion World turns 40
s Onion World celebrates 40 years of publication this year, we have been sharing memories in every issue. As you look through these photos from our archives, consider that most of the people pictured here are baby boomers and are either retired now, contemplating retirement or have passed on.
Gen X, millennials and Gen Z are now running farms. Many of these people learned their agrarian skills from their boomer parents. But they also have to adapt and learn new skills and technology in order to compete in a changing world.
By the time Gen Z retires, around 2065, there will be over 10 billion mouths to feed worldwide. But, paradoxically, farmland is shrinking as the world’s food needs increase. Agriculture has and will continue to become more efficient, producing more with less to address this contradiction.
As we honor the work done by the boomers pictured here, we can’t help but marvel and respect the job that Gen Z and future generations of farmers will be expected to do to feed the burgeoning population.

2002: Dorrance and Larry Standage are pictured on their farm in Vale, Ore.
2002: Bob Sakata rocks the “Dumb Farmer” badge at the NOA Annual Convention in Mexico.
2002: Oklahoma onion growers Roy and Pamela Vinyard with Vinyard Fruit & Vegetable Co. enjoy an NOA meal.
2000: Lorell Skogsberg with Qualiseed attends a Sunseeds field day in Idaho.

Date unknown: Doug Kophamer (left) and Maurice Kophamer check their Sweet Imperials onion crop in Bakersfield, Calif.
Vive Expands leadership team
Vive Crop Protection has made several key leadership changes, bringing on board two new employees and promoting a pair from within.
The company has hired Lana Green as national account manager. Green has a background in agricultural sales and distribution at companies including FMC and Syngenta. She will lead Vive’s distribution network in the United States and develop and execute distribution strategies and large account management plans.

Steve Eskelsen has joined the company as northern technical sales agronomist, bringing a Ph.D. in horticulture crop science and pest management, as well as agronomic expertise and technical support experience. He will lead field trials and oversee agronomic recommendations, data generation and training.
In addition, Jonathan Adamson has been promoted to regional account manager, while Greg Esco, previously the eastern U.S. sales manager, has been promoted to U.S. sales leader.

Brian Haddon, Area Manager (971) 282-2884 San Joaquin Valley Russ Brown, Area Manager (559) 799-0799 Imperial Valley & Yuma AZ
Scott Richards, Area Manager (928) 580-2484
(575) 202-2250
(956) 340-0022
Georgia & the Carolinas Derek Levy, Sales
(912) 433-4752
Nov. 13-14
Pacific northwest Vegetable association
Conference and trade Show
Three Rivers Convention Center. Kennewick, Wash.
Sheri Nolan, (509) 585-5460 or www.pnva.org
Nov. 27
British Growers association
Onion and Carrot Conference
Leicester Tigers Conference Centre. Leicester, England www.onionandcarrotconference.co.uk
Dec. 8-11
nOa annual Convention
The Alida, Savannah, Ga. www.onions-usa.org
Dec. 10-12
Great lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market Expo
DeVos Place Conference Center, Grand Rapids, Mich. www.glexpo.com
Editor’s note: To have your event listed, please email Denise Keller at editor@columbiamediagroup.com.
Please send your information 90 days in advance.

The Gearmore Precision Vacuum Planters are designed for extremely accurate seed placement. We custom build planting systems to growers individuals requirements.

The AI-640-SNT-2-27 Modular Frame Planter has been the go-to choice for successful onion farmers in the Western United States and Canada for more than 35 years, featuring frames that range from 25” to 65” in width.

The SNT-2-110 Planter is designed for double line sowing and features two seeding units for each planter frame. This unit can be equipped with as many planter frames as needed.