Quality Living in Columbia and Montour Counties

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QualityLiving in Columbia and Montour Counties, Pennsylvania

Scenic Parks Entertainment

Dining Recreation

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Quality Living Guide



Live theater

welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 area overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 county history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 community overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 facts, statistics, and information . . . . . . . 11 housing and real estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 shopping and dining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 area culture and art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 business and economic development . . 32 buyer’s guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 This publication was made possible by: The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce 238 Market Street, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-2522 • www.columbiamontourchamber.com

Chamber office

Quality Living guide developed by: Victor Koons Graphic Design 11 E. Front St., Danville, PA 17821 • (570) 275-2154 Graphic Design, Production, and Editorial Content - Victor Koons Advertising Sales - Lois Wolfe Photography - Victor Koons, Amy Stiner, Nicole Coy, April Polomski, and Gordon Wenzel • Theater photography courtesy of Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble • Bike, Race, and Kayak photography courtesy of David Decoteau, Rivertown Race Series • Covered Bridge photography courtesy of Ingrid Barnes, Columbia Montour Visitors Bureau • OATS Festival photograph courtesy of Lana Waichulis © 2010 Victor Koons Graphic Design/Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce. All information within this guide has been researched, and is accurate to the best of the ability of Victor Koons Graphic Design and the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce. The above parties cannot accept responsibility for omissions and/or errors.


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Area street fair

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welcome Town Square, Bloomsburg

Welcome to Columbia and Montour Counties. Within this profile, you’ll see an overview of the fine quality of life this area provides. You’ll see why so many people have been attracted to the area through our work and recreational opportunities, and then discover what keeps them here enjoying a happy and healthy lifestyle.


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Riverfront Park, Danville

Rivertown Race Series event

Historic Danville

Area Overview

Beautiful farmland

Columbia and Montour Counties offers its residents a truly unique environment. It’s one where the beautiful and natural surroundings of a rural area combine with vibrant and progressive communities. The landscape is comprised of wonderful river valleys with three major communities nestled along its banks. Rolling hills, farmland, rural communities, forests, state parks, and gameland make up the rest. The State of Pennsylvania, with the help of a variety of government and public organizations, has recognized the value of our connecting “river towns” as an important regional resource for tourism and recreation. In turn, funding is being continually channeled to develop those resources, creating exciting advancements for all our residents to enjoy. Lovely riverfront parks, rails-to-trails for walking and biking, high calibre race series for runners, bikers, and kayakers, downtown revitalizations; these are just a few examples of the excitement happening within the Columbia-Montour County area. A diverse range of people, from all walks of life, make their home in Columbia and Montour Counties. Many were born and raised here, and many have roots outside the area as career aspirations have led their families to us. No matter where their origin, the residents of Columbia and Montour Counties are privileged to enjoy communities that are as safe, and as welcoming, as anywhere you will find in the entire country. When they say location is everything, they’re not kidding. Columbia and Montour counties are located along one of America’s premier east/west highways, Interstate 80, and are only a few minutes from connecting with Interstate 81, an important north/south highway. What this means for residents is they can experience the culture and excitement of our country’s great eastern cities and be safely back home all in a day’s outing. For business, the transportation options for goods and services are simply the best.

Quality Living Guide


County History Columbia and Montour counties have long been recognized as one distinct social and economic region. In fact, the land of both counties was originally part of one, much larger Northumberland County. It wasn’t until after the Revolutionary War that significant numbers of settlers began exploring our area, by navigating their way up the shallow waters of the Susquehanna River. The borders of the original Northumberland County were established. In 1813, Columbia County, which originally included the land of Montour County, was created by carving away a portion of the original, much larger, Northumberland County. At that point in time, the county seat moved from Danville to Bloomsburg. Due to the tremendous opposition to that move, the Pennsylvania General Assembly carved out another chunk of land from Columbia County to create Montour County, in 1850, and allowed the new county seat to return to Danville. The North Branch of the Susquehanna River cuts through Columbia and forms part of Montour County’s southern border. In terms of land mass, Montour County is the smallest county in Pennsylvania.

Sullivan 239

118 487




Luzerne Lycoming







180 Rohrsburg










44 642

254 Exit 212

Exit 241



Exit 236


Exit 232


11 Catawissa




Exit 224






Mainville 339




487 Numidia



Elysburg 61


42 Paxinos





Centralia Mount Carmel


Shamokin 54


Schuylkill 61


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Montour County Court House

Community Overview Within Columbia and Montour Counties are the three main communities of Danville, Bloomsburg, and Berwick surrounded by a number of smaller ones. These communities are all located along the Susquehanna River, yet each one is unique in its history and its current economic base. bridge/tunnel

Danville’s historic district

Danville Danville, located in Montour County, has an amazing history of manufacturing which has literally affected the lives of every American today. From 1829 to 1950, Danville was one of the most prominent iron manufacturing centers in the country. In 1845, the first T-rail in America was produced at the Montour Iron Works. With this invention, railroad transportation flourished and our industrial revolution “forged” ahead. Danville’s downtown and many areas within the borough maintain the beauty and charm of its 19th century architecture. Through revitalization initiatives and forward thinking leadership, Danville continues to maintain its historic appearance and create new public space and infrastructure which supports that effort. The downtown and historic areas are known for attracting area residents and visitors throughout the year. As Danville’s iron era came to a close, other manufacturing and serv-

ice industries became prominent, bringing with them new employment opportunities and an identity to which this community will be tied to, far into the future. Merck Manufacturing, Cherokee Plant, now known as Cherokee Pharmaceuticals, has been one of Danville’s largest employers since it opened in 1950. For now, however, Danville will be known as the home of nationally renowned, Geisinger Medical Center and Health System. Geisinger is one of the largest healthcare providers in the northeast, and employs thousands of area residents. The beautiful Susquehanna River is a physical feature at the heart of this community. Danville enhances its connection to the river through wonderful riverfront parks, a levee system for protection and recreational walking, a public boat launching area, and a scenic bridge/tunnel connecting Danville to the neighboring community of Riverside.

Quality Living Guide


BU’s Carver Hall

Bloomsburg Public Library


Downtown dining

Historic Berwick

One extremely unique feature of Bloomsburg is the fact that it is the only “town” in Pennsylvania. It was officially designated so by the State General Assembly in 1870. All other communities in Pennsylvania are either cities, boroughs, or townships. After earlier industries became less prominent such as logging, mining, iron, and the construction of the North Branch Canal, new manufacturing began to appear in Bloomsburg. The textile industry became a prominent fixture in town and remains so to this day with companies such as Reiter Automotive North America, Carpet (formerly Magee Carpet), and Milco Industries still in full operation today. Numerous other manufacturers and services such as Del Monte Foods, Bloomsburg Hospital, Kawneer Corporation, RR Donnelley, and Kydex, to name just a few, help to maintain a stable economic base. Like Danville, Bloomsburg is also known far and wide for its most prominent employer, Bloomsburg University. With over 9,000 students, Bloomsburg University and its activities are deeply entrenched in the culture of this area. There is a highly positive relationship between the town and the university where leaders of both work together to form the best community for everyone. Bloomsburg is also a community that is concerned with maintaining the historic charm of an era gone by. The downtown itself, is an attraction to visitors throughout the northeast, and has become a model to other communities involved in revitalization activities. The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce’s Downtown Division has received two awards for its efforts relating to community activities, cultural diversity, community pride, and economic development. The town is also the home to the annual Bloomsburg Fair, which has been held at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds since 1855. It is the largest fair in the state of Pennsylvania.

Berwick Berwick is the easternmost river community in Columbia County with its roots based in manufactur-


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

ing and industry. From the late 1800’s until 1961, the American Car and Foundry Company was a primary employer in the borough, and the largest manufacturer of train and subway cars in the east. After their operations ceased, the site became home to the Berwick Industrial Development Association industrial complex that houses 14 different manufacturers and continues to be the economic backbone of the community. Major employers in Berwick include: Wise Foods, makers of potato chips and snacks; PPL electric utilities and nuclear power; Berwick Offray, maker of decorative ribbons and bows; Deluxe Building Systems, producer of prefabricated housing; and the Berwick Hospital Center. Being on the border, portions of Berwick are included in lower Luzerne County. Residents of Berwick and the surrounding area enjoy quick access to the Susquehanna Riverlands which is a 1,200 acre environmental preserve owned in part by PPL. The borough also owns and operates Ber-Vaughn Park and the Test Track Park which are two other natural areas reserved for recreation such as biking, walking, boating or just relaxing. Berwick’s downtown district is well preserved, providing an appealing environment for shopping or dining, and it’s “Christmas Boulevard” is a holiday destination for the entire area. Berwick is also home to an amazing high school athletics program, most notably in football, where the team has brought home the state championship six times as of this publication. The borough is also host to the nationally known “Run for the Diamonds” marathon held each year on Thanksgiving Day for over 100 years.

Berwick town plaza

Quality Living Guide



The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

facts, statistics and information Bloomsburg Town Park bandshell

Montour County

Commissioners: Trevor Finn, John Gerst, Jerome Ward Courthouse: 29 Mill Street, Danville, PA 17821 (570) 271-3000 Elected Representatives: 10th Congressional District: Rep. Chris Carney (D) 27th District: John R. Gordner (R) representing all of Columbia and Montour Counties 109th District: Robert Belfanti, Jr. (D) Public School Districts: Danville Area School District Warrior Run School District

Columbia County Commissioners: Chris Young, William Soberick, David Kovach Courthouse: 35 West Main Street, PO Box 380, Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 389-5600 Elected Representatives: 11th Congressional District: Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D) US Senate: Arlen Specter (D) and Robert P. Casey, Jr. (D) Pennsylvania State Senate 27th District: John R. Gordner (R) representing all of Columbia and Montour Counties PA House of Representatives 109th District: David Millard (R) Public School Districts: Benton Area School District, Berwick Area School District, Bloomsburg Area School District, Central Columbia School District, Millville Area School District, Southern Columbia Area School District

Quality Living Guide


Demographics Montour County

Population: 17,705 14 or younger . . . . 19.8% 15-24 years . . . . . . 10.9% 25-44 years . . . . . 28.2% 45-64 years . . . . . 24.0% 65 + years . . . . . . . . 17.1%

Education (Attainment of Persons 25 and older) High School Graduate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3% Some College or Associate’s Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.1% Bachelor’s Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.1% Master’s, Professional or Doctorate Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4% Income Per Capita Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19,302 Median Household Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $46,705 Civilian Labor Force: 9,000 Occupations (persons age 16 and older) Production/Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.2% Management/Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34.3% Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.4% Construction/Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1% Sales and Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.6% Farming/Forestry/Fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4% Total Housing Units: 7,627 Housing Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $93,400 Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $384 Municipalities Boroughs: Danville and Washingtonville Townships: Anthony, Cooper, Derry, Liberty, Limestone, Mahoning, Mayberry, Valley, and West Hemlock Census designated places: Mechanicsville Major Employers: Geisinger Health System – Health Care Geisinger System Services – Management Company Danville Area School District – Education Great Dane Trailers – Manufacturing Maria Joseph Continuing Care Community – Health Care and Social Assistance Grandview Health Homes – Health Care and Social Assistance PPL Electric Utilities Corp. – Utility Strick Corporation – Manufacturing

Population: 65,044 14 or younger . . . . 15.2% 15-24 years . . . . . . 18.6% 25-44 years . . . . . . 18.6% 45-64 years . . . . . . 25.7% 65 + years . . . . . . . 15.8%

Columbia County

Education (Attainment of Persons 25 and older) High School Graduate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80.6% Some College or Associate’s Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17% Bachelor’s Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.3% Master’s, Professional or Doctorate Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.0% Income Per Capita Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16,973 Median Household Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $42,119 Civilian Labor Force 31,398 Occupations (persons age 16 and older) Production/Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.2% Management/Professional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28.6% Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17.3% Construction/Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.1% Sales and Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.5% Farming/Forestry/Fishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5% Total Housing Units: 27,733 Housing Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $87,300 Rent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $371 Municipalities Town: Bloomsburg Boroughs:: Ashland, Benton, Berwick, Briar Creek, Catawissa, Centralia, Millville, Orangeville, and Stillwater Townships: Beaver, Benton, Briar Creek, Catawissa, Cleveland, Conyngham, Fishing Creek, Franklin, Greenwood, Hemlock, Jackson, Locust, Madison, Main, Mifflin, Montour, Mount Pleasant, North Centre, Orange, Pine, Roaring Creek, Scott, South Centre, and Sugarloaf. Census designated places: Almedia, Aristes, Buckhorn, Espy, Eyers Grove, Fernville, Foundryville, Iola, Jamison City, Jerseytown, Jonestown, Lightstreet, Lime Ridge, Locustdale, Mainville, Mifflinville, Numidia, Rohrsburg, Rupert, Slabtown, Waller, Wiburton Number One, and Wilburton Number Two. Major Employers: Bloomsburg University – Education Wise Foods, Inc, - Manufacturing CHS Berwick Hospital Corp. – Health Care Rieter Automotive North America – Manufacturing Del Monte Corporation – Manufacturing Berwick Area High School – Education Wal-Mart – Retail Bloomsburg Hospital – Health Care Kawneer Company – Manufacturing Deluxe Building Systems – Manufacturing


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Area Information Weather Moderate. Temperatures range from the 80’s and low 90’s in July and August to the low 30’s during January and February. Precipitation averages about 40 inches per year. Susquehanna River Levels Danville – normal flow is four to five feet; flood stage is 20 feet Bloomsburg – normal flow is three to four feet; flood stage is 19 feet Berwick – normal flow is five to six feet; there is no flood stage Newspapers Danville News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (570) 275-3235 Press Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (570) 784-2121 Radio Stations WHLM-FM 103.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bloomsburg WHLM-AM 930 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bloomsburg WFYY-FM 106.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bloomsburg WFBS-AM 1280 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Berwick WPGM-FM 96.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danville WGGI-FM 95.9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benton Television Stations WVIA (PBS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pittston, PA WBRE-TV (NBC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilkes-Barre, PA WNEP-TV (ABC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moosic, PA WOLF –TV (FOX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scranton, PA WYLN (Hazleton/Berwick) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hazleton WYOU-TV (CBS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wilkes-Barre CATV Service, Inc. CCN-News 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danville Cable Television Providers Service Electric Cablevision – Sunbury . . (570) 286-5951 Metrocast Communications – Berwick . . (800) 633-8578 CATV Service, Inc – Danville . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(570) 275-3101 Utilities and Services Electricity: PPL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 342-5775 Natural Gas: UGI Penn Natural Gas, Inc. .(800) 432-8017 Water: Pennsylvania American Water Co. . . . . (800) 565-7292 United Water Pennsylvania . . . . . . . . . . . (888) 299-8972 Benton Municipal Water Authority . . . . (570) 925-6341 Wonderview Water Company . . . . . . . . . (570) 784-5315 Telephone Verizon Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 225-5282 (Residential) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 479-1919 (Business) Commonwealth Telephone Company (portions of northern Columbia County) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 225-5282 (Residential) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 343-8574 (Business)

Quality Living Guide


housing and real estate New developments

Existing home

In town



The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Life in Columbia and Montour Counties offers a full spectrum of housing opportunities. Enjoy life “in town” which means purchasing one of the many fine homes which exist within the borough limits of any of our communities. Within the river communities of Danville, Bloomsburg, or Berwick you’ll find most anything from well preserved historic homes, featuring many of their well maintained original attributes, to new family structures which have either replaced older homes or have been added to already established neighborhoods. New developments have also been established throughout the region, featuring beautiful new homes on newly landscaped property. Often these developments are located just a few minutes from the borough limits with easy access to well traveled roads and town. Many area builders can be referenced through the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce. If living in a more rural setting is your preference, then a home in or around one of our smaller communities is where you’ll want to be. There are also plenty of lovely country homes, both new and restored, sitting on multiple acres, for those who enjoy the quiet life with a little bit of extra “breathing room.” On the commercial side, existing properties and sites are available throughout the region, as well as new sites already approved for construction. Business owners, companies, and investors will find properties of all types available, from downtown buildings with storefronts, to manufacturing facilities. There are a wide variety of real-estate companies throughout our counties who are well qualified to help you in your decision making process. You can easily start your search by contacting the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce.

Residential neighborhood

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Quality Living Guide


recreation Recreational opportunities in Columbia and Montour Counties offer something for everyone. From the extreme sports enthusiast who wants to push the limits on a mountainbike, to a relaxing family outing, our counties are the place to make it happen. In fact, if you love outdoor recreation, you couldn’t choose a better place! The clean air, pristine waterways, beautiful terrain, and phenomenal trail access has the State Office of Tourism in agreement, as they recognize, fund, and market this region nationwide because of these attributes. Compete or just relax

Enjoying the Outdoors The beautiful Susquehanna River, which runs directly through both counties, provides one source for a variety of recreational outlets. Launch your kayak or canoe and have a pleasant paddle past the attractive farmlands, river towns, and woodlands along the way. The river also provides the setting for fishing, boating, walking, or spending the afternoon picnicking along its shore. River birds and small wildlife are abundant, as you’ll always see something interesting. You may even witness a beautiful bald eagle soaring, as conservation efforts have enabled them to make their home throughout the Susquehanna River Valley.


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Rivertown Race Series

Bloomsburg Town Park

Parks Parks are another source of recreation that Columbia and Montour Counties have in excess. Ricketts Glen State Park is 30 miles north of Bloomsburg on Route 487, just above the town of Benton. The park is comprised of over 13,000 acres that offer fishing, boating, swimming, camping, hiking, winter activities such as cross-country skiing and ice climbing, horse back riding, and environmental education. The scenery is amazing as The Glens boast a series of wild, free flowing waterfalls which cascade through the rocky clefts. The 94foot Ganoga Falls is the highest of 22 named waterfalls. Old growth timber, much of which is over 500 years old, and diverse wildlife make Ricketts Glen State Park one of the most scenic areas in Pennsylvania. Other natural areas include numerous tracts of state game land which are scattered throughout both counties. Thousands upon thousands of acres of wild land set aside by the state can be used for hunting, hiking, and exploring. Terrain ranges from forested, heavily forested, and mountainous. Within the two counties you will also find a variety of nature preserves, natural areas, and community parks for all to enjoy. PPL, a major producer of electricity in the state, owns and operates both the Susquehanna Riverlands just north of Berwick, and the Montour Preserve near Washingtonville. Both offer recreational areas, environmental education, and natural preservation. At the Montour Preserve, visitors will find over 14 miles of hiking, bik-

ing, and walking trails, pavilions for picnicking, and the 165 acre Lake Chillisquaque for boating or fishing. The Susquehanna Riverlands is 1,200 acres on both the east and west banks of the Susquehanna River. Visitors here will have access to a 400 acre recreation area, a wetlands nature refuge, the breathtaking Council Cup Scenic Overlook, and the 30 acre Lake Took-A-While. Both places are wonderful, natural, recreational resources right in our own backyard. Every community features well groomed public space for residents and their families to enjoy. A few of these include: Berwick’s Test Track Park, and Ber-Vaughn Park, Bloomsburg’s Town Park, Millville’s Town Park, and Danville's Memorial Park and Riverfront Park.

PPL Nature Preserve, Berwick

Quality Living Guide


Knoebels Amusement Resort

Amusement Parks If you love amusement parks, we’re privy to one of the finest in the country, and admission is free. Knoebels Amusement Resort is just two miles south of the two counties, off Route 487 in Elysburg. The provides a world of family fun with over fifty rides and many attractions including Pennsylvania’s tallest ferris wheel and three outstanding wooden coasters. “The Phoenix” has even been rated as one of America’s top 10 best! Add to this a delicious variety of food, camping, swimming, and golf, and you have a place you can return to again and again.

Mountain bike trails

Camping If you enjoy camping, you’ll have plenty of options in Columbia and Montour Counties. Along with all the possibilities within the nearby state parks and forests, you’ll also find many private campgrounds and camping resorts offering clean, safe, and fun outdoor family adventures.

Golf Top-notch golfing facilities exist within the two counties. The beautiful landscape of this area, combined with a wide variety of terrain makes for an exciting golf outing for persons of any skill level. Private club courses and courses open to the public are available throughout the counties. And, when we include driving range facilities, we have over 15 courses available. People come to this area from all over the region to experience the varied course terrain that is offered here.

Trails Trails are an important recreational concern in the two counties, with develop-


ment happening on new ones, every year. Not only are there the hiking trails found in our state parks or nature preserves, but also, trails offering convenient recreation within close proximity and throughout our communities. Exciting examples of such trails can especially be noted in Montour County. The Greenways and River Dike Tow Path is a pedestrian bicycle and walking trail, following the historic route of the Pennsylvania Canal. The trail begins at Danville’s F.Q. Hartman Field, and runs three miles east along the river, past the outskirts of town. Proposed work is to continue on this path, eventually linking

The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Danville, Catawissa, and Bloomsburg. The Robbins Trail is the oldest “Rail-toTrail” in the county and offers mild terrain of up to five miles along with a scenic covered bridge “fishing spot” at its north end. It is a convenient place for a scenic walk, jog, or bike ride. Trails of the Geisinger Stewardship Forest are located in the mountainous hillside behind Geisinger Medical Center. These are trails set up for vigorous hiking or mountainbiking activities. There are numerous trails with different loops and intersections, so the distance traveled is up to you. These trails allow our area to be one of the “healthiest places in PA.”

Quality golf courses

Danville’s Spring Fling

Trails to walk, run, or bike

Fairs and Festivals Family entertainment in the form of fairs, festivals, carnivals, and parades is something that Columbia and Montour Counties have no shortage of, especially during the spring through autumn months. When it comes to carnivals, most every community within the two counties has one, and they’ll range in size from large to small. There’s always lots of interesting sights to see and fun things to do like; games of skill, rides, musical entertainment, and delicious food to tempt your taste buds! The Millville Carnival is the largest of these community carnivals and usually occurs within the week of July 4th. The Millville 4th of July Parade is also a must see event with bands, floats, cars, and loads of candy. Bring a chair because it’s been known to last for hours! Festivals include the annual Covered Bridge and Arts Festival held in October at Knoebels Amusement Resort in Elysburg. This festival celebrates the 25 extraordinary covered bridges which reside in Columbia and Montour Counties. This well preserved collection of bridges attract people from all over the nation, and the festival is a great way for folks to gather and enjoy them. Crafters, food, entertainment, antique cars, and bus tours of many of the bridges are all part of the event. The Iron Heritage Festival is another major festival held in Danville during late July of each year. It is a celebration of Danville’s rich iron history and the contributions made to the industrial revolution. And, along with that come a whole lot of fun, food, education, train rides, entertainment, and great sights to see. The event ends with a fabulous fireworks display over the Susquehanna River, and draws thousands of visitors from just about everywhere.

Quality Living Guide


Iron Heritage Festival

Bloomsburg Fair

Festival craftsmen

Other festivals include various downtown arts and crafts festivals, seasonal festivals such as the Strawberry or Pumpkin Festival, bluegrass festivals, monster truck rallies, rodeos, and hot rod cruise-ins. There are just so many things going on that the best way for visitors and residents to keep updated is to contact the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce, or the Columbia-Montour Visitors Bureau. There is one major event, however, that cannot be missed; and that is the grand-daddy of them all, the great Bloomsburg Fair. Held for an entire week at the end of each September, this fair is know nationwide and has been an annual event since 1855. It is Pennsylvania’s largest fair and it attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors to Bloomsburg’s permanent fairground facilities each year. The fair features nationally known entertainment, agricultural exhibits, horse racing, a huge midway with rides and games, side shows, and the largest selection of food vendors you’ll ever see assembled. Make sure you bring your appetite.


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

shopping and dining Brewpub and restaurant

Shopping Columbia and Montour Counties are truly a delightful place to shop. You can easily find anything you might desire and then find a number of things you wouldn’t expect, or can’t get anywhere else. On Route 11, which runs directly through Danville, Bloomsburg, and Berwick, as well as locations from the exits off Interstate 80, is where you’ll find a vast array of shopping opportunities. Here you’ll find most every big box retailer, home and building center, equipment supply store, electronics outlet, grocery store, or pharmacy. Our area continues to grow, and in turn, our shopping options continue to grow as well, with new facilities being established each year. From the Buckhorn exit off Interstate 80, is where you’ll find the Columbia Mall which offers three major anchors and near 50 specialty stores, restaurants, and services within one enclosed facility. There are also three other large malls in the vicinity, located just minutes outside the two county area. Downtown shopping within the river communities of Danville, Bloomsburg, and Berwick is unique and vibrant.


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Farmer’s market

Always a comfortable room

Area coffee shop

Each downtown has its own special characteristics and features everything from antiques and specialty shops to professional firms, artisans, and restaurants. The preservation of historic architecture is very important to our downtown shopping communities as it lends itself to the charm and attraction of these areas. Revitalization efforts and downtown maintenance are always in full swing as these initiatives help bring continued success to our downtowns. Beautiful, flowering trees line the streets which also add to the wonderful, overall experience.

Downtown Shopping

Dining Dining within Columbia and Montour Counties is unbelievable. Our professional base through the university and hospitals has created an environment where quality dining venues can be established and flourish. Within our downtowns you’ll find fine and casual dining of all types, brewpubs, taverns, old fashioned diners, coffee houses, and breakfast nooks. Our area is highly regarded for our dining opportunities. From the aforementioned highway locations of Route 11 and the Interstate 80 exits, you’ll find fast food outlets of every kind, and most every large national chain restaurant for you to enjoy familiar, and not so familiar offerings. There is always a place to enjoy a great evening out in Columbia and Montour Counties.

Places to Stay Due to the proximity of Interstate 80, and the need for guests to visit our area, you’ll find no shortage of great places to stay, or have a relaxing retreat, within the counties. Enjoy a clean, comfortable room in one of our area’s many hotels, motels, or motor lodges where you’ll be sure to find a pleasant smile and courteous service. Wind down with amenities such as swimming pools, game rooms, and lounges, then get a good night’s sleep. If a great bed and breakfast sounds right for you, then you’ll be pleased to find a host of wonderful inns to choose from. Each one offers comfortable and beautiful surroundings, along with attentive and delightful personal service.

Quality Living Guide


Arts and culture abound in Columbia and Montour Counties and opportunities are readily available in our three main rivertown communities, as well as in the outlying reaches of our counties.

area culture and art

Artist’s gallery Parrs Mills Bridge


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Arts and culture abound in Columbia and Montour Counties and opportunities are readily available in our three main rivertown communities, as well as in the outlying reaches of our counties. Covered bridges take us back to a simpler time...back to small town, rural America. Our counties are like an outdoor museum of these beautiful and historic structures as we are the home to twenty-five such bridges. Many of the bridges are still in use and all of them are well maintained. It’s truly a flashback in time to the landscape of a bye-gone era. Columbia County even hosts the only twin covered bridges in the United States, the East and West Paden Bridges. Back in town, we find high quality theater productions through Bloomsburg University’s Mitrani Hall, which is the university’s venue for collegiate productions and their acclaimed Celebrity Artist Series, which brings worldrenowned entertainers to Bloomsburg throughout each year. The Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble is a professional theater company who has made their

One of our area’s 24 covered bridges

Antique shopping

Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble

OATS Bluegrass Festival

home in Bloomsburg for over 30 years. The BTE performs at the Alvina Krause Theater, a beautifully maintained, art deco theater in Bloomsburg. Their multiple performances each year along with various educational initiatives keep their artistic presence in high regard, nationwide. With such a rich history, it’s no wonder that antiques are in abundance throughout the counties. This place is a mecca for antique lovers who can readily find such items at the numerous antique shops, flea markets, and renovated barn shopping venues established throughout the area. Aside from things of the past, it’s also very important to look to the future and have outlets for our area’s contemporary artists to be seen. Within Danville and Bloomsburg you will find a variety of artist galleries and studios, as well as an educational Children’s Museum, and the Haas Center for the Arts on the Bloomsburg University campus. The Haas Gallery exhibits five to eight shows annu-

Quality Living Guide


Millville Carnival

Craft festival

ally from student work to internationally acclaimed artists. Within 30 miles of Columbia and Montour Counties’ borders you’ll also have access to the fine galleries and cultural opportunities presented by many other institutions of higher learning. These include Luzerne County Community College’s Schulman Gallery, The Gallery at Penn College, Lore


Degenstein Gallery of Susquehanna University, and the Samek Art Gallery at Bucknell University. Music adds to the appeal of any area, and you’ll find no shortage of that here. Many of our clubs and restaurants feature live performances by local musicians who add to the flavour of your evening’s experience. All the universities feature concerts throughout the year, and our

The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

fairs and festivals bring in the finest nationally known acts in the genres of bluegrass, country, and rock. Speaking of fairs and festivals, our two counties feature plenty which celebrate everything from agriculture, modern crafts, iron heritage, and car culture. Please read more about fairs and festivals in the recreation section of this guide.

Geisinger Medical Center

healthcare Berwick Hospital Center

Geisinger Health Systems

Health, Home Hospice, Bloomsburg Health Care Center, and Bloomsburg Physician Services. The Berwick Hospital Center, located in the borough of Berwick, is another high quality healthcare choice available to our surrounding communities. The Berwick Hospital Center facility includes over 100 acute care and approximately 240 long term care beds, and is a full service hospital covering the gamut of medical specialties and diagnostic testing services. Berwick Medical Professionals are a group of physicians who are members of the hospital’s medical staff, but provide services in convenient locations off the main hospital campus.

Since 1915 Geisinger Medical Center, whose main campus is located in Danville, has grown to become an over 400 bed facility and named one of the top 100 hospitals in the country. Physicians throughout Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey refer their most complex cases to Geisinger. Also located on, or near the Danville campus are: The Janet Weis Children’s Hospital, Geisinger Knapper Clinic and Cancer Institute, The Hospital for Advanced Medicine, Geisinger Woodbine Lane which houses many outpatient services, sports medicine and rehabilitation, Health South Rehabilitation Hospital, Henry Hood Center for Health Research, and the Sigfried and Janet Bloomsburg Hospital Weis Center for Research.

Bloomsburg Hospital and the Berwick Hospital Center Two other important and prominent healthcare resources within our counties include the Bloomsburg Hospital, and the Berwick Hospital Center. The Bloomsburg Hospital is an over 70 bed community hospital that provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient services. Outstanding features include a 20 bed inpatient psychiatric unit, emergency medical facility, medical and surgical services, intensive coronary-care unit, and a birthing center. Other entities within the Bloomsburg Health System includes the Columbia Montour Home


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

As a resident of Columbia or Montour County, you’ll have no reason for concern over quality healthcare. Our counties have access to the finest medical practitioners and healthcare facilities in the country.

Continuing Care Communities As the United States’ population ages, the need increases for a high quality of life for older Americans. For older residents of Columbia and Montour Counties, there are a wide variety of quality choices for all levels of senior living. Human service connections through our Chamber of Commerce can help get you started in your search for services including: Home care and hospice, independent living communities, assisted living facilities, or nursing home facilities where skilled nursing care is provided around the clock.

Quality Living Guide


education Bloomsburg University

Danville High School

Bloomsburg High School


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Columbia and Montour Counties are served by seven distinct public school districts within the counties and one school district (Warrior Run) just outside of the Montour County border. Every school district is committed to providing the highest level of education along with a safe, well maintained, and diversely accepting environment. The districts within our counties include: Benton Area, Berwick Area, Bloomsburg Area, Central Columbia, Danville Area, Millville Area, and Southern Columbia Area School Districts. The two counties are also served by the Columbia-Montour Area Vocational-Technical School which functions as a high school, yet offers extensive career training majors for its students. This school is an extension of the educational program of our seven main school districts. The option of vocational education gives students a full range of educational choices. Advanced technology is also at the forefront of every school district’s agenda. The Central Susquehanna Intermediate Unit, a state funded agency, is responsible for the technology needs of the schools within our counties. High quality, on-line schooling opportunities also exist within our region through companies such as KC Distance Learning and the SusQ-Cyber Charter School, both with offices in Bloomsburg. Other private and parochial schools in the region who can be referenced through the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce include: The Bloomsburg Christian School, Columbia County Christian School, Greenwood Friends School, St. Columba School, and St. Joseph School. Our region has easy access to a wide range of colleges and universities, but within Columbia County is where you’ll find Bloomsburg University. The university has an enrollment of almost 10,000 students from areas all across Pennsylvania, and out of state. The university offers 56 undergraduate degree programs, 5 pre-professional majors, and 44 undergraduate minors. The campus continues to grow each year with new, and improved buildings and facilities, along with plazas and landscaping for an attractive and efficient flow of foot traffic. Luzerne County Community College is a two-year college which serves the region and offers classes

Public School Districts Benton Area School District 600 Green Acres Road Benton, PA 17814 (570) 925-6651 bentonsd.k12.pa.us Area Served: Benton and Stillwater Boroughs, Benton, Jackson, Fishing Creek, and Sugarloaf Townships

Central Columbia School District 4777 Old Berwick Road Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-2850 centralcolumbia.k12.pa.us Area Served: Orangeville Borough, Scott, Mifflinville, Mt. Pleasant, Orange, North Centre, and South Centre Townships

Southern Columbia Area School District R.R. 2, Box 372B, Catawissa, PA 17820 (570) 356-2331 scolumbia.k12.pa.us Area Served: Catawissa Borough, Catawissa, Franklin, Locust, Cleveland, Roaring Creek, and Ralpho Townships

Berwick Area School District 500 Line Street Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 759-6400 berwicksd.org Area Served: Nescopeck, Berwick, and Briar Creek Boroughs, Hollenbach, Salem, and Briar Creek Townships

Danville Area School District 600 Walnut Street Danville, PA 17821 (570) 271-3268 danville.k12.ps.us Area Served: The district spans portions of two counties: In Montour County: Danville and Washingtonville Borough, Cooper, Derry, Liberty, Mahoning, Mayberry, Valley, and West Hemlock Township; In Northumberland County: Riverside Borough and Rush Township

Warrior Run School District 4800 Susquehanna Trail Turbotville, PA 17772 (570) 649-5138 wrsd.org Area Served: Northern Montour County

Bloomsburg Area School District 728 East Fifth Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-5000 bloomsburgasd.schoolwires.com Area Served: Town of Bloomsburg, Beaver, Main, Hemlock, and Montour Townships

Millville Area School District 330 Main Street, P.O. Box 260 Millville, PA 17846 570-458-5538 millville.k12.pa.us Area Served: Millville Borough, Greenwood, Madison, and Pine Townships

Columbia-Montour Vocational Technical School 5050 Sweppenheiser Drive Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-8040 cmvt.tec.pa.us Area Served: Benton, Berwick, Bloomsburg, Central Columbia, Danville, Millville, Southern Columbia School Districts

Berwick High School

Columbia-Montour Vo-Tech

at their off-campus facility in Berwick. LCCC’s main campus is located in Nanticoke, just 24 miles northeast of Berwick. The college offers degree programs in the Liberal Arts and Sciences, technical-career programs, certificate programs, and diploma programs. Along with the colleges and universities established within our counties, come a large number of higher education institutions that are within 30 minutes from our borders. These include: Penn State Hazleton, Penn College of Technology, and Lycoming College (Williamsport), Susquehanna University (Selinsgrove), Bucknell University (Lewisburg), and Wilkes University and King’s College (Wilkes-Barre).

Quality Living Guide


From unique and thriving downtowns, to well developed industrial parks, to commercial and family farming operations; Columbia and Montour Counties are an exceptional place to do business. Our location allows the counties to have easy access to two of the nation’s most strategic highways; Interstate 80 (east/west) and Interstate 81 (north/south). These two highways, along with railroad lines running through the counties, allow for efficient transportation of goods and services.

business and economic development

Buckhorn I-80 interchange

The economy of the Columbia and Montour County area is fortunate to have a unique base of industries that help to keep our area moving forward, even in times of recession. Industries such as education, healthcare, farming, and well established manufacturers, have created an economic core in our area that is less susceptible to turbulent economic times, as compared to other regional economies. An interesting example in Berwick is the fact that there is a disproportionate number of industries for the size of the community, according to a research study conducted for the Berwick Industrial Development Association. This provides a wide range of employment possibilities. Bloomsburg University, along with the other universities surrounding our region, and large healthcare employers such as Geisinger, Berwick Hospital Center, and Bloomsburg Hospital are solid cornerstones of our employment base. Of course, no area is recession-proof, however the economy of Columbia and Montour Counties is uniquely positioned to weather some pretty severe economic storms. Although farming makes up only a small percentage of the employed persons within the counties, its impact on our region’s quality of live is very significant. The beauty of our rural farmland creates the visual setting for life throughout the counties. Fresh produce from our farms


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Berwick Industrial Development Association

Columbia county farming

Woodbine Industrial Park

Economic Development Partners The Columbia Alliance for Economic Growth The Columbia Alliance for Economic Growth is an affiliate of the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce and provides economic program assistance to area businesses while working to develop and attract new businesses. This non-profit organization provides financial assistance to qualifying companies and promotes the economic growth of the community. Columbia Alliance for Economic Growth Edward Edwards, President 238 Market Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-2522 Keystone Innovation Zone The Greater Susquehanna Keystone Innovation Zone program is part of the Columbia Alliance for Economic Growth and is intended to renew and focus the state’s commitment to creating new technologies and new entrepreneurs, using our colleges and universities, to deliver economic development opportunities throughout the Commonwealth. Bob Hickox, KIZ Director (570) 245-0096 Bloomsburg Regional Technology Center Located on Market Street near downtown Bloomsburg, the Bloomsburg Regional Technology Center is the premier facility for technology related firms in Columbia and Montour Counties. The Center is within a grand, 100 year old mansion which has been completely renovated to offer modern amenities and a telecommunications infrastructure to meet your business needs. The Center is part of the Greater Susquehanna Keystone Innovation Zone. Berwick Industrial Development Association (BIDA) The Berwick Industrial Development Association is an economic development group that helps businesses, site selection consultants, and commercial realtors find land and buildings in Berwick. They also assist clients by helping to identify sources

for financial assistance packages. BIDA owns and manages the attractive and visible BIDA complex in downtown Berwick. Berwick Industrial Development Association Stephen Phillips, Executive Director 107 South Market Street Berwick, PA, 18603 (570) 752-3612 Berwick Industrial Plan, Inc. (BIP) The Berwick Industrial Plan, Inc has served Greater Berwick since 1954, helping to bring new industry to the area and assisting businesses with obtaining capital funding for expansion. Berwick Industrial Plan, Inc. Stephen Phillips, Executive Director 1206-1 Salem Boulevard Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 759-6990 Spirit, Inc. Spirit, Inc. helps existing businesses procure the financing needed for expansion as well as helping to channel financial incentives to attract new employers to the Greater Berwick Area. Spirit, Inc. Stephen Phillips, Executive Director 1206-1 Salem Boulevard Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 759-6990 SEDA-COG The Susquehanna Economic Development Association - Council of Governments is a regional multi-county development agency which provides leadership, expertise, and services to communities, business institutions, residents and county and municipal government. SEDA-COG helps the communities of Central Pennsylvania address issues such as housing, recreation, downtown revitalization, and public infrastructure. Business services include financing, government sales, and exporting assistance. Printing, mapping, rail freight assistance, weatherization and help for nonprofit organizations are other services which are available. SEDA-COG also provides resources to help companies do business in Pennsylvania as well as coordinate the region’s Keystone Opportunity Zones.

SEDA-COG Dennis Robinson, Executive Director 201 Furnace Road Lewisburg, PA 17837 (570) 524-4491 The Wilkes University Small Business Development Center SBDC offers free, confidential consulting with writing a business plan, marketing, preparing for and managing growth, and more. Consultants from the Small Business Development Center will meet with clients in Bloomsburg at the Chamber of Commerce building. The Wilkes University Small Business Development Center 238 Market Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-2522 Small Business Development Center, Bucknell University This SBDC is another available resource to serve the needs of clients in Montour County who find the Lewisburg location more convenient. Small Business Development Center Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837 (570) 523-8860 Columbia County Industrial Development Authority Edward Edwards 238 Market Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-2522 Greater Danville Area Industrial Development Corporation Arthur M. Peters, Jr., Chairman 16 East Market Street Danville, PA 17821 (570) 275-1211 Montour County Industrial Development Authority Robert L. Marks, Solicitor 12 W. Market Street Danville, PA 17821 (570) 275-3411

Quality Living Guide


Approximate Distance to Select Cities

Columbia Montour Chamber

The Columbia Montour County area has a very well positioned location in northcentral Pennsylvania making us very accessible for business and industry, residents, and visitors. The counties are conveniently located near Interstates 80, 81 and State Routes 11, 15, 487,54, and 42.

Distances to Cities

Bloomsburg Technology Center


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Baltimore, MD . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Harrisburg, PA . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Philadelphia, PA . . . . . . . . . 136 Scranton, PA . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 New York, NY . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Toronto, Canada . . . . . . . 200 Pittsburgh, PA . . . . . . . . . . 238 Washington, DC . . . . . . . . 200 Boston, MA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235

make it to a wide range of area farm markets, grocery stores, and restaurants. All of this leads to fresher, healthier eating choices for us all, and an improved quality of life. Interestingly enough, The Progressive Farmer magazine, a rural lifestyle publication based in Birmingham, Alabama, has named Columbia County, PA as the 5th most desirable place to live in rural America for 2009. This ranking was based on a variety of quality of life indicators such as great schools, access to quality healthcare, low crime, and affordable farmland. Columbia County will also be an enticing place for farm entrepreneurs to conduct business well into the future as conservation easements and established agricultural security areas help to preserve and promote farming endeavors to come. Columbia and Montour Counties are well positioned for economic growth far into the future; and will remain an attractive area for corporations, organizations, and entrepreneurs to settle and conduct business. Good people committed to high quality area growth, who come to us in the form of community leaders and progressive elected officials at the local and state level, have set the stage for a productive business environment throughout all of Columbia and Montour Counties.

Berwick Industrial Development Association, Inc.

Your Partner in Progress

Berwick Industrial Development Association, Inc. 107 S. Market Street Suite 5, Eagles Building Berwick, PA 18603 570-752-3612 bida@pa.metrocast.net info@bida.com


buyer’s guide Air Conditioning, Heating, Plumbing

Banking/Financial Institutions

Dent Plumbing & Heating Inc. 1500 Monroe Avenue Bloomsburg, PA 17815 P.O. Box 1215 Lightstreet, PA 17839 (570) 784-4115 dentph@ptd.net

First Columbia Bank & Trust Co. 232 East Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-1660 www.firstcolumbiabank.com

Design, Installation, Maintenance of plumbing, HVAC, well water pumping systems, water and low pressure steam piping. Layout and piping for residential and commercial restrooms. See our ad page 13

Asphalt Paving Construction HRI, Inc. 1525 Millville Road Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-4866 eastern@hrico.com www.hrico.com HRI, Inc.’s construction operations consist of asphalt paving, structures, utilities and treatments plants, site work, emulsion and dust oil applications, and much more. Call for free estimates. See our ad page 39

Assisted Living Elmcroft of Berwick 2050 W. Front Street Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 759-3155 www.elmcroftal.com An assisted living community offering as much or as little care as a resident may need or want, 24 hours a day, to assist in their daily living activities. See our ad page 20


First Columbia Bank & Trust Co., a full service community bank, operates fourteen branch offices in the communities of Benton, Berwick, Bloomsburg, Buckhorn, Catawissa, Elysburg, Lightstreet, Orangeville, Millville, Scott Township, and West Hazleton. See our ad page 1 First Keystone National Bank 111 W. Front Street Berwick, PA 18603 (888) 759-2266 www.FirstKeystoneNational.com First Keystone National Bank offers a variety of consumer, business, and financial planning products. Our philosophy is simply stated in our bank’s motto: “Yesterday’s Traditions, Tomorrow’s Vision.” See our ad page 39 PNC Bank (888) PNC-Bank www.pnc.com For all your personal and professional financial services. Visit www.pnc.com or call 1-888-PNCBank for locations or information. See our ad page 34

Cable, Television, Internet, Telephone MetroCast Communications 911 N. Market Street Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 802-5642 (800) 633-8578 support@metrocast.com www.metrocast.com

The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Your local Digital Cable, High Speed Internet and Digital Telephone provider. Also bringing you High Definition, DVR (Digital Video Recorder) and four low price V-I-P (video-internet-phone) packages to suit your needs. See our ad page 21

Chimney Sweeps & Lightning Protection Home Saver Chimney Sweeps & Lightning Protection P.O. Box 145 Catawissa, PA 17820 (570) 356-2578 mark@homesaverchimneysweeps.com www.homesaverchimneysweeps.com We are a complete Chimney Service Company offering video inspection, cleaning, re-lining, new construction, re-building, re-pointing, caps, crowns and waterproofing. We also install new and repair existing Lightning Protection Systems.

Construction Don E. Bower, Inc. 7612 Columbia Boulevard Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 759-1362 sales@donebowerinc.com www.donebowerinc.com Don E. Bower, Inc provides a full range of construction services to include Commercial Site Preparation, Street and Road Construction, Small Bridge Construction, Underground Utility Work, Storm and Sanitary Sewers, Asphalt Paving, Concrete Work, Demolition, Excavation and Grading, Complete Project Management with the resources required to get the job done. See our back cover ad

Please support and do business with the fine organizations featured within these pages. All are established members of the Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce.

Credit Union Philadelphia Federal Credit Union 2251 Columbia Boulevard Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-5200 www.betterthanmybank.com Full-service branch with 24-hour ATM offering free checking & credit card, great rates on IRA & savings certificates, competitive loan rates, flexible mortgages, business services & more. See our ad page 13

Economic Development Organization Berwick Industrial Development Association, Inc. (BIDA) 107 S. Market Street, Suite #5 Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 752-3612 info@bida.com www.bida.com BIDA is a private, non-profit industrial development corporation charged with improving the economic base of the Greater Berwick Area via job creation and job retention activities. See our ad page 35

Education Columbia-Montour AVTS 5050 Sweppenheiser Drive Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-8040 www.cmvt.us The Columbia-Montour Area Vocational-Technical School is a full-time area vocational-technical school that serves the youth of Columbia-Montour counties. The school provides quality career and technical education programs.


Health Insurance


Information Technology

Criterium – Peters Engineers 100 Robbins Avenue Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 752-8044

Geisinger Health Plan 100 N. Academy Avenue Danville, PA 17822 (570) 214-5265 www.thehealthplan.com

Berwick Hospital Center 701 E. 16th Street Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 759-5000 www.berwick-hospital.com

Geisinger Health Plan offers health care coverage for businesses of all sizes, individuals and families, and Medicare beneficiaries. GHP is committed to delivering the best value while providing access to quality medical care. See our ad page 9

We are a 101 acute care and 240 long term care bed center with emergency, intensive, obstetrics, vascular, and outpatient services. See our ad pages 10 & 37

OPTiMO Information Technology, LLC 240 Market Street, Suite 103 Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (877) 564-8552 contactus@optimo-it.com optimo-it.com

Consulting, engineering company dedicated to providing the highest quality professional building related services to private, commercial and industrial clients. Info1@criterium-peters.com www.criterium-peters.com See our ad page 3

Funeral Home/Service Higher Education James L. Hinckley, Jr. Funeral Home 1024 Market Street Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 752-3805 Pre-arranged funeral, cremation. We offer professional guidance – To Listen – To Care – To Reach Out and Lighten the Load.

Penn State Hazleton 76 University Drive Hazleton, PA 18202 (570) 450-3000 admissions-hn@psu.edu www.hn.psu.edu Penn State Hazleton is a residential campus offering a great start to 160-plus Penn State degrees, bachelor’s degrees, associate degrees, certificate programs and continuing education opportunities. See our ad page 31

Geisinger Health System 100 N. Academy Avenue Danville, PA 17822 www.geisinger.edu Geisinger serves residents throughout central and northeastern Pennsylvania with two major regional medical centers and 36 community practice sites. For more information visit www.geisinger.org See our ad page 29

OPTiMO provides IT consulting, solutions, and staffing to commercial and governmental agencies of all sizes. See our ad page 40

Insurance Zimmer Insurance Agency, Inc. 415 Central Road, Suite 2 Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-4988 zimmer@ptd.net www.zimmeragency.com The Zimmer Insurance Agency is the largest Erie Agency in the Bloomsburg area. We are your one stop shop for all your insurance needs for more than 50 years.

Quality Living Guide


buyer’s guide Internet/Data/Web

Land Surveyors

Modular Construction

Personal Home Care

PenTeleData 540 Delaware Avenue Palmerton, PA 18071 (800) 281-3564 prosales@corp.ptd.net www.penteledata.net

Peters Consultants, Inc. 100 Robbins Avenue Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 752-4433 info1@petersconsultants.com www.petersconsultants.com

DeLuxe Building Systems, Inc. 499 West Third Street Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 752-5914 www.deluxebuildingsystems.com

Founded in 1994, PenTeleData is Pennsylvania’s largest, privately owned provider of Internet Service and Data Connectivity and remain a family-run organization with its heart based in northeastern Pennsylvania. See our ad this page

Consulting Engineer and Land Surveyors providing professional services for over 35 years. See our ad page 3

Griswold Special Care – NorCenPenn Office P.O. Box 53 Mifflinville, PA 18631 (570) 752-5552 gscnorcenpenn@gmail.com www.griswoldspecialcare.com


The Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce

Founded in 1965, DeLuxe Building Systems, Inc. is a commercial residential construction company, specializing in modular student housing, rental apartment, condominium, and hospitality construction. DeLuxe has the manufacturing capacity to assemble over a million square feet of housing per year. See our ad page 19

We refer experienced and reliable caregivers to clients who need services in the home. These include personal care, personal assistance, homemaking, and companionship services, all at an affordable rate.


Signs and Banners

Berwick Medical Professionals (570) 759-5555 www.clinicco.com

Belles Signs & Designs 847 Salem Boulevard Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 542-4567 signs@bellessigns.com www.bellessigns.com

Berwick Medical Professionals offers a variety of medical services for patients of all ages. Some of our specialties include: Vascular Care, Pain Management, Gynecology & Women’s Health, Family Care. See our ad page 27

Real Estate Realty World Masich & Dell 1103 W. Front Street Berwick, PA 18603 (570) 759-6363 or 1-800-482-0063 rwmd@pa.metrocast.net www.RealtyWorldMD.com Realty World - Masich & Dell, is a medium-size Real Estate Company in the Northeastern Pennsylvania market, founded in 1984. We are a full service Brokerage, offering relocation, referral services, as well as residential, new construction, and commercial sales and leasing. See our ad page 15 Villager Realty, Inc. 730 Market Street Bloomsburg, PA 17815 (570) 784-5206 bloomsburg@villagerrealty.com www.villagerrealty.com First in Service, First in Trust – Villager agents will provide the best assistance in buying, selling or renting a home. See our ad page 15

Retail/Shopping Columbia Mall 225 Columbia Mall Drive Bloomsburg, Pa 17815 (570) 387-4909 sadams@cedarshoppingcenters.com www.columbiamall.com Browse and shop over 30 specialty shops. You’ll find great prices and great selections everyday, as well as special events for all ages throughout the year. Visit www.columbiamall.com See our inside back cover ad

Digital Prints, ADA Signage, Window Lettering, PennDot Approved Signs, Vehicle Graphics, Banners, Job Site Signs, Custom Neon & Repair, Dimensional Letters, Lighted Signs, Magnetic Signs, Design Logos, Licensed Electricians


1525 Millville Road Bloomsburg, PA 570-784-4866 www.hrico.com

• Bituminous Paving • Street Construction • Parking Lot Construction • Highway Construction • Driveway Construction • Clearing & Grubbing

Telecommunications Service Electric Cablevision, Inc. 500 Grant Street Sunbury, PA 17801 (750) 286-5951 or (800) 522-2389 sunburyoffice@secv.com www.secv.com The best TV, Internet, and Phone service. Crystal-clear pictures – HDTV, Be in control – On Demand. Record your favorite show – DVR. Lightning-fast – High-Speed Internet. Reliable connection – Digital Phone. See our ad page 26

Utilities PPL Corporation Two North Ninth Street Allentown, PA 18101 800-DIAL-PPL • www.pplweb.com Locally, PPL generates electricity at two power plants, Susquehanna and Montour deliver electricity to about 40,000 customers in the twocounty area. Headquartered in Allentown, PPL generates energy in key U.S. markets and delivers electricity to about 4 million customers in Pennsylvania and the United Kingdom. See our inside front cover ad


Windows Window World of the Greater Susquehanna Valley 411 Market Street Sunbury, PA 17801 (570) 286-0670 or (800) NEXT-WINDOW www.windowworld.com America’s largest window replacement company, specializing in windows, doors, siding. Learn more at www.window world.com. See our ad this page

1-888-759-2266 www.FirstKeystoneNational.com

Quality Living Guide


Consulting • Solutions • Staffing 240 Market Street, Suite 103 Bloomsburg, PA 17815 tel/fax: 877.564.8552 contactus@OPTiMO-IT.com


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