4 minute read

Faith-Filled Journey of Evangelism Transforms Church

“It’s been a wild, faith-filled journey,” shares Andrew Abbott, pastor of the Seneca church. “I wrestled between being realistic with our challenges and having faith-based optimism about what God can do.”

Abbott and the members of Seneca wanted to share the gospel, but didn’t know where to begin meeting people and building relationships. Then in December, they became one of the 29 churches in Pennsylvania Conference’s Church Regeneration initiative.

“It was an ‘aha moment’ for us when Stewart Lozensky, [Church Regeneration director], showed us what it would look like to have evangelism at the center of everything we do,” Abbott says. “The Great Commission needs to be our focus. It really motivated us. We are a small team, but members began planning connecting events like ‘Dinner with the Doctor’ and a concert with Jamie Jorge, a renowned violinist.”

Seneca’s journey also included the conference’s Winsome Witnessing training videos program. Attendees learned how to give Bible studies, go door-to-door with surveys and follow up with those interested in learning more. The training explained the simple process and empowered members to put it into practice. As they did, they met people who shared their challenges and hunger to learn more about God.

“It’s easy to think that no one will be interested in the gospel,” Abbott explains. “But you begin getting into the community, chatting with people, and you see that the Holy Spirit is moving and creating a hunger in hearts to know more about Jesus.”

Guests outnumbered members as more than 30 people attended Seneca’s spring “Revelation Speaks” seminar—one of 107 evangelistic meetings scheduled across the Pennsylvania this year. As the series ended, member Donna Bertha invited those

Get Equipped for Ministry

Learn more about Church Regeneration at paconference.org/church-regeneration.

Watch the Winsome Witnessing training videos at paconference.org/winsome-witnessing.

Check out the Prophecies of Hope Bible study lessons at Prophecy of Hope Series on YouTube.com.

interested to small group Bibles studies. Seven people joined her as she shared the Prophecies of Hope Bible study lessons.

The Winsome Witnessing training videos, featuring Gary Gibbs, conference president, were recently updated and refilmed at the conference’s Mission and Evangelism Center and are now available for those who want a simple way to share a Bible study.

“I am so proud of our members and how hard they’ve worked,” Abbott concludes. “This journey has grown us stronger as a team and deepened our faith in God.”

Yves Monnier, conference Ministerial and Evangelism director, shares, “The journey of the Seneca church embodies what is happening across the Pennsylvania Conference: small churches coming back to life through a renewed focus on actively sharing Jesus. Please help us keep the positive momentum by investing in our conference’s evangelism offering. Without your ongoing support, the story from Seneca would be very different.”

Scan the QR code to learn more about and/or register for upcoming events.

Ministerial Spouses Firmly Root, Grow Together

The Potomac Conference ministerial spouses braved the heavy rain, limited visibility and congested roadways to attend a gathering planned just for them. Spouses traveled from Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., to connect with each other during a recent weekend retreat in Cambridge, Md. (pictured). The gathering was the first time in more than 30 years that ministerial spouses in the Potomac Conference could come together to experience ministry prepared specifically for their hearts and souls.

At the event, Maya Thomas, a psychologist, and her husband, Sanjay, a lawyer and entrepreneur, shared a skills assessment that helped spouses discover or reinforce their love languages. Paul Anderson, former director of Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries for the North American Division (NAD), presented an engaging and encouraging workshop titled, “Surviving the Storms of Ministry.” Joanne and Jose Cortes Jr., pastor of Beltsville church’s DC Campus, and associate ministerial director of Evangelism for NAD, respectively, shared their unique journey as dual pastors, which makes each of them a pastor’s spouse. They spoke about tenaciously pursuing the call while prioritizing their family in ministry.

The evening concluded with a luau, including Polynesian food, tropical drinks and a lei for each attendee. Guests were intrigued as Hawaiian-born ministerial spouse Adrinna Beltre shared the historical perspective of the luau. She explained the meaning of different Hawaiian words and hand gestures and performed a beautiful hula for the guest. Ministerial spouse Deana Siologa, born and raised in American Samoa, shared her journey of becoming a Seventh-day Adventist while living in Hawaii.

Reflecting on the organization’s diversity, Maureen Tapp, director of the Ministerial Spouse’s

Association and wife of Charles A. Tapp, conference president, says, “We are blessed in the Potomac Conference to have such a diverse group of constituents. We come from different countries and speak different languages. We worship through cultural filters, but what unites us is God’s calling on each of our lives—to be good stewards of our gifts in service to His people. It is a joy to celebrate our culture and our calling.”

To stay connected, Potomac Conference spouses have formed cohorts they refer to as SEED Groups. The mission of these groups is to support, encourage, empower and demonstrate God’s love to the ones they’ve been called to partner with in service.

Ministerial spouse Suranny Sarria, a member of the event’s planning committee, says “God’s Holy Spirt was in our midst. In the end, we left recharged and equipped to continue our ministry for Him.”

“Potomac Conference spouses are firmly planted in God’s will and His Word,” adds Maureen. “They are growing together and planting seeds of love and influence with their ministry colleagues and partners. They desire that the seeds they sow today will sprout spiritual fruit for tomorrow, nourishing their families, church members and the body of Christ.”

Ministerial spouses Gilberto Marroquin, Keith Johnston, Wesley Jobe, Maureen Tapp, Paul Anderson, Kelan Fielder and Keith Roberts attend the weekend retreat together.

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