2 minute read

Feeling God’s Presence

By Christina Keresoma

Walking into a medical facility can lead to a lot of anxiety.

Kettering Health has intentionally built beautiful, inviting hospitals to do the opposite: to bring comfort to those who come to our facilities needing care—and hope. But even the most beautiful brick and mortar can’t offer these like people can. It was true for Brooke.

As a former medical professional and law enforcement officer, she is no stranger to the hospital. But she never wanted to be in one. Before she could be discharged, she was moved to the post-medical surgical unit for observation at Kettering Health Main Campus. She’d been considered an antsy patient. Grace Hinckley, a nurse, was also trying to make Brooke’s stay more comfortable. Grace organized Brooke’s medications to help Brooke focus, knowing the stress patients feel in the hospital. Despite her days being long, she strives to connect with each patient she serves. She knew Brooke was facing some emotional challenges and spent extra time letting Brooke talk and open up to her.

As Kevin Gill, the floor chaplain, entered the unit, he was told that the patient in room 19 could benefit from his visit. As he entered the room, the patient sat quietly staring at him. He tried breaking the ice by asking how she was doing. She asked who he was, and he told her, “My name is Kevin, and I am a chaplain here. I wanted to see how you were feeling today.” Brooke replied, “I don’t like chaplains or pastors.” This did not faze him. It wasn’t the first time he’d heard this from a patient. He asked her to tell him more, and she shared about how in past visits she never connected with other clergy from the hospital or local churches. She was in a place of disconnect from God. She could still see the goodness in herself and in her spiritual life but was feeling lost.

She didn’t want to take too much of his time but asked if he could come back and see her again. He said he would be back on Monday. Kevin asked if he could leave her with a story before he left. She obliged. Kevin said, “I was having a devotion with my 4-year-old niece, and we were talking about Psalm 24:1. ‘The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; He has the whole world in His hands!’ My niece turned to me and asked, ‘Why are you worrying since He has the whole world in His hands?’” Brooke teared up.

Kevin looked at Brooke with kindness in his eyes and asked if he could pray with her before he went. She said, “Yes, for family and peace.” Kevin began praying, “Thank you for this moment. Prayer elevates us up to your throne. Thank you for her life. God, surround her in your loving arms. God, you have the power to heal. Be with the medical staff and extensions. We also ask for peace. Thank you, God, for your presence in this room.” As the prayer ended, she had tears in her eyes and said she would look forward to seeing him Monday.

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