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Social Work and Politics

SOCIAL WORK AND POLITICS Organizing for Power and Empowerment

The Fight for Democracy Second edition Jacqueline B. Mondros and Joan Minieri

This second edition of Organizing for Power and Empowerment draws on extensive research to portray how social-action organizations have evolved over the past twenty-five years, building power in the struggle for social and economic justice. It explores how organizers increasingly target corporate influence and attacks on democracy. Their strategies and theories of change confront racial, gender, and economic inequity and fight pervasive intersectional injustice.

$35.00 / £28.00 paper 978-0-231-18945-3 $140.00 / £108.00 cloth 978-0-231-18944-6 January 2023 424 pages 4 illus.

Politics for Social Workers

A Practical Guide to Effecting Change Stephen Pimpare

This book is a concise, accessible guide to help social workers understand how politics and policy making really work—and what they can do to help their clients and their communities. It offers informed, practical grounding in the mechanics of policy making and the tools that activists and outsiders can use to take on an entrenched system.

$30.00 / £25.00 paper 978-0-231-19693-2 $120.00 / £94.00 cloth 978-0-231-19692-5 2021 256 pages White Benevolence

Racism and Colonial Violence in the Helping Professions Edited by Amanda Gebhard, Sheelah McLean, and Verna St. Denis

When working with Indigenous people, the helping professions—education, social work, health care and justice—reinforce the colonial lie that Indigenous people need saving. In White Benevolence, leading antiracism scholars reveal the ways in which white settlers working in these institutions shape, defend, and uphold institutional racism, even while professing to support Indigenous people.

$28.00 cloth 978-1-77363-522-4 2022 256 pages


When Governments Fail

A Pandemic and Its Aftermath Edited by Vikas Rawal, Jayati Ghosh, and C. P. Chandrasekhar

The COVID-19 pandemic has generated human suffering and economic devastation—but these reflect not only the impact of the disease but also the policy failures of governments. This volume brings together analyses of other countries' responses to evaluate what has worked and what hasn’t—and potential directions for the future.

$45.00 / £35.00 cloth 978-81-947175-4-6 2022 312 pages



A Social Determinant of Health Second edition Edited by Elizabeth A. McGibbon

This volume offers a thorough overview of the structural causes of ill health, such as capitalism, globalization, colonialism, medicalization, and neoliberalism. The second edition includes new chapters that provide timely discussions about oppression, treaty rights, Big Pharma, the Anthropocene, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

$45.00 paper 978-1-77363-228-5 2021 264 pages


Best Practices for Social Work with Refugees and Immigrants

Second edition Miriam Potocky and Mitra Naseh

The second edition of Best Practices for Social Work with Refugees and Immigrants offers an update to this comprehensive guide to social work with foreign-born clients and an evaluation of various helping strategies, as well as their methodological strengths and weaknesses. It incorporates the latest research to provide a practical, up-to-date resource.

$45.00 / £38.00 paper 978-0-231-18139-6 $135.00 / £112.00 cloth 978-0-231-18138-9 2019 440 pages 92 illus.

Psychiatric Casualties

How and Why the Military Ignores the Full Cost of War Mark Russell and Charles Figley

The trauma experts Mark Russell and Charles Figley offer an impassioned and meticulous critique of the systemic failures in military mental health care in the United States. The book offers actionable prescriptions for change and a comprehensive approach to significantly improving military mental health.

$40.00 / £30.00 paper 978-0-231-18777-0 $160.00 / £124.00 cloth 978-0-231-18776-3 2021 464 pages 34 illus. Social Work and Human Rights

A Foundation for Policy and Practice Second edition Elisabeth Reichert

Social Work and Human Rights has become a standard text highlighting the role of social work in protecting the rights of vulnerable populations. The volume now emphasizes cultural rights and includes a probing lesson in cultural relativism. It turns a critical eye toward the United States failure to address social welfare issues and its reluctance to rectify policies favoring one group over another.

$40.00 / £34.00 paper 978-0-231-14993-8 $130.00 / £108.00 cloth 978-0-231-14992-1 2011 280 pages 2 illus.

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