1 minute read
FireSmart your home for added protection
Columbia Valley Pioneer Staff
FireSmarting your home cannot be overstated.
When a wildfire is threatening a structure, like someone’s home, the BC Wildfire Service deploys Structure Protection Specialists (SPS) to triage and coordinate structural defence.
They arrive on fires in trailers called Structural Protection Units (SPU), which contain a variety of specialized equipment. This includes sprinkler systems that moisten roofs and other surfaces to prevent embers from igniting the structure.
Structure Protection Specialists prioritize the deployment of SPUs based on: how defensible a property is, fire activity and anticipated growth, where the need for SPU is greatest, and vailability of SPU resources.
But when you FireSmart your home, it makes everyone’s job much easier. For example, move flammable materials at least 10 metres away from buildings, and rake up leaves and pine needles to prevent burning embers from igniting them. And don’t forget to prune tree branches away from your roof .