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Youth battle it out on the field
Lake Windermere Alliance Church
Now open for in-person ser vices Sundays at 10:30 a.m. 326 10th Avenue, Invermere 250-342-9535 • www.lwac.ca
Minister: Brent Woodard
Sundays at 10:30 a.m In-person or on zoom
For the zoom link, please visit our website ( Windermere Valley Shared Ministr y). 110 - 7th Ave. in Invermere.
V A L L E Y C H R I S T I A N A S S E M B L Y Sunday 10 a.m. Worship ser vice 4814 Highway Drive, Windermere 250-342-9511 • www.valleychristianonline.com
R O M A N C A T H O L I C C H U R C H St Anthony’s, Canal Flats., Canadian Martyrs’ –Invermere, St Joseph’s – Radium
Canal Flats: Saturday, 4 p.m. Canadian Martyrs, Invermere: Saturday 5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m. St. Joseph, Radium: Sunday 11 a.m.
Father Jojo Augustine • 712 -12th Ave., Invermere 250-342-6167
1:30 p.m Worship Ser vice at Valley Christian 4814 Highway Drive, Windermere lutheranstpeter@gmail.com
Pastor Wayne and Linda Frater • 250-342-6633 No 4, 7553 Main St Radium • 250-347-9937
Worship Service, Sunday, 10 a.m Relief Society, 11:15 a.m
President Kendyn Mackensie • Columbia Valley Branch • 5014 Fair way, Fairmont Hot Springs 250-439-9041
CHURCH OF CHRIST (Iglesia ni Cristo)
Worship Ser vice: Sunday 9 a.m., Thursday 7:45 p.m Chamber of Commerce (Lions Hall) For inquiries: 250-688-1643 250-270-2208 or 250-688-0629
For more info about the church, you can Google online at incmedia.org or pasugo.com.ph