6 minute read
I’m Retired. Now What?
You know you can never be too organized. Get rid of (or scan and toss) those old papers. Get rid of old junk on your PC, table and phone. Update your telephone directory. Let’s use this time to organize.
Get More Healthy
Even fitness clubs are offering free online sessions. Let’s get online and get a ‘moving’ routine (I don’t say ‘exercise’, anymore). Just move the body.
Getting Past the Current Environment
- Protests in Dayton, Columbus, Canton, Cleveland, Cincinnati over the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and many others.
- Local Columbus TV Anchor social media Facebook posting calling protestors “animals”
- Record high unemployment
- COVIC-19 Pandemic hits Black community harder than rest of the community By Cheryl Y. Wood, PhD In my travels throughout the community as Recruiter for my employer, I daily speak with many people. I enjoy talking & communicating with others and it fits me well to find out if they need employment. I often tease those who are retired, stating they have no interest in working because they rise in the morning, drink their coffee, and watch the news. I often get laughter from them because I hit the nail on the head - it’s true! I encourage them to know they’ve achieved the right to relax and enjoy life without the hustle and bustle of clocking in to work everyday. My goal is to one day be in their shoes! Over the years I’ve watched those groups of people, who have spent many years working a job, saving their money, now ready to go home and relax. I see nothing wrong with going home to relax for a while. But not longterm. Check out my own philosophy on this: “You have to be in good shape physically, emotionally, and have a sharp mind just to work a job every day.” I learned this lesson in my 20’s. And now I know it takes being fully alert of your surroundings to go into an office, company, or organization and work a job every day. A person who spent their life working, raising a family, having a successful relationship, supporting family, and all that needs a SIGH of relief! And they’re ready to enjoy the GOOD LIFE! Count me in when the time comes. - The path to education is more expensive and more difficult to obtain - Frustration with the status quo (no/poor job, vicious national leadership, murders, overarrest, conviction and imprisonment, health treatment disparities)
Is this a similar situation to the late 1960s when dozens of cities were on fire at the same time? Is this the perfect equation for protests? Is this the definition of a ‘Dream Deferred’?
Coming after the riots of the middle and late 1960s was additional college financial aid, admissions of Blacks to primarily white colleges, ability to shop at mainstream department stores, ability to eat at mainstream restaurants, ability to stay in more hotels, and more (still not adequate, even today) Black employees being hired in corporations and government.
Let’s communicate. Let’s focus. Send a communication or make a call to collectively help make the situation better. Langston Hughes penned ‘A Dream Deferred’. Does it describe today’s environment? “survival mode”. What do I mean by this? We tend to make it from week-to-week, paycheck-to-paycheck trying to survive rather than planning out our lives. This totally has to do with your upbringing. And if you’re not taught to plan ahead you will remain in “survival mode”. Other cultures are taught to plan early on and become great managers of their time. People who plan their lives have an idea where their feet will land in 5 years, versus wondering how will I make it next month? In my observations, those who plan their retirement have goals to achieve and begin to work their plan once that glorious day arrives. It’s sad to say that those who have no plan fall victim to circumstance and sometimes don’t survive long afterwards because their “rest period” ends up deteriorating their lives. Don’t end up being a couch potato like Peg Bundy on the famous television show “Married with Children”, take action now and plan. What does that mean Cheryl? Well, think about it. There are people you know who are great manipulators of “your time”. (aren’t they?) They’ll find stuff for you to do. They just can’t wait to get you to watch the grandchildren, run errands for them. . . whatever it is. Don’t get me wrong, watching grandchildren is a blessing! A former co-worker was excited about watching his grandchildren once he retired. I have friends who love spending time with their grandchildren and enjoy sharing in their lives. It’s not my intent to down play that role. Family is a priority, have fun doing it, mentoring them, sharing your love, and showing them what’s important in life, they need you. No, something much greater is at stake here. Now is the time to pull out What happens to a Dream Deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore – and then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over – like a syrup sweet?
Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?
- Langston Hughes
Contact someone that needs to hear from you. Your prayers, words, thoughts and comforts will mean a lot. Now is the time to ensure that we have communicated and are not feeling isolated.
Are you looking for a technology networking group to help you get smarter? What new technology or process have you learned this month? Need advice on how to look for that technology position? Are you considering technology education (courses, certificates or degrees) and need information? Do you have a business, process, project management, personnel or technology question? Please let me know. admin@accelerationservices.net Cecil Jones MBA, ABD, PMP, CCP, SCPM,
FLMI, Lean Professional, 614-726-1925. that bucket list that you have in the back of your mind. You know those things you’ve been waiting to do, that you couldn’t do cause you were married with children, or you were working all the time building that fortune for your retirement, or you were. . . whatever it is! Now is the time to write down all those places you want to go, things you always wanted to do. Write it down! Think about how to do it. And get it done! You have more value at this stage in life and that information needs to be shared and invested in those who don’t have a clue about living! Real life is happening, not fantasy, or living in a glass bubble. Fantasy ends soon, bubbles can be burst, and the reality is you gotta tell these young people how to land on their feet!
Now is the time to be true to yourself. Put that bucket list in writing. A bucket list is a list of goals to achieve over the span of your life. Now it’s time to take a leap of faith! You deserve to spend life the way you want. Not stressed out trying to work everyday, not worried about how to pay bills, not concerned about the weather (figuratively speaking of course) I think you understand what I’m saying. Not watching television everyday all day, not just going to the grocery store, church, and back home, you have to get up and get out of the house. Being involved keeps you alive! The “rest time” is good for the short-term, but people who stop living - don’t live long. There is purpose in your life and you’ve got to make it work for you.
There are many meaningful ways to spend your time and enjoy yourself. Remember you only live once!