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Women needCPR,too!
Moreandmorepeople aresurviving cardiac events— BUT NOT WOMEN.
Numbers tellthe story
Ina2017 study of more than19,000peoplewho had cardiac events: hereinColumbus,locally sponsored by AdvancedDrainageSolutions.Each kiosk hasatouchscreenwith a short videothatprovidesanoverviewof Hands-OnlyCPR,followedby a practice sessionanda 30-second test.
AccordingtotheAmerican Heart Association,peoplefeel more confident performing Hands-OnlyCPRandare more likely torememberthecorrect rate whentrainedtothebeatof a familiarsong.Allsongsinour'Don't Drop theBeat'playlistare between 100 -120beats per minute, thesamerate at whichrescuersshould performcompressionswhenadministeringCPR. The beatofseveralsongsincluding “Stayin’ Alive,”bytheBeeGees,“Crazyin Love,” by BeyoncéfeaturingJay-Z,“HipsDon’t Lie,”byShakira” or“Walk theLine,”by JohnnyCash can“Be the Beat”tosave alife
Only 39% of women received CPRfrombystanders in public compared to 45% of men.
Men’s odds of surviving a cardiac event were 23% higher than women’s.
Womenwhohavecardiac arrestsaremorelikely to:
• Havecardiomyopathy, adisease of theheartmuscle
• Have non-schockablerhythmsthat cannot betreatedwithanAED
• Beolderandliveathomealone Plus, a few common fearsandmyths mayprevent themfromgettinghelp.
“I willbeaccused of inappropriate touching”
“I will cause physicalinjury” “I willgetsuedif Ihurta woman”
Manybelieve that women:
• Are lesslikely to have heartproblems
• Overdramatizeincidents
AHA’S RESPONSE: Tohelp overcome theproblems and fearsAHAis:
RAISING AWARENESS about cardiac arrest in women.
AHA’s CPRtraining addresses gender-related barriers to improve bystanderCPR rates for women.Thisincludes representation of womenin ourtraining materialsand informationalvideos.
ADVOCATING to improve the response to cardiacarrest for everyone. Good Samaritanlaws offer someprotection to those who perform CPR.
Circle of Red:Champions for Women’s Health
Circle of Red membersusetheirinfluence,generosityandambassadorship to help increase awareness of heartdiseaseand stroke, and to inspire women to takecharge of theirhealth.Manymembershave lost dearfriendsand loved ones–theyknowwhat’s at stake. As front-lineadvocates for the cause,Circle of Red membersnotonlyhelpsave lives,but give meaningandfulfillment to their own livesandthosethey touch.